To compile, simply run the following from the repository folder (requires libpcap to be installed on the system):
To execute the program, use the following command from the build folder:
./sniffer [ --output filename ] "expression"
Where expression is a pcap filter expression. On unix systems, run man pcap-filter
for more information. Examples are:
tcp host <ip>
All output will be written to the terminal and, optionally, to a file in the csv format (in case the flag --output
is provided). Output is displayed in the following format:
Packet Count: <count>
Recieved Packet size : <size>
ETH: <source physical address> -> <de3stination physical address> <network layer protocol>
<network layer protocol>: <network layer protocol header data>
<transport layer protocol>: <transport layer protocol data>
<full payload>
The csv output contains the following fields:
- ethr proto
- ip proto
- src psysical addr
- src ip addr
- src port
- dst psysical addr
- dst ip addr
- dst port
- checksum
- expected checksum
- sequence
- ack
Protocols currently supported:
- Ethernet
- IP