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{ - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 502, - "file": "/app/node_modules/object-inspect/example/inspect.js" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 500, - "file": "/app/node_modules/inherits/inherits.js" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 494, - "file": "/app/node_modules/call-bind/.eslintrc" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 478, - "file": "/app/node_modules/has/README.md" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 476, - "file": "/app/node_modules/encodeurl/HISTORY.md" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 472, - "file": "/app/node_modules/object-inspect/.nycrc" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 462, - "file": "/app/node_modules/function-bind/.eslintrc" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 448, - "file": "/app/node_modules/express/index.js" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 432, - "file": "/app/node_modules/qs/.nycrc" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 432, - "file": "/app/node_modules/call-bind/.nycrc" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 432, - "file": "/app/node_modules/side-channel/.nycrc" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 422, - "file": "/app/node_modules/qs/lib/index.js" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 394, - "file": "/app/node_modules/has-proto/index.js" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 378, - "file": "/app/node_modules/mime-db/index.js" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 360, - "file": "/app/node_modules/debug/.eslintrc" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 352, - "file": "/app/node_modules/function-bind/test/.eslintrc" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 344, - "file": "/app/node_modules/side-channel/.eslintrc" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 328, - "file": "/app/node_modules/has-symbols/.eslintrc" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 308, - "file": "/app/node_modules/.bin/mime" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 298, - "file": "/app/node_modules/mime/cli.js" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 280, - "file": "/app/node_modules/debug/.travis.yml" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 278, - "file": "/app/node_modules/get-intrinsic/.nycrc" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 278, - "file": "/app/node_modules/has-symbols/.nycrc" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 258, - "file": "/app/node_modules/has/src/index.js" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 256, - "file": "/app/node_modules/toidentifier/HISTORY.md" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 252, - "file": "/app/node_modules/object-inspect/example/fn.js" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 252, - "file": "/app/node_modules/function-bind/index.js" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 232, - "file": "/app/node_modules/object-inspect/example/circular.js" - }, - { - "count": 3, - "sizeBytes": 228, - "file": "/lib/apk/db/triggers" - }, - { - "count": 3, - "sizeBytes": 197, - "file": "/etc/apk/world" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 196, - "file": "/app/node_modules/side-channel/README.md" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 186, - "file": "/app/node_modules/setprototypeof/index.d.ts" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 158, - "file": "/app/node_modules/utils-merge/.npmignore" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 144, - "file": "/app/node_modules/debug/.npmignore" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 118, - "file": "/app/node_modules/unpipe/HISTORY.md" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 96, - "file": "/app/node_modules/call-bind/README.md" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 92, - "file": "/app/node_modules/debug/.coveralls.yml" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 86, - "file": "/app/node_modules/has-proto/.eslintrc" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 84, - "file": "/app/node_modules/object-inspect/util.inspect.js" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 80, - "file": "/app/node_modules/debug/node.js" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 58, - "file": "/app/node_modules/cookie-signature/.npmignore" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 20, - "file": "/app/node_modules/side-channel/.eslintignore" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 20, - "file": "/app/node_modules/call-bind/.eslintignore" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 0, - "file": "/bin/tar" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 0, - "file": "/usr/local/share" - }, - { - "count": 3, - "sizeBytes": 0, - "file": "/lib/apk/db/lock" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 0, - "file": "/usr/sbin" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 0, - "file": "/usr/share" - }, - { - "count": 3, - "sizeBytes": 0, - "file": "/etc/apk/protected_paths.d" - }, - { - "count": 2, - "sizeBytes": 0, - "file": "/app/node_modules/mime/.npmignore" - }, - { - "count": 3, - "sizeBytes": 0, - "file": "/var/cache/misc" - } - ] - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/server/file.json b/server/file.json index e69de29..901ea2a 100644 --- a/server/file.json +++ b/server/file.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "layer": [ + { + "index": 0, + "id": "af10c63fa8e077a49490c4796c73a9c1e08575bc52bbbdf67cefb58112738683", + "digestId": "sha256:dd4d83ab39e37b7b32fd9c3c6ba97ab1f7421fad7d3d0e8c2c02ff0d624232bd", + "sizeBytes": 52387835, + "command": "" + } + ], + "image": { + "sizeBytes": 52387835, + "inefficientBytes": 0, + "efficiencyScore": 1, + "fileReference": [] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/server/idependent_machine_learning_model/linear_regression.py b/server/idependent_machine_learning_model/linear_regression.py deleted file mode 100644 index 03f1fe0..0000000 --- a/server/idependent_machine_learning_model/linear_regression.