diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.expanded_culture_groups.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.expanded_culture_groups.txt index a38f4fa5..81ea569d 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.expanded_culture_groups.txt +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.expanded_culture_groups.txt @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ germanic = { primary = ALS } sudeten = { - primary = BOH } } scandinavian = { @@ -22,15 +21,39 @@ scandinavian = { } british = { anglo_saxon = { - primary = ENG - dynasty_names = { Aelfwig Alfstan Athelred Auchenceter Auchterworthy Bloccsham Brownlowe Burgwine Cerdic Coldren Cuthberht Cwmcott Ecgred Estmund Gardyner Glover Godwinsson Gorbold Hrothsige Hwitmann Lea Leofwine Purcell Unred Wolfsige Wulfstan Wyndham Wynstan Wyther } + dynasty_names = { + Godhelming Beorming Eorling Æbbing Hæsting Ælling Eadricing Eadwulfing Leodwalding + Æthelfrithing Yffing Ingving Offing Oswalding Cerdicing Wiglafing Coenwalhing + Beorning Iceling Wuffing Wihtgilsing Ross Ciesla Rowe Borthwick + } + male_names = { + Arncytel Balthere Beorhtfrith Beorhthelm Beorhtmær Beorhtnoth Beorhtric Beorhtsige Beorhtwine_Beorhtwine Beorn_Beorn Beornræd Beornwulf + Burgheard Byrhtnoth Cearl Cenfus Cenræd Cenwulf Ceolwulf Cerdic Copsige + Cuthberht Cuthræd Cynehelm Cynewulf Cytelbearn Eadberht Eadfrith Eadgar Eadmund Eadmær Eadric + Eadræd Eadsige Eadulf Eadweald Eadweard Eadwig Eadwine Eadwulf Ealdhun Ealdmund Ealdræd Ealdwine + Ealdwulf Eanberht Eanfrith Eanhere Eardwulf Eastmund Ecgberht Ecgfrith Gamall Godwine Gospatric Guthfrith Guthmund + Gyrth Hacon Harold Heahberht Hereberht Hereweald Hereweard Hlothere Hrodberht Inwær Leofheah Leofhelm + Leofric Leofweald Leofwine Maccus Morcar Mærleswegn Offa Onlaf Ordgar + Oscytel Oshere Osmund Osric Osræd Osulf Osweald Oswine Oswulf Peter Rædwulf_Ralph Rægenweald Scule + Sigeberht Sigehelm Sigeric Sigeræd Sighere Siweard Stigand Swegn Swithelm Swithræd Swæfræd Sæbert Sælræd Sæweald + Sæxbald Sæxræd Thoræd Thurcytel Thurfrith Tostig Uhtræd Ulfcytel Waltheof Werestan Wiglaf Wihtræd + Wistan Wulf Wulfgar Wulfgeat Wulfhelm Wulfhere Wulfmær Wulfnoth Wulfstan Ælfgar Ælfmær Ælfnoth Ælfric Ælfræd_Alfred Ælfsige + Ælfstan Ælfwald Ælfweard Ælfwig Ælfwine Ælle Æthelbald Æthelberht Æthelfrith Æthelhere Æthelmær + Æthelric Æthelræd_Ailred Æthelsige Æthelstan Æthelweald Æthelweard Æthelwine Æthelwold Æthelwulf + Eormenred Eorcenberht Eormenric Eadbald Rædwald + } + female_names = { + Agatha Balthild Beorhtflæd Beorhtgifu Beorhtgyth Beorhtwaru Beorhtwynn Beornflæd Beorngyth Blæja Burgflæd Ceolflæd Cristina + Cuthburg Cwenburg Cyneburg Cynegyth Cynehild Cyneswith Cynethryth Eadburg Eadflæd Eadgifu Eadgyth Eadhburh Eadhild Ealdgyth + Ealhflæd Ealhswith Eanswith Ecgfrida Ecgwyn Godgifu Gunhilda Gytha Helga Heregyth Hereswith Hextilda Hungifu Judith + Leofflæd Leofgifu Leofrun Leofwaru Leofwynn Margaret_Margaret Maud Matilda Mildrith Octreda Sifflæd Sigrid Sæthryth Wulfflæd Wulfgifu + Wulfgyth Wulfhild Wulfrun Wulfthryth Wulfwaru Wulfwynn Wynnflæd Wærburg Æbba Ælfflæd Ælfgifu Ælfgyth Ælflæda_Ælflæda Ælfrida + Ælfswith Ælfthryth Ælfwynn Æthelburg Æthelflæd Æthelgifu Æthelhild Æthelræda_Æthelreda Æthelswith Æthelthryth + Æthelburh Seaxburh Wihtburh + } } } gaelic = { - pictish = { - primary = HSC - dynasty_names = { "map Artcois" "map Bargoit" "map Buthud" "map Enfret" "map Eru" "map Gyrom" "map Lutrin" "map Mailcon" "map Munait" "map Taixali" "map Uleo" "map Wthoil" Circin Deoardivois Diuberr Erilich "Gaed Brechach" Gurthinmoch Ini Loc Morbet Necton Olgudach Smertae Tina Uecla Uip Vepogenus Wurgest } - } } latin = { italian = { @@ -53,15 +76,15 @@ french = { } finno_ugric = { komi = { - primary = FIN dynasty_names = { Kokko Likhachev Mamin Minin Sibiriak Tikhanov Zubov } } mordvin = { - primary = FIN + dynasty_names = { Kokko Likhachev Mamin Minin Sibiriak Tikhanov Zubov } + } + khanty = { dynasty_names = { Kokko Likhachev Mamin Minin Sibiriak Tikhanov Zubov } } meshchera = { - primary = FIN dynasty_names = { Kokko Likhachev Mamin Minin Sibiriak Tikhanov Zubov } } } @@ -141,7 +164,6 @@ east_slavic = { Shuvalov Surkov Tukhachevskiy Yegorov Yudenich Vorontsov Voroshilov Zavoyko } } kishinyov = { - primary = VOL dynasty_names = { Aleksseyev Antonov Azarov Badanov Brusilov Budonnyy Chibisov Denikin Dragomirov Frolov Golivin Grishin Gurko Ivanov Konev Konstantinov Kornilov Kolchak Kuropatkin Lazarev Makarov Men'shikov Nakhimov Nebogatov @@ -151,46 +173,45 @@ east_slavic = { } baltic = { old_prussian = { - primary = PRU male_names = { - Alvydas Arelis Auctune Bajoras Beidras Budo Dagonis Ekkelis Galindas Galindo Gauronas Gerdautas Glande Golding - Jauguttis Karatas Klukis Kugis Milzas Nomedas Prusas Sergonis Ulinniks Ulitis + Algirdas Antanas Antavas Aras Arunas Azuolas Budrys Bukantas Butavas Butigeidis Butvydas + Daugvilas Daumantas Dausprungas Dravenis Erdenis Erdvilas Gedigaudas + Gediminas Gedivilas Gintaras Gintautas Girdenis Irmantas Jaunutis Jogaila Jovirdas Kantibutas + Karijotas Kesgaila Kestutis Korigaila Korybutas + Lasukas Lingvenis Liudas Lubartas Lutuveras Merkelis Mindaugas Minigaila Mantvydas Movkoldas + Narimantas Povilas Pukuveras Rimantas + Rimgaila Rimvydas Ringaudas Sarunas Skirgaila Songaila Svarnas Svitrigaila Tarvydas Tovtivilas + Traidenis Treniotas Vainius Vaisvilkas Valimantas Zygimantas + Vidmantas Vingoldas Virmantas Visvaldis Vizgirdas Vykintas Vytautas Vytenis Zivinbudas } female_names = { - Betten Dagas Gelennis Gerkus Grasus Gulbis Mila Milyuns Weslikan Ziedas + Aldona Anele Audra Ausra Birute Dannila Danute Evalda Gaudimante Giedre Gintare Jevna Kenna + Mikova Roze Saule Svajone Vida Laima + } + dynasty_names = { + Ugandi Gediminai Radziwill Gostautas Astikas Kesgaila Chodkiewicz Olshanski Chartoryski Giedraiciai Pac Plater Tyzenhaus Sapieha Ostrogski Oginski + # CKII + "Wilks" "Klakis" "Luks" "Kuilis" "Kalabijjan" + "Jankowskie" "Konopacki" "Penikis" "Tontegode" "Vidins" "Draguns" "Sirkants" + # Ugric Baltic + "Karasi" "Ingrija" "Revala" "Virumaa" "Läänemaa" "Ingeri" "Livo" "Harjumaa" + "Ridala" "Saaremaa" "Vaiga" "Turaida" } - dynasty_names = { Adamkus Almenas Avizienis Baltrušaitis Brazauskas Basanavicius Birutis Brazdžiunas Buga Ciurlionis - Danauskas Daukantas Dobkevicius Dubeneckis Dvarionas Galdikas Grinius Griškevicius Ivanauskas Jablonskis - Jucys Krupavicius Landsbergis Lozoraitis Merkys Paksas Paleckis Paulauskas Petrauskas Piskarkas - Požela Radvila Šabaniauskas Schatz Simonavicius Širvydas Šleževicius Semtona Snieckus Stauaitis - Straižys Stulginkis Švedas Terleckas Urbšys Vagnorius Valeška Voldemaras Žemaitis Zuokas } } } byzantine = { anatolian = { - primary = BYZ } magnagreek = { - primary = BYZ } } caucasian = { alan = { - primary = GEO dynasty_names = { Andiyev Ashuraliyev Basiev Bazayev Bestayev Chibirov Din Dudarova Dzhanayev Fadzayev Farniev Gabulov Gassiev Gazyumov Guriev Khapov Khetagurov Kokoity Kusov Nyxas Pagayev Pliyeva Sanakoyev Tibilov Tokaty Torchinov Toshinori Valiyev Zangiev Zazirov } } - assyrian = { - primary = GEO - dynasty_names = { Ahmadi Algafari Assadi Homsi Nasser } - } - coptic = { - primary = EGY - dynasty_names = { Thinis Memphis Abydos Herakleopolis Thebes Itjtawy Avaris Bubastis Sais } - } } turko_semitic = { frencharab = { - primary = FRA dynasty_names = { "Mirdasid" "Maanid" "al-Shihab" Yakubid Hassanid Katkhuda Abaza Qasimiyya Qitas al-Qazdughli @@ -213,16 +234,12 @@ maghrebi = { } iranian = { sogdian = { - primary = KOK } tocharian = { - primary = KAS } saka = { - primary = KAS } tajik = { - primary = TRS } } altaic = { @@ -350,10 +367,8 @@ kamchatkan_g = { tartar = { chuvash = { primary = CVS - dynasty_names = { Abash Agish Baran Karach Karam Kashkar Kolu Kurak Mishaik "Mis Si" Mosol Temir Tenish - Vanyut Yaku } + dynasty_names = { Abash Agish Baran Karach Karam Kashkar Kolu Kurak Mishaik "Mis Si" Mosol Temir Tenish Vanyut Yaku } } } -lost_cultures_group = { -} - +lost_cultures_group = { # Emptied +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.impck3_cultures.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.impck3_cultures.txt index 4d83ac66..5e30bd77 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.impck3_cultures.txt +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.impck3_cultures.txt @@ -48,11 +48,12 @@ lost_cultures_group = { } } } -germanic = { - getian = { } - vandal = { } - gothic = { } -} byzantine = { alexandrine = { } + prettanian = { } + hyperborean_greek = { } + gaulish_greek = { } + spanish_greek = { } + german_greek = { } + mena_greek = { } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.israelite_cultures.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.israelite_cultures.txt index f25c64a0..cfd25415 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.israelite_cultures.txt +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.israelite_cultures.txt @@ -1,23 +1,36 @@ israelite = { - ashkenazi = { primary = ISR } - sephardi = { primary = ISR } - knaanic = { primary = ISR } - magogic = { primary = ISR } - yevanic = { primary = ISR } - mizrahi = { primary = ISR } + ashkenazi = { } + sephardi = { } + knaanic = { } + magogic = { } + yevanic = { } + mizrahi = { } israeli = { primary = ISR } - misrayim = { primary = ISR } - zarphatic = { primary = ISR } - laaz = { primary = ISR } - kaifeng = { primary = ISR } + misrayim = { } + zarphatic = { } + laaz = { } + kaifeng = { } #Names are shared throughout the entire group - male_names = { Abraham Albert Benjamin Daniel David Franz Gustav Heinrich Hermann Isaak Ignatz Jakob Jeremias Josef Leonhard Michael Mose Salomon Saul Shmuel - Sigmund Simon Theodor } + male_names = { + Abraham Albert Benjamin Daniel David Franz Gustav Heinrich Hermann Isaak Ignatz Jakob Jeremias Josef Leonhard Michael Mose Salomon Saul Shmuel + Sigmund Simon Theodor + Abiatar Ahijah Akabon Alon Amit Amram Ananelus Ananias Aretas Aristobulus Azrikam Barak Baruch Belshazar Costobarus Deror Dori + Eiran Eleazar Erotimus Ezra Hadasa Herod Hillel Hyrkanus Jannaeus Joazar Yosef Josiada Kahana Hodaviah Honio Meir Nahum + Nathan Nehemiah Nikanor Nir Obadiah Ofer Omri Pinchas Phannias Phasael Raanan Malichus Manasseh Nogah Shamgar Shammai + Shaul Shemaiah Shemida Silas Simeon Sosa Talmon Tarfon Tovia Yair Yochanan Zadok + } female_names = { - Adah Adinah Alte Asenath Avigail Aviva Batya Bilha Bina Breina Bunah Chana Charna Chasha Chava Chaya Devorah Dobah Drozah Esther Freida Gentille Gruna Gracia Illa Kuna Leah Machla Malka Margola Masheh Matilda Matrona Mazal Menuchah - Miriam Miryam Muskat Nachalah Nechamah Puah Peninah Rachel Rivkah Rhoda Ruth Sarah Shoshanah Shulamit Simchat "Anna Frank" Tamar Tikvah Tirtzah Tzipporah Tzitta Tziviah Yael Yehudit Yaffah Yiska Yochanah Yocheved Yonah Zelda Zlata - "Rosa Luxembourg" Salome + Adah Adinah Alte Asenath Avigail Aviva Batya Bilha Bina Breina Bunah Chana Charna Chasha Chava Chaya Devorah Dobah Drozah Esther Freida Gentille Gruna Gracia Illa Kuna Leah Machla Malka Margola Masheh Matilda Matrona Mazal Menuchah + Miriam Miryam Muskat Nachalah Nechamah Puah Peninah Rachel Rivkah Rhoda Ruth Sarah Shoshanah Shulamit Simchat "Anna Frank" Tamar Tikvah Tirtzah Tzipporah Tzitta Tziviah Yael Yehudit Yaffah Yiska Yochanah Yocheved Yonah Zelda Zlata + "Rosa Luxembourg" Salome + Adena Adi Adva Ahuva Alexandra Aliza Alte Arieh Asher Basia Boaz Chanah Cypros Danya Dara Dina Doris Dov Dvora Elisheva Esther + Galia Galit Leah Liat Liora Machla Mariamne Marni Maya Meital Menahem Milka Naamah Nahal Nava Nissa Orah Orit Osher Rachel Raisa + Rivka Salampsio Sarah Shayna Tamar Tirtza Yael Yocheved + } + dynasty_names = { + Abramovitch Ashkenazi Bernstein Birnbaum Bloch Cantor Cohen Frank Friedländer Ginsberg Goldstein Horowitz Israel Jacobsohn Kagan Kaplan Klein + Levin Luria Morgenstern Nathan Oren Rosenthal Sachs Schapiro Schwartz Weinstein Weiss + Abiatarid Akabonid Amitid Amramid Boazid Dorid Dovid Eiranid Eleazid Heroid Honioid Hillelid Joazid Kahanid Nahumid Nirid Nogahid + Oferid Omrid Pinchasid Raananid Shemidid Yairid } - dynasty_names = { Abramovitch Ashkenazi Bernstein Birnbaum Bloch Cantor Cohen Frank Friedländer Ginsberg Goldstein Horowitz Israel Jacobsohn Kagan Kaplan Klein - Levin Luria Morgenstern Nathan Oren Rosenthal Sachs Schapiro Schwartz Weinstein Weiss } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.new_culture_groups.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.new_culture_groups.txt index b87469a4..56737ac0 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.new_culture_groups.txt +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/cultures/!.new_culture_groups.txt @@ -18,158 +18,170 @@ oghuz = { primary = UZB } } - +gothic_group = { + graphical_culture = westerngfx + male_names = { Agriwulfa Aspar Ataulfo Bigeli Braga Brandila Cannabao Colias Fastida Feletheo Galindo Gerung Heldebaldo Hermenigildo Hrodrigo Hunigild Ibba Inna Modare Naulabato Rausimodo Recaredo Rodolfo Sigisvulto Theodemer Theudi Valaravans Veduco Viliaro Visimar } + dynasty_names = { Aniano Ariari Arius Ataulph Atharid Baduila Cyrila Farnobio Feva Fretela Friderico Gaiseri Gundeharo Heldefred Hermangild Hernegliscu Hildebado Huml Hunimund Leuvibild Nidada Retemeri Rhima Saphrax Sueridu Sunnia Theoderi Tribigild Videric Vidimiro } + female_names = { + Actihild Aschild Baldhild Casthild Castiburg Duomburg Duomhild + Eidburg Eidhild Eidsunne Eidwalda Geriburg Gerrhild Gunborg + Gundhild Hildborg Hildwald Hramburg Hramhild Hramis Hrauchild + Hraugiburg Ingiburg Ingihild Laighild Leigiburg Malburg Malhild + Marchild Mundhild Randild Rhamis Richild Rigiburg Sigiburg + Sigihild Sunburg Sunhild Theodeburg Theothild Thurishilda + Thurisinburg Thurisinhilda Thusnelda Walburg Waldburg + Walhild Waloburg Waluburg + } + visigothic = { } + ostrogothic = { } + getian = { } + gothic = { } +} barbaro_germanic = { graphical_culture = westerngfx - - male_names = { Gunther Rolf } - + vandal = { } frankish = { - primary = FRA male_names = { Abbo Aega Agobard Allowin Arnulf Asselin Berno Berthaire Bruno Cassyon Cheldric Childebrand Clodomir Clotaire Corbinian Dodo Ebroin Ebrulf Emme Evroult Faro Gerold Grifo Grimbald Hartmut Helinand Hildebold Hildeprand Humbert Imbert Jocelin Lambert Lanfranc Lebuin Letard Liudhard Liudolf Lul Mansuet Omer Reginar Reol Richomer Rothad Sergi Sicho Vedast Werinbert Willibrord Zwentibold } dynasty_names = { Aega Agilbert Artaud Bandeson Berchar Bernard Birin Blank Brun Bruno Burkhart Charibert Charivi Childebert Childeric Chlodobert Chlodowig Emme Grimald Landric Lothar Lul Radeburg Razo Rodbert Sergi Theudebald Theudebert Theuderic Werinbert Wighard } } suebi = { - primary = POR male_names = { Adoric Agriulfum Anila Argiovit Ariamir Audeca Becilla Chararici Commund Eboric Ermaric Framta Frumari Garding Gomedei Heremigari Hermeric Hildemir Ilderic Malaric Maldras Massila Miro Neufila Nitigisi Pantard Rechiari Rechila Rechimund Remismund Remisol Rodomiro Sunila Theudomir Uittimer Veremund } dynasty_names = { Adler Adrabaecampi Baemoi Batin Daimler Dengler Eberle Elser Ensselin Groner Hegelin Heinkelin Holderelin Idanha Kepler Kiesinger Laemmle Lugo Marcomanni Naristi Ourense Racatria Rommelin Sudini Suiones Tui Viseu Wekerle } } old_lombard = { - primary = ITA male_names = { Adaloald Agilulf Aistulf Alahis Alboin Ansprand Arioald Aripert Authari Cleph Cunincpert Desideri Garibald Godepert Grimuald Hildeprand Liutpert Liutprand Parctarit Perctarit Raginpert Ragnipert Ratchis Rodoald Rothari } dynasty_names = { Albhi Aleard Amistada Balda Degan Gadoald Gairulf Gisulph Gotefred Gualenghi Haimon Haistulf Hardman Harjowalda Hauptwolf Nok Ragin Rambold Reginmund Ridbald Rudonis Sala Schirald Schiriwaite Sigebald Teudald Tierwysch Wala Walfrit Zazza } } - visigothic = { - primary = CAS - male_names = { Agriwulfa Aspar Ataulfo Bigeli Braga Brandila Cannabao Colias Fastida Feletheo Galindo Gerung Heldebaldo Hermenigildo Hrodrigo Hunigild Ibba Inna Modare Naulabato Rausimodo Recaredo Rodolfo Sigisvulto Theodemer Theudi Valaravans Veduco Viliaro Visimar } - dynasty_names = { Aniano Ariari Arius Ataulph Atharid Baduila Cyrila Farnobio Feva Fretela Friderico Gaiseri Gundeharo Heldefred Hermangild Hernegliscu Hildebado Huml Hunimund Leuvibild Nidada Retemeri Rhima Saphrax Sueridu Sunnia Theoderi Tribigild Videric Vidimiro } + varangian = { + male_names = { + Acthram Acthrauc Actmund Actobald Actogais Actogast Actoleik Actomar + Actrand Actric Actwald Agenaric Aginaric Aktumer Arbogais Arbogan + Arbogast Arbolaik Arbomund Arbram Arbrand Arbrauc Arbric Arbwald Ariogaesus Ariogais Ascaric Ascobald Ascogast Ascoger Ascohram + Ascohrauc Ascoht Ascoleik Ascomund Ascorand Ascoric Ascowald + Baldhrauc Baldo Baldogais Baldogast Baldric Baldwald Bauto + Casthrauc Castleik Castrand Castric Charietto Chariovalda + Chrocus Danko Duomact Duomeid Duomogan Duomogar Duomogast + Duomolaik Duomorand Duomorauc Duomoric Edobich Eidgais + Eidgast Eidhram Eidhrauc Eidleik Eidmund Eidobald Eidoht + Eidowald Eidrand Eidric Erbemar Erbo Erpmund Flavius Geno Genobald Genobaud + Genomund Genoram Genorand Genric Genwald Gerand Gerhram + Gerhrauc Geric Gero Gerogast Gerolaik Gerorauc Gerwald + Gundhram Gundleik Gundmar Gundobald Gundogan Gundogar Gundogast + Gundomund Gundowald Gundrand Gundrauc Gundric Hariowald Heri + Hildeid Hildgan Hildhram Hildobald Hildogais Hildogast Hildoht + Hildoleik Hildomund Hildrand Hildrauc Hildric Hildwald Hrambald + Hramgast Hramleik Hramo Hramric Hramund Hramwald Hraucwald + Hraugmund Hraugram Hraugric Hroco Ingast Ingbald Inger Ingmund + Ingoht Ingoleik Ingomar Ingram Ingrand Ingrauc Ingric Ingsun + Inguiomer Ingwald Laikwald Leigmund Leikbolad Leikrauc Leko + Malact Malleik Mallobald Mallobaudes Mallovendus Malo Malobald + Malogan Malogast Maloger Malogund Maloram Malorand Malorauc + Maloric Malowind Malwald Marcobold Marcogan Marcogast Marcoger + Marcogund Marcoleik Marcomer Marcomund Marcoram Marcorauc + Marcwald Markoht Marobod Marodouus Mederic Mero Merobald + Merobaudes Merogais Mundobald Mundogast Mundoger Nebigast + Randleik Randmund Rando Randobald Randram Randrauc Richomeres + Ricomar Rigleik Rigmund Rigrand Rigwald Segestes Segimer + Segimund Sesithank Sigact Sigeid Sigibald Sigigais Sigigan + Sigigast Sigigund Sigimar Sigimund Sigiram Sigirand Sigirauc + Sigismund Sigisun Siglaik Sigo Sigric Sigwald Sunbald Sungan + Sunger Sunlaik Sunnact Sunneid Sunneram Sunno Sunnogast + Sunnomund Sunnorauc Sunnoric Sunrand Sunwald Tanchild Tancoht + Tancram Tancrand Tancric Tancwald Teutomer Theodeid Theodlaik + Theodo Theodobald Theodogais Theodogan Theodogast Theodogund + Theodoht Theodomer Theodomund Theodoram Theodorand Theodoric + Theodrauc Theodwald Thumelicus Thuribald Thurigais Thurigast + Thurisegan Thuriseid Thuriserand Thuriseric Thurismund + Thurisoht Thuriswald Tuombald Tuomo Tuomogund Tuomoleik + Tuomomund Tuomwald Ukromer Vakromar Valao Vangio Walao + Walbald Waldmund Waldo Waldogast Waldrand Walgar Walgast + Walha Walmund Walogan Walolaik Walorand Walram Walrauc Walric Windo + } + dynasty_names = { + Tuomid Andicid Dagaricid Gelimerian Geroldian Malaricid + Marbodian Theodian Marcolian Sigid Rigleikid Tancrid Malogrian + Gundrid Segimandrid Dwaldid Merobaudian Eidigian + Gerhaucrian Hildganid Hramrid Ingohdrid Ingrammid Malactian + } } - female_names = { - Adele Adelgunde Adelheid Adolfine Agatha Agnes Alexandra Alice Alina Aline Alma Alwina Alwine Amalia Amalie Amanda - Amelie Andrea Angela Angelika Angelina Anika Anita Anja Anke Ann-Katrin Anna Anne Annegret Anneli Annelie Anneliese - Annemarie Anni Annika Annina Anny Antje Antonia Astrid Augusta Auguste Barbara Bärbel Beate Beatrice Beatrix - Bernadette Berta Bertha Bettina Bianca Bianka Birgit Brigitte Britta Brunhild Brünhild Brunhilde Brünhilde Cäcilia - Cäcilie Caren Carina Carla Carmen Carolin Caroline Catarina Catharina Cathrin Catrin Cecilia Cecilie Celina Celine - Charlotte Chiara Christa Christel Christiane Christina Christine Clara Claudia Constanze Cordula Corina Corinna - Cornelia Dagmar Daniela Denise Desirée Désirée Diana Dietlind Dietlinde Dora Doris Dorothea Edda Edith Elena - Eleonora Eleonore Elfriede Elisa Elisabeth Elise Elke Ella Ellen Elli Elly Elma Elsa Elsbeth Else Elvira Emelie - Emely Emilia Emilie Emily Emma Emmeline Emmi Emmy Erdmute Erica Erika Erna Ester Esther Eugenie Eva Evelyn - Fabienne Fanny Felicia Felicitas Felizia Felizitas Finja Finnja Fiona Flora Florentina Florentine Franziska Frauke - Freya Frida Fridegunde Frieda Friedegund Friedegunde Friederike Gabriela Gabriele Genoveva Gerda Gerlind Gerlinde - Gertraud Gertrud Gertrudis Gesine Gina Gisela Grete Gretel Grethe Gudrun Gunda Gundula Hanna Hannah Hanne Hannelore - Hedwig Heide Heidemarie Heidi Heike Helena Helene Helga Helge Hella Helmina Helmine Henny Hermina Hermine Herta - Hertha Hilda Hilde Hildegard Hulda Ida Ilse Ines Inga Inge Ingeborg Ingeburg Ingrid Irene Irina Iris Irma Irmela - Irmelin Irmgard Isabel Isabell Isabella Isabelle Isolde Ivonne Jacqueline Jana Janina Janine Jaqueline Jasmin - Jennifer Jessica Johanna Johanne Josefine Josephine Judith Jule Julia Juliane Jutta Kai Karen Karin Karina Karla - Karolin Karoline Katarina Käte Katharina Käthe Kathrin Katja Katrin Kerstin Kim Kirsten Klara Konstanze Kristin - Kristina Kunigunde Lara Larissa Laura Lea Lena Leni Leoni Leonie Leonore Liane Liesel Lieselotte Lili Lilli Lilly - Lina Linda Lisa Liselotte Lore Lotte Louisa Louise Lucia Lucie Luisa Luise Lulu Luna Luzia Luzie Lydia Madeleine - Madleen Madlen Madlene Magda Magdalena Magdalene Maike Maja Manuela Mareike Marga Margareta Margarete Margaretha - Margarethe Margit Margot Margret Margrit Maria Marianne Marie Marie-Theres Marie-Therese Marina Marion Marleen - Marlen Marlene Marlies Marlis Marta Martha Martina Mathilde Maya Mechthild Meike Melanie Melina Melissa - Merle Meta Mia Michaela Michelle Minna Miriam Mirjam Mona Monica Monika Nadia Nadin Nadine Nadja Natali Natalie - Natascha Nathalie Neele Nele Nicola Nicole Nina Noemi Nora Oda Olga Olivia Ottilie Patricia Patrizia Paula Paulina - Pauline Petra Pia Rachel Rafaela Raffaela Rahel Ramona Raphaela Rebecca Rebekka Regina Renate Ricarda Rita Rolanda - Ronja Rosa Rose Rosemarie Roswitha Ruth Sabina Sabine Sabrina Samantha Sandra Sara Sarah Saskia Selina Seraphina - Seraphine Sibylle Sieglind Sieglinde Siglind Siglinde Sigrid Silke Silvia Simone Sina Sissi Sofia Sofie Sonja Sophia - Sophie Stefanie Stella Stephanie Susanna Svenja Swenja Sybille Sylvia Tabea Tamara Tanja Tatjana Teresa Thekla - Theres Theresa Therese Theresia Thirza Tina Tirza Traute Trude Ulrike Ursel Ursula Uta Ute Valentina Valerie Vanessa - Vera Verena Verona Veronika Victoria Viktoria Walburg Walburga Waldtraud Waldtraut Walpurga Walpurgis Waltraud - Waltraut Wanja Wibke Wiebke Wilhelmina Wilhelmine Wilma Xenia Yasmin Yvonne Zäzilia Zäzilie Zoe + mena_german = { + male_names = { + Acthram Acthrauc Actmund Actobald Actogais Actogast Actoleik Actomar + Actrand Actric Actwald Agenaric Aginaric Aktumer Arbogais Arbogan + Arbogast Arbolaik Arbomund Arbram Arbrand Arbrauc Arbric Arbwald Ariogaesus Ariogais Ascaric Ascobald Ascogast Ascoger Ascohram + Ascohrauc Ascoht Ascoleik Ascomund Ascorand Ascoric Ascowald + Baldhrauc Baldo Baldogais Baldogast Baldric Baldwald Bauto + Casthrauc Castleik Castrand Castric Charietto Chariovalda + Chrocus Danko Duomact Duomeid Duomogan Duomogar Duomogast + Duomolaik Duomorand Duomorauc Duomoric Edobich Eidgais + Eidgast Eidhram Eidhrauc Eidleik Eidmund Eidobald Eidoht + Eidowald Eidrand Eidric Erbemar Erbo Erpmund Flavius Geno Genobald Genobaud + Genomund Genoram Genorand Genric Genwald Gerand Gerhram + Gerhrauc Geric Gero Gerogast Gerolaik Gerorauc Gerwald + Gundhram Gundleik Gundmar Gundobald Gundogan Gundogar Gundogast + Gundomund Gundowald Gundrand Gundrauc Gundric Hariowald Heri + Hildeid Hildgan Hildhram Hildobald Hildogais Hildogast Hildoht + Hildoleik Hildomund Hildrand Hildrauc Hildric Hildwald Hrambald + Hramgast Hramleik Hramo Hramric Hramund Hramwald Hraucwald + Hraugmund Hraugram Hraugric Hroco Ingast Ingbald Inger Ingmund + Ingoht Ingoleik Ingomar Ingram Ingrand Ingrauc Ingric Ingsun + Inguiomer Ingwald Laikwald Leigmund Leikbolad Leikrauc Leko + Malact Malleik Mallobald Mallobaudes Mallovendus Malo Malobald + Malogan Malogast Maloger Malogund Maloram Malorand Malorauc + Maloric Malowind Malwald Marcobold Marcogan Marcogast Marcoger + Marcogund Marcoleik Marcomer Marcomund Marcoram Marcorauc + Marcwald Markoht Marobod Marodouus Mederic Mero Merobald + Merobaudes Merogais Mundobald Mundogast Mundoger Nebigast + Randleik Randmund Rando Randobald Randram Randrauc Richomeres + Ricomar Rigleik Rigmund Rigrand Rigwald Segestes Segimer + Segimund Sesithank Sigact Sigeid Sigibald Sigigais Sigigan + Sigigast Sigigund Sigimar Sigimund Sigiram Sigirand Sigirauc + Sigismund Sigisun Siglaik Sigo Sigric Sigwald Sunbald Sungan + Sunger Sunlaik Sunnact Sunneid Sunneram Sunno Sunnogast + Sunnomund Sunnorauc Sunnoric Sunrand Sunwald Tanchild Tancoht + Tancram Tancrand Tancric Tancwald Teutomer Theodeid Theodlaik + Theodo Theodobald Theodogais Theodogan Theodogast Theodogund + Theodoht Theodomer Theodomund Theodoram Theodorand Theodoric + Theodrauc Theodwald Thumelicus Thuribald Thurigais Thurigast + Thurisegan Thuriseid Thuriserand Thuriseric Thurismund + Thurisoht Thuriswald Tuombald Tuomo Tuomogund Tuomoleik + Tuomomund Tuomwald Ukromer Vakromar Valao Vangio Walao + Walbald Waldmund Waldo Waldogast Waldrand Walgar Walgast + Walha Walmund Walogan Walolaik Walorand Walram Walrauc Walric Windo + } + dynasty_names = { + Tuomid Andicid Dagaricid Gelimerian Geroldian Malaricid + Marbodian Theodian Marcolian Sigid Rigleikid Tancrid Malogrian + Gundrid Segimandrid Dwaldid Merobaudian Eidigian + Gerhaucrian Hildganid Hramrid Ingohdrid Ingrammid Malactian + } } - dynasty_names = { - "von Oldenburg" "von Mecklenburg" "von Hohenzollern" "von Habsburg" - "von Zweibrücken" "von Wittelsbach" "von Holstein" "von Hesse-Kassel" "von Holstein-Gottorp" - "von Pfalz-Neumarkt" "von Braunschweig-Lüneburg" "von Hannover" "von Wettin" - # CKII - "von Rügen" "von Diepholz" "von Silesia-Glogau" "von Bibra" "von Bodeck" - "Boeselager" "Jaworski" "Brauchitsch" "von Bülow" - "von Calw" "von Cham" "von Steutzlingen" "von Wetterau" "von Julichgau" - "von Helffenstein" "von Venis" "von Kyburg" "von Arbon" "von Urach" "von Cilli" "von Utlede" - "von Katzenelnbogen" "von Altena" "von der Marck" "von Hessen" "von Arnsberg" "von Bucheck" - "Walter" "Grelle" "von Dolen" "von Liebnitz" "von Virneberg" - "Rübsamen" "von Bardewik" "Vorrade" "Warendorp" "Lüneburg" "Wittenborg" "von Klingenberg" - "von Parchim" "von Kärnten" "von Rügen" "von Neuenburg" "von Werle" "von Mecklemburg" - "von Wittenberg" "von Brandenburg" "von Glogau" "von Rendsburg" "von Pommern" - "von Slesvig" "von Plain" "von Formbach" "von Wasserburg" - "von Lengenfeld" "von Eberstein" "von Heinsberg" "von Weimar" - "von Andechs" "von Sulzbach" "von Kleve" "von Versfleth" "von Wickerode" - "von Winzenburg" "von Thüringen" "von Bogen" "von Meissen" "von Genf" - "von Arstein" "von Veldenz" "von Landsberg" "von Franken" "von Babenberg" "von Berg" "von Hohenstauf" - "von Saarbrucken" "von Puteledorg" "von Henneberg" "von Stade" "von Sommerchenberg" - "von Kirchberg" "von Württemberg" "von Tübingen" "von Raabs" - "von Heimbach" "von Nörvenich" "von Jülich" "von Metz" "von Limburg" - "von Eppstein" "von Luxemburg" "von Hornes" "von Sachsen" - "von Beilstein" "von Eppenstein" "von Lusatia" "Orlamunde" - "von Hohenstaufen" "von Otakar" "Weimar" "von Tirol" - "von Haldensleben" "von Schweinfurt" "von Stad" "von Rheinfelden" - "von Ringelheim" "de Luxembourg" "Hainaut" "von Lenzburg" "Prochaska" - "von Boulogne" "von Nordheim" "von Egisheim" "Asperger" "Hunfriding" - "Witte" "von Hagen" "von Mölln" "Runese" Pleskow - "von Supplingenburg" "von Plotzkau" "von Katlenburg" "von Goslar" - "von Wunstorf" "von Goltern" "von Wölpe" "von Nellenburg" "von Arnstein" "von Holte" - "von Wippra" "von der Mark" "von Diest" "von Rietberg" "von Löningen" "von Corvey" - "von Steinfurt" "von Tecklenburg" "von Rüssel" "von Waldeck" "von Ravensberg" "von Weyhe" "von Hoya" - "von Dachau" "von Bassenheim" "von Kerpen" "von Tunna" "von Salza" "von Malberg" "von Hohenlohe" - "von Wüllersleben" "von Osterna" "von Sangershausen" "von Heldrungen" - "von Orseln" "von Nauen" "Suerbeer" "von Lunen" - "von Vechta" "Pernstein" "von Schwerin" "von Dorpat" "von Haseldorf" "von Vyshusen" "von Dolen" - "von Friesack" "von Hildesheim" "von Lechsgmünd" "von Komburg" - "von Stahleck" "von Ziegenhain" "von Dinslaken" "von Lambach" "von Pluyvoise" - "von Scharfenberg" "von Leistenberg" "von Schwarzburg" "von Badewide" "von Wassel" - "von Dassel" "von Greyerz" "von Grenchen" "von Abensberg" "von Grünberg" - "von Lichtenberg" "von Hachberg" "von Wartenberg" "von Wolfach" "von Gudensberg" - "von Gerhausen" "von Signau" "von Groitzsch" "von Frickingen" "von Sigmaringen" "von Regensburg" - "von Lurngau" "von Leibrechtskirchen" "von Meran" "von Treven" "Gross" "Gualch" "Beck" - "zu Schwaben" "von Attems" "von Schweipünt" "von Saffenberg" "von Nörvenich" "von Querfurt" - "von Mansfeld" "von Kärnten" "von Eschenloch" "von Naumburg" "von Schrapelnau" - "von Magdeburg" "von Hardegg" "von Arneburg" "von Seeburg" "von Veldenz" "von Schmidtburg" - "von Bamberg" "von Kyrburg" "von Baumberg" "von Stolzenberg" "von Altenbaumberg" "von Tyrol" - "von Ortenburg" "von Wangen" "von Frontenhausen" "von Andechs" "von Eurasburg" "von Geroldseck" - "von Bocksberg" "von Vinstingen" "von Schoenecken" "von Daun" "von Leiningen" - "von Hohenfels" "von Hunolstein" "von Blankenheim" "von Salm" "von Falkenstein" "von Sponheim" - "von Brunshorn" "von Stein" "von Bikkenbach" "von Heinsberg" "van Valkenburg" "von Sayn" - "von Veringen" "von Gruningen" "von Eselsberg" "von Muhlhausen" "von Pfirt" - "von Lövenstein" "von Landau" "von Tschudi" "von Glarus" "von Chalôns" "von Ratzeburg" - "von Schlawe" "von Schwelz" "von Liebschau" "von der Lippe" "von Schauenburg" "von Rostock" - "von Gustrow" "von Rendsburg" "von Segeberg" "von Neuhaus" "von Friedenthal" "von Rosenberg" - "von Waldenstein" "von Altenburg" "von Pernstein" "von Monheim" "von Urslingen" - "von Assel" "von Osnabrück" "von Münster" "von Kleve" "von Jülich" - "von Andernach" "von Göttingen" - "von Pfalz" "von Baden" "von Nordgau" "von Metz" "von Sundgau" "von Bern" - "von Schwyz" "von Neuchatel" "von Aargau" "von Breisgau" "von Fürstenberg" - "von Württemberg" "von Franken" "von Thüringen" "von Weimar" "von Celle" - "von Amsberg" "von Wolgast" "von Altmark" "von Anhalt" - "von Plauen" "von Ansbach" "von Kempten" "von Arnim" "von Trent" - "von Innsbruck" "von Lausitz" "von Stettin" - "von Abensberg" "von Berlichingen" "von Beetzen" - "Sieghardinger" "von Walbeck" - #Prussian - "von Knorring" "von Creytzen" Sack "von Taube" "Wöhrmann" - #Rheinlaender - "von Keller" "von der Mark" "von Wittelsbach" "von Baden" "Rotberg" - #Hessian - "von Frankenstein" "von Taube" "von Uffeln" "von Hessen" "von Boyneburg" - #Hannoveran - "von Schack" "von Fabrice" "von Hardenberg" "von Welf" "von Schauenburg" "von Holstein-Gottorp" "Askanier" "von Oldenburg" + female_names = { + Actihild Aschild Baldhild Casthild Castiburg Duomburg Duomhild + Eidburg Eidhild Eidsunne Eidwalda Geriburg Gerrhild Gunborg + Gundhild Hildborg Hildwald Hramburg Hramhild Hramis Hrauchild + Hraugiburg Ingiburg Ingihild Laighild Leigiburg Malburg Malhild + Marchild Mundhild Randild Rhamis Richild Rigiburg Sigiburg + Sigihild Sunburg Sunhild Theodeburg Theothild Thurishilda + Thurisinburg Thurisinhilda Thusnelda Walburg Waldburg + Walhild Waloburg Waluburg } } roman_group = { graphical_culture = westerngfx # For the sake of simplicity, all the names are shared throughout the whole group roman = { primary = ROM } - hispanic = { primary = ROM } - aegyptian = { primary = ROM } - arabus = { primary = ROM } - carthaginian = { primary = ROM } - graecus = { primary = ROM } - gaulic = { primary = ROM } - hispanic = { primary = ROM } - theodisc = { primary = ROM } - pannonian = { primary = ROM } - wenedyk = { primary = ROM } - britannian = { primary = ROM } - hyperborean = { primary = ROM } + hispanic = { } + gaulic = { } + theodisc = { } + pannonian = { } + wenedyk = { } + britannian = { } + hyperborean = { } + salinatorian = { } + bazramani = { } + euxinian = { } + xliponian = { } male_names = { Acilius Aebutius Aelius Aemilius Albius Amatius Annaeus Anneius Annius Antonius Arrius Artorius Asinius Atilius Atius Aurelius Autronius Caecilius Caedicius Caelius Calidius Calpurnius Cassius Claudius Cloelius Cocceius Cominius Cornelius Coruncanius Curiatius @@ -237,7 +249,6 @@ equine_group = { graphical_culture = westerngfx equine = { - primary = TRL male_names = { Spot Star Spirit Blaze Lucky Chief Rain Stormy Duke Traveler "Clever Hans" Dreamer Midnight Twilight Arion Carlos Triumph @@ -252,7 +263,6 @@ equine_group = { } cat_group = { cat = { - primary = TRL male_names = { Mittens Fluffy Tom Smudge Shado } dynasty_names = { "Vermin" "Tabby" "Tabby" "Bramblepelt" "Kitten" "Katturan" "Purr" "Bahari" "Cat" "Stalker" "O'Malley" "Tiger" "Scottish Folds" "Jellicle" "Sphynxes" "Cat" "Katturan" "Jellicle" "Critterkiller" "Manx" "Heavyside" "Purr" "von Furrington" "Felis Catus" "Meow" "Tiger" "Vermin" "Vermin" "Kitten" "Night" "Hairball" "Bramblepelt" "Meow" "Hiss" "Hiss" "Felis Catus" "Vermin" "Feline" "Feline" "Heavyside" "Purr" "Tom" "Tabby" "Katturan" "Meow" "Tom" "Wildcat" "Bramblepelt" "Felidae" "Feral" "Felidae" "Tabby" "-in-Boots" "Kitten" "Wildcat" "Bramblepelt" "Furry" "Ratcatcher" "Meow" "Feral" "Night" "Cat" "Bahari" "Freyja" "Scottish Folds" "Naberezhnye" "Lampron" @@ -261,7 +271,6 @@ cat_group = { } bear_group = { bear = { - primary = TRL male_names = { Nanuk Ursus Isbjorn Grrrowr Bjorn Grrgrrr Rawr Bams } dynasty_names = { Beliy Medved Bjorn Rawrrorr Rrrrr Grrr Gyp Qoi Styrbjorn Blomstfjellet "Dancer" "Arctoidea" "Carnivora" "Shaggy" "Teddy" "Bera" "Baconi" "Cave" "Bär" "Den" "Teddy" "Fur" "Muncher" "Björnsson" "Threebear" "Sun" "Ursidae" "Carnivora" "Ide" "Brown" "Snout" "Cave" "Claw" "Ursidae" "Baconi" "Helarctos" "Threebear" "Growler" "Bär" "Sun" "Muncher" "Brown" @@ -270,7 +279,6 @@ bear_group = { } hedgehog_group = { hedgehog_culture = { - primary = TRL male_names = { Hughues Echinus Erinus Kidnae Micro Mesyo Aurion Sclaterion Rix Spike Pokey Quillem Quilliam Quillington Sanic Knucklys Silver Lancelot Galahad Cyrus Pincushion Hedgehog Grumpy Crisp Pinecone Sam Wiggles Stig Xerxes "Mr. Tiggy-Winkle" Nails Thorn Ringo Groogy Punk Hedgepig August Blaine Saul Sonic } @@ -280,7 +288,6 @@ hedgehog_group = { } duck_group = { duck_culture = { - primary = TRL male_names = { Daffy Quacker Huck Waddles Donald Dominic Whitewing Duckus Quackmire Eggbert Howard Scrooge Winghelm Ludwing Gladstone Cake Blunder Duck Quackers Pippi Face Grape Anaheim Quackel Beaky Nottington Drake Mallard Hans Scrooge Darkwing Huey Dewey Louie Bolivar Mårten Maarten Cornelius Havbard Knase Kalle Arne Dylan Emelio Greg Paul } @@ -290,7 +297,6 @@ duck_group = { } dog_group = { dog_culture = { - primary = TRL male_names = { Fido Alfonso Basil Albert Alistair Elmer Gilbert Alwin Brantley Kendrik Psyche Pluck Buckler Spigot Lance Lurcher Watch Keeper Brigade Fencer Butcher Blazer Prowess Craftsman Forester Counsellor Spoiler Hurry Fury Growler Riot Bloomer Rome Blossom Hebe Hilary Jolity Gazer Eyebright Much Force Trooper Bustle Bubbler Rockdove Stubborn Yelp Pele-mele Strongboy Sky Sunbeam Bodkin Wistful Gnome Tracks Dash Blake Buddy Goofy Pluto Killer Max Bonzo Zico Santi Cotte Ruff Trigger Mini Toby Doglas Good Bad Cujo Louis "Mr Wuffles" @@ -304,7 +310,6 @@ dog_group = { } elephant_group = { elephant_culture = { - primary = TRL male_names = { Doot Trumpo Snoot Pyyrhus Kandula Jumbo Elephant Setu Dhriti Bhaanu Bhadra Zain Barbar Pompadour Booper Dombo Abul Abbas Hanno Zaeem Hannibal Baal Hasdrubal Babur Batyr Pollux Castor Mr-Tusk Gaj Brant Kamboj Hastin Gajendra Airawat Tej Toti Yathra Ghaazi Chotu Baahi Bakhsh Behru Zaki Cornelius Surus } @@ -314,7 +319,6 @@ elephant_group = { } dragon_group = { dragon_culture = { - primary = TRL male_names = { Fafnir Midgard Apopis Ladon Colchidei Piton Vouivre Drac Gorynych Bantu Mannu Khozen Morzas Xemcel Medeus Morva Nils Bahamut Leviathan Ryujin Zilant Typhos Puff Nyx Teethless Smokey Deathwing Quicksilver "Grey Ghost" Seasmoke Pyre Scorch Dragon Wyrm Lindwurm Dovah Vlad Rattleskin Ash Benedict Rakshasha Draco Dracul Drago Fafner Errol Glaedr Glaurung Icefyre Falkor Nagini Rathalos Piff Fred Voidaltarah Ddraig Drdrake Morttalis Barney @@ -325,7 +329,6 @@ dragon_group = { } red_panda_group = { red_panda = { - primary = TRL male_names = { Pandolf Pandulf Shifu Panda Basil Spark Ning Benjamin Sawyer Ceba Pabu Ponga Bamboo Kaala Puffball Oolong Chai Semper Vira Song Masala Ila Zeya Carson Harold Stellar Lhotse Wasabi Sabi Khusi Sundar Manasa Bo Mohini @@ -342,5 +345,232 @@ red_panda_group = { dynasty_names = { "Experience" } } } +punic_group = { + male_names = { + Abbar Abdmelqart Adonibaal Agbal Ahirom Azimilik Baal Baalhanno Bodashtart Bodo Bodmelqart Bomilcar Bostar Boulomenus Carthalo Chelbes + Eshbaal Eugoras Germelqart Hamilcar Hannibal Hanno Hasdrubal Himilco Hiram Mago Maharbal Mattan Metallo Milkherem Milkiram + Paltibaal Philosir Boodes Bomical Gisgo Malchus Abdhamon Abibaal Abirami Ahumm Eshmounhilles Eshmouniaton Itthobaal + Ummashtart Melqartshama Batnoam Urumilki Yehomilk Yadamilk Baaliaton Barekbaal Gerbaal Gerimilki Khiletzbaal Tabnit Yutpan Zimrida + Danel Kanmi Maharbaal Milkpilles Melqartpilles Milkyaton Massinissa Hiempsal Juba + } + female_names = { + Abdosir Arishat Astarte Batnoam Dido Shayna Sophonisba Tamar Adiya Tabua Yapa Ytab Suhaima Huldu Mashah Gamila Asherah Izavel Iezabel Elissa Muttunbaal + } + dynasty_names = { + Abbarid Adonibaalid Ahiromid Baalhannid Baalid Barcid + Bodonid Bostarid Chelbesid Eshbaalid Eugorid Hannid + Hiramid Magid Mattanid Metallid Milkiramid Philosirid + Gisgoid Gerbalid Hammid Eugarid Mashhid Ummashid + } + carthaginian = { } + ythalonim = { } + ualonuth = { } + sicorathi = { } + symacom = { } + ysthyalm = { } + sythchy = { } + ynnocho = { } + mlachthi = { } + inythmum = { } + gadolite = { } + bythlimmoth = { } + sidonian = { } + taliaite = { } + lacanite = { } + epicrateian = { } + pmpese = { } + ythbynuthi = { } + ychibarku = { } + liphocaneth = { } + mysehi = { } +} +old_mashriqi = { + coptic = { + dynasty_names = { + Thinis Memphis Abydos Herakleopolis Thebes Itjtawy Avaris Bubastis Sais + } + male_names = { + Seka Khayu Tiu Thesh Neheb Wazner Mekh "Iry-Hor" Sekhen Serqer Narmer "Hor-Aha" Djer Djet Den Semerkhet "Qa'a" Sneferka Raneb Nynetjer Senedj Neferkara Hudjefa Djoser Sekhemkhet Sanakht Khaba Huni Sneferu Khufu Khafre Djdefre Menkaure Thamphtis Userkaf Sahure Neferefre Shepseskare Nyuserre Unas Teti "Dejkadre Shemai" Neferkare Merenhor Nikare Intef "Sankhkare Mentuhotep" Menkare Segerseni Senusret Nerikare Sonbef Sebkay Sobekhotep Dedumose Sheeshi Nehesy Sheneh Semenre Rahotep "Nebpehtire Ahmose" Amenhotep Thutmose "Awybre Hor" Akhenaten Tutankhamun Ramesses Herihor Piankh Pinedjem Masaharta Menkheperre Smendes Pinedjem + } + female_names = { + "Sobekkare Sobekneferu" Hatshepsut Tentamun Nitocris Neit Cleopatra Neferneferuaten Nefertiti + } + } + phoenician = { #EU Rome + dynasty_names = { + Abbarid Adonibaalid Ahiromid Baalhannid Baalid Barcid Bostarid Chelbesid Eshbaalid Eugorid Hannid Hiramid Magoid Mattanid Metallid + Milkiramid Philosirid + } + male_names = { + Abbar Abdmelqart Adonibaal Agbal Ahirom Azimilik Baal Baalhanno Bodashtart Bodmelqart Bomilcar Bostar Boulomenus Carthalo Chelbes + Eshbaal Eugoras Germelqart Hamilcar Hannibal Hanno Hasdrubal Himilco Hiram Mago Maharbal Mattan Metallo Milkherem Milkiram + Paltibaal Philosir + } + female_names = { + Abdosir Arishat Astarte Batnoam Dido Shayna Sophonisba Tamar + } + } + aramaic = { #EU Rome + dynasty_names = { + Abbarid Adonibaalid Ahiromid Baalhannid Baalid Barcid Bostarid Chelbesid Eshbaalid Eugorid Hannid Hiramid Magoid Mattanid Metallid + Milkiramid Philosirid + } + male_names = { + Abbar Abdmelqart Adonibaal Agbal Ahirom Azimilik Baal Baalhanno Bodashtart Bodmelqart Bomilcar Bostar Boulomenus Carthalo Chelbes + Eshbaal Eugoras Germelqart Hamilcar Hannibal Hanno Hasdrubal Himilco Hiram Mago Maharbal Mattan Metallo Milkherem Milkiram + Paltibaal Philosir + } + female_names = { + Abdosir Arishat Astarte Batnoam Dido Shayna Sophonisba Tamar + } + } +} +chaldean = { + babylonian = { + dynasty_names = { + Amorite Sealand Larsa Kassite + } + male_names = { + Naplanum Emisum Samium Zabaia Gungunum Abisare Sumuel "Nur-Adad" "Sin-Iddinam" "Sin-Eribam" "Sin-Iqisham" "Silli-Adad" "Warad-Sin" "Rim-Sin" Hammurabi "Samsu-iluna" "Su-abu" "Sumu-la-El" "Sabum" "Apil-Sin" "Sin-muballit" Abieshu "Ammi-ditana" "Samsu-Ditana" Ammisaduqa Gandas Agum Kastiliasu "Abi-Rattas" Hurbazum Ulamburiash Karaindash "Enlil-nadin-ahi" Gulkishar + } + female_names = { + Nana Allatu Belit Zirrabanit Tiamat + } + } + assyrian = { + dynasty_names = { Ahmadi Algafari Assadi Homsi Nasser } + male_names = { + Naplanum Emisum Samium Zabaia Gungunum Abisare Sumuel "Nur-Adad" "Sin-Iddinam" "Sin-Eribam" "Sin-Iqisham" "Silli-Adad" "Warad-Sin" "Rim-Sin" Hammurabi "Samsu-iluna" "Su-abu" "Sumu-la-El" "Sabum" "Apil-Sin" "Sin-muballit" Abieshu "Ammi-ditana" "Samsu-Ditana" Ammisaduqa Gandas Agum Kastiliasu "Abi-Rattas" Hurbazum Ulamburiash Karaindash "Enlil-nadin-ahi" Gulkishar + } + female_names = { + Nana Allatu Belit Zirrabanit Tiamat + } + } +} +hittite_group = { + male_names = { + Idmon Manes Atys Lydus Iardanus Agron Meles Myrsus Candaules Myrsilus + Alcaeus Belus Ninus Gyges Ardys Sadyattes Alyattes Croesus Cotys Asies + Tmolus Tantalus Tyrrhenus Torubus Heracles Dascylus Arnossus Arselis + } + female_names = { + Arachne Callirhoe Omphale Nyssia Tudo + } + dynasty_names = { + Aramid Arid Arkhid Asinid Arsacid Deiocid Menid Pacorid + Savacid Vardanid Surenid Karinid Gaumatid Gobryasid + Hydarnid Smerdid Vivanid Xerxid Abadanid Orontid Atropatid + Mithridatid Artiaxid Mihranid Chosroid Artashid Bagabignid Cambysid + Frataraka + Maeoniae Heraclidae Mermnadae + } + luwian = { } + lydian = { } + hittite = { } + phrygian = { } +} +scythian_group = { + scythian = { + dynasty_names = { + Abeacid Galatid Madyid Palacid Partatid + } + male_names = { + Abeacus Apsyrtos Arpharnes Askhkadar Atheas Galat Kuluk Madyes Oltak Palacus Partatua Skilurus Skunxa Spadines Tasius Zanticus Respendial + } + female_names = { + Amage Ghadani Opoin Polemakratia + } + } + sarmatian = { } + male_names = { + Airawanta Ajatasatru Ajite Alp Ambare Ampratasarme Amrataraksite Amratodane Anande Anathapindike Aniruddhe Andhave Anktsas Arjune Aranemi Arnyartate Arslam Arthadarsi Aryamarg Aryaske Aryatewe Aryawarme Aryottame Asokamitre Asokaraksite Asoke Asarte Astawi Atakke Atidivakare Atyuccagami Atraikatte Bimbasare Caitike Caiytiska Cakravar Cakule Candramukhe Candravasu Candre Caracate Cina Cinatyuti Citre Cittaraksite Cowaske Dandakamal Devarakste Dhanike Dipankar Dirghanakhe Dravyasvare Durmukhe Ekasrinke Erkatsole Esmine Etrise Gayakasyape Gayasirs Gaye Gunacamdre Gunasampade Hariscandre Hastake Hetubalike Indradhvaje Indratewe Indre Indriske Issapake Jatisrone Jetavam Jñanacamndre Jñanaghose Jñanakame Jñanakupte Jñanamokse Jñanasene Jñanasome Jñanasthite Jñanawirye Kadike Kalodaye Kalyanamokse Kalyanavraddhi Kalyanawartane Kanake Kanaske Kanthake Kapilavarne Kapilavastu Kas Kasyap Katakarni Kaundinye + Kauravye Kausal Kemarcune Kentarske Kercampey Kercapiske Kerdipole Kereptanne Kimne Klenkarako Klpapatre Klyotiska Kotile Koysam Ksemankare Ksmarjune Ksmawarme Ksmate Ksmateworsa Ksmika Kulkera Kumarapunye Kumpante Kunacamttrakau Kunacamttre Kwirapabhadra Lariska Mahasammate Mahisvare Manisvare Mitrakseme Mitraske Mitre Moksasene Moksasome Moksawarme Molyoke Mukalanti Munkhare Murdhagate Nandabala Nandake Nande Nandipale Nasme Natte Naradeve Nirot Nupura Nyagrodhe Padmakesar Padmottare Pakacandre Pañcasikhi Pawaske Pesane Prabhankare Prabhase Pranada Prasamnake + Pravare Priyadeve Ptompile Puñaiyse Puñakame Puñaraksite Puñicamndre Punyamitre Purtas Rahule Raktadewe Ratnacuda Ratnasikhi Rsivadam Rudramukhe Rudrasarme Sagare Samantatir Samcite Samghatrate Sanavasi Sanghasarme Sankene Sanum Saputanase Sarasike Sarmacamdre Sarsire Satuma Satyake Satyaraksite Sidhasamgha Siladewe Silamitre Silarakite Silaraksi Silasoma Silavande Silawarne Silayase Silopake Simpraye Siñcake Sinke Sinku Skanatatte Skwarle Slacamndre Solarke Some Srestake Sudarse Sudas Suddhodane Sujate Sukase Suklodane Sunaksatre Sunetre Sutasome Sutate Swarnabuspe Swarnatepe Tarmacandre Tarmaraksite Tenare Tohkem Tonke Tukik Tunka Tusi Udanalankar Udayi Ulkamukhe Uluke Upage Upagupte Upanande + Uposathe Urbilvakasyape Uttaraphalguni Uttare Vaisravane Vaitike Varddhane Vidusake Vimalapuspe Vinaise Visale Wamsok Warwattaske Waryaruci Waryasene Wasampile Wasave Wiryadewe Wiryamitre Wiryasanti Wiryasiñi Wisikke Wrauske Yanayase Yarpalaske Yasa Yasawine Yase Yasonaka Yastare Yonge Yonu Ype Yudhisthire Yugaraje + } + female_names = { + Ampratasene Amratasene Arjuna Arunavati Aryakose Aryaraksite Ayardhyame Bhadra Canca Dhrtirastre Jñati Kolite Kosthile Malika Maya Nagasene Priyasarini Punyasene Purike Purnaya Purohite Putere Raknaska Revati Roce Saci Santa Santisene Sari Sthulananda Sudarsane Sumagati Sumaise Sumati Sundari Suwarte Tarmawirne Tartvisara Tati Tisye Upatisye Uppal Uppalavarna Vasisthe Vitasake Yasaraksite Yasodhara + } + dynasty_names = { + Kausalid Gankari Tenarian Ytarimid Tripuskaran Dantapurian + Baransian Yurpaskan Rohinian Vaidan Vaisalian Iksvakuian + Kausikan Sakkan Kasakid Yarkamid Bharukid Cadotid Lyamid Kunlayad + } +} +celts = { + male_names = { + Acco Addedomarus Adiatuanus Adminius Aiorix Ambicatos Andecombogius Aneroestes Ariovistus Arverus Arvirargus Atis Avitus + Bellicianus Bellovesus Boduognatus Boio Boiorix Bolgios Brennus Bricussa Britomaris Brucetius Buite Cailtram Caractacus + Carvilius Cassivellaunus Cattulanus Cartorites Catugnatus Cavarinus Cavarus Celatus Cingetorix Coilus Commios Comux Concolitanus Correus Cottius Crixus + Cunobelinus Diviciacus Divico Donnus Drappes Dubnovellaunus Dumnacus Ducarius Duratios Dumnocoveros Dumnorix Elitovius Etitovius Epatticus + Galan Galba Guiderius Iacus Iccius Immanuentius Inamarcus Inammicus Indutiomarus Kimarcus Lucterius Lugotorix Lutarius Mallaius Mandubracius Marganus Mascelio + Orgetorix Prasutagus Segovax Sinatus Sinorix Sisillius Talorc Tasciovanus Tasgetius Taximagulus Teutomalius Tincomarus Togodumnus Vertiscus + Venutius Viridorix Vosenius Vodenos + } + female_names = { + Aife Airmed Ancasta Banna Billica Boudica Bricta Cata Cartimandua Chiomara Damona Diseta Gwendolen Litavis Iamcilla Maeve Verica + Cingetessa Conna Catia Carssouna Cunovinna Illica Lovernisca Magunna Lucilia Oconea Ria Rosula Senica Sentica Sulicena + Vassura Vinoma Vorvena Urca Veloriga Velibia Totia Titocuna Velbutena Seniciana Senila Vrocata Exuperata Deiana Cunolava Cunsa Aucissa + Allauna Alatucca Aessicunia Bodicacia Britivenda Catissena Cantisena + } + dynasty_names = { + Ambonid Auarosian Audaxian Carosian Culchian Leukian Mandonian + Punician Tautalid Correian Divicid Duratian Elitovian + Galbid Iacid Marganid Sinatid Vodenosian Indutian Dumnid Epatticid + Teutomalian Viridorrian Magunnid Brennid Boian Tannid Iccian Galanid + } + belgian = { } + gaulish = { } + scordiscian = { } + celtiberian = { } +} +dacian_group = { + dynasty_names = { + Adaid Amatokid Aulouporid Aulouzonid Bendidorid Berisadid Bessid Bithid + Brinkainid Brinkazenid Brinkazerid Brinkazid Bryzid Byzid Kelsinid Kelsid + Kersobleptid Kerzulid Ketriporid Kocaid Delid Dentubrisid Dentupid Deopid + Deospurid Desakenthid Diaskenthid Diazenid Dizapid Dizaporid Dizid + Dizazelpid Dolenid Drenid Eptaikenthid Eptapid Eptaporid Eptenid Eptezenid + Ezbenid Gaidrid Hebryzelmid Kenthid Kersid Kersibaulid Kersobleptid + Ketriporid Ketrizeid Kotid Maisadid Markiporid Mukakenthid Mukapaibid + Mukapid Mukaporid Mukatralid Mukazenid Naiporid Oliporid Porid Pytrid + Raizdid Raskid Rekiperid Rhaskid Rhaskuporid Rheboulid Rhesid Rhoemetalkid + Sadalid Satrid Sortid Seikiperid Seuthid Skarid Skilid Skostodokid + Sparatokid Taruthinid Terid Tzitzid Zieisid Ziepyrid Zilid Zipaibid Zipyrid + } - + male_names = { + Adaios Amatokos Aulouporis Aulouzon Bendidoros Berisades Bessos Bithos Brinkainos Brinkazenis Brinkazeris Brinkazis Bryzos Byzas Delos Dentoubrisa Dentoupes Deopos Deosporis Desakenthos Diaskenthos Diazenis Dizapes Dizapor Dizas Dizazelpis Dolens Drenis Eptaikenthos Eptapis Eptaporis Eptenis Eptezenis Ezbenis Gaidres Hebryzelmis Kelsinos Kelsos Kenthos Kerses Kerzoula Kersibaulos Kersobleptes Ketriporis Ketrizeis Kokaios Kotys Maisades Markipor Moukakenthos Moukapaibes Moukapius Moukaporis Moukatralis Moukazenis Naipor Olipor Poris Pytros Raizdos Raskos Rekiper Rhaskos Rhaskuporis Rheboulas Rhesos Rhoemetalces Sadalas Satres Sautes Seikiper Seuthes Skaris Skilas Skostodokos Sparadokos Taruthinas Teres Tzitzis Zieisis Ziepyros Ziles Zipaibes Zipyron + } + + female_names = { + Bendidora Daizo Dentustaina Dentusykos Dida Dinentilla Dizo Drigissa Epteporis Eptepos Eptesykos Ettela Kerza Mania Moka Mokasokos Mukko Mukapora Murko Nanea Purizia Rheskutorme Rhymesikos Sinna Sita Torkoula + } + dacian = { } + thracian = { } +} +tyrrhenian = { + male_names = { + Amtnie Amuni Anche Anthai Aninas Arunth Araz Arzni Arnth Autu Aule Cei Ceile Ceisi + Cire Cnaive Clate Cruthni Cuinte Cursni Fapi Felce Felsnas Fulu Hapre Hirumina Husi + Carcuna Carthasie Ceisie Cavie Larce Laris Larth Larthuza Laucie Lauche Lethei + Licine Lucer Mamurce Marce Murila Numna Pesna Petru Plikasnas Plute Presnte + Pumpu Puplie Cupe Ranazu Rasce Ruvfe Ruifre Sanchuna Scarpe Sethre Spitus Spurie Squrie + Tarchi Teitur Thefri Thucer Ticusna Tite Tlesna Tursikina Tusnute Uchsie Uchulni Usele + Vel Velchaie Velthur Venel Vetus Vipie + } + female_names = { + Anina Aprthni Apunei Arunthia Arzna Arntha Ati Aula Ceia Culni Cursi Cusua Fasthi + Hasthi Hercnei Kanuta Larthi Lethi Luci Matun Metli Numni Pulia Racu Ramtha Ranthu + Ravnthu Satlnei Sela Semni Sethri Squria Squlina Tanchuil Tarcha Teituri Thanchvil + Thana Thefrina Thestia Thuceru Ticusnei Titi Veli Velchina Venela Vesi Vipi + } + dynasty_names = { + Acilu Acrate Apurthe Campane Ceice Cencu Creice Cesu Crespe Curces Cuthna Herma + Latini Nufre Nuste Palpe Papa Prezu Purce Senate Sepu Sinu Trepuni Trepu Tumu Tursikina + Venala Ventese Veru Zalle + } + etrurian = { primary = ETR } + rhaetian = { } + lemnian = { } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/government_names/00_!ZZZ_added_government_names.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/government_names/00_!ZZZ_added_government_names.txt index ae860c0c..3740c181 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/government_names/00_!ZZZ_added_government_names.txt +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/government_names/00_!ZZZ_added_government_names.txt @@ -30,4 +30,81 @@ grand_duchy_monarchy = { primary_culture = finnish } } +} +suffet = { + ruler_male = { + 3 = SUFFET + 2 = SUFFET + } + ruler_female = { + 3 = SUFFET_fem + 2 = SUFFET_fem + } + trigger = { + culture_group = punic_group + } +} +pharaoh = { + rank = { + 3 = EMPIRE + 2 = KINGDOM + } + ruler_male = { + 3 = PHARAOH + 2 = PHARAOH + } + ruler_female = { + 3 = PHARAOH_fem + 2 = PHARAOH_fem + } + trigger = { + religion = kemetism + } +} +ecumenical_patriarch = { + rank = { + 3 = PATRIARCHATE + 2 = PATRIARCHATE + 1 = PATRIARCHATE + } + ruler_male = { + 3 = ECUMENICAL_PATRIARCH + 2 = ECUMENICAL_PATRIARCH + 1 = ECUMENICAL_PATRIARCH + } + ruler_female = { + 3 = ECUMENICAL_MATRIARCH + 2 = ECUMENICAL_MATRIARCH + 1 = ECUMENICAL_MATRIARCH + } + trigger = { government = theocracy religion = orthodox } +} +ruling_prince = { + rank = { + 2 = PRINCEDOM + 1 = PRINCEDOM + } + ruler_male = { + 2 = PRINCE + 1 = PRINCE + } + ruler_female = { + 2 = PRINCESS + 1 = PRINCESS + } + trigger = { OR = { tag = SWI tag = ARM } government = monarchy } +} +dauphin = { + heir_male = { + 1 = DAUPHIN + 2 = DAUPHIN + 3 = DAUPHIN + } + + heir_female = { + 1 = DAUPHIN_fem + 2 = DAUPHIN_fem + 3 = DAUPHIN_fem + } + trigger = { culture_group = french } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/personal_deities/ZZZ_baltic_deities.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/personal_deities/ZZZ_baltic_deities.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0461c75a --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/personal_deities/ZZZ_baltic_deities.txt @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +perkunas = +{ + discipline = 0.05 + leader_land_shock = 1 + + allow = { OR = { religion = baltic_pagan religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 43 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_militarist + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + personality = ai_diplomat + } + } +} + +ausrine = +{ + diplomatic_upkeep = 1 + improve_relation_modifier = 0.10 + + allow = { OR = { religion = baltic_pagan religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 44 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_diplomat + } + } +} + +saule = +{ + production_efficiency = 0.1 + global_trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1 + + allow = { OR = { religion = baltic_pagan religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 45 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + } +} + +laima = +{ + global_unrest = -1 + global_tax_modifier = 0.1 + + allow = { OR = { religion = baltic_pagan religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 46 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + } +} + +gabija = +{ + hostile_attrition = 1.0 + defensiveness = 0.2 + + allow = { OR = { religion = baltic_pagan religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 47 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_militarist + } + } +} + +dievas = +{ + land_morale = 0.1 + core_creation = -0.10 + + allow = { OR = { religion = baltic_pagan religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 48 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_militarist + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + personality = ai_diplomat + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/personal_deities/ZZZ_finnish_deities.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/personal_deities/ZZZ_finnish_deities.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..853c007c --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/personal_deities/ZZZ_finnish_deities.txt @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +ukko = +{ + land_morale = 0.1 + discipline = 0.025 + + allow = { OR = { religion = finnish_pagan religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 31 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_militarist + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + personality = ai_diplomat + } + } +} + +tapio = +{ + hostile_attrition = 1.0 + defensiveness = 0.2 + + allow = { OR = { religion = finnish_pagan religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 32 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_militarist + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + personality = ai_diplomat + } + } +} + +ahti = +{ + naval_morale = 0.20 + navy_tradition = 1 + + allow = { OR = { religion = finnish_pagan religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 33 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_diplomat + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_colonialist + } + } +} + +mielikki = +{ + leader_land_fire = 1 + global_trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1 + + allow = { OR = { religion = finnish_pagan religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 34 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_militarist + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + } +} + +akras = +{ + production_efficiency = 0.1 + manpower_recovery_speed = 0.20 + + allow = { OR = { religion = finnish_pagan religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 35 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_militarist + } + } +} + +tuoni = +{ + global_unrest = -1 + global_tax_modifier = 0.1 + + allow = { OR = { religion = finnish_pagan religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 36 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/personal_deities/ZZZ_germanic_deities.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/personal_deities/ZZZ_germanic_deities.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d46435c --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/personal_deities/ZZZ_germanic_deities.txt @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +tiwaz = +{ + discipline = 0.05 + infantry_power = 0.10 + + allow = { religion = german_pagan } + sprite = 49 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_militarist + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + personality = ai_diplomat + } + } +} + +wodan = +{ + land_morale = 0.1 + core_creation = -0.10 + + allow = { religion = german_pagan } + sprite = 50 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_militarist + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + personality = ai_diplomat + } + } +} + +dunar = +{ + defensiveness = 0.2 + leader_land_shock = 1 + + allow = { religion = german_pagan } + sprite = 51 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_militarist + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + personality = ai_diplomat + } + } +} + +frijjo = +{ + diplomatic_upkeep = 1 + improve_relation_modifier = 0.10 + + allow = { religion = german_pagan } + sprite = 52 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_diplomat + } + } +} + +austro = +{ + production_efficiency = 0.1 + manpower_recovery_speed = 0.20 + + allow = { religion = german_pagan } + sprite = 53 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_militarist + } + } +} + +fraujaz = +{ + global_trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1 + land_attrition = -0.10 + + allow = { religion = german_pagan } + sprite = 54 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/personal_deities/ZZZ_kemetism_deities.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/personal_deities/ZZZ_kemetism_deities.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f377ea69 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/personal_deities/ZZZ_kemetism_deities.txt @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +amun = +{ + global_tax_modifier = 0.1 + navy_tradition = 1 + + allow = { religion = kemetism } + sprite = 55 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_militarist + } + } +} + +maat = +{ + stability_cost_modifier = -0.10 + global_unrest = -1 + + allow = { religion = kemetism } + sprite = 56 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_diplomat + } + } +} + +ra = +{ + hostile_attrition = 1.0 + recover_army_morale_speed = 0.05 + + allow = { religion = kemetism } + sprite = 57 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_militarist + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + } +} + +seth = +{ + infantry_power = 0.1 + global_manpower_modifier = 0.1 + + allow = { religion = kemetism } + sprite = 58 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_militarist + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + } +} + +isis = +{ + heir_chance = 0.50 + manpower_recovery_speed = 0.25 + + allow = { religion = kemetism } + sprite = 59 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_diplomat + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + personality = ai_militarist + } + } +} + +anubis = +{ + global_unrest = -1 + discipline = 0.05 + + allow = { religion = kemetism } + sprite = 60 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_militarist + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/personal_deities/ZZZ_slavic_deities.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/personal_deities/ZZZ_slavic_deities.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d2aecb19 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/personal_deities/ZZZ_slavic_deities.txt @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +perun = +{ + hostile_attrition = 1.0 + defensiveness = 0.2 + + allow = { OR = { religion = slavic_pagan religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 37 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_militarist + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + personality = ai_diplomat + } + } +} + +jarilo = +{ + land_morale = 0.1 + discipline = 0.05 + + allow = { OR = { religion = slavic_pagan religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 38 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_militarist + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + personality = ai_diplomat + } + } +} + +lada = +{ + naval_morale = 0.15 + navy_tradition = 1 + + allow = { OR = { religion = slavic_pagan religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 39 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_diplomat + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_colonialist + } + } +} + +veles = +{ + leader_land_fire = 1 + global_trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1 + + allow = { OR = { religion = slavic_pagan religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 40 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_militarist + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + } +} + +svarog = +{ + production_efficiency = 0.1 + manpower_recovery_speed = 0.20 + + allow = { OR = { religion = slavic_pagan religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 41 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 3 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_militarist + } + } +} + +svetovid = +{ + global_unrest = -1 + global_tax_modifier = 0.1 + + allow = { OR = { religion = slavic_pagan religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + sprite = 42 + + ai_will_do = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 2 + personality = ai_capitalist + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/aramaic.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/aramaic.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cfdfc374 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/aramaic.txt @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +572 = "Ofir" +1749 = "Gader" +382 = "Damesek" +1854 = "Yafo" +379 = "Yerushalayim" +365 = "Sinay" +364 = "Aza" +1855 = "Tzidon" +390 = "Tzan'a" +341 = "Keret Chadeshet" +415 = "Arrapha" +146 = "Atenos" +429 = "Ispahan" +410 = "Bagdad" +395 = "Bet Qatraye" +147 = "Tesaloniqe" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/celts.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/celts.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2cdbb9de --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/celts.txt @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +119 = "Sena" +114 = "Ravna" +178 = "Andecavorum" +180 = "Lemonum" +4389 = "Turonorum" +108 = "Berua" +4740 = "Clauna" +4709 = "Boiodurum" +4239 = "Singidunum" + +372 = "Tiros Esugeni" +373 = "Medios" +374 = "Laigin" +375 = "Lanum Equom" +376 = "Cunovaliaxta" +4119 = "Sleggion" +4120 = "Cella Daru" +4121 = "Ulaith" + +236 = "Londinion" +233 = "Cornovia" +245 = "Eboracom" +247 = "Comrygh" +4365 = "Moniyos" +69 = "Moridunom" +4366 = "Gumorigomagos" +240 = "Toribriga" +239 = "Glevom" +4130 = "Vlatis Sami" +237 = "Damomiatus" +235 = "Cantio" +240 = "Pagensis" +4367 = "Cebno" +239 = "Cagrom Glevom" +249 = "Agrona" +4362 = "Rheged" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/dacian.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/dacian.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..08efa585 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/dacian.txt @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +1765 = "Pulpudeva" +2746 = "Itadeva" +4531 = "Zikideva" +160 = "Giridava" +4532 = "Pelendava" +161 = "Acidava" +2998 = "Nentidava" +1756 = "Buteridava" +4530 = "Polondava" +268 = "Petrodava" +4529 = "Zargidava" +156 = "Arcidava" +1951 = "Singidava" +4128 = "Sacidava" +158 = "Comidava" +157 = "Marcodava" +1952 = "Patridava" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/etrurian.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/etrurian.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..caa15f6a --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/etrurian.txt @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +118 = "Ruma" +2978 = "Areuthes" +2976 = "Persna" +116 = "Birent" +115 = "Pisna" +117 = "Saena" +101 = "Cainua" +1862 = "Charumna" +4730 = "Felsna" +111 = "Huthine" +109 = "Manthva" +104 = "Methlan" +106 = "Mutna" +105 = "Parmna" +4728 = "Pauia" +4739 = "Percumsna" +114 = "Ravna" +4738 = "Tarcste" +110 = "Trenta" +108 = "Verna" +4758 = "Vipitene" +107 = "Vrixia" +4733 = "Aisarna" +119 = "Azcule" +2983 = "Irna" +121 = "Nepulis" +122 = "Tara" +1247 = "Alalia" +2986 = "Caralu" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/frencharab.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/frencharab.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7b8be055 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/frencharab.txt @@ -0,0 +1,637 @@ +73 = "Tirul" +76 = "Salzburgh" +101 = "Januwah" +102 = "Nis" +103 = "Tarunah" +104 = "Milanu" +105 = "Barma" +106 = "Mudina" +107 = "Brisha" +108 = "Firuna" +109 = "Mantufa" +110 = "Trintu" +111 = "Friyuli" +112 = "al-Bunadqiyyah" +113 = "Firara" +114 = "Rumaniyya" +115 = "Biza" +116 = "Fluransa" +117 = "Siyina" +118 = "ar-Rum" +119 = "'Ankuna" +120 = "'Abrutsu" +121 = "Nabuli" +122 = "Salintu" +123 = "Qalawriyyah" +124 = "Massinah" +125 = "Balarm" +127 = "Sasari" +128 = "Klaghinfurt" +129 = "Karniyula" +130 = "'Istriyya" +131 = "Zaghrib" +132 = "Stayriyya" +133 = "Linz" +134 = "Fiyana" +135 = "Shubrun" +136 = "'Asbalatu" +137 = "Raghuza" +138 = "al-Jabal ul-'Aswad" +139 = "al-Hirsak" +140 = "al-Busnah" +141 = "Samandir" +142 = "Kurfu" +143 = "Falurah" +144 = "Yaninah" +145 = "Muriyyah" +146 = "'Athina" +147 = "Thaysaliya" +148 = "Maqduniya" +149 = "'Adrinah" +150 = "Nayqubulas" +151 = "al-Qustantiniyyah" +152 = "Farajdin" +153 = "Bisht" +154 = "'Aqfal Jadidah" +155 = "Bikish" +157 = "Krishana" +158 = "Mawrish" +159 = "Silistra" +160 = "al-'Aflaq" +161 = "Tarjufisht" +162 = "Kushitsah" +163 = "Kirit" +164 = "Naksus" +165 = "Birn" +166 = "Shawiz" +167 = "Rawan" +168 = "Kayn" +169 = "Sant Bariyuk" +170 = "Finistir" +171 = "Fan" +172 = "Nant" +173 = "Bayun" +174 = "Bardil" +175 = "'Ush" +176 = "Bu" +177 = "Law Man" +178 = "'Anjiyyah" +179 = "Burjiz" +180 = "Buwatiyyah" +181 = "Rithl" +182 = "Faluwa" +183 = "Bariz" +184 = "'Urliyansh" +185 = "Namur" +186 = "Rans" +187 = "Bar" +188 = "Mitz" +189 = "Lurin" +190 = "Mulinz" +191 = "Nifir" +192 = "Dayjun" +193 = "Bizansun" +194 = "Birjirak" +195 = "Limuzin" +196 = "Tulusha" +197 = "Birbinya" +198 = "Rudiz" +199 = "Kalirmun" +200 = "Munbiliyyah" +201 = "Marsiliyya" +202 = "'Afinyun" +203 = "Liyun" +204 = "Ghrunubil" +205 = "Shambiri" +206 = "Shant Yakub" +207 = "'Astuiyas" +208 = "Liyun" +209 = "Biskay" +210 = "Banbaluna" +211 = "Washqah" +212 = "Garundah" +213 = "Barshalunah" +214 = "Saraqustah" +215 = "Balad al-Walid" +216 = "Shalamanqah" +217 = "Majrit" +218 = "Batalyaws" +219 = "Tulaytulah" +220 = "Balansiyah" +221 = "Mursiyah" +222 = "al-Mariyyah" +223 = "Gharnatah" +224 = "Isbiliyah" +225 = "Qurtubah" +226 = "Jabal Tariq" +227 = "'Ushbunah" +228 = "al-Thaghr al-'Adna" +229 = "Bajah" +230 = "al-Gharb" +231 = "Burtuqal" +232 = "Braghanza" +268 = "Sujufa" +280 = "Kuyabah" +284 = "al-Qirim" +285 = "Qafa" +287 = "al-Kuban" +295 = "Mosku" +310 = "Salawiyyah" +316 = "Niqumidiyya" +317 = "Bursah" +318 = "Smirna" +319 = "Mughla" +320 = "Rudus" +321 = "Qubrus" +322 = "Kawtahyah" +323 = "Quniyah" +324 = "Larindah" +325 = "Qustamuni" +326 = "'Ankuriyyah" +327 = "'Adnah" +328 = "Sinub" +329 = "Siwas" +330 = "Tarabizun" +331 = "Ardh ur-Rum" +332 = "Mar'ash" +333 = "Mayurqah" +334 = "Tanjah" +335 = "Maliliyyah" +336 = "Tilimsan" +337 = "Wahran" +338 = "al-Jaza'ir" +339 = "Bijayah" +340 = "Qusantinah" +341 = "Tunis" +342 = "ad-Dar al-Bayda'" +344 = "Murrakush" +345 = "'Asfi" +347 = "Sidi Ifni" +349 = "Fikik" +350 = "al-'Aghwat" +351 = "Biskrah" +352 = "al-Qafsah" +353 = "Tathawin" +354 = "Tarabulus al-Gharb" +358 = "al-'Iskandariyyah" +359 = "al-Fayyum" +360 = "al-'Uqsur" +361 = "al-Qahirah" +363 = "Dumyat" +365 = "Sina'" +366 = "Qanariyyah" +367 = "al-'Azur" +368 = "Madira" +378 = "Tarabulus ash-Sham" +379 = "al-Quds" +382 = "Dimashq" +387 = "al-Mukha" +388 = "'Adan" +390 = "San'a'" +398 = "ash-Shariqah" +403 = "Nazwa" +411 = "al-Mawsil" +413 = "Khurramabad" +414 = "Hamidan" +415 = "Karkuk" +416 = "Tibriz" +417 = "Lahijan" +418 = "Diyar Bakr" +419 = "Irifan" +420 = "Kanjah" +421 = "Sharwan" +422 = "'Imiriyati" +423 = "Taflis" +424 = "'Ardibil" +425 = "Bab al-'Abwab" +426 = "Amul" +428 = "Tihran" +429 = "'Asfahan" +430 = "Dashtistan" +431 = "Mukustan" +432 = "Kirman" +434 = "Quhistan" +441 = "Khaywah" +442 = "Bikhara" +444 = "Amul" +445 = "Marw" +446 = "Harat" +447 = "Qandahar" +448 = "Ghaznah" +449 = "Ghur" +451 = "Kabul" +452 = "Bidakhshan" +457 = "Tashqand" +458 = "Khuqand" +460 = "'Awzakand" +462 = "Minaghriliya" +463 = "Sharkesiya" +464 = "Hajji Tarkhan" +466 = "Saray al-Jadid" +468 = "Manij" +476 = "Qifjaq" +507 = "Lahur" +508 = "Kashmir" +517 = "Surat" +522 = "Dahli" +534 = "Qaliqut" +558 = "Batna" +575 = "Kwadar" +578 = "Barashawar" +597 = "Jawhar" +667 = "Khanfu" +684 = "al-Khansah" +788 = "'Anghuj" +965 = "Gharnatah al-Jadida" +1096 = "ar-R'as al-'Akhdar" +1100 = "Mahih" +1101 = "Tashaghus" +1102 = "Dunya al-'Arubah" +1103 = "Dunya Murghabin" +1110 = "'Akadir" +1127 = "Tawat" +1128 = "Tawdanni" +1129 = "'Azawad" +1130 = "Tadmakkah" +1132 = "Tumbuktu" +1183 = "Inhamiban" +1186 = "Safalah" +1192 = "Kilaymani" +1195 = "Muzambiq" +1196 = "Kilwah" +1197 = "Mazizima" +1199 = "Bajamuyu" +1200 = "Tanja" +1201 = "Zanjibar" +1202 = "Mumbasa" +1205 = "Maqadishu" +1206 = "Qardu" +1207 = "'Awghadin" +1208 = "Jabal Sakhri" +1209 = "Barbarah" +1212 = "Zayla'" +1215 = "Tajurah" +1221 = "al-'Ubayyid" +1222 = "al-Jazirah" +1225 = "al-Butanah" +1226 = "al-Bija" +1228 = "Dunqula" +1229 = "Barbar" +1230 = "Massawa'" +1233 = "al-Kharjah" +1247 = "Qurshiqah" +1248 = "al-Maddif" +1318 = "Sibish" +1745 = "Kantabriya" +1746 = "Barghush" +1747 = "Qasarash" +1748 = "Jayyan" +1749 = "Qadis" +1750 = "al-Laqant" +1751 = "Sabtah" +1756 = "Bisarabiyya" +1764 = "Burghas" +1765 = "Sufiyya" +1766 = "Qawsuh" +1767 = "Slafuniyya" +1768 = "Liynz" +1769 = "Ghuritsiyya" +1770 = "Krims" +1771 = "Jabal ul-Kham" +1772 = "Brishburuk" +1773 = "Akhaya" +1774 = "Trifizu" +1827 = "Rashka" +1828 = "al-Hiwaf as-Safaliyyah" +1829 = "Zaytun" +1831 = "Trafuniyya" +1846 = "'Amasiya" +1848 = "'Isbartah" +1851 = "Qulumriyah" +1853 = "Qusturiyyah" +1856 = "'Abkhaziya" +1862 = "Krimuna" +1863 = "Ghrats" +1864 = "Shawmud" +1865 = "Ghant" +1866 = "Namur" +1867 = "Luzanah" +1869 = "Zayurikh" +1870 = "Sant Ghallan" +1871 = "Faliz" +1873 = "Khur" +1875 = "Kuniyu" +1877 = "Sharul" +1879 = "'Alunsun" +1880 = "'Altkirsh" +1882 = "'Annabah" +1933 = "Bari" +1934 = "Butinsa" +1951 = "'Alba Yulya" +1952 = "Maramawris" +1953 = "Nayrighhaza" +1954 = "Banat" +1973 = "Jurjaniyyah" +1967 = "Khujandah" +1968 = "Kulab" +2024 = "Gharuwa" +2073 = "Baltistan" +2074 = "Ladakh" +2099 = "Kandi" +2195 = "'Adighiyya" +2196 = "Ghayuriya" +2197 = "Qabarda" +2199 = "Tarki" +2201 = "Maghas" +2202 = "Qurat Bagh" +2203 = "Kakhiti" +2204 = "Qars" +2205 = "Nakhjuwan" +2206 = "'Arumiyyah" +2207 = "Maraghah" +2208 = "Kizlar" +2209 = "'Aylam" +2210 = "Kirmanshah" +2211 = "'Erdilaniyun" +2212 = "Zanjan" +2213 = "Qum" +2214 = "Jurjan" +2215 = "Qazwin" +2216 = "Samnan" +2219 = "Linjah" +2223 = "Laristan" +2225 = "Bamiyan" +2226 = "Jalalabad" +2227 = "Qunduz" +2228 = "Maymanah" +2229 = "Busta" +2230 = "Nimaruz" +2231 = "Bilah" +2233 = "Jabahar" +2235 = "Sabziwar" +2236 = "Bijnurd" +2296 = "Baliq 'Asir" +2297 = "Maghnisa" +2298 = "'Anutaliyyah" +2299 = "Bithiniyya" +2300 = "Yuzghat" +2301 = "Qaysariyyah" +2302 = "Marsin" +2303 = "Malatiyah" +2305 = "'Arzinjan" +2307 = "Wan" +2308 = "ar-Ruha" +2309 = "Sanjar" +2313 = "'Antakiyyah" +2314 = "Dayr az-Zawr" +2315 = "as-Suways" +2316 = "al-Gharbiyyah" +2317 = "al-Minyah" +2318 = "al-Wahat al-Bahriyah" +2320 = "Ras Gharib" +2321 = "al-Qusayr" +2325 = "Marsa Matruh" +2326 = "al-Bardiyah" +2340 = "al-Kuwayt" +2343 = "Say'un" +2347 = "al-'Ahsa" +2362 = "Jurjaniyyah al-Qadima" +2405 = "Bindar" +2410 = "Bakhtshisaray" +2417 = "Kuma" +2448 = "Fizzan" +2449 = "al-Jufrah" +2450 = "Ghadames" +2451 = "Misratah" +2452 = "Zuwarah" +2453 = "Safaqis" +2454 = "al-Kaf" +2455 = "Banzart" +2456 = "Tuqurt" +2457 = "Mzab" +2458 = "Hodnah" +2459 = "at-Tattari" +2460 = "Sawrah" +2461 = "ad-Dahrah" +2462 = "al-Wansharis" +2463 = "al-Qasdir" +2465 = "Wajdah" +2466 = "Dra'ah" +2467 = "Meknas" +2468 = "Tadlah" +2469 = "Dukkalah" +2470 = "Haha" +2472 = "Warqalah" +2473 = "Susah" +2746 = "Fidin" +2750 = "Filibbah" +2751 = "Qunkah" +2753 = "'Arbunah" +2754 = "al-Mansha" +2755 = "Madinat Salim" +2764 = "'Awsa" +2765 = "'Assab" +2766 = "Mandifira" +2773 = "Mura" +2774 = "Kismayu" +2775 = "Markah" +2776 = "'Afjuyya" +2777 = "Bardara" +2778 = "Wardar" +2779 = "'Afdar" +2780 = "Bilad Wayn" +2781 = "Ghidu" +2782 = "Wa'arshaykh" +2783 = "Hubya" +2784 = "Jalka'yu" +2785 = "al-Bur" +2786 = "Bawsasu" +2787 = "al-Hamasin" +2788 = "Hafun" +2789 = "Lasqoray" +2790 = "Sanaj" +2792 = "Tughdayr" +2793 = "Harjaysa" +2794 = "Barawah" +2795 = "Maraj" +2796 = "Beyt" +2798 = "Suba" +2800 = "Kusti" +2954 = "Jarbah" +2976 = "Biruja" +2977 = "'Urbinu" +2978 = "'Aritsu" +2979 = "Nufara" +2980 = "Lukka" +2981 = "Munfiratu" +2982 = "Sirqusah" +2983 = "Salirnu" +2984 = "Kushintah" +2985 = "Fudja" +2986 = "Kaliyari" +2987 = "at-Thaghr al-A'la" +2988 = "Tarkunah" +2989 = "'Arnit" +2990 = "Tirwal" +2991 = "Furqalkiyyah" +2992 = "Albingha" +2998 = "Buzaw" +2999 = "Hurmuz" +3000 = "Nish" +3001 = "Skubiyyah" +3002 = "Sarayifu" +3003 = "Wabiyyah" +4020 = "Qamar" +4033 = "al-Qadarif" +4049 = "'Ibu" +4111 = "Shans" +4112 = "Kahur" +4125 = "Sulnuk" +4126 = "Zayjid" +4128 = "Transilfaniyya" +4150 = "Yaburah" +4173 = "Sirim" +4174 = "Duraj" +4175 = "Shqudrah" +4176 = "Branitshifu" +4236 = "Trintshin" +4239 = "Bilghrad" +4240 = "Fiyr" +4289 = "Tustar" +4290 = "al-Hawizah" +4292 = "Mardin" +4293 = "'Arbil" +4294 = "as-Sulaymaniyyah" +4295 = "Hisn Kayfa" +4296 = "Badlis" +4298 = "'Ayntab" +4299 = "Shamakhi" +4300 = "Mayanah" +4302 = "Bayazid" +4303 = "'Ultu" +4304 = "Khuy" +4305 = "Shaki" +4306 = "Qumuq" +4307 = "Aq Saray" +4308 = "Lawudikiyya" +4309 = "Tralis" +4310 = "Tafriqah" +4311 = "'Afyun" +4312 = "Daruliyyah" +4313 = "Janqiri" +4314 = "Qarashahir" +4315 = "Tuqad" +4316 = "ash-Sharqiyah" +4317 = "al-Buhayrah" +4319 = "'Isna" +4320 = "Jirja" +4323 = "al-Farafrah" +4324 = "Ghuriyan" +4325 = "Sarkhas" +4326 = "Naysabur" +4331 = "Kazirun" +4335 = "Qasan" +4337 = "Sawah" +4338 = "Sultaniyyah" +4339 = "Rasht" +4342 = "'Idhaj" +4343 = "Tirmidh" +4345 = "Sa'idabad" + +4384 = "Rin" +4385 = "Shirbur" +4386 = "Fundiyyah" +4387 = "'Anghulim" +4388 = "Shartr" +4389 = "Tur" +4390 = "Truwa" +4391 = "Fifirz" +4392 = "'Awksar" +4454 = "Burbandar" +4457 = "Kinbaya" +4503 = "Mansurah" +4529 = "Yash" +4531 = "Jurju" +4532 = "Sifirin" +4546 = "Malaqah" +4547 = "al-Basit" +4548 = "Walbah" +4549 = "Shatibah" +4550 = "Kastiyun" +4551 = "Abilah" +4552 = "Balinthiya" +4553 = "Samurah" +4554 = "Lughu" +4555 = "Buntifidra" +4556 = "'Awiru" #'Afiru +4557 = "Qala'at 'Ayyub" +4558 = "'Awrinsi" +4559 = "Manurqah" +4560 = "Yabisah" +4561 = "Tittawan" +4563 = "Sala" +4564 = "'Anfa" +4565 = "Tanrif" +4566 = "al-Qayrawan" +4568 = "Damnat" + +4685 = "Qaraghandi" +4686 = "'Ikibastuz" +4687 = "Khaqan-Kimak" +4691 = "'Ubi" +4692 = "Turghay" + +4694 = "Fwa" +4695 = "Qarqashunah" +4696 = "Tulun" +4697 = "Ghiri" +4698 = "Kifalunya" +4699 = "Arta" +4700 = "Lisbus" +4701 = "Kurinth" +4702 = "Sirris" +4703 = "Kyustindil" +4704 = "Tarnufu" +4705 = "Kumutini" +4706 = "Tulja", Tultsha +4719 = "Bris" +4720 = "Janif" +4721 = "Friburj" +4722 = "'Ilants" +4727 = "Salus" +4728 = "Babiyyah" +4729 = "Baduwah" +4730 = "Bulunya" +4731 = "Sbulitu" +4732 = "Tirajina" +4733 = "Mulizi" +4734 = "'Afilinu" +4735 = "'Arburya" +4736 = "Tarabanash" +4737 = "Jirjant" +4738 = "'Istajanku" +4739 = "Birghamu" +4740 = "Kumu" +4750 = "Kruyah" +4751 = "Tsili" +4752 = "Riyika" +4753 = "Jadarah" +4754 = "Kutur" +4755 = "Wishikhrad" +4756 = "Bilufar" +4757 = "Falyifu" +4758 = "Miran" +4759 = "Filah" +4762 = "Sant Bultin" +4764 = "Salin" +4765 = "Miluz" +4766 = "Firdan" +4769 = "Lil" +4770 = "Sirtukhimbus" +4776 = "Balwah" +4777 = "Munbrizun" +4779 = "Jalibuli" +4780 = "'Akhridah" +4787 = "Shantarin" +4788 = "Blasinthya" +4789 = "Shiqubiyyah" diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/hittite_group.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/hittite_group.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed61e03f --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/hittite_group.txt @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +2297 = "Arzawa" +4309 = "Millawanda" +319 = "Karkija" +2298 = "Lukka" +1848 = "Kuwaliya" +322 = "Masa" +4312 = "Pitassa" +326 = "Hattusa" +323 = "Tuwanuwa" +324 = "Karadag" +2302 = "Tarhuntassa" +327 = "Kizzuwadna" +2301 = "Kanesh" +2300 = "Ankuwa" +329 = "Tegarama" +2303 = "Hahhum" +328 = "Tummanna" +1846 = "Kaska" +325 = "Nerik" +2313 = "Alalah" +321 = "Alasiya" +2296 = "Wilusha" # Troy \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/israelite.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/israelite.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cfdfc374 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/israelite.txt @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +572 = "Ofir" +1749 = "Gader" +382 = "Damesek" +1854 = "Yafo" +379 = "Yerushalayim" +365 = "Sinay" +364 = "Aza" +1855 = "Tzidon" +390 = "Tzan'a" +341 = "Keret Chadeshet" +415 = "Arrapha" +146 = "Atenos" +429 = "Ispahan" +410 = "Bagdad" +395 = "Bet Qatraye" +147 = "Tesaloniqe" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/old_pommeranian.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/old_pommeranian.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b6e8d714 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/old_pommeranian.txt @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +13 = "Szlezwik" +32 = "Prioziersk" +33 = "Newa" +34 = "Ingria" +35 = "Ozylia" +36 = "Rewal" +37 = "Liwlandia" +38 = "Ryga" +39 = "Goldynga" +41 = "Krlewiec" +42 = "Warmia" +43 = { "Gdansk" "Gdansk" } +45 = "Lubeka" +46 = "Roztoka" +47 = "Strzalw" +48 = "Kolobrzeg" +49 = "Santok" +50 = "Rypin" +52 = "Dziewin" +53 = "Glain" # Polabian +57 = "Brunszwik" +58 = "Desawa" +59 = "Biala Gora" +60 = "Budziszyn" +61 = "Drezno" +62 = "Lipsk" +63 = "Jarobrd" +65 = "Monachium" +67 = "Norymberga" +69 = "Grna Szwabia" +72 = "Bryzgowia" +75 = "Strasburg" +78 = "Moguncja" +80 = "Trewir" +81 = "Hesja" +82 = "Westfalia" +83 = "Nassawa" +85 = "Kolonia" +86 = "Monastyr" +110 = "Trydent" +128 = "Dolna Karyntia" +129 = "Kraina" +133 = "Linec" +134 = "Wieden" +151 = "Carogrd" +162 = "Zemplin" +165 = "Berno" +262 = "Krakw" +263 = "Racibrz" +264 = "Wroclaw" +266 = "Praga" +267 = "Pilzno" +268 = "Suczawa" +270 = "Troki" +271 = "Zmudz" +272 = "Wilno" +273 = "Inflanty" +274 = "Pskw" +275 = "Polock" +277 = "Brzesc" +279 = "Wolyn" +280 = "Kijw" +281 = "Podole" +282 = "Jedysan" +283 = "Zaporoze" +284 = "Krym" +285 = "Kaffa" +286 = "Azow" +289 = "Czernichw" +290 = "Poltawa" +291 = "Charkw" +292 = "Mohylew" +294 = "Twer" +295 = "Moskwa" +297 = "Briansk" +299 = "Woronez" +301 = "Riazan" +303 = "Saratw" +302 = "Tambow" +306 = "Nizny Nowogrd" +307 = "Wlodzimierz" +308 = "Jaroslaw" +309 = "Oloniec" +310 = "Nowogrd" +311 = "Cholm" +312 = "Bieloziero" +313 = "Archangielsk" +314 = "Wologda" +464 = "Astrachan" +466 = "Saraj" +468 = "Manycz" +475 = "Baszkortostan" +767 = "Szczytno" +771 = "Witebsk" +1079 = "Wiatka" +1081 = "Symbirsk" +1083 = "Wietluga" +1177 = { "Przyladek Dobrej Nadziei" "Kapsztad" } +1318 = "Spisz" +1752 = "Rzew" +1755 = "Ustiug" +1756 = "Besarabia" +1757 = "Gorny Palatynat" +1758 = "Hanower" +1759 = "Postapin" +1760 = "Koblencja" +1761 = "Palatynat" +1763 = "Luzyce" +1769 = "Gorycja" +1771 = "Rudawy" +1772 = "Bratyslawa" +1772 = "Pozon" +1775 = "Holsztyn" +1778 = "Kasimow" +1837 = "Dorpat" +1841 = "Malbork" +1842 = "Narwa" +1858 = "Szczecin" +1863 = "Grodziec" +1869 = "Zurych" +1873 = "Gryzonia" +1874 = "Brema" +1878 = "Akwizgran" +1935 = "Mitawa" +1936 = "Kowno" +1941 = "Turw" +1942 = "Zytomierz" +1943 = "Braclaw" +1944 = "Czerkasy" +1945 = "Siewierszczyzna" +1952 = "Marmarosz" +1955 = "Cholmogory" +1957 = "Galicz" +1959 = "Torzok" +1960 = "Ostrw" +1966 = "Czelabinsk" +1971 = "Carycyn" +1972 = "Udmurcja" +1974 = "Cherson" +2405 = "Tehinia" +2406 = "Oczakw" +2407 = "Perejaslaw" +2408 = "Lipieck" +2409 = "Bachmut" +2410 = "Teodoro" +2411 = "Kudak" +2412 = "Melitopol" +2414 = "Tichorieck" +2415 = "Chopior" +2419 = "Syzran" +2420 = "Agidel" +2421 = "Czystopol" +2422 = "Czeboksary" +2424 = "Przemysl" +2427 = "Bielojarskij" +2444 = "Zlatoust" +2749 = "Tichwin" +2956 = "Strubina" +2957 = "Ratyzbona" +2958 = "Ostrda" +2959 = "Tarnw" +2961 = "Lww" +2962 = "Rwne" +2963 = "Naklo" +2964 = "Hawolin" +2966 = "Glogw" +2967 = "Cheb" +2968 = "Budziejowice" +2969 = "Lubusz" +2970 = "Hradec" +2993 = "Przeslaw" +2994 = "Wologoszcz" +2995 = "Slupsk" +2996 = "Wyszomierz" +2997 = "Tuchola" +4115 = "Mozyrz" +4117 = "Biezeck" +4122 = "Szenkursk" +4129 = "Stary Perm" +4236 = "Trenczyn" +4237 = "Olomuniec" +4238 = "Lignica" +4241 = "Kies" +4243 = "Toropiec" +4244 = "Trubczewsk" +4245 = "Wiazma" +4246 = "Mscislaw" +4260 = "Wysnij Woloczok" +4708 = "Fryzynga" +4709 = "Pasawa" +4712 = "Konstancja" +4720 = "Genewa" +4744 = "Cwikw" +4747 = "Drawsko" +4759 = "Grna Karyntia" +4765 = "Miluza" +4773 = "Getynga" +4778 = "Zgorzelice" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/old_prussian.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/old_prussian.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..beb2d8a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/old_prussian.txt @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +12 = "Azzarastaut" +15 = "Sird Juttaut" +29 = "Tawasttaut" +35 = "Smsala" +37 = "Livonija" +38 = "Ringa" +39 = "Kuldga" +40 = "Mmeli" +41 = "Kunnegsgarbs" +42 = "Wrmi" +43 = "Gudnits" +57 = "Brnaskims" +90 = "Tiltan" +91 = "Henneskrits" +94 = "Luksemburgan" +118 = "Rma" +135 = "Odenpils" +143 = "Albnija" +151 = "Mstan Kizerin" +193 = "Pawrpai Grwista" +211 = "Pirenjai" +257 = "Wrawa" +266 = "Prga" +268 = "Mldaw" +272 = "Wilni" +273 = "Lattigala" +767 = "Ortelpils" +1174 = "Zuwwisteni" +1177 = "Rags Labban Nadruwsnas" +1841 = "Marjaspils" +1834 = "Trbata" +1859 = "Kulmus" +1931 = "Dinafrstaut" +1935 = "Jlgab" +1936 = "Krmstun" +1937 = "Saddai" +1951 = "Gelzaskupawa" +2958 = "Druvincia" +4241 = "Csis" +4765 = "ukruwjasbuti" +4767 = "Dwitilti" +4770 = "Ercgaskrna" + +493 = "Swints Thomas" +2258 = "Debkai Frdrichaspils" + +1306 = "Swints Thomas" +1103 = "Sal Sentsnas" +1997 = "Sal Pusainas Pintis" +1988 = "Sal Paskis" +1098 = "Swintai Helena" + +1987 = "Pernis Sallas" +1096 = "Zallis Rags" +782 = "Pannustaut" +1995 = "Lkutas Sallas" + +295 = "Maskwa" +4721 = "Pawrpa Pils" +4128 = "Kunnegasdubnai" +4240 = "Gailpils" +4725 = "Nawwan Buttan" +4127 = "Turnaspils" +4764 = "Slisspaktas" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/oldspain.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/oldspain.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f785f407 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/oldspain.txt @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +230 = "Kalathoussa" +224 = "Portus Menesthai" +4548 = "Tartessos" +1749 = "Gadir" +4546 = "Malaka" +223 = "Sexs" +221 = "Abdera" +1750 = "Carthago Nova" +4560 = "Ebusus" +2988 = "Salauris" +213 = "Kallipolis" +212 = "Emporios" +197 = "Rhode" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/outremer.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/outremer.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4685c16f --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/outremer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +356 = "Hespéris" +357 = "Darnis" +358 = {"Alexandria" "Alexandria" } +360 = "Caene" +361 = "Cairo" +362 = "Rosetta" +363 = "Damietta" +364 = "Seleucia" +377 = "Alep" +379 = { "Terra Sancta" "Hierosolyma" } +382 = "Damascus" +388 = "Aden" +410 = "Babylon" +411 = "Ninive" +1854 = "Naples-ès-Croix" +2313 = "Antioch" +2315 = "Colzum" +2326 = "Petra Libyca" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/phoenician.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/phoenician.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0f899ea6 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/phoenician.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +123 = "Lokri" +125 = "Ziz" +126 = "Mliet" +127 = "Olbia Rasna" +219 = "Eltolad" +222 = "Urki" +226 = "Qarta" +321 = "Sela" +334 = "Tinga" +335 = "Rusaddir" +339 = "Zalda" +340 = "Qirtan" +341 = "Qart Hadasht" +354 = "Lapki" +378 = "Athar" +1247 = "Alali" +1749 = "Agadir" +1854 = "Joffa" +1855 = "Sidun" +1882 = "Ubon Massylia" +2453 = "A'qola" +2454 = "Sika" +2455 = "Ubon" +2982 = "Beerot" +2986 = "Karali" +2992 = "Manahat" +4546 = "Malaka" +4551 = "Avel" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/punic_group.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/punic_group.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0f899ea6 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/punic_group.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +123 = "Lokri" +125 = "Ziz" +126 = "Mliet" +127 = "Olbia Rasna" +219 = "Eltolad" +222 = "Urki" +226 = "Qarta" +321 = "Sela" +334 = "Tinga" +335 = "Rusaddir" +339 = "Zalda" +340 = "Qirtan" +341 = "Qart Hadasht" +354 = "Lapki" +378 = "Athar" +1247 = "Alali" +1749 = "Agadir" +1854 = "Joffa" +1855 = "Sidun" +1882 = "Ubon Massylia" +2453 = "A'qola" +2454 = "Sika" +2455 = "Ubon" +2982 = "Beerot" +2986 = "Karali" +2992 = "Manahat" +4546 = "Malaka" +4551 = "Avel" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/slovak.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/slovak.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..17446422 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/slovak.txt @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +13 = "Slesvicko" +40 = "Klajpeda" +41 = "Krlovec" +42 = "Varmie" +43 = "Gdansk" +44 = "Hamburk" +45 = "Lubek" +46 = "Roztoky" +48 = "Kolobreh" +49 = "Nov Marka" +52 = "Devn" +55 = "Oldenburk" +57 = "Brunsvik" +59 = "Wittenberk" +60 = "Budysn" +61 = "Drzdany" +62 = "Lipsko" +63 = "Jarobrod" +65 = "Mnichov" +66 = "Bamberk" +67 = "Norimberk" +69 = "Horn Svabsko" +72 = "Breisgavsko" +73 = "Tyrolsko" +74 = "Badensko" +75 = "Strasburk" +76 = "Solnohrad" +78 = "Mohuc" +79 = "Vircpurk" +80 = "Trevr" +81 = "Hesensko" +82 = "Vestfalsko" +83 = "Nasavsko" +85 = "Koln" +89 = "Pikardie" +90 = "Bruggy" +91 = "Henegavsko" +93 = "Lutych" +94 = "Lucembursko" +96 = "Zeland" +97 = "Holandsko" +99 = "Geldern" +100 = "Frsko" +101 = "Janov" + +110 = "Tridentsko" +111 = "Furlansko" +112 = "Bentky" +116 = "Florencie" +118 = "Rm" +121 = "Neapol" +123 = "Kalbrie" +128 = "Korutany" +129 = "Kransko" +130 = "Istrie" +131 = "Zhreb" +132 = "Strsko" +133 = "Linec" +134 = "Vden" +137 = "Dubrovnik" +140 = "Bosna" +141 = "Srbsko" +142 = "Korfu" +143 = "Albnie" +146 = "Athny" +147 = "Theslie" +148 = "Makedonie" +149 = "Drinopol" +151 = "Carihrad" +152 = "Varazdin" +154 = "Nov Zmky" +158 = "Maruse" +160 = "Oltenie" +161 = "Trhoviste" +163 = "Krta" +168 = "Normandie" +174 = "Akvitnie" +175 = "Armanak" +183 = "Pariz" +184 = "Orlen" +188 = "Mety" +189 = "Lotrinsko" +192 = "Burgundsko" +193 = "Svobodn hrabstv" +201 = "Provenslsko" +203 = "Lyon" +207 = "Asturie" +209 = "Biskajsko" +220 = "Valencie" +227 = "Lisabon" +236 = "Londn" + +253 = "Zapadn ostrovy" +255 = "Kalis" +257 = "Varsava" +259 = "Sandomer" +261 = "Halic" +262 = "Krakov" +264 = "Vratislav" +266 = "Praha" +268 = "Moldvie" +269 = "Podles" +270 = "Troky" +271 = "Zmud" +272 = "Vilno" +279 = "Volyn" +280 = "Kyjev" +285 = "Feodosija" +288 = "Doln Don" +289 = "Cernihiv" +291 = "Charkov" +292 = "Mohylev" +299 = "Voronez" + +301 = "Rjazan" +306 = "Doln Novgorod" +308 = "Jaroslavl" +320 = "Rhodos" +321 = "Kypr" +333 = "Balery" +334 = "Tanger" +344 = "Marraks" +358 = "Alexandrie" +361 = "Khira" +365 = "Sinaj" +366 = "Kanry" +367 = "Azory" +369 = "Orkneje" +379 = "Jeruzalm" +382 = "Damasek" +395 = "Katar" +396 = "Bahrajn" +400 = "Maskat" +410 = "Bagdd" +419 = "Jerevan" + +481 = "Bermudy" +482 = "Bahamy" +487 = "Jamajka" +492 = "Portoriko" +493 = "Svat Toms" +494 = "Svat Krystof" +498 = "Martinik" +499 = "Svat Lucie" +500 = "Svat Vincent" +522 = "Dill" +524 = "Stredn Doab" +529 = "Severn Konkan" +530 = "Jizn Konkan" +531 = "Severn Kanara" +546 = "Vychodn Berar" +548 = "Zapadn Berar" +556 = "Doln Doab" +561 = "Benglsk delta" +574 = "Andamany" +635 = "Zapadn Timor" +636 = "Brunej" + +667 = "Kanton" +668 = "Macao" +669 = "Fu-cou" +670 = "Kan-cou" +671 = "Cchang-sa" +674 = "Kuej-jang" +676 = "Zikace" +679 = "Ccheng-tu" +680 = "Cchung-cching" +681 = "I-cchang" +683 = "Nan-cchang" +684 = "Chang-cou" +685 = "Jang-cou" +686 = "An-cching" +687 = "Nan-jang" +688 = "Kchaj-feng" +689 = "Chan-cung" +690 = "Cching-cou" +691 = "Ti-nan" +696 = "Pao-ting" +697 = "Ta-tchung" +698 = "Ning-sia" +699 = "Lan-cou" +700 = "Si-an" +703 = "Ccheng-te" +708 = "Cang-jie" +726 = "Sen-jang" +727 = "Ajgun" + +762 = "Svat Toms" +767 = "Ortelsburk" +770 = "Braslav" +1020 = "Kjoto" +1032 = "Kurily" +1033 = "Sachalin" +1034 = "Kamcatka" +1059 = "Vchodn Tunguska" +1061 = "Zpadn Tunguska" +1095 = "Falklandy" +1096 = "Kapverdy" +1098 = "Svat Helena" +1099 = "Sokotra" +1102 = "Mauricius" +1119 = "Peprov pobrez" +1126 = "Pobrez Slonoviny" +1139 = "Zlat pobrez" +1164 = "Kamerun" +1173 = "Nambie" +1177 = "Mys" +1195 = "Mosambik" +1205 = "Mogadisu" +1238 = "Salamounovy ostrovy" +1240 = "Havaj" +1242 = "Fidzi" +1244 = "Gambierovy ostrovy" + +1247 = "Korsika" +1248 = "Maledivy" + +1306 = "Svat Toms" + +1724 = "Limburk" +1744 = "Antverpy" +1745 = "Kantabrie" +1752 = "Rzev" +1756 = "Besarbie" +1757 = "Horni Falc" +1759 = "Postupim" +1760 = "Koblenc" +1761 = "Falc" +1763 = "Dolni Luzice" +1765 = "Sofie" +1767 = "Slavonie" +1768 = "Linec" +1769 = "Gorice" +1770 = "Rakusy" +1771 = "Rudohori" +1772 = "Presporok" +1773 = "Achaja" +1775 = "Holstynsko" + +1816 = "Peking" +1821 = "Nanking" +1822 = "Su-cou" +1824 = "Wen-cou" +1827 = "Raska" +1828 = "Doln Kraj" +1833 = "Ti-an" +1836 = "Luo-jang" +1838 = "Che-fej" +1840 = "Kuej-lin" +1841 = "Malbork" +1856 = "Abchzie" +1857 = "Lauenburk" +1858 = "Stetin" +1859 = "Chlumno" +1863 = "Styrsky Hradec" +1865 = "Gent" +1868 = "Auspurk" +1869 = "Curych" +1870 = "Svaty Havel" +1871 = "Valais" +1874 = "Bremy" +1878 = "Cachy" +1881 = "Svat Martin" + +1931 = "Vchodn Frsko" +1935 = "Mitava" +1944 = "Cerkasy" +1945 = "Severie" +1957 = "Kalis" +1978 = "Shetlandy" +1979 = "Faerske ostrovy" +1986 = "Nov Kaledonie" +1987 = "Spolecensk ostrovy" +1988 = "Velikonocn ostrov" +1991 = "Gilbertovy ostrovy" +1993 = "Marshallovy ostrovy" +1995 = "Mikronsie" +1998 = "Vnocn ostrov" +1999 = "Kokosov ostrov" +2002 = "Galapgy" +2025 = "Jizn Georgie" +2029 = "Jizn Kanara" +2060 = "Horni Doab" + +2124 = "Jarkend" +2129 = "Changthang" +2131 = "Chamdo" +2137 = "Ta-ming" +2139 = "Lan-cou" +2140 = "Jang-cou" +2142 = "Chuaj-an" +2143 = "Feng-jang" +2144 = "Fu-jang" +2145 = "Cen-tiang" +2147 = "Chuej-cou" +2149 = "Ning-po" +2150 = "Tin-chua" +2163 = "Liou-cou" +2164 = "Nan-nin" +2165 = "Pchu-er" +2167 = "Li-tiang" +2168 = "Po-cou" +2171 = "Siang-jang" +2172 = "Ting-cou" +2174 = "Cheng-jang" +2176 = "Sang-cchiou" +2179 = "Jen-an" +2180 = "Tchien-suej" +2181 = "Pching-liang" +2184 = "Si-ning" + +2313 = "Antiochie" +2424 = "Premysl" + +2954 = "Dzerba" +2956 = "Strubina" +2957 = "Rezno" +2958 = "Ostroda" +2959 = "Tarnov" +2960 = "Novy Sadec" +2961 = "Lvov" +2962 = "Rovn" +2964 = "Stara Marka" +2965 = "Fojtsko" +2966 = "Hlohov" +2967 = "Cheb" +2969 = "Sternberk" +2975 = "Klvsko" +2982 = "Syrakusy" +2995 = "Slupsk" + +4020 = "Komory" +4124 = "Karlie" +4238 = "Lehnice" +4239 = "Belehrad" +4708 = "Frisinky" +4712 = "Kostnice" +4717 = "Barout" +4720 = "eneva" +4744 = "Cvikov" +4760 = "Innsk Bavory" +4762 = "Vdensky les" +4765 = "Mylhzy" +4778 = "Zhorelec" diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/thracian.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/thracian.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dff00572 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/thracian.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +1765 = "Strymon" +149 = "Purdae" +2750 = "Pizos" +4704 = "Pannas" +147 = "Mygdonia" +1764 = "Kabyle" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/tyrrhenian.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/tyrrhenian.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..caa15f6a --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/province_names/tyrrhenian.txt @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +118 = "Ruma" +2978 = "Areuthes" +2976 = "Persna" +116 = "Birent" +115 = "Pisna" +117 = "Saena" +101 = "Cainua" +1862 = "Charumna" +4730 = "Felsna" +111 = "Huthine" +109 = "Manthva" +104 = "Methlan" +106 = "Mutna" +105 = "Parmna" +4728 = "Pauia" +4739 = "Percumsna" +114 = "Ravna" +4738 = "Tarcste" +110 = "Trenta" +108 = "Verna" +4758 = "Vipitene" +107 = "Vrixia" +4733 = "Aisarna" +119 = "Azcule" +2983 = "Irna" +121 = "Nepulis" +122 = "Tara" +1247 = "Alalia" +2986 = "Caralu" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/rebel_types/01_converted_rebel_types.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/rebel_types/01_converted_rebel_types.txt index 960f7f73..f73e6fe9 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/rebel_types/01_converted_rebel_types.txt +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/rebel_types/01_converted_rebel_types.txt @@ -12289,4 +12289,2914 @@ mardukism_rebels = { force_converted = yes } } +} +germanic_pagan_rebels = { + + area = nation # Sticks to provinces of their nation + government = theocracy # Desires Theocracy + religion = germanic_pagan + defection = religion # Defects to countries of their religion + defect_delay = 120 # Held provinces will auto-defect after 18 months, regardless of accept/enforce demands. + independence = none # Does not strive for independence + unit_transfer = yes + gfx_type = culture_province + + resilient = no + reinforcing = yes + general = yes + smart = yes + + artillery = 0.0 + infantry = 0.7 + cavalry = 0.3 + + morale = 1.1 + + # Possible handle actions + handle_action_negotiate = yes + handle_action_stability = yes + handle_action_build_core = yes + handle_action_send_missionary = yes + + # The rebel type with the highest modifier for this province gets picked + spawn_chance = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + is_overseas = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + owner = { religion = ROOT } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + NOT = { religion = germanic_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + tolerance_to_this = 5 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + tolerance_to_this = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 5.0 + owner = { has_country_flag = religious_turmoil } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2000 + has_missionary = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = 1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -2 } + } + } + + # This is checked for EACH province in the Area of Operations + movement_evaluation = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + units_in_province = 1 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + controlled_by = REB + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + religion = germanic_pagan + owner = { religion = germanic_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2.0 + NOT = { religion = germanic_pagan } + any_neighbor_province = { + religion = germanic_pagan + NOT = { has_province_modifier = "forced_conversion" } + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 4 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 6 + } + } + + # Province Scope + siege_won_trigger = { + NOT = { + AND = { + owned_by = PAP + is_capital = yes + } + } + } + siege_won_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + religion = germanic_pagan + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "religious_violence" + duration = 730 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = germanic_pagan } + } + change_religion = germanic_pagan + add_province_modifier = { + name = "forced_conversion" + duration = 730 + } + } + } + + # Country scope + can_negotiate_trigger = { + religion_group = pagan + } + + # Country scope + can_enforce_trigger = { + always = yes + } + + # Localisation for their demands + demands_description = "generic_rebels_demand" + + # Country Scope + demands_enforced_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion_group = pagan } + } + add_prestige = -50 + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_rebel_faction = REB + } + add_local_autonomy = 20 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + tag = PAP + } + add_stability = -1 + } + if = { + limit = { + religion = germanic_pagan + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = "religious_intolerance" + duration = 3650 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + religion_group = pagan + NOT = { religion = germanic_pagan } + } + change_religion = germanic_pagan + force_converted = yes + } + } +} +anglo_pagan_rebels = { + + area = nation # Sticks to provinces of their nation + government = theocracy # Desires Theocracy + religion = anglo_pagan + defection = religion # Defects to countries of their religion + defect_delay = 120 # Held provinces will auto-defect after 18 months, regardless of accept/enforce demands. + independence = none # Does not strive for independence + unit_transfer = yes + gfx_type = culture_province + + resilient = no + reinforcing = yes + general = yes + smart = yes + + artillery = 0.0 + infantry = 0.7 + cavalry = 0.3 + + morale = 1.1 + + # Possible handle actions + handle_action_negotiate = yes + handle_action_stability = yes + handle_action_build_core = yes + handle_action_send_missionary = yes + + # The rebel type with the highest modifier for this province gets picked + spawn_chance = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + is_overseas = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + owner = { religion = ROOT } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + NOT = { religion = anglo_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + tolerance_to_this = 5 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + tolerance_to_this = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 5.0 + owner = { has_country_flag = religious_turmoil } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2000 + has_missionary = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = 1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -2 } + } + } + + # This is checked for EACH province in the Area of Operations + movement_evaluation = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + units_in_province = 1 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + controlled_by = REB + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + religion = anglo_pagan + owner = { religion = anglo_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2.0 + NOT = { religion = anglo_pagan } + any_neighbor_province = { + religion = anglo_pagan + NOT = { has_province_modifier = "forced_conversion" } + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 4 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 6 + } + } + + # Province Scope + siege_won_trigger = { + NOT = { + AND = { + owned_by = PAP + is_capital = yes + } + } + } + siege_won_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + religion = anglo_pagan + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "religious_violence" + duration = 730 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = anglo_pagan } + } + change_religion = anglo_pagan + add_province_modifier = { + name = "forced_conversion" + duration = 730 + } + } + } + + # Country scope + can_negotiate_trigger = { + religion_group = pagan + } + + # Country scope + can_enforce_trigger = { + always = yes + } + + # Localisation for their demands + demands_description = "generic_rebels_demand" + + # Country Scope + demands_enforced_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion_group = pagan } + } + add_prestige = -50 + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_rebel_faction = REB + } + add_local_autonomy = 20 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + tag = PAP + } + add_stability = -1 + } + if = { + limit = { + religion = anglo_pagan + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = "religious_intolerance" + duration = 3650 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + religion_group = pagan + NOT = { religion = anglo_pagan } + } + change_religion = anglo_pagan + force_converted = yes + } + } +} +cybelene_rebels = { + + area = nation # Sticks to provinces of their nation + government = theocracy # Desires Theocracy + religion = cybelene + defection = religion # Defects to countries of their religion + defect_delay = 120 # Held provinces will auto-defect after 18 months, regardless of accept/enforce demands. + independence = none # Does not strive for independence + unit_transfer = yes + gfx_type = culture_province + + resilient = no + reinforcing = yes + general = yes + smart = yes + + artillery = 0.0 + infantry = 0.7 + cavalry = 0.3 + + morale = 1.1 + + # Possible handle actions + handle_action_negotiate = yes + handle_action_stability = yes + handle_action_build_core = yes + handle_action_send_missionary = yes + + # The rebel type with the highest modifier for this province gets picked + spawn_chance = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + is_overseas = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + owner = { religion = ROOT } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + NOT = { religion = cybelene } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + tolerance_to_this = 5 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + tolerance_to_this = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 5.0 + owner = { has_country_flag = religious_turmoil } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2000 + has_missionary = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = 1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -2 } + } + } + + # This is checked for EACH province in the Area of Operations + movement_evaluation = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + units_in_province = 1 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + controlled_by = REB + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + religion = cybelene + owner = { religion = cybelene } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2.0 + NOT = { religion = cybelene } + any_neighbor_province = { + religion = cybelene + NOT = { has_province_modifier = "forced_conversion" } + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 4 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 6 + } + } + + # Province Scope + siege_won_trigger = { + NOT = { + AND = { + owned_by = PAP + is_capital = yes + } + } + } + siege_won_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + religion = cybelene + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "religious_violence" + duration = 730 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = cybelene } + } + change_religion = cybelene + add_province_modifier = { + name = "forced_conversion" + duration = 730 + } + } + } + + # Country scope + can_negotiate_trigger = { + religion_group = pagan + } + + # Country scope + can_enforce_trigger = { + always = yes + } + + # Localisation for their demands + demands_description = "generic_rebels_demand" + + # Country Scope + demands_enforced_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion_group = pagan } + } + add_prestige = -50 + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_rebel_faction = REB + } + add_local_autonomy = 20 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + tag = PAP + } + add_stability = -1 + } + if = { + limit = { + religion = cybelene + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = "religious_intolerance" + duration = 3650 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + religion_group = pagan + NOT = { religion = cybelene } + } + change_religion = cybelene + force_converted = yes + } + } +} +zamolxism_rebels = { + + area = nation # Sticks to provinces of their nation + government = theocracy # Desires Theocracy + religion = zamolxism + defection = religion # Defects to countries of their religion + defect_delay = 120 # Held provinces will auto-defect after 18 months, regardless of accept/enforce demands. + independence = none # Does not strive for independence + unit_transfer = yes + gfx_type = culture_province + + resilient = no + reinforcing = yes + general = yes + smart = yes + + artillery = 0.0 + infantry = 0.7 + cavalry = 0.3 + + morale = 1.1 + + # Possible handle actions + handle_action_negotiate = yes + handle_action_stability = yes + handle_action_build_core = yes + handle_action_send_missionary = yes + + # The rebel type with the highest modifier for this province gets picked + spawn_chance = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + is_overseas = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + owner = { religion = ROOT } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + NOT = { religion = zamolxism } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + tolerance_to_this = 5 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + tolerance_to_this = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 5.0 + owner = { has_country_flag = religious_turmoil } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2000 + has_missionary = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = 1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -2 } + } + } + + # This is checked for EACH province in the Area of Operations + movement_evaluation = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + units_in_province = 1 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + controlled_by = REB + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + religion = zamolxism + owner = { religion = zamolxism } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2.0 + NOT = { religion = zamolxism } + any_neighbor_province = { + religion = zamolxism + NOT = { has_province_modifier = "forced_conversion" } + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 4 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 6 + } + } + + # Province Scope + siege_won_trigger = { + NOT = { + AND = { + owned_by = PAP + is_capital = yes + } + } + } + siege_won_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + religion = zamolxism + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "religious_violence" + duration = 730 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = zamolxism } + } + change_religion = zamolxism + add_province_modifier = { + name = "forced_conversion" + duration = 730 + } + } + } + + # Country scope + can_negotiate_trigger = { + religion_group = pagan + } + + # Country scope + can_enforce_trigger = { + always = yes + } + + # Localisation for their demands + demands_description = "generic_rebels_demand" + + # Country Scope + demands_enforced_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion_group = pagan } + } + add_prestige = -50 + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_rebel_faction = REB + } + add_local_autonomy = 20 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + tag = PAP + } + add_stability = -1 + } + if = { + limit = { + religion = zamolxism + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = "religious_intolerance" + duration = 3650 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + religion_group = pagan + NOT = { religion = zamolxism } + } + change_religion = zamolxism + force_converted = yes + } + } +} +mithraism_rebels = { + + area = nation # Sticks to provinces of their nation + government = theocracy # Desires Theocracy + religion = mithraism + defection = religion # Defects to countries of their religion + defect_delay = 120 # Held provinces will auto-defect after 18 months, regardless of accept/enforce demands. + independence = none # Does not strive for independence + unit_transfer = yes + gfx_type = culture_province + + resilient = no + reinforcing = yes + general = yes + smart = yes + + artillery = 0.0 + infantry = 0.7 + cavalry = 0.3 + + morale = 1.1 + + # Possible handle actions + handle_action_negotiate = yes + handle_action_stability = yes + handle_action_build_core = yes + handle_action_send_missionary = yes + + # The rebel type with the highest modifier for this province gets picked + spawn_chance = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + is_overseas = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + owner = { religion = ROOT } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + NOT = { religion = mithraism } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + tolerance_to_this = 5 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + tolerance_to_this = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 5.0 + owner = { has_country_flag = religious_turmoil } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2000 + has_missionary = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = 1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -2 } + } + } + + # This is checked for EACH province in the Area of Operations + movement_evaluation = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + units_in_province = 1 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + controlled_by = REB + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + religion = mithraism + owner = { religion = mithraism } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2.0 + NOT = { religion = mithraism } + any_neighbor_province = { + religion = mithraism + NOT = { has_province_modifier = "forced_conversion" } + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 4 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 6 + } + } + + # Province Scope + siege_won_trigger = { + NOT = { + AND = { + owned_by = PAP + is_capital = yes + } + } + } + siege_won_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + religion = mithraism + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "religious_violence" + duration = 730 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = mithraism } + } + change_religion = mithraism + add_province_modifier = { + name = "forced_conversion" + duration = 730 + } + } + } + + # Country scope + can_negotiate_trigger = { + religion_group = pagan + } + + # Country scope + can_enforce_trigger = { + always = yes + } + + # Localisation for their demands + demands_description = "generic_rebels_demand" + + # Country Scope + demands_enforced_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion_group = pagan } + } + add_prestige = -50 + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_rebel_faction = REB + } + add_local_autonomy = 20 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + tag = PAP + } + add_stability = -1 + } + if = { + limit = { + religion = mithraism + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = "religious_intolerance" + duration = 3650 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + religion_group = pagan + NOT = { religion = mithraism } + } + change_religion = mithraism + force_converted = yes + } + } +} +arab_pagan_rebels = { + + area = nation # Sticks to provinces of their nation + government = theocracy # Desires Theocracy + religion = arab_pagan + defection = religion # Defects to countries of their religion + defect_delay = 120 # Held provinces will auto-defect after 18 months, regardless of accept/enforce demands. + independence = none # Does not strive for independence + unit_transfer = yes + gfx_type = culture_province + + resilient = no + reinforcing = yes + general = yes + smart = yes + + artillery = 0.0 + infantry = 0.7 + cavalry = 0.3 + + morale = 1.1 + + # Possible handle actions + handle_action_negotiate = yes + handle_action_stability = yes + handle_action_build_core = yes + handle_action_send_missionary = yes + + # The rebel type with the highest modifier for this province gets picked + spawn_chance = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + is_overseas = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + owner = { religion = ROOT } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + NOT = { religion = arab_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + tolerance_to_this = 5 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + tolerance_to_this = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 5.0 + owner = { has_country_flag = religious_turmoil } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2000 + has_missionary = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = 1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -2 } + } + } + + # This is checked for EACH province in the Area of Operations + movement_evaluation = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + units_in_province = 1 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + controlled_by = REB + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + religion = arab_pagan + owner = { religion = arab_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2.0 + NOT = { religion = arab_pagan } + any_neighbor_province = { + religion = arab_pagan + NOT = { has_province_modifier = "forced_conversion" } + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 4 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 6 + } + } + + # Province Scope + siege_won_trigger = { + NOT = { + AND = { + owned_by = PAP + is_capital = yes + } + } + } + siege_won_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + religion = arab_pagan + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "religious_violence" + duration = 730 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = arab_pagan } + } + change_religion = arab_pagan + add_province_modifier = { + name = "forced_conversion" + duration = 730 + } + } + } + + # Country scope + can_negotiate_trigger = { + religion_group = pagan + } + + # Country scope + can_enforce_trigger = { + always = yes + } + + # Localisation for their demands + demands_description = "generic_rebels_demand" + + # Country Scope + demands_enforced_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion_group = pagan } + } + add_prestige = -50 + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_rebel_faction = REB + } + add_local_autonomy = 20 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + tag = PAP + } + add_stability = -1 + } + if = { + limit = { + religion = arab_pagan + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = "religious_intolerance" + duration = 3650 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + religion_group = pagan + NOT = { religion = arab_pagan } + } + change_religion = arab_pagan + force_converted = yes + } + } +} +armenian_pagan_rebels = { + + area = nation # Sticks to provinces of their nation + government = theocracy # Desires Theocracy + religion = armenian_pagan + defection = religion # Defects to countries of their religion + defect_delay = 120 # Held provinces will auto-defect after 18 months, regardless of accept/enforce demands. + independence = none # Does not strive for independence + unit_transfer = yes + gfx_type = culture_province + + resilient = no + reinforcing = yes + general = yes + smart = yes + + artillery = 0.0 + infantry = 0.7 + cavalry = 0.3 + + morale = 1.1 + + # Possible handle actions + handle_action_negotiate = yes + handle_action_stability = yes + handle_action_build_core = yes + handle_action_send_missionary = yes + + # The rebel type with the highest modifier for this province gets picked + spawn_chance = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + is_overseas = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + owner = { religion = ROOT } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + NOT = { religion = armenian_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + tolerance_to_this = 5 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + tolerance_to_this = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 5.0 + owner = { has_country_flag = religious_turmoil } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2000 + has_missionary = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = 1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -2 } + } + } + + # This is checked for EACH province in the Area of Operations + movement_evaluation = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + units_in_province = 1 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + controlled_by = REB + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + religion = armenian_pagan + owner = { religion = armenian_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2.0 + NOT = { religion = armenian_pagan } + any_neighbor_province = { + religion = armenian_pagan + NOT = { has_province_modifier = "forced_conversion" } + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 4 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 6 + } + } + + # Province Scope + siege_won_trigger = { + NOT = { + AND = { + owned_by = PAP + is_capital = yes + } + } + } + siege_won_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + religion = armenian_pagan + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "religious_violence" + duration = 730 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = armenian_pagan } + } + change_religion = armenian_pagan + add_province_modifier = { + name = "forced_conversion" + duration = 730 + } + } + } + + # Country scope + can_negotiate_trigger = { + religion_group = pagan + } + + # Country scope + can_enforce_trigger = { + always = yes + } + + # Localisation for their demands + demands_description = "generic_rebels_demand" + + # Country Scope + demands_enforced_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion_group = pagan } + } + add_prestige = -50 + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_rebel_faction = REB + } + add_local_autonomy = 20 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + tag = PAP + } + add_stability = -1 + } + if = { + limit = { + religion = armenian_pagan + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = "religious_intolerance" + duration = 3650 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + religion_group = pagan + NOT = { religion = armenian_pagan } + } + change_religion = armenian_pagan + force_converted = yes + } + } +} +caucasian_pagan_rebels = { + + area = nation # Sticks to provinces of their nation + government = theocracy # Desires Theocracy + religion = caucasian_pagan + defection = religion # Defects to countries of their religion + defect_delay = 120 # Held provinces will auto-defect after 18 months, regardless of accept/enforce demands. + independence = none # Does not strive for independence + unit_transfer = yes + gfx_type = culture_province + + resilient = no + reinforcing = yes + general = yes + smart = yes + + artillery = 0.0 + infantry = 0.7 + cavalry = 0.3 + + morale = 1.1 + + # Possible handle actions + handle_action_negotiate = yes + handle_action_stability = yes + handle_action_build_core = yes + handle_action_send_missionary = yes + + # The rebel type with the highest modifier for this province gets picked + spawn_chance = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + is_overseas = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + owner = { religion = ROOT } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + NOT = { religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + tolerance_to_this = 5 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + tolerance_to_this = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 5.0 + owner = { has_country_flag = religious_turmoil } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2000 + has_missionary = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = 1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -2 } + } + } + + # This is checked for EACH province in the Area of Operations + movement_evaluation = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + units_in_province = 1 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + controlled_by = REB + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + religion = caucasian_pagan + owner = { religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2.0 + NOT = { religion = caucasian_pagan } + any_neighbor_province = { + religion = caucasian_pagan + NOT = { has_province_modifier = "forced_conversion" } + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 4 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 6 + } + } + + # Province Scope + siege_won_trigger = { + NOT = { + AND = { + owned_by = PAP + is_capital = yes + } + } + } + siege_won_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + religion = caucasian_pagan + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "religious_violence" + duration = 730 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + change_religion = caucasian_pagan + add_province_modifier = { + name = "forced_conversion" + duration = 730 + } + } + } + + # Country scope + can_negotiate_trigger = { + religion_group = pagan + } + + # Country scope + can_enforce_trigger = { + always = yes + } + + # Localisation for their demands + demands_description = "generic_rebels_demand" + + # Country Scope + demands_enforced_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion_group = pagan } + } + add_prestige = -50 + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_rebel_faction = REB + } + add_local_autonomy = 20 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + tag = PAP + } + add_stability = -1 + } + if = { + limit = { + religion = caucasian_pagan + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = "religious_intolerance" + duration = 3650 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + religion_group = pagan + NOT = { religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + change_religion = caucasian_pagan + force_converted = yes + } + } +} +iberian_pagan_rebels = { + + area = nation # Sticks to provinces of their nation + government = theocracy # Desires Theocracy + religion = iberian_pagan + defection = religion # Defects to countries of their religion + defect_delay = 120 # Held provinces will auto-defect after 18 months, regardless of accept/enforce demands. + independence = none # Does not strive for independence + unit_transfer = yes + gfx_type = culture_province + + resilient = no + reinforcing = yes + general = yes + smart = yes + + artillery = 0.0 + infantry = 0.7 + cavalry = 0.3 + + morale = 1.1 + + # Possible handle actions + handle_action_negotiate = yes + handle_action_stability = yes + handle_action_build_core = yes + handle_action_send_missionary = yes + + # The rebel type with the highest modifier for this province gets picked + spawn_chance = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + is_overseas = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + owner = { religion = ROOT } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + NOT = { religion = iberian_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + tolerance_to_this = 5 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + tolerance_to_this = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 5.0 + owner = { has_country_flag = religious_turmoil } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2000 + has_missionary = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = 1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -2 } + } + } + + # This is checked for EACH province in the Area of Operations + movement_evaluation = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + units_in_province = 1 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + controlled_by = REB + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + religion = iberian_pagan + owner = { religion = iberian_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2.0 + NOT = { religion = iberian_pagan } + any_neighbor_province = { + religion = iberian_pagan + NOT = { has_province_modifier = "forced_conversion" } + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 4 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 6 + } + } + + # Province Scope + siege_won_trigger = { + NOT = { + AND = { + owned_by = PAP + is_capital = yes + } + } + } + siege_won_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + religion = iberian_pagan + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "religious_violence" + duration = 730 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = iberian_pagan } + } + change_religion = iberian_pagan + add_province_modifier = { + name = "forced_conversion" + duration = 730 + } + } + } + + # Country scope + can_negotiate_trigger = { + religion_group = pagan + } + + # Country scope + can_enforce_trigger = { + always = yes + } + + # Localisation for their demands + demands_description = "generic_rebels_demand" + + # Country Scope + demands_enforced_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion_group = pagan } + } + add_prestige = -50 + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_rebel_faction = REB + } + add_local_autonomy = 20 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + tag = PAP + } + add_stability = -1 + } + if = { + limit = { + religion = iberian_pagan + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = "religious_intolerance" + duration = 3650 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + religion_group = pagan + NOT = { religion = iberian_pagan } + } + change_religion = iberian_pagan + force_converted = yes + } + } +} +scythian_pagan_rebels = { + + area = nation # Sticks to provinces of their nation + government = theocracy # Desires Theocracy + religion = scythian_pagan + defection = religion # Defects to countries of their religion + defect_delay = 120 # Held provinces will auto-defect after 18 months, regardless of accept/enforce demands. + independence = none # Does not strive for independence + unit_transfer = yes + gfx_type = culture_province + + resilient = no + reinforcing = yes + general = yes + smart = yes + + artillery = 0.0 + infantry = 0.7 + cavalry = 0.3 + + morale = 1.1 + + # Possible handle actions + handle_action_negotiate = yes + handle_action_stability = yes + handle_action_build_core = yes + handle_action_send_missionary = yes + + # The rebel type with the highest modifier for this province gets picked + spawn_chance = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + is_overseas = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + owner = { religion = ROOT } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + NOT = { religion = scythian_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + tolerance_to_this = 5 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + tolerance_to_this = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 5.0 + owner = { has_country_flag = religious_turmoil } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2000 + has_missionary = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = 1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -2 } + } + } + + # This is checked for EACH province in the Area of Operations + movement_evaluation = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + units_in_province = 1 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + controlled_by = REB + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + religion = scythian_pagan + owner = { religion = scythian_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2.0 + NOT = { religion = scythian_pagan } + any_neighbor_province = { + religion = scythian_pagan + NOT = { has_province_modifier = "forced_conversion" } + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 4 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 6 + } + } + + # Province Scope + siege_won_trigger = { + NOT = { + AND = { + owned_by = PAP + is_capital = yes + } + } + } + siege_won_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + religion = scythian_pagan + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "religious_violence" + duration = 730 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = scythian_pagan } + } + change_religion = scythian_pagan + add_province_modifier = { + name = "forced_conversion" + duration = 730 + } + } + } + + # Country scope + can_negotiate_trigger = { + religion_group = pagan + } + + # Country scope + can_enforce_trigger = { + always = yes + } + + # Localisation for their demands + demands_description = "generic_rebels_demand" + + # Country Scope + demands_enforced_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion_group = pagan } + } + add_prestige = -50 + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_rebel_faction = REB + } + add_local_autonomy = 20 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + tag = PAP + } + add_stability = -1 + } + if = { + limit = { + religion = scythian_pagan + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = "religious_intolerance" + duration = 3650 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + religion_group = pagan + NOT = { religion = scythian_pagan } + } + change_religion = scythian_pagan + force_converted = yes + } + } +} +briton_pagan_rebels = { + + area = nation # Sticks to provinces of their nation + government = theocracy # Desires Theocracy + religion = briton_pagan + defection = religion # Defects to countries of their religion + defect_delay = 120 # Held provinces will auto-defect after 18 months, regardless of accept/enforce demands. + independence = none # Does not strive for independence + unit_transfer = yes + gfx_type = culture_province + + resilient = no + reinforcing = yes + general = yes + smart = yes + + artillery = 0.0 + infantry = 0.7 + cavalry = 0.3 + + morale = 1.1 + + # Possible handle actions + handle_action_negotiate = yes + handle_action_stability = yes + handle_action_build_core = yes + handle_action_send_missionary = yes + + # The rebel type with the highest modifier for this province gets picked + spawn_chance = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + is_overseas = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + owner = { religion = ROOT } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + NOT = { religion = briton_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + tolerance_to_this = 5 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + tolerance_to_this = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 5.0 + owner = { has_country_flag = religious_turmoil } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2000 + has_missionary = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = 1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -2 } + } + } + + # This is checked for EACH province in the Area of Operations + movement_evaluation = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + units_in_province = 1 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + controlled_by = REB + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + religion = briton_pagan + owner = { religion = briton_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2.0 + NOT = { religion = briton_pagan } + any_neighbor_province = { + religion = briton_pagan + NOT = { has_province_modifier = "forced_conversion" } + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 4 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 6 + } + } + + # Province Scope + siege_won_trigger = { + NOT = { + AND = { + owned_by = PAP + is_capital = yes + } + } + } + siege_won_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + religion = briton_pagan + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "religious_violence" + duration = 730 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = briton_pagan } + } + change_religion = briton_pagan + add_province_modifier = { + name = "forced_conversion" + duration = 730 + } + } + } + + # Country scope + can_negotiate_trigger = { + religion_group = pagan + } + + # Country scope + can_enforce_trigger = { + always = yes + } + + # Localisation for their demands + demands_description = "generic_rebels_demand" + + # Country Scope + demands_enforced_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion_group = pagan } + } + add_prestige = -50 + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_rebel_faction = REB + } + add_local_autonomy = 20 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + tag = PAP + } + add_stability = -1 + } + if = { + limit = { + religion = briton_pagan + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = "religious_intolerance" + duration = 3650 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + religion_group = pagan + NOT = { religion = briton_pagan } + } + change_religion = briton_pagan + force_converted = yes + } + } +} +gallic_pagan_rebels = { + + area = nation # Sticks to provinces of their nation + government = theocracy # Desires Theocracy + religion = gallic_pagan + defection = religion # Defects to countries of their religion + defect_delay = 120 # Held provinces will auto-defect after 18 months, regardless of accept/enforce demands. + independence = none # Does not strive for independence + unit_transfer = yes + gfx_type = culture_province + + resilient = no + reinforcing = yes + general = yes + smart = yes + + artillery = 0.0 + infantry = 0.7 + cavalry = 0.3 + + morale = 1.1 + + # Possible handle actions + handle_action_negotiate = yes + handle_action_stability = yes + handle_action_build_core = yes + handle_action_send_missionary = yes + + # The rebel type with the highest modifier for this province gets picked + spawn_chance = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + is_overseas = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + owner = { religion = ROOT } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + NOT = { religion = gallic_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + tolerance_to_this = 5 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + tolerance_to_this = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 5.0 + owner = { has_country_flag = religious_turmoil } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2000 + has_missionary = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = 1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -2 } + } + } + + # This is checked for EACH province in the Area of Operations + movement_evaluation = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + units_in_province = 1 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + controlled_by = REB + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + religion = gallic_pagan + owner = { religion = gallic_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2.0 + NOT = { religion = gallic_pagan } + any_neighbor_province = { + religion = gallic_pagan + NOT = { has_province_modifier = "forced_conversion" } + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 4 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 6 + } + } + + # Province Scope + siege_won_trigger = { + NOT = { + AND = { + owned_by = PAP + is_capital = yes + } + } + } + siege_won_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + religion = gallic_pagan + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "religious_violence" + duration = 730 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = gallic_pagan } + } + change_religion = gallic_pagan + add_province_modifier = { + name = "forced_conversion" + duration = 730 + } + } + } + + # Country scope + can_negotiate_trigger = { + religion_group = pagan + } + + # Country scope + can_enforce_trigger = { + always = yes + } + + # Localisation for their demands + demands_description = "generic_rebels_demand" + + # Country Scope + demands_enforced_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion_group = pagan } + } + add_prestige = -50 + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_rebel_faction = REB + } + add_local_autonomy = 20 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + tag = PAP + } + add_stability = -1 + } + if = { + limit = { + religion = gallic_pagan + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = "religious_intolerance" + duration = 3650 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + religion_group = pagan + NOT = { religion = gallic_pagan } + } + change_religion = gallic_pagan + force_converted = yes + } + } +} +gaelic_pagan_rebels = { + + area = nation # Sticks to provinces of their nation + government = theocracy # Desires Theocracy + religion = gaelic_pagan + defection = religion # Defects to countries of their religion + defect_delay = 120 # Held provinces will auto-defect after 18 months, regardless of accept/enforce demands. + independence = none # Does not strive for independence + unit_transfer = yes + gfx_type = culture_province + + resilient = no + reinforcing = yes + general = yes + smart = yes + + artillery = 0.0 + infantry = 0.7 + cavalry = 0.3 + + morale = 1.1 + + # Possible handle actions + handle_action_negotiate = yes + handle_action_stability = yes + handle_action_build_core = yes + handle_action_send_missionary = yes + + # The rebel type with the highest modifier for this province gets picked + spawn_chance = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + is_overseas = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + owner = { religion = ROOT } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + NOT = { religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + tolerance_to_this = 5 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + tolerance_to_this = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 5.0 + owner = { has_country_flag = religious_turmoil } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2000 + has_missionary = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = 1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -2 } + } + } + + # This is checked for EACH province in the Area of Operations + movement_evaluation = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + units_in_province = 1 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + controlled_by = REB + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + religion = gaelic_pagan + owner = { religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2.0 + NOT = { religion = gaelic_pagan } + any_neighbor_province = { + religion = gaelic_pagan + NOT = { has_province_modifier = "forced_conversion" } + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 4 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 6 + } + } + + # Province Scope + siege_won_trigger = { + NOT = { + AND = { + owned_by = PAP + is_capital = yes + } + } + } + siege_won_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + religion = gaelic_pagan + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "religious_violence" + duration = 730 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + change_religion = gaelic_pagan + add_province_modifier = { + name = "forced_conversion" + duration = 730 + } + } + } + + # Country scope + can_negotiate_trigger = { + religion_group = pagan + } + + # Country scope + can_enforce_trigger = { + always = yes + } + + # Localisation for their demands + demands_description = "generic_rebels_demand" + + # Country Scope + demands_enforced_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion_group = pagan } + } + add_prestige = -50 + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_rebel_faction = REB + } + add_local_autonomy = 20 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + tag = PAP + } + add_stability = -1 + } + if = { + limit = { + religion = gaelic_pagan + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = "religious_intolerance" + duration = 3650 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + religion_group = pagan + NOT = { religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + change_religion = gaelic_pagan + force_converted = yes + } + } +} +celtiberian_pagan_rebels = { + + area = nation # Sticks to provinces of their nation + government = theocracy # Desires Theocracy + religion = celtiberian_pagan + defection = religion # Defects to countries of their religion + defect_delay = 120 # Held provinces will auto-defect after 18 months, regardless of accept/enforce demands. + independence = none # Does not strive for independence + unit_transfer = yes + gfx_type = culture_province + + resilient = no + reinforcing = yes + general = yes + smart = yes + + artillery = 0.0 + infantry = 0.7 + cavalry = 0.3 + + morale = 1.1 + + # Possible handle actions + handle_action_negotiate = yes + handle_action_stability = yes + handle_action_build_core = yes + handle_action_send_missionary = yes + + # The rebel type with the highest modifier for this province gets picked + spawn_chance = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + is_overseas = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + owner = { religion = ROOT } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + NOT = { religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + tolerance_to_this = 5 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + tolerance_to_this = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 5.0 + owner = { has_country_flag = religious_turmoil } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2000 + has_missionary = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = 1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -2 } + } + } + + # This is checked for EACH province in the Area of Operations + movement_evaluation = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + units_in_province = 1 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + controlled_by = REB + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + religion = celtiberian_pagan + owner = { religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2.0 + NOT = { religion = celtiberian_pagan } + any_neighbor_province = { + religion = celtiberian_pagan + NOT = { has_province_modifier = "forced_conversion" } + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 4 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 6 + } + } + + # Province Scope + siege_won_trigger = { + NOT = { + AND = { + owned_by = PAP + is_capital = yes + } + } + } + siege_won_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + religion = celtiberian_pagan + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "religious_violence" + duration = 730 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + change_religion = celtiberian_pagan + add_province_modifier = { + name = "forced_conversion" + duration = 730 + } + } + } + + # Country scope + can_negotiate_trigger = { + religion_group = pagan + } + + # Country scope + can_enforce_trigger = { + always = yes + } + + # Localisation for their demands + demands_description = "generic_rebels_demand" + + # Country Scope + demands_enforced_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion_group = pagan } + } + add_prestige = -50 + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_rebel_faction = REB + } + add_local_autonomy = 20 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + tag = PAP + } + add_stability = -1 + } + if = { + limit = { + religion = celtiberian_pagan + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = "religious_intolerance" + duration = 3650 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + religion_group = pagan + NOT = { religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + change_religion = celtiberian_pagan + force_converted = yes + } + } +} +atenism_rebels = { + + area = nation # Sticks to provinces of their nation + government = theocracy # Desires Theocracy + religion = atenism + defection = religion # Defects to countries of their religion + defect_delay = 120 # Held provinces will auto-defect after 18 months, regardless of accept/enforce demands. + independence = none # Does not strive for independence + unit_transfer = yes + gfx_type = culture_province + + resilient = no + reinforcing = yes + general = yes + smart = yes + + artillery = 0.0 + infantry = 0.7 + cavalry = 0.3 + + morale = 1.1 + + # Possible handle actions + handle_action_negotiate = yes + handle_action_stability = yes + handle_action_build_core = yes + handle_action_send_missionary = yes + + # The rebel type with the highest modifier for this province gets picked + spawn_chance = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + is_overseas = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + owner = { religion = ROOT } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + NOT = { religion = atenism } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + tolerance_to_this = 5 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + tolerance_to_this = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 5.0 + owner = { has_country_flag = religious_turmoil } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2000 + has_missionary = yes + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = 1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -1 } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2 + NOT = { tolerance_to_this = -2 } + } + } + + # This is checked for EACH province in the Area of Operations + movement_evaluation = { + factor = 1 + modifier = { + factor = 0.5 + units_in_province = 1 + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.001 + controlled_by = REB + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.0 + religion = atenism + owner = { religion = atenism } + } + modifier = { + factor = 2.0 + NOT = { religion = atenism } + any_neighbor_province = { + religion = atenism + NOT = { has_province_modifier = "forced_conversion" } + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 2 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 4 + } + modifier = { + factor = 1.5 + unrest = 6 + } + } + + # Province Scope + siege_won_trigger = { + NOT = { + AND = { + owned_by = PAP + is_capital = yes + } + } + } + siege_won_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + religion = atenism + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "religious_violence" + duration = 730 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = atenism } + } + change_religion = atenism + add_province_modifier = { + name = "forced_conversion" + duration = 730 + } + } + } + + # Country scope + can_negotiate_trigger = { + religion_group = pagan + } + + # Country scope + can_enforce_trigger = { + always = yes + } + + # Localisation for their demands + demands_description = "generic_rebels_demand" + + # Country Scope + demands_enforced_effect = { + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion_group = pagan } + } + add_prestige = -50 + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_rebel_faction = REB + } + add_local_autonomy = 20 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + tag = PAP + } + add_stability = -1 + } + if = { + limit = { + religion = atenism + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = "religious_intolerance" + duration = 3650 + } + } + if = { + limit = { + religion_group = pagan + NOT = { religion = atenism } + } + change_religion = atenism + force_converted = yes + } + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/!-1_vanilla_religions.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/!-1_vanilla_religions.txt index 532fd6f2..843b87b6 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/!-1_vanilla_religions.txt +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/!-1_vanilla_religions.txt @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # This is everything but Reformed Tengri and Reformed Norse, since those are defined by the converter +# As well as the immense pagan group being split by continents # All hail EU4 being additive! (Don't actually hail it, it's annoying) christian = { @@ -1389,11 +1390,11 @@ dharmic = { crusade_name = CRUSADE } -pagan = { +pagan = { # Pagan group is split flags_with_emblem_percentage = 10 - flag_emblem_index_range = { 83 96 } - + flag_emblem_index_range = { 2 10 } + crusade_name = HOLY_WAR animism = { color = { 127 0 0 } icon = 11 @@ -1411,6 +1412,13 @@ pagan = { heretic = { SNAKE_CLAN } } + harmonized_modifier = harmonized_pagan +} +african_pagan = { + crusade_name = JIHAD + flags_with_emblem_percentage = 10 + flag_emblem_index_range = { 51 52 } + shamanism = { #Fetishism, tag kept to avoid breaking saves. color = { 127 76 76 } icon = 12 @@ -1429,6 +1437,12 @@ pagan = { fetishist_cult = yes heretic = { GOAT_SKULL } } +} +american_pagan = { + crusade_name = HOLY_WAR + flags_with_emblem_percentage = 10 + flag_emblem_index_range = { 83 88 } + totemism = { color = { 127 115 115 } icon = 13 @@ -1549,9 +1563,6 @@ pagan = { # can_have_secondary_religion = yes # heretic = { OLD_TENGRI } #} - - crusade_name = CRUSADE - harmonized_modifier = harmonized_pagan } jewish_group = { diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/09_pagan.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/09_pagan.txt index bb4fde05..5a63efca 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/09_pagan.txt +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/09_pagan.txt @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ pagan = { + can_form_personal_unions = yes pagan_religion = { color = { 0 0 0 } icon = 121 @@ -15,6 +16,15 @@ pagan = { } heretic = { SNAKE_CLAN GOAT_SKULL } + allowed_conversion = { pagan_religion_reformed } + on_convert = { + add_prestige = -100 + add_stability = -1 + add_country_modifier = { + name = "conversion_zeal" + duration = 3650 + } + } } pagan_religion_reformed = { color = { 127 127 127 } @@ -33,7 +43,8 @@ pagan = { heretic = { SNAKE_CLAN GOAT_SKULL } } - +} +american_pagan = { aztec_pagan = { color = { 81 101 81 } icon = 56 @@ -56,398 +67,4 @@ pagan = { heretic = { NAHUATL_HERETIC } } - - baltic_pagan = { - icon = 126 - color = { 0.8 0.4 0.15 } #204 102 38.25 - country = { - fort_maintenance_modifier = -0.1 - tolerance_own = 1 - } - province = { - local_defensiveness = 0.1 - local_missionary_strength = 0.02 - } - country_as_secondary = { - fort_maintenance_modifier = -0.1 - shock_damage_received = -0.1 - } - heretic = { DIEVANS } - } - baltic_pagan_reformed = { - icon = 53 - color = { 0.75 0.5 0.35 } #191.25 127.5 89.25 - country = { - fort_maintenance_modifier = -0.1 - tolerance_own = 1 - } - province = { - local_defensiveness = 0.1 - local_missionary_strength = -0.02 - } - country_as_secondary = { - fort_maintenance_modifier = -0.1 - shock_damage_received = -0.1 - } - heretic = { OLD_ROMUVA } - } - - finnish_pagan = { - icon = 124 - color = { 0.6 0.7 0.15 } #153 178.5 38.25 - country = { - defensiveness = 0.1 - num_accepted_cultures = 1 - } - province = { - local_missionary_strength = 0.02 - } - country_as_secondary = { - num_accepted_cultures = 1 - defensiveness = 0.1 - } - heretic = { FINNIC } - } - finnish_pagan_reformed = { - icon = 54 - color = { 0.65 0.65 0.1 } #165.75 165.75 25.5 - country = { - defensiveness = 0.1 - num_accepted_cultures = 1 - } - country_as_secondary = { - num_accepted_cultures = 1 - defensiveness = 0.1 - } - heretic = { OLD_SUOMENUSKO } - } - - norse_pagan = { - icon = 122 - color = { 240 240 240 } - country = { - land_forcelimit_modifier = 0.10 - naval_forcelimit_modifier = 0.10 - } - province = { - local_missionary_strength = 0.02 - } - country_as_secondary = { - merc_maintenance_modifier = -0.1 - galley_power = 0.2 - } - - personal_deity = yes - - heretic = { OLD_GERMANIC } - } - - slavic_pagan = { - icon = 123 - color = { 0.8 0.8 0.3 } #204 204 76.5 - country = { - culture_conversion_cost = -0.15 - } - province = { - local_manpower_modifier = 0.1 - local_missionary_strength = 0.02 - } - country_as_secondary = { - manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1 - advisor_pool = 1 - } - - heretic = { RODNOVERY } - } - slavic_pagan_reformed = { - icon = 55 - color = { 0.85 0.73 0.4 } #216.75 186.15 102 - country = { - culture_conversion_cost = -0.15 - } - province = { - local_manpower_modifier = 0.1 - } - country_as_secondary = { - manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1 - advisor_pool = 1 - } - - heretic = { OLD_SLAVIC } - } - - tengri_pagan = { - icon = 125 - color = { 0 30 108 } - country = { - cav_to_inf_ratio = 0.25 - global_regiment_cost = -0.2 - } - province = { - local_missionary_strength = 0.02 - } - country_as_secondary = { - army_tradition_decay = -0.1 - raze_power_gain = 0.15 - } - can_have_secondary_religion = yes - heretic = { GOAT_SKULL } - } - - zun_pagan = { - icon = 128 - color = { 1.0 0.9 0.05 } #255 229.5 12.75 - - country = { - tolerance_own = 3 - hostile_attrition = 1 - } - province = { - local_missionary_strength = 0.02 - } - country_as_secondary = { - tolerance_own = 3 - hostile_attrition = 1 - } - - heretic = { DARKNESS } - } - zun_pagan_reformed = { - icon = 43 - color = { 0.9 1.0 0.0 } #229.5 255 0 - - country = { - tolerance_own = 3 - hostile_attrition = 1 - } - country_as_secondary = { - tolerance_own = 3 - hostile_attrition = 1 - } - - heretic = { DARKNESS } - } - - bon = { - color = { 8 140 131 } - icon = 129 - country = { - tolerance_heretic = 1 - shock_damage_received = -0.1 - } - country_as_secondary = { - horde_unity = 1 - shock_damage_received = -0.1 - } - province = { - local_defensiveness = 0.1 - } - - heretic = { ZEN } - - uses_karma = yes - } - bon_reformed = { - color = { 6 116 108 } - icon = 60 - country = { - tolerance_heretic = 1 - shock_damage_received = -0.1 - } - country_as_secondary = { - horde_unity = 1 - shock_damage_received = -0.1 - } - province = { - local_defensiveness = 0.1 - } - - heretic = { ZEN } - - uses_karma = yes - } - - hellenic_pagan = { - icon = 58 - color = { 0.6 0.1 0.1 } #153 25.5 25.5 - country = { - tolerance_own = 1 - development_cost = -0.1 - } - country_as_secondary = { - development_cost = -0.1 - } - - personal_deity = yes - - heretic = { GOAT_SKULL } - } - hellenic_pagan_reformed = { - icon = 58 - color = { 190 32 32 } - country = { - tolerance_own = 1 - development_cost = -0.1 - } - country_as_secondary = { - development_cost = -0.1 - } - - personal_deity = yes - - heretic = { GOAT_SKULL } - } - - west_african_pagan = { - color = { 104 60 0 } - icon = 12 - country = { - tolerance_heathen = 2 - diplomatic_reputation = 1 - } - province = { - local_missionary_strength = 0.02 - } - country_as_secondary = { - tolerance_own = 2 - diplomatic_reputation = 1 - } - - fetishist_cult = yes - heretic = { GOAT_SKULL } - } - west_african_pagan_reformed = { - color = { 255 160 0 } - icon = 52 - country = { - tolerance_heathen = 3 - tolerance_heretic = 2 - diplomatic_reputation = 1 - } - province = { - local_missionary_strength = -0.01 - } - country_as_secondary = { - tolerance_heathen = 3 - diplomatic_reputation = 1 - } - - fetishist_cult = yes - heretic = { GOAT_SKULL } - } - - ##New to CK3 - #Akom -> Fetishism - #Donyi-Poloism/Sedism -> Animism - kushitism_pagan = { - color = { 0.15 1 0.7 } #38.25 255 178.5 - icon = 145 - country = { - legitimacy = 1 - devotion = 1 - horde_unity = 1 - meritocracy = 1 - republican_tradition = 0.5 - max_absolutism = 10 - } - province = { - local_missionary_strength = 0.02 - } - country_as_secondary = { - max_absolutism = 5 - yearly_absolutism = 0.5 - } - - heretic = { DARKNESS SNAKE_CLAN } - } - kushitism_pagan_reformed = { - color = { 0 255 255 } - icon = 146 - country = { - legitimacy = 1 - devotion = 1 - horde_unity = 1 - meritocracy = 1 - republican_tradition = 0.5 - max_absolutism = 10 - } - province = { - local_missionary_strength = -0.02 - } - country_as_secondary = { - max_absolutism = 5 - yearly_absolutism = 0.5 - } - - heretic = { DARKNESS SNAKE_CLAN } - } - - magyar_pagan = { #Uralic/Taltoism - color = { 250 120 90 } - icon = 147 - country = { - free_policy = 1 - } - province = { - local_missionary_strength = 0.02 - } - country_as_secondary = { - free_mil_policy = 1 - } - - heretic = { GOAT_SKULL SNAKE_CLAN } - } - magyar_pagan_reformed = { #Uralic/Taltoism - color = { 212 106 80 } - icon = 148 - country = { - free_policy = 1 - } - country_as_secondary = { - free_mil_policy = 1 - } - - heretic = { GOAT_SKULL SNAKE_CLAN } - } - - siberian_pagan = { #Turumism - color = { 230 230 230 } - icon = 154 - country = { - prestige = 0.5 - diplomatic_reputation = 1 - } - country_as_secondary = { - prestige = 0.5 - diplomatic_reputation = 1 - } - - heretic = { GOAT_SKULL FINNIC } - } - - siberian_pagan_reformed = { #Reformed Turumism - color = { 179 179 230 } - icon = 155 - country = { - prestige = 0.5 - diplomatic_reputation = 1 - } - country_as_secondary = { - prestige = 0.5 - diplomatic_reputation = 1 - } - - heretic = { GOAT_SKULL FINNIC } - } - - #kiratism -> animism - #yumaism - > animism - #vvluphixje -> confucianism - #melieism -> animism - #waaqism -> fetishism - #west_african_pagan -> fetishism - #bidu -> fetishism - #bori -> fetishism - #orisha -> fetishism - #roog -> fetishism } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/10_imperator_religions.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/10_imperator_religions.txt index a4ad6bef..28c8d48e 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/10_imperator_religions.txt +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/10_imperator_religions.txt @@ -1,76 +1 @@ -pagan = { - canaanite = { - color = { 144 186 19 } - icon = 153 - country = { - naval_forcelimit = 1 - global_sailors_modifier = 1.2 - } - province = { - local_missionary_strength = 0.02 - } - country_as_secondary = { - naval_forcelimit = 0.5 - global_sailors_modifier = 1.1 - } - center_of_religion = 379 # Jerusalem - heretic = { MOLOCHITES AMMONITES JEBUSAEI MOABITES EDOMITES } - allowed_conversion = { jewish } - personal_deity = yes - } - druidism = { - color = { 102 66 31 } - icon = 105 - country = { - tolerance_own = 2 - tolerance_heretic = 2 - } - province = { - local_missionary_strength = 0.02 - } - country_as_secondary = { - tolerance_own = 2 - tolerance_heretic = 2 - } - - heretic = { ELUVEITIE ASTERIX } - uses_karma = yes - } - - kemetism = { - color = { 179 45 0 } - icon = 152 - country = { - legitimacy = 2 - republican_tradition = 2 - } - province = { - local_missionary_strength = 0.02 - } - country_as_secondary = { - legitimacy = 1 - republican_tradition = 1 - } - personal_deity = yes - heretic = { KUSHITE SPHYNX } - } - - mardukism = { - icon = 151 - color = { 128 11 0 } - country = { - monthly_splendor = 2 - harsh_treatment_cost = -0.3 - } - province = { - local_defensiveness = 0.1 - local_missionary_strength = 0.02 - } - country_as_secondary = { - monthly_splendor = 1 - harsh_treatment_cost = -0.1 - } - heretic = { DANIEL SUMER } - allowed_conversion = { jewish } - } -} \ No newline at end of file +## File should be deleted \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/11_replaced_religions.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/11_replaced_religions.txt index da1b62f2..9715014c 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/11_replaced_religions.txt +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/11_replaced_religions.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -pagan = { +steppe_pagan = { tengri_pagan_reformed = { #Done to add secondary characteristics icon = 27 color = { 25 76 217 } diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/20_north_europe_pagan.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/20_north_europe_pagan.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6ba9b9da --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/20_north_europe_pagan.txt @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +north_europe_pagan = { + + flags_with_emblem_percentage = 10 + flag_emblem_index_range = { 94 97 } + crusade_name = HOLY_WAR + baltic_pagan = { + icon = 126 + color = { 0.8 0.4 0.15 } #204 102 38.25 + country = { + fort_maintenance_modifier = -0.1 + tolerance_own = 1 + } + province = { + local_defensiveness = 0.1 + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + fort_maintenance_modifier = -0.1 + shock_damage_received = -0.1 + } + heretic = { DIEVANS } + allowed_conversion = { baltic_pagan_reformed } + on_convert = { + add_prestige = -100 + add_stability = -1 + add_country_modifier = { + name = "conversion_zeal" + duration = 3650 + } + } + personal_deity = yes + } + baltic_pagan_reformed = { + icon = 53 + color = { 0.75 0.5 0.35 } #191.25 127.5 89.25 + country = { + fort_maintenance_modifier = -0.1 + tolerance_own = 1 + } + province = { + local_defensiveness = 0.1 + local_missionary_strength = -0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + fort_maintenance_modifier = -0.1 + shock_damage_received = -0.1 + } + heretic = { OLD_ROMUVA } + personal_deity = yes + } + + finnish_pagan = { + icon = 124 + color = { 0.6 0.7 0.15 } #153 178.5 38.25 + country = { + defensiveness = 0.1 + num_accepted_cultures = 1 + } + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + num_accepted_cultures = 1 + defensiveness = 0.1 + } + heretic = { FINNIC } + allowed_conversion = { finnish_pagan_reformed } + on_convert = { + add_prestige = -100 + add_stability = -1 + add_country_modifier = { + name = "conversion_zeal" + duration = 3650 + } + } + personal_deity = yes + } + finnish_pagan_reformed = { + icon = 54 + color = { 0.65 0.65 0.1 } #165.75 165.75 25.5 + country = { + defensiveness = 0.1 + num_accepted_cultures = 1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + num_accepted_cultures = 1 + defensiveness = 0.1 + } + heretic = { OLD_SUOMENUSKO } + personal_deity = yes + } + + norse_pagan = { + icon = 122 + color = { 240 240 240 } + country = { + land_forcelimit_modifier = 0.10 + naval_forcelimit_modifier = 0.10 + } + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + merc_maintenance_modifier = -0.1 + galley_power = 0.2 + } + + personal_deity = yes + + heretic = { OLD_GERMANIC } + } + + slavic_pagan = { + icon = 123 + color = { 0.8 0.8 0.3 } #204 204 76.5 + country = { + culture_conversion_cost = -0.15 + } + province = { + local_manpower_modifier = 0.1 + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1 + advisor_pool = 1 + } + + heretic = { RODNOVERY } + allowed_conversion = { slavic_pagan_reformed } + on_convert = { + add_prestige = -100 + add_stability = -1 + add_country_modifier = { + name = "conversion_zeal" + duration = 3650 + } + } + personal_deity = yes + } + slavic_pagan_reformed = { + icon = 55 + color = { 0.85 0.73 0.4 } #216.75 186.15 102 + country = { + culture_conversion_cost = -0.15 + } + province = { + local_manpower_modifier = 0.1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1 + advisor_pool = 1 + } + + heretic = { OLD_SLAVIC } + personal_deity = yes + } + germanic_pagan = { + color = { 180 180 180 } + icon = 156 + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country = { + land_maintenance_modifier = -0.10 + land_forcelimit_modifier = 0.2 + land_morale = 0.10 + } + country_as_secondary = { + merc_maintenance_modifier = -0.1 + land_morale = 0.05 + } + + personal_deity = yes + + heretic = { GOAT_SKULL } + } + anglo_pagan = { + color = { 0 80 0 } + icon = 157 + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country = { + tolerance_own = 1 + global_unrest = -1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + tolerance_own = 2 + loot_amount = 0.25 + } + fervor = yes + heretic = { GOAT_SKULL } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/21_steppe_pagan.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/21_steppe_pagan.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e105b3d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/21_steppe_pagan.txt @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +steppe_pagan = { + + flags_with_emblem_percentage = 10 + flag_emblem_index_range = { 57 57 } + crusade_name = HOLY_WAR + tengri_pagan = { + icon = 125 + color = { 0 30 108 } + country = { + cav_to_inf_ratio = 0.25 + global_regiment_cost = -0.2 + } + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + army_tradition_decay = -0.1 + raze_power_gain = 0.15 + } + can_have_secondary_religion = yes + heretic = { GOAT_SKULL } + allowed_conversion = { tengri_pagan_reformed } + on_convert = { + add_prestige = -100 + add_stability = -1 + add_country_modifier = { + name = "conversion_zeal" + duration = 3650 + } + } + } + magyar_pagan = { #Uralic/Taltoism + color = { 250 120 90 } + icon = 147 + country = { + free_policy = 1 + } + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + free_mil_policy = 1 + } + + heretic = { GOAT_SKULL SNAKE_CLAN } + allowed_conversion = { magyar_pagan_reformed } + on_convert = { + add_prestige = -100 + add_stability = -1 + add_country_modifier = { + name = "conversion_zeal" + duration = 3650 + } + } + } + magyar_pagan_reformed = { #Uralic/Taltoism + color = { 212 106 80 } + icon = 148 + country = { + free_policy = 1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + free_mil_policy = 1 + } + + heretic = { GOAT_SKULL SNAKE_CLAN } + } + + siberian_pagan = { #Turumism + color = { 230 230 230 } + icon = 154 + country = { + prestige = 0.5 + diplomatic_reputation = 1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + prestige = 0.5 + diplomatic_reputation = 1 + } + + heretic = { GOAT_SKULL FINNIC } + allowed_conversion = { siberian_pagan_reformed } + on_convert = { + add_prestige = -100 + add_stability = -1 + add_country_modifier = { + name = "conversion_zeal" + duration = 3650 + } + } + } + + siberian_pagan_reformed = { #Reformed Turumism + color = { 179 179 230 } + icon = 155 + country = { + prestige = 0.5 + diplomatic_reputation = 1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + prestige = 0.5 + diplomatic_reputation = 1 + } + + heretic = { GOAT_SKULL FINNIC } + } + scythian_pagan = { + color = { 0.5 0.19 0.2 } + icon = 165 + + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country = { + tolerance_heretic = 1 + tolerance_heathen = 1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + build_cost = -0.1 + defensiveness = 0.2 + } + heretic = { GOAT_SKULL FINNIC } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/22_asian_pagan.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/22_asian_pagan.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a2a7705a --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/22_asian_pagan.txt @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +asian_pagan = { + + flags_with_emblem_percentage = 10 + flag_emblem_index_range = { 65 67 } + crusade_name = CRUSADE + zun_pagan = { + icon = 128 + color = { 1.0 0.9 0.05 } #255 229.5 12.75 + + country = { + tolerance_own = 3 + hostile_attrition = 1 + } + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + tolerance_own = 3 + hostile_attrition = 1 + } + + heretic = { DARKNESS } + allowed_conversion = { zun_pagan_reformed } + on_convert = { + add_prestige = -100 + add_stability = -1 + add_country_modifier = { + name = "conversion_zeal" + duration = 3650 + } + } + } + zun_pagan_reformed = { + icon = 43 + color = { 0.9 1.0 0.0 } #229.5 255 0 + + country = { + tolerance_own = 3 + hostile_attrition = 1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + tolerance_own = 3 + hostile_attrition = 1 + } + + heretic = { DARKNESS } + } + + bon = { + color = { 8 140 131 } + icon = 129 + country = { + tolerance_heretic = 1 + shock_damage_received = -0.1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + horde_unity = 1 + shock_damage_received = -0.1 + } + province = { + local_defensiveness = 0.1 + } + + heretic = { ZEN } + + uses_karma = yes + allowed_conversion = { bon_reformed } + on_convert = { + add_prestige = -100 + add_stability = -1 + add_country_modifier = { + name = "conversion_zeal" + duration = 3650 + } + } + } + bon_reformed = { + color = { 6 116 108 } + icon = 60 + country = { + tolerance_heretic = 1 + shock_damage_received = -0.1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + horde_unity = 1 + shock_damage_received = -0.1 + } + province = { + local_defensiveness = 0.1 + } + + heretic = { ZEN } + + uses_karma = yes + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/23_south_europe_pagan.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/23_south_europe_pagan.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f40e3c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/23_south_europe_pagan.txt @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +south_europe_pagan = { + can_form_personal_unions = yes + flags_with_emblem_percentage = 10 + flag_emblem_index_range = { 54 58 } + crusade_name = HOLY_WAR + hellenic_pagan = { + icon = 58 + color = { 0.6 0.1 0.1 } #153 25.5 25.5 + country = { + tolerance_own = 1 + development_cost = -0.1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + development_cost = -0.1 + } + + personal_deity = yes + + heretic = { GOAT_SKULL } + allowed_conversion = { hellenic_pagan_reformed } + on_convert = { + add_prestige = -100 + add_stability = -1 + add_country_modifier = { + name = "conversion_zeal" + duration = 3650 + } + } + } + hellenic_pagan_reformed = { + icon = 58 + color = { 190 32 32 } + country = { + tolerance_own = 1 + development_cost = -0.1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + development_cost = -0.1 + } + + personal_deity = yes + + heretic = { GOAT_SKULL } + } + zamolxism = { + color = { 0.0 0 100 } + icon = 159 + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.06 + } + country = { + global_tax_modifier = 0.05 + tolerance_heathen = 1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + infantry_power = 0.1 + tolerance_heathen = 1 + } + + heretic = { SERAPIS } + } + mithraism = { + color = { 210 0 0 } + icon = 160 + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country = { + tolerance_own = 1 + global_tax_modifier = 0.05 + } + country_as_secondary = { + advisor_pool = 1 + global_tax_modifier = 0.05 + } + heretic = { SERAPIS } + declare_war_in_regency = yes + } + iberian_pagan = { + color = { 0.91 0.71 0.82 } + icon = 164 + + country = { + tolerance_heathen = 2 + diplomatic_reputation = 1 + } + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + tolerance_own = 2 + loot_amount = 0.25 + } + heretic = { SERAPIS } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/24_african_pagan.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/24_african_pagan.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..006c1e14 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/24_african_pagan.txt @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +african_pagan = { + west_african_pagan = { + color = { 104 60 0 } + icon = 12 + country = { + tolerance_heathen = 2 + diplomatic_reputation = 1 + } + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + tolerance_own = 2 + diplomatic_reputation = 1 + } + + fetishist_cult = yes + heretic = { GOAT_SKULL } + allowed_conversion = { west_african_pagan_reformed } + on_convert = { + add_prestige = -100 + add_stability = -1 + add_country_modifier = { + name = "conversion_zeal" + duration = 3650 + } + } + } + west_african_pagan_reformed = { + color = { 255 160 0 } + icon = 52 + country = { + tolerance_heathen = 3 + tolerance_heretic = 2 + diplomatic_reputation = 1 + } + province = { + local_missionary_strength = -0.01 + } + country_as_secondary = { + tolerance_heathen = 3 + diplomatic_reputation = 1 + } + + fetishist_cult = yes + heretic = { GOAT_SKULL } + } + + ##New to CK3 + #Akom -> Fetishism + #Donyi-Poloism/Sedism -> Animism + kushitism_pagan = { + color = { 0.15 1 0.7 } #38.25 255 178.5 + icon = 145 + country = { + legitimacy = 1 + devotion = 1 + horde_unity = 1 + meritocracy = 1 + republican_tradition = 0.5 + max_absolutism = 10 + } + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + max_absolutism = 5 + yearly_absolutism = 0.5 + } + + heretic = { DARKNESS SNAKE_CLAN } + allowed_conversion = { kushitism_pagan_reformed } + on_convert = { + add_prestige = -100 + add_stability = -1 + add_country_modifier = { + name = "conversion_zeal" + duration = 3650 + } + } + } + kushitism_pagan_reformed = { + color = { 0 255 255 } + icon = 146 + country = { + legitimacy = 1 + devotion = 1 + horde_unity = 1 + meritocracy = 1 + republican_tradition = 0.5 + max_absolutism = 10 + } + province = { + local_missionary_strength = -0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + max_absolutism = 5 + yearly_absolutism = 0.5 + } + + heretic = { DARKNESS SNAKE_CLAN } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/25_mena_pagan.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/25_mena_pagan.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3aa6e730 --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/25_mena_pagan.txt @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +mena_pagan = { + + flags_with_emblem_percentage = 10 + flag_emblem_index_range = { 1 1 } + crusade_name = HOLY_WAR + canaanite = { + color = { 144 186 19 } + icon = 151 + country = { + naval_forcelimit = 1 + global_sailors_modifier = 1.2 + } + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + naval_forcelimit = 0.5 + global_sailors_modifier = 1.1 + } + center_of_religion = 379 # Jerusalem + heretic = { MOLOCHITES AMMONITES JEBUSAEI MOABITES EDOMITES } + allowed_conversion = { jewish } + on_convert = { + add_prestige = -100 + add_stability = -1 + add_country_modifier = { + name = "conversion_zeal" + duration = 3650 + } + } + } + + kemetism = { + color = { 179 45 0 } + icon = 152 + country = { + legitimacy = 2 + republican_tradition = 2 + } + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + legitimacy = 1 + republican_tradition = 1 + } + personal_deity = yes + heretic = { KUSHITE SPHYNX } + } + + mardukism = { + icon = 153 + color = { 128 11 0 } + country = { + monthly_splendor = 2 + harsh_treatment_cost = -0.3 + } + province = { + local_defensiveness = 0.1 + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + monthly_splendor = 1 + harsh_treatment_cost = -0.1 + } + heretic = { DANIEL SUMER } + allowed_conversion = { jewish } + } + arab_pagan = { + color = { 140 20 50 } + icon = 161 + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country = { + tolerance_heathen = 2 + tolerance_heretic = 2 + } + country_as_secondary = { + prestige = 1 + land_attrition = -0.10 + } + + uses_piety = yes + declare_war_in_regency = yes + + heretic = { BEAR_SPIRIT SNAKE_CLAN } + } + cybelene = { + color = { 155 13 81 } + icon = 158 + country = { + tolerance_own = 1 + advisor_pool = 1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + advisor_pool = 1 + stability_cost_modifier = -0.1 + } + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + heretic = { SPHYNX } + } + armenian_pagan = { + color = { 0.33 0.42 0.18 } + icon = 162 + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country = { + tolerance_heathen = 2 + tolerance_heretic = 2 + } + country_as_secondary = { + prestige = 1 + land_attrition = -0.10 + } + heretic = { SPHYNX } + } + caucasian_pagan = { + color = { 0.8 0.2 0.2 } + icon = 163 + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.01 + } + country = { + tolerance_heathen = 1 + defensiveness = 0.1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + global_regiment_recruit_speed = -0.10 + defensiveness = 0.2 + } + heretic = { SPHYNX } + } + atenism = { + color = { 0.9 0.8 0.4 } + icon = 170 + + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country = { + enemy_core_creation = 0.2 + hostile_attrition = 1 + } + country_as_secondary = { + hostile_attrition = 1 + tolerance_heathen = 2 + } + uses_piety = yes + heretic = { SPHYNX } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/26_celtic_pagan.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/26_celtic_pagan.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b30cb72d --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/common/religions/26_celtic_pagan.txt @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +celtic_pagan = { + can_form_personal_unions = yes + flags_with_emblem_percentage = 10 + flag_emblem_index_range = { 4 6 } + crusade_name = HOLY_WAR + druidism = { + color = { 102 66 31 } + icon = 105 + country = { + tolerance_own = 2 + tolerance_heretic = 2 + } + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country_as_secondary = { + tolerance_own = 2 + tolerance_heretic = 2 + } + + heretic = { ELUVEITIE ASTERIX } + uses_karma = yes + } + briton_pagan = { + color = { 0.1 0.1 0.6 } + icon = 166 + + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country = { + land_maintenance_modifier = -0.10 + land_forcelimit_modifier = 0.2 + land_morale = 0.10 + } + country_as_secondary = { + merc_maintenance_modifier = -0.1 + land_morale = 0.05 + } + heretic = { ELUVEITIE ASTERIX } + uses_karma = yes + } + gallic_pagan = { + color = { 0.1 0.6 0.1 } + icon = 167 + + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country = { + land_maintenance_modifier = -0.10 + global_manpower_modifier = 0.2 + land_morale = 0.10 + } + country_as_secondary = { + merc_maintenance_modifier = -0.1 + galley_power = 0.2 + } + heretic = { ELUVEITIE ASTERIX } + uses_karma = yes + } + gaelic_pagan = { + color = { 0.1 0.4 0.1 } + icon = 168 + + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country = { + hostile_attrition = 1 + defensiveness = 0.2 + } + country_as_secondary = { + hostile_attrition = 1 + global_tax_modifier = 0.1 + } + + heretic = { ELUVEITIE ASTERIX } + uses_karma = yes + } + celtiberian_pagan = { + color = { 0.2 0.7 0.2 } + icon = 169 + + province = { + local_missionary_strength = 0.02 + } + country = { + defensiveness = 0.2 + enemy_core_creation = 0.2 + } + country_as_secondary = { + hostile_attrition = 1 + defensiveness = 0.2 + } + + heretic = { ELUVEITIE ASTERIX } + uses_karma = yes + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/customizable_localization/00_customizable_localization_FR.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/customizable_localization/00_customizable_localization_FR.txt index 431650b0..4bf61a74 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/customizable_localization/00_customizable_localization_FR.txt +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/customizable_localization/00_customizable_localization_FR.txt @@ -1,133063 +1,126696 @@ -############################################## -### French localization custom strings ### -### Scripted by Nicolas Fouqu ### -############################################## - -################################ -### Rulers // Dirigeants ### -################################ -# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[He/She] tried" => "[Il/Elle] a tent de" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[he/she] (the ruler's next spouse)" => "[il/elle] (= la future du dirigeant/le futur de la dirigeante)" -# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the ruler -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiIlElleDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[He/She] (= the ruler's next spouse)" => "[Il/Elle] (= la future du dirigeant/le futur de la dirigeante)" -# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the ruler -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiIlElleDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetQueluiQuelleDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelui_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelle_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetQueluiQuelleDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelui_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelle_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[the] nearest consort of the Sultan" => "La consort [la] plus proche du sultan/Le consort [le] plus proche de la sultane" -# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the ruler -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiLeLaFDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] nearest consort of the Sultan" => "[La] plus proche consort du sultan/[Le] plus proche consort de la sultane" -# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the ruler -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiLeLaFDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -### le/la/l' ### -# Ex: "[the] King/Queen" => "[le] roi / [la] reine" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] King/Queen" => [Le] roi / [La] reine" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[this] monarch" => "[ce/cette] monarque" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] monarch" => "[Ce/Cette] monarque" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - - -################################################################################################################ -### Mandatory use of some masculine forms in some contexts / Emploi forc de certaines formes masculines ### -################################################################################################################ - -# Ex: "[this] monarch" => "[ce/cette] monarque" (lower case/minuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "ce" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteFDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] monarch" => "[Cet/Cette] monarque" (upper case/majuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "Ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Ce" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteFDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[this] (wo)man" => "[cet/cette] homme/femme" (lower case/minuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "cet" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCetCetteFDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] (wo)man" => "[Cet/Cette] homme/femme" (upper case/majuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "Cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Cet" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCetCetteFDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[his] sovereign" => "s[on/a] monarque" -defined_text = { - name = GetOnADir - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[his] sovereign" => "s[on] souverain/s[a] souveraine" -defined_text = { - name = GetOnAFDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[the one] which" => "[celui/celle] qui" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeluiCelleDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_celui_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_celle_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The one] which" => "[Celui/Celle] qui" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeluiCelleDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_celui_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_celle_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] King/Queen" => "[du] roi / [de la] reine" (lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] King/Queen" => "[Du] roi / [De la] reine" (upper case/majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] new monarch" => "[du] nouveau monarque/[de la] nouvelle monarque" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] new monarch" => "[Du] nouveau monarque/[De la] nouvelle monarque" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[To the] King/Queen" => "[au] roi/[ la] reine" (lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[To the] King/Queen" => "[Au] roi /[ la] reine" (upper case/majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[To the] monarch" => "[au/ la] monarque" (lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[To the] monarch" => "[Au/ la] monarque" (upper case/majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[if] he/she" => "[s'il]/[si elle]" (lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_sil_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielle_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[If] he/she" => "[S'il]/[Si elle]" (upper case/majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_sil_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielle_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "great ruler" => "grand[/e] dirigeant[/e]" -defined_text = { - name = GetXEDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_XX_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - -# Ex: "The ruler married a great [lord/lady]" => "Le dirigeant a pous un[e] grand[e] dame/La dirigeant a pous un[] grand[] seigneur" -# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the ruler -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiXEDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_XX_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - -# Ex: "a [famous] king/queen" => "un roi fam[eux] / une reine fam[euse]" -defined_text = { - name = GetEuxEuseDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_eux_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_euse_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "the first king/queen" => "(le/la) premi[er]/premi[re] roi/reine" -defined_text = { - name = GetErEreDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_er_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ere_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[new] ruler" => "nouv[eau/elle] monarque" -defined_text = { - name = GetEauElleDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_eau_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[new] Emperor" => "nouv[el/elle] empereur/impratrice" -defined_text = { - name = GetElElleFDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_el_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "The ruler will take a [spouse]" => "Le dirigeant va prendre une [pouse]/La dirigeante va prendre un [poux/pouse]" -# Defines a character the opposite gender of the ruler / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui du dirigeant ou de la dirigeante -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiEpouxEpouseDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_epouse_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_epoux_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "The ruler will marry the [daughter/son] of a noble family" => "Le dirigeant va pouser la [fille] d'une grande famille/La dirigeante va pouser le [fils] d'une grande famille" -# Defines a character the opposite gender of the ruler / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui du dirigeant ou de la dirigeante - defined_text = { - name = GetAntiFilsFilleDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_fille_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fils_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "The ruler marries his [brother/sister]" => "Le dirigeant pouse sa [soeur]/La dirigeante pouse son [frre]" -# Defines a character the opposite gender of the ruler / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui du dirigeant ou de la dirigeante -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiFrereSoeurDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_soeur_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frere_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[from him/her]" => "[de lui/d'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_delui_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delle_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[From him/her]" => "[De lui/D'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_delui_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delle_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "the [Elector] of Bavaria" => "l'lec[teur/trice] de Bavire" -defined_text = { - name = GetTeurTriceDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_teur_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_trice_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "as a [Prince] of the HRE" => "en tant que [prince]/[princesse] du Saint-Empire romain germanique" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetPrincePrincesseDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_prince_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_princesse_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Prince] of the HRE" => "[Prince]/[Princesse] du Saint-Empire romain germanique" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetPrincePrincesseDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_prince_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_princesse_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "he/she is holy roman [emperor]/[empress]" => "il est l'[empereur] du SERG / elle est l'[impratrice] du SERG" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetEmpereurImperatriceDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_empereur_FR - trigger = { - is_emperor = yes - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_imperatrice_FR - trigger = { - is_emperor = yes - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "Holy Roman [emperor]/[empress] or not..." => "[Empereur]/[Impratrice] du SERG ou non..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetEmpereurImperatriceDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_empereur_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_imperatrice_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "(S)he's [King] in Prussia" => "Il/Elle est [roi]/[reine] en Prusse" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetRoiReineDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_roi_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reine_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "Being [King/Queen] IN Prussia is not being [King/Queen] OF Prussia" => "[Roi]/[Reine] EN Prusse n'est pas tre roi/reine DE Prusse" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetRoiReineDirCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_roi_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reine_cap_FR - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - - -############################## -### Heirs // Hritiers ### -############################## -# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[He/She] tried" => "[Il/Elle] a tent de" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[he/she] (= the heir's next spouse)" => "[il/elle] (= la future de l'hritier/le futur de l'hritire)" -# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the heir -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiIlElleHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[He/She] (= the heir's next spouse)" => "[Il/Elle] (= la future de l'hritier/le future de l'hritire)" -# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the heir -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiIlElleHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetQueluiQuelleHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelui_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetQueluiQuelleHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelui_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelle_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - -# Ex: "the nearest consort of the Heir" => "La consort [la] plus proche de l'hritier/Le consort [le] plus proche de l'hritire" -# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the ruler -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiLeLaFHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "The nearest consort of the Heir" => "[La] plus proche consort de l'hritier/[Le] plus proche consort de l'hritire" -# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the ruler -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiLeLaFHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -### le/la/l' ### - -# Ex: "[the] heir" => "[le/la] hritier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } - text = { # TEST - localisation_key = string_l_FR - trigger = { # ABETO "Abeto" - government = monarchy - religion_group = christian - OR = { - primary_culture = amhara - primary_culture = sidamo - primary_culture = tigray - } - has_female_heir = no - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] heir" => "[Le/La] hritier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[this] monarch" => "[ce/cette] hritier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] monarch" => "[Ce/Cette] hritier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[this] sick person" => "[ce/cette] malade" (lower case/minuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "ce" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteFHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] sick person" => "[Cet/Cette] malade" (upper case/majuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "Ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Ce" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteFHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[this] (wo)man" => "[cet/cette] homme/femme" (lower case/minuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "cet" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCetCetteFHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] (wo)man" => "[Cet/Cette] homme/femme" (upper case/majuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "Cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Cet" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCetCetteFHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[his] son/daughter" => "s[on] fils/s[a] fille" -defined_text = { - name = GetOnAHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[his] son/daughter" => "s[on] fils/s[a] fille" -defined_text = { - name = GetOnAFHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[the one] which" => "[celui/celle] qui" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeluiCelleHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_celui_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_celle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[The one] which" => "[Celui/Celle] qui" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeluiCelleHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_celui_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_celle_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] son/daughter" => "[du/de la] fils/fille" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] son/daughter" => "[Du/De la] fils/fille" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] last son/daughter" => "[du] dernier fils/[de la] dernire fille" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] last son/daughter" => "[Du] dernier fils/[De la] dernire fille" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[to the] son/daughter" => "[au/ la] fils/fille" (lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[To the] son/daughter" => "[Au/ la] fils/fille" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[to the] son/daughter" => "[au/ la] fils/fille" (lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[To the] son/daughter" => "[Au/ la] fils/fille" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[if] he/she" => "[s'il]/[si elle]" (lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_sil_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[If] he/she" => "[S'il]/[Si elle]" (upper case/majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_sil_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielle_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "great ruler" => "prochain[/e] souverain[/e]" -defined_text = { - name = GetXEHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_XX_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - -# Ex: "The heir married a great [lord/lady]" => "L'hritier a pous un[e] grand[e] dame/L'hritire a pous un[] grand[] seigneur" -# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the Heir -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiXEHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_XX_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - -# Ex: "a [famous] prince(ss)" => "un prince fam[eux] / une princesse fam[euse]" -defined_text = { - name = GetEuxEuseHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_eux_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_euse_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "the first heir" => "le/la premi[er/re] hriti[er]/hriti[re]" -defined_text = { - name = GetErEreHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_er_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ere_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[new] heir" => "nouv[eau/elle] souverain(e)" -defined_text = { - name = GetEauElleHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_eau_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "The Heir will take a [wife/husband]" => "L'hritier va prendre un [poux]/L'hritire va prendre une [pouse]" -# Defines a character the opposite gender of the heir / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui de l'hritier ou de l'hritire -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiEpouxEpouseHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_epouse_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_epoux_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "The Heir will marry the [daughter/son] of a great family" => "L'hritier va pouser la [fille] d'une grande famille/L'hritire va pouser le [fils] d'une grande famille" -# Defines a character the opposite gender of the heir / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui de l'hritier ou de l'hritire -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiFilsFilleHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_fille_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fils_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "The heir marries his [brother/sister]" => "L'hritier pouse sa [soeur]/L'hritire pouse son [frre]" -# Defines a character the opposite gender of the heir / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui de l'hritier ou de l'hritire -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiFrereSoeurHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_soeur_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frere_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[from him/her]" => "[de lui/d'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleHrt - text = { - localisation_key = string_delui_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[From him/her]" => "[De lui/D'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleHrtCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_delui_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delle_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - - -################################ -### Consorts // Consorts ### -################################ -# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[He/She] tried" => "[Il/Elle] a tent de" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[he/she] (= the consort dead spouse)" => "[il/elle] (= feu l'poux/l'pouse du/de la consort)" -# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the consort -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiIlElleCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[He/She] (= the consort dead spouse)" => "[Il/Elle] (= feu l'poux/l'pouse du/de la consort)" -# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the consort -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiIlElleConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetQueluiQuelleCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelui_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetQueluiQuelleConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelui_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelle_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "the consort mourns [him/her] (= the dead ruler)" => "la consort [le] pleure (= feu le dirigeant)/le consort [la] pleure (= feu la dirigeante)" -# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the consort -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiLeLaFCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] consort's first spouse" => "[Le] premier poux de la consort/[La] premire pouse de la consort" -# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the consort -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiLeLaFConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -### le/la/l' ### - -# Ex: "[the] consort" => "[le/la] consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } - text = { # TEST - localisation_key = string_l_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - AND = { - tag = HAB - government = monarchy - government_rank = 1 - NOT = { government_rank = 2 } - has_female_consort = no - } - AND = { - tag = HAB - government = monarchy - government_rank = 1 - NOT = { government_rank = 2 } - has_female_consort = yes - } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] consort" => "[Le/La] consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[this] consort" => "[ce/cette] consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] consort" => "[Ce/Cette] consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[this] consort" => "[ce/cette] consort" (lower case/minuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "ce" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteFCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] sick person" => "[Cet/Cette] consort" (upper case/majuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "Ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Ce" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteFConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[this] (wo)man" => "[cet/cette] homme/femme" (lower case/minuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "cet" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCetCetteFCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] (wo)man" => "[Cet/Cette] homme/femme" (upper case/majuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "Cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Cet" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCetCetteFConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[his] consort" => "s[on]/s[a] consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetOnACons - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[his] consort" => "s[on]/s[a] consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetOnAFCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[the one] which" => "[celui/celle] qui" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeluiCelleCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_celui_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_celle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The one] which" => "[Celui/Celle] qui" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeluiCelleConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_celui_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_celle_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] consort" => "[du/de la] consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] consort" => "[Du/De la] consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] new consort" => "[du] nouveau consort/[de la] nouvelle consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] new consort" => "[Du] nouveau consort/[De la] nouvelle consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[to the] consort" => "[au/ la] consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[To the] consort" => "[Au/ la] consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[to the] consort" => "[au/ la] consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[To the] consort" => "[Au/ la] consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[if] he/she" => "[s'il]/[si elle]" (lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_sil_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[If] he/she" => "[S'il]/[Si elle]" (upper case/majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_sil_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielle_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "next regent" => "prochain[/e] rgent[/e]" -defined_text = { - name = GetXECons - text = { - localisation_key = string_XX_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - -# Ex: "The Consort is the spouse of a great ruler" => "Le consort est l'poux d'un[e] grand[e] dirigeant[e]/La consort est l'pouse d'un[] grand[] dirigeant[]" -# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the Consort -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiXECons - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_XX_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - -# Ex: "a [famous] consort" => "un consort fam[eux] / une consort fam[euse]" -defined_text = { - name = GetEuxEuseCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_eux_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_euse_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "the first consort" => "le/la premi[er/re] consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetErEreCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_er_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ere_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[new] consort" => "nouv[eau/elle] consort" -defined_text = { - name = GetEauElleCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_eau_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "The Consort's [wife/husband] is the ruler" => "L'[poux] de la consort est le dirigeant/L'[pouse] du consort est la dirigeante" -# Defines a character the opposite gender of the consort / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui du ou de la consort -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiEpouxEpouseCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_epouse_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_epoux_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "The Consort is the [daughter/son] of a great family" => "Le consort est le [fils] d'une grande famille/La consort est la [fille] d'une grande famille" -# Defines a character the opposite gender of the consort / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui du ou de la consort -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiFilsFilleCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_fille_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fils_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "The consort is the ruler's [brother/sister]" => "La consort est la soeur du dirigeant/La consort est le frre de la dirigeante" -# Defines a character the opposite gender of the consort / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui du ou de la consort -defined_text = { - name = GetAntiFrereSoeurCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_soeur_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frere_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[from him/her]" => "[de lui/d'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_delui_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delle_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[From him/her]" => "[De lui/D'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleConsCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_delui_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delle_cap_FR - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -################################################################# -### Administrative Advisors // Conseillers administratifs ### -################################################################# -# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[He/She] tried" => "[Il/Elle] a tent de" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleAdmCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleAdmCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetQueluiQuelleAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelui_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetQueluiQuelleAdmCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelui_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFAdmCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[the] treasurer" => "[le/la] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] treasurer" => "[Le/La] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLAdmCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of L' / spar pour utiliser L' - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[this] treasurer" => "[ce/cette] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of cet / spar pour utiliser cet - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of cet / spar pour utiliser cet - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] treasurer" => "[Ce/Cette] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteAdmCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of cet / spar pour utiliser cet - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of cet / spar pour utiliser cet - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[this] advisor" => "[ce/cette] conseiller" (lower case/minuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "ce" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteFAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] sick person" => "[Cet/Cette] consort" (upper case/majuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "Ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Ce" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteFAdmCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[this] (wo)man" => "[cet/cette] homme/femme" (lower case/minuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "cet" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCetCetteFAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] (wo)man" => "[Cet/Cette] homme/femme" (upper case/majuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "Cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Cet" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCetCetteFAdmCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[his] adviser" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetOnAAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "(s)on" / spar pour utiliser "(s)on" - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "(s)on" / spar pour utiliser "(s)on" - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "son" / spar pour utiliser "son" - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "son" / spar pour utiliser "son" - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[his] adviser" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetOnAFAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[the one] which" => "[celui/celle] qui" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeluiCelleAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_celui_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_celle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The one] which" => "[Celui/Celle] qui" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeluiCelleAdmCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_celui_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_celle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[du] conseiller/[de la] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Du] conseiller/[De la] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaAdmCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] new advisor" => "[du] nouveau conseiller/[de la] nouvelle conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] new advisor" => "[Du] nouveau conseiller/[De la] nouvelle conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFAdmCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[to the] treasurer" => "[au/ la] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[To the] treasurer" => "[Au/ la] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaAdmCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[to the] treasurer" => "[au/ la] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[To the] treasurer" => "[Au/ la] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFAdmCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[if] he/she" => "[s'il]/[si elle]" (lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_sil_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[If] he/she" => "[S'il]/[Si elle]" (upper case/majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleAdmCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_sil_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "next treasurer" => "prochain[/e] trsorier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetXEAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_XX_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "a [famous] advisor" => "un conseiller fam[eux] / une conseillre fam[euse]" -defined_text = { - name = GetEuxEuseAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_eux_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_euse_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "the first advisor" => "le/la premi[er/re] conseill[er/re]" -defined_text = { - name = GetErEreAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_er_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ere_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[new] advisor" => "nouv[eau/elle] conseiller/conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetEauElleAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_eau_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[Treasurer]" => "[financer/financire]" (lower case) -defined_text = { - name = GetAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_philosopher_FR - trigger = { - advisor = philosopher - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_natural_scientist_FR - trigger = { - advisor = natural_scientist - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_artist_FR - trigger = { - advisor = artist - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_treasurer_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_treasurer_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_theologian_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_theologian_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_master_of_mint_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_master_of_mint_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inquisitor_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inquisitor_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } -} - - - -# Ex: "[from him/her]" => "[de lui/d'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_delui_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[From him/her]" => "[De lui/D'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleAdmCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_delui_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -############################################################ -### Diplomatic Advisors // Conseillers diplomatiques ### -############################################################ -# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[He/She] tried" => "[Il/Elle] a tent de" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleDipCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleDipCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetQueluiQuelleDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelui_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetQueluiQuelleDipCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelui_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFDipCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[the] trader" => "[le/la] ngociant(e)" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] trader" => "[Le/La] ngociant(e)" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLDipCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of L' / spar pour utiliser L' - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[this] trader" => "[ce/cette] ngociant(e)" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "cet" / spar pour utiliser "cet" - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] trader" => "[Ce/Cette] ngociant(e)" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteDipCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "Cet" / spar pour utiliser "Cet" - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[this] advisor" => "[ce/cette] conseiller" (lower case/minuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "ce" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteFDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] sick person" => "[Cet/Cette] consort" (upper case/majuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "Ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Ce" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteFDipCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[this] (wo)man" => "[cet/cette] homme/femme" (lower case/minuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "cet" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCetCetteFDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] (wo)man" => "[Cet/Cette] homme/femme" (upper case/majuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "Cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Cet" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCetCetteFDipCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[his] advisor" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetOnADip - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[his] advisor" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetOnAFDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[the one] which" => "[celui/celle] qui" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeluiCelleDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_celui_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_celle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The one] which" => "[Celui/Celle] qui" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeluiCelleDipCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_celui_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_celle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[du] conseiller/[de la] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Du] conseiller/[De la] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaDipCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] new advisor" => "[du] nouveau conseiller/[de la] nouvelle conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] new advisor" => "[Du] nouveau conseiller/[De la] nouvelle conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFDipCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[to the] trader" => "[au/ la] ngociant(e)" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[To the] trader" => "[Au/ la] ngociant(e)" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaDipCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_cap_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[to the] trader" => "[au/ la] ngociant(e)" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[To the] trader" => "[Au/ la] ngociant(e)" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFDipCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[if] he/she" => "[s'il]/[si elle]" (lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_sil_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[If] he/she" => "[S'il]/[Si elle]" (upper case/majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleDipCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_sil_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "next trader" => "prochain[/e] ngociant(e)" -defined_text = { - name = GetXEDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_XX_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "a [famous] advisor" => "un conseiller fam[eux] / une conseillre fam[euse]" -defined_text = { - name = GetEuxEuseDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_eux_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_euse_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "the first advisor" => "le/la premi[er/re] conseill[er/re]" -defined_text = { - name = GetErEreDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_er_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ere_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[new] advisor" => "nouv[eau/elle] conseiller/conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetEauElleDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_eau_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[Trader]" => "[ngociant/ngociante]" (lower case) -defined_text = { - name = GetDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_statesman_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_statesman_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_naval_reformer_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_naval_reformer_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_trader_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_trader_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spymaster_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spymaster_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_colonial_governor_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_colonial_governor_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diplomat_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diplomat_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navigator_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navigator_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[from him/her]" => "[de lui/d'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_delui_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[From him/her]" => "[De lui/D'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleDipCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_delui_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - - -####################################################### -### Military Advisors // Conseillers militaires ### -####################################################### -# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[He/She] tried" => "[Il/Elle] a tent de" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleMilCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleMilCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetQueluiQuelleMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelui_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetQueluiQuelleMilCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelui_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_quelle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFMilCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[the] quartermaster" => "[le/la] fourrier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] quartermaster" => "[Le/La] fourrier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLMilCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of L' / spar pour utiliser L' - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of L' / spar pour utiliser L' - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of L' / spar pour utiliser L' - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of L' / spar pour utiliser L' - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[this] quartermaster" => "[ce/cette] fourrier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "cet" / spar pour utiliser "cet" - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "cet" / spar pour utiliser "cet" - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] quartermaster" => "[Ce/Cette] fourrier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteMilCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "Cet" / spar pour utiliser "Cet" - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "Cet" / spar pour utiliser "Cet" - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[this] advisor" => "[ce/cette] conseiller" (lower case/minuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "ce" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteFMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] sick person" => "[Cet/Cette] consort" (upper case/majuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "Ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Ce" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteFMilCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[this] (wo)man" => "[cet/cette] homme/femme" (lower case/minuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "cet" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCetCetteFMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[This] (wo)man" => "[Cet/Cette] homme/femme" (upper case/majuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "Cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Cet" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCetCetteFMilCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[his] advisor" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetOnAMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "(s)on" / spar pour utiliser "(s)on" - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "(s)on" / spar pour utiliser "(s)on" - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "(s)on" / spar pour utiliser "(s)on" - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "(s)on" / spar pour utiliser "(s)on" - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[his] advisor" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetOnAFMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[the one] which" => "[celui/celle] qui" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeluiCelleMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_celui_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_celle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The one] which" => "[Celui/Celle] qui" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeluiCelleMilCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_celui_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_celle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[du] conseiller/[de la] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to use "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to use "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to use "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to use "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Du] conseiller/[De la] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaMilCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to use "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to use "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to use "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to use "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[du] nouveau conseiller/[de la] nouvelle conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] new advisor" => "[Du] nouveau conseiller/[De la] nouvelle conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFMilCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[to the] quartermaster" => "[au/ la] fourrier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[To the] quartermaster" => "[Au/ la] fourrier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaMilCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[to the] quartermaster" => "[au/ la] fourrier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[To the] quartermaster" => "[Au/ la] fourrier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFMilCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[if] he/she" => "[s'il]/[si elle]" (lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_sil_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[If] he/she" => "[S'il]/[Si elle]" (upper case/majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleMilCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_sil_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "next quartermaster" => "prochain[/e] fourrier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetXEMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_XX_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "a [famous] advisor" => "un conseiller fam[eux] / une conseillre fam[euse]" -defined_text = { - name = GetEuxEuseMIl - text = { - localisation_key = string_eux_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_euse_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "a [famous] advisor" => "un conseiller fam[eux] / une conseillre fam[euse]" -defined_text = { - name = GetEuxEuseMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_eux_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_euse_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "the first advisor" => "(le/la) premi[er/re] conseill[er/re]" -defined_text = { - name = GetErEreMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_er_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ere_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[new] advisor" => "nouv[eau/elle] conseiller/conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetEauElleMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_eau_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[Quartermaster]" => "[fourrier/ire]" (lower case) -defined_text = { - name = GetMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_army_reformer_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_army_reformer_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_army_organiser_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_army_organiser_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_commandant_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_commandant_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_quartermaster_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_quartermaster_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_recruitmaster_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_recruitmaster_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fortification_expert_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fortification_expert_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_grand_captain_male_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_grand_captain_fem_FR - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[from him/her]" => "[de lui/d'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_delui_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[From him/her]" => "[De lui/D'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleMilCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_delui_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } - employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } - } - } - } -} - - - -##################################################################################### -### New Court Flavour Advisors // Conseillers des nouveaux vnements de cour ### -##################################################################################### - -#GetTitle of the correct advisor -defined_text = { - name = GetEventAdvisorTitleMinus - random = no - - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorTitleMinus.A - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorTitleMinus.D - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorTitleMinus.M - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - - - -# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetEventAdvisorIlElle - random = no - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorSheHe.A - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorSheHe.D - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorSheHe.M - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} -defined_text = { - name = GetEventAdvisorIlElleCap - random = no - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorSheHeCap.A - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorSheHeCap.D - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorSheHeCap.M - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetEventAdvisorLeLaF - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorLeLaF.A - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorLeLaF.D - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorLeLaF.M - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} -# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetEventAdvisorLeLaFCap - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorLeLaFCap.A - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorLeLaFCap.D - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorLeLaFCap.M - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetEventAdvisorLuiElle - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorHerHim.A - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorHerHim.D - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorHerHim.M - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetEventAdvisorLuiElleCap - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorHerHimCap.A - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorHerHimCap.D - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorHerHimCap.M - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetEventAdvisorQueluiQuelle - random = no - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorQueluiQuelle.A - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorQueluiQuelle.D - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorQueluiQuelle.M - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetEventAdvisorQueluiQuelleCap - random = no - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorQueluiQuelleCap.A - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorQueluiQuelleCap.D - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorQueluiQuelleCap.M - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "next treasurer" => "prochain[/e] trsorier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetEventAdvisorXE - random = no - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorXE.A - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorXE.D - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorXE.M - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "such a treasurer" => "un(e) t[el/elle] trsorier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetEventAdvisorElElleF - random = no - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorElElle.A - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorElElle.D - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = EventAdvisorElElle.M - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "(s)he is a brilliant [man/woman]" => "c'est un(e) [homme/femme] brillant(e)" -defined_text = { - name = GetEventAdvisorManWoman - random = no - text = { - localisation_key = GetEventAdvisorManWoman.A - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = GetEventAdvisorManWoman.D - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = GetEventAdvisorManWoman.M - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "this is a brilliant advisor" => "c'est un(e) exellent(e) conseill[er/ere]" -defined_text = { - name = GetEventAdvisorErEre - random = no - text = { - localisation_key = GetEventAdvisorErEre.A - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = GetEventAdvisorErEre.D - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = GetEventAdvisorErEre.M - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - -################################################### -### Religion Groups // Familles religieuses ### -################################################### - -### Ex: "[Christianity]" => "[christianisme]" -defined_text = { - name = GetFamRelN - text = { - localisation_key = string_christian_n_FR - trigger = { religion_group = christian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muslim_n_FR - trigger = { OR = { religion_group = muslim religion_group = muslirel } } # La Pliade - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_n_FR - trigger = { OR = { religion_group = eastern religion_group = easterrel } } # La Pliade - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dharmic_n_FR - trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pagan_n_FR - trigger = { religion_group = pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_group_n_FR - trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_n_FR - trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_rel - trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidi_rel - trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Muslim] believer" => "Un croyant [musulman]" (singular masculine/masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetFamRelMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_christian_ms_FR - trigger = { religion_group = christian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muslim_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { religion_group = muslim religion_group = muslirel } } # La Pliade - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { religion_group = eastern religion_group = easterrel } } # La Pliade - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dharmic_s_FR - trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pagan_ms_FR - trigger = { religion_group = pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_group_ms_FR - trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_ms_FR - trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_ms - trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidi_ms - trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Muslim] doctrine" => "une doctrine [musulmane]" (singular feminine/fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetFamRelFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_christian_fs_FR - trigger = { religion_group = christian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muslim_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { religion_group = muslim religion_group = muslirel } } # La Pliade - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { religion_group = eastern religion_group = easterrel } } # La Pliade - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dharmic_s_FR - trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pagan_fs_FR - trigger = { religion_group = pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_group_fs_FR - trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_fs_FR - trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fs - trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidi_fs - trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Muslim] believers" => "les croyants [musulmans]" (plural masculine/masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetFamRelMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_christian_mp_FR - trigger = { religion_group = christian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muslim_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { religion_group = muslim religion_group = muslirel } } # La Pliade - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { religion_group = eastern religion_group = easterrel } } # La Pliade - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dharmic_p_FR - trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pagan_mp_FR - trigger = { religion_group = pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_group_mp_FR - trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_mp_FR - trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_mp - trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidi_mp - trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Muslim] doctrines" => "les doctrines [musulmanes]" (plural feminine/fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetFamRelFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_christian_fp_FR - trigger = { religion_group = christian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muslim_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { religion_group = muslim religion_group = muslirel } } # La Pliade - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { religion_group = eastern religion_group = easterrel } } # La Pliade - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dharmic_p_FR - trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pagan_fp_FR - trigger = { religion_group = pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_group_fp_FR - trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_fp_FR - trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fp - trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidi_fp - trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } - } -} - - -### Ex: "This is Christianity" => "Voil ce qu'est [le] christianisme / [l']islam" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFamRel - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_group_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religion_group = muslim - religion_group = muslirel # La pliade - religion_group = eastern - religion_group = easterrel # La Pliade - religion_group = gnostic - religion_group = yazidi - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "Christianity is..." => "Le [christianisme] / [L']islam est..