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Entity Emojis

OreCruncher edited this page Dec 24, 2016 · 22 revisions


Emojis are particles that orbit an entities head. The emoji that is displayed is based upon what they are thinking (i.e. the AI tasks they are currently executing). Currently defined emojis:

Emoji Name Description
Angry The entity is angry. Typically seen when creepers are exploding.
Attack When an entity has a target and is attacking.
Eat Shown when a mob is eating, such as sheep cropping grass.
Farm When a villager harvests/plants crops.
Happy When a mob is happy, such as being tempted with food, or a child villager is playing.
Flee When an entity runs away, like villagers from zombies or skeletons from wolves.
Sad Currently unused.
Sick The entity is less than half health or has negative potion effects.
Trade Orbits a villagers head when doing a trade.
Watch The entity is looking at something.
Work Currently not used.


  • Emojis will not always show. Simple actions, like moving from point A to B, opening a door, etc. are ignored.
  • The basis of emoji determination are the AI tasks that the entity is currently executing. A mod may add custom AI tasks that Dynamic Surroundings will not recognize.