A repository for issues and feedback for https://pdfdrop.app.
- Scribble signatures
- More signature fonts
- Text search
- Other file formats / conversions (must be PDF file)
pdfdrop.app is made with these fine open source technologies:
- PDF.js for the viewer
- pdf-lib for adding content
- materialize CSS & components
- interactjs drag & drop
- filesize human-readble size
- mousetrap shortcut handling
- download downloading edited file
- Material design icons
- Reenie Beanie signature font
- workbox Service worker and offline usage
These services require various combinations of:
- paid service
- account creation (even for free use)
- limited free usage
- upload your file to their servers
- PDFBuddy (clean interface, requires account to save/download)
- Sedja PDF editor (feature rich, limited free usage)
- pdfFiller (feature rich editing, requires account to save or print)
- FillAnyPDF (dated interface, requires account)
- PDF Otter (Editor only supports adding text. API is available.)
- smallpdf (requires account to try)
Not quite related to online PDF filling, but interesting:
- Paperplane API to convert HTML pages to PDF (using Puppeteer)
- weasyprint "It turns simple HTML pages into gorgeous..." PDFs