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFamRelCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_group_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religion_group = muslim - religion_group = muslirel # La Pliade - religion_group = eastern - religion_group = easterrel # La Pliade - religion_group = gnostic - religion_group = yazidi - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A precept [of] Christianity" => "Un prcepte [du] christianisme" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFamRel - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_group_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_group_vow = yes - } - } -} -### Ex: "[Of] Christianity is born" => "[Du] christianisme / [De l']islam est n" (= upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFamRelCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_group_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_group_vow = yes - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "It belongs [to] Christianity" => "Il appartient [au] christianisme/[ l']islam" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFamRel - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_group_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_group_vow = yes - } - } -} -### Ex: "[To] Christianity belongs..." => "[Au] christianisme/[ l']islam appartient..." (= upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFamRelCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_group_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_group_vow = yes - } - } -} - - - -################################################### -### Religion (Main) // Religions (principale) ### -################################################### - -### Ex: "[Protestantism] is..." => "Le [protestantisme] est..." -defined_text = { - name = GetRelN - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_n_FR - trigger = { religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_n_FR - trigger = { religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_n_FR - trigger = { religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_n_FR - trigger = { religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_n_FR - trigger = { religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_n_FR - trigger = { religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_n_FR - trigger = { religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_n_FR - trigger = { religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_n_FR - trigger = { religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_n_FR - trigger = { religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_n_FR - trigger = { religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_n_FR - trigger = { religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_n_FR - trigger = { religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_n_FR - trigger = { religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_n_FR - trigger = { religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_n_FR - trigger = { religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_n_FR - trigger = { religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_n_FR - trigger = { religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_n_FR - trigger = { religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_n_FR - trigger = { religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_n_FR - trigger = { religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_n_FR - trigger = { religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_n_FR - trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_n_FR - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_n_FR - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_n_FR - trigger = { religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_n_FR - trigger = { religion = zoroastrian } - } - - # From CK3 - they're the default name anyway - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_rel - trigger = { religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_rel - trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church # Krstjani - trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila # Qadariyah - trigger = { religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist - trigger = { religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite - trigger = { religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism - trigger = { religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism - trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism - trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism - trigger = { religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism - trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism - trigger = { religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic - trigger = { religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism - trigger = { religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism - trigger = { religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism - trigger = { religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism - trigger = { religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism - trigger = { religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_rel # Uralic - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_rel - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan # Turumism - trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite - trigger = { religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism - trigger = { religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism - trigger = { religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism - trigger = { religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_rel - trigger = { religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_rel - trigger = { religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_rel - trigger = { religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_rel - trigger = { religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_rel - trigger = { religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_rel - trigger = { religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_rel - trigger = { religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_rel - trigger = { religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_rel - trigger = { religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_rel - trigger = { religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_rel - trigger = { religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri - trigger = { religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism - trigger = { religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite - trigger = { religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze - trigger = { religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi - trigger = { religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_rel - trigger = { religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_religion_rel - trigger = { religion = pagan_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan - trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_rel - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_rel - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_rel - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_rel - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_rel - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_rel - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_rel - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_rel - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon - trigger = { religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed - trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki - trigger = { religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_rel - trigger = { religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta - trigger = { religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_rel - trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_rel - trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_rel - trigger = { religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] believer" => "Un croyant [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetRelMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR - trigger = { religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR - trigger = { religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR - trigger = { religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR - trigger = { religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR - trigger = { religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR - trigger = { religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR - trigger = { religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_ms - trigger = { religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms - trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani - trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah - trigger = { religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_ms - trigger = { religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_ms - trigger = { religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms - trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms - trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_ms - trigger = { religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms - trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_ms - trigger = { religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_ms - trigger = { religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_ms - trigger = { religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_ms - trigger = { religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_ms - trigger = { religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_ms - trigger = { religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_ms - trigger = { religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism - trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_ms - trigger = { religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_ms - trigger = { religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_ms - trigger = { religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_ms - trigger = { religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_ms - trigger = { religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_ms - trigger = { religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_ms - trigger = { religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_ms - trigger = { religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_ms - trigger = { religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_ms - trigger = { religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_ms - trigger = { religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_ms - trigger = { religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_ms - trigger = { religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_ms - trigger = { religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_ms - trigger = { religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_ms - trigger = { religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_ms - trigger = { religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_ms - trigger = { religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_ms - trigger = { religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_ms - trigger = { religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_msigion_ms - trigger = { religion = pagan_msigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_ms - trigger = { religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_ms - trigger = { religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_ms - trigger = { religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_ms - trigger = { religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms - trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms - trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_ms - trigger = { religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] doctrine" => "une doctrine [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetRelFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR - trigger = { religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR - trigger = { religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR - trigger = { religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR - trigger = { religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR - trigger = { religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR - trigger = { religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR - trigger = { religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fs - trigger = { religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs - trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani - trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah - trigger = { religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fs - trigger = { religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fs - trigger = { religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs - trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs - trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fs - trigger = { religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs - trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fs - trigger = { religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fs - trigger = { religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fs - trigger = { religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fs - trigger = { religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fs - trigger = { religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fs - trigger = { religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fs - trigger = { religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism - trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fs - trigger = { religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fs - trigger = { religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fs - trigger = { religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fs - trigger = { religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fs - trigger = { religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fs - trigger = { religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fs - trigger = { religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fs - trigger = { religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fs - trigger = { religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fs - trigger = { religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fs - trigger = { religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fs - trigger = { religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fs - trigger = { religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fs - trigger = { religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fs - trigger = { religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fs - trigger = { religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fs - trigger = { religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fs - trigger = { religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fs - trigger = { religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fs - trigger = { religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_fsigion_fs - trigger = { religion = pagan_fsigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fs - trigger = { religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fs - trigger = { religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fs - trigger = { religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fs - trigger = { religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs - trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs - trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fs - trigger = { religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] believers" => "les croyants [protestants]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetRelMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR - trigger = { religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR - trigger = { religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR - trigger = { religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR - trigger = { religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR - trigger = { religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR - trigger = { religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR - trigger = { religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_mp - trigger = { religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp - trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani - trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah - trigger = { religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_mp - trigger = { religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_mp - trigger = { religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp - trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp - trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_mp - trigger = { religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp - trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_mp - trigger = { religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_mp - trigger = { religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_mp - trigger = { religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_mp - trigger = { religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_mp - trigger = { religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_mp - trigger = { religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_mp - trigger = { religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism - trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_mp - trigger = { religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_mp - trigger = { religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_mp - trigger = { religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_mp - trigger = { religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_mp - trigger = { religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_mp - trigger = { religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_mp - trigger = { religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_mp - trigger = { religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_mp - trigger = { religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_mp - trigger = { religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_mp - trigger = { religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_mp - trigger = { religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_mp - trigger = { religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_mp - trigger = { religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_mp - trigger = { religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_mp - trigger = { religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_mp - trigger = { religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_mp - trigger = { religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_mp - trigger = { religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_mp - trigger = { religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_mpigion_mp - trigger = { religion = pagan_mpigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_mp - trigger = { religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_mp - trigger = { religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_mp - trigger = { religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_mp - trigger = { religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp - trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp - trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_mp - trigger = { religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] doctrines" => "les doctrines [protestantes]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetRelFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR - trigger = { religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR - trigger = { religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR - trigger = { religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR - trigger = { religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR - trigger = { religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR - trigger = { religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR - trigger = { religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fp - trigger = { religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp - trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani - trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah - trigger = { religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fp - trigger = { religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fp - trigger = { religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp - trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp - trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fp - trigger = { religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp - trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fp - trigger = { religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fp - trigger = { religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fp - trigger = { religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fp - trigger = { religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fp - trigger = { religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fp - trigger = { religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fp - trigger = { religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism - trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fp - trigger = { religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fp - trigger = { religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fp - trigger = { religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fp - trigger = { religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fp - trigger = { religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fp - trigger = { religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fp - trigger = { religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fp - trigger = { religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fp - trigger = { religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fp - trigger = { religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fp - trigger = { religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fp - trigger = { religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fp - trigger = { religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fp - trigger = { religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fp - trigger = { religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fp - trigger = { religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fp - trigger = { religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fp - trigger = { religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fp - trigger = { religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fp - trigger = { religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_fpigion_fp - trigger = { religion = pagan_fpigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fp - trigger = { religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fp - trigger = { religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fp - trigger = { religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fp - trigger = { religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp - trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp - trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fp - trigger = { religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism is..." => "[le] sunnisme/[la] Rforme/[l']iconoclasme est..." (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaRel - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes - frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism is..." => "[Le] sunnisme/[La] Rforme/[L']iconoclasme est..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaRelCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes - frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "Priests propagate [it] (= sunnism/orthodoxy)" => "Le clerg [le] diffuse (= le sunnisme)/[la] diffuse (= l'orthoxie)" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFRel - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes - frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes - frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "Propagate [it] is important. (= sunnism/orthodoxy)" => "[Le]/[La] diffuser est important. (= sunnisme/orthoxie)" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFRelCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes - frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes - frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A precept [of] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism " => "un prcepte [du] sunnisme/[de la] Rforme/[de l']iconoclasme" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaRel - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes - frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[Of] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism is born" => "[Du] sunnisme/[De la] Rforme/[De l']iconoclasme est n..." (= upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaRelCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes - frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[to] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism " => "[au] sunnisme/[ la] Rforme/[ l']iconoclasme" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaRel - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes - frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[To] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism belongs" => "[Au] sunnisme/[ la] Rforme/[ l']iconoclasme appartient..." (= upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaRelCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes - frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -##################################################### -### Secondary Religion // Religions secondaires ### -##################################################### - -### Ex: "[Protestantism]" => "[protestantisme]" -### Ex: "[Protestantism] is..." => "Le [protestantisme] est..." -defined_text = { - name = GetRelSecN - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_n_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = zoroastrian } - } - - # From CK3 - they're the default name anyway - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church # Krstjani - trigger = { secondary_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila # Qadariyah - trigger = { secondary_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist - trigger = { secondary_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite - trigger = { secondary_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism - trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism - trigger = { secondary_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism - trigger = { secondary_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism - trigger = { secondary_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism - trigger = { secondary_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism - trigger = { secondary_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic - trigger = { secondary_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism - trigger = { secondary_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism - trigger = { secondary_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism - trigger = { secondary_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism - trigger = { secondary_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism - trigger = { secondary_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan - trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed - trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_rel # Uralic - trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan # Turumism - trigger = { secondary_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite - trigger = { secondary_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism - trigger = { secondary_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism - trigger = { secondary_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism - trigger = { secondary_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri - trigger = { secondary_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism - trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite - trigger = { secondary_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze - trigger = { secondary_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi - trigger = { secondary_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_religion_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = pagan_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan - trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed - trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan - trigger = { secondary_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan - trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed - trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon - trigger = { secondary_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed - trigger = { secondary_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki - trigger = { secondary_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta - trigger = { secondary_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_rel - trigger = { secondary_religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] believer" => "Un croyant [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetRelSecMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani - trigger = { secondary_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah - trigger = { secondary_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic - trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism - trigger = { secondary_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_msigion_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = pagan_msigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_ms - trigger = { secondary_religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] doctrine" => "une doctrine [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetRelSecFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani - trigger = { secondary_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah - trigger = { secondary_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic - trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism - trigger = { secondary_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_fsigion_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = pagan_fsigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fs - trigger = { secondary_religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] believers" => "les croyants [protestants]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetRelSecMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani - trigger = { secondary_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah - trigger = { secondary_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic - trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism - trigger = { secondary_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_mpigion_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = pagan_mpigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_mp - trigger = { secondary_religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] doctrines" => "les doctrines [protestantes]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetRelSecFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR - trigger = { secondary_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani - trigger = { secondary_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah - trigger = { secondary_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic - trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism - trigger = { secondary_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_fpigion_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = pagan_fpigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fp - trigger = { secondary_religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[the] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism " => "[le] sunnisme/[la] Rforme/[l']iconoclasme" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaRelSec - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[The] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism " => "[Le] sunnisme/[La] Rforme/[L']iconoclasme" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaRelSecCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "propagate [it] (sunnism/orthodoxy)" => "[le] diffuser (sunnisme)/[la] diffuser (orthodoxie)" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFRelSec - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "Propagate [it] (sunnism/orthodoxy)" => "[Le] diffuser (sunnisme)/[La] diffuser (orthodoxie)" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFRelSecCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "a precept [of] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism" => "un prcepte [du] sunnisme/[de la] Rforme/[de l']iconoclasme" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaRelSec - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[Of the] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism " => "[Du] sunnisme/[De la] Rforme/[De l']iconoclasme" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaRelSecCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[to] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism " => "[au] sunnisme/[ la] Rforme/[ l']iconoclasme" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaRelSec - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[To] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism " => "[Au] sunnisme/[ la] Rforme/[ l']iconoclasme" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaRelSecCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes - frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -############################################################################## -### Culture Group Adjectives // Adjectifs pour les sphres culturelles ### -############################################################################## - -### Ex: "(Tuscan) is a [Latin] language" => "Le (toscan) est un parler [latin]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetSphCultMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_germanic_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = germanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scandinavian_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = scandinavian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_british_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = british } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gaelic_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = gaelic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latin_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = latin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iberian_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = iberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_french_m_FR - trigger = { culture_group = french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finno_ugric_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = finno_ugric } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_south_slavic_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = south_slavic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_west_slavic_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = west_slavic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carpathian_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = carpathian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_east_slavic_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = east_slavic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baltic_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = baltic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byzantine_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = byzantine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caucasian_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = caucasian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turko_semitic_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = turko_semitic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maghrebi_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = maghrebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iranian_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = iranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_altaic_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = altaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_american_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = central_american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aridoamerican_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = aridoamerican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maya_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = maya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomanguean_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = otomanguean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andean_group_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = andean_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_je_tupi_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = je_tupi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_je_FR - trigger = { culture_group = je } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maranon_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = maranon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chibchan_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = chibchan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mataco_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = mataco } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_araucanian_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = araucanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carribean_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = carribean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eskaleut_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = eskaleut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_algonquian_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = central_algonquian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_plains_algonquian_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = plains_algonquian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_algonquian_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = eastern_algonquian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR - trigger = { culture_group = iroquoian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siouan_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = siouan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddoan_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = caddoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muskogean_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = muskogean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sonoran_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = sonoran } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apachean_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = apachean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_na_dene_FR - trigger = { culture_group = na_dene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_penutian_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = penutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_east_asian_m_FR - trigger = { culture_group = east_asian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_g_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = korean_g } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_g_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = japanese_g } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malay_m_FR - trigger = { culture_group = malay } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_southeastasian_group_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = southeastasian_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burman_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = burman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pacific_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = pacific } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_aryan_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = eastern_aryan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hindusthani_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = hindusthani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_western_aryan_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = western_aryan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dravidian_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = dravidian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_indic_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = central_indic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mande_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = mande } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sahelian_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = sahelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_west_african_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = west_african } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_southern_african_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = southern_african } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongo_group_m_FR - trigger = { culture_group = kongo_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_african_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = african } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cushitic_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = cushitic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sudanese_m_FR - trigger = { culture_group = sudanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenks_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = evenks } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_g_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = kamchatkan_g } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tartar_ms_FR - trigger = { culture_group = tartar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lost_cultures_group_FR - trigger = { culture_group = lost_cultures_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israelite_ms - trigger = { culture_group = israelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oghuz_ms - trigger = { culture_group = oghuz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = barbaro_germanic_ms - trigger = { culture_group = barbaro_germanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = roman_group_ms - trigger = { culture_group = roman_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = animal_ms - trigger = { - OR = { - culture_group = equine_group - culture_group = cat_group - culture_group = bear_group - culture_group = hedgehog_group - culture_group = duck_group - culture_group = dog_group - culture_group = elephant_group - culture_group = dragon_group - culture_group = red_panda_group - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "Culture X is a [Latin] culture." => "La culture X est une culture [latine]." (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetSphCultFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_germanic_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = germanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scandinavian_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = scandinavian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_british_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = british } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gaelic_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = gaelic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latin_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = latin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iberian_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = iberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_french_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finno_ugric_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = finno_ugric } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_south_slavic_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = south_slavic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_west_slavic_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = west_slavic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carpathian_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = carpathian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_east_slavic_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = east_slavic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baltic_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = baltic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byzantine_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = byzantine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caucasian_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = caucasian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turko_semitic_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = turko_semitic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maghrebi_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = maghrebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iranian_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = iranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_altaic_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = altaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_american_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = central_american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aridoamerican_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = aridoamerican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maya_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = maya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomanguean_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = otomanguean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andean_group_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = andean_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_je_tupi_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = je_tupi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_je_FR - trigger = { culture_group = je } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maranon_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = maranon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chibchan_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = chibchan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mataco_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = mataco } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_araucanian_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = araucanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carribean_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = carribean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eskaleut_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = eskaleut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_algonquian_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = central_algonquian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_plains_algonquian_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = plains_algonquian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_algonquian_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = eastern_algonquian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = iroquoian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siouan_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = siouan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddoan_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = caddoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muskogean_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = muskogean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sonoran_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = sonoran } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apachean_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = apachean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_na_dene_FR - trigger = { culture_group = na_dene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_penutian_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = penutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_east_asian_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = east_asian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_g_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = korean_g } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_g_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = japanese_g } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malay_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = malay } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_southeastasian_group_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = southeastasian_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burman_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = burman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pacific_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = pacific } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_aryan_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = eastern_aryan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hindusthani_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = hindusthani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_western_aryan_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = western_aryan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dravidian_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = dravidian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_indic_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = central_indic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mande_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = mande } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sahelian_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = sahelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_west_african_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = west_african } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_southern_african_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = southern_african } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongo_group_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = kongo_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_african_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = african } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cushitic_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = cushitic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sudanese_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = sudanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenks_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = evenks } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_g_s_FR - trigger = { culture_group = kamchatkan_g } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tartar_fs_FR - trigger = { culture_group = tartar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lost_cultures_group_FR - trigger = { culture_group = lost_cultures_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israelite_fs - trigger = { culture_group = israelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oghuz_fs - trigger = { culture_group = oghuz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = barbaro_germanic_fs - trigger = { culture_group = barbaro_germanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = roman_group_fs - trigger = { culture_group = roman_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = animal_fs - trigger = { - OR = { - culture_group = equine_group - culture_group = cat_group - culture_group = bear_group - culture_group = hedgehog_group - culture_group = duck_group - culture_group = dog_group - culture_group = elephant_group - culture_group = dragon_group - culture_group = red_panda_group - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Latin]" => "[latins]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetSphCultMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_germanic_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = germanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scandinavian_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = scandinavian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_british_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = british } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gaelic_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = gaelic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latin_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = latin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iberian_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = iberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_french_m_FR - trigger = { culture_group = french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finno_ugric_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = finno_ugric } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_south_slavic_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = south_slavic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_west_slavic_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = west_slavic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carpathian_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = carpathian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_east_slavic_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = east_slavic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baltic_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = baltic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byzantine_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = byzantine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caucasian_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = caucasian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turko_semitic_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = turko_semitic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maghrebi_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = maghrebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iranian_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = iranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_altaic_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = altaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_american_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = central_american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aridoamerican_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = aridoamerican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maya_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = maya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomanguean_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = otomanguean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andean_group_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = andean_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_je_tupi_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = je_tupi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_je_FR - trigger = { culture_group = je } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maranon_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = maranon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chibchan_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = chibchan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mataco_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = mataco } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_araucanian_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = araucanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carribean_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = carribean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eskaleut_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = eskaleut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_algonquian_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = central_algonquian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_plains_algonquian_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = plains_algonquian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_algonquian_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = eastern_algonquian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR - trigger = { culture_group = iroquoian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siouan_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = siouan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddoan_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = caddoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muskogean_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = muskogean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sonoran_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = sonoran } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apachean_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = apachean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_na_dene_FR - trigger = { culture_group = na_dene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_penutian_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = penutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_east_asian_m_FR - trigger = { culture_group = east_asian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_g_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = korean_g } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_g_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = japanese_g } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malay_m_FR - trigger = { culture_group = malay } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_southeastasian_group_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = southeastasian_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burman_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = burman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pacific_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = pacific } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_aryan_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = eastern_aryan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hindusthani_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = hindusthani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_western_aryan_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = western_aryan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dravidian_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = dravidian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_indic_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = central_indic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mande_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = mande } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sahelian_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = sahelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_west_african_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = west_african } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_southern_african_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = southern_african } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongo_group_m_FR - trigger = { culture_group = kongo_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_african_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = african } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cushitic_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = cushitic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sudanese_m_FR - trigger = { culture_group = sudanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenks_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = evenks } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_g_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = kamchatkan_g } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tartar_mp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = tartar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lost_cultures_group_FR - trigger = { culture_group = lost_cultures_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israelite_mp - trigger = { culture_group = israelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oghuz_mp - trigger = { culture_group = oghuz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = barbaro_germanic_mp - trigger = { culture_group = barbaro_germanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = roman_group_mp - trigger = { culture_group = roman_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = animal_mp - trigger = { - OR = { - culture_group = equine_group - culture_group = cat_group - culture_group = bear_group - culture_group = hedgehog_group - culture_group = duck_group - culture_group = dog_group - culture_group = elephant_group - culture_group = dragon_group - culture_group = red_panda_group - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Latin]" => "[latines]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetSphCultFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_germanic_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = germanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scandinavian_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = scandinavian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_british_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = british } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gaelic_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = gaelic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latin_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = latin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iberian_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = iberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_french_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finno_ugric_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = finno_ugric } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_south_slavic_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = south_slavic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_west_slavic_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = west_slavic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carpathian_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = carpathian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_east_slavic_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = east_slavic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baltic_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = baltic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byzantine_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = byzantine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caucasian_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = caucasian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turko_semitic_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = turko_semitic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maghrebi_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = maghrebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iranian_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = iranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_altaic_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = altaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_american_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = central_american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aridoamerican_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = aridoamerican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maya_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = maya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomanguean_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = otomanguean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andean_group_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = andean_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_je_tupi_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = je_tupi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_je_FR - trigger = { culture_group = je } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maranon_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = maranon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chibchan_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = chibchan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mataco_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = mataco } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_araucanian_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = araucanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carribean_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = carribean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eskaleut_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = eskaleut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_algonquian_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = central_algonquian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_plains_algonquian_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = plains_algonquian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_algonquian_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = eastern_algonquian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = iroquoian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siouan_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = siouan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddoan_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = caddoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muskogean_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = muskogean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sonoran_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = sonoran } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apachean_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = apachean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_na_dene_FR - trigger = { culture_group = na_dene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_penutian_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = penutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_east_asian_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = east_asian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_g_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = korean_g } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_g_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = japanese_g } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malay_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = malay } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_southeastasian_group_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = southeastasian_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burman_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = burman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pacific_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = pacific } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_aryan_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = eastern_aryan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hindusthani_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = hindusthani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_western_aryan_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = western_aryan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dravidian_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = dravidian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_indic_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = central_indic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mande_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = mande } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sahelian_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = sahelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_west_african_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = west_african } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_southern_african_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = southern_african } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongo_group_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = kongo_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_african_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = african } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cushitic_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = cushitic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sudanese_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = sudanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenks_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = evenks } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_g_p_FR - trigger = { culture_group = kamchatkan_g } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tartar_fp_FR - trigger = { culture_group = tartar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lost_cultures_group_FR - trigger = { culture_group = lost_cultures_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israelite_fp - trigger = { culture_group = israelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oghuz_fp - trigger = { culture_group = oghuz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = barbaro_germanic_fp - trigger = { culture_group = barbaro_germanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = roman_group_fp - trigger = { culture_group = roman_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = animal_fp - trigger = { - OR = { - culture_group = equine_group - culture_group = cat_group - culture_group = bear_group - culture_group = hedgehog_group - culture_group = duck_group - culture_group = dog_group - culture_group = elephant_group - culture_group = dragon_group - culture_group = red_panda_group - } - } - } -} - - -############################################################# -### Culture Adjectives // Adjectifs pour les cultures ### -############################################################# - -### Ex: "A [Turkish] governor" => "un gouverneur [turc]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetCultMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pommeranian culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = prussian culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hannoverian culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hessian culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saxon culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = franconian culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swabian culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swiss culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bavarian culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = austrian culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dutch culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = flemish culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swedish culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = danish culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norwegian culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = finnish culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sapmi culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = english culture = english } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = american culture = american } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = welsh culture = welsh } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scottish culture = scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = irish culture = irish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = highland_scottish culture = highland_scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lombard culture = lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lower_saxon culture = lower_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tuscan culture = tuscan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sardinian culture = sardinian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saurashtri culture = saurashtri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romagnan culture = romagnan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ligurian culture = ligurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = venetian culture = venetian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = neapolitan culture = neapolitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = piedmontese culture = piedmontese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = umbrian culture = umbrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sicilian culture = sicilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maltese culture = maltese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = castillian culture = castillian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = leonese culture = leonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aragonese culture = aragonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = catalan culture = catalan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = galician culture = galician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = andalucian culture = andalucian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = portugese culture = portugese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = basque culture = basque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cosmopolitan_french culture = cosmopolitan_french } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gascon culture = gascon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = normand culture = normand } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aquitaine culture = aquitaine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burgundian culture = burgundian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = occitain culture = occitain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wallonian culture = wallonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = brazilian culture = brazilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = breton culture = breton } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uralic culture = uralic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = samoyed culture = samoyed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ostyaki culture = ostyaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ingrian culture = ingrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = croatian culture = croatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = serbian culture = serbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bulgarian culture = bulgarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = albanian culture = albanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = czech culture = czech } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polish culture = polish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = schlesian culture = schlesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovak culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovene culture = slovene } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = transylvanian culture = transylvanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romanian culture = romanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hungarian culture = hungarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian culture = russian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = novgorodian culture = novgorodian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ryazanian culture = ryazanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = byelorussian culture = byelorussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ruthenian culture = ruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karelian culture = karelian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = estonian culture = estonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lipan culture = lipan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lithuanian culture = lithuanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = latvian culture = latvian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = greek culture = greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pontic_greek culture = pontic_greek } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_suryah_arabic culture = al_suryah_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bedouin_arabic culture = bedouin_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = omani_culture culture = omani_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yemeni_culture culture = yemeni_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = moroccan culture = moroccan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tunisian culture = tunisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = algerian culture = algerian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = berber culture = berber } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = persian culture = persian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = azerbaijani culture = azerbaijani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khorasani culture = khorasani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = baluchi culture = baluchi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afghani culture = afghani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kurdish culture = kurdish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mazandarani culture = mazandarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mongol culture = mongol } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chahar culture = chahar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khalkha culture = khalkha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oirats culture = oirats } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uzbehk culture = uzbehk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = turkmeni culture = turkmeni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uyghur culture = uyghur } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazak culture = khazak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kirgiz culture = kirgiz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tecos culture = tecos } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aztek culture = aztek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = purepecha culture = purepecha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = totonac culture = totonac } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tepic culture = tepic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chichimecan culture = chichimecan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guamares culture = guamares } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yucatec culture = yucatec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = putun culture = putun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mayan culture = mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = matlatzinca culture = matlatzinca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = highland_mayan culture = highland_mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wastek culture = wastek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zapotek culture = zapotek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mixtec culture = mixtec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tlapanec culture = tlapanec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inca culture = inca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aimara culture = aimara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = diaguita culture = diaguita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = otomi culture = otomi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yaqui culture = yaqui } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chimuan culture = chimuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_ms_FR - 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trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cara culture = cara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miskito culture = miskito } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chacoan culture = chacoan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mapuche culture = mapuche } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = patagonian culture = patagonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = het culture = het } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = huarpe culture = huarpe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arawak culture = arawak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maipurean culture = maipurean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carib culture = carib } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guajiro culture = guajiro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aleutian culture = aleutian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inuit culture = inuit } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shawnee culture = shawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illini culture = illini } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anishinabe culture = anishinabe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cree culture = cree } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mesquakie culture = mesquakie } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cheyenne culture = cheyenne } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = blackfoot culture = blackfoot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arapaho culture = arapaho } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = delaware culture = delaware } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = abenaki culture = abenaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mikmaq culture = mikmaq } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mahican culture = mahican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = powhatan culture = powhatan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pequot culture = pequot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = iroquois culture = iroquois } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cherokee culture = cherokee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = huron culture = huron } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = susquehannock culture = susquehannock } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dakota culture = dakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dalmatian culture = dalmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nakota culture = nakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chiwere culture = chiwere } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = osage culture = osage } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = catawba culture = catawba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wichita culture = wichita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = caddo culture = caddo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pawnee culture = pawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = creek culture = creek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = choctaw culture = choctaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chickasaw culture = chickasaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pueblo culture = pueblo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = piman culture = piman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shoshone culture = shoshone } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kiowa culture = kiowa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = apache culture = apache } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = navajo culture = navajo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chipewyan culture = chipewyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = haida culture = haida } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = athabascan culture = athabascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = salish culture = salish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chinook culture = chinook } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yokuts culture = yokuts } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu culture = manchu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu_new culture = manchu_new } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chihan culture = chihan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miao culture = miao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cantonese culture = cantonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jin culture = jin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wu culture = wu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chimin culture = chimin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hakka culture = hakka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gan culture = gan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xiang culture = xiang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sichuanese culture = sichuanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jianghuai culture = jianghuai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xibei culture = xibei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hubei culture = hubei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhongyuan culture = zhongyuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shandong_culture culture = shandong_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = korean culture = korean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = togoku culture = togoku } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = japanese culture = japanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kyushuan culture = kyushuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mon culture = mon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vietnamese culture = vietnamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vindhyan culture = vindhyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polynesian culture = polynesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cham culture = cham } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malayan culture = malayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumatran culture = sumatran } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = javanese culture = javanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = filipino culture = filipino } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bornean culture = bornean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = madagascan culture = madagascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sulawesi culture = sulawesi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = central_thai culture = central_thai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lacandon culture = lacandon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lao culture = lao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = northern_thai culture = northern_thai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shan culture = shan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhuang culture = zhuang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burmese culture = burmese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tibetan culture = tibetan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chin culture = chin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yi culture = yi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bai culture = bai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nupe culture = nupe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = fon culture = fon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mossi culture = mossi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dagomba culture = dagomba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = makua culture = makua } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nguni culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bemba culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khoisan culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chokwe culture = chokwe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mbangala culture = mbangala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jukun culture = jukun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sawabantu culture = sawabantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rwandan culture = rwandan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ganda culture = ganda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = masaba culture = masaba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = madagasque culture = madagasque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = takama culture = takama } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bena culture = bena } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bantu culture = bantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swahili culture = swahili } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = somali culture = somali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = harari culture = harari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afar culture = afar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oromo culture = oromo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tigray culture = tigray } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sidamo culture = sidamo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = amhara culture = amhara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = acholi culture = acholi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nubian culture = nubian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = beja culture = beja } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = evenk culture = evenk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yakut culture = yakut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yukagyr culture = yukagyr } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = parthian culture = parthian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aramaic culture = aramaic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hebrew culture = hebrew } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scythian culture = scythian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = german culture = german } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alsatian culture = alsatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sudeten culture = sudeten } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norse culture = norse } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_ms - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ilmenian culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = volhynian culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = severian culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian_culture culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kishinyov culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_prussian culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anatolian culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magnagreek culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alan culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = assyrian culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = coptic culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frencharab culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sogdian culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tocharian culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saka culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tajik culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khitan culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tangut culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhangzhung culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumpa culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zaghawa culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = daju culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chuvash culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oldspain culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illyrian culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nuragic culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = getian culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vandal culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gothic culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alexandrine culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ashkenazi culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sephardi culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = knaanic culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magogic culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yevanic culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mizrahi culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = israeli culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = misrayim culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zarphatic culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = laaz culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kaifeng culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pecheneg culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cuman culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bolghar culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = avar culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazar culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karluk culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frankish culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = suebi culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_lombard culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = visigothic culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hispanic culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aegyptian culture = aegyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arabus culture = arabus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carthaginian culture = carthaginian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = graecus culture = graecus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulic culture = gaulic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hispanic culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = theodisc culture = theodisc } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pannonian culture = pannonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wenedyk culture = wenedyk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = britannian culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hyperborean culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = equine culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cat culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bear culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hedgehog_culture culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = duck_culture culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dog_culture culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = elephant_culture culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dragon_culture culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_ms - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = red_panda culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Turkish] culture" => "la culture [turque]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetCultFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pommeranian culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = prussian culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hannoverian culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hessian culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saxon culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = franconian culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swabian culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swiss culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bavarian culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = austrian culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dutch culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = flemish culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swedish culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = danish culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norwegian culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = finnish culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sapmi culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = english culture = english } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = american culture = american } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = welsh culture = welsh } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scottish culture = scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = irish culture = irish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = highland_scottish culture = highland_scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lombard culture = lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lower_saxon culture = lower_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tuscan culture = tuscan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sardinian culture = sardinian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saurashtri culture = saurashtri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romagnan culture = romagnan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ligurian culture = ligurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = venetian culture = venetian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = neapolitan culture = neapolitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = piedmontese culture = piedmontese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = umbrian culture = umbrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sicilian culture = sicilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maltese culture = maltese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = castillian culture = castillian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = leonese culture = leonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aragonese culture = aragonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = catalan culture = catalan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = galician culture = galician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = andalucian culture = andalucian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = portugese culture = portugese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = basque culture = basque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cosmopolitan_french culture = cosmopolitan_french } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gascon culture = gascon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = normand culture = normand } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aquitaine culture = aquitaine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burgundian culture = burgundian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = occitain culture = occitain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wallonian culture = wallonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = brazilian culture = brazilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = breton culture = breton } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uralic culture = uralic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = samoyed culture = samoyed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ostyaki culture = ostyaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ingrian culture = ingrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = croatian culture = croatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = serbian culture = serbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bulgarian culture = bulgarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = albanian culture = albanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = czech culture = czech } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polish culture = polish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = schlesian culture = schlesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovak culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovene culture = slovene } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = transylvanian culture = transylvanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romanian culture = romanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hungarian culture = hungarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian culture = russian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = novgorodian culture = novgorodian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ryazanian culture = ryazanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = byelorussian culture = byelorussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ruthenian culture = ruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karelian culture = karelian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = estonian culture = estonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lipan culture = lipan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lithuanian culture = lithuanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = latvian culture = latvian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = greek culture = greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pontic_greek culture = pontic_greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = goths culture = goths } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = georgian culture = georgian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = circassian culture = circassian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cornish culture = cornish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dagestani culture = dagestani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = armenian culture = armenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = turkish culture = turkish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_misr_arabic culture = al_misr_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_suryah_arabic culture = al_suryah_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bedouin_arabic culture = bedouin_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = omani_culture culture = omani_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yemeni_culture culture = yemeni_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = moroccan culture = moroccan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tunisian culture = tunisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = algerian culture = algerian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = berber culture = berber } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = persian culture = persian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = azerbaijani culture = azerbaijani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khorasani culture = khorasani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = baluchi culture = baluchi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afghani culture = afghani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kurdish culture = kurdish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mazandarani culture = mazandarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mongol culture = mongol } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chahar culture = chahar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khalkha culture = khalkha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oirats culture = oirats } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uzbehk culture = uzbehk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = turkmeni culture = turkmeni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uyghur culture = uyghur } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazak culture = khazak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kirgiz culture = kirgiz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tecos culture = tecos } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aztek culture = aztek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = purepecha culture = purepecha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = totonac culture = totonac } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tepic culture = tepic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chichimecan culture = chichimecan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guamares culture = guamares } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yucatec culture = yucatec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = putun culture = putun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mayan culture = mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = matlatzinca culture = matlatzinca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = highland_mayan culture = highland_mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wastek culture = wastek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zapotek culture = zapotek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mixtec culture = mixtec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tlapanec culture = tlapanec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inca culture = inca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aimara culture = aimara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = diaguita culture = diaguita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = otomi culture = otomi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yaqui culture = yaqui } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chimuan culture = chimuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chontales culture = chontales } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tupinamba culture = tupinamba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guarani culture = guarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = charruan culture = charruan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ge culture = ge } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jivaro culture = jivaro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chachapoyan culture = chachapoyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = muisca culture = muisca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cara culture = cara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miskito culture = miskito } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chacoan culture = chacoan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mapuche culture = mapuche } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = patagonian culture = patagonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = het culture = het } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = huarpe culture = huarpe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arawak culture = arawak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maipurean culture = maipurean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carib culture = carib } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guajiro culture = guajiro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aleutian culture = aleutian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inuit culture = inuit } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shawnee culture = shawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illini culture = illini } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anishinabe culture = anishinabe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cree culture = cree } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mesquakie culture = mesquakie } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cheyenne culture = cheyenne } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = blackfoot culture = blackfoot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arapaho culture = arapaho } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = delaware culture = delaware } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = abenaki culture = abenaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mikmaq culture = mikmaq } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mahican culture = mahican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = powhatan culture = powhatan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pequot culture = pequot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = iroquois culture = iroquois } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cherokee culture = cherokee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_fs_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kiowa culture = kiowa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = apache culture = apache } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = navajo culture = navajo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chipewyan culture = chipewyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = haida culture = haida } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = athabascan culture = athabascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = salish culture = salish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chinook culture = chinook } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yokuts culture = yokuts } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu culture = manchu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu_new culture = manchu_new } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chihan culture = chihan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miao culture = miao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cantonese culture = cantonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jin culture = jin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wu culture = wu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shandong_culture culture = shandong_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = korean culture = korean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = togoku culture = togoku } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = japanese culture = japanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kyushuan culture = kyushuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mon culture = mon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vietnamese culture = vietnamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vindhyan culture = vindhyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polynesian culture = polynesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cham culture = cham } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malayan culture = malayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumatran culture = sumatran } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = javanese culture = javanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = filipino culture = filipino } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bornean culture = bornean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = madagascan culture = madagascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sulawesi culture = sulawesi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = central_thai culture = central_thai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lacandon culture = lacandon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lao culture = lao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = northern_thai culture = northern_thai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shan culture = shan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhuang culture = zhuang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burmese culture = burmese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tibetan culture = tibetan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chin culture = chin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yi culture = yi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bai culture = bai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karen culture = karen } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kachin culture = kachin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arakanese culture = arakanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = papuan culture = papuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR - 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trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nepali culture = nepali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oriya culture = oriya } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sinhala culture = sinhala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = avadhi culture = avadhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kanauji culture = kanauji } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pahari culture = pahari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = panjabi culture = panjabi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kashmiri culture = kashmiri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gujarati culture = gujarati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gulf_arabic culture = gulf_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = marathi culture = marathi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sindhi culture = sindhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rajput culture = rajput } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malvi culture = malvi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kannada culture = kannada } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malayalam culture = malayalam } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tamil culture = tamil } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = telegu culture = telegu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gondi culture = gondi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = garjati culture = garjati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jharkhandi culture = jharkhandi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mali culture = mali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = songhai culture = songhai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = soninke culture = soninke } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sorbian culture = sorbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bambara culture = bambara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bosnian culture = bosnian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bozo culture = bozo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dyola culture = dyola } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hausa culture = hausa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kanuri culture = kanuri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bilala culture = bilala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tuareg culture = tuareg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = senegambian culture = senegambian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frisian culture = frisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = fulani culture = fulani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yorumba culture = yorumba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aka culture = aka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nupe culture = nupe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = fon culture = fon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mossi culture = mossi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dagomba culture = dagomba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = makua culture = makua } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nguni culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bemba culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khoisan culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shona culture = shona } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nyasa culture = nyasa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lunda culture = lunda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = luba culture = luba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kongolese culture = kongolese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yaka culture = yaka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kochi culture = kochi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kuba culture = kuba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mbundu culture = mbundu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chokwe culture = chokwe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mbangala culture = mbangala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jukun culture = jukun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sawabantu culture = sawabantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rwandan culture = rwandan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ganda culture = ganda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = masaba culture = masaba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = madagasque culture = madagasque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = takama culture = takama } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bena culture = bena } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bantu culture = bantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swahili culture = swahili } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = somali culture = somali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = harari culture = harari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afar culture = afar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oromo culture = oromo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tigray culture = tigray } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sidamo culture = sidamo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = amhara culture = amhara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = acholi culture = acholi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nubian culture = nubian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = beja culture = beja } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = evenk culture = evenk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yakut culture = yakut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yukagyr culture = yukagyr } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = buryat culture = buryat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tungus culture = tungus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ainu culture = ainu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kamchatkan culture = kamchatkan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = astrakhani culture = astrakhani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bashkir culture = bashkir } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = crimean culture = crimean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kazani culture = kazani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mishary culture = mishary } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nogaybak culture = nogaybak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = siberian culture = siberian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = atlantean culture = atlantean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = spartan culture = spartan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = athenian culture = athenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_egyptian culture = old_egyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = roman culture = roman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = icelandic culture = icelandic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jan_mayenese culture = jan_mayenese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pruthenian culture = pruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = phoenician culture = phoenician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scanian culture = scanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anglosaxon culture = anglosaxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = babylonian culture = babylonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = etrurian culture = etrurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = parthian culture = parthian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aramaic culture = aramaic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_fs_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hebrew culture = hebrew } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scythian culture = scythian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = german culture = german } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alsatian culture = alsatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sudeten culture = sudeten } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norse culture = norse } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anglo_saxon culture = anglo_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = italian culture = italian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = outremer culture = outremer } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = komi culture = komi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mordvin culture = mordvin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khanty culture = khanty } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = meshchera culture = meshchera } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovak culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_pommeranian culture = old_pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ilmenian culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = volhynian culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = severian culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian_culture culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kishinyov culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_prussian culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anatolian culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magnagreek culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alan culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = assyrian culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = coptic culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frencharab culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sogdian culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tocharian culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saka culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tajik culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khitan culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tangut culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhangzhung culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumpa culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zaghawa culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = daju culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chuvash culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oldspain culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illyrian culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nuragic culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = getian culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vandal culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gothic culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alexandrine culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ashkenazi culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sephardi culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = knaanic culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magogic culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yevanic culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mizrahi culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = israeli culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = misrayim culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zarphatic culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = laaz culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kaifeng culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pecheneg culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cuman culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bolghar culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = avar culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazar culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karluk culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frankish culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = suebi culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_lombard culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = visigothic culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hispanic culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aegyptian culture = aegyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arabus culture = arabus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carthaginian culture = carthaginian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = graecus culture = graecus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulic culture = gaulic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hispanic culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = theodisc culture = theodisc } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pannonian culture = pannonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wenedyk culture = wenedyk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = britannian culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hyperborean culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = equine culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cat culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bear culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hedgehog_culture culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = duck_culture culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dog_culture culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = elephant_culture culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dragon_culture culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_fs - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = red_panda culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Turkish] soldiers are strong" => "Les soldats [turcs] sont forts" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetCultMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pommeranian culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = prussian culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hannoverian culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hessian culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saxon culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = franconian culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swabian culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swiss culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bavarian culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = austrian culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dutch culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = flemish culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swedish culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = danish culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norwegian culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = finnish culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sapmi culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = english culture = english } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = american culture = american } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = welsh culture = welsh } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scottish culture = scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = irish culture = irish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = highland_scottish culture = highland_scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lombard culture = lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lower_saxon culture = lower_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tuscan culture = tuscan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sardinian culture = sardinian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saurashtri culture = saurashtri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romagnan culture = romagnan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ligurian culture = ligurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = venetian culture = venetian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = neapolitan culture = neapolitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = piedmontese culture = piedmontese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = umbrian culture = umbrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sicilian culture = sicilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maltese culture = maltese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = castillian culture = castillian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = leonese culture = leonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aragonese culture = aragonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = catalan culture = catalan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = galician culture = galician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = andalucian culture = andalucian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = portugese culture = portugese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = basque culture = basque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cosmopolitan_french culture = cosmopolitan_french } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gascon culture = gascon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = normand culture = normand } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aquitaine culture = aquitaine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burgundian culture = burgundian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = occitain culture = occitain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wallonian culture = wallonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = brazilian culture = brazilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = breton culture = breton } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uralic culture = uralic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = samoyed culture = samoyed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ostyaki culture = ostyaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ingrian culture = ingrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = croatian culture = croatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = serbian culture = serbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bulgarian culture = bulgarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = albanian culture = albanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = czech culture = czech } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polish culture = polish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = schlesian culture = schlesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovak culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovene culture = slovene } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = transylvanian culture = transylvanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romanian culture = romanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hungarian culture = hungarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian culture = russian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = novgorodian culture = novgorodian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ryazanian culture = ryazanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = byelorussian culture = byelorussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ruthenian culture = ruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karelian culture = karelian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = estonian culture = estonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lipan culture = lipan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lithuanian culture = lithuanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = latvian culture = latvian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = greek culture = greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pontic_greek culture = pontic_greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = goths culture = goths } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = georgian culture = georgian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = circassian culture = circassian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cornish culture = cornish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dagestani culture = dagestani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = armenian culture = armenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = turkish culture = turkish } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tunisian culture = tunisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = algerian culture = algerian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = berber culture = berber } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = persian culture = persian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = azerbaijani culture = azerbaijani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khorasani culture = khorasani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = baluchi culture = baluchi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afghani culture = afghani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kurdish culture = kurdish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mazandarani culture = mazandarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mongol culture = mongol } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chahar culture = chahar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khalkha culture = khalkha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oirats culture = oirats } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uzbehk culture = uzbehk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = turkmeni culture = turkmeni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uyghur culture = uyghur } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazak culture = khazak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kirgiz culture = kirgiz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tecos culture = tecos } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aztek culture = aztek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = purepecha culture = purepecha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = totonac culture = totonac } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tepic culture = tepic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR - 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trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zapotek culture = zapotek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mixtec culture = mixtec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tlapanec culture = tlapanec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inca culture = inca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aimara culture = aimara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = diaguita culture = diaguita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = otomi culture = otomi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yaqui culture = yaqui } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chimuan culture = chimuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chontales culture = chontales } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tupinamba culture = tupinamba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guarani culture = guarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = charruan culture = charruan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ge culture = ge } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jivaro culture = jivaro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chachapoyan culture = chachapoyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = muisca culture = muisca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cara culture = cara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miskito culture = miskito } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chacoan culture = chacoan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mapuche culture = mapuche } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = patagonian culture = patagonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = het culture = het } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = huarpe culture = huarpe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arawak culture = arawak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maipurean culture = maipurean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carib culture = carib } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guajiro culture = guajiro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aleutian culture = aleutian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inuit culture = inuit } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shawnee culture = shawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illini culture = illini } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anishinabe culture = anishinabe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cree culture = cree } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mesquakie culture = mesquakie } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cheyenne culture = cheyenne } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = blackfoot culture = blackfoot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arapaho culture = arapaho } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = delaware culture = delaware } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = abenaki culture = abenaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mikmaq culture = mikmaq } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mahican culture = mahican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = powhatan culture = powhatan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pequot culture = pequot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = iroquois culture = iroquois } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cherokee culture = cherokee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = huron culture = huron } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = susquehannock culture = susquehannock } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dakota culture = dakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dalmatian culture = dalmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nakota culture = nakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chiwere culture = chiwere } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = osage culture = osage } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = catawba culture = catawba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wichita culture = wichita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = caddo culture = caddo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pawnee culture = pawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = creek culture = creek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = choctaw culture = choctaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chickasaw culture = chickasaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pueblo culture = pueblo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = piman culture = piman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shoshone culture = shoshone } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kiowa culture = kiowa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = apache culture = apache } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = navajo culture = navajo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chipewyan culture = chipewyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = haida culture = haida } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = athabascan culture = athabascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = salish culture = salish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chinook culture = chinook } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yokuts culture = yokuts } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu culture = manchu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu_new culture = manchu_new } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chihan culture = chihan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miao culture = miao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cantonese culture = cantonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jin culture = jin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wu culture = wu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chimin culture = chimin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hakka culture = hakka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gan culture = gan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xiang culture = xiang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sichuanese culture = sichuanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jianghuai culture = jianghuai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xibei culture = xibei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hubei culture = hubei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhongyuan culture = zhongyuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shandong_culture culture = shandong_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = korean culture = korean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = togoku culture = togoku } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = japanese culture = japanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kyushuan culture = kyushuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mon culture = mon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vietnamese culture = vietnamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vindhyan culture = vindhyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polynesian culture = polynesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cham culture = cham } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malayan culture = malayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumatran culture = sumatran } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = javanese culture = javanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = filipino culture = filipino } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bornean culture = bornean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = madagascan culture = madagascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sulawesi culture = sulawesi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = central_thai culture = central_thai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lacandon culture = lacandon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lao culture = lao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = northern_thai culture = northern_thai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shan culture = shan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhuang culture = zhuang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burmese culture = burmese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tibetan culture = tibetan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chin culture = chin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yi culture = yi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bai culture = bai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karen culture = karen } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kachin culture = kachin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arakanese culture = arakanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = papuan culture = papuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aboriginal culture = aboriginal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = melanesian culture = melanesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mescalero culture = mescalero } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mexican culture = mexican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = moluccan culture = moluccan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = assamese culture = assamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bengali culture = bengali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bihari culture = bihari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nepali culture = nepali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oriya culture = oriya } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sinhala culture = sinhala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = avadhi culture = avadhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kanauji culture = kanauji } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pahari culture = pahari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = panjabi culture = panjabi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kashmiri culture = kashmiri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gujarati culture = gujarati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gulf_arabic culture = gulf_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = marathi culture = marathi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sindhi culture = sindhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rajput culture = rajput } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malvi culture = malvi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kannada culture = kannada } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malayalam culture = malayalam } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tamil culture = tamil } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = telegu culture = telegu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gondi culture = gondi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = garjati culture = garjati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jharkhandi culture = jharkhandi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mali culture = mali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = songhai culture = songhai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = soninke culture = soninke } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sorbian culture = sorbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bambara culture = bambara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bosnian culture = bosnian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bozo culture = bozo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dyola culture = dyola } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hausa culture = hausa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kanuri culture = kanuri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bilala culture = bilala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tuareg culture = tuareg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = senegambian culture = senegambian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frisian culture = frisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = fulani culture = fulani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yorumba culture = yorumba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aka culture = aka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nupe culture = nupe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = fon culture = fon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mossi culture = mossi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dagomba culture = dagomba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = makua culture = makua } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nguni culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bemba culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khoisan culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shona culture = shona } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nyasa culture = nyasa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lunda culture = lunda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = luba culture = luba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kongolese culture = kongolese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yaka culture = yaka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kochi culture = kochi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kuba culture = kuba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mbundu culture = mbundu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chokwe culture = chokwe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mbangala culture = mbangala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jukun culture = jukun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sawabantu culture = sawabantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rwandan culture = rwandan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ganda culture = ganda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = masaba culture = masaba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = madagasque culture = madagasque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = takama culture = takama } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bena culture = bena } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bantu culture = bantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swahili culture = swahili } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = somali culture = somali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = harari culture = harari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afar culture = afar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oromo culture = oromo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tigray culture = tigray } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sidamo culture = sidamo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = amhara culture = amhara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = acholi culture = acholi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nubian culture = nubian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = beja culture = beja } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = evenk culture = evenk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yakut culture = yakut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yukagyr culture = yukagyr } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = buryat culture = buryat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tungus culture = tungus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ainu culture = ainu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kamchatkan culture = kamchatkan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = astrakhani culture = astrakhani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bashkir culture = bashkir } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = crimean culture = crimean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kazani culture = kazani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mishary culture = mishary } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nogaybak culture = nogaybak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = siberian culture = siberian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = atlantean culture = atlantean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = spartan culture = spartan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = athenian culture = athenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_egyptian culture = old_egyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = roman culture = roman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = icelandic culture = icelandic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jan_mayenese culture = jan_mayenese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pruthenian culture = pruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = phoenician culture = phoenician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scanian culture = scanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anglosaxon culture = anglosaxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = babylonian culture = babylonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = etrurian culture = etrurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = parthian culture = parthian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aramaic culture = aramaic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_mp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hebrew culture = hebrew } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scythian culture = scythian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = german culture = german } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alsatian culture = alsatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sudeten culture = sudeten } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norse culture = norse } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anglo_saxon culture = anglo_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = italian culture = italian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = outremer culture = outremer } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = komi culture = komi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mordvin culture = mordvin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khanty culture = khanty } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = meshchera culture = meshchera } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovak culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_pommeranian culture = old_pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ilmenian culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = volhynian culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = severian culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian_culture culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kishinyov culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_prussian culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anatolian culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magnagreek culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alan culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = assyrian culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = coptic culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frencharab culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sogdian culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tocharian culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saka culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tajik culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khitan culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tangut culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhangzhung culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumpa culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zaghawa culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = daju culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chuvash culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oldspain culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illyrian culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nuragic culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = getian culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vandal culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gothic culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alexandrine culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ashkenazi culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sephardi culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = knaanic culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magogic culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yevanic culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mizrahi culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = israeli culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = misrayim culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zarphatic culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = laaz culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kaifeng culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pecheneg culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cuman culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bolghar culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = avar culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazar culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karluk culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frankish culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = suebi culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_lombard culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = visigothic culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hispanic culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aegyptian culture = aegyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arabus culture = arabus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carthaginian culture = carthaginian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = graecus culture = graecus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulic culture = gaulic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hispanic culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = theodisc culture = theodisc } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pannonian culture = pannonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wenedyk culture = wenedyk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = britannian culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hyperborean culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = equine culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cat culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bear culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hedgehog_culture culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = duck_culture culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dog_culture culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = elephant_culture culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dragon_culture culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_mp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = red_panda culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Turkish] women are beautiful" => "les femmes [turques] sont jolies" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetCultFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pommeranian culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = prussian culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hannoverian culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hessian culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saxon culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = franconian culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swabian culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swiss culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bavarian culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = austrian culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dutch culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = flemish culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swedish culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = danish culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norwegian culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = finnish culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sapmi culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = english culture = english } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = american culture = american } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_fp_FR - 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localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saurashtri culture = saurashtri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romagnan culture = romagnan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ligurian culture = ligurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = venetian culture = venetian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = neapolitan culture = neapolitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = piedmontese culture = piedmontese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = umbrian culture = umbrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sicilian culture = sicilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maltese culture = maltese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = castillian culture = castillian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = leonese culture = leonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aragonese culture = aragonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = catalan culture = catalan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = galician culture = galician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = andalucian culture = andalucian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = portugese culture = portugese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = basque culture = basque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cosmopolitan_french culture = cosmopolitan_french } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gascon culture = gascon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = normand culture = normand } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aquitaine culture = aquitaine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burgundian culture = burgundian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = occitain culture = occitain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wallonian culture = wallonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = brazilian culture = brazilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = breton culture = breton } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uralic culture = uralic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = samoyed culture = samoyed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ostyaki culture = ostyaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ingrian culture = ingrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = croatian culture = croatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = serbian culture = serbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bulgarian culture = bulgarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = albanian culture = albanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = czech culture = czech } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polish culture = polish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = schlesian culture = schlesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovak culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovene culture = slovene } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = transylvanian culture = transylvanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romanian culture = romanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hungarian culture = hungarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian culture = russian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = novgorodian culture = novgorodian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ryazanian culture = ryazanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = byelorussian culture = byelorussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ruthenian culture = ruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karelian culture = karelian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = estonian culture = estonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lipan culture = lipan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lithuanian culture = lithuanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = latvian culture = latvian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = greek culture = greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pontic_greek culture = pontic_greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = goths culture = goths } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = georgian culture = georgian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = circassian culture = circassian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cornish culture = cornish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dagestani culture = dagestani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = armenian culture = armenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = turkish culture = turkish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_misr_arabic culture = al_misr_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_suryah_arabic culture = al_suryah_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bedouin_arabic culture = bedouin_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = omani_culture culture = omani_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yemeni_culture culture = yemeni_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = moroccan culture = moroccan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tunisian culture = tunisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = algerian culture = algerian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = berber culture = berber } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = persian culture = persian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = azerbaijani culture = azerbaijani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khorasani culture = khorasani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = baluchi culture = baluchi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afghani culture = afghani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kurdish culture = kurdish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mazandarani culture = mazandarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mongol culture = mongol } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chahar culture = chahar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khalkha culture = khalkha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oirats culture = oirats } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uzbehk culture = uzbehk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = turkmeni culture = turkmeni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uyghur culture = uyghur } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazak culture = khazak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kirgiz culture = kirgiz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tecos culture = tecos } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aztek culture = aztek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = purepecha culture = purepecha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = totonac culture = totonac } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tepic culture = tepic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chichimecan culture = chichimecan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guamares culture = guamares } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yucatec culture = yucatec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = putun culture = putun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mayan culture = mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = matlatzinca culture = matlatzinca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = highland_mayan culture = highland_mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wastek culture = wastek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zapotek culture = zapotek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mixtec culture = mixtec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tlapanec culture = tlapanec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inca culture = inca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aimara culture = aimara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = diaguita culture = diaguita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = otomi culture = otomi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yaqui culture = yaqui } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chimuan culture = chimuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chontales culture = chontales } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tupinamba culture = tupinamba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guarani culture = guarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = charruan culture = charruan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ge culture = ge } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jivaro culture = jivaro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chachapoyan culture = chachapoyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = muisca culture = muisca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cara culture = cara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miskito culture = miskito } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chacoan culture = chacoan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mapuche culture = mapuche } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = patagonian culture = patagonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = het culture = het } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = huarpe culture = huarpe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arawak culture = arawak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maipurean culture = maipurean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carib culture = carib } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guajiro culture = guajiro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aleutian culture = aleutian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inuit culture = inuit } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shawnee culture = shawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illini culture = illini } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anishinabe culture = anishinabe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cree culture = cree } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mesquakie culture = mesquakie } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cheyenne culture = cheyenne } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = blackfoot culture = blackfoot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arapaho culture = arapaho } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = delaware culture = delaware } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = abenaki culture = abenaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mikmaq culture = mikmaq } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mahican culture = mahican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = powhatan culture = powhatan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pequot culture = pequot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = iroquois culture = iroquois } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cherokee culture = cherokee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = huron culture = huron } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = susquehannock culture = susquehannock } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dakota culture = dakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dalmatian culture = dalmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nakota culture = nakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chiwere culture = chiwere } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = osage culture = osage } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = catawba culture = catawba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wichita culture = wichita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = caddo culture = caddo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pawnee culture = pawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = creek culture = creek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = choctaw culture = choctaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chickasaw culture = chickasaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pueblo culture = pueblo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = piman culture = piman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shoshone culture = shoshone } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kiowa culture = kiowa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = apache culture = apache } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = navajo culture = navajo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chipewyan culture = chipewyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = haida culture = haida } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = athabascan culture = athabascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = salish culture = salish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chinook culture = chinook } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yokuts culture = yokuts } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu culture = manchu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu_new culture = manchu_new } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chihan culture = chihan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miao culture = miao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cantonese culture = cantonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jin culture = jin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wu culture = wu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chimin culture = chimin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hakka culture = hakka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gan culture = gan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xiang culture = xiang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sichuanese culture = sichuanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jianghuai culture = jianghuai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xibei culture = xibei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hubei culture = hubei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhongyuan culture = zhongyuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shandong_culture culture = shandong_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = korean culture = korean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = togoku culture = togoku } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = japanese culture = japanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kyushuan culture = kyushuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mon culture = mon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vietnamese culture = vietnamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vindhyan culture = vindhyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polynesian culture = polynesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cham culture = cham } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malayan culture = malayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumatran culture = sumatran } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = javanese culture = javanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_fp_FR - 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localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shan culture = shan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhuang culture = zhuang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burmese culture = burmese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tibetan culture = tibetan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chin culture = chin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yi culture = yi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bai culture = bai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karen culture = karen } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kachin culture = kachin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arakanese culture = arakanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = papuan culture = papuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aboriginal culture = aboriginal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = melanesian culture = melanesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mescalero culture = mescalero } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mexican culture = mexican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = moluccan culture = moluccan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = assamese culture = assamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bengali culture = bengali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bihari culture = bihari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nepali culture = nepali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oriya culture = oriya } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sinhala culture = sinhala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = avadhi culture = avadhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kanauji culture = kanauji } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pahari culture = pahari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = panjabi culture = panjabi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kashmiri culture = kashmiri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gujarati culture = gujarati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gulf_arabic culture = gulf_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = marathi culture = marathi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sindhi culture = sindhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rajput culture = rajput } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malvi culture = malvi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kannada culture = kannada } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malayalam culture = malayalam } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tamil culture = tamil } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = telegu culture = telegu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gondi culture = gondi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = garjati culture = garjati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jharkhandi culture = jharkhandi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mali culture = mali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = songhai culture = songhai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = soninke culture = soninke } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sorbian culture = sorbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bambara culture = bambara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bosnian culture = bosnian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bozo culture = bozo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dyola culture = dyola } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hausa culture = hausa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kanuri culture = kanuri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bilala culture = bilala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tuareg culture = tuareg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = senegambian culture = senegambian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frisian culture = frisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = fulani culture = fulani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yorumba culture = yorumba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aka culture = aka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nupe culture = nupe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = fon culture = fon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mossi culture = mossi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dagomba culture = dagomba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = makua culture = makua } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nguni culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bemba culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khoisan culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shona culture = shona } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nyasa culture = nyasa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lunda culture = lunda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = luba culture = luba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kongolese culture = kongolese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yaka culture = yaka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kochi culture = kochi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kuba culture = kuba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mbundu culture = mbundu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chokwe culture = chokwe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mbangala culture = mbangala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jukun culture = jukun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sawabantu culture = sawabantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rwandan culture = rwandan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ganda culture = ganda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = masaba culture = masaba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = madagasque culture = madagasque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = takama culture = takama } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bena culture = bena } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bantu culture = bantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swahili culture = swahili } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = somali culture = somali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = harari culture = harari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afar culture = afar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oromo culture = oromo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tigray culture = tigray } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sidamo culture = sidamo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = amhara culture = amhara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = acholi culture = acholi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nubian culture = nubian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = beja culture = beja } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = evenk culture = evenk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yakut culture = yakut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yukagyr culture = yukagyr } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = buryat culture = buryat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tungus culture = tungus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ainu culture = ainu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kamchatkan culture = kamchatkan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = astrakhani culture = astrakhani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bashkir culture = bashkir } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = crimean culture = crimean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kazani culture = kazani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mishary culture = mishary } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nogaybak culture = nogaybak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = siberian culture = siberian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = atlantean culture = atlantean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = spartan culture = spartan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = athenian culture = athenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_egyptian culture = old_egyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = roman culture = roman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = icelandic culture = icelandic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jan_mayenese culture = jan_mayenese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pruthenian culture = pruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = phoenician culture = phoenician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scanian culture = scanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anglosaxon culture = anglosaxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = babylonian culture = babylonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = etrurian culture = etrurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = parthian culture = parthian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aramaic culture = aramaic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_fp_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hebrew culture = hebrew } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scythian culture = scythian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = german culture = german } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alsatian culture = alsatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sudeten culture = sudeten } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norse culture = norse } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anglo_saxon culture = anglo_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = italian culture = italian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = outremer culture = outremer } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = komi culture = komi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mordvin culture = mordvin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khanty culture = khanty } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = meshchera culture = meshchera } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovak culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_pommeranian culture = old_pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ilmenian culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = volhynian culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = severian culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian_culture culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kishinyov culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_prussian culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anatolian culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magnagreek culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alan culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = assyrian culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = coptic culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frencharab culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sogdian culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tocharian culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saka culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tajik culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khitan culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tangut culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhangzhung culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumpa culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zaghawa culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = daju culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chuvash culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oldspain culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illyrian culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nuragic culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = getian culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vandal culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gothic culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alexandrine culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ashkenazi culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sephardi culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = knaanic culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magogic culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yevanic culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mizrahi culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = israeli culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = misrayim culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zarphatic culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = laaz culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kaifeng culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pecheneg culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cuman culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bolghar culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = avar culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazar culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karluk culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frankish culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = suebi culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_lombard culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = visigothic culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hispanic culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aegyptian culture = aegyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arabus culture = arabus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carthaginian culture = carthaginian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = graecus culture = graecus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulic culture = gaulic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hispanic culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = theodisc culture = theodisc } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pannonian culture = pannonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wenedyk culture = wenedyk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = britannian culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hyperborean culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = equine culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cat culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bear culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hedgehog_culture culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = duck_culture culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dog_culture culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = elephant_culture culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dragon_culture culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_fp - trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = red_panda culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - -########################################################### -### Government names // Noms des rgimes politiques ### -########################################################### - -#### Ex: "[the] Kingdom/Empire" => "[le] royaume/[l']empire" -#defined_text = { # TEST -# name = GetLeLaRP -# text = { -# localisation_key = string_l_FR -# trigger = { -# tag = HAB -# government = monarchy -# } -# } -#} -#### Ex: "[the] Kingdom/Empire" => "[le] royaume/[l']archiduch" -#defined_text = { # TEST -# name = GetLeLaRPCap -# text = { -# localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR -# trigger = { -# tag = HAB -# government = monarchy -# } -# } -#} - - - -##################################################### -### Nation Articles // Articles pour les pays ### -##################################################### - -### Ex: "Portugal/France/Austria/Hamburg/Aztecs" => "[le] Portugal/[la] France/[l']Autriche/[] Hambourg/[les] Aztques" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_X_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_les_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "Portugal/France/Austria/Hamburg/Aztecs" => "[Le] Portugal/[La] France/[L']Autriche/[] Hambourg/[Les] Aztques" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_X_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_les_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "Destroy [them]" => "le dtruire (le Danemark)/la dtruire (la Sude)/les dtruire (les Provinces-Unies)" (lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_les_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "Destroy [them]" => "Le dtruire (le Danemark)/La dtruire (la Sude)/Les dtruire (les Provinces-Unies)" (upper case/majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_les_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "We have to attack [them]." => "Nous devons [l']attaquer (le Danemark). // Nous devons [les] attaquer (les Provinces-Unies)." (lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLLesFNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_les_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "Attack [them] is essential." => "[L']attaquer est vital (le Danemark). // [Les] attaquer est vital (les Provinces-Unies)." (upper case/majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLLesFNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_les_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "[our] ennemies" => "no[tre] ennemi (le Danemark)/no[tre] ennemie (la Sude)/no[s] ennemis (les USA)/no[s] ennemies (les Provinces-Unies)" -defined_text = { - name = GetTreSNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_tre_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "[in] Portugal/[in] France/[in] Austria/[in] Hamburg/[in] Aztecs" => "[au] Portugal/[en] France/[en] Autriche/[] Hambourg/[chez les] Aztques" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuEnNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_en_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a2_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chezles_FR - trigger = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aux_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dansl_FR - trigger = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dansle_FR - trigger = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dansles_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_auseindela_FR - trigger = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - } - } -} -### Ex: "[In] Portugal/[In] France/[In] Austria/[In] Hamburg/[In] Aztecs" => "[Au] Portugal/[En] France/[En] Autriche/[] Hambourg/[Chez les] Aztques" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuEnNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_en_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a2_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chezles_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aux_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dansl_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dansle_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dansles_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_auseindela_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "[for] Portugal/France/Austria/Hamburg/Aztecs" => "[au] Portugal/[ la] France/[ l']Autriche/[] Hambourg/[aux] Aztques" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a2_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aux_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[For] Portugal/France/Austria/Hamburg/Aztecs" => "[Au] Portugal/[ la] France/[ l']Autriche/[] Hambourg/[Aux] Aztques" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a2_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aux_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -#### Ex: "King [of/from] Portugal/[of/from] France/[of/from] Austria/[of/from] Hamburg/[of/from] Aztecs" => "roi [du] Portugal/[de] France/[d']Autriche/[de] Hambourg/[des] Aztques" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDeNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_de_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_d_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_des_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_FR - trigger = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "King [Of/From] Portugal/[Of/From] France/[Of/From] Austria/[Of/From] Hamburg/[Of/From] Aztecs" => "ROi [Du] Portugal/[De] France/[D']Autriche/[De] Hambourg/[Des] Aztques" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDeNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_de_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_d_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_des_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - } - } -} - - - -#### Ex: "Enemies [of/from] Portugal/France/Austria/Hamburg/Aztecs" => "les ennemis [du] Portugal/[de la] France/[de l']Autriche/[de] Hambourg/[des] Aztques" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_des_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_de_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_d_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } -} -#### Ex: "[Of/from] Portugal/[France/Austria/Hamburg/Aztecs came..." => "[Du] Portugal/[De la] France/[De l']Autriche/[De] Hambourg/[Des] Aztques est venu..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_des_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_de_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_d_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -#### Ex: "Enemies [of the] rivals (= Portugal/France/Aztecs)" => "Les ennemis [du] rival (= le Portugal) /[de la] rivale (= la France) / [des] rivaux (= les Aztques)" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_des_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -#### Ex: "[Of the] rivals (= Portugal/FranceAztecs) came a message..." => "[Du] rival (= le Portugal) /[De la] rivale (= la France) / [Des] rivaux (= les Aztques) est arriv un message..