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POUNDerS - Practical Optimization Using No Derivatives for sums of Squares


This code minimizes a sum of squares of blackbox (''zeroth-order'') functions, solving

min { f(X)=sum_(i=1:m) F_i(X)^2, such that L_j <= X_j <= U_j, j=1,...,n }

where the user-provided blackbox F is specified in the handle fun. Evaluation of this F must result in the return of a 1-by-m row vector. Bounds must be specified in U and L but can be set to L=-Inf(1,n) and U=Inf(1,n) if the unconstrained solution is desired. The algorithm will not evaluate F outside of these bounds, but it is possible to take advantage of function values at infeasible X if these are passed initially through (X0,F0). In each iteration, the algorithm forms a set of quadratic models interpolating the functions in F and minimizes an associated scalar-valued model within an infinity-norm trust region.



  [X,F,flag,xkin] = pounders(fun,X0,n,npmax,nfmax,gtol,delta,nfs,m,F0,xkin,L,U,printf)


The inputs to POUNDerS are as follows, with default/recommended values indicated in parentheses:

fun     [f h] Function handle so that fun(x) evaluates F (@calfun)
X0      [dbl] [max(nfs,1)-by-n] Set of initial points (zeros(1,n))
n       [int] Dimension (number of continuous variables)
npmax   [int] Maximum number of interpolation points (>n+1) (2*n+1)
nfmax   [int] Maximum number of function evaluations (>n+1) (100)
gtol    [dbl] Tolerance for the 2-norm of the model gradient (1e-4)
delta   [dbl] Positive trust region radius (.1)
nfs     [int] Number of function values (at X0) known in advance (0)
m       [int] Number of residual components (outputs of F)
F0      [dbl] [nfs-by-m] Set of known function values ([])
xkin    [int] Index of point in X0 at which to start from (1)
L       [dbl] [1-by-n] Vector of lower bounds (-Inf(1,n))
U       [dbl] [1-by-n] Vector of upper bounds (Inf(1,n))
printf  [log] 0 No printing to screen (default)
              1 Debugging level of output to screen
              2 More verbose screen output
spsolver [int] Trust-region subproblem solver flag (2)

Optionally, a user can specify an outer-function that maps the the elements of F to a scalar value (to be minimized). Doing this also requires a function handle (combinemodels) that tells pounders how to map the linear and quadratic terms from the residual models into a single quadratic TRSP model.

hfun           [f h] Function handle for mapping output from F
combinemodels  [f h] Function handle for combine residual models


The outputs from POUNDERs are:

X       [dbl] [nfmax+nfs-by-n] Locations of evaluated points
F       [dbl] [nfmax+nfs-by-m] Function values of evaluated points
flag    [dbl] Termination criteria flag:
              = 0 normal termination because of model grad,
              > 0 exceeded nfmax evals,   flag = norm of model grad at final X
              = -1 if input was fatally incorrect (error message shown)
              = -2 model failure
              = -3 error if a NaN was encountered
              = -4 error in TRSP Solver
              = -5 unable to get model improvement with current parameters
xkin    [int] Index of point in X representing approximate minimizer


To fully test the MATLAB implementation of POUNDERs:

  1. change to the pounders/m/tests directory
  2. open MATLAB, and
  3. execute runtests from the prompt.