diff --git a/src/utils/SIMDutils.jl b/src/utils/SIMDutils.jl index 25e9f94..05f692e 100644 --- a/src/utils/SIMDutils.jl +++ b/src/utils/SIMDutils.jl @@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ const USE_SLEEF = @Preferences.load_preference("USE_SLEEF", false) sleeflog10(v::FP32P4_d) = ccall((:Sleef_log10f4_u10, SLEEF_jll.libsleef), FP32P4_d, (FP32P4_d,), v) Base.log10(v::FP32P4) = SIMD.Vec(sleeflog10(v.data)) else - @info "$(@__MODULE__) Using defaults (probably slow scalar fallbacks) for SIMD log, exp, log10 functions"* - " - to enable Sleef library, set USE_SLEEF = true in LocalPreferences.toml and restart your Julia session" + # @info "$(@__MODULE__) Using defaults (probably slow scalar fallbacks) for SIMD log, exp, log10 functions"* + # " - to enable Sleef library, set USE_SLEEF = true in LocalPreferences.toml and restart your Julia session" end end # module