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_des_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "Denmark/France/United Provinces/USA being vainquished..." => "le Danemark vaincu[]/la Sude vaincu[e]/les Provinces-Unies vaincu[es]/les USA vaincu[s]" -defined_text = { - name = GetXENP - text = { - localisation_key = string_XX_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_es_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "our [rival] of Denmark/Sweden/USA/Flanders" => "notre riv[al] le Danemark/notre riv[ale] la Sude/nos riv[aux] les tats pontificaux/nos riv[ales] les Flandres" -defined_text = { - name = GetAlAleNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_al2_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ale_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aux_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ales_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "our [former] ennemies" => "notre ancie[n] ennemi (le Danemark)/notre ancien[ne] ennemie (la Sude)/nos ancie[ns] ennemis (les USA)/nos ancie[nnes] ennemies (les Provinces-Unies)" -defined_text = { - name = GetNNneNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_n_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nne_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ns_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nnes_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "Denmark/USA/Sweden/United Provinces is victorious." => "Le Danemark/Les USA est/sont victori[eux]. / La Sude est victori[euse]. // Les Provinces-Unies sont victori[euses]." -defined_text = { - name = GetEuxEuseNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_eux_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_euse_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_euses_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "Denmark/France/United Provinces/USA are on the verge of..." => "le Danemark/la Sude est proch[e] de.../les Provinces-Unies/USA sont proch[es] de..." -defined_text = { - name = GetEEsNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_es_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_es_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "Is Denmark/France... // Are United Provinces/USA..." => "le Danemark est-[il]/la Sude est-[elle]/les Provinces-Unies sont-[elles]/les USA sont-[ils]" -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ils_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elles_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "Is Denmark/France // Are United Provinces/USA..." => "le Danemark est-[il]/la Sude est-[elle]/les Provinces-Unies sont-[elles]/les USA sont-[ils]" -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ils_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elles_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "if (Denmark/France) is... // if (United Provinces/USA) are..." => "[s'il] est (Danemark)/[si elle] est (Sude)/[si elles] sont (Provinces-Unies)/[s'ils] sont (USA)" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_sil_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sils_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielles_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "If (Denmark/France) is... // If (United Provinces/USA) are..." => "[S'il] est (Danemark)/[Si elle] est (Sude)/[Si elles] sont (Provinces-Unies)/[S'ils] sont (USA)" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_sil_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sils_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sielles_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "as for Denmark/Sweden/USA/Flanders..." => "Le Danemark, [lui], ... / La Sude, [elle], ... / les USA, [eux], ... / les Provinces-Unies, [elles], ..." (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eux_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elles_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "As for Denmark/Sweden/USA/Flanders..." => "[Lui], le Danemark... / [Elle], la Sude... / [Eux], les USA... / [Elles), les Provinces-Unies..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eux_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_elles_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "It made [them] the overlords of... (= Denmark/Sweden/USA/Flanders)" => "Cela a fait [de lui] (= le Danemark]/[d'elle] (= la Sude)/[d'eux] (= les USA)/[d'elles] (= les Provinces-Unies)" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_delui_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_deux_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delles_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[From them] came threats... (= Denmark/Sweden/USA/Flanders)" => "[De lui] (= le Danemark]/[D'elle] (= la Sude)/[D'eux] (= les USA)/[D'elles] (= les Provinces-Unies) sont venus des menaces" (lower case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_delui_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delle_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_deux_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delles_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "X sends [them] troops" => "X [lui] envoie des troupes (France)/X [leur] envoie des troupes (USA)" -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiLeurNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leur_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "Sending [them] troops" => "[Lui] envoyer des troupes (France)/[Leur] envoyer des troupes (USA)" -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiLeurNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leur_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "France/USA [is/are]..." => "le Danemark [est]/les USA [sont]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetEstSontNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_est_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sont_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[Is/Are] France/USA...?" => "[Est]-ce la France...?/[Sont]-ce les USA...?" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetEstSontNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_est_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sont_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "France/USA [isn't/aren't]..." => "le Danemark [n'est] pas/les USA [ne sont] pas" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetNestNesontNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_nest_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nesont_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[Isn't/Aren't] France/USA...?" => "N'est-elle pas (la France) ?/[Ne sont]-ils pas (les USA)?" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetNestNesontNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_nest_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nesont_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "France/USA [decided]..." => "le Danemark [s'est] dcid/les USA [se sont] dcids " (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSestSesontNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_sest_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sesont_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[Have] France/USA decided...?" => "[S'est]-elle dcide...?/[Se sont]-ils dcids...?" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSestSesontNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_sest_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sesont_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "France/USA [has/have]..." => "le Danemark [a].../les USA [ont]..." (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAOntNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ont_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[Has/Have] France/USA...?" => "[A]-t-elle...?/[Ont]-ils...?" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAOntNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ont_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "Denmark/USA [make] promises to..." => "le Danemark [fait] / les USA [font] des promesses..." (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetFaitFontNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_fait_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_font_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[Does] Denmark/USA make promises?" => "[Fait]-il des promesses? (= le Danemark) / [Font]-ils des promesses ? (= les USA)" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetFaitFontNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_fait_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_font_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "[its]/[their] vassalty (= France/USA)" => "[son/leur] lien de vassalit (= France/USA)" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSonLeurNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_son_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leur_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[Its]/[Their] vassalty (= France/USA)" => "[Son/Leur] lien de souverainet (= France/USA)" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSonLeurNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_son_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leur_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[its]/[their] sovereignty (= France/USA)" => "[son/leur] souverainet (= France/USA)" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSaLeurNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_sa_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leur_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[Its]/[Their] sovereignty (= France/USA)" => "[Son/Leur] souverainet (= France/USA)" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSaLeurNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_sa_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leur_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[its]/[their] colonies (= France/USA)" => "[ses/leurs] colonies (= France/USA)" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSesLeursNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_ses_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leurs_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[Its]/[Their] colonies (= France/USA)" => "[Ses/Leurs] colonies (= France/USA)" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSesLeursNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_ses_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - 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name = GetSienLeurNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_sien_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - 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(= France/USA)" => "[Sien/Leur] ou pas, ... (= la France/aux USA)" (upper case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSienLeurNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_sien_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leur_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[his]/[hers]/[theirs] (= France/USA)" => "l'ambition qui est la [sienne/leur] (= la France/aux USA)" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSienneLeurNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_sienne_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leur_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[His]/[Hers]/[Theirs] or not, ... (= France/USA)" => "[Sienne/Leur] ou pas, ... (= la France/aux USA)" (upper case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSienneLeurNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_sienne_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leur_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[his]/[hers]/[theirs] (= France/USA)" => "les territoires qui sont les [siens/leurs] (= la France/aux USA)" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSiensLeursNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_siens_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leurs_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[His]/[Hers]/[Theirs] or not, ... (= France/USA)" => "[Siens/Leurs] ou pas, ... (= la France/aux USA)" (upper case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSiensLeursNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_siens_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leurs_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[his]/[hers]/[theirs] (= France/USA)" => "les ambitions qui sont les [siennes/leurs] (= la France/aux USA)" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSiennesLeursNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_siennes_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leurs_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[His]/[Hers]/[Theirs] or not, ... (= France/USA)" => "[Siennes/Leurs] ou pas, ... (= la France/aux USA)" (upper case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSiennesLeursNPCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_siennes_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leurs_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "Denmark/USA lead[s/]..." => "que le Danemark soi[t] / que les USA soi[ent]" -defined_text = { - name = GetTEntNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_t_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ent_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "Denmark/USA [may]..." => "Le Danemark peu[t] / Les USA peu[vent]" -defined_text = { - name = GetTVentNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_t_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vent_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "Denmark/USA [guarantee]..." => "Le Danemark garanti[t]... / Les USA garanti[ssent]..." -defined_text = { - name = GetTSsentNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_t_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ssent_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "Denmark/USA [has/have] begun..." => "le Danemark vien[t].../les USA vien[nent]..." -defined_text = { - name = GetTNentNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_t_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nent_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "Denmark/USA decide[s/]..." => "le Danemark dcid[e]/les USA dcid[ent]" -defined_text = { - name = GetEEntNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ent_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "Denmark/USA claim[s/]..." => "le Danemark prtend[]/les USA prtend[ent]" -defined_text = { - name = GetXEntNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_XX_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - is_dynamic_tag = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ent_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -################################################################################# -### Colonial Nations ("New X") // Nations coloniales (Nouveau/Nouvelle-X) ### -################################################################################# - -### Ex: "[New] Denmark/France/Ulster/Cleves/United Provinces/Aztecs" => "[Nouveau]-Danemark/[Nouvelle]-Sude/[Nouvel]-Ulster/[Nouvelle]-Clves/[Nouvelles]-Provinces-Unies/[Nouveaux]-Hospitaliers" -### Used "only by key / Utilis uniquement par la clef COLONIAL_REGION_New_Root_GetName (New X // Nouveau/Nouvelle...-X) -defined_text = { - name = GetNouveauNouvelleNP - text = { - localisation_key = string_nouveau_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nouvelle_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nouvel_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes - frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes - frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nouveaux_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nouvelles_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes - frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -######################################################### -### Country Adjectives // Adjectifs pour les pays ### -######################################################### - -### Ex: "[Austrian]" => "[autrichien]" (singular masculine/masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetRootAdjMS - random = no - ### HIGHER PRIORITY ### - text = { - localisation_key = string_CHINA_STRING_ADJ_m_FR - trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_china_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_china_flag } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GURKANI_EMPIRE_STRING_ADJ_s_FR - trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_gurkani_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_gurkani_flag } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_ADJ_s_FR - trigger = { has_country_flag = is_hanseatic_league_flag } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_ms_FR - trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_ms_FR - trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_ms_FR - trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } - } - ### USUAL PRIORITY ### - text = { - localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_m_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_TRY_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = TRY } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_TTI_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = TTI } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_TTL_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = TTL } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_TTS_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = TTS } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_TUA_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = TUA } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_TUN_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = TUN } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_TUR_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = TUR } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_TUS_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = TUS } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_TVE_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = TVE } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_TYO_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = TYO } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_TYR_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = TYR } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_UBH_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = UBH } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_UBV_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = UBV } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_UES_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = UES } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_UKR_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = UKR } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ULM_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = ULM } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ULS_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = ULS } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_URB_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = URB } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_USA_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = USA } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_UTN_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = UTN } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_UTR_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = UTR } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_UTS_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = UTS } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_VAL_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = VAL } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_VEN_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = VEN } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_VER_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = VER } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_VIE_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = VIE } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_VIJ_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = VIJ } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_VND_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = VND } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_VNZ_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = VNZ } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_VOL_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = VOL } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_VRM_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = VRM } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_VRN_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = VRN } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_WAL_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = WAL } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_WAR_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = WAR } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_WBG_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = WBG } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_WES_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = WES } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_WIC_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = WIC } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_WKA_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = WKA } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_WLS_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = WLS } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_WLY_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = WLY } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_WOL_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = WOL } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_WSI_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = WSI } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_WUR_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = WUR } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_WUU_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = WUU } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_XAL_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = XAL } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_XIU_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = XIU } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_YAK_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = YAK } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_YAN_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = YAN } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_YAO_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = YAO } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_YAQ_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = YAQ } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_YAR_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = YAR } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_YAS_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = YAS } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_YAT_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = YAT } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_YEM_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = YEM } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_YKT_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = YKT } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_YMN_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = YMN } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_YOK_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = YOK } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_YOR_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = YOR } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_YZD_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = YZD } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_YUE_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = YUE } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ZAF_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = ZAF } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ZAN_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = ZAN } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ZAP_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = ZAP } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ZAZ_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = ZAZ } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ZIM_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = ZIM } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ZNI_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = ZNI } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ZUN_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = ZUN } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ZZZ_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = ZZZ } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_YUA_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = YUA } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_Root_Overlord_ADJ_p_FR # Fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations - trigger = { is_dynamic_tag = yes } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ABE_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = ABE } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_APA_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = APA } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ASI_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = ASI } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_BLA_ADJ_FR - trigger = { tag = BLA } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_BLG_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = BLG } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_BPI_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = BPI } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_CAD_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = CAD } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_CHI_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = CHI } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_CHO_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = CHO } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_CHY_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = CHY } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_COM_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = COM } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_FKN_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = FKN } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_FOX_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = FOX } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ILL_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = ILL } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_LEN_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = LEN } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_MAH_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = MAH } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_MIK_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = MIK } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_MMI_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = MMI } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_NAH_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = NAH } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_OJI_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = OJI } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_OPL_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = OPL } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_OSA_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = OSA } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_OSN_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = OSN } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_OTT_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = OTT } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_PAW_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = PAW } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_PDV_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = PDV } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_PEQ_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = PEQ } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_PIM_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = PIM } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_POT_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = POT } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_POW_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = POW } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_PUE_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = PUE } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_SHO_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = SHO } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_SIO_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = SIO } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_SUS_ADJ_p_FR - trigger = { tag = SUS } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_SZO_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = SZO } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_WCR_ADJ_fp_FR - trigger = { tag = WCR } - } -} - - -############################# -### Estates // Ordres ### -############################# - -# Ex: "[Clergy]" => "les [clercs]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetClercs - random = no - text = { - localisation_key = string_monasteries_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - OR = { - religion = buddhism #Theravada - religion = mahayana - religion = vajrayana - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babaylanes_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - tag = MAS - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brahmins_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - religion = hinduism - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gentry_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - OR = { has_reform = celestial_empire culture_group = east_asian } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ulema_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - OR = { religion_group = muslim religion_group = yazidi religion_group = muslirel } # La Pliade - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlamacazqueh_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - religion = nahuatl - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yangban_scholars_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - tag = KOR religion = confucianism - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pastors_FR # La Pliade - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - OR = { religion = protestant religion = reformed } - has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_popes_FR # La Pliade - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - AND = { religion = orthodox OR = { culture_group = east_slavic culture_group = south_slavic culture_group = west_slavic } } - has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamans_FR # La Pliade - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - religion = tengri_pagan_reformed - has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gurus_FR # La Pliade - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - religion = sikhism - has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_medicine_men_FR # La Pliade - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - religion = totemism - has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_godar_FR # La Pliade - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - religion = norse_pagan_reformed - has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rabbis_FR # La Pliade - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - religion_group = jewish_group - has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_priests_FR # La Pliade - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - OR = { religion = hussite religion = confucianism religion = shinto religion = animism religion = shamanism religion = inti religion = mesoamerican_religion } - has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mobeds_FR # La Pliade - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - religion = zoroastrian - has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_church_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_church - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[Brahmins]" => "les [brahmanes]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetBrahmanes - text = { - localisation_key = string_brahmins_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_brahmins - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[Nobility]" => "les [nobles]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetNobles - random = no - text = { - localisation_key = string_beys_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - technology_group = ottoman - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_boyars_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - OR = { culture_group = east_slavic primary_culture = bulgarian primary_culture = romanian } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_szlachta_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - OR = { primary_culture = polish primary_culture = lithuanian } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_timawa_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - tag = MAS - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nayaks_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - tag = VIJ - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samantas_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - tag = ORI - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kshatriyas_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - religion = hinduism - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_qinwang_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - has_reform = celestial_empire - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mansabdars_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - tag = MUG - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tetecuhtin_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - religion = nahuatl - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andriana_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - tag = MIR - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amirs_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - OR = { religion_group = muslim religion_group = yazidi religion_group = muslirel } NOT = { technology_group = ottoman } # La Pliade - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_planters_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - tag = USA - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bushi_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - culture_group = japanese_g - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yangban_administrators_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - tag = KOR religion = confucianism - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_junkers_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - OR = { has_reform = prussian_republic_reform has_reform = prussian_monarchy tag = GER } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_warriors_FR # La Pliade - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - OR = { government = native has_reform = siberian_tribe has_reform = native_basic_reform } - has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nobles_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nobles - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[Marathas]" => "les [Marathes]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetMarathes - text = { - localisation_key = string_maratha_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_maratha - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[Rajput]" => "les [Rjpoutes]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetRajpoutes - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_estate_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_rajput - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[Burghers]" => "les [bourgeois]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetBourgeois - random = no - text = { - localisation_key = string_bourgeoisie_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_burghers - culture_group = french - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shangbang_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_burghers - culture_group = east_asian - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neoconfucian_reformers_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_burghers - tag = KOR religion = confucianism - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pochteca_FR # La Pliade - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_burghers - religion = nahuatl - has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_merchant_guilds_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_burghers - NOT = { religion_group = christian } #Diversify a bit more. - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burghers_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_burghers -# NOT = { -# OR = { -# culture_group = french # estate_bourgeoisie // string_bourgeoisie_FR -# culture_group = east_asian # estate_shangbang // string_shangbang_FR -# AND = { tag = KOR religion = confucianism } # estate_neoconfucian_reformers // string_neoconfucian_reformers_FR -# religion = nahuatl # estate_pochteca // string_pochteca_FR # La Pliade -# religion_group = christian # estate_merchant_guilds // string_merchant_guilds_FR -# } -# } - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[Vaishyas]" => "les [vaishyas]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetVaishyas - text = { - localisation_key = string_vaisyas_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_vaisyas - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[Cossacks]" => "les [cosaques]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetCosaques - text = { - localisation_key = string_cossacks_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_cossacks - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[Tribes]" => "les [tribus]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetTribus - text = { - localisation_key = string_nomadic_tribes_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nomadic_tribes - } - } -} - -# Ex: "The [Tribes]/[Cossacks]/[troops]" => "les [tribus]/[cosaques]/[troupes]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetTribusOuCosaquesN - text = { - localisation_key = string_nomadic_tribes_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_nomadic_tribes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cossacks_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_cossacks - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_troops_FR # Fallback - trigger = { - NOT = { has_estate = estate_nomadic_tribes } - NOT = { has_estate = estate_cossacks } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[They] want more loot (= the Tribes/Cossacks/troops)" => "[ils/elles] veulent davantage de butin (= les tribus/cosaques/troupes)" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetTribusOuCosaquesIlsElles - text = { - localisation_key = string_elles_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - has_estate = estate_nomadic_tribes - AND = { - NOT = { has_estate = estate_nomadic_tribes } - NOT = { has_estate = estate_cossacks } - } - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ils_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_cossacks - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[Dhimmi]" => "les [dhimm]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDhimmi - text = { - localisation_key = string_dhimmi_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_dhimmi - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Jains]" => "les [jans]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetJains - text = { - localisation_key = string_jains_FR - trigger = { - has_estate = estate_jains - } - } -} - - - -############################################ -### Trade Goods // Biens commerciaux ### -############################################ - -### Ex: "wine" => "le [vin]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetBC - text = { - localisation_key = string_wine_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = wine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fish_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = fish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salt_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = salt } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_copper_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = copper } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iron_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = iron } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tea_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = tea } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coffee_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = coffee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cotton_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = cotton } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sugar_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = sugar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tobacco_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = tobacco } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cocoa_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = cocoa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wool_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = wool } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_silk_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = silk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gold_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = gold } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ivory_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = ivory } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slaves_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = slaves } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tropical_wood_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = tropical_wood } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_grain_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = grain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cloth_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = cloth } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fur_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = fur } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_naval_supplies_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = naval_supplies } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinaware_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = chinaware } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spices_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = spices } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyes_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = dyes } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_incense_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = incense } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_livestock_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = livestock } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_glass_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = glass } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_paper_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = paper } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gems_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = gems } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coal_FR - trigger = { trade_goods = coal } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "sell [the] wine/wool/gold/slaves" => "vendre [le] vin/[la] laine/[l']or/[les] esclaves" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaBC - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - frloc_trade_goods_masc_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - frloc_trade_goods_fem_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_FR - trigger = { - frloc_trade_goods_sg_vow = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_les_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_trade_goods_pl_cons = yes - frloc_trade_goods_pl_vow = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "Wine/Wool/Gold/Slaves is/are sold" => "[Le] vin/[La] laine/[L']or/[Les] esclaves est/sont vendu(e)(s)" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaBCCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_trade_goods_masc_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_trade_goods_fem_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_trade_goods_sg_vow = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_les_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_trade_goods_pl_cons = yes - frloc_trade_goods_pl_vow = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "the trade [of] wine/wool/gold/slaves" => "le commerce [du] vin/[de la] laine/[de l']or/[des] esclaves" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaBC - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - frloc_trade_goods_masc_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - frloc_trade_goods_fem_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_FR - trigger = { - frloc_trade_goods_sg_vow = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_des_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_trade_goods_pl_cons = yes - frloc_trade_goods_pl_vow = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[Some] wine/wool/gold/slaves is/are sold" => "[Du] vin/[De la] laine/[De l']or/[Des] esclaves est/sont vendus" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaBCCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_trade_goods_masc_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_trade_goods_fem_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_trade_goods_sg_vow = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_des_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_trade_goods_pl_cons = yes - frloc_trade_goods_pl_vow = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "make do with wine/wool/gold/slaves" => "vivre [de] vin/[d']or" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeDBC - text = { - localisation_key = string_de_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_trade_goods_masc_sg_cons = yes - frloc_trade_goods_fem_sg_cons = yes - frloc_trade_goods_pl_cons = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_d_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_trade_goods_sg_vow = yes - frloc_trade_goods_pl_vow = yes - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "There's never enough wine/wool/gold/slaves" => "[De] vin/[D']or, points n'est assez" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeDBCCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_de_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_trade_goods_masc_sg_cons = yes - frloc_trade_goods_fem_sg_cons = yes - frloc_trade_goods_pl_cons = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_d_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_trade_goods_sg_vow = yes - frloc_trade_goods_pl_vow = yes - } - } - } -} - - - - -######################################## -### Manufactures // Manufactures ### -######################################## -#Copied from GetManufactory -#Prints the province's manufactory (if one is built) -###Ex: "The estates request the building of [a naval equipment manufactory] / [a trade station]." = "Les ordres demandent la construction d'[une manufacture navale] / d'[un comptoir commercial]." (= lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetUnUneManufacture - random = no - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_building_wharf_FR # manufacture navale - trigger = { - OR = { - trade_goods = naval_supplies - trade_goods = fish - trade_goods = salt - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_building_weapons_FR # manufacture d'armes - trigger = { - OR = { - trade_goods = copper - trade_goods = iron - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_building_textile_FR # manufacture textile - trigger = { - OR = { - trade_goods = wool - trade_goods = cloth - trade_goods = silk - trade_goods = dyes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_building_plantations_FR # plantation - trigger = { - OR = { - trade_goods = coffee - trade_goods = cotton - trade_goods = sugar - trade_goods = tobacco - trade_goods = tea - trade_goods = cocoa - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_building_tradecompany_FR # comptoir commercial - trigger = { - OR = { - trade_goods = ivory - trade_goods = slaves - trade_goods = spices - trade_goods = fur - trade_goods = incense - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_building_farm_estate_FR # domaine foncier - trigger = { - OR = { - trade_goods = grain - trade_goods = livestock - trade_goods = wine - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_building_mills_FR # moulin - trigger = { - OR = { - trade_goods = paper - trade_goods = gems - trade_goods = tropical_wood - trade_goods = glass - trade_goods = chinaware - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_building_furnace_FR # fourneau - trigger = { - trade_goods = coal - } - } -} - - - - -############################################################## -### State Forms // Dsignations des rgimes politiques ### -############################################################## -#When you need to refer a government/state -#In the future incorporate more special things here -###Ex: "It is [the] Council/Crown of X." = "C'est [le] Conseil/[la] Couronne de X." (= lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLRegime - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - government = monarchy - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - government = republic - } - } -} -###Ex: "[The] Council/Crown of X" = "[Le] Conseil/[La] Couronne de X" (= upper case/majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLRegimeCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - government = monarchy - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - government = republic - } - } -} - - - -###Ex: "The order came [from the] Council/Crown of X." = "L'ordre est venu [du] Conseil/[de la] Couronne de X." (= lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaRegime - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - government = monarchy - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - government = republic - } - } -} -###Ex: "[From the] Council/Crown of X came this order..." = "[Du] Conseil/[De la] Couronne de X est venu l'ordre de..." (= upper case/majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaRegimeCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - government = monarchy - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - government = republic - } - } -} - - - -###Ex: "The order came [to the] Council/Crown of X." = "L'ordre est arriv [au] Conseil/[ la] Couronne de X." (= lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaRegime - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - government = monarchy - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - government = republic - } - } -} -###Ex: "[To the] Council/Crown of X came this order..." = "[Au] Conseil/[ la] Couronne de X est venu l'ordre de..." (= upper case/majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaRegimeCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - government = monarchy - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - government = republic - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "[l'tat]/[la Rpublique]/[Dieu]/[la horde]/[la tribu], c'est moi" => "[l'tat]/[la Rpublique]/[Dieu]/[la horde]/[la tribu], c'est moi" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaTypeRegime - text = { - localisation_key = string_letat_FR - trigger = { - government = monarchy - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_larepublique_FR - trigger = { - government = republic - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_Dieu_FR - trigger = { - government = theocracy - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lahorde_FR - trigger = { - government = tribal - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latribu_FR - trigger = { - government = native - } - } -} -### Ex: "[L'tat]/[La Rpublique]/[Dieu]/[La horde]/[La tribu], c'est moi" => "[L'tat]/[La Rpublique]/[Dieu]/[La horde]/[La tribu], c'est moi" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaTypeRegimeCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_letat_cap_FR - trigger = { - government = monarchy - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_larepublique_cap_FR - trigger = { - government = republic - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_Dieu_cap_FR - trigger = { - government = theocracy - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lahorde_cap_FR - trigger = { - government = tribal - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latribu_cap_FR - trigger = { - government = native - } - } -} - - - -################################################################################################ -### Religious Schools Names & Adjectives / Noms et adjectifs pour les coles religieuses ### -################################################################################################ -#Ex: "[Malikism] is one of the Muslim schools." => "Le [malkisme] est l'une des coles de l'islam." -defined_text = { - name = GetEcoleReligieuseN - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_n_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanafi_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanafi_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_n_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanbali_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanbali_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_n_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = ismaili_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = ismaili_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jafari_school_n_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = jafari_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = jafari_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maliki_school_n_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = maliki_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = maliki_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shafii_school_n_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = shafii_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = shafii_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_n_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = zaidi_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = zaidi_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } -} - - - -#Ex: "A [Maliki] scholar..." => "Un lettr [malkite]..." -defined_text = { - name = GetEcoleReligieuseAdjMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanafi_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanafi_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanbali_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanbali_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = ismaili_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = ismaili_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jafari_school_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = jafari_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = jafari_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maliki_school_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = maliki_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = maliki_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shafii_school_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = shafii_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = shafii_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = zaidi_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = zaidi_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } -} - - - -#Ex: "The [Maliki] school..." => "L'cole [malkite]..." -defined_text = { - name = GetEcoleReligieuseAdjFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanafi_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanafi_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanbali_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanbali_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = ismaili_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = ismaili_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jafari_school_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = jafari_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = jafari_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maliki_school_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = maliki_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = maliki_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shafii_school_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = shafii_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = shafii_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_s_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = zaidi_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = zaidi_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } -} - - - -#Ex: "The [Maliki] scholars..." => "Les lettrs [malkites]..." -defined_text = { - name = GetEcoleReligieuseAdjMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_p_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanafi_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanafi_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_p_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanbali_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanbali_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_p_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = ismaili_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = ismaili_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jafari_school_p_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = jafari_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = jafari_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maliki_school_p_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = maliki_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = maliki_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shafii_school_p_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = shafii_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = shafii_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_p_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = zaidi_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = zaidi_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } -} - - - -#Ex: "The [Maliki] creed..." => "Les croyances [malkites]..." -defined_text = { - name = GetEcoleReligieuseAdjMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_p_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanafi_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanafi_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_p_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanbali_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanbali_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_p_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = ismaili_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = ismaili_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jafari_school_p_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = jafari_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = jafari_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maliki_school_p_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = maliki_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = maliki_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shafii_school_p_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = shafii_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = shafii_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_p_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - religious_school = { group = muslim school = zaidi_school } - religious_school = { group = muslirel school = zaidi_school } # La Pliade - } - } - } -} - - - -############################################################################################### -### Religious Scholars Names & Adjectives / Noms et adjectifs pour les lettrs musulmans ### -############################################################################################### -#Ex: "[Malikism] is one of the Muslim schools." => "Le [malkisme] est l'une des coles de l'islam." -defined_text = { - name = GetLettreReligieuxN - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_n_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanafi_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_n_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanbali_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_n_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = ismaili_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jafari_school_n_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = jafari_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maliki_school_n_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = maliki_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shafii_school_n_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = shafii_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_n_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = zaidi_scholar_modifier } - } -} - - - -#Ex: "A [Maliki] scholar..." => "Un lettr [malkite]..." -defined_text = { - name = GetLettreReligieuxAdjMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_s_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanafi_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_s_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanbali_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_s_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = ismaili_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jafari_school_s_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = jafari_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maliki_school_s_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = maliki_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shafii_school_s_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = shafii_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_s_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = zaidi_scholar_modifier } - } -} - - - -#Ex: "The [Maliki] school..." => "L'cole [malkite]..." -defined_text = { - name = GetLettreReligieuxAdjFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_s_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanafi_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_s_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanbali_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_s_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = ismaili_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jafari_school_s_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = jafari_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maliki_school_s_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = maliki_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shafii_school_s_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = shafii_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_s_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = zaidi_scholar_modifier } - } -} - - - -#Ex: "The [Maliki] scholars..." => "Les lettrs [malkites]..." -defined_text = { - name = GetLettreReligieuxAdjMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_p_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanafi_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_p_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanbali_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_p_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = ismaili_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jafari_school_p_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = jafari_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maliki_school_p_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = maliki_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shafii_school_p_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = shafii_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_p_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = zaidi_scholar_modifier } - } -} - - - -#Ex: "The [Maliki] creed..." => "Les croyances [malkites]..." -defined_text = { - name = GetLettreReligieuxAdjMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_p_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanafi_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_p_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanbali_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_p_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = ismaili_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jafari_school_p_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = jafari_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maliki_school_p_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = maliki_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shafii_school_p_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = shafii_scholar_modifier } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_p_FR - trigger = { has_country_modifier = zaidi_scholar_modifier } - } -} - - - -##################################################################################################################### -### Culture Adjectives for Administrative Advisors // Adjectifs culturels pour les conseillers administratifs ### -##################################################################################################################### - -### Ex: "A [Turkish] administrative advisor" => "un conseiller administratif [turc]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetAdmCultMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = english } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = american } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = welsh } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = irish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = highland_scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lower_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuscan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sardinian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saurashtri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = romagnan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ligurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = venetian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = neapolitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = piedmontese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = umbrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sicilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = maltese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = castillian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = leonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aragonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = catalan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = galician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = andalucian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = portugese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = basque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cosmopolitan_french } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gascon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = normand } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aquitaine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = burgundian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = occitain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wallonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = brazilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = breton } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uralic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = samoyed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ostyaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ingrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = croatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = serbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bulgarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = albanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = czech } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = polish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = schlesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovene } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = transylvanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = romanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hungarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = russian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = novgorodian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ryazanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = byelorussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karelian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = estonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lipan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lithuanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = latvian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pontic_greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = goths } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = georgian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = circassian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cornish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dagestani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = armenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = turkish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_misr_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_suryah_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bedouin_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = omani_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yemeni_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = moroccan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tunisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = algerian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = berber } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = persian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = azerbaijani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khorasani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = baluchi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = afghani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kurdish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mazandarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mongol } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chahar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khalkha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oirats } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uzbehk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = turkmeni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uyghur } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khazak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kirgiz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tecos } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aztek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = purepecha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = totonac } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tepic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chichimecan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guamares } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yucatec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = putun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = matlatzinca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = highland_mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wastek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zapotek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mixtec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tlapanec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = inca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aimara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = diaguita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = otomi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yaqui } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chimuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chontales } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tupinamba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = charruan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ge } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jivaro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chachapoyan } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = apache } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = navajo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chipewyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = haida } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athabascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = salish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chinook } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yokuts } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tibetan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karen } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kachin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arakanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = papuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aboriginal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = melanesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mescalero } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mexican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = moluccan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = assamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bengali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bihari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nepali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oriya } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sinhala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = avadhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kanauji } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pahari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = panjabi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kashmiri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gujarati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gulf_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = marathi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sindhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = rajput } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malvi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kannada } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malayalam } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tamil } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = telegu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gondi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = garjati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jharkhandi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = songhai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = soninke } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sorbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bambara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bosnian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bozo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dyola } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hausa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kanuri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bilala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuareg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = senegambian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = fulani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yorumba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nupe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = fon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mossi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dagomba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = makua } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shona } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nyasa } } - } - text = { - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = amhara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = acholi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nubian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = beja } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = evenk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yakut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yukagyr } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = buryat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tungus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ainu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kamchatkan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = astrakhani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bashkir } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = crimean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kazani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mishary } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nogaybak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = siberian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = atlantean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = spartan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_egyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = roman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = icelandic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jan_mayenese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = phoenician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anglosaxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = babylonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = etrurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = parthian } } - 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localisation_key = italian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = italian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = outremer } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = komi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mordvin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khanty } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = meshchera } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_ms - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Turkish] administrative advisor" => "une conseillre administrative [turque]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetAdmCultFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = english } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = american } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = welsh } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = irish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = highland_scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lower_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuscan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sardinian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saurashtri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = romagnan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ligurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = venetian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = neapolitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = piedmontese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = umbrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sicilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = maltese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = castillian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = leonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aragonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = catalan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = galician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = andalucian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = portugese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = basque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cosmopolitan_french } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gascon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = normand } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aquitaine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = burgundian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = occitain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wallonian } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = estonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lipan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lithuanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = latvian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pontic_greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = goths } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = georgian } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = persian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = azerbaijani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khorasani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = baluchi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = afghani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kurdish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mazandarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mongol } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chahar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khalkha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oirats } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uzbehk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = turkmeni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uyghur } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khazak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kirgiz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tecos } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aztek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = purepecha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = totonac } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tepic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chichimecan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guamares } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yucatec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = putun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = matlatzinca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = highland_mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wastek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zapotek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mixtec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tlapanec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = inca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aimara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = diaguita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = otomi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yaqui } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chimuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chontales } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tupinamba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = charruan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ge } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jivaro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chachapoyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = muisca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = miskito } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chacoan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mapuche } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = patagonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = het } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = huarpe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arawak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = maipurean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = carib } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guajiro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aleutian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = inuit } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = illini } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anishinabe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cree } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mesquakie } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cheyenne } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = blackfoot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arapaho } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = delaware } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = abenaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mikmaq } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mahican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = powhatan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pequot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = iroquois } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cherokee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = huron } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = susquehannock } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dalmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chiwere } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = osage } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = catawba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wichita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = caddo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = creek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = choctaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chickasaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pueblo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = piman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shoshone } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kiowa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = apache } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = navajo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chipewyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = haida } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athabascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = salish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chinook } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yokuts } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = manchu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = manchu_new } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chihan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = miao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cantonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chimin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hakka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = xiang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fs_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bozo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dyola } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hausa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kanuri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bilala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuareg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = senegambian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frisian } } - 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localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shona } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nyasa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lunda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = luba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kongolese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - 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localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = atlantean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = spartan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_egyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = roman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = icelandic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jan_mayenese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = phoenician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anglosaxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = babylonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = etrurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = parthian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aramaic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hebrew } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scythian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = german } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = alsatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sudeten } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = norse } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anglo_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = italian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = outremer } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = komi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mordvin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khanty } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = meshchera } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aegyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arabus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = carthaginian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = graecus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gaulic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = theodisc } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pannonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wenedyk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Turkish] administrative advisors are wise" => "Les conseillers administrafifs [turcs] sont aviss" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetAdmCultMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = english } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = american } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = welsh } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = irish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = highland_scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lower_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuscan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sardinian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saurashtri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = romagnan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ligurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = venetian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = neapolitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = piedmontese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = umbrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sicilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = maltese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = castillian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = leonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aragonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = catalan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = galician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = andalucian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = portugese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = basque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cosmopolitan_french } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gascon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = normand } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aquitaine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = burgundian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = occitain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wallonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = brazilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = breton } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uralic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = samoyed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ostyaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ingrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = croatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = serbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bulgarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = albanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = czech } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = polish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = schlesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovene } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = transylvanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = romanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hungarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = russian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = novgorodian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ryazanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = byelorussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karelian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = estonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lipan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lithuanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = latvian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pontic_greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = goths } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = georgian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = circassian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cornish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dagestani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = armenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = turkish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_misr_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_suryah_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bedouin_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = omani_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yemeni_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = moroccan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tunisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = algerian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = berber } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = persian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = azerbaijani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khorasani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = baluchi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = afghani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kurdish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mazandarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mongol } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chahar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khalkha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oirats } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uzbehk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = turkmeni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uyghur } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khazak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kirgiz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tecos } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aztek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = purepecha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = totonac } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tepic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chichimecan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guamares } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yucatec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = putun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = matlatzinca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = highland_mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wastek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zapotek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mixtec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tlapanec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = inca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aimara } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cherokee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = huron } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = susquehannock } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dalmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chiwere } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = osage } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = piman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shoshone } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kiowa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = apache } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = navajo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chipewyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = haida } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athabascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = salish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chinook } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yokuts } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = manchu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = manchu_new } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chihan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = miao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cantonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chimin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hakka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = xiang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sichuanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jianghuai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = xibei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hubei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhongyuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shandong_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = korean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = togoku } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = japanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kyushuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = vietnamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = vindhyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = polynesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cham } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sumatran } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = javanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = filipino } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bornean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = madagascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sulawesi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = central_thai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lacandon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = northern_thai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhuang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = burmese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tibetan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karen } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR - 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localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = assamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bengali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bihari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nepali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oriya } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sinhala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = avadhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kanauji } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pahari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = panjabi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kashmiri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gujarati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gulf_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gulf_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = marathi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sindhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = rajput } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malvi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kannada } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malayalam } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tamil } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = telegu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gondi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = garjati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jharkhandi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = songhai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = soninke } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sorbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bambara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bosnian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bozo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dyola } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hausa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kanuri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bilala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuareg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = senegambian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = fulani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yorumba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nupe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = fon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mossi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dagomba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = makua } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shona } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nyasa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lunda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = luba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kongolese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yaka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - 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trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ganda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = masaba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = madagasque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = takama } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bena } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swahili } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = somali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - 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trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = astrakhani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bashkir } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = crimean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kazani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mishary } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nogaybak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = siberian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = atlantean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = spartan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_egyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = roman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = icelandic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jan_mayenese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = phoenician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anglosaxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = babylonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = etrurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = parthian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aramaic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hebrew } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scythian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = german } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = alsatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sudeten } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = norse } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anglo_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = italian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = outremer } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = komi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mordvin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khanty } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = meshchera } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aegyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arabus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = carthaginian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = graecus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gaulic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = theodisc } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pannonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wenedyk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Turkish] administrative advisors are beautiful" => "les conseillres administratives [turques] sont jolies" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetAdmCultFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = english } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = american } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = welsh } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = irish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = highland_scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lower_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuscan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sardinian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saurashtri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = romagnan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ligurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = venetian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = neapolitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = piedmontese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = umbrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sicilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = maltese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = castillian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = leonese } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uzbehk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = turkmeni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uyghur } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khazak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kirgiz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tecos } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aztek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = purepecha } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = het } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = huarpe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arawak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = maipurean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = carib } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guajiro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aleutian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = inuit } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = illini } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anishinabe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cree } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mesquakie } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cheyenne } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = blackfoot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arapaho } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = delaware } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = abenaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mikmaq } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mahican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = powhatan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pequot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = iroquois } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cherokee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = huron } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = susquehannock } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dalmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chiwere } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = osage } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = catawba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wichita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = caddo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = creek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = choctaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chickasaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pueblo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = piman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shoshone } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kiowa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = apache } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = navajo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chipewyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = haida } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athabascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = salish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chinook } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yokuts } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = manchu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = manchu_new } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chihan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = miao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cantonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chimin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hakka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = xiang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sichuanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jianghuai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = xibei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hubei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhongyuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shandong_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = korean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = togoku } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = japanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kyushuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mon } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhuang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = burmese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tibetan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karen } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kachin } } - } - text = { - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kannada } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malayalam } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tamil } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = telegu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gondi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = garjati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jharkhandi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = songhai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = soninke } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sorbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bambara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bosnian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bozo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dyola } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hausa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kanuri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bilala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuareg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = senegambian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = fulani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yorumba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nupe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = fon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mossi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dagomba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = makua } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shona } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nyasa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lunda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = luba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kongolese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yaka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kochi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kuba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mbundu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chokwe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mbangala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jukun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sawabantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = rwandan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ganda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = masaba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tigray } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sidamo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = amhara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = acholi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nubian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = beja } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = evenk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yakut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yukagyr } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = buryat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tungus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ainu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kamchatkan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = astrakhani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bashkir } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = crimean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kazani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mishary } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nogaybak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = siberian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = atlantean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = spartan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_egyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = roman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = icelandic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jan_mayenese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = phoenician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anglosaxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = babylonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = etrurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = parthian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aramaic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hebrew } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scythian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = german } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = alsatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sudeten } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = norse } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anglo_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = italian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = outremer } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = komi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mordvin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khanty } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = meshchera } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aegyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arabus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = carthaginian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = graecus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gaulic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = theodisc } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pannonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wenedyk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - - -################################################################################################################ -### Culture Adjectives for Diplomatic Advisors // Adjectifs culturels pour les conseillers diplomatiques ### -################################################################################################################ - -### Ex: "A [Turkish] diplomatic advisor" => "un conseiller diplomatique [turc]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetDipCultMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = english } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = american } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = welsh } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = irish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = highland_scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lower_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tuscan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sardinian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saurashtri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = romagnan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ligurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = venetian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = neapolitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = piedmontese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = umbrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sicilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = maltese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = castillian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = leonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aragonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = catalan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = galician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = andalucian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = portugese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = basque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cosmopolitan_french } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gascon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = normand } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aquitaine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = burgundian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = occitain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wallonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = brazilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = breton } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uralic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = samoyed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ostyaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ingrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = croatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = serbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bulgarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = albanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = czech } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = polish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = schlesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovene } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = transylvanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = romanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hungarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = russian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = novgorodian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ryazanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = byelorussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karelian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = estonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lipan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lithuanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = latvian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pontic_greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = goths } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = georgian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = circassian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cornish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dagestani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = armenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = turkish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_misr_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_suryah_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bedouin_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = omani_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yemeni_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = moroccan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tunisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = algerian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = berber } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = persian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = azerbaijani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khorasani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = baluchi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = afghani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kurdish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mazandarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mongol } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chahar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khalkha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oirats } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uzbehk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = turkmeni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uyghur } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khazak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kirgiz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tecos } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aztek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = purepecha } } - 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localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hubei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhongyuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shandong_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = korean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = togoku } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = japanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kyushuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mon } } - 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localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arakanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = papuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aboriginal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = melanesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mescalero } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mexican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = moluccan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = assamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bengali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bihari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nepali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oriya } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sinhala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = avadhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kanauji } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pahari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = panjabi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kashmiri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gujarati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gulf_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = marathi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sindhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = rajput } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malvi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kannada } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malayalam } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tamil } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = telegu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gondi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = garjati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jharkhandi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = songhai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = soninke } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sorbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bambara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bosnian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bozo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dyola } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hausa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kanuri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bilala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tuareg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = senegambian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = frisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = fulani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yorumba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nupe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = fon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mossi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dagomba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = makua } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shona } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nyasa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lunda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = luba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kongolese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yaka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kochi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kuba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tigray } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sidamo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = amhara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = acholi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nubian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = beja } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = evenk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yakut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yukagyr } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = buryat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tungus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ainu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kamchatkan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = astrakhani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bashkir } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = crimean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kazani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mishary } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nogaybak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = siberian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = atlantean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = spartan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = athenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_egyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = roman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = icelandic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jan_mayenese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = phoenician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anglosaxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = babylonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = etrurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = parthian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aramaic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hebrew } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scythian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = german } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = alsatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sudeten } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = norse } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anglo_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = italian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = outremer } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = komi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mordvin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khanty } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = meshchera } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aegyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arabus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = carthaginian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = graecus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gaulic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = theodisc } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pannonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wenedyk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Turkish] diplomatic advisor" => "une conseillre diplomatique [turque]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetDipCultFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_fs_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovene } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = transylvanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = romanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hungarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = russian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = novgorodian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ryazanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = byelorussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karelian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = estonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lipan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lithuanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = latvian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pontic_greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = goths } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = georgian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = circassian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cornish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dagestani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = armenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = turkish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_misr_arabic } } - 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trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cree } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mesquakie } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cheyenne } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = blackfoot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arapaho } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = delaware } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = abenaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mikmaq } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mahican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = powhatan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pequot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = iroquois } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cherokee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = huron } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = susquehannock } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dalmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chiwere } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = osage } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = catawba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wichita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = caddo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karen } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kachin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arakanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = papuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aboriginal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = melanesian } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = marathi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sindhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = rajput } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malvi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kannada } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malayalam } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tamil } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = telegu } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bosnian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bozo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dyola } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hausa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kanuri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bilala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tuareg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = senegambian } } - 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text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = makua } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shona } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nyasa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lunda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = luba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_fs_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = rwandan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ganda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = masaba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = madagasque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = takama } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bena } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swahili } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = somali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = harari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = afar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oromo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tigray } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sidamo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = amhara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = acholi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nubian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = beja } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = evenk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yakut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yukagyr } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = buryat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tungus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ainu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kamchatkan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = astrakhani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bashkir } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = crimean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kazani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mishary } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nogaybak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = siberian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = atlantean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = spartan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = athenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_egyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = roman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = icelandic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jan_mayenese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = phoenician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anglosaxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = babylonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = etrurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = parthian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aramaic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hebrew } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scythian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = german } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = alsatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sudeten } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = norse } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anglo_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = italian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = outremer } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = komi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mordvin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khanty } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = meshchera } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aegyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arabus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = carthaginian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = graecus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gaulic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = theodisc } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pannonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wenedyk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Turkish] diplomatic advisors are wise" => "Les conseillers diplomatiques [turcs] sont aviss" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetDipCultMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = english } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = american } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = welsh } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = irish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = highland_scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lower_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tuscan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sardinian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saurashtri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = romagnan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ligurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = venetian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = neapolitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = piedmontese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = umbrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sicilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = maltese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = castillian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = leonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aragonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = catalan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = galician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = andalucian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = portugese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = basque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cosmopolitan_french } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gascon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = normand } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aquitaine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = burgundian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = occitain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wallonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = brazilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = breton } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uralic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = samoyed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ostyaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ingrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = croatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = serbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bulgarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = albanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = czech } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = polish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = schlesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovene } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = transylvanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = romanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hungarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = russian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = novgorodian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ryazanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = byelorussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karelian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = estonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lipan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lithuanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = latvian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pontic_greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = goths } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = georgian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = circassian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cornish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dagestani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = armenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = turkish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_misr_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_suryah_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bedouin_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khorasani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = baluchi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = afghani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kurdish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mazandarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mongol } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chahar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khalkha } } - 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localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = xibei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hubei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhongyuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shandong_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = korean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = togoku } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = japanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kyushuan } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhuang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = burmese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tibetan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karen } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR - 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localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = assamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bengali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bihari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nepali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oriya } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sinhala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = avadhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kanauji } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pahari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = panjabi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kashmiri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gujarati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gulf_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gulf_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = marathi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sindhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = rajput } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malvi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kannada } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malayalam } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tamil } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = telegu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gondi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = garjati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jharkhandi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = songhai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = soninke } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sorbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bambara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bosnian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bozo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dyola } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hausa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kanuri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bilala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tuareg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = senegambian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = frisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = fulani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yorumba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nupe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = fon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mossi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dagomba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = makua } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shona } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nyasa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lunda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = luba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kongolese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yaka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - 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trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = astrakhani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bashkir } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = crimean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kazani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mishary } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nogaybak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = siberian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = atlantean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = spartan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = athenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_egyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = roman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = icelandic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jan_mayenese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = phoenician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anglosaxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = babylonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = etrurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = parthian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aramaic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hebrew } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scythian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = german } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = alsatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sudeten } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = norse } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anglo_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = italian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = outremer } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = komi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mordvin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khanty } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = meshchera } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aegyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arabus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = carthaginian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = graecus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gaulic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = theodisc } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pannonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wenedyk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Turkish] diplomatic advisors are beautiful" => "les conseillres diplomatiques [turques] sont jolies" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetDipCultFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = english } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = american } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = welsh } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = irish } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = het } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = huarpe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arawak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = maipurean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = carib } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = guajiro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aleutian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = inuit } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = illini } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anishinabe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cree } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mesquakie } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cheyenne } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = blackfoot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arapaho } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = delaware } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = abenaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mikmaq } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mahican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = powhatan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pequot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = iroquois } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cherokee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = huron } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = susquehannock } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dalmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chiwere } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = osage } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = catawba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wichita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = caddo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = creek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = choctaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chickasaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pueblo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = piman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shoshone } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kiowa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = apache } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = navajo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chipewyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = haida } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = athabascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = salish } } - 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localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hubei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhongyuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shandong_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = korean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = togoku } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = japanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kyushuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mon } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bengali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bihari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nepali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oriya } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sinhala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = avadhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kanauji } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pahari } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = songhai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = soninke } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sorbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bambara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bosnian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bozo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dyola } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hausa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kanuri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bilala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tuareg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = senegambian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = frisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = fulani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yorumba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nupe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = fon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mossi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dagomba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = makua } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shona } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nyasa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lunda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = luba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kongolese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yaka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kochi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kuba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tigray } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sidamo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = amhara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = acholi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nubian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = beja } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = evenk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yakut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yukagyr } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = buryat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tungus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ainu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kamchatkan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = astrakhani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bashkir } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = crimean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kazani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mishary } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nogaybak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = siberian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = atlantean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = spartan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = athenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_egyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = roman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = icelandic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jan_mayenese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = phoenician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anglosaxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = babylonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = etrurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = parthian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aramaic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hebrew } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scythian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = german } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = alsatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sudeten } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = norse } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anglo_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = italian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = outremer } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = komi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mordvin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khanty } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = meshchera } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aegyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arabus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = carthaginian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = graecus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gaulic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = theodisc } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pannonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wenedyk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - - -########################################################################################################### -### Culture Adjectives for Military Advisors // Adjectifs culturels pour les conseillers militaires ### -########################################################################################################### - -### Ex: "A [Turkish] military advisor" => "un conseiller militaire [turc]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetMilCultMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = english } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = american } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = welsh } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = irish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = highland_scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lower_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuscan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sardinian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saurashtri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romagnan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ligurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = venetian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = neapolitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = piedmontese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = umbrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sicilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = maltese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = castillian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = leonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aragonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = catalan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = galician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = andalucian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = portugese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = basque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cosmopolitan_french } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gascon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = normand } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aquitaine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = burgundian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = occitain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wallonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = brazilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = breton } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uralic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = samoyed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ostyaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ingrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = croatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = serbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bulgarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = albanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = czech } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = polish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = schlesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovene } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = transylvanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hungarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = russian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = novgorodian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ryazanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = byelorussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karelian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = estonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lipan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lithuanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = latvian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pontic_greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = goths } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = georgian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = circassian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cornish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagestani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = armenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_misr_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_suryah_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bedouin_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = omani_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yemeni_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = moroccan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tunisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = algerian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = berber } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = persian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = azerbaijani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khorasani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = baluchi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = afghani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kurdish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mazandarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mongol } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chahar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khalkha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oirats } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uzbehk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkmeni } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = apache } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = navajo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chipewyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = haida } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = athabascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = salish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chinook } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yokuts } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = polynesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cham } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sumatran } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = javanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = filipino } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bornean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = madagascan } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tibetan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karen } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kachin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arakanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = papuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aboriginal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = melanesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mescalero } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mexican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = moluccan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = assamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bengali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bihari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nepali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oriya } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sinhala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = avadhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanauji } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pahari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = panjabi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kashmiri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gujarati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gulf_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = marathi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sindhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rajput } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malvi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kannada } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malayalam } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tamil } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = telegu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gondi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = garjati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jharkhandi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = songhai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = soninke } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sorbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bambara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bosnian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bozo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dyola } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hausa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanuri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bilala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuareg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = senegambian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fulani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yorumba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nupe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mossi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagomba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = makua } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shona } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nyasa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lunda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = luba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kongolese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yaka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kochi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kuba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbundu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chokwe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbangala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jukun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sawabantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rwandan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ganda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = masaba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = madagasque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = takama } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bena } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swahili } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = somali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = harari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = afar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oromo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tigray } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sidamo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = amhara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = acholi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nubian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = beja } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = evenk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yakut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yukagyr } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = buryat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tungus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ainu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kamchatkan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = astrakhani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bashkir } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = crimean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kazani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mishary } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nogaybak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = siberian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = atlantean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = spartan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = athenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_egyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = roman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = icelandic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jan_mayenese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = phoenician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anglosaxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = babylonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = etrurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = parthian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aramaic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hebrew } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scythian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = german } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = alsatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sudeten } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = norse } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anglo_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = italian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = outremer } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = komi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mordvin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khanty } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = meshchera } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aegyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arabus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = carthaginian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = graecus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gaulic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = theodisc } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pannonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wenedyk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Turkish] military advisor" => "une conseillre militaire [turque]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetMilCultFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = english } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = american } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = welsh } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = irish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = highland_scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lower_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuscan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sardinian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saurashtri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romagnan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ligurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = venetian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = neapolitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = piedmontese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = umbrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sicilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = maltese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = castillian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = leonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aragonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = catalan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = galician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = andalucian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = portugese } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = brazilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = breton } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uralic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = samoyed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ostyaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ingrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = croatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = serbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bulgarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = albanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = czech } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = polish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = schlesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovene } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = transylvanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hungarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = russian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = novgorodian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ryazanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = byelorussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karelian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = estonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lipan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lithuanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = latvian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pontic_greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = goths } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = georgian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = circassian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cornish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagestani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = armenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_misr_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_suryah_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fs_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = persian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = azerbaijani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khorasani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = baluchi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = afghani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kurdish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mazandarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mongol } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chahar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khalkha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oirats } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uzbehk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkmeni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uyghur } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khazak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kirgiz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tecos } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aztek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = purepecha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = totonac } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tepic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chichimecan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guamares } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yucatec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = putun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = matlatzinca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = highland_mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wastek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zapotek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mixtec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tlapanec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = inca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aimara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = diaguita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = otomi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yaqui } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chimuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chontales } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tupinamba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = charruan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ge } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jivaro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chachapoyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = muisca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = miskito } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chacoan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mapuche } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = patagonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = het } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = huarpe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arawak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = maipurean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = carib } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guajiro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aleutian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = inuit } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = illini } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anishinabe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cree } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mesquakie } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cheyenne } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = blackfoot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arapaho } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = delaware } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = abenaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mikmaq } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mahican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = powhatan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pequot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = iroquois } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cherokee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = huron } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = susquehannock } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dalmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chiwere } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = osage } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = catawba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wichita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = caddo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = creek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = choctaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chickasaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pueblo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = piman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shoshone } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kiowa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = apache } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = navajo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chipewyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = haida } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = athabascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = salish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chinook } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yokuts } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = manchu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = manchu_new } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chihan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = miao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cantonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chimin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hakka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = xiang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sichuanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jianghuai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = xibei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hubei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhongyuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shandong_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = korean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = togoku } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karen } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kachin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arakanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = papuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aboriginal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = melanesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mescalero } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mexican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = moluccan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = assamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bengali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bihari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nepali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oriya } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sinhala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = avadhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanauji } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pahari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = panjabi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kashmiri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gujarati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gulf_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = marathi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sindhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rajput } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malvi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kannada } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malayalam } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tamil } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = telegu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gondi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = garjati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jharkhandi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = songhai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = soninke } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sorbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bambara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bosnian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bozo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dyola } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hausa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanuri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bilala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuareg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = senegambian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fulani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yorumba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nupe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mossi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagomba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = makua } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shona } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nyasa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lunda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = luba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kongolese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yaka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kochi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kuba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbundu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chokwe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbangala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jukun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sawabantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rwandan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ganda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = masaba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = madagasque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = takama } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bena } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swahili } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = somali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = harari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = afar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oromo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tigray } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sidamo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = amhara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = acholi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nubian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = beja } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = evenk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yakut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yukagyr } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = buryat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tungus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ainu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kamchatkan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = astrakhani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bashkir } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = crimean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kazani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mishary } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nogaybak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = siberian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = atlantean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = spartan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = athenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_egyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = roman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = icelandic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jan_mayenese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = phoenician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anglosaxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = babylonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = etrurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = parthian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aramaic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hebrew } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scythian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = german } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = alsatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sudeten } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = norse } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anglo_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = italian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = outremer } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = komi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mordvin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khanty } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = meshchera } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aegyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arabus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = carthaginian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = graecus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gaulic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = theodisc } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pannonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wenedyk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Turkish] military advisors are wise" => "Les conseillers militaires [turcs] sont aviss" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetMilCultMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = english } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = american } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = welsh } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = irish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = highland_scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lower_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuscan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sardinian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saurashtri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romagnan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ligurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = venetian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = neapolitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = piedmontese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = umbrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sicilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = maltese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = castillian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = leonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aragonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = catalan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = galician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = andalucian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = portugese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = basque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cosmopolitan_french } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gascon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = normand } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aquitaine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = burgundian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = occitain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wallonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = brazilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = breton } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uralic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = samoyed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ostyaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ingrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = croatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = serbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bulgarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = albanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = czech } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = polish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = schlesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovene } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = transylvanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hungarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = russian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = novgorodian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ryazanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = byelorussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karelian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = estonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lipan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lithuanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = latvian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pontic_greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = goths } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = georgian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = circassian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cornish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagestani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = armenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_misr_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_suryah_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bedouin_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = omani_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yemeni_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = moroccan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tunisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = algerian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = berber } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = persian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = azerbaijani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khorasani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = baluchi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = afghani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kurdish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mazandarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mongol } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chahar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khalkha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oirats } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uzbehk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkmeni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uyghur } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khazak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kirgiz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tecos } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aztek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = purepecha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = totonac } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tepic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chichimecan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guamares } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yucatec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = putun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = matlatzinca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = highland_mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wastek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zapotek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mixtec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tlapanec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = inca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aimara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = diaguita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = otomi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yaqui } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chimuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chontales } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tupinamba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = charruan } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = inuit } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = illini } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anishinabe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cree } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mesquakie } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cheyenne } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = blackfoot } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = catawba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wichita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = caddo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = creek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = choctaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chickasaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pueblo } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = salish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chinook } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yokuts } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = manchu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = manchu_new } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chihan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = miao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cantonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chimin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hakka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = xiang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sichuanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jianghuai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = xibei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hubei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhongyuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shandong_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = korean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = togoku } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = japanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kyushuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vietnamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vindhyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = polynesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cham } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sumatran } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = javanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = filipino } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bornean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = madagascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sulawesi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = central_thai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lacandon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = northern_thai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhuang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = burmese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tibetan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karen } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR - 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localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = assamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bengali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bihari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nepali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oriya } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sinhala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = avadhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanauji } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pahari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = panjabi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kashmiri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gujarati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gulf_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gulf_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = marathi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sindhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rajput } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malvi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kannada } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malayalam } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tamil } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = telegu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gondi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = garjati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jharkhandi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = songhai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = soninke } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sorbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bambara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bosnian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bozo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dyola } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hausa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanuri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bilala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuareg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = senegambian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fulani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yorumba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nupe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mossi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagomba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = makua } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shona } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nyasa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lunda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = luba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kongolese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yaka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kochi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kuba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbundu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chokwe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbangala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jukun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sawabantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rwandan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ganda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = masaba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = madagasque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = takama } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bena } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swahili } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = somali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = harari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = afar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oromo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tigray } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sidamo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = amhara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = acholi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nubian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = beja } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = evenk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yakut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yukagyr } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = buryat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tungus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ainu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kamchatkan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = astrakhani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bashkir } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = crimean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kazani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mishary } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nogaybak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = siberian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = atlantean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = spartan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = athenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_egyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = roman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jan_mayenese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = icelandic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = phoenician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anglosaxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = babylonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = etrurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = parthian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aramaic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hebrew } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scythian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = german } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = alsatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sudeten } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = norse } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anglo_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = italian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = outremer } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = komi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mordvin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khanty } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = meshchera } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aegyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arabus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = carthaginian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = graecus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gaulic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = theodisc } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pannonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wenedyk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Turkish] military advisors are beautiful" => "les conseillres militaires [turques] sont jolies" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetMilCultFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hannoverian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hessian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = franconian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swabian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swiss } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bavarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = austrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dutch } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = flemish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swedish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = danish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = norwegian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = finnish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sapmi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = english } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = american } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = welsh } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = irish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = highland_scottish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lower_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuscan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sardinian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saurashtri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romagnan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ligurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = venetian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = neapolitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = piedmontese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = umbrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sicilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = maltese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = castillian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = leonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aragonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = catalan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = galician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = andalucian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = portugese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = basque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cosmopolitan_french } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gascon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = normand } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aquitaine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = burgundian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = occitain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wallonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = brazilian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = breton } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uralic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = samoyed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ostyaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ingrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = croatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = serbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bulgarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = albanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = czech } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = polish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = schlesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovene } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = transylvanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hungarian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = russian } } - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = latvian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pontic_greek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = goths } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = georgian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = circassian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cornish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagestani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = armenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_misr_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_suryah_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bedouin_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = omani_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uzbehk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkmeni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uyghur } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khazak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kirgiz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tecos } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aztek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = purepecha } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = totonac } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tepic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chichimecan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guamares } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yucatec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = putun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = matlatzinca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = highland_mayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wastek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zapotek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mixtec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tlapanec } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = inca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aimara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = diaguita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = otomi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yaqui } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chimuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chontales } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tupinamba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guarani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = charruan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ge } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jivaro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chachapoyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = muisca } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = miskito } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chacoan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mapuche } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = patagonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = het } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = huarpe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arawak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = maipurean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = carib } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guajiro } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aleutian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = inuit } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = illini } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anishinabe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cree } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mesquakie } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cheyenne } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = blackfoot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arapaho } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = delaware } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = abenaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mikmaq } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mahican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = powhatan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pequot } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = iroquois } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cherokee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = huron } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = susquehannock } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dalmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nakota } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chiwere } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = osage } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = catawba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wichita } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = caddo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pawnee } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = creek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = choctaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chickasaw } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pueblo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = piman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shoshone } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kiowa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = apache } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = navajo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chipewyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = haida } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = athabascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = salish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chinook } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yokuts } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = manchu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = manchu_new } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chihan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = miao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cantonese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chimin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hakka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = xiang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sichuanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jianghuai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = xibei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hubei } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhongyuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shandong_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = korean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = togoku } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = japanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kyushuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vietnamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vindhyan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = polynesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cham } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malayan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sumatran } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = javanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = filipino } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bornean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = madagascan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sulawesi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = central_thai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lacandon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lao } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = northern_thai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhuang } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = burmese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tibetan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karen } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kachin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arakanese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = papuan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aboriginal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = melanesian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mescalero } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mexican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = moluccan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = assamese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bengali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bihari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nepali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oriya } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sinhala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = avadhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanauji } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pahari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = panjabi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kashmiri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gujarati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gulf_arabic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = marathi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sindhi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rajput } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malvi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kannada } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malayalam } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tamil } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = telegu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gondi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = garjati } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jharkhandi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = songhai } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = soninke } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sorbian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bambara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bosnian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bozo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dyola } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hausa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanuri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bilala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuareg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = senegambian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frisian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fulani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yorumba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nupe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mossi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagomba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = makua } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nguni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bemba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khoisan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shona } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nyasa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lunda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = luba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kongolese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yaka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kochi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kuba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbundu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chokwe } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbangala } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jukun } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sawabantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rwandan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ganda } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = masaba } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = madagasque } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = takama } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bena } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bantu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swahili } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = somali } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = harari } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = afar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oromo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tigray } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sidamo } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = amhara } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = acholi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nubian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = beja } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = evenk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yakut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yukagyr } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = buryat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tungus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ainu } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kamchatkan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = astrakhani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bashkir } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = crimean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kazani } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mishary } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nogaybak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = siberian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = atlantean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = spartan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = athenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_egyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = roman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = icelandic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jan_mayenese } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pruthenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = phoenician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scanian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anglosaxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = babylonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = etrurian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = parthian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aramaic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hebrew } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scythian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = german } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = alsatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sudeten } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = norse } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anglo_saxon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = italian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = outremer } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = komi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mordvin } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khanty } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = meshchera } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovak } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_pommeranian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ilmenian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = volhynian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = severian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = russian_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kishinyov } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_prussian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anatolian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = magnagreek } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = alan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = assyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frencharab } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sogdian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tocharian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saka } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tajik } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khitan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tangut } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhangzhung } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sumpa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zaghawa } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = daju } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chuvash } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oldspain } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = illyrian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nuragic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = getian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vandal } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = alexandrine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ashkenazi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sephardi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = knaanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = magogic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yevanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mizrahi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = israeli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = misrayim } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zarphatic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = laaz } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kaifeng } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pecheneg } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cuman } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bolghar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = avar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khazar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karluk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frankish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = suebi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_lombard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = visigothic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aegyptian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arabus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = carthaginian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = graecus } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gaulic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hispanic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = theodisc } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pannonian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wenedyk } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = britannian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hyperborean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = equine } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cat } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bear } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hedgehog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = duck_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dog_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = elephant_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dragon_culture } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = red_panda } } - } -} - - - -#################################################################################### -### Culture Adjectives for Rulers // Adjectifs culturels pour les dirigeants ### -#################################################################################### - -### Ex: "A [Turkish] ruler" => "un dirigeant [turc]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetDirCultMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hannoverian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hessian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = franconian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swabian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swiss } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bavarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = austrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dutch } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = flemish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swedish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = danish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = norwegian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = finnish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sapmi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = english } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = welsh } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = irish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lower_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tuscan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sardinian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = saurashtri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = romagnan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ligurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = venetian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = neapolitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = piedmontese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = umbrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sicilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = maltese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = castillian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = leonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aragonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = catalan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = galician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = andalucian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = portugese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = basque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cosmopolitan_french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gascon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = normand } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aquitaine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = burgundian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = occitain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wallonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = brazilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = breton } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = uralic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = samoyed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ostyaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ingrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = croatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = serbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bulgarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = albanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = czech } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = polish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = schlesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = slovene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = transylvanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = romanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hungarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = russian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = novgorodian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ryazanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = byelorussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = karelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = estonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lipan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lithuanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = latvian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pontic_greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = goths } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = georgian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = circassian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cornish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dagestani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = armenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = turkish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = al_misr_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = al_suryah_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bedouin_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = omani_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yemeni_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = moroccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tunisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = algerian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = berber } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = persian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = azerbaijani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khorasani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = baluchi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = afghani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kurdish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mazandarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mongol } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chahar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khalkha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = oirats } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = uzbehk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = turkmeni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = uyghur } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khazak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kirgiz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tecos } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aztek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = purepecha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = totonac } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tepic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chichimecan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = guamares } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yucatec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = putun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = matlatzinca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wastek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = zapotek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mixtec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tlapanec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = inca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aimara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = diaguita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = otomi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yaqui } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chimuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chontales } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tupinamba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = guarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = charruan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ge } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jivaro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chachapoyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = muisca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = miskito } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chacoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mapuche } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = patagonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = het } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = huarpe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = arawak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = maipurean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = carib } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = guajiro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aleutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = inuit } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = illini } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = anishinabe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cree } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mesquakie } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cheyenne } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = blackfoot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = arapaho } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = delaware } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = abenaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mikmaq } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mahican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = powhatan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pequot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = iroquois } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cherokee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = huron } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = susquehannock } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dalmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chiwere } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = osage } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = catawba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wichita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = caddo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = creek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = choctaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chickasaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pueblo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = piman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shoshone } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kiowa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = apache } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = navajo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chipewyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = haida } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = athabascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = salish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chinook } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yokuts } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu_new } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chihan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = miao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cantonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chimin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hakka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = xiang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sichuanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jianghuai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = xibei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hubei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = zhongyuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shandong_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = korean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = togoku } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = japanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kyushuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = vietnamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = vindhyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = polynesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cham } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = malayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sumatran } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = javanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = filipino } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bornean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = madagascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sulawesi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = central_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lacandon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = northern_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = zhuang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = burmese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tibetan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = karen } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kachin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = arakanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = papuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aboriginal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = melanesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mescalero } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mexican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = moluccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = assamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bengali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bihari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nepali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = oriya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sinhala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = avadhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kanauji } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pahari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = panjabi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kashmiri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gujarati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gulf_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = marathi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sindhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = rajput } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = malvi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kannada } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = malayalam } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tamil } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = telegu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gondi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = garjati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jharkhandi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = songhai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = soninke } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sorbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bambara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bosnian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bozo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dyola } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hausa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kanuri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bilala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tuareg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = senegambian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = frisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = fulani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yorumba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nupe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = fon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mossi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dagomba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = makua } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nguni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bemba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khoisan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shona } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nyasa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lunda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = luba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kongolese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yaka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kochi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kuba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mbundu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chokwe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mbangala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jukun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sawabantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = rwandan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ganda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = masaba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = madagasque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = takama } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bena } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swahili } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = somali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = harari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = afar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = oromo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tigray } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sidamo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = amhara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = acholi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nubian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = beja } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = evenk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yakut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yukagyr } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = buryat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tungus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ainu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kamchatkan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = astrakhani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bashkir } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = crimean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kazani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mishary } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nogaybak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = siberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = atlantean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = spartan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = athenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_egyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = roman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = icelandic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jan_mayenese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = phoenician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = scanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = anglosaxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = babylonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = etrurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = parthian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aramaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hebrew } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = scythian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = german } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = alsatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = sudeten } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = norse } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = anglo_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = italian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = outremer } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = komi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = mordvin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = khanty } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = meshchera } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = ilmenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = volhynian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = severian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = russian_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = kishinyov } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = anatolian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = magnagreek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = alan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = assyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = frencharab } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = sogdian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = tocharian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = saka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = tajik } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = khitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = tangut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = zhangzhung } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = sumpa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = zaghawa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = daju } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = chuvash } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = oldspain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = illyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = nuragic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = getian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = vandal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = gothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = alexandrine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = ashkenazi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = sephardi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = knaanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = magogic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = yevanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = mizrahi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = israeli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = misrayim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = zarphatic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = laaz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = kaifeng } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = pecheneg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = cuman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = bolghar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = avar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = khazar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = karluk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = frankish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = suebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = visigothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = aegyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = arabus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = carthaginian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = graecus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = gaulic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = theodisc } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = pannonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = wenedyk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = britannian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = hyperborean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = equine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = cat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = bear } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = hedgehog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = duck_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = dog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = elephant_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = dragon_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_ms - trigger = { ruler_culture = red_panda } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Turkish] queen" => "une reine [turque]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetDirCultFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hannoverian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hessian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = franconian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swabian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swiss } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bavarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = austrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dutch } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = flemish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swedish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = danish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = norwegian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = finnish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sapmi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = english } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = welsh } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = irish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lower_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tuscan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sardinian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = saurashtri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = romagnan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ligurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = venetian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = neapolitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = piedmontese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = umbrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sicilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = maltese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = castillian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = leonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aragonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = catalan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = galician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = andalucian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = portugese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = basque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cosmopolitan_french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gascon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = normand } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aquitaine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = burgundian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = occitain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wallonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = brazilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = breton } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = uralic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = samoyed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ostyaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ingrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = croatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = serbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bulgarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = albanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = czech } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = polish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = schlesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = slovene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = transylvanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = romanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hungarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = russian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = novgorodian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ryazanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = byelorussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = karelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = estonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lipan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lithuanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = latvian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pontic_greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = goths } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = georgian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = circassian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cornish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dagestani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = armenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = turkish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = al_misr_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = al_suryah_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bedouin_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = omani_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yemeni_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = moroccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tunisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = algerian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = berber } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = persian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = azerbaijani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khorasani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = baluchi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = afghani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kurdish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mazandarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mongol } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chahar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khalkha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = oirats } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = uzbehk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = turkmeni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = uyghur } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khazak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kirgiz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tecos } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aztek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = purepecha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = totonac } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tepic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chichimecan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = guamares } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yucatec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = putun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = matlatzinca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wastek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = zapotek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mixtec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tlapanec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = inca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aimara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = diaguita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = otomi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yaqui } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chimuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chontales } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tupinamba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = guarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = charruan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ge } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jivaro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chachapoyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = muisca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = miskito } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chacoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mapuche } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = patagonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = het } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = huarpe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = arawak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = maipurean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = carib } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = guajiro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aleutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = inuit } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = illini } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = anishinabe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cree } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mesquakie } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cheyenne } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = blackfoot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = arapaho } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = delaware } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = abenaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mikmaq } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mahican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = powhatan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pequot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = iroquois } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cherokee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = huron } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = susquehannock } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dalmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chiwere } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = osage } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = catawba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wichita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = caddo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = creek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = choctaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chickasaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pueblo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = piman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shoshone } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kiowa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = apache } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = navajo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chipewyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = haida } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = athabascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = salish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chinook } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yokuts } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu_new } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chihan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = miao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cantonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chimin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hakka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = xiang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sichuanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jianghuai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = xibei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hubei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = zhongyuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shandong_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = korean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = togoku } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = japanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kyushuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = vietnamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = vindhyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = polynesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cham } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = malayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sumatran } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = javanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = filipino } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bornean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = madagascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sulawesi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = central_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lacandon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = northern_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = zhuang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = burmese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tibetan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = karen } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kachin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = arakanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = papuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aboriginal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = melanesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mescalero } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mexican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = moluccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = assamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bengali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bihari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nepali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = oriya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sinhala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = avadhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kanauji } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pahari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = panjabi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kashmiri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gujarati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gulf_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = marathi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sindhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = rajput } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = malvi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kannada } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = malayalam } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tamil } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = telegu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gondi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = garjati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jharkhandi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = songhai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = soninke } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sorbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bambara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bosnian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bozo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dyola } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hausa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kanuri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bilala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tuareg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = senegambian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = frisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = fulani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yorumba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nupe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = fon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mossi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dagomba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = makua } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nguni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bemba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khoisan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shona } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nyasa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lunda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = luba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kongolese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yaka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kochi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kuba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mbundu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chokwe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mbangala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jukun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sawabantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = rwandan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ganda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = masaba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = madagasque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = takama } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bena } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swahili } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = somali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = harari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = afar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = oromo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tigray } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sidamo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = amhara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = acholi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nubian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = beja } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = evenk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yakut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yukagyr } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = buryat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tungus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ainu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kamchatkan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = astrakhani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bashkir } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = crimean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kazani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mishary } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nogaybak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = siberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = atlantean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = spartan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = athenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_egyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = roman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = icelandic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jan_mayenese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = phoenician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = scanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = anglosaxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = babylonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = etrurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = parthian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aramaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hebrew } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = scythian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = german } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = alsatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = sudeten } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = norse } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = anglo_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = italian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = outremer } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = komi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = mordvin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = khanty } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = meshchera } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = ilmenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = volhynian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = severian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = russian_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = kishinyov } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = anatolian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = magnagreek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = alan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = assyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = frencharab } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = sogdian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = tocharian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = saka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = tajik } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = khitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = tangut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = zhangzhung } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = sumpa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = zaghawa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = daju } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = chuvash } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = oldspain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = illyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = nuragic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = getian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = vandal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = gothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = alexandrine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = ashkenazi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = sephardi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = knaanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = magogic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = yevanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = mizrahi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = israeli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = misrayim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = zarphatic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = laaz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = kaifeng } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = pecheneg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = cuman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = bolghar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = avar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = khazar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = karluk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = frankish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = suebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = visigothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = aegyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = arabus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = carthaginian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = graecus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = gaulic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = theodisc } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = pannonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = wenedyk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = britannian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = hyperborean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = equine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = cat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = bear } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = hedgehog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = duck_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = dog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = elephant_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = dragon_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_fs - trigger = { ruler_culture = red_panda } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Turkish] rulers" => "les dirigeants [turcs]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetDirCultMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hannoverian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hessian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = franconian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swabian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swiss } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bavarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = austrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dutch } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = flemish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swedish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = danish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = norwegian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = finnish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sapmi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = english } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = welsh } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = irish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lower_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tuscan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sardinian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = saurashtri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = romagnan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ligurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = venetian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = neapolitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = piedmontese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = umbrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sicilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = maltese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = castillian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = leonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aragonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = catalan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = galician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = andalucian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = portugese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = basque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cosmopolitan_french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gascon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = normand } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aquitaine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = burgundian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = occitain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wallonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = brazilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = breton } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = uralic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = samoyed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ostyaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ingrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = croatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = serbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bulgarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = albanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = czech } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = polish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = schlesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = slovene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = transylvanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = romanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hungarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = russian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = novgorodian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ryazanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = byelorussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = karelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = estonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lipan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lithuanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = latvian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pontic_greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = goths } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = georgian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = circassian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cornish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dagestani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = armenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = turkish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = al_misr_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = al_suryah_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bedouin_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = omani_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yemeni_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = moroccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tunisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = algerian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = berber } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = persian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = azerbaijani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khorasani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = baluchi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = afghani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kurdish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mazandarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mongol } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chahar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khalkha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = oirats } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = uzbehk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = turkmeni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = uyghur } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khazak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kirgiz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tecos } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aztek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = purepecha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = totonac } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tepic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chichimecan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = guamares } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yucatec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = putun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = matlatzinca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wastek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = zapotek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mixtec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tlapanec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = inca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aimara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = diaguita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = otomi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yaqui } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chimuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chontales } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tupinamba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = guarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = charruan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ge } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jivaro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chachapoyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = muisca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = miskito } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chacoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mapuche } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = patagonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = het } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = huarpe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = arawak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = maipurean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = carib } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = guajiro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aleutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = inuit } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = illini } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = anishinabe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cree } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mesquakie } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cheyenne } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = blackfoot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = arapaho } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = delaware } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = abenaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mikmaq } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mahican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = powhatan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pequot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = iroquois } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cherokee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = huron } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = susquehannock } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dalmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chiwere } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = osage } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = catawba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wichita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = caddo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = creek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = choctaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chickasaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pueblo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = piman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shoshone } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kiowa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = apache } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = navajo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chipewyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = haida } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = athabascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = salish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chinook } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yokuts } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu_new } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chihan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = miao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cantonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chimin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hakka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = xiang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sichuanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jianghuai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = xibei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hubei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = zhongyuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shandong_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = korean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = togoku } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = japanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kyushuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = vietnamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = vindhyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = polynesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cham } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = malayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sumatran } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = javanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = filipino } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bornean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = madagascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sulawesi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = central_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lacandon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = northern_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = zhuang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = burmese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tibetan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = karen } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kachin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = arakanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = papuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aboriginal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = melanesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mescalero } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mexican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = moluccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = assamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bengali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bihari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nepali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = oriya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sinhala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = avadhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kanauji } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pahari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = panjabi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kashmiri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gujarati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gulf_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gulf_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = marathi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sindhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = rajput } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = malvi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kannada } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = malayalam } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tamil } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = telegu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gondi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = garjati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jharkhandi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = songhai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = soninke } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sorbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bambara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bosnian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bozo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dyola } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hausa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kanuri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bilala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tuareg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = senegambian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = frisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = fulani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yorumba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nupe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = fon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mossi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dagomba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = makua } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nguni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bemba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khoisan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shona } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nyasa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lunda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = luba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kongolese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yaka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kochi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kuba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mbundu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chokwe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mbangala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jukun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sawabantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = rwandan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ganda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = masaba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = madagasque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = takama } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bena } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swahili } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = somali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = harari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = afar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = oromo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tigray } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sidamo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = amhara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = acholi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nubian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = beja } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = evenk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yakut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yukagyr } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = buryat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tungus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ainu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kamchatkan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = astrakhani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bashkir } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = crimean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kazani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mishary } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nogaybak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = siberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = atlantean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = spartan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = athenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_egyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = roman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = icelandic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jan_mayenese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = phoenician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = scanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = anglosaxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = babylonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = etrurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = parthian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aramaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hebrew } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = scythian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = german } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = alsatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = sudeten } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = norse } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = anglo_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = italian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = outremer } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = komi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = mordvin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = khanty } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = meshchera } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = ilmenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = volhynian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = severian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = russian_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = kishinyov } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = anatolian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = magnagreek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = alan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = assyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = frencharab } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = sogdian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = tocharian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = saka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = tajik } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = khitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = tangut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = zhangzhung } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = sumpa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = zaghawa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = daju } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = chuvash } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = oldspain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = illyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = nuragic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = getian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = vandal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = gothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = alexandrine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = ashkenazi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = sephardi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = knaanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = magogic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = yevanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = mizrahi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = israeli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = misrayim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = zarphatic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = laaz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = kaifeng } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = pecheneg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = cuman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = bolghar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = avar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = khazar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = karluk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = frankish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = suebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = visigothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = aegyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = arabus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = carthaginian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = graecus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = gaulic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = theodisc } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = pannonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = wenedyk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = britannian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = hyperborean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = equine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = cat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = bear } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = hedgehog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = duck_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = dog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = elephant_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = dragon_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_mp - trigger = { ruler_culture = red_panda } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Turkish] queens" => "les dirigeantes [turques]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetDirCultFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hannoverian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hessian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = franconian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swabian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swiss } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bavarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = austrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dutch } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = flemish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swedish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = danish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = norwegian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = finnish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sapmi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = english } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = welsh } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = irish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lower_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tuscan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sardinian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = saurashtri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = romagnan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ligurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = venetian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = neapolitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = piedmontese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = umbrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sicilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = maltese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = castillian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = leonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aragonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = catalan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = galician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = andalucian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = portugese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = basque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cosmopolitan_french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gascon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = normand } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aquitaine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = burgundian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = occitain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wallonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = brazilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = breton } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = uralic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = samoyed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ostyaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ingrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = croatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = serbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bulgarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = albanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = czech } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = polish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = schlesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = slovene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = transylvanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = romanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hungarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = russian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = novgorodian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ryazanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = byelorussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = karelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = estonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lipan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lithuanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = latvian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pontic_greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = goths } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = georgian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = circassian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cornish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dagestani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = armenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = turkish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = al_misr_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = al_suryah_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bedouin_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = omani_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yemeni_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = moroccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tunisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = algerian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = berber } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = persian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = azerbaijani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khorasani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = baluchi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = afghani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kurdish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mazandarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mongol } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chahar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khalkha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = oirats } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = uzbehk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = turkmeni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = uyghur } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khazak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kirgiz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tecos } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aztek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = purepecha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = totonac } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tepic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chichimecan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = guamares } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yucatec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = putun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = matlatzinca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wastek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = zapotek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mixtec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tlapanec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = inca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aimara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = diaguita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = otomi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yaqui } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chimuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chontales } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tupinamba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = guarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = charruan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ge } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jivaro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chachapoyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = muisca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = miskito } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chacoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mapuche } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = patagonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = het } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = huarpe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = arawak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = maipurean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = carib } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = guajiro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aleutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = inuit } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = illini } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = anishinabe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cree } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mesquakie } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cheyenne } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = blackfoot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = arapaho } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = delaware } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = abenaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mikmaq } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mahican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = powhatan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pequot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = iroquois } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cherokee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = huron } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = susquehannock } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dalmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chiwere } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = osage } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = catawba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wichita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = caddo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = creek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = choctaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chickasaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pueblo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = piman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shoshone } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kiowa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = apache } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = navajo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chipewyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = haida } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = athabascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = salish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chinook } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yokuts } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu_new } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chihan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = miao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cantonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = wu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chimin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hakka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = xiang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sichuanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jianghuai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = xibei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hubei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = zhongyuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shandong_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = korean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = togoku } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = japanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kyushuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = vietnamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = vindhyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = polynesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = cham } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = malayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sumatran } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = javanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = filipino } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bornean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = madagascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sulawesi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = central_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lacandon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = northern_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = zhuang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = burmese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tibetan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = karen } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kachin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = arakanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = papuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aboriginal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = melanesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mescalero } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mexican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = moluccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = assamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bengali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bihari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nepali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = oriya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sinhala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = avadhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kanauji } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pahari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = panjabi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kashmiri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gujarati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gulf_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = marathi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sindhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = rajput } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = malvi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kannada } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = malayalam } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tamil } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = telegu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = gondi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = garjati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jharkhandi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = songhai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = soninke } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sorbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bambara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bosnian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bozo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dyola } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hausa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kanuri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bilala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tuareg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = senegambian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = frisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = fulani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yorumba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nupe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = fon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mossi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = dagomba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = makua } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nguni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bemba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = khoisan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = shona } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nyasa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = lunda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = luba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kongolese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yaka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kochi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kuba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mbundu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = chokwe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mbangala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jukun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sawabantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = rwandan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ganda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = masaba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = madagasque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = takama } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bena } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = swahili } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = somali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = harari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = afar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = oromo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tigray } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = sidamo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = amhara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = acholi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nubian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = beja } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = evenk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yakut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = yukagyr } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = buryat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = tungus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = ainu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kamchatkan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = astrakhani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = bashkir } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = crimean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = kazani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = mishary } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = nogaybak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = siberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = atlantean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = spartan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = athenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_egyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = roman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = icelandic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = jan_mayenese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = pruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = phoenician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = scanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = anglosaxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = babylonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = etrurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = parthian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = aramaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = hebrew } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_culture = scythian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = german } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = alsatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = sudeten } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = norse } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = anglo_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = italian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = outremer } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = komi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = mordvin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = khanty } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = meshchera } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = ilmenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = volhynian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = severian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = russian_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = kishinyov } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = anatolian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = magnagreek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = alan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = assyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = frencharab } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = sogdian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = tocharian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = saka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = tajik } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = khitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = tangut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = zhangzhung } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = sumpa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = zaghawa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = daju } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = chuvash } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = oldspain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = illyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = nuragic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = getian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = vandal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = gothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = alexandrine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = ashkenazi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = sephardi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = knaanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = magogic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = yevanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = mizrahi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = israeli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = misrayim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = zarphatic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = laaz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = kaifeng } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = pecheneg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = cuman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = bolghar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = avar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = khazar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = karluk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = frankish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = suebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = old_lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = visigothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = aegyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = arabus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = carthaginian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = graecus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = gaulic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = theodisc } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = pannonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = wenedyk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = britannian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = hyperborean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = equine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = cat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = bear } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = hedgehog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = duck_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = dog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = elephant_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = dragon_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_fp - trigger = { ruler_culture = red_panda } - } -} - - - -#################################################################################### -### Culture Adjectives for Consorts // Adjectifs culturels pour les consorts ### -#################################################################################### - -### Ex: "A [Turkish] consort" => "un consort [turc]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetConsCultMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hannoverian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hessian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = franconian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swabian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swiss } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bavarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = austrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dutch } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = flemish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swedish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = danish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = norwegian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = finnish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sapmi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = english } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = welsh } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = irish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = highland_scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lower_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tuscan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sardinian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = saurashtri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = romagnan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ligurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = venetian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = neapolitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = piedmontese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = umbrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sicilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = maltese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = castillian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = leonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aragonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = catalan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = galician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = andalucian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = portugese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = basque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cosmopolitan_french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gascon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = normand } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aquitaine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = burgundian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = occitain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wallonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = brazilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = breton } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = uralic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = samoyed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ostyaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ingrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = croatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = serbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bulgarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = albanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = czech } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = polish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = schlesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = slovene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = transylvanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = romanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hungarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = russian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = novgorodian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ryazanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = byelorussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = karelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = estonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lipan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lithuanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = latvian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pontic_greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = goths } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = georgian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = circassian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cornish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dagestani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = armenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = turkish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = al_misr_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = al_suryah_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bedouin_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = omani_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yemeni_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = moroccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tunisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = algerian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = berber } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = persian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = azerbaijani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khorasani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = baluchi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = afghani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kurdish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mazandarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mongol } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chahar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khalkha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = oirats } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = uzbehk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = turkmeni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = uyghur } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khazak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kirgiz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tecos } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aztek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = purepecha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = totonac } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tepic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chichimecan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = guamares } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yucatec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = putun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = matlatzinca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = highland_mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wastek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = zapotek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mixtec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tlapanec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = inca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aimara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = diaguita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = otomi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yaqui } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chimuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chontales } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tupinamba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = guarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = charruan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ge } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jivaro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chachapoyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = muisca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = miskito } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chacoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mapuche } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = patagonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = het } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = huarpe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = arawak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = maipurean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = carib } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = guajiro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aleutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = inuit } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = illini } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = anishinabe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cree } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mesquakie } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cheyenne } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = blackfoot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = arapaho } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = delaware } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = abenaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mikmaq } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mahican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = powhatan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pequot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = iroquois } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cherokee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = huron } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = susquehannock } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dalmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chiwere } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = osage } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = catawba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wichita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = caddo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = creek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = choctaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chickasaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pueblo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = piman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shoshone } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kiowa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = apache } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = navajo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chipewyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = haida } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = athabascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = salish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chinook } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yokuts } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = manchu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = manchu_new } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chihan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = miao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cantonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chimin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hakka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = xiang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sichuanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jianghuai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = xibei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hubei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = zhongyuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shandong_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = korean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = togoku } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = japanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kyushuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = vietnamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = vindhyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = polynesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cham } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = malayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sumatran } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = javanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = filipino } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bornean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = madagascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sulawesi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = central_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lacandon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = northern_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = zhuang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = burmese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tibetan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = karen } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kachin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = arakanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = papuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aboriginal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = melanesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mescalero } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mexican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = moluccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = assamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bengali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bihari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nepali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = oriya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sinhala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = avadhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kanauji } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pahari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = panjabi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kashmiri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gujarati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gulf_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = marathi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sindhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = rajput } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = malvi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kannada } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = malayalam } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tamil } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = telegu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gondi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = garjati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jharkhandi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = songhai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = soninke } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sorbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bambara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bosnian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bozo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dyola } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hausa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kanuri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bilala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tuareg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = senegambian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = frisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = fulani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yorumba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nupe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = fon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mossi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dagomba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = makua } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nguni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bemba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khoisan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shona } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nyasa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lunda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = luba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kongolese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yaka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kochi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kuba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mbundu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chokwe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mbangala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jukun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sawabantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = rwandan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ganda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = masaba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = madagasque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = takama } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bena } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swahili } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = somali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = harari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = afar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = oromo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tigray } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sidamo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = amhara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = acholi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nubian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = beja } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = evenk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yakut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yukagyr } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = buryat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tungus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ainu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kamchatkan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = astrakhani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bashkir } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = crimean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kazani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mishary } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nogaybak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = siberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = atlantean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = spartan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = athenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = old_egyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = roman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = icelandic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jan_mayenese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = phoenician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = scanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = anglosaxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = babylonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = etrurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = parthian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aramaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hebrew } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = scythian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = german } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = alsatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = sudeten } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = norse } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = anglo_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = italian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = outremer } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = komi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = mordvin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = khanty } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = meshchera } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = old_pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = ilmenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = volhynian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = severian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = russian_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = kishinyov } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = old_prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = anatolian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = magnagreek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = alan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = assyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = frencharab } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = sogdian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = tocharian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = saka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = tajik } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = khitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = tangut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = zhangzhung } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = sumpa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = zaghawa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = daju } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = chuvash } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = oldspain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = illyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = nuragic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = getian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = vandal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = gothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = alexandrine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = ashkenazi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = sephardi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = knaanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = magogic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = yevanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = mizrahi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = israeli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = misrayim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = zarphatic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = laaz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = kaifeng } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = pecheneg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = cuman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = bolghar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = avar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = khazar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = karluk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = frankish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = suebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = old_lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = visigothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = aegyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = arabus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = carthaginian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = graecus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = gaulic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = theodisc } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = pannonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = wenedyk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = britannian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = hyperborean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = equine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = cat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = bear } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = hedgehog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = duck_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = dog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = elephant_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = dragon_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_ms - trigger = { consort_culture = red_panda } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Turkish] consort" => "une consort [turque]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetConsCultFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hannoverian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hessian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = franconian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swabian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swiss } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bavarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = austrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dutch } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = flemish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swedish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = danish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = norwegian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = finnish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sapmi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = english } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = welsh } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = irish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = highland_scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lower_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tuscan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sardinian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = saurashtri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = romagnan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ligurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = venetian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = neapolitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = piedmontese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = umbrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sicilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = maltese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = castillian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = leonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aragonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = catalan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = galician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = andalucian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = portugese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = basque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cosmopolitan_french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gascon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = normand } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aquitaine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = burgundian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = occitain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wallonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = brazilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = breton } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = uralic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = samoyed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ostyaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ingrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = croatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = serbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bulgarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = albanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = czech } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = polish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = schlesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = slovene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = transylvanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = romanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hungarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = russian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = novgorodian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ryazanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = byelorussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = karelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = estonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lipan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lithuanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = latvian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pontic_greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = goths } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = georgian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = circassian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cornish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dagestani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = armenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = turkish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = al_misr_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = al_suryah_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bedouin_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = omani_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yemeni_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = moroccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tunisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = algerian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = berber } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = persian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = azerbaijani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khorasani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = baluchi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = afghani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kurdish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mazandarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mongol } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chahar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khalkha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = oirats } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = uzbehk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = turkmeni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = uyghur } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khazak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kirgiz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tecos } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aztek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = purepecha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = totonac } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tepic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chichimecan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = guamares } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yucatec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = putun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = matlatzinca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = highland_mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wastek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = zapotek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mixtec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tlapanec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = inca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aimara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = diaguita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = otomi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yaqui } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chimuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chontales } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tupinamba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = guarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = charruan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ge } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jivaro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chachapoyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = muisca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = miskito } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chacoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mapuche } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = patagonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = het } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = huarpe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = arawak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = maipurean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = carib } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = guajiro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aleutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = inuit } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = illini } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = anishinabe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cree } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mesquakie } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cheyenne } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = blackfoot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = arapaho } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = delaware } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = abenaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mikmaq } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mahican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = powhatan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pequot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = iroquois } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cherokee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = huron } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = susquehannock } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dalmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chiwere } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = osage } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = catawba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wichita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = caddo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = creek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = choctaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chickasaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pueblo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = piman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shoshone } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kiowa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = apache } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = navajo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chipewyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = haida } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = athabascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = salish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chinook } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yokuts } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = manchu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = manchu_new } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chihan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = miao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cantonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chimin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hakka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = xiang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sichuanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jianghuai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = xibei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hubei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = zhongyuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shandong_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = korean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = togoku } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = japanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kyushuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = vietnamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = vindhyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = polynesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cham } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = malayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sumatran } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = javanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = filipino } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bornean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = madagascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sulawesi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = central_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lacandon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = northern_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = zhuang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = burmese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tibetan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = karen } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kachin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = arakanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = papuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aboriginal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = melanesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mescalero } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mexican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = moluccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = assamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bengali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bihari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nepali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = oriya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sinhala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = avadhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kanauji } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pahari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = panjabi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kashmiri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gujarati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gulf_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = marathi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sindhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = rajput } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = malvi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kannada } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = malayalam } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tamil } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = telegu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gondi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = garjati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jharkhandi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = songhai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = soninke } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sorbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bambara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bosnian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bozo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dyola } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hausa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kanuri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bilala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tuareg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = senegambian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = frisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = fulani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yorumba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nupe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = fon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mossi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dagomba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = makua } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nguni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bemba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khoisan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shona } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nyasa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lunda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = luba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kongolese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yaka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kochi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kuba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mbundu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chokwe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mbangala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jukun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sawabantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = rwandan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ganda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = masaba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = madagasque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = takama } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bena } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swahili } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = somali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = harari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = afar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = oromo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tigray } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sidamo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = amhara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = acholi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nubian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = beja } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = evenk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yakut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yukagyr } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = buryat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tungus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ainu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kamchatkan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = astrakhani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bashkir } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = crimean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kazani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mishary } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nogaybak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = siberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = atlantean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = spartan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = athenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = old_egyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = roman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = icelandic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jan_mayenese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = phoenician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = scanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = anglosaxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = babylonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = etrurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = parthian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aramaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hebrew } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = scythian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = german } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = alsatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = sudeten } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = norse } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = anglo_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = italian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = outremer } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = komi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = mordvin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = khanty } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = meshchera } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = old_pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = ilmenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = volhynian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = severian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = russian_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = kishinyov } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = old_prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = anatolian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = magnagreek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = alan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = assyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = frencharab } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = sogdian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = tocharian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = saka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = tajik } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = khitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = tangut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = zhangzhung } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = sumpa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = zaghawa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = daju } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = chuvash } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = oldspain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = illyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = nuragic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = getian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = vandal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = gothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = alexandrine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = ashkenazi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = sephardi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = knaanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = magogic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = yevanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = mizrahi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = israeli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = misrayim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = zarphatic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = laaz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = kaifeng } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = pecheneg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = cuman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = bolghar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = avar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = khazar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = karluk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = frankish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = suebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = old_lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = visigothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = aegyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = arabus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = carthaginian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = graecus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = gaulic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = theodisc } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = pannonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = wenedyk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = britannian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = hyperborean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = equine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = cat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = bear } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = hedgehog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = duck_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = dog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = elephant_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = dragon_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_fs - trigger = { consort_culture = red_panda } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Turkish] consorts" => "les consorts [turcs]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetConsCultMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hannoverian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hessian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = franconian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swabian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swiss } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bavarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = austrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dutch } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = flemish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swedish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = danish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = norwegian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = finnish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sapmi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = english } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = welsh } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = irish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = highland_scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lower_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tuscan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sardinian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = saurashtri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = romagnan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ligurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = venetian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = neapolitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = piedmontese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = umbrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sicilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = maltese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = castillian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = leonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aragonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = catalan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = galician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = andalucian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = portugese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = basque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cosmopolitan_french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gascon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = normand } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aquitaine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = burgundian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = occitain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wallonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = brazilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = breton } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = uralic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = samoyed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ostyaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ingrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = croatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = serbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bulgarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = albanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = czech } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = polish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = schlesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = slovene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = transylvanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = romanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hungarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = russian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = novgorodian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ryazanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = byelorussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = karelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = estonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lipan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lithuanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = latvian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pontic_greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = goths } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = georgian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = circassian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cornish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dagestani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = armenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = turkish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = al_misr_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = al_suryah_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bedouin_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = omani_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yemeni_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = moroccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tunisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = algerian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = berber } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = persian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = azerbaijani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khorasani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = baluchi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = afghani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kurdish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mazandarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mongol } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chahar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khalkha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = oirats } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = uzbehk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = turkmeni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = uyghur } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khazak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kirgiz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tecos } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aztek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = purepecha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = totonac } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tepic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chichimecan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = guamares } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yucatec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = putun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = matlatzinca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = highland_mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wastek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = zapotek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mixtec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tlapanec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = inca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aimara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = diaguita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = otomi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yaqui } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chimuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chontales } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tupinamba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = guarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = charruan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ge } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jivaro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chachapoyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = muisca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = miskito } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chacoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mapuche } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = patagonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = het } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = huarpe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = arawak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = maipurean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = carib } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = guajiro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aleutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = inuit } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = illini } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = anishinabe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cree } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mesquakie } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cheyenne } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = blackfoot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = arapaho } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = delaware } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = abenaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mikmaq } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mahican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = powhatan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pequot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = iroquois } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cherokee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = huron } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = susquehannock } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dalmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chiwere } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = osage } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = catawba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wichita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = caddo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = creek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = choctaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chickasaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pueblo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = piman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shoshone } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kiowa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = apache } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = navajo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chipewyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = haida } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = athabascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = salish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chinook } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yokuts } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = manchu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = manchu_new } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chihan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = miao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cantonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chimin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hakka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = xiang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sichuanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jianghuai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = xibei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hubei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = zhongyuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shandong_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = korean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = togoku } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = japanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kyushuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = vietnamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = vindhyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = polynesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cham } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = malayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sumatran } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = javanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = filipino } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bornean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = madagascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sulawesi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = central_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lacandon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = northern_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = zhuang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = burmese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tibetan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = karen } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kachin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = arakanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = papuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aboriginal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = melanesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mescalero } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mexican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = moluccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = assamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bengali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bihari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nepali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = oriya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sinhala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = avadhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kanauji } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pahari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = panjabi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kashmiri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gujarati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gulf_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gulf_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = marathi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sindhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = rajput } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = malvi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kannada } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = malayalam } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tamil } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = telegu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gondi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = garjati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jharkhandi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = songhai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = soninke } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sorbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bambara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bosnian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bozo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dyola } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hausa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kanuri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bilala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tuareg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = senegambian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = frisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = fulani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yorumba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nupe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = fon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mossi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dagomba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = makua } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nguni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bemba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khoisan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shona } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nyasa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lunda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = luba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kongolese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yaka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kochi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kuba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mbundu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chokwe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mbangala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jukun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sawabantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = rwandan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ganda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = masaba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = madagasque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = takama } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bena } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swahili } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = somali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = harari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = afar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = oromo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tigray } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sidamo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = amhara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = acholi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nubian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = beja } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = evenk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yakut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yukagyr } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = buryat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tungus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ainu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kamchatkan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = astrakhani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bashkir } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = crimean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kazani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mishary } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nogaybak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = siberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = atlantean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = spartan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = athenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = old_egyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = roman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = icelandic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jan_mayenese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = phoenician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = scanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = anglosaxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = babylonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = etrurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = parthian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aramaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hebrew } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = scythian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = german } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = alsatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = sudeten } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = norse } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = anglo_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = italian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = outremer } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = komi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = mordvin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = khanty } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = meshchera } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = old_pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = ilmenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = volhynian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = severian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = russian_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = kishinyov } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = old_prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = anatolian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = magnagreek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = alan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = assyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = frencharab } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = sogdian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = tocharian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = saka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = tajik } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = khitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = tangut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = zhangzhung } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = sumpa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = zaghawa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = daju } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = chuvash } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = oldspain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = illyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = nuragic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = getian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = vandal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = gothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = alexandrine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = ashkenazi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = sephardi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = knaanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = magogic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = yevanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = mizrahi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = israeli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = misrayim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = zarphatic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = laaz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = kaifeng } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = pecheneg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = cuman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = bolghar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = avar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = khazar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = karluk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = frankish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = suebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = old_lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = visigothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = aegyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = arabus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = carthaginian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = graecus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = gaulic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = theodisc } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = pannonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = wenedyk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = britannian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = hyperborean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = equine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = cat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = bear } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = hedgehog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = duck_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = dog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = elephant_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = dragon_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_mp - trigger = { consort_culture = red_panda } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Turkish] consorts" => "les consorts [turques]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetConsCultFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hannoverian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hessian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = franconian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swabian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swiss } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bavarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = austrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dutch } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = flemish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swedish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = danish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = norwegian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = finnish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sapmi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = english } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = welsh } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = irish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = highland_scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lower_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tuscan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sardinian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = saurashtri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = romagnan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ligurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = venetian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = neapolitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = piedmontese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = umbrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sicilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = maltese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = castillian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = leonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aragonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = catalan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = galician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = andalucian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = portugese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = basque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cosmopolitan_french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gascon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = normand } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aquitaine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = burgundian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = occitain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wallonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = brazilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = breton } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = uralic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = samoyed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ostyaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ingrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = croatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = serbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bulgarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = albanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = czech } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = polish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = schlesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = slovene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = transylvanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = romanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hungarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = russian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = novgorodian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ryazanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = byelorussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = karelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = estonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lipan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lithuanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = latvian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pontic_greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = goths } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = georgian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = circassian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cornish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dagestani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = armenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = turkish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = al_misr_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = al_suryah_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bedouin_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = omani_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yemeni_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = moroccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tunisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = algerian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = berber } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = persian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = azerbaijani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khorasani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = baluchi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = afghani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kurdish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mazandarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mongol } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chahar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khalkha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = oirats } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = uzbehk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = turkmeni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = uyghur } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khazak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kirgiz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tecos } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aztek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = purepecha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = totonac } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tepic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chichimecan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = guamares } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yucatec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = putun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = matlatzinca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = highland_mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wastek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = zapotek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mixtec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tlapanec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = inca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aimara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = diaguita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = otomi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yaqui } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chimuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chontales } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tupinamba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = guarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = charruan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ge } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jivaro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chachapoyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = muisca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = miskito } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chacoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mapuche } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = patagonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = het } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = huarpe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = arawak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = maipurean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = carib } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = guajiro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aleutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = inuit } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = illini } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = anishinabe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cree } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mesquakie } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cheyenne } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = blackfoot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = arapaho } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = delaware } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = abenaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mikmaq } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mahican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = powhatan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pequot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = iroquois } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cherokee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = huron } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = susquehannock } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dalmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chiwere } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = osage } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = catawba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wichita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = caddo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = creek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = choctaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chickasaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pueblo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = piman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shoshone } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kiowa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = apache } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = navajo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chipewyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = haida } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = athabascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = salish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chinook } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yokuts } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = manchu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = manchu_new } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chihan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = miao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = cantonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = wu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chimin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hakka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = xiang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sichuanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jianghuai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = xibei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hubei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = zhongyuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shandong_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = korean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = togoku } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - 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} - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bornean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = madagascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sulawesi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = central_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lacandon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = northern_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = zhuang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = burmese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tibetan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = karen } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kachin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = arakanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = papuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aboriginal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = melanesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mescalero } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mexican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = moluccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = assamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bengali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bihari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nepali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = oriya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sinhala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = avadhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kanauji } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pahari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = panjabi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kashmiri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gujarati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gulf_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = marathi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sindhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = rajput } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = malvi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kannada } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = malayalam } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tamil } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = telegu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = gondi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = garjati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jharkhandi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = songhai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = soninke } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sorbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bambara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bosnian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bozo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dyola } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hausa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kanuri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bilala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tuareg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = senegambian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = frisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = fulani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yorumba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nupe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = fon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mossi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = dagomba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = makua } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nguni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bemba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = khoisan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = shona } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nyasa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = lunda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = luba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kongolese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yaka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kochi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kuba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mbundu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = chokwe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mbangala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jukun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sawabantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = rwandan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ganda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = masaba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = madagasque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = takama } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bena } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = swahili } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = somali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = harari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = afar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = oromo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tigray } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = sidamo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = amhara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = acholi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nubian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = beja } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = evenk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yakut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = yukagyr } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = buryat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = tungus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = ainu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kamchatkan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = astrakhani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = bashkir } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = crimean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = kazani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = mishary } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = nogaybak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = siberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = atlantean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = spartan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = athenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = old_egyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = roman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = icelandic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = jan_mayenese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = pruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = phoenician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = scanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = anglosaxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = babylonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = etrurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = parthian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = aramaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = hebrew } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR - trigger = { consort_culture = scythian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = german } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = alsatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = sudeten } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = norse } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = anglo_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = italian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = outremer } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = komi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = mordvin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = khanty } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = meshchera } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = old_pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = ilmenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = volhynian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = severian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = russian_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = kishinyov } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = old_prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = anatolian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = magnagreek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = alan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = assyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = frencharab } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = sogdian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = tocharian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = saka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = tajik } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = khitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = tangut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = zhangzhung } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = sumpa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = zaghawa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = daju } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = chuvash } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = oldspain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = illyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = nuragic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = getian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = vandal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = gothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = alexandrine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = ashkenazi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = sephardi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = knaanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = magogic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = yevanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = mizrahi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = israeli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = misrayim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = zarphatic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = laaz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = kaifeng } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = pecheneg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = cuman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = bolghar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = avar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = khazar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = karluk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = frankish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = suebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = old_lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = visigothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = aegyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = arabus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = carthaginian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = graecus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = gaulic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = theodisc } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = pannonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = wenedyk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = britannian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = hyperborean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = equine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = cat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = bear } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = hedgehog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = duck_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = dog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = elephant_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = dragon_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_fp - trigger = { consort_culture = red_panda } - } -} - - - -################################################################################## -### Culture Adjectives for Heirs // Adjectifs culturels pour les hritiers ### -################################################################################## - -### Ex: "A [Turkish] heir" => "un hritier [turc]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetHrtCultMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hannoverian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hessian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = franconian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swabian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swiss } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bavarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = austrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dutch } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = flemish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swedish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = danish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = norwegian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = finnish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sapmi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = english } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = welsh } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = irish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = highland_scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lower_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tuscan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sardinian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = saurashtri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = romagnan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ligurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = venetian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = neapolitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = piedmontese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = umbrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sicilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = maltese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = castillian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = leonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aragonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = catalan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = galician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = andalucian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = portugese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = basque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cosmopolitan_french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gascon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = normand } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aquitaine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = burgundian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = occitain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wallonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = brazilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = breton } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = uralic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = samoyed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ostyaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ingrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = croatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = serbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bulgarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = albanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = czech } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = polish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = schlesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = slovene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = transylvanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = romanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hungarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = russian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = novgorodian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ryazanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = byelorussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = karelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = estonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lipan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lithuanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = latvian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pontic_greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = goths } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = georgian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = circassian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cornish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dagestani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = armenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = turkish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = al_misr_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = al_suryah_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bedouin_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = omani_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yemeni_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = moroccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tunisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = algerian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = berber } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = persian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = azerbaijani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khorasani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = baluchi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = afghani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kurdish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mazandarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mongol } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chahar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khalkha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = oirats } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = uzbehk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = turkmeni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = uyghur } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khazak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kirgiz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tecos } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aztek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = purepecha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = totonac } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tepic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chichimecan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = guamares } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yucatec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = putun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = matlatzinca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = highland_mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wastek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = zapotek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mixtec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tlapanec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = inca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aimara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = diaguita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = otomi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yaqui } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chimuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chontales } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tupinamba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = guarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = charruan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ge } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jivaro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chachapoyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = muisca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = miskito } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chacoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mapuche } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = patagonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = het } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = huarpe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = arawak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = maipurean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = carib } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = guajiro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aleutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = inuit } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = illini } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = anishinabe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cree } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mesquakie } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cheyenne } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = blackfoot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = arapaho } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = delaware } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = abenaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mikmaq } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mahican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = powhatan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pequot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = iroquois } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cherokee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = huron } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = susquehannock } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dalmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chiwere } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = osage } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = catawba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wichita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = caddo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = creek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = choctaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chickasaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pueblo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = piman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shoshone } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kiowa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = apache } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = navajo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chipewyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = haida } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = athabascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = salish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chinook } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yokuts } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = manchu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = manchu_new } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chihan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = miao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cantonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chimin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hakka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = xiang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sichuanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jianghuai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = xibei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hubei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = zhongyuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shandong_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = korean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = togoku } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = japanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kyushuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = vietnamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = vindhyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = polynesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cham } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = malayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sumatran } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = javanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = filipino } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bornean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = madagascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sulawesi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = central_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lacandon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = northern_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = zhuang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = burmese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tibetan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = karen } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kachin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = arakanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = papuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aboriginal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = melanesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mescalero } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mexican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = moluccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = assamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bengali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bihari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nepali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = oriya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sinhala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = avadhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kanauji } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pahari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = panjabi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kashmiri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gujarati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gulf_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = marathi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sindhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = rajput } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = malvi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kannada } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = malayalam } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tamil } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = telegu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gondi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = garjati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jharkhandi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = songhai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = soninke } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sorbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bambara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bosnian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bozo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dyola } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hausa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kanuri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bilala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tuareg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = senegambian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = frisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = fulani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yorumba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nupe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = fon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mossi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dagomba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = makua } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nguni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bemba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khoisan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shona } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nyasa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lunda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = luba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kongolese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yaka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kochi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kuba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mbundu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chokwe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mbangala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jukun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sawabantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = rwandan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ganda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = masaba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = madagasque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = takama } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bena } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swahili } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = somali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = harari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = afar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = oromo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tigray } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sidamo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = amhara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = acholi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nubian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = beja } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = evenk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yakut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yukagyr } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = buryat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tungus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ainu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kamchatkan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = astrakhani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bashkir } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = crimean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kazani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mishary } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nogaybak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = siberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = atlantean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = spartan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = athenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = old_egyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = roman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = icelandic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jan_mayenese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = phoenician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = scanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = anglosaxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = babylonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = etrurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = parthian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aramaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hebrew } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = scythian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = german } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = alsatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = sudeten } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = norse } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = anglo_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = italian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = outremer } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = komi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = mordvin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = khanty } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = meshchera } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = old_pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = ilmenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = volhynian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = severian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = russian_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = kishinyov } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = old_prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = anatolian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = magnagreek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = alan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = assyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = frencharab } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = sogdian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = tocharian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = saka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = tajik } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = khitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = tangut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = zhangzhung } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = sumpa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = zaghawa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = daju } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = chuvash } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = oldspain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = illyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = nuragic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = getian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = vandal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = gothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = alexandrine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = ashkenazi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = sephardi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = knaanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = magogic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = yevanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = mizrahi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = israeli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = misrayim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = zarphatic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = laaz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = kaifeng } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = pecheneg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = cuman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = bolghar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = avar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = khazar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = karluk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = frankish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = suebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = old_lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = visigothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = aegyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = arabus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = carthaginian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = graecus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = gaulic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = theodisc } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = pannonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = wenedyk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = britannian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = hyperborean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = equine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = cat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = bear } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = hedgehog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = duck_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = dog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = elephant_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = dragon_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_ms - trigger = { heir_culture = red_panda } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Turkish] heir" => "une hritire [turque]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetHrtCultFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hannoverian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hessian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = franconian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swabian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swiss } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bavarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = austrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dutch } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = flemish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swedish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = danish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = norwegian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = finnish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sapmi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = english } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = welsh } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = irish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = highland_scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lower_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tuscan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sardinian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = saurashtri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = romagnan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ligurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = venetian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = neapolitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = piedmontese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = umbrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sicilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = maltese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = castillian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = leonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aragonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = catalan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = galician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = andalucian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = portugese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = basque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cosmopolitan_french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gascon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = normand } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aquitaine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = burgundian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = occitain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wallonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = brazilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = breton } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = uralic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = samoyed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ostyaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ingrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = croatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = serbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bulgarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = albanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = czech } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = polish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = schlesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = slovene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = transylvanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = romanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hungarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = russian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = novgorodian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ryazanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = byelorussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = karelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = estonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lipan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lithuanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = latvian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pontic_greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = goths } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = georgian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = circassian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cornish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dagestani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = armenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = turkish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = al_misr_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = al_suryah_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bedouin_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = omani_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yemeni_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = moroccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tunisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = algerian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = berber } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = persian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = azerbaijani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khorasani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = baluchi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = afghani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kurdish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mazandarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mongol } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chahar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khalkha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = oirats } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = uzbehk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = turkmeni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = uyghur } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khazak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kirgiz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tecos } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aztek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = purepecha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = totonac } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tepic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chichimecan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = guamares } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yucatec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = putun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = matlatzinca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = highland_mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wastek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = zapotek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mixtec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tlapanec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = inca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aimara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = diaguita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = otomi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yaqui } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chimuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chontales } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tupinamba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = guarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = charruan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ge } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jivaro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chachapoyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = muisca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = miskito } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chacoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mapuche } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = patagonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = het } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = huarpe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = arawak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = maipurean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = carib } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = guajiro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aleutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = inuit } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = illini } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = anishinabe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cree } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mesquakie } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cheyenne } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = blackfoot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = arapaho } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = delaware } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = abenaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mikmaq } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mahican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = powhatan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pequot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = iroquois } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cherokee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = huron } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = susquehannock } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dalmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chiwere } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = osage } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = catawba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wichita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = caddo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = creek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = choctaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chickasaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pueblo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = piman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shoshone } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kiowa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = apache } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = navajo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chipewyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = haida } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = athabascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = salish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chinook } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yokuts } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = manchu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = manchu_new } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chihan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = miao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cantonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chimin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hakka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = xiang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sichuanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jianghuai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = xibei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hubei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = zhongyuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shandong_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = korean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = togoku } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = japanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kyushuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = vietnamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = vindhyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = polynesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cham } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = malayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sumatran } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = javanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = filipino } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bornean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = madagascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sulawesi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = central_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lacandon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = northern_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = zhuang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = burmese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tibetan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = karen } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kachin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = arakanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = papuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aboriginal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = melanesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mescalero } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mexican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = moluccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = assamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bengali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bihari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nepali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = oriya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sinhala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = avadhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kanauji } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pahari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = panjabi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kashmiri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gujarati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gulf_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = marathi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sindhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = rajput } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = malvi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kannada } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = malayalam } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tamil } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = telegu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gondi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = garjati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jharkhandi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = songhai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = soninke } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sorbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bambara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bosnian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bozo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dyola } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hausa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kanuri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bilala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tuareg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = senegambian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = frisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = fulani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yorumba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nupe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = fon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mossi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dagomba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = makua } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nguni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bemba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khoisan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shona } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nyasa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lunda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = luba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kongolese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yaka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kochi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kuba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mbundu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chokwe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mbangala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jukun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sawabantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = rwandan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ganda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = masaba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = madagasque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = takama } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bena } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swahili } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = somali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = harari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = afar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = oromo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tigray } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sidamo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = amhara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = acholi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nubian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = beja } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = evenk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yakut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yukagyr } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = buryat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tungus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ainu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kamchatkan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = astrakhani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bashkir } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = crimean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kazani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mishary } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nogaybak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = siberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = atlantean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = spartan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = athenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = old_egyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = roman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = icelandic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jan_mayenese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = phoenician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = scanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = anglosaxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = babylonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = etrurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = parthian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aramaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hebrew } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = scythian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = german } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = alsatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = sudeten } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = norse } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = anglo_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = italian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = outremer } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = komi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = mordvin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = khanty } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = meshchera } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = old_pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = ilmenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = volhynian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = severian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = russian_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = kishinyov } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = old_prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = anatolian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = magnagreek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = alan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = assyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = frencharab } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = sogdian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = tocharian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = saka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = tajik } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = khitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = tangut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = zhangzhung } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = sumpa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = zaghawa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = daju } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = chuvash } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = oldspain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = illyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = nuragic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = getian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = vandal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = gothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = alexandrine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = ashkenazi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = sephardi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = knaanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = magogic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = yevanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = mizrahi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = israeli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = misrayim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = zarphatic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = laaz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = kaifeng } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = pecheneg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = cuman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = bolghar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = avar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = khazar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = karluk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = frankish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = suebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = old_lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = visigothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = aegyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = arabus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = carthaginian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = graecus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = gaulic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = theodisc } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = pannonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = wenedyk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = britannian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = hyperborean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = equine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = cat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = bear } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = hedgehog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = duck_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = dog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = elephant_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = dragon_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_fs - trigger = { heir_culture = red_panda } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Turkish] heirs" => "les hritiers [turcs]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetHrtCultMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hannoverian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hessian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = franconian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swabian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swiss } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bavarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = austrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dutch } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = flemish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swedish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = danish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = norwegian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = finnish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sapmi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = english } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = welsh } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = irish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = highland_scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lower_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tuscan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sardinian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = saurashtri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = romagnan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ligurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = venetian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = neapolitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = piedmontese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = umbrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sicilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = maltese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = castillian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = leonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aragonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = catalan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = galician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = andalucian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = portugese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = basque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cosmopolitan_french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gascon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = normand } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aquitaine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = burgundian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = occitain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wallonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = brazilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = breton } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = uralic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = samoyed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ostyaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ingrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = croatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = serbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bulgarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = albanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = czech } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = polish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = schlesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = slovene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = transylvanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = romanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hungarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = russian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = novgorodian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ryazanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = byelorussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = karelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = estonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lipan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lithuanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = latvian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pontic_greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = goths } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = georgian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = circassian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cornish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dagestani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = armenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = turkish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = al_misr_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = al_suryah_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bedouin_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = omani_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yemeni_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = moroccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tunisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = algerian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = berber } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = persian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = azerbaijani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khorasani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = baluchi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = afghani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kurdish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mazandarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mongol } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chahar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khalkha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = oirats } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = uzbehk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = turkmeni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = uyghur } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khazak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kirgiz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tecos } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aztek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = purepecha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = totonac } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tepic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chichimecan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = guamares } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yucatec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = putun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = matlatzinca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = highland_mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wastek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = zapotek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mixtec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tlapanec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = inca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aimara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = diaguita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = otomi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yaqui } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chimuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chontales } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tupinamba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = guarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = charruan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ge } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jivaro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chachapoyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = muisca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = miskito } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chacoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mapuche } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = patagonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = het } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = huarpe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = arawak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = maipurean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = carib } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = guajiro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aleutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = inuit } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = illini } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = anishinabe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cree } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mesquakie } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cheyenne } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = blackfoot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = arapaho } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = delaware } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = abenaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mikmaq } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mahican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = powhatan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pequot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = iroquois } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cherokee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = huron } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = susquehannock } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dalmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chiwere } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = osage } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = catawba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wichita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = caddo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = creek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = choctaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chickasaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pueblo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = piman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shoshone } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kiowa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = apache } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = navajo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chipewyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = haida } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = athabascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = salish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chinook } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yokuts } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = manchu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = manchu_new } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chihan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = miao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cantonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chimin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hakka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = xiang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sichuanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jianghuai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = xibei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hubei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = zhongyuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shandong_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = korean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = togoku } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = japanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kyushuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = vietnamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = vindhyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = polynesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cham } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = malayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sumatran } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = javanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = filipino } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bornean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = madagascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sulawesi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = central_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lacandon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = northern_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = zhuang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = burmese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tibetan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = karen } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kachin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = arakanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = papuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aboriginal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = melanesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mescalero } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mexican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = moluccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = assamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bengali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bihari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nepali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = oriya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sinhala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = avadhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kanauji } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pahari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = panjabi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kashmiri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gujarati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gulf_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gulf_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = marathi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sindhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = rajput } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = malvi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kannada } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = malayalam } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tamil } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = telegu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gondi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = garjati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jharkhandi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = songhai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = soninke } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sorbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bambara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bosnian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bozo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dyola } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hausa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kanuri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bilala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tuareg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = senegambian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = frisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = fulani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yorumba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nupe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = fon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mossi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dagomba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = makua } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nguni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bemba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khoisan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shona } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nyasa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lunda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = luba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kongolese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yaka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kochi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kuba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mbundu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chokwe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mbangala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jukun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sawabantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = rwandan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ganda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = masaba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = madagasque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = takama } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bena } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swahili } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = somali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = harari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = afar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = oromo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tigray } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sidamo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = amhara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = acholi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nubian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = beja } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = evenk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yakut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yukagyr } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = buryat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tungus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ainu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kamchatkan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = astrakhani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bashkir } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = crimean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kazani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mishary } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nogaybak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = siberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = atlantean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = spartan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = athenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = old_egyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = roman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = icelandic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jan_mayenese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = phoenician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = scanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = anglosaxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = babylonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = etrurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = parthian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aramaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hebrew } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = scythian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = german } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = alsatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = sudeten } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = norse } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = anglo_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = italian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = outremer } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = komi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = mordvin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = khanty } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = meshchera } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = old_pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = ilmenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = volhynian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = severian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = russian_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = kishinyov } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = old_prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = anatolian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = magnagreek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = alan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = assyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = frencharab } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = sogdian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = tocharian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = saka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = tajik } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = khitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = tangut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = zhangzhung } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = sumpa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = zaghawa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = daju } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = chuvash } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = oldspain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = illyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = nuragic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = getian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = vandal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = gothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = alexandrine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = ashkenazi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = sephardi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = knaanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = magogic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = yevanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = mizrahi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = israeli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = misrayim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = zarphatic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = laaz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = kaifeng } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = pecheneg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = cuman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = bolghar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = avar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = khazar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = karluk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = frankish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = suebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = old_lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = visigothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = aegyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = arabus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = carthaginian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = graecus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = gaulic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = theodisc } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = pannonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = wenedyk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = britannian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = hyperborean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = equine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = cat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = bear } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = hedgehog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = duck_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = dog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = elephant_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = dragon_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_mp - trigger = { heir_culture = red_panda } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Turkish] heirs" => "les hritires [turques]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetHrtCultFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_prussian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hannoverian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hessian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hessian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saxon_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_franconian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = franconian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swabian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swiss } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bavarian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bavarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_austrian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = austrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dutch_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dutch } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_flemish_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = flemish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swedish_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swedish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_danish_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = danish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norwegian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = norwegian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_finnish_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = finnish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sapmi_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sapmi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_english_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = english } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_american_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = american } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_welsh_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = welsh } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scottish_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_irish_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = irish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = highland_scottish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lombard_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lower_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuscan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tuscan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sardinian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = saurashtri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romagnan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = romagnan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ligurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_venetian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = venetian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = neapolitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = piedmontese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_umbrian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = umbrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sicilian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sicilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maltese_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = maltese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_castillian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = castillian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_leonese_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = leonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aragonese_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aragonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catalan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = catalan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_galician_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = galician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_andalucian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = andalucian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_portugese_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = portugese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = basque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cosmopolitan_french } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gascon_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gascon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_normand_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = normand } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aquitaine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burgundian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = burgundian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_occitain_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = occitain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wallonian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wallonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_brazilian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = brazilian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_breton_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = breton } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uralic_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = uralic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = samoyed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ostyaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ingrian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ingrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = croatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = serbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bulgarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_albanian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = albanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = czech } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polish_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = polish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_schlesian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = schlesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = slovene } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = transylvanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_romanian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = romanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hungarian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hungarian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = russian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = novgorodian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ryazanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = byelorussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karelian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = karelian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_estonian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = estonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lipan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lipan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lithuanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_latvian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = latvian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_greek_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pontic_greek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = goths } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_georgian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = georgian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_circassian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = circassian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cornish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagestani_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dagestani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_armenian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = armenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkish_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = turkish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = al_misr_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = al_suryah_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bedouin_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = omani_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yemeni_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moroccan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = moroccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tunisian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tunisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_algerian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = algerian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = berber } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_persian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = persian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = azerbaijani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khorasani_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khorasani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = baluchi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afghani_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = afghani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kurdish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mazandarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mongol_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mongol } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chahar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khalkha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oirats_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = oirats } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = uzbehk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = turkmeni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_uyghur_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = uyghur } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khazak_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khazak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kirgiz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tecos_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tecos } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aztek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = purepecha } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = totonac } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tepic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chichimecan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = guamares } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yucatec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_putun_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = putun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = matlatzinca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = highland_mayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wastek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = zapotek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mixtec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tlapanec } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = inca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aimara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = diaguita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_otomi_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = otomi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaqui_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yaqui } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimuan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chimuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chontales_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chontales } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tupinamba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = guarani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_charruan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = charruan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ge_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ge } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jivaro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chachapoyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = muisca } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = miskito } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chacoan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chacoan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mapuche } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_patagonian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = patagonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_het_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = het } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = huarpe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arawak_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = arawak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_maipurean_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = maipurean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = carib } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = guajiro } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aleutian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inuit_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = inuit } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_illini_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = illini } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = anishinabe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cree } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mesquakie } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cheyenne } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = blackfoot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = arapaho } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = delaware } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_abenaki_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = abenaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mikmaq } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahican_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mahican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_powhatan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = powhatan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pequot_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pequot } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = iroquois } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cherokee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_huron_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = huron } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = susquehannock } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dalmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nakota } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chiwere } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = osage } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = catawba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wichita } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = caddo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pawnee } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = creek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = choctaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chickasaw } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pueblo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = piman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shoshone } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kiowa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_apache_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = apache } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = navajo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chipewyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = haida } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athabascan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = athabascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_salish_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = salish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chinook } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yokuts } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = manchu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = manchu_new } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chihan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = miao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cantonese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jin_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = wu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chimin_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chimin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hakka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xiang_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = xiang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sichuanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jianghuai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_xibei_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = xibei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hubei_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hubei } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = zhongyuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shandong_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_korean_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = korean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_togoku_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = togoku } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_japanese_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = japanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kyushuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mon_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = vietnamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = vindhyan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_polynesian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = polynesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = cham } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = malayan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sumatran_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sumatran } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_javanese_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = javanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_filipino_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = filipino } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bornean_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bornean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = madagascan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sulawesi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_central_thai_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = central_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lacandon_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lacandon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lao_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lao } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = northern_thai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = zhuang } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_burmese_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = burmese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tibetan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tibetan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chin_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bai_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = karen } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kachin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_arakanese_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = arakanese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_papuan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = papuan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aboriginal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_melanesian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = melanesian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mescalero_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mescalero } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mexican_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mexican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_moluccan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = moluccan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_assamese_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = assamese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bengali_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bengali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bihari_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bihari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nepali_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nepali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oriya_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = oriya } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sinhala_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sinhala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = avadhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kanauji } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pahari_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pahari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = panjabi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kashmiri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gujarati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gulf_arabic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = marathi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sindhi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rajput_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = rajput } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = malvi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kannada } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = malayalam } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tamil_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tamil } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_telegu_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = telegu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = gondi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_garjati_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = garjati } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jharkhandi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mali_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_songhai_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = songhai } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = soninke } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sorbian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bambara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bosnian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bosnian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bozo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dyola } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hausa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kanuri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bilala_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bilala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tuareg_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tuareg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_senegambian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = senegambian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_frisian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = frisian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fulani_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = fulani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yorumba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nupe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = fon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mossi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = dagomba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_makua_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = makua } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nguni_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nguni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bemba_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bemba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = khoisan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = shona } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nyasa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_lunda_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = lunda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = luba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kongolese_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kongolese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yaka_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yaka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kochi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kochi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kuba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mbundu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_chokwe_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = chokwe } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mbangala } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jukun } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sawabantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_rwandan_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = rwandan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ganda_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ganda } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_masaba_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = masaba } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = madagasque } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_takama_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = takama } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bena_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bena } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bantu_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bantu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_swahili_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = swahili } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_somali_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = somali } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_harari_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = harari } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = afar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = oromo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tigray_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tigray } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = sidamo } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = amhara } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_acholi_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = acholi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nubian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nubian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = beja } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = evenk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yakut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = yukagyr } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = buryat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = tungus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ainu_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = ainu } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kamchatkan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = astrakhani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_bashkir_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = bashkir } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_crimean_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = crimean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_kazani_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = kazani } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mishary_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = mishary } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = nogaybak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_siberian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = siberian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = atlantean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = spartan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_athenian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = athenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = old_egyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_roman_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = roman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_icelandic_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = icelandic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = jan_mayenese } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = pruthenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_phoenician_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = phoenician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scanian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = scanian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = anglosaxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_babylonian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = babylonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = etrurian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = parthian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aramaic_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = aramaic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hebrew_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = hebrew } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR - trigger = { heir_culture = scythian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = german_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = german } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alsatian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = alsatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sudeten_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = sudeten } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = norse } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anglo_saxon_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = anglo_saxon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = italian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = italian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = outremer_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = outremer } - } - text = { - localisation_key = komi_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = komi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mordvin_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = mordvin } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khanty_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = khanty } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshchera_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = meshchera } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slovak_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = slovak } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_pommeranian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = old_pommeranian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ilmenian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = ilmenian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = volhynian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = volhynian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = severian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = severian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = russian_culture_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = russian_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kishinyov_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = kishinyov } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_prussian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = old_prussian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = anatolian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = anatolian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magnagreek_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = magnagreek } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alan_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = alan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = assyrian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = assyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = coptic_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frencharab_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = frencharab } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sogdian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = sogdian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tocharian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = tocharian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = saka_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = saka } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tajik_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = tajik } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khitan_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = khitan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tangut_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = tangut } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zhangzhung_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = zhangzhung } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sumpa_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = sumpa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zaghawa_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = zaghawa } - } - text = { - localisation_key = daju_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = daju } - } - text = { - localisation_key = chuvash_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = chuvash } - } - text = { - localisation_key = oldspain_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = oldspain } - } - text = { - localisation_key = illyrian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = illyrian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nuragic_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = nuragic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = getian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = getian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = vandal_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = vandal } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gothic_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = gothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alexandrine_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = alexandrine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = ashkenazi_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = ashkenazi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sephardi_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = sephardi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = knaanic_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = knaanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magogic_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = magogic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yevanic_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = yevanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mizrahi_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = mizrahi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = israeli_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = israeli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = misrayim_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = misrayim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zarphatic_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = zarphatic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = laaz_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = laaz } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kaifeng_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = kaifeng } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pecheneg_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = pecheneg } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cuman_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = cuman } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bolghar_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = bolghar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = avar_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = avar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khazar_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = khazar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karluk_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = karluk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = frankish_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = frankish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = suebi_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = suebi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = old_lombard_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = old_lombard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = visigothic_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = visigothic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = aegyptian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = aegyptian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = arabus_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = arabus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = carthaginian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = carthaginian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = graecus_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = graecus } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gaulic_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = gaulic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hispanic_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = hispanic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = theodisc_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = theodisc } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pannonian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = pannonian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = wenedyk_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = wenedyk } - } - text = { - localisation_key = britannian_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = britannian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hyperborean_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = hyperborean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = equine_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = equine } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cat_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = cat } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bear_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = bear } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hedgehog_culture_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = hedgehog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = duck_culture_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = duck_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dog_culture_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = dog_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = elephant_culture_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = elephant_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = dragon_culture_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = dragon_culture } - } - text = { - localisation_key = red_panda_fp - trigger = { heir_culture = red_panda } - } -} - - - -###################################################################################################################### -### Religion Adjectives for Administrative Advisors // Adjectifs religieux pour les conseillers administratifs ### -###################################################################################################################### - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] administrative advisor" => "un conseiller administratif [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetAdmRelMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = anglican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hussite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = catholic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = protestant } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = orthodox } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sunni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shiite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = ibadi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = buddhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = vajrayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mahayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = confucianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shinto } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hinduism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sikhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = animism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shamanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = totemism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = inti } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nahuatl } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mesoamerican_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jewish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zoroastrian } } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = adamite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = insular_celtic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bosnian_church } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mutazila } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = quranist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = alawite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = meshefaresism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kitebacilweism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zurvanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gayomarthianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurramism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gnostic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mandeaism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = valentinianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sethianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = priscillianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cainitism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = canaanite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kemetism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mardukism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cathar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = fraticelli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = waldensian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = lollard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monophysite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bogomilist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monothelite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = iconoclast } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = paulician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nestorian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = messalian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zikri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kharijite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druze } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hurufi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = qarmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_religion_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = pagan_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mazdaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = manichean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurmazta } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = samaritan_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = karaite_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jain } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] administrative advisor" => "une conseillre administrative [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetAdmRelFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = anglican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hussite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = catholic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = protestant } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = orthodox } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sunni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shiite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = ibadi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = buddhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = vajrayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mahayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = confucianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shinto } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hinduism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sikhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = animism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shamanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = totemism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = inti } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nahuatl } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mesoamerican_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jewish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zoroastrian } } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = adamite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = insular_celtic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bosnian_church } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mutazila } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = quranist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = alawite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = meshefaresism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kitebacilweism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zurvanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gayomarthianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurramism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gnostic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mandeaism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = valentinianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sethianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = priscillianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cainitism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = canaanite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kemetism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mardukism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cathar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = fraticelli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = waldensian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = lollard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monophysite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bogomilist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monothelite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = iconoclast } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = paulician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nestorian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = messalian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zikri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kharijite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druze } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hurufi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = qarmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_religion_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = pagan_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mazdaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = manichean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurmazta } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = samaritan_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = karaite_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jain } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] administrative advisors are wise" => "Les conseillers administrafifs [protestants] sont aviss" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetAdmRelMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = anglican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hussite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = catholic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = protestant } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = orthodox } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sunni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shiite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = ibadi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = buddhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = vajrayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mahayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = confucianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shinto } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hinduism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sikhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = animism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shamanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = totemism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = inti } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nahuatl } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mesoamerican_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jewish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zoroastrian } } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = adamite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = insular_celtic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bosnian_church } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mutazila } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = quranist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = alawite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = meshefaresism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kitebacilweism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zurvanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gayomarthianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurramism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gnostic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mandeaism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = valentinianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sethianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = priscillianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cainitism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = canaanite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kemetism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mardukism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cathar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = fraticelli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = waldensian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = lollard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monophysite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bogomilist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monothelite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = iconoclast } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = paulician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nestorian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = messalian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zikri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kharijite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druze } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hurufi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = qarmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_religion_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = pagan_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mazdaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = manichean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurmazta } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = samaritan_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = karaite_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jain } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] administrative advisors are beautiful" => "les conseillres administratives [protestantes] sont jolies" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetAdmRelFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = anglican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hussite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = catholic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = protestant } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = orthodox } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sunni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shiite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = ibadi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = buddhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = vajrayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mahayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = confucianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shinto } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hinduism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sikhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = animism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shamanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = totemism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = inti } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nahuatl } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mesoamerican_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jewish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zoroastrian } } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = adamite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = insular_celtic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bosnian_church } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mutazila } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = quranist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = alawite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = meshefaresism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kitebacilweism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zurvanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gayomarthianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurramism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gnostic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mandeaism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = valentinianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sethianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = priscillianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cainitism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = canaanite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kemetism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mardukism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cathar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = fraticelli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = waldensian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = lollard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monophysite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bogomilist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monothelite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = iconoclast } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = paulician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nestorian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = messalian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zikri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kharijite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druze } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hurufi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = qarmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_religion_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = pagan_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mazdaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = manichean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurmazta } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = samaritan_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = karaite_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jain } } - } -} - - - -################################################################################################################# -### Religion Adjectives for Diplomatic Advisors // Adjectifs religieux pour les conseillers diplomatiques ### -################################################################################################################# - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] diplomatic advisor" => "un conseiller diplomatique [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetDipRelMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = anglican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hussite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = catholic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = protestant } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = orthodox } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sunni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shiite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = ibadi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = buddhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = vajrayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mahayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = confucianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shinto } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hinduism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sikhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = animism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shamanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = totemism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = inti } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nahuatl } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mesoamerican_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jewish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zoroastrian } } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = adamite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = insular_celtic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bosnian_church } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mutazila } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = quranist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = alawite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = meshefaresism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kitebacilweism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zurvanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gayomarthianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurramism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gnostic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mandeaism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = valentinianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sethianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = priscillianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cainitism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = canaanite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kemetism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mardukism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cathar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = fraticelli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = waldensian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = lollard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monophysite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bogomilist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monothelite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = iconoclast } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = paulician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nestorian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = messalian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zikri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kharijite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druze } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hurufi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = qarmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_religion_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = pagan_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mazdaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = manichean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurmazta } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = samaritan_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = karaite_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jain } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] diplomatic advisor" => "une conseillre diplomatique [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetDipRelFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = anglican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hussite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = catholic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = protestant } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = orthodox } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sunni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shiite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = ibadi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = buddhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = vajrayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mahayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = confucianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shinto } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hinduism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sikhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = animism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shamanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = totemism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = inti } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nahuatl } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mesoamerican_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jewish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zoroastrian } } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = adamite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = insular_celtic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bosnian_church } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mutazila } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = quranist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = alawite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = meshefaresism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kitebacilweism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zurvanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gayomarthianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurramism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gnostic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mandeaism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = valentinianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sethianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = priscillianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cainitism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = canaanite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kemetism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mardukism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cathar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = fraticelli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = waldensian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = lollard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monophysite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bogomilist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monothelite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = iconoclast } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = paulician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nestorian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = messalian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zikri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kharijite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druze } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hurufi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = qarmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_religion_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = pagan_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mazdaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = manichean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurmazta } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = samaritan_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = karaite_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jain } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] diplomatic advisors are wise" => "Les conseillers diplomatiques [protestants] sont aviss" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetDipRelMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = anglican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hussite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = catholic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = protestant } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = orthodox } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sunni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shiite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = ibadi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = buddhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = vajrayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mahayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = confucianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shinto } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hinduism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sikhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = animism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shamanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = totemism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = inti } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nahuatl } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mesoamerican_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jewish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zoroastrian } } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = adamite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = insular_celtic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bosnian_church } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mutazila } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = quranist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = alawite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = meshefaresism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kitebacilweism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zurvanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gayomarthianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurramism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gnostic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mandeaism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = valentinianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sethianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = priscillianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cainitism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = canaanite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kemetism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mardukism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cathar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = fraticelli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = waldensian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = lollard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monophysite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bogomilist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monothelite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = iconoclast } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = paulician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nestorian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = messalian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zikri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kharijite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druze } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hurufi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = qarmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_religion_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = pagan_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mazdaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = manichean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurmazta } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = samaritan_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = karaite_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jain } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] diplomatic advisors are beautiful" => "les conseillres diplomatiques [protestantes] sont jolies" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetDipRelFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = anglican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hussite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = catholic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = protestant } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = orthodox } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sunni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shiite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = ibadi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = buddhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = vajrayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mahayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = confucianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shinto } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hinduism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sikhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = animism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shamanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = totemism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = inti } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nahuatl } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mesoamerican_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jewish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zoroastrian } } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = adamite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = insular_celtic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bosnian_church } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mutazila } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = quranist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = alawite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = meshefaresism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kitebacilweism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zurvanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gayomarthianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurramism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gnostic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mandeaism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = valentinianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sethianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = priscillianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cainitism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = canaanite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kemetism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mardukism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cathar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = fraticelli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = waldensian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = lollard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monophysite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bogomilist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monothelite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = iconoclast } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = paulician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nestorian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = messalian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zikri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kharijite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druze } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hurufi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = qarmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_religion_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = pagan_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mazdaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = manichean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurmazta } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = samaritan_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = karaite_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jain } } - } -} - - - -############################################################################################################ -### Religion Adjectives for Military Advisors // Adjectifs religieux pour les conseillers militaires ### -############################################################################################################ - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] military advisor" => "un conseiller militaire [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetMilRelMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = anglican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hussite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = catholic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = protestant } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = orthodox } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sunni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shiite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = ibadi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = buddhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = vajrayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mahayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = confucianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shinto } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hinduism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sikhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = animism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shamanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = totemism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = inti } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nahuatl } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mesoamerican_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jewish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zoroastrian } } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = adamite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = insular_celtic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bosnian_church } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mutazila } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = quranist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = alawite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = meshefaresism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kitebacilweism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zurvanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gayomarthianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurramism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gnostic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mandeaism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = valentinianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sethianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = priscillianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cainitism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = canaanite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kemetism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mardukism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cathar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = fraticelli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = waldensian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = lollard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monophysite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bogomilist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monothelite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = iconoclast } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = paulician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nestorian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = messalian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zikri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kharijite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druze } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hurufi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = qarmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_religion_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = pagan_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mazdaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = manichean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurmazta } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = samaritan_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = karaite_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_ms - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jain } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] military advisor" => "une conseillre militaire [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetMilRelFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = anglican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hussite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = catholic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = protestant } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = orthodox } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sunni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shiite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = ibadi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = buddhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = vajrayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mahayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = confucianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shinto } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hinduism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sikhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = animism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shamanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = totemism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = inti } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nahuatl } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mesoamerican_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jewish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zoroastrian } } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = adamite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = insular_celtic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bosnian_church } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mutazila } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = quranist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = alawite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = meshefaresism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kitebacilweism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zurvanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gayomarthianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurramism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gnostic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mandeaism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = valentinianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sethianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = priscillianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cainitism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = canaanite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kemetism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mardukism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cathar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = fraticelli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = waldensian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = lollard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monophysite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bogomilist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monothelite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = iconoclast } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = paulician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nestorian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = messalian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zikri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kharijite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druze } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hurufi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = qarmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_religion_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = pagan_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mazdaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = manichean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurmazta } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = samaritan_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = karaite_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fs - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jain } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] military advisors are wise" => "Les conseillers militaires [protestants] sont aviss" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetMilRelMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = anglican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hussite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = catholic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = protestant } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = orthodox } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sunni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shiite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = ibadi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = buddhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = vajrayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mahayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = confucianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shinto } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hinduism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sikhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = animism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shamanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = totemism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = inti } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nahuatl } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mesoamerican_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jewish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zoroastrian } } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = adamite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = insular_celtic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bosnian_church } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mutazila } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = quranist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = alawite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = meshefaresism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kitebacilweism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zurvanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gayomarthianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurramism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gnostic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mandeaism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = valentinianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sethianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = priscillianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cainitism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = canaanite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kemetism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mardukism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cathar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = fraticelli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = waldensian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = lollard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monophysite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bogomilist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monothelite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = iconoclast } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = paulician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nestorian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = messalian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zikri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kharijite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druze } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hurufi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = qarmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_religion_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = pagan_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mazdaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = manichean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurmazta } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = samaritan_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = karaite_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_mp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jain } } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] military advisors are beautiful" => "les conseillres militaires [protestantes] sont jolies" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetMilRelFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = anglican } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hussite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = catholic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = protestant } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = orthodox } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = coptic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sunni } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shiite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = ibadi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = buddhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = vajrayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mahayana } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = confucianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shinto } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hinduism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sikhism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = animism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shamanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = totemism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = inti } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nahuatl } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mesoamerican_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jewish } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zoroastrian } } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = adamite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = insular_celtic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bosnian_church } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mutazila } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = quranist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = alawite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = meshefaresism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kitebacilweism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zurvanism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gayomarthianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurramism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gnostic } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mandeaism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = valentinianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sethianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = priscillianism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cainitism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = canaanite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druidism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kemetism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mardukism } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cathar } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = fraticelli } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = waldensian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = lollard } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monophysite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bogomilist } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monothelite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = iconoclast } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = paulician } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nestorian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = messalian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zikri } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kharijite } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druze } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hurufi } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = qarmatian } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_religion_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = pagan_religion } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon_reformed } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mazdaki } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = manichean } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurmazta } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = samaritan_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = karaite_faith } } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fp - trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jain } } - } -} - - - -##################################################################################### -### Religion Adjectives for Rulers // Adjectifs religieux pour les dirigeants ### -##################################################################################### - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] ruler" => "un dirigeant [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetDirRelMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani - trigger = { ruler_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah - trigger = { ruler_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic - trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism - trigger = { ruler_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_msigion_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = pagan_msigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_ms - trigger = { ruler_religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] queen" => "une reine [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetDirRelFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani - trigger = { ruler_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah - trigger = { ruler_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic - trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism - trigger = { ruler_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_fsigion_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = pagan_fsigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fs - trigger = { ruler_religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] rulers" => "les dirigeants [protestants]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetDirRelMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani - trigger = { ruler_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah - trigger = { ruler_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic - trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism - trigger = { ruler_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_mpigion_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = pagan_mpigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_mp - trigger = { ruler_religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] queens" => "les dirigeantes [protestantes]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetDirRelFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR - trigger = { ruler_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani - trigger = { ruler_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah - trigger = { ruler_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic - trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism - trigger = { ruler_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_fpigion_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = pagan_fpigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fp - trigger = { ruler_religion = jain } - } -} - - - -##################################################################################### -### Religion Adjectives for Consorts // Adjectifs religieux pour les consorts ### -##################################################################################### - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] consort" => "un consort [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetConsRelMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani - trigger = { consort_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah - trigger = { consort_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic - trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism - trigger = { consort_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_msigion_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = pagan_msigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_ms - trigger = { consort_religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] consort" => "une consort [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetConsRelFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani - trigger = { consort_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah - trigger = { consort_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic - trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism - trigger = { consort_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_fsigion_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = pagan_fsigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fs - trigger = { consort_religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] consorts" => "les consorts [protestants]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetConsRelMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani - trigger = { consort_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah - trigger = { consort_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic - trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism - trigger = { consort_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_mpigion_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = pagan_mpigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_mp - trigger = { consort_religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] consorts" => "les consorts [protestantes]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetConsRelFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR - trigger = { consort_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani - trigger = { consort_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah - trigger = { consort_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic - trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism - trigger = { consort_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_fpigion_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = pagan_fpigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fp - trigger = { consort_religion = jain } - } -} - - - -################################################################################### -### Religion Adjectives for Heirs // Adjectifs religieux pour les hritiers ### -################################################################################### - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] heir" => "un hritier [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetHrtRelMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani - trigger = { heir_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah - trigger = { heir_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic - trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism - trigger = { heir_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_msigion_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = pagan_msigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_ms - trigger = { heir_religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "A [Protestant] heir" => "une hritire [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) -defined_text = { - name = GetHrtRelFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani - trigger = { heir_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah - trigger = { heir_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic - trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism - trigger = { heir_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_fsigion_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = pagan_fsigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fs - trigger = { heir_religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] heirs" => "les hritiers [protestants]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetHrtRelMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani - trigger = { heir_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah - trigger = { heir_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic - trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism - trigger = { heir_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_mpigion_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = pagan_mpigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_mp - trigger = { heir_religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Protestant] heirs" => "les hritires [protestantes]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) -defined_text = { - name = GetHrtRelFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = anglican } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = hussite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = jewish } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR - trigger = { heir_religion = zoroastrian } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani - trigger = { heir_religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah - trigger = { heir_religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic - trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism - trigger = { heir_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_fpigion_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = pagan_fpigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fp - trigger = { heir_religion = jain } - } -} - - - - - -########################################################################### -### Event Advisors (works out which via flag) // Conseillers (tous) ### -########################################################################### - -########Event advisors (uses flags to see which one is relevant and uses that to refer to the relevant custom loc listed above in the advisors section) - -# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetIlElleAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetIlElleDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetIlElleMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} -# Ex: "[He/She] tried" => "[Il/Elle] a tent de" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetIlElleEventCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetIlElleAdmCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetIlElleDipCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetIlElleMilCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLuiElleAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLuiElleDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLuiElleMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLuiElleEventCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLuiElleAdmCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLuiElleDipCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLuiElleMilCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetQueluiQuelleEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetQueluiQuelleAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetQueluiQuelleDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetQueluiQuelleMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} -# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetQueluiQuelleEventCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetQueluiQuelleAdmCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetQueluiQuelleDipCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetQueluiQuelleMilCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLeLaFAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLeLaFDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLeLaFMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} -# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaFEventCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLeLaFAdmCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLeLaFDipCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLeLaFMilCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[the] treasurer" => "[le/la] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLeLaLAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLeLaLDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLeLaLMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[The] treasurer" => "[Le/La] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaLEventCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLeLaLAdmCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLeLaLDipCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLeLaLMilCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[this] treasurer" => "[ce/cette] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[This] treasurer" => "[Ce/Cette] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteEventCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteAdmCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteDipCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteMilCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - -# Ex: "[this] advisor" => "[ce/cette] conseiller" (lower case/minuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "ce" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteFEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteFAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteFDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteFMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[This] sick person" => "[Cet/Cette] consort" (upper case/majuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "Ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Ce" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCeCetteFEventCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteFAdmCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteFDipCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteFMilCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - -# Ex: "[this] (wo)man" => "[cet/cette] homme/femme" (lower case/minuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "cet" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCetCetteFEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCetCetteFAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCetCetteFDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCetCetteFMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[This] (wo)man" => "[Cet/Cette] homme/femme" (upper case/majuscule) -# Mandatory use of masculine form "Cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Cet" dans certains contextes -defined_text = { - name = GetCetCetteFEventCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCetCetteFAdmCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCetCetteFDipCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCetCetteFMilCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - -# Ex: "[his] adviser" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetOnAEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetOnAAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetOnADip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetOnAMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - -# Ex: "[his] adviser" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetOnAFEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetOnAFAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetOnAFDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetOnAFMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - -# Ex: "[the one] which" => "[celui/celle] qui" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeluiCelleEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeluiCelleAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeluiCelleDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeluiCelleMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[The one] which" => "[Celui/Celle] qui" -defined_text = { - name = GetCeluiCelleEventCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeluiCelleAdmCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeluiCelleDipCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCeluiCelleMilCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[du] conseiller/[de la] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Du] conseiller/[De la] conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaEventCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaAdmCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaDipCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaMilCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - -# Ex: "[of the] new advisor" => "[du] nouveau conseiller/[de la] nouvelle conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaFAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaFDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaFMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[Of the] new advisor" => "[Du] nouveau conseiller/[De la] nouvelle conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaFEventCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaFAdmCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaFDipCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaFMilCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - -# Ex: "[to the] treasurer" => "[au/ la] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[To the] treasurer" => "[Au/ la] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaEventCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaAdmCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaDipCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaMilCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - -# Ex: "[to the] treasurer" => "[au/ la] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaFAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaFDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaFMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[To the] treasurer" => "[Au/ la] financier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaFEventCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaFAdmCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaFDipCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaFMilCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - -# Ex: "[if] he/she" => "[s'il]/[si elle]" (lower case/minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetSilSielleAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetSilSielleDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetSilSielleMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[If] he/she" => "[S'il]/[Si elle]" (upper case/majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetSilSielleEventCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetSilSielleAdmCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetSilSielleDipCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetSilSielleMilCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - -# Ex: "next treasurer" => "prochain[/e] trsorier/re" -defined_text = { - name = GetXEEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetXEAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetXEDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetXEMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "the first advisor" => "(le/la) premi[er/re] conseill[er/re]" -defined_text = { - name = GetErEreEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetErEreAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetErEreDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetErEreMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - -# Ex: "[new] advisor" => "nouv[eau/elle] conseiller/conseillre" -defined_text = { - name = GetEauElleEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetEauElleAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetEauElleDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetEauElleMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - -# Ex: "[Treasurer]" => "[financer/financire]" (lower case) -defined_text = { - name = GetEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - - -# Ex: "[from him/her]" => "[de lui/d'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDeluiDelleAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDeluiDelleDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDeluiDelleMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[From him/her]" => "[De lui/D'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDeluiDelleEventCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDeluiDelleAdmCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDeluiDelleDipCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDeluiDelleMilCap - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - - -########################################## -### Limited Uses // Usages limits ### -########################################## - -# Copied from GetLegitimacyOrMeritocracy -# Ex: "Restore legitimacy/meritocracy" => "Restaurer la [lgitimit/mritocratie]" (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLegitimacyOrMeritocracyFR - random = no - - text = { - localisation_key = string_meritocracy_FR - trigger = { - has_reform = celestial_empire - has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" - } - } - - text = { - localisation_key = string_legitimacy_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - NOT = { has_reform = celestial_empire } - NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" } - } - } - } -} - - - -##################################### -### Parliaments // Parlements ### -##################################### -# Ex: "Convoke [the] Parliament." => "Convoquer [le] Grand conseil / [l']Alting / [la] Douma / [l']Assemble nationale / [les] Cortes." (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaParlement - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_les_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] Parliament refused." => "[Le] Grand conseil / [L' ]Alting / [La] Douma / [L']Assemble / [Les] Cortes a/ont refus." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaParlementCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_les_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "Enter [in the] Parliament." => "Demander [au] Grand conseil / [ l']Alting / [ la] Douma / [ l']Assemble nationale / [aux] Cortes." (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaParlement - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aux_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[In the] Parliament has been decided..." => "[Au] Grand conseil / [ l']Alting / [ la] Douma / [ l']Assemble nationale / [Aux] Cortes a t dcid de..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetAuAlaParlementCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_aux_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "The sessions [of the] Parliament." => "Les sessions [du] Grand conseil / [de l']Alting / [de la] Douma / [de l']Assemble nationale / [des] Cortes." (lower case / minuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaParlement - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_des_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[From the] Parliament came the blow." => "[Du] Grand conseil / [De l']Alting / [De la] Douma / [De l']Assemble nationale / [Des] Cortes est venu la principale attaque." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetDuDelaParlementCap - text = { - localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_des_cap_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[In the] Parliament has been decided..." => "[Au] Grand conseil / [ l']Alting / [ la] Douma / [ l']Assemble nationale / [Aux] Cortes a t dcid de..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetTVentParlement - text = { - localisation_key = string_t_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vent_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "The Parliament/Cortes contribute(s)..." => "Le Grand conseil / L'Alting / La Douma / L'Assemble nationale contribu[e] // Les Cortes contribu[ent]..." (upper case / majuscule) -defined_text = { - name = GetEEntParlement - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_FR - trigger = { - OR = { - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes - frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes - frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ent_FR - trigger = { - frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes - } - } -} +############################################## +### French localization custom strings ### +### Scripted by Nicolas Fouqu ### +############################################## + +################################ +### Rulers // Dirigeants ### +################################ +# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[He/She] tried" => "[Il/Elle] a tent de" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[he/she] (the ruler's next spouse)" => "[il/elle] (= la future du dirigeant/le futur de la dirigeante)" +# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the ruler +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiIlElleDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[He/She] (= the ruler's next spouse)" => "[Il/Elle] (= la future du dirigeant/le futur de la dirigeante)" +# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the ruler +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiIlElleDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetQueluiQuelleDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelui_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelle_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetQueluiQuelleDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelui_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelle_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[the] nearest consort of the Sultan" => "La consort [la] plus proche du sultan/Le consort [le] plus proche de la sultane" +# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the ruler +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiLeLaFDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] nearest consort of the Sultan" => "[La] plus proche consort du sultan/[Le] plus proche consort de la sultane" +# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the ruler +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiLeLaFDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +### le/la/l' ### +# Ex: "[the] King/Queen" => "[le] roi / [la] reine" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] King/Queen" => [Le] roi / [La] reine" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[this] monarch" => "[ce/cette] monarque" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] monarch" => "[Ce/Cette] monarque" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + + +################################################################################################################ +### Mandatory use of some masculine forms in some contexts / Emploi forc de certaines formes masculines ### +################################################################################################################ + +# Ex: "[this] monarch" => "[ce/cette] monarque" (lower case/minuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "ce" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteFDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] monarch" => "[Cet/Cette] monarque" (upper case/majuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "Ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Ce" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteFDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[this] (wo)man" => "[cet/cette] homme/femme" (lower case/minuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "cet" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCetCetteFDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] (wo)man" => "[Cet/Cette] homme/femme" (upper case/majuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "Cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Cet" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCetCetteFDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[his] sovereign" => "s[on/a] monarque" +defined_text = { + name = GetOnADir + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[his] sovereign" => "s[on] souverain/s[a] souveraine" +defined_text = { + name = GetOnAFDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[the one] which" => "[celui/celle] qui" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeluiCelleDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_celui_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celle_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The one] which" => "[Celui/Celle] qui" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeluiCelleDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_celui_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celle_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] King/Queen" => "[du] roi / [de la] reine" (lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] King/Queen" => "[Du] roi / [De la] reine" (upper case/majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] new monarch" => "[du] nouveau monarque/[de la] nouvelle monarque" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] new monarch" => "[Du] nouveau monarque/[De la] nouvelle monarque" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[To the] King/Queen" => "[au] roi/[ la] reine" (lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[To the] King/Queen" => "[Au] roi /[ la] reine" (upper case/majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[To the] monarch" => "[au/ la] monarque" (lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[To the] monarch" => "[Au/ la] monarque" (upper case/majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[if] he/she" => "[s'il]/[si elle]" (lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_sil_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielle_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[If] he/she" => "[S'il]/[Si elle]" (upper case/majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_sil_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielle_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "great ruler" => "grand[/e] dirigeant[/e]" +defined_text = { + name = GetXEDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_XX_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + +# Ex: "The ruler married a great [lord/lady]" => "Le dirigeant a pous un[e] grand[e] dame/La dirigeant a pous un[] grand[] seigneur" +# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the ruler +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiXEDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_XX_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + +# Ex: "a [famous] king/queen" => "un roi fam[eux] / une reine fam[euse]" +defined_text = { + name = GetEuxEuseDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_eux_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_euse_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "the first king/queen" => "(le/la) premi[er]/premi[re] roi/reine" +defined_text = { + name = GetErEreDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_er_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ere_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[new] ruler" => "nouv[eau/elle] monarque" +defined_text = { + name = GetEauElleDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_eau_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[new] Emperor" => "nouv[el/elle] empereur/impratrice" +defined_text = { + name = GetElElleFDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_el_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "The ruler will take a [spouse]" => "Le dirigeant va prendre une [pouse]/La dirigeante va prendre un [poux/pouse]" +# Defines a character the opposite gender of the ruler / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui du dirigeant ou de la dirigeante +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiEpouxEpouseDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_epouse_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_epoux_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "The ruler will marry the [daughter/son] of a noble family" => "Le dirigeant va pouser la [fille] d'une grande famille/La dirigeante va pouser le [fils] d'une grande famille" +# Defines a character the opposite gender of the ruler / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui du dirigeant ou de la dirigeante + defined_text = { + name = GetAntiFilsFilleDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_fille_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fils_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "The ruler marries his [brother/sister]" => "Le dirigeant pouse sa [soeur]/La dirigeante pouse son [frre]" +# Defines a character the opposite gender of the ruler / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui du dirigeant ou de la dirigeante +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiFrereSoeurDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_soeur_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frere_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[from him/her]" => "[de lui/d'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_delui_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delle_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[From him/her]" => "[De lui/D'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_delui_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delle_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "the [Elector] of Bavaria" => "l'lec[teur/trice] de Bavire" +defined_text = { + name = GetTeurTriceDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_teur_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_trice_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "as a [Prince] of the HRE" => "en tant que [prince]/[princesse] du Saint-Empire romain germanique" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetPrincePrincesseDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_prince_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_princesse_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Prince] of the HRE" => "[Prince]/[Princesse] du Saint-Empire romain germanique" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetPrincePrincesseDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_prince_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_princesse_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "he/she is holy roman [emperor]/[empress]" => "il est l'[empereur] du SERG / elle est l'[impratrice] du SERG" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetEmpereurImperatriceDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_empereur_FR + trigger = { + is_emperor = yes + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_imperatrice_FR + trigger = { + is_emperor = yes + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "Holy Roman [emperor]/[empress] or not..." => "[Empereur]/[Impratrice] du SERG ou non..