Every DataKitten file starts with four static bytes (0x4D 0x65 0x6F 0x77
) , followed by a 1-byte version number (currently 0x00
), followed by an UInt64 which points to the location of the first byte of the Metadata Document.
'free': .binary([
(UInt64, UInt32)... // first byte location, length
'cols': {
'collection_name': {
dlts: [4124, 12341212512, 613431531513513] // Locations of parts of the DLTs
//indexes: [{
// name: "ids",
// fields: [{
// field: "_id",
// 'type': "asc",
//'pos': 2131231232,
//'len': 10342
(UInt64, Document) // the uint64 is the position of the next document in the collection
UInt64 UInt32...