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -import numpy as np -from sklearn.datasets import make_regression -from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split -from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression -from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error - -X, y = make_regression(n_samples=100, n_features=3, noise=0.1, random_state=42) - -X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42) - -model = LinearRegression() - -model.fit(X_train, y_train) # Training of model - - - diff --git a/server/main.py b/server/main.py index 583ec2f..6b3bc64 100644 --- a/server/main.py +++ b/server/main.py @@ -36,15 +36,6 @@ async def model(dockerFile : str): return {"model": "Currently working on it", "dockerFile": dockerFile} - -# @app.get("/containers") -# async def list_containers(): -# client = docker.DockerClient(base_url='tcp://localhost:2375') -# containers = client.containers.list(all=True) -# images = client.images.list(all=True) -# return [{ "arrtributes": c.attrs } for c in containers] - - @app.get("/inspect_image/{id}") async def list_containers(id : str): client = docker.DockerClient(base_url='tcp://localhost:2375') @@ -53,7 +44,7 @@ async def list_containers(id : str): image_id = id_container.attrs['Config']['Image'] image = client.images.get(image_id) command=["wsl", "dive", "--json", "file.json"] - command.insert(2, image_id) + command.insert(2,image_id) process= subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) process.wait() filehandler=open("file.json","r") @@ -64,28 +55,30 @@ async def list_containers(id : str): except docker.errors.NotFound: return {"message": "Container not found"} - # extraction of docker file - # history_json = json.dumps(image.history()) - - - # print(process.stdout) - - # return history_json - - #! Cleaninig is not been completed - - # model(history_json) +@app.get("/optimize_image/{image_name}") +async def create_container(image_name: str): + try: + client = docker.DockerClient(base_url='tcp://localhost:2375') + process=subprocess.run(["powershell","docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock dslim/slim build --http-probe {image_name}"], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) + print(process.stdout) + print(image_name + '.slim') + command=["wsl", "dive", "--json", "file.json"] + command.insert(2,image_name + '.slim') + process= subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) + filehandler=open("file.json","r") + readFile = filehandler.read() + filehandler=open("file.json","w") + filehandler.truncate(0) + return json.loads(readFile) + except: + return {"message": "Error"} -@app.post("/create_container") -async def create_container(): - return [{"message": "Container will be re-create after the model is created"}] @app.websocket("/stats") async def status(websocket: WebSocket): await websocket.accept() client = docker.DockerClient(base_url='tcp://localhost:2375') - try: while True: containers = client.containers.list() diff --git a/src/App.tsx b/src/App.tsx index c1b995b..af03cf5 100644 --- a/src/App.tsx +++ b/src/App.tsx @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import './App.css'; import Navbar from './Components/Navbar'; import Containers from './Components/Containers'; import Images from './Components/Images'; - import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { Connection_Api } from './helpers/api'; import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom'; diff --git a/src/Components/Containers.tsx b/src/Components/Containers.tsx index 903cf29..d1c60bd 100644 --- a/src/Components/Containers.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Containers.tsx @@ -1,8 +1,17 @@ -import React,{SetStateAction} from 'react' +import React,{SetStateAction,useState,useEffect} from 'react' import {useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'; +export interface ContainerStats { + containerID: string; + containerName: string; + cpuUsagePercentage: number; + memoryUsageInMebibytes: number; + memoryLimitInBytes: number; + network: number; + pids: number; +} interface ContainersProps { containers: ContainerStats[] | null; @@ -12,8 +21,18 @@ interface ContainersProps { const Containers: React.FC = ({containers,ID}) => { let navigate = useNavigate(); + const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true); + + useEffect(() => { + if (containers) { + setIsLoading(false); + } + }, [containers]); + + const handleInspectImage = async(containerID:string) => { + try{ ID(containerID); navigate('/inspect_image'); @@ -21,65 +40,24 @@ const Containers: React.FC = ({containers,ID}) => { }catch(error){ console.log(error); } -const Containers = () => { - const [containerData, setContainerData] = useState(null); - - useEffect(() => { - async function fetchData() { - try { - const response:any = await Connection_Api(); - const containerStatsArray: ContainerStats[] = response.map((container:any) => { - const previousTotalUsage:number = container.stats.precpu_stats.cpu_usage.total_usage; - const currentTotalUsage:number = container.stats.cpu_stats.cpu_usage.total_usage; - const numberOfCPUs:number = container.stats.precpu_stats.online_cpus; - const cpuUsagePercentage:number = ((currentTotalUsage - previousTotalUsage) / numberOfCPUs) * 100; - const memoryUsageInBytes:number = container.stats.memory_stats.usage; - const memoryLimitInBytes:number = container.stats.memory_stats.limit; - const memoryUsageInMebibytes:number = memoryUsageInBytes / 1024 / 1024; - const rxBytes:number = container.stats.networks.eth0.rx_bytes; - const txBytes:number = container.stats.networks.eth0.tx_bytes; - const network:number = rxBytes / txBytes; - const containerName:string = container.stats.name; - const containerID:string = container.stats.id; - const pids:number = container.stats.pids_stats.current; - - return { - containerID, - containerName, - cpuUsagePercentage, - memoryUsageInMebibytes, - memoryLimitInBytes, - network, - pids, - }; - }); - - setContainerData(containerStatsArray); - } catch (error) { - console.error('Error fetching data:', error); - } - } - - fetchData(); - }, []); - - const handleInspectImage = (containerID:string) => { - const response = Inspect_Image_Api(containerID); } return (
Containers + +
+ +









