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PapaPeach edited this page Jul 18, 2022 · 13 revisions

Xhud Wiki WIP

Welcome to the Xhud Wiki!
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Xhud is a TF2 UI modification developed by Peaches, initially intended to be made using insight from scientific surveys to optimize the user interface for the psychological maximum performance from the user in a competitive setting. Back then the title of the Hud was UXhud, "UX" being the colloquial name for the subset of front end engineers concerned with optimizing User eXperience.

Since realizing the scientific impossibilities in that goal, the "U" was dropped from the beginning of "Xhud" as the design direction shifted to where it remains today:
To serve as an environment for me to develop innovative ideas and techniques into a final product that streamlines useful information for experienced players.

Additionally, archiving these new techniques into a public and easily accessible place for the Hud development community has always been a priority; as such, using the information from this wiki and reverse engineering of their application in Xhud is encouraged, though proper accreditation is greatly appreciated.

TODO: Horizontal healthbar info
In-game customization info
Optimization techniques (minmode elements, vtf optimizations, multi-vmt vtfs, element removal, animation nullification)