Points: 271 | Solves: 39/1035 | Category: Reverse
The laser cannon is aiming in the wrong direction.
Maybe a precise shot can calibrate it.
nc arcade.fluxfingers.net 1816
The binary provided is a dumped ROM that can be run with qemu
qemu-system-i386 -bios rom -serial stdio
In binary there is also a flag string at offset 143075.
$ strings -a -t d rom | grep flag
143075 flag{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}
148568 %s%s resource base %llx size %llx align %d gran %d limit %llx flags %lx index %lx
152945 Code: %d eflags: %08x cr2: %08x
Service at 'arcade.fluxfingers.net: 1816' run the similar program with different flag. We can convert 1 bit from ROM to 0 at any offset. Before changing the bit, the service also displays bytes at the selected offset.
Enter target byte [0 - 262143]: 140000
]> 01001101 <[
Enter target bit: [0 - 7]: 0
}X> ---------------------------------------{0}
]> 01001100 <[
coreboot-4.8-1707-g33cd6d5-dirty Sun Oct 14 23:58:10 UTC 2018 ramstage starting...
Jumping to boot code at 00100000(00fd7000)
FLAG if hit confirmed:
By using the bytes leak, we can leak the flag string at offset 143075.
The following is the script used.
from pwn import *
now = ''
flag_offset = 143075
flag = ''
while (now != '}'):
r = remote('arcade.fluxfingers.net', 1816)
r.recvuntil(': ')
leak = r.recvline()[3:-4]
now = chr(int(leak, 2))
flag += now
flag_offset += 1
print flag
Flag: flag{only_cb_can_run_this_simple_elf}
Binary yang diberikan adalah sebuah ROM dump yang dapat dijalankan dengan qemu
qemu-system-i386 -bios rom -serial stdio
Pada binary juga terdapat flag pada offset 143075
$ strings -a -t d rom | grep flag
143075 flag{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}
148568 %s%s resource base %llx size %llx align %d gran %d limit %llx flags %lx index %lx
152945 Code: %d eflags: %08x cr2: %08x
Layanan pada arcade.fluxfingers.net:1816
menjalankan program yang sepertinya flagnya sudah diubah. Kita dapat mengubah 1 bit dari ROM menjadi 0 pada offset manapun. Sebelum diubah, layanan juga menampilkan byte pada offset yang dipilih.
Enter target byte [0 - 262143]: 140000
]> 01001101 <[
Enter target bit: [0 - 7]: 0
}X> ---------------------------------------{0}
]> 01001100 <[
coreboot-4.8-1707-g33cd6d5-dirty Sun Oct 14 23:58:10 UTC 2018 ramstage starting...
Jumping to boot code at 00100000(00fd7000)
FLAG if hit confirmed:
Dengan memanfaatkan leak pada bytes, kita dapat melakukan leak pada string flag yang ada di offset 143075.
Berikut adalah script yang digunakan.
from pwn import *
now = ''
flag_offset = 143075
flag = ''
while (now != '}'):
r = remote('arcade.fluxfingers.net', 1816)
r.recvuntil(': ')
leak = r.recvline()[3:-4]
now = chr(int(leak, 2))
flag += now
flag_offset += 1
print flag
Flag: flag{only_cb_can_run_this_simple_elf}