do not use any of these phrases in the production environment
- address secret1yl2wklurhfxe5036y8ukszvl0a2adru0lend2v
- pubkey {"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Alh6b8l4QSHSWuG1tt9dprlopTQemexc9b1x50UTyMuw"}
- mnemonic
myself odor trend soup rule mixture diagram move grape fiber novel shift chest buffalo fox can retire valley machine company suggest save runway dad
- address secret1tcn06pv92u2qur42zp2pe5qq4d2p0ycgz748yf
- pubkey {"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Ao0LlrdABuU8VTwc1ECQtZTJ6RPqb6gYqN7W/rxQsXNi"}
- mnemonic:
puppy tray poverty guide doll pond cereal street whip unique convince two attitude robust evoke harvest useful upset repeat camera outdoor vessel cash rare
- address secret10t98nr4s7cj53vtzpfrfzh062nfqex35fkfh90
- pubkey {"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Aop2xeOdGYR2AA+7MxgSamul2Hu5Wsrgll0ILrmDZ2sW"}
- mnemonic:
dove raise fog garlic require insect beyond size tilt frame gold under square amount define mosquito color giant secret flat enter luxury vehicle put
- address secret167plw2qtexa9zchkxcdjccftkcgdwpplnx3jq2
- pubkey {"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A17EzyEI7yppctzWk1BnJCR8pm243HAwmT4CsDHVc3rZ"}
- mnemonic:
term weird quarter wrong feed feature diesel boring picture hidden venture very stamp learn mother energy fat nominee creek oyster empty proof chapter call
- address secret12w4nzpmz6nrqwg5tp4h5wasc9xm4ralahmhcxr
- pubkey {"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AkeDZVoBPhV+TWZ07gjwDiDS7ra2K1x6UGMKXR9tYKL0"}
- mnemonic:
symbol include pumpkin credit wealth sign swift clarify orient derive ketchup test wage modify industry elder twist music hill intact brief aunt work limit
- address secret1xxtcxk5jnt90n4hex2tkzmjmyep86ys7z6c4vs
- pubkey {"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AjGx4JvV1xTmPwBe5bEq4v/IqK0miwoOlHidskM6bbC0"}
- mnemonic:
print army screen galaxy below uniform harsh mesh double mushroom dawn praise fortune ready layer lyrics island surprise spend vapor solve link have error
secretcli tx compute store contract.wasm.gz --from admin --gas 3000000 -y
tx= .. hash ..
secretcli query tx $tx|jq -e .raw_log
code_id= ..code_id value..
secretcli tx compute instantiate $code_id "$INIT" --from admin --label playalong_admin --gas 1000000 -y
secretcli query tx $tx|jq -e .raw_log
... (look at wasm/value for smart contract address)
# NPC_2
secretcli tx compute execute --label playalong_admin $MINT_DM --from admin -y
admin is owner of the DMs
"name": "playalong_admin",
"symbol": "PLAY_ADMIN",
"admin": "secret1yl2wklurhfxe5036y8ukszvl0a2adru0lend2v",
"entropy": "string_used_as_entropy_when_generating_random_viewing_keys",
"royalty_info": {
"decimal_places_in_rates": 4,
"royalties": [
"recipient": "secret1yl2wklurhfxe5036y8ukszvl0a2adru0lend2v",
"rate": 100
"config": {
"public_token_supply": true ,
"public_owner": true ,
"enable_sealed_metadata": false,
"unwrapped_metadata_is_private": false,
"minter_may_update_metadata": true,
"owner_may_update_metadata": true ,
"enable_burn": true
"post_init_callback": null
"mint_nft": {
"token_id": "69420",
"owner": "secret1tcn06pv92u2qur42zp2pe5qq4d2p0ycgz748yf",
"public_metadata": {
"token_uri": null,
"extension": {
"name": "GJ",
"game":"O Conners"
"private_metadata": {
"token_uri": null,
"extension": {
"field1": "value1"
"serial_number": {
"mint_run": 1,
"serial_number": 67,
"quantity_minted_this_run": 1
"royalty_info": {
"decimal_places_in_rates": 4,
"royalties": [
"recipient": "secret1yl2wklurhfxe5036y8ukszvl0a2adru0lend2v",
"rate": 100
"memo": "PLAYALONGS",
"padding": "optional_ignored_string_that_can_be_used_to_maintain_constant_message_length"
DM is owner of the players
"name": "playalong_player",
"symbol": "PLAY_PLAYER",
"admin": "secret1tcn06pv92u2qur42zp2pe5qq4d2p0ycgz748yf",
"entropy": "entropy_player",
"royalty_info": {
"decimal_places_in_rates": 4,
"royalties": [
"recipient": "secret1yl2wklurhfxe5036y8ukszvl0a2adru0lend2v",
"rate": 100
"config": {
"public_token_supply": false ,
"public_owner": false ,
"enable_sealed_metadata": true,
"unwrapped_metadata_is_private": true,
"minter_may_update_metadata": true,
"owner_may_update_metadata": true ,
"enable_burn": true
"post_init_callback": null
DM is owner of the NPCs
"name": "playalong_player",
"symbol": "PLAY_PLAYER",
"admin": "secret1tcn06pv92u2qur42zp2pe5qq4d2p0ycgz748yf",
"entropy": "entropy_NPC",
"royalty_info": {
"decimal_places_in_rates": 4,
"royalties": [
"recipient": "secret1yl2wklurhfxe5036y8ukszvl0a2adru0lend2v",
"rate": 100
"config": {
"public_token_supply": false ,
"public_owner": true ,
"enable_sealed_metadata": true,
"unwrapped_metadata_is_private": true,
"minter_may_update_metadata": true,
"owner_may_update_metadata": true ,
"enable_burn": true
"post_init_callback": null