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Run queries and transactions against contracts using a handy CLI which integrates with your deployments.

A Hardhat plugin.


This plugin implements a CLI to allow you to run read or write queries against your deployed contracts on any network! It uses deployment manifests exported in either hardhat or truffle format. This plugin also includes a command to import arbitrary contracts from etherscan as needed.


npm install --save-dev hardhat-interact @nomicfoundation/hardhat-ethers

Import the plugin in your hardhat.config.js:


Or if you are using TypeScript, in your hardhat.config.ts:

import "hardhat-interact";

Required plugins


This plugin adds the interact task to Hardhat:

$ npx hardhat --network mainnet interact

Interact CLI
Please review this information:
> Network: mainnet
> Gas price: provider default
> Block tag: latest
> Read Only: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

? Pick a CONTRACT: (Press <enter> to submit)
❯ AddressResolver
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)

Note that the network specified by --network above must exist in hardhat configuration, and the network should have a preexisting deployment of your contracts.

Follow the on-screen instructions to select a contract, then a function, and finally the arguments. If its read-only, you can choose to view the return value of the function. If it is a writable, state-changing function, you will be prompted to sign the transaction and submit it to the network.

The interact command supports a few command line arguments. To see an updated list, use npx hardhat interact --help.

The import-contracts task

It is often desirable to pull arbitrary 3rd party contract definitions into your project in order to interact with them. To simplify this process, hardhat-interact bundles a command, import-contracts to read the definitions from etherscan and insert them into your deployment directory for immediate use.

To use, you just need the contract address:

$ npx hardhat --network mainnet import-contract 0x7c22547779c8aa41bae79e03e8383a0befbcecf0
contract deployment artifact Wrapper.json written successfully

Now you can use the contract with interact like you would any other.

For more options, use --help.


This plugin extends the ProjectPathsUserConfig object with an optional deployments field. This field specifies the location of the deployment artifacts (either hardhat-deploy or truffle compatible) within your repository. By default, this value is ./deployments/.

This is an example of how to set it:

module.exports = {
  paths: {
    deployments: "publish/deployed",


In order to work on the plugin vs. a real set of contracts (e.g. Synthetix contracts):

  1. git clone and npm install this repo
  2. in one terminal, in this repo's folder, run npm run watch to build on changes
  3. in the repo that's using the plugin change require('hardhat-interact'); to require('/path/to/your/local/hardhat-interact/dist/src');
  4. in second terminal run the chain (e.g. mainnet fork) with the contracts (e.g. npm run fork:ovm in synthetix folder)
  5. finally, in third terminal (in the synthetix folder) run the interact tool e.g. npx hardhat --network mainnet-ovm interact --provider-url http://localhost:8545