simple demo of flask and ros interaction. A node, "talker", publishes a message containing the UNIX time to a ros topic, "chatter". A separate node, "server", subscribes to this topic and runs a flask web server. This demonstrates a basic interaction of a web server (flask) and ROS.
prerequisites: ubuntu 16.04, ROS kinetic, web browser, python, pip.
clone this repo into CATKIN_WS/src/
cd into repo (flask_ros_demo/flask_demo)
execute: "python -m virtualenv venv"
execute: ". venv/bin/activate"
execute "python -m pip install -r requirements.txt"
cd into root directory of catkin workspace
execute: ". devel/setup.bash"
to run:
execute: "roslaunch flask_demo demo.launch"
navigate to in a web browser!