KubeVirt Maintainers govern the project. Maintainers collectively manage the project's resources and contributors, and speak for the project in public. The maintainers collectively decide any questions that cannot be resolved at the individual repository level, and provide strategic guidance for the project overall.
The current maintainers can be found in MAINTAINERS.
This privilege is granted with some expectation of responsibility: maintainers are people who care about the KubeVirt project and want to help it grow and improve. A maintainer is not just someone who can make changes, but someone who has demonstrated their ability to collaborate with the team, get the most knowledgeable people to review code and docs, contribute high-quality code, and follow through to fix issues.
A maintainer is a contributor to the project's success and a citizen helping the project succeed.
The current project maintainers will periodically review contributor activities to see if additional project members may be promoted to maintainers.
For nominations, the maintainers will look at the following criteria:
- Commitment to the project: have they participated in discussions, contributions, and reviews for 1 year or more?
- Does the person show leadership in one of these areas?
- Active approver or reviewer in core or subprojects
- SIG leadership
- Mentoring other project contributors
- Does the candidate bring new perspectives or community connections to the maintainers?
- Do they understand how the project works (policies, processes, etc)?
- Are they willing to take on the additional duties of a maintainer?
A candidate must be proposed by an existing maintainer by filing an PR in the Community Repo against the MAINTAINERS.md file. A simple majority vote of +1s from existing Maintainers approves the application. Approved maintainers will be added to the private maintainer mailing list.
Time zones permitting, Maintainers are expected to participate in the weekly public community meeting. More details can be found here.
Maintainers will also have closed meetings in order to discuss security reports or Code of Conduct violations. Such meetings should be scheduled by any Maintainer on receipt of a security issue or CoC report. All current Maintainers must be invited to such closed meetings, except for any Maintainer who is accused of a CoC violation.
Any Maintainer may suggest a request for CNCF resources, in the developer mailing list, the Maintainer mailing list, on Github, or during a community meeting. A simple majority of Maintainers approves the request. The Maintainers may also choose to delegate working with the CNCF to non-Maintainer community members.
Code of Conduct violations by community members will be discussed and resolved on the private Maintainer mailing list. If the reported CoC violator is a Maintainer, the Maintainers will instead designate two Maintainers to work with CNCF staff in resolving the report.
Maintainers may voluntarily retire at any time. Should a maintainer retire, it requires a majority vote of the current maintainers to reinstate them.
Maintainers may also be demoted at any time for one of the following reasons:
- Inactivity, including 6 months or more of non-participation or non-communication,
- Refusal to abide by this Governance,
- Violations of the Code of Conduct,
- Other actions that harm the reputation, stability, or harmony of the Kubevirt project.
Removing a maintainer requires a 2/3 majority vote of the other maintainers.
While most business in KubeVirt is conducted by "lazy consensus", periodically
the Maintainers may need to vote on specific actions or changes.
A vote can be taken on the developer mailing list or
the private Maintainer mailing list for security or conduct matters.
Votes may also be taken at the community meeting. Any Maintainer may
request a vote be taken.
Most votes require a simple majority of all Maintainers to succeed. Maintainers can be removed by a 2/3 majority vote of all Maintainers, and changes to this Governance require a 2/3 vote of all Maintainers.