Cpu Usage


Cpu Usage

@@ -87,52 +65,49 @@ const Containers = () => {

Network I/O


Inspect Layers


Network I/O


Optimize Container


Inspect Layers

- {containers && +
+ {isLoading ? ( + // Display loading GIF while data is being fetched +
+ Loading +
+ ) : ( + containers && containers.map((container, index) => ( -









{container.cpuUsagePercentage} %


{container.cpuUsagePercentage} %


{container.memoryUsageInMebibytes} MiB


{container.memoryUsageInMebibytes} MiB


{container.network} B


{container.network} B

- -
- ))} + )) + )}
); diff --git a/src/Components/Images.tsx b/src/Components/Images.tsx index 27f8a61..6d45cb2 100644 --- a/src/Components/Images.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Images.tsx @@ -7,13 +7,21 @@ import 'react-circular-progressbar/dist/styles.css'; export default function Images({ID}:any){ + + const [details_image,setdetails_image] = React.useState({}); + const [details_layers,setdetails_layers] = React.useState([]); + useEffect(() => { const handleInspectImage = async(ID:string) => { try{ console.log(ID) const response = await Inspect_Image_Api(ID); if(response.status === 200){ - console.log(response); + + console.log(response.data); + setdetails_image(response.data.image); + setdetails_layers(response.data.layer); + } }catch(error){ console.log(error); @@ -23,26 +31,41 @@ export default function Images({ID}:any){ },[ID]); return ( -




Total Size

size Bytes

Total Size

{details_image.sizeBytes} Bytes

Inefficient Bytes

Inneficent bytes

Inefficient Bytes

{details_image.inefficientBytes} Bytes

Efficiency Score


Efficiency Score

{Math.floor(details_image.efficiencyScore*100)} %

+ +
+ +
+ +


+ +


- + + - - - - + + + + + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + {details_layers.map((layer:any, index:number) => ( + + + + + + + + ))} + + +
IndexIDSizeCommandIndexDigest IDIDSizeCommand
rowextract IDsize bytesCommand
rowextract IDsize bytesCommand
rowextract IDsize bytesCommand
rowextract IDsize bytesCommand
{layer.index}{layer.digestId}{layer.id}{layer.sizeBytes} Bytes{layer.command}
diff --git a/src/Components/Navbar.tsx b/src/Components/Navbar.tsx index 21a1a8a..3b93330 100644 --- a/src/Components/Navbar.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Navbar.tsx @@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ const Navbar = () => { return (


Container Optimization



Shows usage manage and optimized containers

diff --git a/src/helpers/api.ts b/src/helpers/api.ts index d1181a8..974c597 100644 --- a/src/helpers/api.ts +++ b/src/helpers/api.ts @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ // Purpose: API helper functions. import axios from 'axios' + export function Connection_Api() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8000/stats");