- Track Device Initiated Remote Memory Operations
- Track Specific Kernels
- Track Specific Thread blocks
- Track Host Initiated Remote Memory Operations
- Attribute Objects to the tracked Memory Operations
- [-] Track NCCL Remote Memory Operations
- Track NVSHMEM Remote Memory Operations
From the root directory,
$ cd tools/mem_multigpu/ && ARCH=80 make # builds mem_multigpu.so
$ LD_PRELOAD="/path/to/mem_multigpu.so" KERNEL_NAME="kernel_name_to_track" ./multigpu-app
To enable source code line attribution, pass CODE_ATTRIBUTION=1 environment variable as follow.
$ LD_PRELOAD="/path/to/mem_multigpu.so" KERNEL_NAME="kernel_name_to_track" CODE_ATTRIBUTION=1 ./multigpu-app
Note: You can use "all" for the
variable to track all kernels
Note: To find the exact name of the kernel you want to track, you can compile and use the
to profile your application to get the kernel names within it
Language: python 3.7+ Required streamlit python libraries: streamlit, streamlit_agraph, extra_streamlit_components, streamlit_plotly_events Other required libraries: seaborn, pandas, plotly
pip install seaborn pandas plotly streamlit streamlit_agraph extra_streamlit_components streamlit_plotly_events zstandard
cd visualizer; pip install st-click-detector-0.1.3/
In the directory where the log file is located
streamlit run visualizer/parse_and_vis.py <my_data_file.zst>