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Tutorial: Condition Strings
When creating a configuration file some of the elements have a condition string option. The condition string tells Dynamic Surroundings the circumstances under which a sound or effect can occur. For example, attached the the PLAYER biome is the heartbeat sound that will play when the player is considered “hurt” and will not play at any other time.
In Dynamic Surroundings versions prior to this condition string was a regular expression that would match a series of tokens in a string generated by Dynamic Surroundings. Though it worked well regular expressions can be daunting, especially if a more complicated set of circumstances needed to be crafted.
Starting with the condition string can be in the form a logical equation. Using the heartbeat example above the regular expression for the sound “(?i).*#hurt#.*” can be replaced with “player.isHurt”. Another example is the rattlesnake sound that plays in deserts: “(?i)(?!.*#raining#.*).*#day#.*” can be turned into “isNotRaining && isDay”.
Since Dynamic Surroundings can do either regular expressions or logical equation the way it determines which to use is based on the starting characters in the string. If the string starts with “(?i)” it will consider it a regular expression. Otherwise, it will treat the string as a logical equation to be executed.
There are no boolean types in the language. TRUE and FALSE are based the classic C approach: 0 means FALSE, and TRUE is not FALSE. An expression like “10 * FALSE” will evaluate to “0”.
The expression must generate a TRUE or FALSE result. Any other result will cause an error.
Operator | Name | Example |
+ | Plus | 5 + 6 |
- | Minus | 6 - 5 |
* | Multiply | 4 * 5 |
/ | Divide | 9 / 4 |
% | Modulus | 8 % 4 |
&& | Logical And | isNotRaining && isDay |
|| | Logical Or | player.isWarm || player.isCold |
> | Greater Than | 9 > 8 |
>= | Greater Than Equal | 10 >= 11 |
< | Less Than | 8 < 9 |
<= | Less Than Equal | 6 <= 6 |
= | Equal | 8 = 9 |
== | Equivalent | “this” == “that” |
!= | Not Equal | 9 != 10 |
<> | Not Equal | 9 <> 10 |
Function | Description |
MATCH(regex, input) | Performs a regular expression match |
NOT(expression) | Performs a logical not on an expression. A value of 0 becomes 1, and a value of non-zero becomes 0. |
IF(condition, trueExp, falseExp) | Performs one of two evaluations based on a condition |
MAX(exp1,exp2,…) | Determines the max value from a selection of expressions |
MIN(exp1,exp2,…) | Determines the min value from a selection of expressions |
ABS(exp) | Determines the absolute value of an expression |
ROUND(exp) | Rounds a number to the closest integer value |
FLOOR(exp) | Returns the largest integer less than or equal to exp. |
CEILING(exp) | Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to exp. |
SQRT(exp) | Calculates the square root of an expression |
CLAMP(exp,min,max) | Ensures that an expression is within the specified bounds |
Variables | Description |
TRUE | Indicates true. Has a value of 1. |
FALSE | Indicates false. Has a value of 0. |
isRaining | If it is currently raining |
isNotRaining | Inverse of isRaining; same as NOT(isRaining) |
isDay | It is currently daylight |
isNight | Inverse of isDay; same as NOT(isDay) |
isSunrise | It is currently sunrise |
isSunset | It is currently sunset |
isFoggy | There is some sort of fog effect being applied |
isHumid | The player biome has high rainfall |
isDry | The player biome has no rainfall |
isAuroraVisible | The player dimension can display auroras |
moonPhaseFactor | The current phase of the moon |
hasSky | The player dimension has a sky |
player.isHurt | Indicates if the players health is below the configured threshold |
player.isHungry | Indicates if the player’s food level is below the configured threshold |
player.isBurning | The player is on fire |
player.isSuffocating | The player is out of air |
player.isFlying | The player is flying |
player.isSprinting | The player is sprinting |
player.isInLava | The player is currently swimming in lava |
player.isInvisible | The player is invisible |
player.isBlind | The player is affected by the Blindness potion effect |
player.isInWater | The player is currently swimming in water |
player.isRiding | The player is mounted on a mob such as a horse or pig |
player.isOnGround | The player is standing on the ground |
player.isMoving | The player is moving |
player.isInside | The player is considered inside a structure |
player.isUnderground | The player is considered underground |
player.isInSpace | The player is considered at a very high Y level |
player.isInClouds | The player is around the dimension cloud height |
player.isFreezing | The temperature at the player location is very low |
player.isCold | The climate of the player biome is considered COLD |
player.isWarm | The climate of the player biome is considered WARM |
player.dimension | The dimension id of the dimension the player is in |
player.dimensionName | The name of the dimension the player is in |
player.Y | The players current elevation |
player.biome | The players current biome (e.g. “Plains”) |
player.health | The player’s current health level |
player.maxHealth | The player’s max health |
player.luck | The player’s luck |
player.food.saturation | The player’s current food saturation level |
player.food.level | The player’s current food level (i.e. number of hams) |
player.health <= 8
This is essentially “player.isHurt” based on a default configuration. This is fragile, howevever, because a modpack author cannot tune the threshold.
player.biome == "Plains"
Returns TRUE if the player’s current biome name is “Plains”.
MATCH("(?i)(.*plains.*)", player.biome)
Uses a regular expression to evaluate the player’ current biome name. If the name contains “plains” regardless of case it will return TRUE.
IF(player.dimension == 0, player.isHurt, player.health <= 16)
If the player is currently in Overworld (dimension 0) it will return whether the player is hurt or not. If it is not Overworld then it will return whether the player’s current health is less than or equal to 16.
- If you use strings in an expression you will need to escape them in the configuration file. The example below has “Overworld” escaped:
{ "biomeName":"(?i)(.*taiga.*|.*snow.*forest.*)", "sounds":[ { "sound":"dsurround:owl", "conditions":"player.dimensionName == \"Overworld\" && isNotRaining && isNight", "soundType":"spot", "volume":0.3 },