diff --git a/code/modules/hydroponics/hydro_tools.dm b/code/modules/hydroponics/hydro_tools.dm index 1cb75a52345..8aa19690a37 100644 --- a/code/modules/hydroponics/hydro_tools.dm +++ b/code/modules/hydroponics/hydro_tools.dm @@ -9,158 +9,6 @@ icon_state = "hydro" item_state = "analyzer" -/obj/item/tool/analyzer/plant_analyzer/attack_self(mob/user as mob) - return 0 - -/obj/item/tool/analyzer/plant_analyzer/afterattack(obj/target, mob/user, flag) - if(!flag) return - - var/datum/seed/grown_seed - var/datum/reagents/grown_reagents - if(istype(target,/obj/structure/rack) || istype(target,/obj/structure/table)) - return ..() - else if(istype(target,/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown)) - - var/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/G = target - grown_seed = GLOB.seed_types[G.plantname] - grown_reagents = G.reagents - - else if(istype(target,/obj/item/grown)) - - var/obj/item/grown/G = target - grown_seed = GLOB.seed_types[G.plantname] - grown_reagents = G.reagents - - else if(istype(target,/obj/item/seeds)) - - var/obj/item/seeds/S = target - grown_seed = S.seed - - else if(istype(target,/obj/machinery/hydroponics)) - - var/obj/machinery/hydroponics/H = target - grown_seed = H.seed - grown_reagents = H.reagents - - if(!grown_seed) - to_chat(user, span_warning("[src] can tell you nothing about [target].")) - return - - var/dat - user.visible_message(span_notice(" [user] runs the scanner over [target].")) - - dat += "

General Data

" - - dat += "" - dat += "" - dat += "" - dat += "" - dat += "" - dat += "" - dat += "" - dat += "
Maturation time[grown_seed.maturation]
Production time[grown_seed.production]
" - - if(length(grown_reagents.reagent_list)) - dat += "

Reagent Data

" - - dat += "
This sample contains: " - for(var/datum/reagent/R in grown_reagents.reagent_list) - dat += "
- [R.name], [grown_reagents.get_reagent_amount(R.type)] unit(s)" - - dat += "

