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PX4 Development Guide ({{ book.px4_version }})

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Warning This guide has been merged into the PX4 User Guide. It is now frozen for contributions and may be out of date. Please make any further edits, updates and translations in the user guide.

Info This guide is for primarily for software developers and (new) hardware integrators. To fly, build and modify vehicles using supported hardware see the PX4 User Guide.

This guide explains how to:


Support provide links to the discussion boards and other support channels.

Tip The Weekly Dev Call is another great opportunity to meet the PX4 dev team and discuss platform technical details, pull requests, major impacting issues etc. There is also time for Q&A.


Contributing explains how to work with our source codelines, documentation, translations, and licenses.


The code is free to use and modify under terms of the permissive BSD 3-clause license. The documentation is licensed under CC BY 4.0. For more information see: Licences.


There are Chinese and Korean translations of this guide. You can access these by clicking the language-switcher icon:

Gitbook Language Selector

Calendar & Events

The Dronecode Calendar shows important events for platform developers and users. Select the links below to display the calendar in your timezone (and to add it to your own calendar):

Note: calendar defaults to CET.

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The PX4 flight stack is hosted under the governance of the Dronecode Project.

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