This is a module that extends Magento2 API to get list of TOP products by next filters:
- TOP selling products
- TOP Free products
- TOP Rated products
Top selling and free products are fetching from Magento2 reports.
Top rated products are fetching from Rates module and results are based on aggregated data.
$ composer require oxcom/magento2-top-products
$ bin/magento module:enable OxCom_MagentoTopProducts
$ bin/magento setup:upgrade
$ bin/magento setup:di:compile
GET /V1/products/top/{type}
- Get list of top products by type.
Where type
can be:
- selling - TOP selling products
- free - TOP Free products
- rated - TOP Rated products
pageSize - Page size
currentPage - Current page
ratingCode - filter by rating type. This options is related ony for rated
type. Possible values can be found in rating
period - filter by period. This options is related only for selling
or free
type. Possible values are:
- yearly - annual report (default)
- monthly - monthly report
- daily - daily report
filter_groups - As product search criteria this filter will allow you to process products collection with more requirements.
Filter top selling products by:
- period: daily
- price > 10
- visibility = 4
- pageSize = 10
- currentPage = 2
$ curl -X GET \
'' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer {api-token}' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache'
Filter top rated products by:
- ratingCode: Rating
- status = 2
- visibility = 4
- pageSize = 10
- currentPage = 2
$ curl -X GET \
'' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer {api-token}' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache'
This module is using exists functionality of next modules:
- magento/module-catalog
- magento/module-review
- magento/module-sales
Please, if You found a bug or something, that is not working properly, contact me and tell what's wrong. It's nice to have an example how to reproduce a bug, or any idea how to fix it in Your request. I'll take care about it ASAP.