Other Data

" - - if(grown_seed.harvest_repeat) - dat += "This plant can be harvested repeatedly.
" - - if(grown_seed.immutable == -1) - dat += "This plant is highly mutable.
" - else if(grown_seed.immutable > 0) - dat += "This plant does not possess genetics that are alterable.
" - - if(grown_seed.products && length(grown_seed.products)) - dat += "The mature plant will produce [length(grown_seed.products) == 1 ? "fruit" : "[length(grown_seed.products)] varieties of fruit"].
" - - if(grown_seed.requires_nutrients) - if(grown_seed.nutrient_consumption < 0.05) - dat += "It consumes a small amount of nutrient fluid.
" - else if(grown_seed.nutrient_consumption > 0.2) - dat += "It requires a heavy supply of nutrient fluid.
" - else - dat += "It requires a supply of nutrient fluid.
" - - if(grown_seed.requires_water) - if(grown_seed.water_consumption < 1) - dat += "It requires very little water.
" - else if(grown_seed.water_consumption > 5) - dat += "It requires a large amount of water.
" - else - dat += "It requires a stable supply of water.
" - - if(grown_seed.mutants && length(grown_seed.mutants)) - dat += "It exhibits a high degree of potential subspecies shift.
" - - dat += "It thrives in a temperature of [grown_seed.ideal_heat] Kelvin." - - if(grown_seed.lowkpa_tolerance < 20) - dat += "
It is well adapted to low pressure levels." - if(grown_seed.highkpa_tolerance > 220) - dat += "
It is well adapted to high pressure levels." - - if(grown_seed.heat_tolerance > 30) - dat += "
It is well adapted to a range of temperatures." - else if(grown_seed.heat_tolerance < 10) - dat += "
It is very sensitive to temperature shifts." - - dat += "
It thrives in a light level of [grown_seed.ideal_light] lumen[grown_seed.ideal_light == 1 ? "" : "s"]." - - if(grown_seed.light_tolerance > 10) - dat += "
It is well adapted to a range of light levels." - else if(grown_seed.light_tolerance < 3) - dat += "
It is very sensitive to light level shifts." - - if(grown_seed.toxins_tolerance < 3) - dat += "
It is highly sensitive to toxins." - else if(grown_seed.toxins_tolerance > 6) - dat += "
It is remarkably resistant to toxins." - - if(grown_seed.pest_tolerance < 3) - dat += "
It is highly sensitive to pests." - else if(grown_seed.pest_tolerance > 6) - dat += "
It is remarkably resistant to pests." - - if(grown_seed.weed_tolerance < 3) - dat += "
It is highly sensitive to weeds." - else if(grown_seed.weed_tolerance > 6) - dat += "
It is remarkably resistant to weeds." - - switch(grown_seed.spread) - if(1) - dat += "
It is capable of growing beyond the confines of a tray." - if(2) - dat += "
It is a robust and vigorous vine that will spread rapidly." - - switch(grown_seed.carnivorous) - if(1) - dat += "
It is carniovorous and will eat tray pests for sustenance." - if(2) - dat += "
It is carnivorous and poses a significant threat to living things around it." - - if(grown_seed.parasite) - dat += "
It is capable of parisitizing and gaining sustenance from tray weeds." - if(grown_seed.alter_temp) - dat += "
It will periodically alter the local temperature by [grown_seed.alter_temp] degrees Kelvin." - - if(grown_seed.biolum) - dat += "
It is [grown_seed.biolum_colour ? "bio-luminescent" : "bio-luminescent"]." - if(grown_seed.flowers) - dat += "
It has [grown_seed.flower_colour ? "flowers" : "flowers"]." - - var/datum/browser/popup = new(user, "plant_analyzer", "
Plant data for [target]
") - popup.set_content(dat) - popup.open() - - - // ************************************* // Nutrient defines for hydroponics // ************************************* @@ -179,7 +27,6 @@ amount_per_transfer_from_this = 10 volume = 10 - /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/fertilizer/Initialize(mapload) . = ..() diff --git a/code/modules/hydroponics/hydro_tray.dm b/code/modules/hydroponics/hydro_tray.dm index eb4c63d78a4..c5f7caace3f 100644 --- a/code/modules/hydroponics/hydro_tray.dm +++ b/code/modules/hydroponics/hydro_tray.dm @@ -19,18 +19,6 @@ ) AddElement(/datum/element/connect_loc, connections) -/obj/machinery/hydroponics/verb/close_lid() - set name = "Toggle Tray Lid" - set category = "Object" - set src in view(1) - - if(!usr || usr.stat || usr.restrained()) - return - - closed_system = !closed_system - to_chat(usr, "You [closed_system ? "close" : "open"] the tray's lid.") - update_icon() - /obj/machinery/hydroponics/soil name = "soil" icon = 'icons/obj/machines/hydroponics.dmi' @@ -38,17 +26,6 @@ density = FALSE use_power = 0 -/obj/machinery/hydroponics/soil/attackby(obj/item/I, mob/user, params) - . = ..() - - if(istype(I, /obj/item/tool/shovel)) - to_chat(user, "You clear up [src]!") - qdel(src) - -/obj/machinery/hydroponics/soil/Initialize(mapload) - . = ..() - verbs -= /obj/machinery/hydroponics/verb/close_lid - /obj/machinery/hydroponics/slashable resistance_flags = XENO_DAMAGEABLE max_integrity = 80 diff --git a/code/modules/reagents/reagents/toxin.dm b/code/modules/reagents/reagents/toxin.dm index fb9ae1dbb94..555481f4c56 100644 --- a/code/modules/reagents/reagents/toxin.dm +++ b/code/modules/reagents/reagents/toxin.dm @@ -197,18 +197,6 @@ qdel(O) else if(istype(O,/obj/effect/plantsegment)) if(prob(50)) qdel(O) //Kills kudzu too. - else if(istype(O,/obj/machinery/hydroponics)) - var/obj/machinery/hydroponics/tray = O - - if(tray.seed) - tray.health -= rand(30,50) - if(tray.pestlevel > 0) - tray.pestlevel -= 2 - if(tray.weedlevel > 0) - tray.weedlevel -= 3 - tray.toxins += 4 - tray.check_level_sanity() - tray.update_icon() /datum/reagent/toxin/sleeptoxin name = "Soporific"