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetEmpereurImperatriceDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_empereur_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_imperatrice_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "(S)he's [King] in Prussia" => "Il/Elle est [roi]/[reine] en Prusse" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetRoiReineDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_roi_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reine_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "Being [King/Queen] IN Prussia is not being [King/Queen] OF Prussia" => "[Roi]/[Reine] EN Prusse n'est pas tre roi/reine DE Prusse" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetRoiReineDirCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_roi_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reine_cap_FR + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + + +############################## +### Heirs // Hritiers ### +############################## +# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[He/She] tried" => "[Il/Elle] a tent de" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[he/she] (= the heir's next spouse)" => "[il/elle] (= la future de l'hritier/le futur de l'hritire)" +# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the heir +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiIlElleHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[He/She] (= the heir's next spouse)" => "[Il/Elle] (= la future de l'hritier/le future de l'hritire)" +# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the heir +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiIlElleHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetQueluiQuelleHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelui_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetQueluiQuelleHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelui_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelle_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + +# Ex: "the nearest consort of the Heir" => "La consort [la] plus proche de l'hritier/Le consort [le] plus proche de l'hritire" +# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the ruler +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiLeLaFHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "The nearest consort of the Heir" => "[La] plus proche consort de l'hritier/[Le] plus proche consort de l'hritire" +# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the ruler +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiLeLaFHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +### le/la/l' ### + +# Ex: "[the] heir" => "[le/la] hritier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } + text = { # TEST + localisation_key = string_l_FR + trigger = { # ABETO "Abeto" + government = monarchy + religion_group = christian + OR = { + primary_culture = amhara + primary_culture = sidamo + primary_culture = tigray + } + has_female_heir = no + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] heir" => "[Le/La] hritier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[this] monarch" => "[ce/cette] hritier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] monarch" => "[Ce/Cette] hritier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[this] sick person" => "[ce/cette] malade" (lower case/minuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "ce" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteFHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] sick person" => "[Cet/Cette] malade" (upper case/majuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "Ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Ce" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteFHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[this] (wo)man" => "[cet/cette] homme/femme" (lower case/minuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "cet" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCetCetteFHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] (wo)man" => "[Cet/Cette] homme/femme" (upper case/majuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "Cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Cet" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCetCetteFHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[his] son/daughter" => "s[on] fils/s[a] fille" +defined_text = { + name = GetOnAHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[his] son/daughter" => "s[on] fils/s[a] fille" +defined_text = { + name = GetOnAFHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[the one] which" => "[celui/celle] qui" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeluiCelleHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_celui_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[The one] which" => "[Celui/Celle] qui" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeluiCelleHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_celui_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celle_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] son/daughter" => "[du/de la] fils/fille" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] son/daughter" => "[Du/De la] fils/fille" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] last son/daughter" => "[du] dernier fils/[de la] dernire fille" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] last son/daughter" => "[Du] dernier fils/[De la] dernire fille" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[to the] son/daughter" => "[au/ la] fils/fille" (lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[To the] son/daughter" => "[Au/ la] fils/fille" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[to the] son/daughter" => "[au/ la] fils/fille" (lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[To the] son/daughter" => "[Au/ la] fils/fille" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[if] he/she" => "[s'il]/[si elle]" (lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_sil_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[If] he/she" => "[S'il]/[Si elle]" (upper case/majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_sil_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielle_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "great ruler" => "prochain[/e] souverain[/e]" +defined_text = { + name = GetXEHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_XX_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + +# Ex: "The heir married a great [lord/lady]" => "L'hritier a pous un[e] grand[e] dame/L'hritire a pous un[] grand[] seigneur" +# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the Heir +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiXEHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_XX_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + +# Ex: "a [famous] prince(ss)" => "un prince fam[eux] / une princesse fam[euse]" +defined_text = { + name = GetEuxEuseHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_eux_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_euse_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "the first heir" => "le/la premi[er/re] hriti[er]/hriti[re]" +defined_text = { + name = GetErEreHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_er_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ere_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[new] heir" => "nouv[eau/elle] souverain(e)" +defined_text = { + name = GetEauElleHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_eau_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "The Heir will take a [wife/husband]" => "L'hritier va prendre un [poux]/L'hritire va prendre une [pouse]" +# Defines a character the opposite gender of the heir / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui de l'hritier ou de l'hritire +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiEpouxEpouseHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_epouse_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_epoux_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "The Heir will marry the [daughter/son] of a great family" => "L'hritier va pouser la [fille] d'une grande famille/L'hritire va pouser le [fils] d'une grande famille" +# Defines a character the opposite gender of the heir / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui de l'hritier ou de l'hritire +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiFilsFilleHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_fille_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fils_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "The heir marries his [brother/sister]" => "L'hritier pouse sa [soeur]/L'hritire pouse son [frre]" +# Defines a character the opposite gender of the heir / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui de l'hritier ou de l'hritire +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiFrereSoeurHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_soeur_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frere_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[from him/her]" => "[de lui/d'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleHrt + text = { + localisation_key = string_delui_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[From him/her]" => "[De lui/D'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleHrtCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_delui_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delle_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + + +################################ +### Consorts // Consorts ### +################################ +# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[He/She] tried" => "[Il/Elle] a tent de" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[he/she] (= the consort dead spouse)" => "[il/elle] (= feu l'poux/l'pouse du/de la consort)" +# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the consort +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiIlElleCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[He/She] (= the consort dead spouse)" => "[Il/Elle] (= feu l'poux/l'pouse du/de la consort)" +# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the consort +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiIlElleConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetQueluiQuelleCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelui_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetQueluiQuelleConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelui_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelle_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "the consort mourns [him/her] (= the dead ruler)" => "la consort [le] pleure (= feu le dirigeant)/le consort [la] pleure (= feu la dirigeante)" +# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the consort +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiLeLaFCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] consort's first spouse" => "[Le] premier poux de la consort/[La] premire pouse de la consort" +# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the consort +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiLeLaFConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +### le/la/l' ### + +# Ex: "[the] consort" => "[le/la] consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } + text = { # TEST + localisation_key = string_l_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + AND = { + tag = HAB + government = monarchy + government_rank = 1 + NOT = { government_rank = 2 } + has_female_consort = no + } + AND = { + tag = HAB + government = monarchy + government_rank = 1 + NOT = { government_rank = 2 } + has_female_consort = yes + } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] consort" => "[Le/La] consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[this] consort" => "[ce/cette] consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] consort" => "[Ce/Cette] consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[this] consort" => "[ce/cette] consort" (lower case/minuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "ce" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteFCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] sick person" => "[Cet/Cette] consort" (upper case/majuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "Ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Ce" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteFConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[this] (wo)man" => "[cet/cette] homme/femme" (lower case/minuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "cet" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCetCetteFCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] (wo)man" => "[Cet/Cette] homme/femme" (upper case/majuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "Cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Cet" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCetCetteFConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[his] consort" => "s[on]/s[a] consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetOnACons + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[his] consort" => "s[on]/s[a] consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetOnAFCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[the one] which" => "[celui/celle] qui" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeluiCelleCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_celui_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The one] which" => "[Celui/Celle] qui" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeluiCelleConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_celui_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celle_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] consort" => "[du/de la] consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] consort" => "[Du/De la] consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] new consort" => "[du] nouveau consort/[de la] nouvelle consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] new consort" => "[Du] nouveau consort/[De la] nouvelle consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[to the] consort" => "[au/ la] consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[To the] consort" => "[Au/ la] consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[to the] consort" => "[au/ la] consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[To the] consort" => "[Au/ la] consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[if] he/she" => "[s'il]/[si elle]" (lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_sil_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[If] he/she" => "[S'il]/[Si elle]" (upper case/majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_sil_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielle_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "next regent" => "prochain[/e] rgent[/e]" +defined_text = { + name = GetXECons + text = { + localisation_key = string_XX_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + +# Ex: "The Consort is the spouse of a great ruler" => "Le consort est l'poux d'un[e] grand[e] dirigeant[e]/La consort est l'pouse d'un[] grand[] dirigeant[]" +# Used to define a character the opposite gender of the Consort +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiXECons + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_XX_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + +# Ex: "a [famous] consort" => "un consort fam[eux] / une consort fam[euse]" +defined_text = { + name = GetEuxEuseCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_eux_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_euse_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "the first consort" => "le/la premi[er/re] consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetErEreCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_er_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ere_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[new] consort" => "nouv[eau/elle] consort" +defined_text = { + name = GetEauElleCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_eau_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "The Consort's [wife/husband] is the ruler" => "L'[poux] de la consort est le dirigeant/L'[pouse] du consort est la dirigeante" +# Defines a character the opposite gender of the consort / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui du ou de la consort +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiEpouxEpouseCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_epouse_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_epoux_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "The Consort is the [daughter/son] of a great family" => "Le consort est le [fils] d'une grande famille/La consort est la [fille] d'une grande famille" +# Defines a character the opposite gender of the consort / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui du ou de la consort +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiFilsFilleCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_fille_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fils_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "The consort is the ruler's [brother/sister]" => "La consort est la soeur du dirigeant/La consort est le frre de la dirigeante" +# Defines a character the opposite gender of the consort / Utilis pour dfinir un personnage de sexe oppos celui du ou de la consort +defined_text = { + name = GetAntiFrereSoeurCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_soeur_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frere_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[from him/her]" => "[de lui/d'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_delui_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delle_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[From him/her]" => "[De lui/D'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleConsCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_delui_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delle_cap_FR + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +################################################################# +### Administrative Advisors // Conseillers administratifs ### +################################################################# +# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[He/She] tried" => "[Il/Elle] a tent de" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleAdmCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleAdmCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetQueluiQuelleAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelui_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetQueluiQuelleAdmCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelui_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFAdmCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[the] treasurer" => "[le/la] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] treasurer" => "[Le/La] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLAdmCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of L' / spar pour utiliser L' + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[this] treasurer" => "[ce/cette] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of cet / spar pour utiliser cet + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of cet / spar pour utiliser cet + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] treasurer" => "[Ce/Cette] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteAdmCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of cet / spar pour utiliser cet + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of cet / spar pour utiliser cet + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[this] advisor" => "[ce/cette] conseiller" (lower case/minuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "ce" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteFAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] sick person" => "[Cet/Cette] consort" (upper case/majuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "Ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Ce" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteFAdmCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[this] (wo)man" => "[cet/cette] homme/femme" (lower case/minuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "cet" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCetCetteFAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] (wo)man" => "[Cet/Cette] homme/femme" (upper case/majuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "Cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Cet" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCetCetteFAdmCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[his] adviser" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetOnAAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "(s)on" / spar pour utiliser "(s)on" + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "(s)on" / spar pour utiliser "(s)on" + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "son" / spar pour utiliser "son" + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "son" / spar pour utiliser "son" + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[his] adviser" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetOnAFAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[the one] which" => "[celui/celle] qui" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeluiCelleAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_celui_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The one] which" => "[Celui/Celle] qui" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeluiCelleAdmCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_celui_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[du] conseiller/[de la] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Du] conseiller/[De la] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaAdmCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] new advisor" => "[du] nouveau conseiller/[de la] nouvelle conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] new advisor" => "[Du] nouveau conseiller/[De la] nouvelle conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFAdmCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[to the] treasurer" => "[au/ la] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[To the] treasurer" => "[Au/ la] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaAdmCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[to the] treasurer" => "[au/ la] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[To the] treasurer" => "[Au/ la] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFAdmCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[if] he/she" => "[s'il]/[si elle]" (lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_sil_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[If] he/she" => "[S'il]/[Si elle]" (upper case/majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleAdmCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_sil_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "next treasurer" => "prochain[/e] trsorier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetXEAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_XX_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "a [famous] advisor" => "un conseiller fam[eux] / une conseillre fam[euse]" +defined_text = { + name = GetEuxEuseAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_eux_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_euse_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "the first advisor" => "le/la premi[er/re] conseill[er/re]" +defined_text = { + name = GetErEreAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_er_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ere_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[new] advisor" => "nouv[eau/elle] conseiller/conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetEauElleAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_eau_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[Treasurer]" => "[financer/financire]" (lower case) +defined_text = { + name = GetAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_philosopher_FR + trigger = { + advisor = philosopher + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_natural_scientist_FR + trigger = { + advisor = natural_scientist + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_artist_FR + trigger = { + advisor = artist + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_treasurer_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_treasurer_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_theologian_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_theologian_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_master_of_mint_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_master_of_mint_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inquisitor_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inquisitor_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } +} + + + +# Ex: "[from him/her]" => "[de lui/d'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_delui_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[From him/her]" => "[De lui/D'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleAdmCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_delui_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = philosopher is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = natural_scientist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = artist is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = treasurer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = theologian is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = master_of_mint is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = inquisitor is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +############################################################ +### Diplomatic Advisors // Conseillers diplomatiques ### +############################################################ +# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[He/She] tried" => "[Il/Elle] a tent de" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleDipCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleDipCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetQueluiQuelleDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelui_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetQueluiQuelleDipCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelui_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFDipCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[the] trader" => "[le/la] ngociant(e)" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] trader" => "[Le/La] ngociant(e)" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLDipCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of L' / spar pour utiliser L' + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[this] trader" => "[ce/cette] ngociant(e)" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "cet" / spar pour utiliser "cet" + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] trader" => "[Ce/Cette] ngociant(e)" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteDipCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "Cet" / spar pour utiliser "Cet" + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[this] advisor" => "[ce/cette] conseiller" (lower case/minuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "ce" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteFDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] sick person" => "[Cet/Cette] consort" (upper case/majuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "Ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Ce" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteFDipCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[this] (wo)man" => "[cet/cette] homme/femme" (lower case/minuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "cet" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCetCetteFDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] (wo)man" => "[Cet/Cette] homme/femme" (upper case/majuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "Cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Cet" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCetCetteFDipCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[his] advisor" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetOnADip + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[his] advisor" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetOnAFDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[the one] which" => "[celui/celle] qui" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeluiCelleDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_celui_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The one] which" => "[Celui/Celle] qui" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeluiCelleDipCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_celui_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[du] conseiller/[de la] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Du] conseiller/[De la] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaDipCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] new advisor" => "[du] nouveau conseiller/[de la] nouvelle conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] new advisor" => "[Du] nouveau conseiller/[De la] nouvelle conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFDipCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[to the] trader" => "[au/ la] ngociant(e)" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[To the] trader" => "[Au/ la] ngociant(e)" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaDipCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + #employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_cap_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[to the] trader" => "[au/ la] ngociant(e)" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[To the] trader" => "[Au/ la] ngociant(e)" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFDipCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[if] he/she" => "[s'il]/[si elle]" (lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_sil_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[If] he/she" => "[S'il]/[Si elle]" (upper case/majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleDipCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_sil_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "next trader" => "prochain[/e] ngociant(e)" +defined_text = { + name = GetXEDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_XX_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "a [famous] advisor" => "un conseiller fam[eux] / une conseillre fam[euse]" +defined_text = { + name = GetEuxEuseDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_eux_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_euse_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "the first advisor" => "le/la premi[er/re] conseill[er/re]" +defined_text = { + name = GetErEreDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_er_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ere_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[new] advisor" => "nouv[eau/elle] conseiller/conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetEauElleDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_eau_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[Trader]" => "[ngociant/ngociante]" (lower case) +defined_text = { + name = GetDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_statesman_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_statesman_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_naval_reformer_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_naval_reformer_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_trader_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_trader_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spymaster_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spymaster_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_colonial_governor_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_colonial_governor_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diplomat_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diplomat_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navigator_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navigator_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[from him/her]" => "[de lui/d'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_delui_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[From him/her]" => "[De lui/D'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleDipCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_delui_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = statesman is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = naval_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = trader is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = spymaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = colonial_governor is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = diplomat is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = navigator is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + + +####################################################### +### Military Advisors // Conseillers militaires ### +####################################################### +# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[He/She] tried" => "[Il/Elle] a tent de" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleMilCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleMilCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetQueluiQuelleMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelui_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetQueluiQuelleMilCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelui_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_quelle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFMilCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[the] quartermaster" => "[le/la] fourrier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of l' / spar pour utiliser l' + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] quartermaster" => "[Le/La] fourrier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLMilCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of L' / spar pour utiliser L' + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of L' / spar pour utiliser L' + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of L' / spar pour utiliser L' + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of L' / spar pour utiliser L' + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[this] quartermaster" => "[ce/cette] fourrier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "cet" / spar pour utiliser "cet" + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "cet" / spar pour utiliser "cet" + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] quartermaster" => "[Ce/Cette] fourrier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteMilCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "Cet" / spar pour utiliser "Cet" + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to allow the use of "Cet" / spar pour utiliser "Cet" + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[this] advisor" => "[ce/cette] conseiller" (lower case/minuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "ce" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteFMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] sick person" => "[Cet/Cette] consort" (upper case/majuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "Ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Ce" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteFMilCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_ce_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[this] (wo)man" => "[cet/cette] homme/femme" (lower case/minuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "cet" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCetCetteFMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[This] (wo)man" => "[Cet/Cette] homme/femme" (upper case/majuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "Cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Cet" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCetCetteFMilCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_cet_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cette_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[his] advisor" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetOnAMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "(s)on" / spar pour utiliser "(s)on" + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "(s)on" / spar pour utiliser "(s)on" + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "(s)on" / spar pour utiliser "(s)on" + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to allow the use of "(s)on" / spar pour utiliser "(s)on" + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[his] advisor" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetOnAFMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[the one] which" => "[celui/celle] qui" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeluiCelleMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_celui_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The one] which" => "[Celui/Celle] qui" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeluiCelleMilCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_celui_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[du] conseiller/[de la] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to use "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to use "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to use "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to use "de l'" / spar pour utiliser "de l'" + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Du] conseiller/[De la] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaMilCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to use "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to use "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to use "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to use "De l'" / spar pour utiliser "De l'" + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[du] nouveau conseiller/[de la] nouvelle conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] new advisor" => "[Du] nouveau conseiller/[De la] nouvelle conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFMilCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[to the] quartermaster" => "[au/ la] fourrier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[To the] quartermaster" => "[Au/ la] fourrier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaMilCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + #employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } # separated to allow use of " l'" / spar pour utiliser " l'" + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[to the] quartermaster" => "[au/ la] fourrier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[To the] quartermaster" => "[Au/ la] fourrier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFMilCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[if] he/she" => "[s'il]/[si elle]" (lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_sil_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[If] he/she" => "[S'il]/[Si elle]" (upper case/majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleMilCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_sil_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "next quartermaster" => "prochain[/e] fourrier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetXEMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_XX_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "a [famous] advisor" => "un conseiller fam[eux] / une conseillre fam[euse]" +defined_text = { + name = GetEuxEuseMIl + text = { + localisation_key = string_eux_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_euse_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "a [famous] advisor" => "un conseiller fam[eux] / une conseillre fam[euse]" +defined_text = { + name = GetEuxEuseMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_eux_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_euse_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "the first advisor" => "(le/la) premi[er/re] conseill[er/re]" +defined_text = { + name = GetErEreMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_er_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ere_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[new] advisor" => "nouv[eau/elle] conseiller/conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetEauElleMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_eau_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[Quartermaster]" => "[fourrier/ire]" (lower case) +defined_text = { + name = GetMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_army_reformer_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_army_reformer_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_army_organiser_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_army_organiser_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_commandant_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_commandant_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_quartermaster_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_quartermaster_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_recruitmaster_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_recruitmaster_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fortification_expert_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fortification_expert_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_grand_captain_male_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_grand_captain_fem_FR + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[from him/her]" => "[de lui/d'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_delui_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[From him/her]" => "[De lui/D'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleMilCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_delui_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_male = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_male = yes } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + employed_advisor = { type = army_reformer is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = army_organiser is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = commandant is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = quartermaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = recruitmaster is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = fortification_expert is_female = yes } + employed_advisor = { type = grand_captain is_female = yes } + } + } + } +} + + + +##################################################################################### +### New Court Flavour Advisors // Conseillers des nouveaux vnements de cour ### +##################################################################################### + +#GetTitle of the correct advisor +defined_text = { + name = GetEventAdvisorTitleMinus + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorTitleMinus.A + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorTitleMinus.D + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorTitleMinus.M + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + + + +# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetEventAdvisorIlElle + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorSheHe.A + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorSheHe.D + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorSheHe.M + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} +defined_text = { + name = GetEventAdvisorIlElleCap + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorSheHeCap.A + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorSheHeCap.D + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorSheHeCap.M + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetEventAdvisorLeLaF + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorLeLaF.A + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorLeLaF.D + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorLeLaF.M + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} +# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetEventAdvisorLeLaFCap + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorLeLaFCap.A + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorLeLaFCap.D + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorLeLaFCap.M + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetEventAdvisorLuiElle + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorHerHim.A + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorHerHim.D + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorHerHim.M + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetEventAdvisorLuiElleCap + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorHerHimCap.A + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorHerHimCap.D + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorHerHimCap.M + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetEventAdvisorQueluiQuelle + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorQueluiQuelle.A + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorQueluiQuelle.D + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorQueluiQuelle.M + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetEventAdvisorQueluiQuelleCap + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorQueluiQuelleCap.A + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorQueluiQuelleCap.D + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorQueluiQuelleCap.M + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "next treasurer" => "prochain[/e] trsorier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetEventAdvisorXE + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorXE.A + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorXE.D + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorXE.M + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "such a treasurer" => "un(e) t[el/elle] trsorier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetEventAdvisorElElleF + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorElElle.A + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorElElle.D + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = EventAdvisorElElle.M + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "(s)he is a brilliant [man/woman]" => "c'est un(e) [homme/femme] brillant(e)" +defined_text = { + name = GetEventAdvisorManWoman + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = GetEventAdvisorManWoman.A + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = GetEventAdvisorManWoman.D + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = GetEventAdvisorManWoman.M + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "this is a brilliant advisor" => "c'est un(e) exellent(e) conseill[er/ere]" +defined_text = { + name = GetEventAdvisorErEre + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = GetEventAdvisorErEre.A + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = GetEventAdvisorErEre.D + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = GetEventAdvisorErEre.M + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + +################################################### +### Religion Groups // Familles religieuses ### +################################################### + +### Ex: "[Christianity]" => "[christianisme]" +defined_text = { + name = GetFamRelN + text = { + localisation_key = string_christian_n_FR + trigger = { religion_group = christian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muslim_n_FR + trigger = { religion_group = muslim } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_n_FR + trigger = { religion_group = eastern } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dharmic_n_FR + trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pagan_n_FR + trigger = { religion_group = pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_group_n_FR + trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_n_FR + trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_rel + trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidi_rel + trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = american_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = american_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = north_europe_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = north_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = central_europe_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = central_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = steppe_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = steppe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = asian_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = asian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = south_europe_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = south_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = african_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mena_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = mena_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtic_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = celtic_pagan } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Muslim] believer" => "Un croyant [musulman]" (singular masculine/masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetFamRelMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_christian_ms_FR + trigger = { religion_group = christian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muslim_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { religion_group = muslim religion_group = muslirel } } # La Pliade + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { religion_group = eastern religion_group = easterrel } } # La Pliade + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dharmic_s_FR + trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pagan_ms_FR + trigger = { religion_group = pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_group_ms_FR + trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_ms_FR + trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_ms + trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidi_ms + trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = american_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = american_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = north_europe_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = north_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = central_europe_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = central_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = steppe_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = steppe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = asian_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = asian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = south_europe_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = south_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = african_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mena_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = mena_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtic_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = celtic_pagan } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Muslim] doctrine" => "une doctrine [musulmane]" (singular feminine/fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetFamRelFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_christian_fs_FR + trigger = { religion_group = christian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muslim_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { religion_group = muslim religion_group = muslirel } } # La Pliade + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { religion_group = eastern religion_group = easterrel } } # La Pliade + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dharmic_s_FR + trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pagan_fs_FR + trigger = { religion_group = pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_group_fs_FR + trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_fs_FR + trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fs + trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidi_fs + trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = american_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = american_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = north_europe_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = north_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = central_europe_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = central_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = steppe_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = steppe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = asian_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = asian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = south_europe_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = south_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = african_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mena_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = mena_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtic_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = celtic_pagan } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Muslim] believers" => "les croyants [musulmans]" (plural masculine/masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetFamRelMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_christian_mp_FR + trigger = { religion_group = christian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muslim_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { religion_group = muslim religion_group = muslirel } } # La Pliade + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { religion_group = eastern religion_group = easterrel } } # La Pliade + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dharmic_p_FR + trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pagan_mp_FR + trigger = { religion_group = pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_group_mp_FR + trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_mp_FR + trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_mp + trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidi_mp + trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = american_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = american_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = north_europe_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = north_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = central_europe_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = central_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = steppe_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = steppe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = asian_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = asian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = south_europe_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = south_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = african_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mena_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = mena_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtic_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = celtic_pagan } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Muslim] doctrines" => "les doctrines [musulmanes]" (plural feminine/fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetFamRelFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_christian_fp_FR + trigger = { religion_group = christian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muslim_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { religion_group = muslim religion_group = muslirel } } # La Pliade + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { religion_group = eastern religion_group = easterrel } } # La Pliade + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dharmic_p_FR + trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pagan_fp_FR + trigger = { religion_group = pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_group_fp_FR + trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_fp_FR + trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fp + trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidi_fp + trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = american_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = american_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = north_europe_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = north_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = central_europe_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = central_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = steppe_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = steppe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = asian_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = asian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = south_europe_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = south_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = african_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mena_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = mena_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtic_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = celtic_pagan } + } +} + + +### Ex: "This is Christianity" => "Voil ce qu'est [le] christianisme / [l']islam" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFamRel + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "Christianity is..." => "Le [christianisme] / [L']islam est..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFamRelCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A precept [of] Christianity" => "Un prcepte [du] christianisme" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFamRel + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[Of] Christianity is born" => "[Du] christianisme / [De l']islam est n" (= upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFamRelCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "It belongs [to] Christianity" => "Il appartient [au] christianisme/[ l']islam" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFamRel + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[To] Christianity belongs..." => "[Au] christianisme/[ l']islam appartient..." (= upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFamRelCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } +} + + + +################################################### +### Religion (Main) // Religions (principale) ### +################################################### + +### Ex: "[Protestantism] is..." => "Le [protestantisme] est..." +defined_text = { + name = GetRelN + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_n_FR + trigger = { religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_n_FR + trigger = { religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_n_FR + trigger = { religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_n_FR + trigger = { religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_n_FR + trigger = { religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_n_FR + trigger = { religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_n_FR + trigger = { religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_n_FR + trigger = { religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_n_FR + trigger = { religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_n_FR + trigger = { religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_n_FR + trigger = { religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_n_FR + trigger = { religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_n_FR + trigger = { religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_n_FR + trigger = { religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_n_FR + trigger = { religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_n_FR + trigger = { religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_n_FR + trigger = { religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_n_FR + trigger = { religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_n_FR + trigger = { religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_n_FR + trigger = { religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_n_FR + trigger = { religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_n_FR + trigger = { religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_n_FR + trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_n_FR + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_n_FR + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_n_FR + trigger = { religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_n_FR + trigger = { religion = zoroastrian } + } + + # From CK3 - they're the default name anyway + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_rel + trigger = { religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_rel + trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church # Krstjani + trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila # Qadariyah + trigger = { religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist + trigger = { religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite + trigger = { religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism + trigger = { religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism + trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism + trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism + trigger = { religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism + trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism + trigger = { religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic + trigger = { religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism + trigger = { religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism + trigger = { religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism + trigger = { religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism + trigger = { religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism + trigger = { religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_rel # Uralic + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_rel + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan # Turumism + trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite + trigger = { religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism + trigger = { religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism + trigger = { religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism + trigger = { religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_rel + trigger = { religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_rel + trigger = { religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_rel + trigger = { religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_rel + trigger = { religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_rel + trigger = { religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_rel + trigger = { religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_rel + trigger = { religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_rel + trigger = { religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_rel + trigger = { religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_rel + trigger = { religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_rel + trigger = { religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri + trigger = { religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism + trigger = { religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite + trigger = { religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze + trigger = { religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi + trigger = { religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_rel + trigger = { religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_religion_rel + trigger = { religion = pagan_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan + trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_rel + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_rel + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_rel + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon + trigger = { religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed + trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki + trigger = { religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_rel + trigger = { religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta + trigger = { religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_rel + trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_rel + trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_rel + trigger = { religion = jain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = germanic_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = germanic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = anglo_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = anglo_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cybelene_rel + trigger = { religion = cybelene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zamolxism_rel + trigger = { religion = zamolxism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mithraism_rel + trigger = { religion = mithraism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = arab_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = arab_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = armenian_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = armenian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = caucasian_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iberian_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = iberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = scythian_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = scythian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = briton_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = briton_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gallic_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = gallic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gaelic_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtiberian_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = atenism_rel + trigger = { religion = atenism } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] believer" => "Un croyant [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetRelMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR + trigger = { religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR + trigger = { religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR + trigger = { religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR + trigger = { religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR + trigger = { religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR + trigger = { religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR + trigger = { religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_ms + trigger = { religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms + trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani + trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah + trigger = { religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_ms + trigger = { religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_ms + trigger = { religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms + trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms + trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_ms + trigger = { religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms + trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_ms + trigger = { religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_ms + trigger = { religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_ms + trigger = { religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_ms + trigger = { religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_ms + trigger = { religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_ms + trigger = { religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_ms + trigger = { religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism + trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_ms + trigger = { religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_ms + trigger = { religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_ms + trigger = { religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_ms + trigger = { religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_ms + trigger = { religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_ms + trigger = { religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_ms + trigger = { religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_ms + trigger = { religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_ms + trigger = { religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_ms + trigger = { religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_ms + trigger = { religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_ms + trigger = { religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_ms + trigger = { religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_ms + trigger = { religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_ms + trigger = { religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_ms + trigger = { religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_ms + trigger = { religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_ms + trigger = { religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_ms + trigger = { religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_ms + trigger = { religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_msigion_ms + trigger = { religion = pagan_msigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_ms + trigger = { religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_ms + trigger = { religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_ms + trigger = { religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_ms + trigger = { religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms + trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms + trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_ms + trigger = { religion = jain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = germanic_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = germanic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = anglo_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = anglo_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cybelene_ms + trigger = { religion = cybelene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zamolxism_ms + trigger = { religion = zamolxism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mithraism_ms + trigger = { religion = mithraism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = arab_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = arab_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = armenian_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = armenian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = caucasian_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iberian_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = iberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = scythian_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = scythian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = briton_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = briton_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gallic_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = gallic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gaelic_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtiberian_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = atenism_ms + trigger = { religion = atenism } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] doctrine" => "une doctrine [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetRelFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR + trigger = { religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR + trigger = { religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR + trigger = { religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR + trigger = { religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR + trigger = { religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR + trigger = { religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR + trigger = { religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fs + trigger = { religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs + trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani + trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah + trigger = { religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fs + trigger = { religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fs + trigger = { religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs + trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs + trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fs + trigger = { religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs + trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fs + trigger = { religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fs + trigger = { religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fs + trigger = { religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fs + trigger = { religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fs + trigger = { religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fs + trigger = { religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fs + trigger = { religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism + trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fs + trigger = { religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fs + trigger = { religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fs + trigger = { religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fs + trigger = { religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fs + trigger = { religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fs + trigger = { religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fs + trigger = { religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fs + trigger = { religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fs + trigger = { religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fs + trigger = { religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fs + trigger = { religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fs + trigger = { religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fs + trigger = { religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fs + trigger = { religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fs + trigger = { religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fs + trigger = { religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fs + trigger = { religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fs + trigger = { religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fs + trigger = { religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fs + trigger = { religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_fsigion_fs + trigger = { religion = pagan_fsigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fs + trigger = { religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fs + trigger = { religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fs + trigger = { religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fs + trigger = { religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs + trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs + trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fs + trigger = { religion = jain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = germanic_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = germanic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = anglo_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = anglo_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cybelene_fs + trigger = { religion = cybelene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zamolxism_fs + trigger = { religion = zamolxism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mithraism_fs + trigger = { religion = mithraism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = arab_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = arab_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = armenian_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = armenian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = caucasian_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iberian_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = iberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = scythian_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = scythian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = briton_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = briton_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gallic_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = gallic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gaelic_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtiberian_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = atenism_fs + trigger = { religion = atenism } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] believers" => "les croyants [protestants]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetRelMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR + trigger = { religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR + trigger = { religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR + trigger = { religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR + trigger = { religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR + trigger = { religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR + trigger = { religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR + trigger = { religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_mp + trigger = { religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp + trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani + trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah + trigger = { religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_mp + trigger = { religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_mp + trigger = { religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp + trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp + trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_mp + trigger = { religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp + trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_mp + trigger = { religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_mp + trigger = { religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_mp + trigger = { religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_mp + trigger = { religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_mp + trigger = { religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_mp + trigger = { religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_mp + trigger = { religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism + trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_mp + trigger = { religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_mp + trigger = { religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_mp + trigger = { religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_mp + trigger = { religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_mp + trigger = { religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_mp + trigger = { religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_mp + trigger = { religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_mp + trigger = { religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_mp + trigger = { religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_mp + trigger = { religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_mp + trigger = { religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_mp + trigger = { religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_mp + trigger = { religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_mp + trigger = { religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_mp + trigger = { religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_mp + trigger = { religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_mp + trigger = { religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_mp + trigger = { religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_mp + trigger = { religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_mp + trigger = { religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_mpigion_mp + trigger = { religion = pagan_mpigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_mp + trigger = { religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_mp + trigger = { religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_mp + trigger = { religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_mp + trigger = { religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp + trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp + trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_mp + trigger = { religion = jain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = germanic_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = germanic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = anglo_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = anglo_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cybelene_mp + trigger = { religion = cybelene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zamolxism_mp + trigger = { religion = zamolxism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mithraism_mp + trigger = { religion = mithraism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = arab_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = arab_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = armenian_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = armenian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = caucasian_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iberian_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = iberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = scythian_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = scythian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = briton_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = briton_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gallic_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = gallic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gaelic_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtiberian_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = atenism_mp + trigger = { religion = atenism } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] doctrines" => "les doctrines [protestantes]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetRelFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR + trigger = { religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR + trigger = { religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR + trigger = { religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR + trigger = { religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR + trigger = { religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR + trigger = { religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR + trigger = { religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fp + trigger = { religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp + trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani + trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah + trigger = { religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fp + trigger = { religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fp + trigger = { religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp + trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp + trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fp + trigger = { religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp + trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fp + trigger = { religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fp + trigger = { religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fp + trigger = { religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fp + trigger = { religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fp + trigger = { religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fp + trigger = { religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fp + trigger = { religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism + trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fp + trigger = { religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fp + trigger = { religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fp + trigger = { religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fp + trigger = { religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fp + trigger = { religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fp + trigger = { religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fp + trigger = { religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fp + trigger = { religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fp + trigger = { religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fp + trigger = { religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fp + trigger = { religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fp + trigger = { religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fp + trigger = { religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fp + trigger = { religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fp + trigger = { religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fp + trigger = { religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fp + trigger = { religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fp + trigger = { religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fp + trigger = { religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fp + trigger = { religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_fpigion_fp + trigger = { religion = pagan_fpigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fp + trigger = { religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fp + trigger = { religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fp + trigger = { religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fp + trigger = { religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp + trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp + trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fp + trigger = { religion = jain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = germanic_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = germanic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = anglo_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = anglo_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cybelene_fp + trigger = { religion = cybelene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zamolxism_fp + trigger = { religion = zamolxism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mithraism_fp + trigger = { religion = mithraism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = arab_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = arab_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = armenian_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = armenian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = caucasian_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iberian_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = iberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = scythian_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = scythian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = briton_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = briton_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gallic_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = gallic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gaelic_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtiberian_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = atenism_fp + trigger = { religion = atenism } + } +} + + +### Ex: "Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism is..." => "[le] sunnisme/[la] Rforme/[l']iconoclasme est..." (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaRel + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes + frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism is..." => "[Le] sunnisme/[La] Rforme/[L']iconoclasme est..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaRelCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes + frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "Priests propagate [it] (= sunnism/orthodoxy)" => "Le clerg [le] diffuse (= le sunnisme)/[la] diffuse (= l'orthoxie)" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFRel + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes + frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes + frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "Propagate [it] is important. (= sunnism/orthodoxy)" => "[Le]/[La] diffuser est important. (= sunnisme/orthoxie)" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFRelCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes + frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes + frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A precept [of] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism " => "un prcepte [du] sunnisme/[de la] Rforme/[de l']iconoclasme" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaRel + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes + frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[Of] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism is born" => "[Du] sunnisme/[De la] Rforme/[De l']iconoclasme est n..." (= upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaRelCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes + frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[to] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism " => "[au] sunnisme/[ la] Rforme/[ l']iconoclasme" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaRel + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes + frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[To] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism belongs" => "[Au] sunnisme/[ la] Rforme/[ l']iconoclasme appartient..." (= upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaRelCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_religion_masc_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_religion_fem_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_religion_masc_vow = yes + frloc_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +##################################################### +### Secondary Religion // Religions secondaires ### +##################################################### + +### Ex: "[Protestantism] is..." => "Le [protestantisme] est..." +defined_text = { + name = GetRelSecN + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_n_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = zoroastrian } + } + + # From CK3 - they're the default name anyway + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church # Krstjani + trigger = { secondary_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila # Qadariyah + trigger = { secondary_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist + trigger = { secondary_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite + trigger = { secondary_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism + trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism + trigger = { secondary_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism + trigger = { secondary_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism + trigger = { secondary_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism + trigger = { secondary_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism + trigger = { secondary_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic + trigger = { secondary_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism + trigger = { secondary_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism + trigger = { secondary_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism + trigger = { secondary_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism + trigger = { secondary_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism + trigger = { secondary_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan + trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed + trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_rel # Uralic + trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan # Turumism + trigger = { secondary_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite + trigger = { secondary_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism + trigger = { secondary_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism + trigger = { secondary_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism + trigger = { secondary_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri + trigger = { secondary_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism + trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite + trigger = { secondary_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze + trigger = { secondary_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi + trigger = { secondary_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_religion_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = pagan_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan + trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed + trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan + trigger = { secondary_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan + trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed + trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon + trigger = { secondary_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed + trigger = { secondary_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki + trigger = { secondary_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta + trigger = { secondary_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = jain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = germanic_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = germanic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = anglo_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = anglo_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cybelene_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = cybelene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zamolxism_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = zamolxism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mithraism_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = mithraism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = arab_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = arab_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = armenian_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = armenian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = caucasian_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iberian_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = iberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = scythian_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = scythian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = briton_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = briton_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gallic_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = gallic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gaelic_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtiberian_pagan_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = atenism_rel + trigger = { secondary_religion = atenism } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] believer" => "Un croyant [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetRelSecMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani + trigger = { secondary_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah + trigger = { secondary_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic + trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism + trigger = { secondary_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_msigion_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = pagan_msigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = jain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = germanic_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = germanic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = anglo_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = anglo_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cybelene_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = cybelene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zamolxism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = zamolxism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mithraism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = mithraism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = arab_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = arab_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = armenian_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = armenian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = caucasian_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iberian_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = iberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = scythian_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = scythian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = briton_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = briton_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gallic_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = gallic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gaelic_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtiberian_pagan_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = atenism_ms + trigger = { secondary_religion = atenism } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] doctrine" => "une doctrine [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetRelSecFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani + trigger = { secondary_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah + trigger = { secondary_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic + trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism + trigger = { secondary_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_fsigion_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = pagan_fsigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = jain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = germanic_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = germanic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = anglo_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = anglo_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cybelene_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = cybelene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zamolxism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = zamolxism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mithraism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = mithraism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = arab_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = arab_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = armenian_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = armenian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = caucasian_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iberian_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = iberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = scythian_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = scythian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = briton_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = briton_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gallic_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = gallic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gaelic_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtiberian_pagan_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = atenism_fs + trigger = { secondary_religion = atenism } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] believers" => "les croyants [protestants]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetRelSecMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani + trigger = { secondary_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah + trigger = { secondary_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic + trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism + trigger = { secondary_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_mpigion_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = pagan_mpigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = jain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = germanic_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = germanic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = anglo_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = anglo_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cybelene_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = cybelene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zamolxism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = zamolxism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mithraism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = mithraism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = arab_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = arab_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = armenian_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = armenian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = caucasian_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iberian_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = iberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = scythian_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = scythian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = briton_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = briton_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gallic_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = gallic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gaelic_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtiberian_pagan_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = atenism_mp + trigger = { secondary_religion = atenism } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] doctrines" => "les doctrines [protestantes]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetRelSecFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR + trigger = { secondary_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani + trigger = { secondary_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah + trigger = { secondary_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic + trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism + trigger = { secondary_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_fpigion_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = pagan_fpigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = jain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = germanic_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = germanic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = anglo_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = anglo_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cybelene_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = cybelene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zamolxism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = zamolxism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mithraism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = mithraism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = arab_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = arab_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = armenian_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = armenian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = caucasian_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iberian_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = iberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = scythian_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = scythian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = briton_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = briton_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gallic_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = gallic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gaelic_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtiberian_pagan_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = atenism_fp + trigger = { secondary_religion = atenism } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[the] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism " => "[le] sunnisme/[la] Rforme/[l']iconoclasme" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaRelSec + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[The] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism " => "[Le] sunnisme/[La] Rforme/[L']iconoclasme" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaRelSecCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "propagate [it] (sunnism/orthodoxy)" => "[le] diffuser (sunnisme)/[la] diffuser (orthodoxie)" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFRelSec + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "Propagate [it] (sunnism/orthodoxy)" => "[Le] diffuser (sunnisme)/[La] diffuser (orthodoxie)" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFRelSecCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "a precept [of] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism" => "un prcepte [du] sunnisme/[de la] Rforme/[de l']iconoclasme" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaRelSec + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[Of the] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism " => "[Du] sunnisme/[De la] Rforme/[De l']iconoclasme" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaRelSecCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[to] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism " => "[au] sunnisme/[ la] Rforme/[ l']iconoclasme" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaRelSec + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[To] Sunnism/Reform/Hinduism " => "[Au] sunnisme/[ la] Rforme/[ l']iconoclasme" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaRelSecCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_secondary_religion_masc_vow = yes + frloc_secondary_religion_fem_vow = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +############################################################################## +### Culture Group Adjectives // Adjectifs pour les sphres culturelles ### +############################################################################## + +### Ex: "(Tuscan) is a [Latin] language" => "Le (toscan) est un parler [latin]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetSphCultMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_germanic_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = germanic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scandinavian_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = scandinavian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_british_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = british } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaelic_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = gaelic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latin_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = latin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iberian_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = iberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_french_m_FR + trigger = { culture_group = french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finno_ugric_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = finno_ugric } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_south_slavic_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = south_slavic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_west_slavic_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = west_slavic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carpathian_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = carpathian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_east_slavic_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = east_slavic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baltic_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = baltic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byzantine_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = byzantine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caucasian_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = caucasian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turko_semitic_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = turko_semitic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maghrebi_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = maghrebi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iranian_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = iranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_altaic_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = altaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_american_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = central_american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aridoamerican_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = aridoamerican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maya_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = maya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomanguean_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = otomanguean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andean_group_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = andean_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_je_tupi_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = je_tupi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_je_FR + trigger = { culture_group = je } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maranon_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = maranon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chibchan_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = chibchan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mataco_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = mataco } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_araucanian_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = araucanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carribean_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = carribean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eskaleut_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = eskaleut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_algonquian_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = central_algonquian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_plains_algonquian_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = plains_algonquian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_algonquian_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = eastern_algonquian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR + trigger = { culture_group = iroquoian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siouan_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = siouan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddoan_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = caddoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muskogean_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = muskogean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sonoran_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = sonoran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apachean_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = apachean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_na_dene_FR + trigger = { culture_group = na_dene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_penutian_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = penutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_east_asian_m_FR + trigger = { culture_group = east_asian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_g_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = korean_g } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_g_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = japanese_g } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malay_m_FR + trigger = { culture_group = malay } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_southeastasian_group_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = southeastasian_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burman_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = burman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pacific_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = pacific } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_aryan_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = eastern_aryan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hindusthani_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = hindusthani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_western_aryan_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = western_aryan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dravidian_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = dravidian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_indic_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = central_indic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mande_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = mande } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sahelian_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = sahelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_west_african_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = west_african } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_southern_african_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = southern_african } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongo_group_m_FR + trigger = { culture_group = kongo_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_african_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = african } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cushitic_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = cushitic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sudanese_m_FR + trigger = { culture_group = sudanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenks_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = evenks } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_g_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = kamchatkan_g } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tartar_ms_FR + trigger = { culture_group = tartar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lost_cultures_group_FR + trigger = { culture_group = lost_cultures_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_israelite_ms + trigger = { culture_group = israelite} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oghuz_ms + trigger = { culture_group = oghuz} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gothic_group_ms + trigger = { culture_group = gothic_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_barbaro_germanic_ms + trigger = { culture_group = barbaro_germanic} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_group_ms + trigger = { culture_group = roman_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_equine_group_ms + trigger = { culture_group = equine_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cat_group_ms + trigger = { culture_group = cat_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bear_group_ms + trigger = { culture_group = bear_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hedgehog_group_ms + trigger = { culture_group = hedgehog_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_duck_group_ms + trigger = { culture_group = duck_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dog_group_ms + trigger = { culture_group = dog_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elephant_group_ms + trigger = { culture_group = elephant_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dragon_group_ms + trigger = { culture_group = dragon_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_red_panda_group_ms + trigger = { culture_group = red_panda_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_punic_group_ms + trigger = { culture_group = punic_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_mashriqi_ms + trigger = { culture_group = old_mashriqi} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chaldean_ms + trigger = { culture_group = chaldean} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hittite_group_ms + trigger = { culture_group = hittite_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_group_ms + trigger = { culture_group = scythian_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celts_ms + trigger = { culture_group = celts} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dacian_group_ms + trigger = { culture_group = dacian_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tyrrhenian_ms + trigger = { culture_group = tyrrhenian} + } +} + + +### Ex: "Culture X is a [Latin] culture." => "La culture X est une culture [latine]." (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetSphCultFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_germanic_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = germanic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scandinavian_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = scandinavian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_british_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = british } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaelic_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = gaelic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latin_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = latin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iberian_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = iberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_french_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finno_ugric_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = finno_ugric } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_south_slavic_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = south_slavic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_west_slavic_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = west_slavic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carpathian_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = carpathian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_east_slavic_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = east_slavic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baltic_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = baltic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byzantine_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = byzantine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caucasian_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = caucasian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turko_semitic_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = turko_semitic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maghrebi_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = maghrebi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iranian_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = iranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_altaic_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = altaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_american_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = central_american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aridoamerican_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = aridoamerican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maya_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = maya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomanguean_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = otomanguean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andean_group_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = andean_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_je_tupi_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = je_tupi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_je_FR + trigger = { culture_group = je } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maranon_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = maranon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chibchan_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = chibchan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mataco_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = mataco } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_araucanian_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = araucanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carribean_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = carribean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eskaleut_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = eskaleut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_algonquian_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = central_algonquian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_plains_algonquian_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = plains_algonquian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_algonquian_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = eastern_algonquian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = iroquoian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siouan_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = siouan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddoan_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = caddoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muskogean_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = muskogean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sonoran_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = sonoran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apachean_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = apachean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_na_dene_FR + trigger = { culture_group = na_dene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_penutian_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = penutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_east_asian_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = east_asian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_g_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = korean_g } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_g_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = japanese_g } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malay_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = malay } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_southeastasian_group_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = southeastasian_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burman_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = burman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pacific_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = pacific } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_aryan_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = eastern_aryan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hindusthani_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = hindusthani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_western_aryan_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = western_aryan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dravidian_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = dravidian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_indic_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = central_indic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mande_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = mande } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sahelian_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = sahelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_west_african_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = west_african } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_southern_african_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = southern_african } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongo_group_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = kongo_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_african_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = african } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cushitic_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = cushitic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sudanese_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = sudanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenks_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = evenks } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_g_s_FR + trigger = { culture_group = kamchatkan_g } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tartar_fs_FR + trigger = { culture_group = tartar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lost_cultures_group_FR + trigger = { culture_group = lost_cultures_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_israelite_fs + trigger = { culture_group = israelite} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oghuz_fs + trigger = { culture_group = oghuz} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gothic_group_fs + trigger = { culture_group = gothic_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_barbaro_germanic_fs + trigger = { culture_group = barbaro_germanic} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_group_fs + trigger = { culture_group = roman_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_equine_group_fs + trigger = { culture_group = equine_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cat_group_fs + trigger = { culture_group = cat_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bear_group_fs + trigger = { culture_group = bear_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hedgehog_group_fs + trigger = { culture_group = hedgehog_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_duck_group_fs + trigger = { culture_group = duck_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dog_group_fs + trigger = { culture_group = dog_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elephant_group_fs + trigger = { culture_group = elephant_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dragon_group_fs + trigger = { culture_group = dragon_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_red_panda_group_fs + trigger = { culture_group = red_panda_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_punic_group_fs + trigger = { culture_group = punic_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_mashriqi_fs + trigger = { culture_group = old_mashriqi} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chaldean_fs + trigger = { culture_group = chaldean} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hittite_group_fs + trigger = { culture_group = hittite_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_group_fs + trigger = { culture_group = scythian_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celts_fs + trigger = { culture_group = celts} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dacian_group_fs + trigger = { culture_group = dacian_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tyrrhenian_fs + trigger = { culture_group = tyrrhenian} + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Latin]" => "[latins]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetSphCultMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_germanic_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = germanic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scandinavian_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = scandinavian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_british_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = british } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaelic_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = gaelic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latin_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = latin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iberian_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = iberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_french_m_FR + trigger = { culture_group = french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finno_ugric_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = finno_ugric } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_south_slavic_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = south_slavic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_west_slavic_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = west_slavic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carpathian_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = carpathian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_east_slavic_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = east_slavic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baltic_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = baltic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byzantine_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = byzantine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caucasian_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = caucasian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turko_semitic_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = turko_semitic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maghrebi_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = maghrebi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iranian_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = iranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_altaic_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = altaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_american_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = central_american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aridoamerican_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = aridoamerican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maya_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = maya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomanguean_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = otomanguean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andean_group_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = andean_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_je_tupi_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = je_tupi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_je_FR + trigger = { culture_group = je } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maranon_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = maranon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chibchan_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = chibchan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mataco_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = mataco } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_araucanian_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = araucanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carribean_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = carribean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eskaleut_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = eskaleut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_algonquian_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = central_algonquian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_plains_algonquian_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = plains_algonquian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_algonquian_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = eastern_algonquian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR + trigger = { culture_group = iroquoian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siouan_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = siouan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddoan_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = caddoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muskogean_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = muskogean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sonoran_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = sonoran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apachean_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = apachean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_na_dene_FR + trigger = { culture_group = na_dene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_penutian_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = penutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_east_asian_m_FR + trigger = { culture_group = east_asian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_g_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = korean_g } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_g_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = japanese_g } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malay_m_FR + trigger = { culture_group = malay } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_southeastasian_group_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = southeastasian_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burman_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = burman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pacific_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = pacific } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_aryan_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = eastern_aryan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hindusthani_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = hindusthani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_western_aryan_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = western_aryan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dravidian_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = dravidian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_indic_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = central_indic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mande_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = mande } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sahelian_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = sahelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_west_african_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = west_african } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_southern_african_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = southern_african } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongo_group_m_FR + trigger = { culture_group = kongo_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_african_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = african } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cushitic_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = cushitic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sudanese_m_FR + trigger = { culture_group = sudanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenks_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = evenks } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_g_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = kamchatkan_g } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tartar_mp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = tartar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lost_cultures_group_FR + trigger = { culture_group = lost_cultures_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_israelite_mp + trigger = { culture_group = israelite} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oghuz_mp + trigger = { culture_group = oghuz} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gothic_group_mp + trigger = { culture_group = gothic_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_barbaro_germanic_mp + trigger = { culture_group = barbaro_germanic} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_group_mp + trigger = { culture_group = roman_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_equine_group_mp + trigger = { culture_group = equine_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cat_group_mp + trigger = { culture_group = cat_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bear_group_mp + trigger = { culture_group = bear_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hedgehog_group_mp + trigger = { culture_group = hedgehog_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_duck_group_mp + trigger = { culture_group = duck_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dog_group_mp + trigger = { culture_group = dog_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elephant_group_mp + trigger = { culture_group = elephant_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dragon_group_mp + trigger = { culture_group = dragon_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_red_panda_group_mp + trigger = { culture_group = red_panda_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_punic_group_mp + trigger = { culture_group = punic_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_mashriqi_mp + trigger = { culture_group = old_mashriqi} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chaldean_mp + trigger = { culture_group = chaldean} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hittite_group_mp + trigger = { culture_group = hittite_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_group_mp + trigger = { culture_group = scythian_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celts_mp + trigger = { culture_group = celts} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dacian_group_mp + trigger = { culture_group = dacian_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tyrrhenian_mp + trigger = { culture_group = tyrrhenian} + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Latin]" => "[latines]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetSphCultFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_germanic_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = germanic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scandinavian_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = scandinavian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_british_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = british } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaelic_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = gaelic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latin_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = latin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iberian_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = iberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_french_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finno_ugric_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = finno_ugric } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_south_slavic_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = south_slavic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_west_slavic_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = west_slavic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carpathian_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = carpathian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_east_slavic_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = east_slavic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baltic_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = baltic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byzantine_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = byzantine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caucasian_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = caucasian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turko_semitic_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = turko_semitic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maghrebi_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = maghrebi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iranian_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = iranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_altaic_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = altaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_american_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = central_american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aridoamerican_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = aridoamerican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maya_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = maya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomanguean_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = otomanguean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andean_group_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = andean_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_je_tupi_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = je_tupi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_je_FR + trigger = { culture_group = je } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maranon_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = maranon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chibchan_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = chibchan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mataco_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = mataco } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_araucanian_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = araucanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carribean_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = carribean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eskaleut_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = eskaleut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_algonquian_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = central_algonquian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_plains_algonquian_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = plains_algonquian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_algonquian_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = eastern_algonquian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = iroquoian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siouan_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = siouan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddoan_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = caddoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muskogean_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = muskogean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sonoran_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = sonoran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apachean_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = apachean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_na_dene_FR + trigger = { culture_group = na_dene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_penutian_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = penutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_east_asian_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = east_asian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_g_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = korean_g } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_g_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = japanese_g } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malay_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = malay } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_southeastasian_group_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = southeastasian_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burman_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = burman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pacific_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = pacific } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_aryan_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = eastern_aryan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hindusthani_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = hindusthani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_western_aryan_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = western_aryan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dravidian_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = dravidian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_indic_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = central_indic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mande_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = mande } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sahelian_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = sahelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_west_african_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = west_african } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_southern_african_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = southern_african } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongo_group_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = kongo_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_african_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = african } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cushitic_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = cushitic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sudanese_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = sudanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenks_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = evenks } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_g_p_FR + trigger = { culture_group = kamchatkan_g } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tartar_fp_FR + trigger = { culture_group = tartar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lost_cultures_group_FR + trigger = { culture_group = lost_cultures_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_israelite_fp + trigger = { culture_group = israelite} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oghuz_fp + trigger = { culture_group = oghuz} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gothic_group_fp + trigger = { culture_group = gothic_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_barbaro_germanic_fp + trigger = { culture_group = barbaro_germanic} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_group_fp + trigger = { culture_group = roman_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_equine_group_fp + trigger = { culture_group = equine_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cat_group_fp + trigger = { culture_group = cat_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bear_group_fp + trigger = { culture_group = bear_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hedgehog_group_fp + trigger = { culture_group = hedgehog_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_duck_group_fp + trigger = { culture_group = duck_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dog_group_fp + trigger = { culture_group = dog_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elephant_group_fp + trigger = { culture_group = elephant_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dragon_group_fp + trigger = { culture_group = dragon_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_red_panda_group_fp + trigger = { culture_group = red_panda_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_punic_group_fp + trigger = { culture_group = punic_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_mashriqi_fp + trigger = { culture_group = old_mashriqi} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chaldean_fp + trigger = { culture_group = chaldean} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hittite_group_fp + trigger = { culture_group = hittite_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_group_fp + trigger = { culture_group = scythian_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celts_fp + trigger = { culture_group = celts} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dacian_group_fp + trigger = { culture_group = dacian_group} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tyrrhenian_fp + trigger = { culture_group = tyrrhenian} + } +} + + +############################################################# +### Culture Adjectives // Adjectifs pour les cultures ### +############################################################# + +### Ex: "A [Turkish] governor" => "un gouverneur [turc]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetCultMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pommeranian culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = prussian culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hannoverian culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hessian culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saxon culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = franconian culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swabian culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swiss culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bavarian culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = austrian culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dutch culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = flemish culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swedish culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = danish culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norwegian culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = finnish culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sapmi culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = english culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = american culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = welsh culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scottish culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = irish culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = highland_scottish culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lombard culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lower_saxon culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tuscan culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sardinian culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saurashtri culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romagnan culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ligurian culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = venetian culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = neapolitan culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = piedmontese culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = umbrian culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sicilian culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maltese culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = castillian culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = leonese culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aragonese culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = catalan culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = galician culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = andalucian culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = portugese culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = basque culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cosmopolitan_french culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gascon culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = normand culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aquitaine culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burgundian culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = occitain culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wallonian culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = brazilian culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = breton culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uralic culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = samoyed culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ostyaki culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ingrian culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = croatian culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = serbian culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bulgarian culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = albanian culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = czech culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polish culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = schlesian culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovak culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovene culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = transylvanian culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romanian culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hungarian culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = novgorodian culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ryazanian culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = byelorussian culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ruthenian culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karelian culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = estonian culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lipan culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lithuanian culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = latvian culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = greek culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pontic_greek culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = goths culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = georgian culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = circassian culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cornish culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dagestani culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = armenian culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = turkish culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_misr_arabic culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_suryah_arabic culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bedouin_arabic culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = omani_culture culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yemeni_culture culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = moroccan culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tunisian culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = algerian culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = berber culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = persian culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = azerbaijani culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khorasani culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = baluchi culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afghani culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kurdish culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mazandarani culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mongol culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chahar culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khalkha culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oirats culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uzbehk culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = turkmeni culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uyghur culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazak culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kirgiz culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tecos culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aztek culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = purepecha culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = totonac culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tepic culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chichimecan culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guamares culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yucatec culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = putun culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mayan culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = matlatzinca culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = highland_mayan culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wastek culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zapotek culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mixtec culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tlapanec culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inca culture = inca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aimara culture = aimara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = diaguita culture = diaguita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = otomi culture = otomi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yaqui culture = yaqui } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chimuan culture = chimuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chontales culture = chontales } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tupinamba culture = tupinamba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guarani culture = guarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = charruan culture = charruan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ge culture = ge } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jivaro culture = jivaro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chachapoyan culture = chachapoyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = muisca culture = muisca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cara culture = cara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miskito culture = miskito } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chacoan culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mapuche culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = patagonian culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = het culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = huarpe culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arawak culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maipurean culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carib culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guajiro culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aleutian culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inuit culture = inuit } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shawnee culture = shawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illini culture = illini } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anishinabe culture = anishinabe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cree culture = cree } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mesquakie culture = mesquakie } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cheyenne culture = cheyenne } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = blackfoot culture = blackfoot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arapaho culture = arapaho } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = delaware culture = delaware } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = abenaki culture = abenaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mikmaq culture = mikmaq } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mahican culture = mahican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = powhatan culture = powhatan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pequot culture = pequot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = iroquois culture = iroquois } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cherokee culture = cherokee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = huron culture = huron } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = susquehannock culture = susquehannock } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dakota culture = dakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dalmatian culture = dalmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nakota culture = nakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chiwere culture = chiwere } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = osage culture = osage } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = catawba culture = catawba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wichita culture = wichita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = caddo culture = caddo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pawnee culture = pawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = creek culture = creek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = choctaw culture = choctaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chickasaw culture = chickasaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pueblo culture = pueblo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = piman culture = piman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shoshone culture = shoshone } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kiowa culture = kiowa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = apache culture = apache } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = navajo culture = navajo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chipewyan culture = chipewyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = haida culture = haida } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = athabascan culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = salish culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chinook culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yokuts culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu_new culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chihan culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miao culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cantonese culture = cantonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jin culture = jin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wu culture = wu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chimin culture = chimin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hakka culture = hakka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gan culture = gan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xiang culture = xiang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sichuanese culture = sichuanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jianghuai culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xibei culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hubei culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhongyuan culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shandong_culture culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = korean culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = togoku culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = japanese culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kyushuan culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mon culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vietnamese culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vindhyan culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polynesian culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cham culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malayan culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumatran culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = javanese culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = filipino culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bornean culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = madagascan culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sulawesi culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = central_thai culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lacandon culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lao culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = northern_thai culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shan culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhuang culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burmese culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tibetan culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chin culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yi culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bai culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karen culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kachin culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arakanese culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = papuan culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aboriginal culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = melanesian culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mescalero culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mexican culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = moluccan culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = assamese culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bengali culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bihari culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nepali culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oriya culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sinhala culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = avadhi culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kanauji culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pahari culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = panjabi culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kashmiri culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gujarati culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gulf_arabic culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = marathi culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sindhi culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rajput culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malvi culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kannada culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malayalam culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tamil culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = telegu culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gondi culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = garjati culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jharkhandi culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mali culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = songhai culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = soninke culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sorbian culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bambara culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bosnian culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bozo culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dyola culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hausa culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kanuri culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bilala culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tuareg culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = senegambian culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frisian culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = fulani culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yorumba culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aka culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nupe culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = fon culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mossi culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dagomba culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = makua culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nguni culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bemba culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khoisan culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shona culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nyasa culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lunda culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = luba culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kongolese culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yaka culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kochi culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kuba culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mbundu culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chokwe culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mbangala culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jukun culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sawabantu culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rwandan culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ganda culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = masaba culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = madagasque culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = takama culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bena culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bantu culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swahili culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = somali culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = harari culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afar culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oromo culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tigray culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sidamo culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = amhara culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = acholi culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nubian culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = beja culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = evenk culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yakut culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yukagyr culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = buryat culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tungus culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ainu culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kamchatkan culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = astrakhani culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bashkir culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = crimean culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kazani culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mishary culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nogaybak culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = siberian culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = atlantean culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = spartan culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = athenian culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_egyptian culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = roman culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = icelandic culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jan_mayenese culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pruthenian culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = phoenician culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scanian culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anglosaxon culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = babylonian culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = etrurian culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = parthian culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aramaic culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hebrew culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scythian culture = scythian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_german_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = german culture = german}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_alsatian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alsatian culture = alsatian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sudeten_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sudeten culture = sudeten}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norse culture = norse}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglo_saxon_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anglo_saxon culture = anglo_saxon}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_italian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = italian culture = italian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_outremer_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = outremer culture = outremer}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_komi_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = komi culture = komi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mordvin_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mordvin culture = mordvin}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khanty_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khanty culture = khanty}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_meshchera_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = meshchera culture = meshchera}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovak culture = slovak}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_pommeranian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_pommeranian culture = old_pommeranian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ilmenian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ilmenian culture = ilmenian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_volhynian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = volhynian culture = volhynian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_severian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = severian culture = severian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_culture_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian_culture culture = russian_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kishinyov_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kishinyov culture = kishinyov}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_prussian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_prussian culture = old_prussian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anatolian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anatolian culture = anatolian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_magnagreek_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magnagreek culture = magnagreek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_alan_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alan culture = alan}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frencharab_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frencharab culture = frencharab}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sogdian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sogdian culture = sogdian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tocharian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tocharian culture = tocharian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saka_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saka culture = saka}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tajik_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tajik culture = tajik}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khitan_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khitan culture = khitan}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tangut_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tangut culture = tangut}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhangzhung_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhangzhung culture = zhangzhung}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumpa_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumpa culture = sumpa}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zaghawa_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zaghawa culture = zaghawa}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_daju_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = daju culture = daju}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chuvash_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chuvash culture = chuvash}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oldspain_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oldspain culture = oldspain}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illyrian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illyrian culture = illyrian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nuragic_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nuragic culture = nuragic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_alexandrine_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alexandrine culture = alexandrine}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prettanian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = prettanian culture = prettanian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hyperborean_greek_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hyperborean_greek culture = hyperborean_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaulish_greek_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulish_greek culture = gaulish_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spanish_greek_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = spanish_greek culture = spanish_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_german_greek_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = german_greek culture = german_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mena_greek_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mena_greek culture = mena_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ashkenazi_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ashkenazi culture = ashkenazi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sephardi_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sephardi culture = sephardi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_knaanic_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = knaanic culture = knaanic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_magogic_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magogic culture = magogic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yevanic_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yevanic culture = yevanic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mizrahi_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mizrahi culture = mizrahi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_israeli_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = israeli culture = israeli}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_misrayim_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = misrayim culture = misrayim}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zarphatic_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zarphatic culture = zarphatic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_laaz_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = laaz culture = laaz}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kaifeng_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kaifeng culture = kaifeng}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pecheneg_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pecheneg culture = pecheneg}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cuman_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cuman culture = cuman}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bolghar_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bolghar culture = bolghar}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avar_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = avar culture = avar}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazar_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazar culture = khazar}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karluk_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karluk culture = karluk}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_visigothic_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = visigothic culture = visigothic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostrogothic_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ostrogothic culture = ostrogothic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_getian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = getian culture = getian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gothic_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gothic culture = gothic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vandal_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vandal culture = vandal}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frankish_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frankish culture = frankish}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_suebi_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = suebi culture = suebi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_lombard_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_lombard culture = old_lombard}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_varangian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = varangian culture = varangian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mena_german_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mena_german culture = mena_german}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = roman culture = roman}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hispanic_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hispanic culture = hispanic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaulic_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulic culture = gaulic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_theodisc_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = theodisc culture = theodisc}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pannonian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pannonian culture = pannonian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wenedyk_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wenedyk culture = wenedyk}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_britannian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = britannian culture = britannian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hyperborean_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hyperborean culture = hyperborean}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salinatorian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = salinatorian culture = salinatorian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bazramani_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bazramani culture = bazramani}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_euxinian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = euxinian culture = euxinian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xliponian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xliponian culture = xliponian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_equine_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = equine culture = equine}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cat_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cat culture = cat}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bear_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bear culture = bear}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hedgehog_culture_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hedgehog_culture culture = hedgehog_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_duck_culture_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = duck_culture culture = duck_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dog_culture_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dog_culture culture = dog_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elephant_culture_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = elephant_culture culture = elephant_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dragon_culture_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dragon_culture culture = dragon_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_red_panda_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = red_panda culture = red_panda}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carthaginian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carthaginian culture = carthaginian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ythalonim_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ythalonim culture = ythalonim}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ualonuth_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ualonuth culture = ualonuth}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicorathi_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sicorathi culture = sicorathi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_symacom_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = symacom culture = symacom}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ysthyalm_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ysthyalm culture = ysthyalm}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sythchy_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sythchy culture = sythchy}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ynnocho_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ynnocho culture = ynnocho}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mlachthi_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mlachthi culture = mlachthi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inythmum_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inythmum culture = inythmum}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gadolite_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gadolite culture = gadolite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bythlimmoth_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bythlimmoth culture = bythlimmoth}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidonian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sidonian culture = sidonian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_taliaite_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = taliaite culture = taliaite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacanite_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lacanite culture = lacanite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_epicrateian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = epicrateian culture = epicrateian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pmpese_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pmpese culture = pmpese}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ythbynuthi_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ythbynuthi culture = ythbynuthi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ychibarku_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ychibarku culture = ychibarku}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_liphocaneth_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = liphocaneth culture = liphocaneth}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mysehi_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mysehi culture = mysehi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = coptic culture = coptic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = phoenician culture = phoenician}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aramaic culture = aramaic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = babylonian culture = babylonian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assyrian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = assyrian culture = assyrian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luwian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = luwian culture = luwian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lydian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lydian culture = lydian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hittite_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hittite culture = hittite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phrygian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = phrygian culture = phrygian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scythian culture = scythian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sarmatian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sarmatian culture = sarmatian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_belgian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = belgian culture = belgian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaulish_greek_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulish_greek culture = gaulish_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scordiscian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scordiscian culture = scordiscian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celtiberian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = celtiberian culture = celtiberian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dacian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dacian culture = dacian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_thracian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = thracian culture = thracian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = etrurian culture = etrurian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rhaetian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rhaetian culture = rhaetian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lemnian_ms + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lemnian culture = lemnian}} + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Turkish] culture" => "la culture [turque]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetCultFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pommeranian culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = prussian culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hannoverian culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hessian culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saxon culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = franconian culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swabian culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swiss culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bavarian culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = austrian culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dutch culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = flemish culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swedish culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = danish culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norwegian culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = finnish culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sapmi culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = english culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = american culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = welsh culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scottish culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = irish culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = highland_scottish culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lombard culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lower_saxon culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tuscan culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sardinian culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saurashtri culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romagnan culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ligurian culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = venetian culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = neapolitan culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = piedmontese culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = umbrian culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sicilian culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maltese culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = castillian culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = leonese culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aragonese culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = catalan culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = galician culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = andalucian culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = portugese culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = basque culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cosmopolitan_french culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gascon culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = normand culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aquitaine culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burgundian culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = occitain culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wallonian culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = brazilian culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = breton culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uralic culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = samoyed culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ostyaki culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ingrian culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = croatian culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = serbian culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bulgarian culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = albanian culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = czech culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polish culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = schlesian culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovak culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovene culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = transylvanian culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romanian culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hungarian culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = novgorodian culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ryazanian culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = byelorussian culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ruthenian culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karelian culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = estonian culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lipan culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lithuanian culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = latvian culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = greek culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pontic_greek culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = goths culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = georgian culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = circassian culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cornish culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dagestani culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = armenian culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = turkish culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_misr_arabic culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_suryah_arabic culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bedouin_arabic culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = omani_culture culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yemeni_culture culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = moroccan culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tunisian culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = algerian culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = berber culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = persian culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = azerbaijani culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khorasani culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = baluchi culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afghani culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kurdish culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mazandarani culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mongol culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chahar culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khalkha culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oirats culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uzbehk culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = turkmeni culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uyghur culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazak culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kirgiz culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tecos culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aztek culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = purepecha culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = totonac culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tepic culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chichimecan culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guamares culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yucatec culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = putun culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mayan culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = matlatzinca culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = highland_mayan culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wastek culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zapotek culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mixtec culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tlapanec culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inca culture = inca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aimara culture = aimara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = diaguita culture = diaguita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = otomi culture = otomi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yaqui culture = yaqui } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chimuan culture = chimuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chontales culture = chontales } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tupinamba culture = tupinamba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guarani culture = guarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = charruan culture = charruan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ge culture = ge } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jivaro culture = jivaro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chachapoyan culture = chachapoyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = muisca culture = muisca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cara culture = cara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miskito culture = miskito } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chacoan culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mapuche culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = patagonian culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = het culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = huarpe culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arawak culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maipurean culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carib culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guajiro culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aleutian culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inuit culture = inuit } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shawnee culture = shawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illini culture = illini } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anishinabe culture = anishinabe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cree culture = cree } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mesquakie culture = mesquakie } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cheyenne culture = cheyenne } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = blackfoot culture = blackfoot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arapaho culture = arapaho } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = delaware culture = delaware } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = abenaki culture = abenaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mikmaq culture = mikmaq } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mahican culture = mahican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = powhatan culture = powhatan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pequot culture = pequot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = iroquois culture = iroquois } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cherokee culture = cherokee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = huron culture = huron } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = susquehannock culture = susquehannock } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dakota culture = dakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dalmatian culture = dalmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nakota culture = nakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chiwere culture = chiwere } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = osage culture = osage } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = catawba culture = catawba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wichita culture = wichita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = caddo culture = caddo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pawnee culture = pawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = creek culture = creek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = choctaw culture = choctaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chickasaw culture = chickasaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pueblo culture = pueblo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = piman culture = piman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shoshone culture = shoshone } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kiowa culture = kiowa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = apache culture = apache } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = navajo culture = navajo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chipewyan culture = chipewyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = haida culture = haida } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = athabascan culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = salish culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chinook culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yokuts culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu_new culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chihan culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miao culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cantonese culture = cantonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jin culture = jin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wu culture = wu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chimin culture = chimin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hakka culture = hakka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gan culture = gan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xiang culture = xiang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sichuanese culture = sichuanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jianghuai culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xibei culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hubei culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhongyuan culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shandong_culture culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = korean culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = togoku culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = japanese culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kyushuan culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mon culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vietnamese culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vindhyan culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polynesian culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cham culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malayan culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumatran culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = javanese culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = filipino culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bornean culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = madagascan culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sulawesi culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = central_thai culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lacandon culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lao culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = northern_thai culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shan culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhuang culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burmese culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tibetan culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chin culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yi culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bai culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karen culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kachin culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arakanese culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = papuan culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aboriginal culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = melanesian culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mescalero culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mexican culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = moluccan culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = assamese culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bengali culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bihari culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nepali culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oriya culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sinhala culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = avadhi culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kanauji culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pahari culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = panjabi culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kashmiri culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gujarati culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gulf_arabic culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = marathi culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sindhi culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rajput culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malvi culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kannada culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malayalam culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tamil culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = telegu culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gondi culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = garjati culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jharkhandi culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mali culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = songhai culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = soninke culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sorbian culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bambara culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bosnian culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bozo culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dyola culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hausa culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kanuri culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bilala culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tuareg culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = senegambian culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frisian culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = fulani culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yorumba culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aka culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nupe culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = fon culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mossi culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dagomba culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = makua culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nguni culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bemba culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khoisan culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shona culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nyasa culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lunda culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = luba culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kongolese culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yaka culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kochi culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kuba culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mbundu culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chokwe culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mbangala culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jukun culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sawabantu culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rwandan culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ganda culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = masaba culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = madagasque culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = takama culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bena culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bantu culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swahili culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = somali culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = harari culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afar culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oromo culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tigray culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sidamo culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = amhara culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = acholi culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nubian culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = beja culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = evenk culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yakut culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yukagyr culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = buryat culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tungus culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ainu culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kamchatkan culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = astrakhani culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bashkir culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = crimean culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kazani culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mishary culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nogaybak culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = siberian culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = atlantean culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = spartan culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = athenian culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_egyptian culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = roman culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = icelandic culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jan_mayenese culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pruthenian culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = phoenician culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scanian culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anglosaxon culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = babylonian culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = etrurian culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = parthian culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aramaic culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hebrew culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scythian culture = scythian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_german_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = german culture = german}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_alsatian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alsatian culture = alsatian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sudeten_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sudeten culture = sudeten}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norse culture = norse}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglo_saxon_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anglo_saxon culture = anglo_saxon}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_italian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = italian culture = italian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_outremer_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = outremer culture = outremer}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_komi_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = komi culture = komi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mordvin_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mordvin culture = mordvin}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khanty_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khanty culture = khanty}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_meshchera_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = meshchera culture = meshchera}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovak culture = slovak}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_pommeranian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_pommeranian culture = old_pommeranian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ilmenian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ilmenian culture = ilmenian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_volhynian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = volhynian culture = volhynian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_severian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = severian culture = severian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_culture_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian_culture culture = russian_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kishinyov_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kishinyov culture = kishinyov}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_prussian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_prussian culture = old_prussian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anatolian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anatolian culture = anatolian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_magnagreek_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magnagreek culture = magnagreek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_alan_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alan culture = alan}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frencharab_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frencharab culture = frencharab}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sogdian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sogdian culture = sogdian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tocharian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tocharian culture = tocharian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saka_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saka culture = saka}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tajik_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tajik culture = tajik}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khitan_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khitan culture = khitan}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tangut_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tangut culture = tangut}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhangzhung_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhangzhung culture = zhangzhung}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumpa_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumpa culture = sumpa}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zaghawa_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zaghawa culture = zaghawa}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_daju_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = daju culture = daju}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chuvash_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chuvash culture = chuvash}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oldspain_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oldspain culture = oldspain}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illyrian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illyrian culture = illyrian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nuragic_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nuragic culture = nuragic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_alexandrine_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alexandrine culture = alexandrine}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prettanian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = prettanian culture = prettanian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hyperborean_greek_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hyperborean_greek culture = hyperborean_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaulish_greek_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulish_greek culture = gaulish_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spanish_greek_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = spanish_greek culture = spanish_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_german_greek_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = german_greek culture = german_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mena_greek_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mena_greek culture = mena_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ashkenazi_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ashkenazi culture = ashkenazi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sephardi_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sephardi culture = sephardi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_knaanic_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = knaanic culture = knaanic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_magogic_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magogic culture = magogic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yevanic_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yevanic culture = yevanic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mizrahi_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mizrahi culture = mizrahi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_israeli_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = israeli culture = israeli}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_misrayim_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = misrayim culture = misrayim}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zarphatic_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zarphatic culture = zarphatic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_laaz_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = laaz culture = laaz}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kaifeng_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kaifeng culture = kaifeng}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pecheneg_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pecheneg culture = pecheneg}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cuman_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cuman culture = cuman}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bolghar_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bolghar culture = bolghar}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avar_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = avar culture = avar}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazar_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazar culture = khazar}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karluk_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karluk culture = karluk}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_visigothic_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = visigothic culture = visigothic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostrogothic_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ostrogothic culture = ostrogothic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_getian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = getian culture = getian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gothic_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gothic culture = gothic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vandal_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vandal culture = vandal}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frankish_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frankish culture = frankish}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_suebi_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = suebi culture = suebi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_lombard_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_lombard culture = old_lombard}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_varangian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = varangian culture = varangian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mena_german_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mena_german culture = mena_german}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = roman culture = roman}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hispanic_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hispanic culture = hispanic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaulic_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulic culture = gaulic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_theodisc_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = theodisc culture = theodisc}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pannonian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pannonian culture = pannonian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wenedyk_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wenedyk culture = wenedyk}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_britannian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = britannian culture = britannian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hyperborean_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hyperborean culture = hyperborean}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salinatorian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = salinatorian culture = salinatorian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bazramani_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bazramani culture = bazramani}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_euxinian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = euxinian culture = euxinian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xliponian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xliponian culture = xliponian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_equine_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = equine culture = equine}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cat_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cat culture = cat}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bear_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bear culture = bear}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hedgehog_culture_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hedgehog_culture culture = hedgehog_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_duck_culture_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = duck_culture culture = duck_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dog_culture_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dog_culture culture = dog_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elephant_culture_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = elephant_culture culture = elephant_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dragon_culture_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dragon_culture culture = dragon_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_red_panda_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = red_panda culture = red_panda}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carthaginian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carthaginian culture = carthaginian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ythalonim_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ythalonim culture = ythalonim}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ualonuth_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ualonuth culture = ualonuth}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicorathi_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sicorathi culture = sicorathi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_symacom_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = symacom culture = symacom}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ysthyalm_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ysthyalm culture = ysthyalm}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sythchy_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sythchy culture = sythchy}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ynnocho_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ynnocho culture = ynnocho}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mlachthi_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mlachthi culture = mlachthi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inythmum_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inythmum culture = inythmum}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gadolite_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gadolite culture = gadolite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bythlimmoth_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bythlimmoth culture = bythlimmoth}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidonian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sidonian culture = sidonian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_taliaite_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = taliaite culture = taliaite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacanite_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lacanite culture = lacanite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_epicrateian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = epicrateian culture = epicrateian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pmpese_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pmpese culture = pmpese}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ythbynuthi_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ythbynuthi culture = ythbynuthi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ychibarku_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ychibarku culture = ychibarku}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_liphocaneth_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = liphocaneth culture = liphocaneth}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mysehi_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mysehi culture = mysehi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = coptic culture = coptic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = phoenician culture = phoenician}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aramaic culture = aramaic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = babylonian culture = babylonian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assyrian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = assyrian culture = assyrian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luwian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = luwian culture = luwian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lydian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lydian culture = lydian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hittite_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hittite culture = hittite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phrygian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = phrygian culture = phrygian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scythian culture = scythian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sarmatian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sarmatian culture = sarmatian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_belgian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = belgian culture = belgian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaulish_greek_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulish_greek culture = gaulish_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scordiscian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scordiscian culture = scordiscian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celtiberian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = celtiberian culture = celtiberian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dacian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dacian culture = dacian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_thracian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = thracian culture = thracian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = etrurian culture = etrurian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rhaetian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rhaetian culture = rhaetian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lemnian_fs + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lemnian culture = lemnian}} + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Turkish] soldiers are strong" => "Les soldats [turcs] sont forts" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetCultMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pommeranian culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = prussian culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hannoverian culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hessian culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saxon culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = franconian culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swabian culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swiss culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bavarian culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = austrian culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dutch culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = flemish culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swedish culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = danish culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norwegian culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = finnish culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sapmi culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = english culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = american culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = welsh culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scottish culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = irish culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = highland_scottish culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lombard culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lower_saxon culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tuscan culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sardinian culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saurashtri culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romagnan culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ligurian culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = venetian culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = neapolitan culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = piedmontese culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = umbrian culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sicilian culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maltese culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = castillian culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = leonese culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aragonese culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = catalan culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = galician culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = andalucian culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = portugese culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = basque culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cosmopolitan_french culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gascon culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = normand culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aquitaine culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burgundian culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = occitain culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wallonian culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = brazilian culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = breton culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uralic culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = samoyed culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ostyaki culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ingrian culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = croatian culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = serbian culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bulgarian culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = albanian culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = czech culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polish culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = schlesian culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovak culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovene culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = transylvanian culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romanian culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hungarian culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = novgorodian culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ryazanian culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = byelorussian culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ruthenian culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karelian culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = estonian culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lipan culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lithuanian culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = latvian culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = greek culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pontic_greek culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = goths culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = georgian culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = circassian culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cornish culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dagestani culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = armenian culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = turkish culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_misr_arabic culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_suryah_arabic culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bedouin_arabic culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = omani_culture culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yemeni_culture culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = moroccan culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tunisian culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = algerian culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = berber culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = persian culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = azerbaijani culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khorasani culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = baluchi culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afghani culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kurdish culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mazandarani culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mongol culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chahar culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khalkha culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oirats culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uzbehk culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = turkmeni culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uyghur culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazak culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kirgiz culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tecos culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aztek culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = purepecha culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = totonac culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tepic culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chichimecan culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guamares culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yucatec culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = putun culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mayan culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = matlatzinca culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = highland_mayan culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wastek culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zapotek culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mixtec culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tlapanec culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inca culture = inca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aimara culture = aimara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = diaguita culture = diaguita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = otomi culture = otomi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yaqui culture = yaqui } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chimuan culture = chimuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chontales culture = chontales } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tupinamba culture = tupinamba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guarani culture = guarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = charruan culture = charruan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ge culture = ge } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jivaro culture = jivaro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chachapoyan culture = chachapoyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = muisca culture = muisca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cara culture = cara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miskito culture = miskito } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chacoan culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mapuche culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = patagonian culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = het culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = huarpe culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arawak culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maipurean culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carib culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guajiro culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aleutian culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inuit culture = inuit } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shawnee culture = shawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illini culture = illini } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anishinabe culture = anishinabe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cree culture = cree } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mesquakie culture = mesquakie } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cheyenne culture = cheyenne } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = blackfoot culture = blackfoot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arapaho culture = arapaho } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = delaware culture = delaware } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = abenaki culture = abenaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mikmaq culture = mikmaq } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mahican culture = mahican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = powhatan culture = powhatan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pequot culture = pequot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = iroquois culture = iroquois } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cherokee culture = cherokee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = huron culture = huron } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = susquehannock culture = susquehannock } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dakota culture = dakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dalmatian culture = dalmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nakota culture = nakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chiwere culture = chiwere } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = osage culture = osage } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = catawba culture = catawba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wichita culture = wichita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = caddo culture = caddo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pawnee culture = pawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = creek culture = creek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = choctaw culture = choctaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chickasaw culture = chickasaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pueblo culture = pueblo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = piman culture = piman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shoshone culture = shoshone } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kiowa culture = kiowa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = apache culture = apache } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = navajo culture = navajo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chipewyan culture = chipewyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = haida culture = haida } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = athabascan culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = salish culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chinook culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yokuts culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu_new culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chihan culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miao culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cantonese culture = cantonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jin culture = jin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wu culture = wu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chimin culture = chimin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hakka culture = hakka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gan culture = gan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xiang culture = xiang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sichuanese culture = sichuanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jianghuai culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xibei culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hubei culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhongyuan culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shandong_culture culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = korean culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = togoku culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = japanese culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kyushuan culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mon culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vietnamese culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vindhyan culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polynesian culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cham culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malayan culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumatran culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = javanese culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = filipino culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bornean culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = madagascan culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sulawesi culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = central_thai culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lacandon culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lao culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = northern_thai culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shan culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhuang culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burmese culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tibetan culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chin culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yi culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bai culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karen culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kachin culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arakanese culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = papuan culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aboriginal culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = melanesian culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mescalero culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mexican culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = moluccan culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = assamese culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bengali culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bihari culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nepali culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oriya culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sinhala culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = avadhi culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kanauji culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pahari culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = panjabi culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kashmiri culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gujarati culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gulf_arabic culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = marathi culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sindhi culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rajput culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malvi culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kannada culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malayalam culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tamil culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = telegu culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gondi culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = garjati culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jharkhandi culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mali culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = songhai culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = soninke culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sorbian culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bambara culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bosnian culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bozo culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dyola culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hausa culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kanuri culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bilala culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tuareg culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = senegambian culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frisian culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = fulani culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yorumba culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aka culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nupe culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = fon culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mossi culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dagomba culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = makua culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nguni culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bemba culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khoisan culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shona culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nyasa culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lunda culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = luba culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kongolese culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yaka culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kochi culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kuba culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mbundu culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chokwe culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mbangala culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jukun culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sawabantu culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rwandan culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ganda culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = masaba culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = madagasque culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = takama culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bena culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bantu culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swahili culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = somali culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = harari culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afar culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oromo culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tigray culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sidamo culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = amhara culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = acholi culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nubian culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = beja culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = evenk culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yakut culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yukagyr culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = buryat culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tungus culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ainu culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kamchatkan culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = astrakhani culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bashkir culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = crimean culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kazani culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mishary culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nogaybak culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = siberian culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = atlantean culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = spartan culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = athenian culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_egyptian culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = roman culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = icelandic culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jan_mayenese culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pruthenian culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = phoenician culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scanian culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anglosaxon culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = babylonian culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = etrurian culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = parthian culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aramaic culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hebrew culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scythian culture = scythian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_german_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = german culture = german}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_alsatian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alsatian culture = alsatian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sudeten_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sudeten culture = sudeten}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norse culture = norse}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglo_saxon_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anglo_saxon culture = anglo_saxon}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_italian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = italian culture = italian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_outremer_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = outremer culture = outremer}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_komi_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = komi culture = komi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mordvin_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mordvin culture = mordvin}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khanty_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khanty culture = khanty}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_meshchera_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = meshchera culture = meshchera}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovak culture = slovak}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_pommeranian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_pommeranian culture = old_pommeranian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ilmenian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ilmenian culture = ilmenian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_volhynian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = volhynian culture = volhynian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_severian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = severian culture = severian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_culture_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian_culture culture = russian_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kishinyov_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kishinyov culture = kishinyov}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_prussian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_prussian culture = old_prussian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anatolian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anatolian culture = anatolian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_magnagreek_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magnagreek culture = magnagreek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_alan_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alan culture = alan}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frencharab_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frencharab culture = frencharab}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sogdian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sogdian culture = sogdian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tocharian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tocharian culture = tocharian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saka_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saka culture = saka}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tajik_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tajik culture = tajik}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khitan_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khitan culture = khitan}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tangut_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tangut culture = tangut}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhangzhung_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhangzhung culture = zhangzhung}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumpa_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumpa culture = sumpa}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zaghawa_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zaghawa culture = zaghawa}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_daju_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = daju culture = daju}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chuvash_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chuvash culture = chuvash}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oldspain_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oldspain culture = oldspain}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illyrian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illyrian culture = illyrian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nuragic_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nuragic culture = nuragic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_alexandrine_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alexandrine culture = alexandrine}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prettanian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = prettanian culture = prettanian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hyperborean_greek_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hyperborean_greek culture = hyperborean_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaulish_greek_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulish_greek culture = gaulish_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spanish_greek_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = spanish_greek culture = spanish_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_german_greek_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = german_greek culture = german_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mena_greek_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mena_greek culture = mena_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ashkenazi_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ashkenazi culture = ashkenazi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sephardi_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sephardi culture = sephardi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_knaanic_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = knaanic culture = knaanic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_magogic_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magogic culture = magogic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yevanic_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yevanic culture = yevanic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mizrahi_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mizrahi culture = mizrahi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_israeli_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = israeli culture = israeli}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_misrayim_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = misrayim culture = misrayim}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zarphatic_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zarphatic culture = zarphatic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_laaz_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = laaz culture = laaz}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kaifeng_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kaifeng culture = kaifeng}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pecheneg_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pecheneg culture = pecheneg}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cuman_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cuman culture = cuman}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bolghar_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bolghar culture = bolghar}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avar_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = avar culture = avar}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazar_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazar culture = khazar}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karluk_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karluk culture = karluk}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_visigothic_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = visigothic culture = visigothic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostrogothic_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ostrogothic culture = ostrogothic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_getian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = getian culture = getian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gothic_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gothic culture = gothic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vandal_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vandal culture = vandal}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frankish_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frankish culture = frankish}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_suebi_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = suebi culture = suebi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_lombard_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_lombard culture = old_lombard}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_varangian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = varangian culture = varangian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mena_german_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mena_german culture = mena_german}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = roman culture = roman}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hispanic_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hispanic culture = hispanic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaulic_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulic culture = gaulic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_theodisc_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = theodisc culture = theodisc}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pannonian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pannonian culture = pannonian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wenedyk_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wenedyk culture = wenedyk}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_britannian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = britannian culture = britannian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hyperborean_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hyperborean culture = hyperborean}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salinatorian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = salinatorian culture = salinatorian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bazramani_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bazramani culture = bazramani}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_euxinian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = euxinian culture = euxinian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xliponian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xliponian culture = xliponian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_equine_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = equine culture = equine}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cat_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cat culture = cat}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bear_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bear culture = bear}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hedgehog_culture_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hedgehog_culture culture = hedgehog_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_duck_culture_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = duck_culture culture = duck_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dog_culture_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dog_culture culture = dog_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elephant_culture_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = elephant_culture culture = elephant_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dragon_culture_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dragon_culture culture = dragon_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_red_panda_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = red_panda culture = red_panda}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carthaginian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carthaginian culture = carthaginian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ythalonim_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ythalonim culture = ythalonim}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ualonuth_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ualonuth culture = ualonuth}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicorathi_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sicorathi culture = sicorathi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_symacom_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = symacom culture = symacom}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ysthyalm_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ysthyalm culture = ysthyalm}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sythchy_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sythchy culture = sythchy}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ynnocho_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ynnocho culture = ynnocho}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mlachthi_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mlachthi culture = mlachthi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inythmum_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inythmum culture = inythmum}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gadolite_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gadolite culture = gadolite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bythlimmoth_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bythlimmoth culture = bythlimmoth}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidonian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sidonian culture = sidonian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_taliaite_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = taliaite culture = taliaite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacanite_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lacanite culture = lacanite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_epicrateian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = epicrateian culture = epicrateian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pmpese_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pmpese culture = pmpese}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ythbynuthi_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ythbynuthi culture = ythbynuthi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ychibarku_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ychibarku culture = ychibarku}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_liphocaneth_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = liphocaneth culture = liphocaneth}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mysehi_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mysehi culture = mysehi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = coptic culture = coptic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = phoenician culture = phoenician}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aramaic culture = aramaic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = babylonian culture = babylonian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assyrian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = assyrian culture = assyrian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luwian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = luwian culture = luwian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lydian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lydian culture = lydian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hittite_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hittite culture = hittite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phrygian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = phrygian culture = phrygian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scythian culture = scythian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sarmatian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sarmatian culture = sarmatian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_belgian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = belgian culture = belgian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaulish_greek_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulish_greek culture = gaulish_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scordiscian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scordiscian culture = scordiscian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celtiberian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = celtiberian culture = celtiberian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dacian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dacian culture = dacian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_thracian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = thracian culture = thracian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = etrurian culture = etrurian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rhaetian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rhaetian culture = rhaetian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lemnian_mp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lemnian culture = lemnian}} + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Turkish] women are beautiful" => "les femmes [turques] sont jolies" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetCultFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pommeranian culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = prussian culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hannoverian culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hessian culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saxon culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = franconian culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swabian culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swiss culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bavarian culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = austrian culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dutch culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = flemish culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swedish culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = danish culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norwegian culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = finnish culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sapmi culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = english culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = american culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = welsh culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scottish culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = irish culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = highland_scottish culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lombard culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lower_saxon culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tuscan culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sardinian culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saurashtri culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romagnan culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ligurian culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = venetian culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = neapolitan culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = piedmontese culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = umbrian culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sicilian culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maltese culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = castillian culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = leonese culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aragonese culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = catalan culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = galician culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = andalucian culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = portugese culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = basque culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cosmopolitan_french culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gascon culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = normand culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aquitaine culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burgundian culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = occitain culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wallonian culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = brazilian culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = breton culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uralic culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = samoyed culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ostyaki culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ingrian culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = croatian culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = serbian culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bulgarian culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = albanian culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = czech culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polish culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = schlesian culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovak culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovene culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = transylvanian culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = romanian culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hungarian culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = novgorodian culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ryazanian culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = byelorussian culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ruthenian culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karelian culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = estonian culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lipan culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lithuanian culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = latvian culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = greek culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pontic_greek culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = goths culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = georgian culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = circassian culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cornish culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dagestani culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = armenian culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = turkish culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_misr_arabic culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_suryah_arabic culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bedouin_arabic culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = omani_culture culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yemeni_culture culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = moroccan culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tunisian culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = algerian culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = berber culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = persian culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = azerbaijani culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khorasani culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = baluchi culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afghani culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kurdish culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mazandarani culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mongol culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chahar culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khalkha culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oirats culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uzbehk culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = turkmeni culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = uyghur culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazak culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kirgiz culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tecos culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aztek culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = purepecha culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = totonac culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tepic culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chichimecan culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guamares culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yucatec culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = putun culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mayan culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = matlatzinca culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = highland_mayan culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wastek culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zapotek culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mixtec culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tlapanec culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inca culture = inca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aimara culture = aimara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = diaguita culture = diaguita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = otomi culture = otomi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yaqui culture = yaqui } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chimuan culture = chimuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chontales culture = chontales } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tupinamba culture = tupinamba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guarani culture = guarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = charruan culture = charruan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ge culture = ge } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jivaro culture = jivaro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chachapoyan culture = chachapoyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = muisca culture = muisca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cara culture = cara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miskito culture = miskito } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chacoan culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mapuche culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = patagonian culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = het culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = huarpe culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arawak culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = maipurean culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carib culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = guajiro culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aleutian culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inuit culture = inuit } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shawnee culture = shawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illini culture = illini } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anishinabe culture = anishinabe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cree culture = cree } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mesquakie culture = mesquakie } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cheyenne culture = cheyenne } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = blackfoot culture = blackfoot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arapaho culture = arapaho } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = delaware culture = delaware } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = abenaki culture = abenaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mikmaq culture = mikmaq } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mahican culture = mahican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = powhatan culture = powhatan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pequot culture = pequot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = iroquois culture = iroquois } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cherokee culture = cherokee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = huron culture = huron } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = susquehannock culture = susquehannock } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dakota culture = dakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dalmatian culture = dalmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nakota culture = nakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chiwere culture = chiwere } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = osage culture = osage } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = catawba culture = catawba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wichita culture = wichita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = caddo culture = caddo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pawnee culture = pawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = creek culture = creek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = choctaw culture = choctaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chickasaw culture = chickasaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pueblo culture = pueblo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = piman culture = piman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shoshone culture = shoshone } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kiowa culture = kiowa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = apache culture = apache } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = navajo culture = navajo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chipewyan culture = chipewyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = haida culture = haida } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = athabascan culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = salish culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chinook culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yokuts culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = manchu_new culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chihan culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = miao culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cantonese culture = cantonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jin culture = jin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wu culture = wu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chimin culture = chimin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hakka culture = hakka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gan culture = gan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xiang culture = xiang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sichuanese culture = sichuanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jianghuai culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xibei culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hubei culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhongyuan culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shandong_culture culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = korean culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = togoku culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = japanese culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kyushuan culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mon culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vietnamese culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vindhyan culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = polynesian culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cham culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malayan culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumatran culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = javanese culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = filipino culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bornean culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = madagascan culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sulawesi culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = central_thai culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lacandon culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lao culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = northern_thai culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shan culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhuang culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = burmese culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tibetan culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chin culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yi culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bai culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karen culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kachin culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = arakanese culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = papuan culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aboriginal culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = melanesian culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mescalero culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mexican culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = moluccan culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = assamese culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bengali culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bihari culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nepali culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oriya culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sinhala culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = avadhi culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kanauji culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pahari culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = panjabi culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kashmiri culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gujarati culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gulf_arabic culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = marathi culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sindhi culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rajput culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malvi culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kannada culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = malayalam culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tamil culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = telegu culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gondi culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = garjati culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jharkhandi culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mali culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = songhai culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = soninke culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sorbian culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bambara culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bosnian culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bozo culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dyola culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hausa culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kanuri culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bilala culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tuareg culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = senegambian culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frisian culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = fulani culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yorumba culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aka culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nupe culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = fon culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mossi culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dagomba culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = makua culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nguni culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bemba culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khoisan culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = shona culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nyasa culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lunda culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = luba culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kongolese culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yaka culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kochi culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kuba culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mbundu culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chokwe culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mbangala culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jukun culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sawabantu culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rwandan culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ganda culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = masaba culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = madagasque culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = takama culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bena culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bantu culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = swahili culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = somali culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = harari culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = afar culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oromo culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tigray culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sidamo culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = amhara culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = acholi culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nubian culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = beja culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = evenk culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yakut culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yukagyr culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = buryat culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tungus culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ainu culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kamchatkan culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = astrakhani culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bashkir culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = crimean culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kazani culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mishary culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nogaybak culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = siberian culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = atlantean culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = spartan culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = athenian culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_egyptian culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = roman culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = icelandic culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = jan_mayenese culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pruthenian culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = phoenician culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scanian culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anglosaxon culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = babylonian culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = etrurian culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = parthian culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aramaic culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hebrew culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scythian culture = scythian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_german_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = german culture = german}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_alsatian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alsatian culture = alsatian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sudeten_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sudeten culture = sudeten}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = norse culture = norse}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglo_saxon_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anglo_saxon culture = anglo_saxon}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_italian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = italian culture = italian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_outremer_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = outremer culture = outremer}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_komi_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = komi culture = komi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mordvin_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mordvin culture = mordvin}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khanty_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khanty culture = khanty}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_meshchera_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = meshchera culture = meshchera}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = slovak culture = slovak}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_pommeranian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_pommeranian culture = old_pommeranian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ilmenian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ilmenian culture = ilmenian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_volhynian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = volhynian culture = volhynian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_severian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = severian culture = severian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_culture_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = russian_culture culture = russian_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kishinyov_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kishinyov culture = kishinyov}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_prussian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_prussian culture = old_prussian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anatolian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = anatolian culture = anatolian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_magnagreek_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magnagreek culture = magnagreek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_alan_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alan culture = alan}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frencharab_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frencharab culture = frencharab}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sogdian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sogdian culture = sogdian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tocharian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tocharian culture = tocharian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saka_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = saka culture = saka}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tajik_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tajik culture = tajik}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khitan_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khitan culture = khitan}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tangut_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = tangut culture = tangut}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhangzhung_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zhangzhung culture = zhangzhung}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumpa_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sumpa culture = sumpa}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zaghawa_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zaghawa culture = zaghawa}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_daju_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = daju culture = daju}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chuvash_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = chuvash culture = chuvash}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oldspain_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = oldspain culture = oldspain}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illyrian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = illyrian culture = illyrian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nuragic_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = nuragic culture = nuragic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_alexandrine_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = alexandrine culture = alexandrine}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prettanian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = prettanian culture = prettanian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hyperborean_greek_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hyperborean_greek culture = hyperborean_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaulish_greek_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulish_greek culture = gaulish_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spanish_greek_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = spanish_greek culture = spanish_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_german_greek_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = german_greek culture = german_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mena_greek_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mena_greek culture = mena_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ashkenazi_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ashkenazi culture = ashkenazi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sephardi_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sephardi culture = sephardi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_knaanic_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = knaanic culture = knaanic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_magogic_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = magogic culture = magogic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yevanic_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = yevanic culture = yevanic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mizrahi_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mizrahi culture = mizrahi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_israeli_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = israeli culture = israeli}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_misrayim_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = misrayim culture = misrayim}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zarphatic_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = zarphatic culture = zarphatic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_laaz_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = laaz culture = laaz}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kaifeng_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = kaifeng culture = kaifeng}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pecheneg_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pecheneg culture = pecheneg}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cuman_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cuman culture = cuman}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bolghar_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bolghar culture = bolghar}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avar_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = avar culture = avar}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazar_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = khazar culture = khazar}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karluk_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = karluk culture = karluk}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_visigothic_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = visigothic culture = visigothic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostrogothic_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ostrogothic culture = ostrogothic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_getian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = getian culture = getian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gothic_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gothic culture = gothic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vandal_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = vandal culture = vandal}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frankish_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = frankish culture = frankish}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_suebi_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = suebi culture = suebi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_lombard_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = old_lombard culture = old_lombard}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_varangian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = varangian culture = varangian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mena_german_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mena_german culture = mena_german}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = roman culture = roman}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hispanic_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hispanic culture = hispanic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaulic_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulic culture = gaulic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_theodisc_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = theodisc culture = theodisc}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pannonian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pannonian culture = pannonian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wenedyk_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = wenedyk culture = wenedyk}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_britannian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = britannian culture = britannian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hyperborean_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hyperborean culture = hyperborean}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salinatorian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = salinatorian culture = salinatorian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bazramani_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bazramani culture = bazramani}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_euxinian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = euxinian culture = euxinian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xliponian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = xliponian culture = xliponian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_equine_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = equine culture = equine}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cat_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = cat culture = cat}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bear_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bear culture = bear}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hedgehog_culture_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hedgehog_culture culture = hedgehog_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_duck_culture_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = duck_culture culture = duck_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dog_culture_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dog_culture culture = dog_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elephant_culture_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = elephant_culture culture = elephant_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dragon_culture_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dragon_culture culture = dragon_culture}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_red_panda_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = red_panda culture = red_panda}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carthaginian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = carthaginian culture = carthaginian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ythalonim_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ythalonim culture = ythalonim}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ualonuth_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ualonuth culture = ualonuth}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicorathi_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sicorathi culture = sicorathi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_symacom_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = symacom culture = symacom}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ysthyalm_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ysthyalm culture = ysthyalm}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sythchy_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sythchy culture = sythchy}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ynnocho_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ynnocho culture = ynnocho}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mlachthi_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mlachthi culture = mlachthi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inythmum_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = inythmum culture = inythmum}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gadolite_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gadolite culture = gadolite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bythlimmoth_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = bythlimmoth culture = bythlimmoth}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidonian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sidonian culture = sidonian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_taliaite_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = taliaite culture = taliaite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacanite_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lacanite culture = lacanite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_epicrateian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = epicrateian culture = epicrateian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pmpese_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = pmpese culture = pmpese}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ythbynuthi_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ythbynuthi culture = ythbynuthi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ychibarku_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = ychibarku culture = ychibarku}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_liphocaneth_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = liphocaneth culture = liphocaneth}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mysehi_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = mysehi culture = mysehi}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = coptic culture = coptic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = phoenician culture = phoenician}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = aramaic culture = aramaic}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = babylonian culture = babylonian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assyrian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = assyrian culture = assyrian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luwian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = luwian culture = luwian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lydian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lydian culture = lydian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hittite_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = hittite culture = hittite}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phrygian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = phrygian culture = phrygian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scythian culture = scythian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sarmatian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = sarmatian culture = sarmatian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_belgian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = belgian culture = belgian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gaulish_greek_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = gaulish_greek culture = gaulish_greek}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scordiscian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = scordiscian culture = scordiscian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_celtiberian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = celtiberian culture = celtiberian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dacian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = dacian culture = dacian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_thracian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = thracian culture = thracian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = etrurian culture = etrurian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rhaetian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = rhaetian culture = rhaetian}} + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lemnian_fp + trigger = { OR = { primary_culture = lemnian culture = lemnian}} + } +} + + +########################################################### +### Government names // Noms des rgimes politiques ### +########################################################### + +#### Ex: "[the] Kingdom/Empire" => "[le] royaume/[l']empire" +#defined_text = { # TEST +# name = GetLeLaRP +# text = { +# localisation_key = string_l_FR +# trigger = { +# tag = HAB +# government = monarchy +# } +# } +#} +#### Ex: "[the] Kingdom/Empire" => "[le] royaume/[l']archiduch" +#defined_text = { # TEST +# name = GetLeLaRPCap +# text = { +# localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR +# trigger = { +# tag = HAB +# government = monarchy +# } +# } +#} + + + +##################################################### +### Nation Articles // Articles pour les pays ### +##################################################### + +### Ex: "Portugal/France/Austria/Hamburg/Aztecs" => "[le] Portugal/[la] France/[l']Autriche/[] Hambourg/[les] Aztques" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_X_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_les_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "Portugal/France/Austria/Hamburg/Aztecs" => "[Le] Portugal/[La] France/[L']Autriche/[] Hambourg/[Les] Aztques" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_X_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_les_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "Destroy [them]" => "le dtruire (le Danemark)/la dtruire (la Sude)/les dtruire (les Provinces-Unies)" (lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_les_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "Destroy [them]" => "Le dtruire (le Danemark)/La dtruire (la Sude)/Les dtruire (les Provinces-Unies)" (upper case/majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_les_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "We have to attack [them]." => "Nous devons [l']attaquer (le Danemark). // Nous devons [les] attaquer (les Provinces-Unies)." (lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLLesFNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_les_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "Attack [them] is essential." => "[L']attaquer est vital (le Danemark). // [Les] attaquer est vital (les Provinces-Unies)." (upper case/majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLLesFNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_les_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "[our] ennemies" => "no[tre] ennemi (le Danemark)/no[tre] ennemie (la Sude)/no[s] ennemis (les USA)/no[s] ennemies (les Provinces-Unies)" +defined_text = { + name = GetTreSNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_tre_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "[in] Portugal/[in] France/[in] Austria/[in] Hamburg/[in] Aztecs" => "[au] Portugal/[en] France/[en] Autriche/[] Hambourg/[chez les] Aztques" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuEnNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_en_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a2_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chezles_FR + trigger = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aux_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dansl_FR + trigger = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dansle_FR + trigger = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dansles_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_auseindela_FR + trigger = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + } + } +} +### Ex: "[In] Portugal/[In] France/[In] Austria/[In] Hamburg/[In] Aztecs" => "[Au] Portugal/[En] France/[En] Autriche/[] Hambourg/[Chez les] Aztques" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuEnNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_en_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a2_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chezles_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aux_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dansl_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dansle_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dansles_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_auseindela_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "[for] Portugal/France/Austria/Hamburg/Aztecs" => "[au] Portugal/[ la] France/[ l']Autriche/[] Hambourg/[aux] Aztques" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a2_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aux_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[For] Portugal/France/Austria/Hamburg/Aztecs" => "[Au] Portugal/[ la] France/[ l']Autriche/[] Hambourg/[Aux] Aztques" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a2_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aux_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +#### Ex: "King [of/from] Portugal/[of/from] France/[of/from] Austria/[of/from] Hamburg/[of/from] Aztecs" => "roi [du] Portugal/[de] France/[d']Autriche/[de] Hambourg/[des] Aztques" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDeNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_de_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_d_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_des_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_FR + trigger = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "King [Of/From] Portugal/[Of/From] France/[Of/From] Austria/[Of/From] Hamburg/[Of/From] Aztecs" => "ROi [Du] Portugal/[De] France/[D']Autriche/[De] Hambourg/[Des] Aztques" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDeNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_de_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_d_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_des_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + } + } +} + + + +#### Ex: "Enemies [of/from] Portugal/France/Austria/Hamburg/Aztecs" => "les ennemis [du] Portugal/[de la] France/[de l']Autriche/[de] Hambourg/[des] Aztques" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_des_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_de_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_d_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } +} +#### Ex: "[Of/from] Portugal/[France/Austria/Hamburg/Aztecs came..." => "[Du] Portugal/[De la] France/[De l']Autriche/[De] Hambourg/[Des] Aztques est venu..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_des_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_de_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_d_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +#### Ex: "Enemies [of the] rivals (= Portugal/France/Aztecs)" => "Les ennemis [du] rival (= le Portugal) /[de la] rivale (= la France) / [des] rivaux (= les Aztques)" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_des_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +#### Ex: "[Of the] rivals (= Portugal/FranceAztecs) came a message..." => "[Du] rival (= le Portugal) /[De la] rivale (= la France) / [Des] rivaux (= les Aztques) est arriv un message..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_des_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "Denmark/France/United Provinces/USA being vainquished..." => "le Danemark vaincu[]/la Sude vaincu[e]/les Provinces-Unies vaincu[es]/les USA vaincu[s]" +defined_text = { + name = GetXENP + text = { + localisation_key = string_XX_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_es_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "our [rival] of Denmark/Sweden/USA/Flanders" => "notre riv[al] le Danemark/notre riv[ale] la Sude/nos riv[aux] les tats pontificaux/nos riv[ales] les Flandres" +defined_text = { + name = GetAlAleNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_al2_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ale_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aux_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ales_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "our [former] ennemies" => "notre ancie[n] ennemi (le Danemark)/notre ancien[ne] ennemie (la Sude)/nos ancie[ns] ennemis (les USA)/nos ancie[nnes] ennemies (les Provinces-Unies)" +defined_text = { + name = GetNNneNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_n_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nne_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ns_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nnes_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "Denmark/USA/Sweden/United Provinces is victorious." => "Le Danemark/Les USA est/sont victori[eux]. / La Sude est victori[euse]. // Les Provinces-Unies sont victori[euses]." +defined_text = { + name = GetEuxEuseNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_eux_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_euse_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_euses_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "Denmark/France/United Provinces/USA are on the verge of..." => "le Danemark/la Sude est proch[e] de.../les Provinces-Unies/USA sont proch[es] de..." +defined_text = { + name = GetEEsNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_es_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_es_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "Is Denmark/France... // Are United Provinces/USA..." => "le Danemark est-[il]/la Sude est-[elle]/les Provinces-Unies sont-[elles]/les USA sont-[ils]" +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ils_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elles_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "Is Denmark/France // Are United Provinces/USA..." => "le Danemark est-[il]/la Sude est-[elle]/les Provinces-Unies sont-[elles]/les USA sont-[ils]" +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_il_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ils_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elles_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "if (Denmark/France) is... // if (United Provinces/USA) are..." => "[s'il] est (Danemark)/[si elle] est (Sude)/[si elles] sont (Provinces-Unies)/[s'ils] sont (USA)" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_sil_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sils_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielles_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "If (Denmark/France) is... // If (United Provinces/USA) are..." => "[S'il] est (Danemark)/[Si elle] est (Sude)/[Si elles] sont (Provinces-Unies)/[S'ils] sont (USA)" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_sil_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sils_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sielles_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "as for Denmark/Sweden/USA/Flanders..." => "Le Danemark, [lui], ... / La Sude, [elle], ... / les USA, [eux], ... / les Provinces-Unies, [elles], ..." (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eux_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elles_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "As for Denmark/Sweden/USA/Flanders..." => "[Lui], le Danemark... / [Elle], la Sude... / [Eux], les USA... / [Elles), les Provinces-Unies..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eux_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_elles_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "It made [them] the overlords of... (= Denmark/Sweden/USA/Flanders)" => "Cela a fait [de lui] (= le Danemark]/[d'elle] (= la Sude)/[d'eux] (= les USA)/[d'elles] (= les Provinces-Unies)" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_delui_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_deux_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delles_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[From them] came threats... (= Denmark/Sweden/USA/Flanders)" => "[De lui] (= le Danemark]/[D'elle] (= la Sude)/[D'eux] (= les USA)/[D'elles] (= les Provinces-Unies) sont venus des menaces" (lower case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_delui_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delle_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_deux_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delles_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "X sends [them] troops" => "X [lui] envoie des troupes (France)/X [leur] envoie des troupes (USA)" +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiLeurNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leur_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "Sending [them] troops" => "[Lui] envoyer des troupes (France)/[Leur] envoyer des troupes (USA)" +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiLeurNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_lui_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leur_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "France/USA [is/are]..." => "le Danemark [est]/les USA [sont]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetEstSontNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_est_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sont_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[Is/Are] France/USA...?" => "[Est]-ce la France...?/[Sont]-ce les USA...?" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetEstSontNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_est_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sont_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "France/USA [isn't/aren't]..." => "le Danemark [n'est] pas/les USA [ne sont] pas" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetNestNesontNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_nest_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nesont_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[Isn't/Aren't] France/USA...?" => "N'est-elle pas (la France) ?/[Ne sont]-ils pas (les USA)?" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetNestNesontNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_nest_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nesont_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "France/USA [decided]..." => "le Danemark [s'est] dcid/les USA [se sont] dcids " (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSestSesontNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_sest_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sesont_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[Have] France/USA decided...?" => "[S'est]-elle dcide...?/[Se sont]-ils dcids...?" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSestSesontNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_sest_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sesont_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "France/USA [has/have]..." => "le Danemark [a].../les USA [ont]..." (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAOntNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ont_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[Has/Have] France/USA...?" => "[A]-t-elle...?/[Ont]-ils...?" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAOntNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ont_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "Denmark/USA [make] promises to..." => "le Danemark [fait] / les USA [font] des promesses..." (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetFaitFontNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_fait_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_font_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[Does] Denmark/USA make promises?" => "[Fait]-il des promesses? (= le Danemark) / [Font]-ils des promesses ? (= les USA)" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetFaitFontNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_fait_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_font_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "[its]/[their] vassalty (= France/USA)" => "[son/leur] lien de vassalit (= France/USA)" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSonLeurNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_son_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leur_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[Its]/[Their] vassalty (= France/USA)" => "[Son/Leur] lien de souverainet (= France/USA)" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSonLeurNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_son_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leur_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[its]/[their] sovereignty (= France/USA)" => "[son/leur] souverainet (= France/USA)" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSaLeurNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_sa_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leur_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[Its]/[Their] sovereignty (= France/USA)" => "[Son/Leur] souverainet (= France/USA)" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSaLeurNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_sa_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leur_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[its]/[their] colonies (= France/USA)" => "[ses/leurs] colonies (= France/USA)" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSesLeursNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_ses_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leurs_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[Its]/[Their] colonies (= France/USA)" => "[Ses/Leurs] colonies (= France/USA)" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSesLeursNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_ses_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leurs_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[his]/[hers]/[theirs] (= France/USA)" => "le rang qui est le [sien/leur] (= la France/aux USA)" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSienLeurNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_sien_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leur_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[His]/[Hers]/[Theirs] or not, ... (= France/USA)" => "[Sien/Leur] ou pas, ... (= la France/aux USA)" (upper case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSienLeurNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_sien_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leur_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[his]/[hers]/[theirs] (= France/USA)" => "l'ambition qui est la [sienne/leur] (= la France/aux USA)" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSienneLeurNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_sienne_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leur_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[His]/[Hers]/[Theirs] or not, ... (= France/USA)" => "[Sienne/Leur] ou pas, ... (= la France/aux USA)" (upper case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSienneLeurNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_sienne_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leur_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[his]/[hers]/[theirs] (= France/USA)" => "les territoires qui sont les [siens/leurs] (= la France/aux USA)" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSiensLeursNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_siens_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leurs_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[His]/[Hers]/[Theirs] or not, ... (= France/USA)" => "[Siens/Leurs] ou pas, ... (= la France/aux USA)" (upper case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSiensLeursNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_siens_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leurs_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[his]/[hers]/[theirs] (= France/USA)" => "les ambitions qui sont les [siennes/leurs] (= la France/aux USA)" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSiennesLeursNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_siennes_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leurs_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[His]/[Hers]/[Theirs] or not, ... (= France/USA)" => "[Siennes/Leurs] ou pas, ... (= la France/aux USA)" (upper case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSiennesLeursNPCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_siennes_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leurs_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "Denmark/USA lead[s/]..." => "que le Danemark soi[t] / que les USA soi[ent]" +defined_text = { + name = GetTEntNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_t_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ent_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "Denmark/USA [may]..." => "Le Danemark peu[t] / Les USA peu[vent]" +defined_text = { + name = GetTVentNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_t_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vent_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "Denmark/USA [guarantee]..." => "Le Danemark garanti[t]... / Les USA garanti[ssent]..." +defined_text = { + name = GetTSsentNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_t_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ssent_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "Denmark/USA [has/have] begun..." => "le Danemark vien[t].../les USA vien[nent]..." +defined_text = { + name = GetTNentNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_t_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nent_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "Denmark/USA decide[s/]..." => "le Danemark dcid[e]/les USA dcid[ent]" +defined_text = { + name = GetEEntNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ent_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "Denmark/USA claim[s/]..." => "le Danemark prtend[]/les USA prtend[ent]" +defined_text = { + name = GetXEntNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_XX_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + # fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + is_dynamic_tag = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ent_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +################################################################################# +### Colonial Nations ("New X") // Nations coloniales (Nouveau/Nouvelle-X) ### +################################################################################# + +### Ex: "[New] Denmark/France/Ulster/Cleves/United Provinces/Aztecs" => "[Nouveau]-Danemark/[Nouvelle]-Sude/[Nouvel]-Ulster/[Nouvelle]-Clves/[Nouvelles]-Provinces-Unies/[Nouveaux]-Hospitaliers" +### Used "only by key / Utilis uniquement par la clef COLONIAL_REGION_New_Root_GetName (New X // Nouveau/Nouvelle...-X) +defined_text = { + name = GetNouveauNouvelleNP + text = { + localisation_key = string_nouveau_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_au_01a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_dansle_01b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_cons_en_01c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_a_09a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_a_a_09b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_cons_en_aux_09c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nouvelle_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_de_en_03a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_cons_dela_auseindela_03b = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_fem_vow_d_en_04a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_en_11a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_de_a_11b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_cons_dela_en_11c = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_en_12a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_fem_vow_d_a_12b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nouvel_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_en_02a = yes + frloc_tags_art_sg_masc_vow_dansl_02b = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_en_a_10a = yes + frloc_tags_noart_sg_masc_vow_a_a_10b = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nouveaux_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_chezles_05a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_aux_05b = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_masc_cons_dansles_05c = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nouvelles_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_aux_07a = yes + frloc_tags_art_pl_fem_cons_dansles_07b = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +######################################################### +### Country Adjectives // Adjectifs pour les pays ### +######################################################### + +### Ex: "[Austrian]" => "[autrichien]" (singular masculine/masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetRootAdjMS + random = no + ### HIGHER PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHINA_STRING_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_china_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_china_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GURKANI_EMPIRE_STRING_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_gurkani_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_gurkani_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_hanseatic_league_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFG_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = AFG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AHM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AHM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AIR_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = AIR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AJU_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AJU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALA_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ALA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALB_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ALB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ALE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALG_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ALG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALH_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ALH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALO_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ALO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALS_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ALS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AMA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMG_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = AMG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANH_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ANH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANN_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = ANN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANS_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ANS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANU_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ANU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANZ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AQU_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = AQU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARA_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ARA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARB_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = ARB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARD_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ARD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARK_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ARK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARL_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ARL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARM_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ARM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARP_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = ARP } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARW_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = ARW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ASA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASH_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ASH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ASK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASS_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ASS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AST_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = AST } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASU_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ASU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ATH_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ATH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ATJ_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ATJ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AUG_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AUG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AUS_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = AUS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AUV_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = AUV } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AVA_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = AVA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AVI_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AVI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AVR_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = AVR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AYD_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = AYD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AYU_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AYU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AZT_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = AZT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAD_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BAD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAH_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BAH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAL_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BAL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAM_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BAM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAN_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BAN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAR_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BAR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAV_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BAV } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BDA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BDA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BEI_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BEI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BEJ_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BEJ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BEN_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BEN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BER_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BER } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BGA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BGA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BGL_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BGL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BHA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BHA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BHT_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BHT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BHU_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BHU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BIJ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BIJ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BLI_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BLI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BLM_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BLM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BLO_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BLO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BND_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BND } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BNG_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BNG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BNJ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BNJ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BNY_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BNY } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BOH_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BOH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BON_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BON } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BOS_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BOS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BOU_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BOU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BPR_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BPR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRA_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BRA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRB_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BRB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BRE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRG_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BRG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRI_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BRI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRR_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BRR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRT_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BRT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRU_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BRU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRZ_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BRZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BSG_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BSG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BSH_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BSH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BSR_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BSR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BST_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BST } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTI_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BTI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTL_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BTL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTN_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BTN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTS_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BTS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTU_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BTU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUG_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BUG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUK_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BUK } + } + text 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localisation_key = string_Root_ADJ_s_FR # Fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + trigger = { is_dynamic_tag = yes } + } +} +### Ex: "[Austrian]" => "[autrichienne]" (singular feminine/fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetRootAdjFS + random = no + ### HIGHER PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHINA_STRING_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_china_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_china_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GURKANI_EMPIRE_STRING_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_gurkani_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_gurkani_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_hanseatic_league_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFG_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AFG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AHM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AHM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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string_COL_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = COL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_COR_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = COR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CRA_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CRA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CRB_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CRB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CRE_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CRE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CRI_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CRI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CRN_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CRN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CRO_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CRO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CRT_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CRT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CSC_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CSC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CSH_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CSH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CSK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CSK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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ZUN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ZZZ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ZZZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABE_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ABE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_APA_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = APA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASI_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = ASI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BLA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BLA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BLG_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BLG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BPI_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BPI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAD_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CAD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHI_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CHI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHO_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CHO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHY_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CHY } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_COM_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = COM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_FKN_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = FKN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_FOX_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = FOX } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ILL_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ILL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_LEN_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = LEN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_MAH_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = MAH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_MIK_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = MIK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_MMI_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = MMI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_NAH_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = NAH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_OJI_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = OJI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_OPL_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = OPL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_OSA_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = OSA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_OSN_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = OSN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_OTT_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = OTT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PAW_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = PAW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PDV_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = PDV } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PEQ_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = PEQ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PIM_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = PIM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_POT_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = POT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_POW_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = POW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PUE_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = PUE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SHO_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = SHO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SIO_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = SIO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SUS_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = SUS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SZO_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = SZO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_WCR_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = WCR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YUA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YUA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_Root_ADJ_s_FR # Fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + trigger = { is_dynamic_tag = yes } + } +} +### Ex: "[Austrian]" => "[autrichiens]" (plural masculine/masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetRootAdjMP + random = no + ### HIGHER PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHINA_STRING_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_china_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_china_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GURKANI_EMPIRE_STRING_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_gurkani_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_gurkani_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_hanseatic_league_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFG_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = AFG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AHM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AHM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AIR_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = AIR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AJU_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AJU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALA_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALB_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ALB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ALE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALG_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALH_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ALH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALO_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = 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localisation_key = string_Root_ADJ_p_FR # Fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + trigger = { is_dynamic_tag = yes } + } +} +### Ex: "[Austrian]" => "[autrichiennes]" (plural feminine/fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetRootAdjFP + random = no + ### HIGHER PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHINA_STRING_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_china_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_china_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GURKANI_EMPIRE_STRING_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_gurkani_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_gurkani_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_hanseatic_league_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AFG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AHM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AHM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AIR_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AIR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AJU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AJU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALA_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALB_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALE_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALH_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ALH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALO_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALS_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AMA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AMG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ANH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANN_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ANN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANS_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ANS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ANU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANZ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AQU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AQU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARA_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARB_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ARB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARD_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARK_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARL_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARM_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARP_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ARP } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARW_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ARW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ASA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ASH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ASK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASS_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ASS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AST_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AST } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ASU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ATH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ATH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ATJ_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ATJ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AUG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AUG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AUS_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AUS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AUV_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AUV } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AVA_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = AVA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AVI_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AVI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AVR_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AVR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AYD_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = AYD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AYU_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AYU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AZT_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = AZT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAD_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BAD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAH_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = BAH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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localisation_key = string_WCR_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = WCR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YUA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YUA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_Root_ADJ_p_FR # Fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + trigger = { is_dynamic_tag = yes } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "[Austrian]" => "[autrichien]" (singular masculine/masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetFromAdjMS + random = no + ### HIGHER PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHINA_STRING_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_china_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_china_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GURKANI_EMPIRE_STRING_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_gurkani_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_gurkani_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_hanseatic_league_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFG_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = AFG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AHM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AHM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AIR_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = AIR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AJU_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AJU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALA_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ALA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALB_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ALB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ALE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALG_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ALG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALH_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ALH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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string_ASU_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ASU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ATH_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ATH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ATJ_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ATJ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AUG_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AUG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AUS_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = AUS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AUV_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = AUV } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AVA_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = AVA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AVI_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AVI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AVR_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = AVR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AYD_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = AYD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AYU_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AYU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AZT_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = AZT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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+ trigger = { tag = BGA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BGL_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BGL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BHA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BHA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BHT_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BHT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BHU_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BHU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BIJ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BIJ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BLI_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BLI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BLM_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BLM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BLO_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BLO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BND_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BND } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BNG_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BNG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BNJ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BNJ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BNY_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BNY } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BOH_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BOH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BON_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BON } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BOS_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BOS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BOU_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BOU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BPR_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BPR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRA_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BRA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRB_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BRB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BRE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRG_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BRG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRI_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BRI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRR_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BRR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRT_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BRT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRU_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BRU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRZ_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BRZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BSG_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BSG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BSH_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BSH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BSR_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BSR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BST_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BST } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTI_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BTI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTL_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BTL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTN_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BTN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTS_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BTS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTU_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BTU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUG_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BUG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUK_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BUK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUL_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BUL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUR_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BUR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUU_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BUU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BYT_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BYT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BYZ_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BYZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAB_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CAB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAL_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = CAL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAM_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = CAM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAN_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = CAN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAS_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = CAS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAT_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = CAT } + } + text = { + 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string_YUA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YUA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_From_ADJ_s_FR # Fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + trigger = { is_dynamic_tag = yes } + } +} +### Ex: "[Austrian]" => "[autrichienne]" (singular feminine/fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetFromAdjFS + random = no + ### HIGHER PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHINA_STRING_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_china_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_china_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GURKANI_EMPIRE_STRING_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_gurkani_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_gurkani_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_hanseatic_league_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFG_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AFG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AHM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AHM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AIR_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AIR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AJU_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AJU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALA_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALB_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALE_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALG_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALH_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ALH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALO_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALS_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AMA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMG_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AMG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANH_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ANH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANN_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = ANN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANS_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ANS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANU_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ANU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANZ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AQU_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AQU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARA_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ARA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARB_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = ARB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARD_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ARD } + } + text = { 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localisation_key = string_OTT_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = OTT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PAW_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = PAW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PDV_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = PDV } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PEQ_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = PEQ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PIM_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = PIM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_POT_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = POT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_POW_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = POW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PUE_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = PUE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SHO_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = SHO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SIO_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = SIO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SUS_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = SUS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SZO_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = SZO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_WCR_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = WCR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YUA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YUA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_From_ADJ_s_FR # Fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + trigger = { is_dynamic_tag = yes } + } +} +### Ex: "[Austrian]" => "[autrichiens]" (plural masculine/masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetFromAdjMP + random = no + ### HIGHER PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHINA_STRING_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_china_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_china_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GURKANI_EMPIRE_STRING_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_gurkani_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_gurkani_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_hanseatic_league_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFG_ADJ_mp_FR 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localisation_key = string_PDV_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = PDV } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PEQ_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = PEQ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PIM_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = PIM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_POT_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = POT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_POW_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = POW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PUE_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = PUE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SHO_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = SHO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SIO_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = SIO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SUS_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = SUS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SZO_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = SZO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_WCR_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = WCR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YUA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YUA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_From_ADJ_p_FR # Fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + trigger = { is_dynamic_tag = yes } + } +} +### Ex: "[Austrian]" => "[autrichiennes]" (plural feminine/fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetFromAdjFP + random = no + ### HIGHER PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHINA_STRING_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_china_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_china_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GURKANI_EMPIRE_STRING_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_gurkani_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_gurkani_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_hanseatic_league_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AFG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AHM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AHM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AIR_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AIR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AJU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AJU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALA_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALB_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALE_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALH_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ALH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALO_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALS_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AMA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AMG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ANH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANN_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ANN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANS_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ANS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ANU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANZ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AQU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AQU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARA_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARB_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ARB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARD_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARK_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARL_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARM_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARP_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ARP } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARW_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ARW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ASA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ASH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ASK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASS_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ASS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AST_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AST } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ASU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ATH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ATH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ATJ_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ATJ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AUG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AUG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AUS_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AUS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AUV_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AUV } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AVA_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = AVA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AVI_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AVI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AVR_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AVR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AYD_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = AYD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AYU_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AYU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AZT_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = AZT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAD_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BAD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAH_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = BAH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAL_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = BAL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAM_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BAM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAN_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BAN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAR_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BAR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAV_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BAV } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BDA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BDA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BEI_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BEI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BEJ_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = BEJ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BEN_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BEN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BER_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BER } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BGA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BGA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BGL_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BGL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BHA_ADJ_FR 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string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFG_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = AFG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AHM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AHM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AIR_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = AIR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AJU_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AJU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALA_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ALA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALB_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ALB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ALE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALG_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ALG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALH_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ALH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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+ trigger = { tag = BGA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BGL_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BGL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BHA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BHA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BHT_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BHT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BHU_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BHU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BIJ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BIJ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BLI_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BLI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BLM_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BLM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BLO_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BLO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BND_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BND } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BNG_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BNG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BNJ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BNJ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BNY_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = 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text = { + localisation_key = string_BRU_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BRU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRZ_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BRZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BSG_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BSG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BSH_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BSH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BSR_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BSR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BST_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BST } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTI_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BTI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTL_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BTL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTN_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BTN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTS_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BTS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTU_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BTU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUG_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BUG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUK_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BUK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUL_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BUL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUR_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BUR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUU_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = BUU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BYT_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BYT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BYZ_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = BYZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAB_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CAB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAL_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = CAL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAM_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = CAM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAN_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = CAN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAS_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = CAS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAT_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = CAT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CBA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CBA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CCM_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CCM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CCQ_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = CCQ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CDL_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CDL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CEB_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = CEB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CEP_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CEP } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CEY_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CEY } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CGS_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CGS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHA_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = CHA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHC_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CHC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHD_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CHD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHE_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CHE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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string_YUA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YUA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_Root_Owner_ADJ_s_FR # Fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + trigger = { is_dynamic_tag = yes } + } +} +### Ex: "[Austrian]" => "[autrichienne]" (singular feminine/fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetRootOwnerAdjFS + random = no + ### HIGHER PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHINA_STRING_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_china_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_china_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GURKANI_EMPIRE_STRING_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_gurkani_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_gurkani_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_hanseatic_league_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFG_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AFG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AHM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AHM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AIR_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AIR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AJU_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AJU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALA_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALB_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALE_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALG_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALH_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ALH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALO_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALS_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AMA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMG_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AMG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANH_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ANH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANN_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = ANN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANS_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ANS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANU_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ANU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANZ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AQU_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AQU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARA_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ARA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARB_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = ARB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARD_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ARD } + } + text = { 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trigger = { tag = BUL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUR_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BUR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUU_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BUU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BYT_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BYT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BYZ_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BYZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAB_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CAB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAL_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CAL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAM_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CAM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAN_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CAN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAS_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CAS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAT_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CAT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CBA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CBA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CCM_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = 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string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFG_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = AFG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AHM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AHM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AIR_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = AIR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AJU_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AJU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALA_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALB_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ALB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ALE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALG_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALH_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ALH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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string_YUA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YUA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_Root_Owner_ADJ_p_FR # Fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + trigger = { is_dynamic_tag = yes } + } +} +### Ex: "[Austrian]" => "[autrichiennes]" (plural feminine/fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetRootOwnerAdjFP + random = no + ### HIGHER PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHINA_STRING_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_china_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_china_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GURKANI_EMPIRE_STRING_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_gurkani_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_gurkani_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_hanseatic_league_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AFG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AHM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AHM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AIR_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AIR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AJU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AJU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALA_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALB_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALE_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALH_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ALH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALO_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALS_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AMA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AMG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ANH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANN_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ANN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANS_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ANS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ANU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANZ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AQU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AQU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARA_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARB_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ARB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARD_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARK_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARL_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARM_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARP_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ARP } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARW_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ARW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ASA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ASH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ASK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASS_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ASS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AST_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AST } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ASU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ATH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ATH } + } + text = { + 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localisation_key = string_BAL_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = BAL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAM_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BAM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAN_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BAN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAR_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BAR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAV_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BAV } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BDA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BDA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BEI_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BEI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BEJ_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = BEJ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BEN_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BEN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BER_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BER } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BGA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BGA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BGL_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BGL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + 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string_PAW_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = PAW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PDV_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = PDV } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PEQ_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = PEQ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PIM_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = PIM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_POT_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = POT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_POW_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = POW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PUE_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = PUE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SHO_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = SHO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SIO_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = SIO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SUS_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = SUS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SZO_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = SZO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_WCR_ADJ_ms_FR + trigger = { tag = WCR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YUA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YUA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_Root_Overlord_ADJ_s_FR # Fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + trigger = { is_dynamic_tag = yes } + } +} +### Ex: "[Austrian]" => "[autrichienne]" (singular feminine/fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetRootOverlordAdjFS + random = no + ### HIGHER PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHINA_STRING_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_china_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_china_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GURKANI_EMPIRE_STRING_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_gurkani_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_gurkani_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_hanseatic_league_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFG_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AFG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AHM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AHM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AIR_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AIR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AJU_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = AJU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALA_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALB_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALE_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALG_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALH_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ALH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALO_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ALO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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string_BAH_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BAH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAL_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BAL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAM_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BAM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAN_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BAN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAR_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BAR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAV_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BAV } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BDA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BDA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BEI_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BEI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BEJ_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BEJ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BEN_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BEN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BER_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BER } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BGA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BGA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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= { tag = BRU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRZ_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BRZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BSG_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BSG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BSH_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BSH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BSR_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BSR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BST_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BST } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTI_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BTI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTL_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BTL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTN_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BTN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTS_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BTS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BTU_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = BTU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUG_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BUG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BUK_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = BUK } + } + 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+ localisation_key = string_CCM_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CCM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CCQ_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CCQ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CDL_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CDL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CEB_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CEB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CEP_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CEP } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CEY_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CEY } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CGS_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CGS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHA_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CHA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHC_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CHC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHD_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CHD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHE_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CHE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHG_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CHG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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string_COI_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = COI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_COL_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = COL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_COR_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = COR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CRA_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CRA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CRB_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CRB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CRE_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CRE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CRI_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CRI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CRN_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CRN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CRO_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = CRO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CRT_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CRT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CSC_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = CSC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CSH_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = CSH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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trigger = { tag = DAL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DAM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = DAM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DAN_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = DAN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DAR_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = DAR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DAU_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = DAU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DAW_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = DAW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DEC_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = DEC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DGB_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = DGB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DGL_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = DGL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DHU_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = DHU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DLH_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = DLH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DMK_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = DMK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DMS_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = DMS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DNG_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = DNG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DNZ_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = DNZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DTE_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = DTE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DTI_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = DTI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DTT_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = DTT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DUL_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = DUL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_DWT_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = DWT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_EFR_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = EFR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_EGY_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = EGY } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ENA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ENA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ENG_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = ENG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_EPI_ADJ_s_FR + trigger = { tag = EPI } + } + text 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localisation_key = string_WCR_ADJ_fs_FR + trigger = { tag = WCR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YUA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YUA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_Root_Overlord_ADJ_s_FR # Fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + trigger = { is_dynamic_tag = yes } + } +} +### Ex: "[Austrian]" => "[autrichiens]" (plural masculine/masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetRootOverlordAdjMP + random = no + ### HIGHER PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHINA_STRING_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_china_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_china_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GURKANI_EMPIRE_STRING_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_gurkani_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_gurkani_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_hanseatic_league_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFG_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = AFG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AHM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AHM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AIR_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = AIR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AJU_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = AJU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALA_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALB_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ALB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALE_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ALE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALG_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALH_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ALH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALO_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALS_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AMA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMG_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = AMG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANH_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ANH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANN_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ANN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANS_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ANS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANU_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = ANU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANZ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AQU_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = AQU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARA_ADJ_m_FR + trigger = { tag = ARA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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string_PAW_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = PAW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PDV_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = PDV } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PEQ_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = PEQ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PIM_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = PIM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_POT_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = POT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_POW_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = POW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PUE_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = PUE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SHO_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = SHO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SIO_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = SIO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SUS_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = SUS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SZO_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = SZO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_WCR_ADJ_mp_FR + trigger = { tag = WCR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YUA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YUA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_Root_Overlord_ADJ_p_FR # Fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + trigger = { is_dynamic_tag = yes } + } +} +### Ex: "[Austrian]" => "[autrichiennes]" (plural feminine/fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetRootOverlordAdjFP + random = no + ### HIGHER PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHINA_STRING_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_china_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_china_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GURKANI_EMPIRE_STRING_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_gurkani_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_gurkani_flag } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_hanseatic_league_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_KINGDOM_OF_GOD_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = is_kingdom_of_god_flag } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_THE_CALIPHATE_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { has_country_flag = unified_islam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_TURKEY_STRING_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { OR = { has_country_flag = is_turkey_flag has_country_flag = is_revolutionary_turkey_flag } } + } + ### USUAL PRIORITY ### + text = { + localisation_key = string_AAC_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AAC } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABB_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ABB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ACH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ACH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADA_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADE_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ADU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ADU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AFA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AFG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AFG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AHM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AHM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AIR_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AIR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AJU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AJU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AKT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AKT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALA_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALB_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALE_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALH_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ALH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALO_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ALS_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ALS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = AMA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AMG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AMG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ANH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANN_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ANN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANS_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ANS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ANU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ANZ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ANZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AQU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AQU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARA_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARB_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ARB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARD_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARK_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARL_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARM_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ARM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARP_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ARP } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ARW_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ARW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ASA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ASH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ASK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASS_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ASS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_AST_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = AST } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ASU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ATH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ATH } + } + text = { + 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localisation_key = string_BAL_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = BAL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAM_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BAM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAN_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BAN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAR_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BAR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BAV_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BAV } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BDA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BDA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BEI_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BEI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BEJ_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = BEJ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BEN_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BEN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BER_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BER } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BGA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BGA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BGL_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BGL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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string_BON_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = BON } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BOS_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BOS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BOU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BOU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BPR_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = BPR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRA_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BRA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRB_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BRB } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRE_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BRE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BRG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRI_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BRI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRR_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BRR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRT_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = BRT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BRU_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BRU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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string_WUR_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = WUR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_WUU_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = WUU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_XAL_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = XAL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_XIU_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = XIU } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YAK_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YAK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YAN_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YAN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YAO_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YAO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YAQ_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = YAQ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YAR_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = YAR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YAS_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YAS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YAT_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YAT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YEM_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = YEM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YKT_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = YKT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YMN_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YMN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YOK_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = YOK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YOR_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = YOR } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YZD_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = YZD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YUE_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YUE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ZAF_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ZAF } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ZAN_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ZAN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ZAP_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ZAP } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ZAZ_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ZAZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ZIM_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ZIM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ZNI_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ZNI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ZUN_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ZUN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ZZZ_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = ZZZ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_YUA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = YUA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_Root_Overlord_ADJ_p_FR # Fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations + trigger = { is_dynamic_tag = yes } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ABE_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ABE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_APA_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = APA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ASI_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = ASI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BLA_ADJ_FR + trigger = { tag = BLA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BLG_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BLG } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_BPI_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = BPI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CAD_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = CAD } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHI_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = CHI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHO_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = CHO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_CHY_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = CHY } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_COM_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = COM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_FKN_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = FKN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_FOX_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = FOX } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ILL_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = ILL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_LEN_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = LEN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_MAH_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = MAH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_MIK_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = MIK } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_MMI_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = MMI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_NAH_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = NAH } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_OJI_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = OJI } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_OPL_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = OPL } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_OSA_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = OSA } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_OSN_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = OSN } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_OTT_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = OTT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PAW_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = PAW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PDV_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = PDV } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PEQ_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = PEQ } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PIM_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = PIM } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_POT_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = POT } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_POW_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = POW } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_PUE_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = PUE } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SHO_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = SHO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SIO_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = SIO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SUS_ADJ_p_FR + trigger = { tag = SUS } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_SZO_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = SZO } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_WCR_ADJ_fp_FR + trigger = { tag = WCR } + } +} + + +############################# +### Estates // Ordres ### +############################# + +# Ex: "[Clergy]" => "les [clercs]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetClercs + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_monasteries_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + OR = { + religion = buddhism #Theravada + religion = mahayana + religion = vajrayana + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babaylanes_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + tag = MAS + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brahmins_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + religion = hinduism + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gentry_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + OR = { has_reform = celestial_empire culture_group = east_asian } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ulema_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + OR = { religion_group = muslim religion_group = yazidi religion_group = muslirel } # La Pliade + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlamacazqueh_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + religion = nahuatl + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yangban_scholars_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + tag = KOR religion = confucianism + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pastors_FR # La Pliade + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + OR = { religion = protestant religion = reformed } + has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_popes_FR # La Pliade + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + AND = { religion = orthodox OR = { culture_group = east_slavic culture_group = south_slavic culture_group = west_slavic } } + has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamans_FR # La Pliade + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + religion = tengri_pagan_reformed + has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gurus_FR # La Pliade + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + religion = sikhism + has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_medicine_men_FR # La Pliade + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + religion = totemism + has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_godar_FR # La Pliade + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + religion = norse_pagan_reformed + has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rabbis_FR # La Pliade + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + religion_group = jewish_group + has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_priests_FR # La Pliade + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + OR = { religion = hussite religion = confucianism religion = shinto religion = animism religion = shamanism religion = inti religion = mesoamerican_religion } + has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mobeds_FR # La Pliade + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + religion = zoroastrian + has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_church_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_church + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[Brahmins]" => "les [brahmanes]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetBrahmanes + text = { + localisation_key = string_brahmins_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_brahmins + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[Nobility]" => "les [nobles]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetNobles + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_beys_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + technology_group = ottoman + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_boyars_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + OR = { culture_group = east_slavic primary_culture = bulgarian primary_culture = romanian } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_szlachta_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + OR = { primary_culture = polish primary_culture = lithuanian } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_timawa_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + tag = MAS + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nayaks_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + tag = VIJ + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samantas_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + tag = ORI + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kshatriyas_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + religion = hinduism + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_qinwang_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + has_reform = celestial_empire + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mansabdars_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + tag = MUG + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tetecuhtin_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + religion = nahuatl + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andriana_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + tag = MIR + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amirs_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + OR = { religion_group = muslim religion_group = yazidi religion_group = muslirel } NOT = { technology_group = ottoman } # La Pliade + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_planters_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + tag = USA + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bushi_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + culture_group = japanese_g + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yangban_administrators_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + tag = KOR religion = confucianism + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_junkers_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + OR = { has_reform = prussian_republic_reform has_reform = prussian_monarchy tag = GER } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_warriors_FR # La Pliade + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + OR = { government = native has_reform = siberian_tribe has_reform = native_basic_reform } + has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nobles_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nobles + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[Marathas]" => "les [Marathes]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetMarathes + text = { + localisation_key = string_maratha_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_maratha + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[Rajput]" => "les [Rjpoutes]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetRajpoutes + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_estate_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_rajput + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[Burghers]" => "les [bourgeois]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetBourgeois + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_bourgeoisie_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_burghers + culture_group = french + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shangbang_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_burghers + culture_group = east_asian + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neoconfucian_reformers_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_burghers + tag = KOR religion = confucianism + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pochteca_FR # La Pliade + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_burghers + religion = nahuatl + has_global_flag = la_pleiade # La Pliade + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_merchant_guilds_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_burghers + NOT = { religion_group = christian } #Diversify a bit more. + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burghers_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_burghers +# NOT = { +# OR = { +# culture_group = french # estate_bourgeoisie // string_bourgeoisie_FR +# culture_group = east_asian # estate_shangbang // string_shangbang_FR +# AND = { tag = KOR religion = confucianism } # estate_neoconfucian_reformers // string_neoconfucian_reformers_FR +# religion = nahuatl # estate_pochteca // string_pochteca_FR # La Pliade +# religion_group = christian # estate_merchant_guilds // string_merchant_guilds_FR +# } +# } + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[Vaishyas]" => "les [vaishyas]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetVaishyas + text = { + localisation_key = string_vaisyas_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_vaisyas + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[Cossacks]" => "les [cosaques]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetCosaques + text = { + localisation_key = string_cossacks_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_cossacks + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[Tribes]" => "les [tribus]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetTribus + text = { + localisation_key = string_nomadic_tribes_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nomadic_tribes + } + } +} + +# Ex: "The [Tribes]/[Cossacks]/[troops]" => "les [tribus]/[cosaques]/[troupes]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetTribusOuCosaquesN + text = { + localisation_key = string_nomadic_tribes_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_nomadic_tribes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cossacks_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_cossacks + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_troops_FR # Fallback + trigger = { + NOT = { has_estate = estate_nomadic_tribes } + NOT = { has_estate = estate_cossacks } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[They] want more loot (= the Tribes/Cossacks/troops)" => "[ils/elles] veulent davantage de butin (= les tribus/cosaques/troupes)" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetTribusOuCosaquesIlsElles + text = { + localisation_key = string_elles_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + has_estate = estate_nomadic_tribes + AND = { + NOT = { has_estate = estate_nomadic_tribes } + NOT = { has_estate = estate_cossacks } + } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ils_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_cossacks + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[Dhimmi]" => "les [dhimm]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDhimmi + text = { + localisation_key = string_dhimmi_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_dhimmi + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Jains]" => "les [jans]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetJains + text = { + localisation_key = string_jains_FR + trigger = { + has_estate = estate_jains + } + } +} + + + +############################################ +### Trade Goods // Biens commerciaux ### +############################################ + +### Ex: "wine" => "le [vin]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetBC + text = { + localisation_key = string_wine_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = wine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fish_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = fish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salt_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = salt } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_copper_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = copper } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iron_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = iron } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tea_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = tea } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coffee_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = coffee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cotton_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = cotton } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sugar_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = sugar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tobacco_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = tobacco } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cocoa_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = cocoa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wool_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = wool } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_silk_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = silk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gold_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = gold } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ivory_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = ivory } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slaves_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = slaves } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tropical_wood_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = tropical_wood } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_grain_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = grain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cloth_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = cloth } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fur_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = fur } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_naval_supplies_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = naval_supplies } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinaware_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = chinaware } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spices_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = spices } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyes_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = dyes } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_incense_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = incense } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_livestock_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = livestock } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_glass_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = glass } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_paper_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = paper } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gems_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = gems } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coal_FR + trigger = { trade_goods = coal } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "sell [the] wine/wool/gold/slaves" => "vendre [le] vin/[la] laine/[l']or/[les] esclaves" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaBC + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + frloc_trade_goods_masc_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + frloc_trade_goods_fem_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_FR + trigger = { + frloc_trade_goods_sg_vow = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_les_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_trade_goods_pl_cons = yes + frloc_trade_goods_pl_vow = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "Wine/Wool/Gold/Slaves is/are sold" => "[Le] vin/[La] laine/[L']or/[Les] esclaves est/sont vendu(e)(s)" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaBCCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_trade_goods_masc_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_trade_goods_fem_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_trade_goods_sg_vow = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_les_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_trade_goods_pl_cons = yes + frloc_trade_goods_pl_vow = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "the trade [of] wine/wool/gold/slaves" => "le commerce [du] vin/[de la] laine/[de l']or/[des] esclaves" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaBC + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + frloc_trade_goods_masc_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + frloc_trade_goods_fem_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_FR + trigger = { + frloc_trade_goods_sg_vow = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_des_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_trade_goods_pl_cons = yes + frloc_trade_goods_pl_vow = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[Some] wine/wool/gold/slaves is/are sold" => "[Du] vin/[De la] laine/[De l']or/[Des] esclaves est/sont vendus" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaBCCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_trade_goods_masc_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_trade_goods_fem_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_trade_goods_sg_vow = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_des_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_trade_goods_pl_cons = yes + frloc_trade_goods_pl_vow = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "make do with wine/wool/gold/slaves" => "vivre [de] vin/[d']or" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeDBC + text = { + localisation_key = string_de_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_trade_goods_masc_sg_cons = yes + frloc_trade_goods_fem_sg_cons = yes + frloc_trade_goods_pl_cons = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_d_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_trade_goods_sg_vow = yes + frloc_trade_goods_pl_vow = yes + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "There's never enough wine/wool/gold/slaves" => "[De] vin/[D']or, points n'est assez" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeDBCCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_de_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_trade_goods_masc_sg_cons = yes + frloc_trade_goods_fem_sg_cons = yes + frloc_trade_goods_pl_cons = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_d_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_trade_goods_sg_vow = yes + frloc_trade_goods_pl_vow = yes + } + } + } +} + + + + +######################################## +### Manufactures // Manufactures ### +######################################## +#Copied from GetManufactory +#Prints the province's manufactory (if one is built) +###Ex: "The estates request the building of [a naval equipment manufactory] / [a trade station]." = "Les ordres demandent la construction d'[une manufacture navale] / d'[un comptoir commercial]." (= lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetUnUneManufacture + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_building_wharf_FR # manufacture navale + trigger = { + OR = { + trade_goods = naval_supplies + trade_goods = fish + trade_goods = salt + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_building_weapons_FR # manufacture d'armes + trigger = { + OR = { + trade_goods = copper + trade_goods = iron + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_building_textile_FR # manufacture textile + trigger = { + OR = { + trade_goods = wool + trade_goods = cloth + trade_goods = silk + trade_goods = dyes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_building_plantations_FR # plantation + trigger = { + OR = { + trade_goods = coffee + trade_goods = cotton + trade_goods = sugar + trade_goods = tobacco + trade_goods = tea + trade_goods = cocoa + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_building_tradecompany_FR # comptoir commercial + trigger = { + OR = { + trade_goods = ivory + trade_goods = slaves + trade_goods = spices + trade_goods = fur + trade_goods = incense + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_building_farm_estate_FR # domaine foncier + trigger = { + OR = { + trade_goods = grain + trade_goods = livestock + trade_goods = wine + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_building_mills_FR # moulin + trigger = { + OR = { + trade_goods = paper + trade_goods = gems + trade_goods = tropical_wood + trade_goods = glass + trade_goods = chinaware + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_building_furnace_FR # fourneau + trigger = { + trade_goods = coal + } + } +} + + + + +############################################################## +### State Forms // Dsignations des rgimes politiques ### +############################################################## +#When you need to refer a government/state +#In the future incorporate more special things here +###Ex: "It is [the] Council/Crown of X." = "C'est [le] Conseil/[la] Couronne de X." (= lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLRegime + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + government = monarchy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + government = republic + } + } +} +###Ex: "[The] Council/Crown of X" = "[Le] Conseil/[La] Couronne de X" (= upper case/majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLRegimeCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + government = monarchy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + government = republic + } + } +} + + + +###Ex: "The order came [from the] Council/Crown of X." = "L'ordre est venu [du] Conseil/[de la] Couronne de X." (= lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaRegime + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + government = monarchy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + government = republic + } + } +} +###Ex: "[From the] Council/Crown of X came this order..." = "[Du] Conseil/[De la] Couronne de X est venu l'ordre de..." (= upper case/majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaRegimeCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + government = monarchy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + government = republic + } + } +} + + + +###Ex: "The order came [to the] Council/Crown of X." = "L'ordre est arriv [au] Conseil/[ la] Couronne de X." (= lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaRegime + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + government = monarchy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + government = republic + } + } +} +###Ex: "[To the] Council/Crown of X came this order..." = "[Au] Conseil/[ la] Couronne de X est venu l'ordre de..." (= upper case/majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaRegimeCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + government = monarchy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + government = republic + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "[l'tat]/[la Rpublique]/[Dieu]/[la horde]/[la tribu], c'est moi" => "[l'tat]/[la Rpublique]/[Dieu]/[la horde]/[la tribu], c'est moi" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaTypeRegime + text = { + localisation_key = string_letat_FR + trigger = { + government = monarchy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_larepublique_FR + trigger = { + government = republic + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_Dieu_FR + trigger = { + government = theocracy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lahorde_FR + trigger = { + government = tribal + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latribu_FR + trigger = { + government = native + } + } +} +### Ex: "[L'tat]/[La Rpublique]/[Dieu]/[La horde]/[La tribu], c'est moi" => "[L'tat]/[La Rpublique]/[Dieu]/[La horde]/[La tribu], c'est moi" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaTypeRegimeCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_letat_cap_FR + trigger = { + government = monarchy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_larepublique_cap_FR + trigger = { + government = republic + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_Dieu_cap_FR + trigger = { + government = theocracy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lahorde_cap_FR + trigger = { + government = tribal + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latribu_cap_FR + trigger = { + government = native + } + } +} + + + +################################################################################################ +### Religious Schools Names & Adjectives / Noms et adjectifs pour les coles religieuses ### +################################################################################################ +#Ex: "[Malikism] is one of the Muslim schools." => "Le [malkisme] est l'une des coles de l'islam." +defined_text = { + name = GetEcoleReligieuseN + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_n_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanafi_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanafi_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_n_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanbali_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanbali_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_n_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = ismaili_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = ismaili_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jafari_school_n_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = jafari_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = jafari_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maliki_school_n_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = maliki_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = maliki_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shafii_school_n_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = shafii_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = shafii_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_n_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = zaidi_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = zaidi_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } +} + + + +#Ex: "A [Maliki] scholar..." => "Un lettr [malkite]..." +defined_text = { + name = GetEcoleReligieuseAdjMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanafi_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanafi_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanbali_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanbali_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = ismaili_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = ismaili_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jafari_school_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = jafari_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = jafari_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maliki_school_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = maliki_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = maliki_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shafii_school_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = shafii_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = shafii_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = zaidi_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = zaidi_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } +} + + + +#Ex: "The [Maliki] school..." => "L'cole [malkite]..." +defined_text = { + name = GetEcoleReligieuseAdjFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanafi_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanafi_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanbali_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanbali_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = ismaili_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = ismaili_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jafari_school_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = jafari_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = jafari_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maliki_school_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = maliki_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = maliki_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shafii_school_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = shafii_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = shafii_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_s_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = zaidi_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = zaidi_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } +} + + + +#Ex: "The [Maliki] scholars..." => "Les lettrs [malkites]..." +defined_text = { + name = GetEcoleReligieuseAdjMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_p_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanafi_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanafi_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_p_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanbali_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanbali_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_p_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = ismaili_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = ismaili_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jafari_school_p_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = jafari_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = jafari_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maliki_school_p_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = maliki_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = maliki_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shafii_school_p_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = shafii_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = shafii_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_p_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = zaidi_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = zaidi_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } +} + + + +#Ex: "The [Maliki] creed..." => "Les croyances [malkites]..." +defined_text = { + name = GetEcoleReligieuseAdjMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_p_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanafi_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanafi_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_p_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = hanbali_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = hanbali_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_p_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = ismaili_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = ismaili_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jafari_school_p_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = jafari_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = jafari_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maliki_school_p_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = maliki_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = maliki_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shafii_school_p_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = shafii_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = shafii_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_p_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + religious_school = { group = muslim school = zaidi_school } + religious_school = { group = muslirel school = zaidi_school } # La Pliade + } + } + } +} + + + +############################################################################################### +### Religious Scholars Names & Adjectives / Noms et adjectifs pour les lettrs musulmans ### +############################################################################################### +#Ex: "[Malikism] is one of the Muslim schools." => "Le [malkisme] est l'une des coles de l'islam." +defined_text = { + name = GetLettreReligieuxN + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_n_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanafi_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_n_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanbali_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_n_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = ismaili_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jafari_school_n_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = jafari_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maliki_school_n_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = maliki_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shafii_school_n_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = shafii_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_n_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = zaidi_scholar_modifier } + } +} + + + +#Ex: "A [Maliki] scholar..." => "Un lettr [malkite]..." +defined_text = { + name = GetLettreReligieuxAdjMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanafi_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanbali_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = ismaili_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jafari_school_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = jafari_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maliki_school_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = maliki_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shafii_school_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = shafii_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = zaidi_scholar_modifier } + } +} + + + +#Ex: "The [Maliki] school..." => "L'cole [malkite]..." +defined_text = { + name = GetLettreReligieuxAdjFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanafi_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanbali_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = ismaili_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jafari_school_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = jafari_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maliki_school_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = maliki_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shafii_school_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = shafii_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_s_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = zaidi_scholar_modifier } + } +} + + + +#Ex: "The [Maliki] scholars..." => "Les lettrs [malkites]..." +defined_text = { + name = GetLettreReligieuxAdjMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanafi_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanbali_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = ismaili_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jafari_school_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = jafari_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maliki_school_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = maliki_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shafii_school_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = shafii_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = zaidi_scholar_modifier } + } +} + + + +#Ex: "The [Maliki] creed..." => "Les croyances [malkites]..." +defined_text = { + name = GetLettreReligieuxAdjMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanafi_school_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanafi_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hanbali_school_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = hanbali_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ismaili_school_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = ismaili_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jafari_school_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = jafari_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maliki_school_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = maliki_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shafii_school_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = shafii_scholar_modifier } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zaidi_school_p_FR + trigger = { has_country_modifier = zaidi_scholar_modifier } + } +} + + + +##################################################################################################################### +### Culture Adjectives for Administrative Advisors // Adjectifs culturels pour les conseillers administratifs ### +##################################################################################################################### + +### Ex: "A [Turkish] administrative advisor" => "un conseiller administratif [turc]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetAdmCultMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = inca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aimara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = diaguita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = otomi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yaqui } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chimuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chontales } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tupinamba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = charruan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ge } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jivaro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chachapoyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = muisca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = miskito } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = inuit } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = illini } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anishinabe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cree } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mesquakie } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cheyenne } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = blackfoot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arapaho } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = delaware } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = abenaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mikmaq } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mahican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = powhatan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pequot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = iroquois } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cherokee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = huron } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = susquehannock } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dalmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chiwere } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = osage } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = catawba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wichita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = caddo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = creek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = choctaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chickasaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pueblo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = piman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shoshone } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kiowa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = apache } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = navajo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chipewyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = haida } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cantonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chimin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hakka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = xiang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sichuanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scythian } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Turkish] administrative advisor" => "une conseillre administrative [turque]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetAdmCultFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = inca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aimara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = diaguita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = otomi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yaqui } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chimuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chontales } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tupinamba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = charruan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ge } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jivaro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chachapoyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = muisca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = miskito } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = inuit } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = illini } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anishinabe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cree } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mesquakie } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cheyenne } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = blackfoot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arapaho } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = delaware } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = abenaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mikmaq } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mahican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = powhatan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pequot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = iroquois } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cherokee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = huron } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = susquehannock } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dalmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chiwere } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = osage } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = catawba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wichita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = caddo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = creek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = choctaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chickasaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pueblo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = piman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shoshone } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kiowa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = apache } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = navajo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chipewyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = haida } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cantonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chimin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hakka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = xiang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sichuanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scythian } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Turkish] administrative advisors are wise" => "Les conseillers administrafifs [turcs] sont aviss" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetAdmCultMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = inca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aimara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = diaguita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = otomi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yaqui } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chimuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chontales } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tupinamba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = charruan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ge } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jivaro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chachapoyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = muisca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = miskito } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = inuit } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = illini } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anishinabe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cree } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mesquakie } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cheyenne } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = blackfoot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arapaho } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = delaware } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = abenaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mikmaq } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mahican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = powhatan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pequot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = iroquois } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cherokee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = huron } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = susquehannock } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dalmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chiwere } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = osage } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = catawba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wichita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = caddo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = creek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = choctaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chickasaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pueblo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = piman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shoshone } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kiowa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = apache } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = navajo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chipewyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = haida } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cantonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chimin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hakka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = xiang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sichuanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scythian } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Turkish] administrative advisors are beautiful" => "les conseillres administratives [turques] sont jolies" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetAdmCultFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = inca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aimara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = diaguita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = otomi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yaqui } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chimuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chontales } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tupinamba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = charruan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ge } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jivaro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chachapoyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = muisca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = miskito } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = inuit } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = illini } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anishinabe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cree } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mesquakie } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cheyenne } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = blackfoot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arapaho } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = delaware } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = abenaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mikmaq } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mahican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = powhatan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pequot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = iroquois } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cherokee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = huron } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = susquehannock } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dalmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chiwere } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = osage } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = catawba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wichita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = caddo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = creek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = choctaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chickasaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pueblo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = piman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shoshone } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kiowa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = apache } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = navajo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chipewyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = haida } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cantonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = wu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chimin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hakka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = xiang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sichuanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM culture = scythian } } + } +} + + + +################################################################################################################ +### Culture Adjectives for Diplomatic Advisors // Adjectifs culturels pour les conseillers diplomatiques ### +################################################################################################################ + +### Ex: "A [Turkish] diplomatic advisor" => "un conseiller diplomatique [turc]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetDipCultMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = inca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aimara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = diaguita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = otomi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yaqui } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chimuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chontales } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tupinamba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = guarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = charruan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ge } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jivaro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chachapoyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = muisca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = miskito } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { 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employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = 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string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scythian } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Turkish] diplomatic advisor" => "une conseillre diplomatique [turque]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetDipCultFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = inca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aimara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = diaguita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = otomi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yaqui } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chimuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chontales } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tupinamba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = guarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = charruan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ge } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jivaro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chachapoyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = muisca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = miskito } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = inuit } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = illini } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anishinabe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cree } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mesquakie } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cheyenne } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = blackfoot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arapaho } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = delaware } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = abenaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mikmaq } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mahican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = powhatan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pequot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = iroquois } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cherokee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = huron } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = susquehannock } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dalmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chiwere } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = osage } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = catawba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wichita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = caddo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = creek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = choctaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chickasaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pueblo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = piman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shoshone } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kiowa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = apache } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = navajo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chipewyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = haida } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cantonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chimin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hakka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = xiang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sichuanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scythian } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Turkish] diplomatic advisors are wise" => "Les conseillers diplomatiques [turcs] sont aviss" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetDipCultMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = inca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aimara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = diaguita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = otomi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yaqui } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chimuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chontales } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tupinamba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = guarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = charruan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ge } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jivaro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chachapoyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = muisca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = miskito } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = inuit } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = illini } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anishinabe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cree } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mesquakie } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cheyenne } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = blackfoot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arapaho } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = delaware } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = abenaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mikmaq } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mahican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = powhatan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pequot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = iroquois } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cherokee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = huron } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = susquehannock } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dalmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chiwere } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = osage } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = catawba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wichita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = caddo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = creek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = choctaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chickasaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pueblo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = piman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shoshone } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kiowa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = apache } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = navajo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chipewyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = haida } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cantonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chimin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hakka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = xiang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sichuanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scythian } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Turkish] diplomatic advisors are beautiful" => "les conseillres diplomatiques [turques] sont jolies" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetDipCultFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR + trigger = { 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localisation_key = string_chacoan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = inuit } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = illini } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anishinabe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cree } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mesquakie } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cheyenne } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = blackfoot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arapaho } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = delaware } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = abenaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mikmaq } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mahican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = powhatan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pequot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = iroquois } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cherokee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = huron } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = susquehannock } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dalmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chiwere } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = osage } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = catawba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wichita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = caddo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = creek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = choctaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chickasaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pueblo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = piman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shoshone } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kiowa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = apache } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = navajo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chipewyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = haida } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cantonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = wu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chimin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hakka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = xiang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sichuanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP culture = scythian } } + } +} + + + +########################################################################################################### +### Culture Adjectives for Military Advisors // Adjectifs culturels pour les conseillers militaires ### +########################################################################################################### + +### Ex: "A [Turkish] military advisor" => "un conseiller militaire [turc]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetMilCultMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = inca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aimara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = diaguita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = otomi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yaqui } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chimuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chontales } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tupinamba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = charruan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ge } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jivaro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chachapoyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = muisca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = miskito } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = inuit } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = illini } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anishinabe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cree } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mesquakie } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cheyenne } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = blackfoot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arapaho } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = delaware } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = abenaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mikmaq } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mahican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = powhatan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pequot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = iroquois } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cherokee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = huron } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = susquehannock } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dalmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chiwere } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = osage } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = catawba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wichita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = caddo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = creek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = choctaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chickasaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pueblo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = piman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shoshone } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kiowa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = apache } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = navajo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chipewyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = haida } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cantonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chimin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hakka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = xiang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sichuanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scythian } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Turkish] military advisor" => "une conseillre militaire [turque]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetMilCultFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = inca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aimara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = diaguita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = otomi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yaqui } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chimuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chontales } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tupinamba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = charruan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ge } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jivaro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chachapoyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = muisca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = miskito } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = inuit } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = illini } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anishinabe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cree } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mesquakie } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cheyenne } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = blackfoot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arapaho } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = delaware } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = abenaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mikmaq } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mahican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = powhatan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pequot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = iroquois } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cherokee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = huron } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = susquehannock } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dalmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chiwere } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = osage } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = catawba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wichita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = caddo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = creek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = choctaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chickasaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pueblo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = piman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shoshone } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kiowa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = apache } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = navajo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chipewyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = haida } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cantonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chimin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hakka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = xiang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sichuanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scythian } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Turkish] military advisors are wise" => "Les conseillers militaires [turcs] sont aviss" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetMilCultMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = inca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aimara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = diaguita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = otomi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yaqui } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chimuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chontales } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tupinamba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = charruan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ge } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jivaro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chachapoyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = muisca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = miskito } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = inuit } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = illini } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anishinabe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cree } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mesquakie } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cheyenne } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = blackfoot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arapaho } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = delaware } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = abenaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mikmaq } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mahican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = powhatan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pequot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = iroquois } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cherokee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = huron } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = susquehannock } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dalmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chiwere } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = osage } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = catawba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wichita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = caddo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = creek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = choctaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chickasaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pueblo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = piman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shoshone } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kiowa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = apache } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = navajo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chipewyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = haida } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cantonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chimin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hakka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = xiang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sichuanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scythian } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Turkish] military advisors are beautiful" => "les conseillres militaires [turques] sont jolies" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetMilCultFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pommeranian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = prussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hannoverian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hessian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = franconian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swabian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swiss } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bavarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = austrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dutch } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = flemish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swedish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = danish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = norwegian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = finnish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sapmi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = english } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = american } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = welsh } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = irish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = highland_scottish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lombard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lower_saxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuscan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sardinian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = saurashtri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romagnan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ligurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = venetian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = neapolitan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = piedmontese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = umbrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sicilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = maltese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = castillian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = leonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aragonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = catalan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = galician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = andalucian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = portugese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = basque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cosmopolitan_french } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gascon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = normand } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aquitaine } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = burgundian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = occitain } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wallonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = brazilian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = breton } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uralic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = samoyed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ostyaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ingrian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = croatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = serbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bulgarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = albanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = czech } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = polish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = schlesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = slovene } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = transylvanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = romanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hungarian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = russian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = novgorodian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ryazanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = byelorussian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karelian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = estonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lipan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lithuanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = latvian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pontic_greek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = goths } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = georgian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = circassian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cornish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagestani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = armenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_misr_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_suryah_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bedouin_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = omani_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yemeni_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = moroccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tunisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = algerian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = berber } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = persian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = azerbaijani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khorasani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = baluchi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = afghani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kurdish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mazandarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mongol } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chahar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khalkha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oirats } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uzbehk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = turkmeni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = uyghur } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khazak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kirgiz } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tecos } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aztek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = purepecha } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = totonac } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tepic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chichimecan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guamares } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yucatec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = putun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = matlatzinca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = highland_mayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wastek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zapotek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mixtec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tlapanec } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = inca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aimara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = diaguita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = otomi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yaqui } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chimuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chontales } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tupinamba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guarani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = charruan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ge } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jivaro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chachapoyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = muisca } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = miskito } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chacoan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mapuche } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = patagonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = het } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = huarpe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arawak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = maipurean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = carib } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = guajiro } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aleutian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = inuit } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = illini } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anishinabe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cree } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mesquakie } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cheyenne } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = blackfoot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arapaho } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = delaware } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = abenaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mikmaq } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mahican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = powhatan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pequot } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = iroquois } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cherokee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = huron } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = susquehannock } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dalmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nakota } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chiwere } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = osage } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = catawba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wichita } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = caddo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pawnee } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = creek } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = choctaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chickasaw } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pueblo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = piman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shoshone } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kiowa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = apache } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = navajo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chipewyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = haida } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = athabascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = salish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chinook } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yokuts } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = manchu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = manchu_new } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chihan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = miao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cantonese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = wu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chimin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hakka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = xiang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sichuanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jianghuai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = xibei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hubei } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhongyuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shandong_culture } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = korean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = togoku } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = japanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kyushuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vietnamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = vindhyan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = polynesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = cham } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malayan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sumatran } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = javanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = filipino } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bornean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = madagascan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sulawesi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = central_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lacandon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lao } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = northern_thai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = zhuang } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = burmese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tibetan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = karen } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kachin } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = arakanese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = papuan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aboriginal } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = melanesian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mescalero } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mexican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = moluccan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = assamese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bengali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bihari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nepali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oriya } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sinhala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = avadhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanauji } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pahari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = panjabi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kashmiri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gujarati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gulf_arabic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = marathi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sindhi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rajput } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malvi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kannada } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = malayalam } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tamil } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = telegu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = gondi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = garjati } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jharkhandi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = songhai } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = soninke } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sorbian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bambara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bosnian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bozo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dyola } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hausa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kanuri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bilala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tuareg } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = senegambian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = frisian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fulani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yorumba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nupe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = fon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mossi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = dagomba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = makua } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nguni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bemba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = khoisan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = shona } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nyasa } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = lunda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = luba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kongolese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yaka } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kochi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kuba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbundu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = chokwe } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mbangala } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jukun } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sawabantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = rwandan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ganda } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = masaba } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = madagasque } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = takama } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bena } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bantu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = swahili } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = somali } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = harari } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = afar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = oromo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tigray } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = sidamo } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = amhara } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = acholi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nubian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = beja } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = evenk } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yakut } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = yukagyr } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = buryat } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = tungus } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = ainu } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kamchatkan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = astrakhani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = bashkir } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = crimean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = kazani } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = mishary } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = nogaybak } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = siberian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = atlantean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = spartan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = athenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = old_egyptian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = roman } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = icelandic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = jan_mayenese } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = pruthenian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = phoenician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scanian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = anglosaxon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = babylonian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = etrurian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = parthian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = aramaic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = hebrew } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL culture = scythian } } + } +} + + + +#################################################################################### +### Culture Adjectives for Rulers // Adjectifs culturels pour les dirigeants ### +#################################################################################### + +### Ex: "A [Turkish] ruler" => "un dirigeant [turc]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetDirCultMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pommeranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = prussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hannoverian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hessian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = franconian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swabian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swiss } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bavarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = austrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dutch } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = flemish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swedish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = danish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = norwegian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = finnish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sapmi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = english } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = welsh } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = irish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lombard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lower_saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tuscan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sardinian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = saurashtri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = romagnan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ligurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = venetian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = neapolitan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = piedmontese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = umbrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sicilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = maltese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = castillian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = leonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aragonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = catalan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = galician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = andalucian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = portugese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = basque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cosmopolitan_french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gascon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = normand } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aquitaine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = burgundian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = occitain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wallonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = brazilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = breton } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = uralic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = samoyed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ostyaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ingrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = croatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = serbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bulgarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = albanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = czech } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = polish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = schlesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = slovak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = slovene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = transylvanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = romanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hungarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = russian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = novgorodian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ryazanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = byelorussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = karelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = estonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lipan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lithuanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = latvian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pontic_greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = goths } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = georgian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = circassian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cornish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dagestani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = armenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = turkish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = al_misr_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = al_suryah_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bedouin_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = omani_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yemeni_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = moroccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tunisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = algerian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = berber } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = persian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = azerbaijani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khorasani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = baluchi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = afghani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kurdish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mazandarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mongol } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chahar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khalkha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = oirats } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = uzbehk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = turkmeni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = uyghur } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khazak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kirgiz } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tecos } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aztek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = purepecha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = totonac } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tepic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chichimecan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = guamares } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yucatec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = putun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = matlatzinca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wastek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = zapotek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mixtec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tlapanec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = inca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aimara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = diaguita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = otomi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yaqui } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chimuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chontales } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tupinamba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = guarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = charruan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ge } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jivaro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chachapoyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = muisca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = miskito } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chacoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mapuche } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = patagonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = het } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = huarpe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = arawak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = maipurean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = carib } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = guajiro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aleutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = inuit } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = illini } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = anishinabe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cree } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mesquakie } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cheyenne } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = blackfoot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = arapaho } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = delaware } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = abenaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mikmaq } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mahican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = powhatan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pequot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = iroquois } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cherokee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = huron } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = susquehannock } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dalmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chiwere } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = osage } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = catawba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wichita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = caddo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = creek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = choctaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chickasaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pueblo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = piman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shoshone } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kiowa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = apache } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = navajo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chipewyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = haida } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = athabascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = salish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chinook } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yokuts } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu_new } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chihan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = miao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cantonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chimin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hakka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = xiang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sichuanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jianghuai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = xibei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hubei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = zhongyuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shandong_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = korean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = togoku } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = japanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kyushuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = vietnamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = vindhyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = polynesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cham } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = malayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sumatran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = javanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = filipino } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bornean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = madagascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sulawesi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = central_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lacandon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = northern_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = zhuang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = burmese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tibetan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = karen } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kachin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = arakanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = papuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aboriginal } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = melanesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mescalero } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mexican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = moluccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = assamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bengali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bihari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nepali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = oriya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sinhala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = avadhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kanauji } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pahari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = panjabi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kashmiri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gujarati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gulf_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = marathi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sindhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = rajput } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = malvi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kannada } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = malayalam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tamil } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = telegu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gondi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = garjati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jharkhandi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = songhai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = soninke } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sorbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bambara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bosnian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bozo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dyola } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hausa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kanuri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bilala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tuareg } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = senegambian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = frisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = fulani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yorumba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nupe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = fon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mossi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dagomba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = makua } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nguni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bemba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khoisan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shona } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nyasa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lunda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = luba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kongolese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yaka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kochi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kuba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mbundu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chokwe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mbangala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jukun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sawabantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = rwandan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ganda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = masaba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = madagasque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = takama } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bena } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swahili } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = somali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = harari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = afar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = oromo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tigray } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sidamo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = amhara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = acholi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nubian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = beja } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = evenk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yakut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yukagyr } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = buryat } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tungus } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ainu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kamchatkan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = astrakhani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bashkir } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = crimean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kazani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mishary } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nogaybak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = siberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = atlantean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = spartan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = athenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = old_egyptian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = roman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = icelandic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jan_mayenese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = phoenician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = scanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = anglosaxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = babylonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = etrurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = parthian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aramaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hebrew } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = scythian } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Turkish] queen" => "une reine [turque]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetDirCultFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pommeranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = prussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hannoverian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hessian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = franconian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swabian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swiss } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bavarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = austrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dutch } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = flemish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swedish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = danish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = norwegian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = finnish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sapmi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = english } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = welsh } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = irish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lombard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lower_saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tuscan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sardinian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = saurashtri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = romagnan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ligurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = venetian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = neapolitan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = piedmontese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = umbrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sicilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = maltese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = castillian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = leonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aragonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = catalan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = galician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = andalucian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = portugese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = basque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cosmopolitan_french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gascon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = normand } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aquitaine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = burgundian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = occitain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wallonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = brazilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = breton } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = uralic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = samoyed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ostyaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ingrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = croatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = serbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bulgarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = albanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = czech } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = polish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = schlesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = slovak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = slovene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = transylvanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = romanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hungarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = russian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = novgorodian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ryazanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = byelorussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = karelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = estonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lipan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lithuanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = latvian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pontic_greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = goths } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = georgian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = circassian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cornish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dagestani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = armenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = turkish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = al_misr_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = al_suryah_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bedouin_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = omani_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yemeni_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = moroccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tunisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = algerian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = berber } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = persian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = azerbaijani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khorasani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = baluchi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = afghani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kurdish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mazandarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mongol } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chahar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khalkha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = oirats } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = uzbehk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = turkmeni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = uyghur } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khazak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kirgiz } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tecos } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aztek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = purepecha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = totonac } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tepic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chichimecan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = guamares } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yucatec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = putun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = matlatzinca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wastek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = zapotek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mixtec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tlapanec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = inca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aimara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = diaguita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = otomi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yaqui } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chimuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chontales } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tupinamba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = guarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = charruan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ge } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jivaro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chachapoyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = muisca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = miskito } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chacoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mapuche } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = patagonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = het } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = huarpe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = arawak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = maipurean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = carib } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = guajiro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aleutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = inuit } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = illini } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = anishinabe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cree } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mesquakie } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cheyenne } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = blackfoot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = arapaho } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = delaware } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = abenaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mikmaq } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mahican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = powhatan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pequot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = iroquois } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cherokee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = huron } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = susquehannock } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dalmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chiwere } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = osage } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = catawba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wichita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = caddo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = creek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = choctaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chickasaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pueblo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = piman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shoshone } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kiowa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = apache } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = navajo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chipewyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = haida } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = athabascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = salish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chinook } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yokuts } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu_new } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chihan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = miao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cantonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chimin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hakka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = xiang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sichuanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jianghuai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = xibei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hubei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = zhongyuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shandong_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = korean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = togoku } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = japanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kyushuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = vietnamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = vindhyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = polynesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cham } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = malayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sumatran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = javanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = filipino } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bornean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = madagascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sulawesi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = central_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lacandon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = northern_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = zhuang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = burmese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tibetan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = karen } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kachin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = arakanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = papuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aboriginal } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = melanesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mescalero } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mexican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = moluccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = assamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bengali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bihari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nepali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = oriya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sinhala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = avadhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kanauji } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pahari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = panjabi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kashmiri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gujarati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gulf_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = marathi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sindhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = rajput } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = malvi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kannada } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = malayalam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tamil } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = telegu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gondi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = garjati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jharkhandi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = songhai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = soninke } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sorbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bambara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bosnian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bozo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dyola } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hausa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kanuri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bilala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tuareg } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = senegambian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = frisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = fulani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yorumba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nupe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = fon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mossi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dagomba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = makua } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nguni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bemba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khoisan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shona } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nyasa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lunda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = luba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kongolese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yaka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kochi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kuba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mbundu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chokwe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mbangala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jukun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sawabantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = rwandan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ganda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = masaba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = madagasque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = takama } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bena } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swahili } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = somali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = harari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = afar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = oromo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tigray } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sidamo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = amhara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = acholi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nubian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = beja } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = evenk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yakut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yukagyr } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = buryat } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tungus } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ainu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kamchatkan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = astrakhani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bashkir } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = crimean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kazani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mishary } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nogaybak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = siberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = atlantean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = spartan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = athenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = old_egyptian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = roman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = icelandic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jan_mayenese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = phoenician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = scanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = anglosaxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = babylonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = etrurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = parthian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aramaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hebrew } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = scythian } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Turkish] rulers" => "les dirigeants [turcs]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetDirCultMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pommeranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = prussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hannoverian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hessian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = franconian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swabian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swiss } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bavarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = austrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dutch } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = flemish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swedish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = danish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = norwegian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = finnish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sapmi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = english } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = welsh } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = irish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lombard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lower_saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tuscan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sardinian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = saurashtri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = romagnan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ligurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = venetian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = neapolitan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = piedmontese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = umbrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sicilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = maltese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = castillian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = leonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aragonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = catalan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = galician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = andalucian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = portugese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = basque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cosmopolitan_french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gascon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = normand } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aquitaine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = burgundian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = occitain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wallonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = brazilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = breton } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = uralic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = samoyed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ostyaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ingrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = croatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = serbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bulgarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = albanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = czech } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = polish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = schlesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = slovak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = slovene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = transylvanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = romanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hungarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = russian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = novgorodian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ryazanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = byelorussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = karelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = estonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lipan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lithuanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = latvian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pontic_greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = goths } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = georgian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = circassian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cornish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dagestani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = armenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = turkish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = al_misr_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = al_suryah_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bedouin_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = omani_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yemeni_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = moroccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tunisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = algerian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = berber } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = persian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = azerbaijani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khorasani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = baluchi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = afghani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kurdish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mazandarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mongol } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chahar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khalkha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = oirats } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = uzbehk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = turkmeni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = uyghur } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khazak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kirgiz } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tecos } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aztek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = purepecha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = totonac } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tepic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chichimecan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = guamares } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yucatec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = putun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = matlatzinca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wastek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = zapotek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mixtec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tlapanec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = inca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aimara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = diaguita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = otomi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yaqui } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chimuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chontales } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tupinamba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = guarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = charruan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ge } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jivaro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chachapoyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = muisca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = miskito } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chacoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mapuche } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = patagonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = het } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = huarpe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = arawak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = maipurean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = carib } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = guajiro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aleutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = inuit } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = illini } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = anishinabe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cree } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mesquakie } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cheyenne } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = blackfoot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = arapaho } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = delaware } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = abenaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mikmaq } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mahican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = powhatan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pequot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = iroquois } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cherokee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = huron } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = susquehannock } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dalmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chiwere } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = osage } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = catawba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wichita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = caddo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = creek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = choctaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chickasaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pueblo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = piman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shoshone } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kiowa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = apache } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = navajo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chipewyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = haida } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = athabascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = salish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chinook } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yokuts } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu_new } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chihan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = miao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cantonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chimin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hakka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = xiang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sichuanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jianghuai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = xibei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hubei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = zhongyuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shandong_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = korean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = togoku } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = japanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kyushuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = vietnamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = vindhyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = polynesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cham } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = malayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sumatran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = javanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = filipino } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bornean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = madagascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sulawesi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = central_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lacandon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = northern_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = zhuang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = burmese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tibetan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = karen } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kachin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = arakanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = papuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aboriginal } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = melanesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mescalero } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mexican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = moluccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = assamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bengali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bihari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nepali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = oriya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sinhala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = avadhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kanauji } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pahari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = panjabi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kashmiri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gujarati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gulf_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gulf_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = marathi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sindhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = rajput } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = malvi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kannada } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = malayalam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tamil } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = telegu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gondi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = garjati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jharkhandi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = songhai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = soninke } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sorbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bambara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bosnian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bozo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dyola } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hausa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kanuri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bilala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tuareg } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = senegambian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = frisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = fulani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yorumba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nupe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = fon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mossi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dagomba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = makua } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nguni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bemba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khoisan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shona } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nyasa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lunda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = luba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kongolese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yaka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kochi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kuba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mbundu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chokwe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mbangala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jukun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sawabantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = rwandan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ganda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = masaba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = madagasque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = takama } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bena } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swahili } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = somali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = harari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = afar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = oromo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tigray } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sidamo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = amhara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = acholi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nubian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = beja } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = evenk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yakut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yukagyr } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = buryat } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tungus } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ainu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kamchatkan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = astrakhani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bashkir } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = crimean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kazani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mishary } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nogaybak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = siberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = atlantean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = spartan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = athenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = old_egyptian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = roman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = icelandic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jan_mayenese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = phoenician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = scanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = anglosaxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = babylonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = etrurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = parthian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aramaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hebrew } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = scythian } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Turkish] queens" => "les dirigeantes [turques]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetDirCultFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pommeranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = prussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hannoverian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hessian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = franconian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swabian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swiss } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bavarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = austrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dutch } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = flemish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swedish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = danish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = norwegian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = finnish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sapmi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = english } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = welsh } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = irish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lombard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lower_saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tuscan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sardinian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = saurashtri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = romagnan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ligurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = venetian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = neapolitan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = piedmontese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = umbrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sicilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = maltese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = castillian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = leonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aragonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = catalan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = galician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = andalucian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = portugese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = basque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cosmopolitan_french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gascon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = normand } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aquitaine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = burgundian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = occitain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wallonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = brazilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = breton } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = uralic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = samoyed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ostyaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ingrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = croatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = serbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bulgarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = albanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = czech } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = polish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = schlesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = slovak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = slovene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = transylvanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = romanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hungarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = russian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = novgorodian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ryazanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = byelorussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = karelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = estonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lipan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lithuanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = latvian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pontic_greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = goths } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = georgian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = circassian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cornish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dagestani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = armenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = turkish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = al_misr_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = al_suryah_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bedouin_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = omani_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yemeni_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = moroccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tunisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = algerian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = berber } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = persian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = azerbaijani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khorasani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = baluchi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = afghani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kurdish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mazandarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mongol } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chahar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khalkha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = oirats } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = uzbehk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = turkmeni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = uyghur } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khazak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kirgiz } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tecos } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aztek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = purepecha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = totonac } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tepic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chichimecan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = guamares } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yucatec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = putun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = matlatzinca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = highland_mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wastek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = zapotek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mixtec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tlapanec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = inca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aimara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = diaguita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = otomi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yaqui } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chimuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chontales } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tupinamba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = guarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = charruan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ge } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jivaro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chachapoyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = muisca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = miskito } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chacoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mapuche } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = patagonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = het } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = huarpe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = arawak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = maipurean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = carib } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = guajiro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aleutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = inuit } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = illini } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = anishinabe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cree } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mesquakie } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cheyenne } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = blackfoot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = arapaho } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = delaware } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = abenaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mikmaq } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mahican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = powhatan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pequot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = iroquois } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cherokee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = huron } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = susquehannock } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dalmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chiwere } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = osage } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = catawba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wichita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = caddo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = creek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = choctaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chickasaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pueblo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = piman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shoshone } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kiowa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = apache } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = navajo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chipewyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = haida } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = athabascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = salish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chinook } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yokuts } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = manchu_new } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chihan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = miao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cantonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = wu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chimin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hakka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = xiang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sichuanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jianghuai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = xibei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hubei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = zhongyuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shandong_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = korean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = togoku } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = japanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kyushuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = vietnamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = vindhyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = polynesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = cham } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = malayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sumatran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = javanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = filipino } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bornean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = madagascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sulawesi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = central_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lacandon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = northern_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = zhuang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = burmese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tibetan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = karen } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kachin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = arakanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = papuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aboriginal } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = melanesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mescalero } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mexican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = moluccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = assamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bengali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bihari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nepali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = oriya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sinhala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = avadhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kanauji } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pahari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = panjabi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kashmiri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gujarati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gulf_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = marathi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sindhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = rajput } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = malvi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kannada } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = malayalam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tamil } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = telegu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = gondi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = garjati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jharkhandi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = songhai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = soninke } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sorbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bambara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bosnian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bozo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dyola } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hausa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kanuri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bilala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tuareg } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = senegambian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = frisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = fulani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yorumba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nupe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = fon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mossi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = dagomba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = makua } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nguni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bemba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = khoisan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = shona } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nyasa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = lunda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = luba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kongolese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yaka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kochi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kuba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mbundu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = chokwe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mbangala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jukun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sawabantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = rwandan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ganda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = masaba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = madagasque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = takama } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bena } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = swahili } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = somali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = harari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = afar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = oromo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tigray } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = sidamo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = amhara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = acholi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nubian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = beja } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = evenk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yakut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = yukagyr } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = buryat } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = tungus } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = ainu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kamchatkan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = astrakhani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = bashkir } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = crimean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = kazani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = mishary } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = nogaybak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = siberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = atlantean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = spartan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = athenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = old_egyptian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = roman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = icelandic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = jan_mayenese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = pruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = phoenician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = scanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = anglosaxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = babylonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = etrurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = parthian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = aramaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = hebrew } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_culture = scythian } + } +} + + + +#################################################################################### +### Culture Adjectives for Consorts // Adjectifs culturels pour les consorts ### +#################################################################################### + +### Ex: "A [Turkish] consort" => "un consort [turc]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetConsCultMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pommeranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = prussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hannoverian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hessian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = franconian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swabian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swiss } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bavarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = austrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dutch } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = flemish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swedish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = danish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = norwegian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = finnish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sapmi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = english } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = welsh } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = irish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = highland_scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lombard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lower_saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tuscan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sardinian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = saurashtri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = romagnan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ligurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = venetian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = neapolitan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = piedmontese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = umbrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sicilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = maltese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = castillian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = leonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aragonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = catalan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = galician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = andalucian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = portugese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = basque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cosmopolitan_french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gascon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = normand } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aquitaine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = burgundian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = occitain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wallonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = brazilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = breton } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = uralic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = samoyed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ostyaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ingrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = croatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = serbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bulgarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = albanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = czech } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = polish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = schlesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = slovak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = slovene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = transylvanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = romanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hungarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = russian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = novgorodian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ryazanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = byelorussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = karelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = estonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lipan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lithuanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = latvian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pontic_greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = goths } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = georgian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = circassian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cornish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dagestani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = armenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = turkish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = al_misr_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = al_suryah_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bedouin_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = omani_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yemeni_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = moroccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tunisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = algerian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = berber } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = persian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = azerbaijani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khorasani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = baluchi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = afghani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kurdish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mazandarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mongol } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chahar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khalkha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = oirats } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = uzbehk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = turkmeni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = uyghur } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khazak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kirgiz } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tecos } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aztek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = purepecha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = totonac } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tepic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chichimecan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = guamares } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yucatec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = putun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = matlatzinca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = highland_mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wastek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = zapotek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mixtec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tlapanec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = inca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aimara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = diaguita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = otomi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yaqui } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chimuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chontales } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tupinamba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = guarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = charruan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ge } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jivaro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chachapoyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = muisca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = miskito } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chacoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mapuche } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = patagonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = het } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = huarpe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = arawak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = maipurean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = carib } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = guajiro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aleutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = inuit } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = illini } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = anishinabe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cree } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mesquakie } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cheyenne } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = blackfoot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = arapaho } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = delaware } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = abenaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mikmaq } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mahican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = powhatan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pequot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = iroquois } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cherokee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = huron } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = susquehannock } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dalmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chiwere } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = osage } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = catawba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wichita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = caddo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = creek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = choctaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chickasaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pueblo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = piman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shoshone } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kiowa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = apache } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = navajo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chipewyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = haida } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = athabascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = salish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chinook } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yokuts } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = manchu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = manchu_new } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chihan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = miao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cantonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chimin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hakka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = xiang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sichuanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jianghuai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = xibei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hubei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = zhongyuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shandong_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = korean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = togoku } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = japanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kyushuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = vietnamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = vindhyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = polynesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cham } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = malayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sumatran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = javanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = filipino } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bornean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = madagascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sulawesi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = central_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lacandon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = northern_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = zhuang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = burmese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tibetan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = karen } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kachin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = arakanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = papuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aboriginal } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = melanesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mescalero } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mexican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = moluccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = assamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bengali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bihari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nepali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = oriya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sinhala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = avadhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kanauji } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pahari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = panjabi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kashmiri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gujarati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gulf_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = marathi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sindhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = rajput } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = malvi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kannada } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = malayalam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tamil } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = telegu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gondi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = garjati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jharkhandi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = songhai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = soninke } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sorbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bambara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bosnian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bozo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dyola } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hausa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kanuri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bilala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tuareg } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = senegambian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = frisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = fulani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yorumba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nupe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = fon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mossi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dagomba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = makua } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nguni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bemba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khoisan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shona } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nyasa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lunda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = luba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kongolese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yaka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kochi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kuba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mbundu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chokwe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mbangala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jukun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sawabantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = rwandan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ganda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = masaba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = madagasque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = takama } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bena } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swahili } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = somali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = harari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = afar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = oromo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tigray } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sidamo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = amhara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = acholi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nubian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = beja } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = evenk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yakut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yukagyr } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = buryat } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tungus } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ainu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kamchatkan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = astrakhani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bashkir } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = crimean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kazani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mishary } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nogaybak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = siberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = atlantean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = spartan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = athenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = old_egyptian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = roman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = icelandic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jan_mayenese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = phoenician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = scanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = anglosaxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = babylonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = etrurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = parthian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aramaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hebrew } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = scythian } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Turkish] consort" => "une consort [turque]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetConsCultFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pommeranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = prussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hannoverian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hessian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = franconian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swabian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swiss } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bavarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = austrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dutch } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = flemish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swedish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = danish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = norwegian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = finnish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sapmi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = english } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = welsh } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = irish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = highland_scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lombard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lower_saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tuscan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sardinian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = saurashtri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = romagnan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ligurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = venetian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = neapolitan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = piedmontese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = umbrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sicilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = maltese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = castillian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = leonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aragonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = catalan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = galician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = andalucian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = portugese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = basque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cosmopolitan_french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gascon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = normand } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aquitaine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = burgundian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = occitain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wallonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = brazilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = breton } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = uralic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = samoyed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ostyaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ingrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = croatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = serbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bulgarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = albanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = czech } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = polish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = schlesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = slovak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = slovene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = transylvanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = romanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hungarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = russian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = novgorodian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ryazanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = byelorussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = karelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = estonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lipan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lithuanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = latvian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pontic_greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = goths } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = georgian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = circassian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cornish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dagestani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = armenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = turkish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = al_misr_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = al_suryah_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bedouin_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = omani_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yemeni_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = moroccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tunisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = algerian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = berber } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = persian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = azerbaijani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khorasani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = baluchi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = afghani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kurdish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mazandarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mongol } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chahar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khalkha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = oirats } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = uzbehk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = turkmeni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = uyghur } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khazak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kirgiz } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tecos } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aztek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = purepecha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = totonac } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tepic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chichimecan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = guamares } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yucatec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = putun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = matlatzinca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = highland_mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wastek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = zapotek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mixtec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tlapanec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = inca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aimara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = diaguita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = otomi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yaqui } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chimuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chontales } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tupinamba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = guarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = charruan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ge } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jivaro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chachapoyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = muisca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = miskito } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chacoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mapuche } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = patagonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = het } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = huarpe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = arawak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = maipurean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = carib } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = guajiro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aleutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = inuit } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = illini } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = anishinabe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cree } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mesquakie } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cheyenne } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = blackfoot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = arapaho } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = delaware } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = abenaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mikmaq } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mahican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = powhatan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pequot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = iroquois } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cherokee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = huron } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = susquehannock } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dalmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chiwere } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = osage } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = catawba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wichita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = caddo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = creek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = choctaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chickasaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pueblo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = piman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shoshone } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kiowa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = apache } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = navajo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chipewyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = haida } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = athabascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = salish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chinook } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yokuts } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = manchu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = manchu_new } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chihan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = miao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cantonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chimin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hakka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = xiang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sichuanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jianghuai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = xibei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hubei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = zhongyuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shandong_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = korean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = togoku } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = japanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kyushuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = vietnamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = vindhyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = polynesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cham } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = malayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sumatran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = javanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = filipino } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bornean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = madagascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sulawesi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = central_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lacandon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = northern_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = zhuang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = burmese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tibetan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = karen } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kachin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = arakanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = papuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aboriginal } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = melanesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mescalero } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mexican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = moluccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = assamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bengali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bihari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nepali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = oriya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sinhala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = avadhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kanauji } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pahari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = panjabi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kashmiri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gujarati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gulf_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = marathi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sindhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = rajput } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = malvi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kannada } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = malayalam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tamil } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = telegu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gondi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = garjati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jharkhandi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = songhai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = soninke } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sorbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bambara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bosnian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bozo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dyola } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hausa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kanuri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bilala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tuareg } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = senegambian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = frisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = fulani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yorumba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nupe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = fon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mossi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dagomba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = makua } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nguni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bemba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khoisan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shona } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nyasa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lunda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = luba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kongolese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yaka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kochi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kuba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mbundu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chokwe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mbangala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jukun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sawabantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = rwandan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ganda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = masaba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = madagasque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = takama } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bena } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swahili } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = somali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = harari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = afar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = oromo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tigray } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sidamo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = amhara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = acholi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nubian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = beja } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = evenk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yakut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yukagyr } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = buryat } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tungus } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ainu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kamchatkan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = astrakhani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bashkir } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = crimean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kazani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mishary } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nogaybak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = siberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = atlantean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = spartan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = athenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = old_egyptian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = roman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = icelandic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jan_mayenese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = phoenician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = scanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = anglosaxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = babylonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = etrurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = parthian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aramaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hebrew } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = scythian } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Turkish] consorts" => "les consorts [turcs]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetConsCultMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pommeranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = prussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hannoverian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hessian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = franconian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swabian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swiss } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bavarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = austrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dutch } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = flemish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swedish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = danish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = norwegian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = finnish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sapmi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = english } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = welsh } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = irish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = highland_scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lombard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lower_saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tuscan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sardinian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = saurashtri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = romagnan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ligurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = venetian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = neapolitan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = piedmontese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = umbrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sicilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = maltese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = castillian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = leonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aragonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = catalan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = galician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = andalucian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = portugese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = basque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cosmopolitan_french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gascon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = normand } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aquitaine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = burgundian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = occitain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wallonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = brazilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = breton } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = uralic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = samoyed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ostyaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ingrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = croatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = serbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bulgarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = albanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = czech } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = polish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = schlesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = slovak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = slovene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = transylvanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = romanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hungarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = russian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = novgorodian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ryazanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = byelorussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = karelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = estonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lipan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lithuanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = latvian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pontic_greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = goths } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = georgian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = circassian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cornish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dagestani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = armenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = turkish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = al_misr_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = al_suryah_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bedouin_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = omani_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yemeni_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = moroccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tunisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = algerian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = berber } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = persian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = azerbaijani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khorasani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = baluchi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = afghani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kurdish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mazandarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mongol } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chahar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khalkha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = oirats } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = uzbehk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = turkmeni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = uyghur } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khazak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kirgiz } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tecos } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aztek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = purepecha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = totonac } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tepic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chichimecan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = guamares } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yucatec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = putun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = matlatzinca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = highland_mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wastek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = zapotek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mixtec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tlapanec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = inca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aimara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = diaguita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = otomi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yaqui } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chimuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chontales } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tupinamba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = guarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = charruan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ge } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jivaro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chachapoyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = muisca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = miskito } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chacoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mapuche } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = patagonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = het } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = huarpe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = arawak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = maipurean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = carib } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = guajiro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aleutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = inuit } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = illini } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = anishinabe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cree } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mesquakie } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cheyenne } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = blackfoot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = arapaho } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = delaware } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = abenaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mikmaq } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mahican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = powhatan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pequot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = iroquois } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cherokee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = huron } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = susquehannock } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dalmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chiwere } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = osage } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = catawba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wichita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = caddo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = creek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = choctaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chickasaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pueblo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = piman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shoshone } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kiowa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = apache } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = navajo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chipewyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = haida } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = athabascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = salish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chinook } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yokuts } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = manchu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = manchu_new } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chihan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = miao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cantonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chimin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hakka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = xiang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sichuanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jianghuai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = xibei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hubei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = zhongyuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shandong_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = korean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = togoku } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = japanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kyushuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = vietnamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = vindhyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = polynesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cham } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = malayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sumatran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = javanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = filipino } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bornean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = madagascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sulawesi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = central_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lacandon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = northern_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = zhuang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = burmese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tibetan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = karen } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kachin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = arakanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = papuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aboriginal } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = melanesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mescalero } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mexican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = moluccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = assamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bengali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bihari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nepali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = oriya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sinhala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = avadhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kanauji } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pahari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = panjabi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kashmiri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gujarati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gulf_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gulf_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = marathi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sindhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = rajput } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = malvi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kannada } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = malayalam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tamil } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = telegu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gondi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = garjati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jharkhandi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = songhai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = soninke } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sorbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bambara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bosnian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bozo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dyola } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hausa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kanuri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bilala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tuareg } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = senegambian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = frisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = fulani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yorumba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nupe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = fon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mossi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dagomba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = makua } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nguni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bemba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khoisan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shona } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nyasa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lunda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = luba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kongolese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yaka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kochi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kuba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mbundu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chokwe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mbangala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jukun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sawabantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = rwandan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ganda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = masaba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = madagasque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = takama } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bena } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swahili } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = somali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = harari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = afar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = oromo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tigray } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sidamo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = amhara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = acholi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nubian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = beja } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = evenk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yakut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yukagyr } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = buryat } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tungus } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ainu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kamchatkan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = astrakhani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bashkir } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = crimean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kazani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mishary } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nogaybak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = siberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = atlantean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = spartan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = athenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = old_egyptian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = roman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = icelandic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jan_mayenese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = phoenician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = scanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = anglosaxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = babylonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = etrurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = parthian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aramaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hebrew } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = scythian } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Turkish] consorts" => "les consorts [turques]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetConsCultFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pommeranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = prussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hannoverian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hessian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = franconian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swabian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swiss } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bavarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = austrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dutch } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = flemish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swedish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = danish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = norwegian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = finnish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sapmi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = english } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = welsh } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = irish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = highland_scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lombard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lower_saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tuscan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sardinian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = saurashtri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = romagnan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ligurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = venetian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = neapolitan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = piedmontese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = umbrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sicilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = maltese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = castillian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = leonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aragonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = catalan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = galician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = andalucian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = portugese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = basque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cosmopolitan_french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gascon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = normand } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aquitaine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = burgundian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = occitain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wallonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = brazilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = breton } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = uralic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = samoyed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ostyaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ingrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = croatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = serbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bulgarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = albanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = czech } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = polish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = schlesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = slovak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = slovene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = transylvanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = romanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hungarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = russian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = novgorodian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ryazanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = byelorussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = karelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = estonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lipan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lithuanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = latvian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pontic_greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = goths } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = georgian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = circassian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cornish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dagestani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = armenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = turkish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = al_misr_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = al_suryah_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bedouin_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = omani_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yemeni_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = moroccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tunisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = algerian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = berber } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = persian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = azerbaijani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khorasani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = baluchi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = afghani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kurdish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mazandarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mongol } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chahar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khalkha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = oirats } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = uzbehk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = turkmeni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = uyghur } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khazak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kirgiz } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tecos } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aztek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = purepecha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = totonac } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tepic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chichimecan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = guamares } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yucatec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = putun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = matlatzinca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = highland_mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wastek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = zapotek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mixtec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tlapanec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = inca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aimara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = diaguita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = otomi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yaqui } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chimuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chontales } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tupinamba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = guarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = charruan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ge } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jivaro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chachapoyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = muisca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = miskito } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chacoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mapuche } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = patagonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = het } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = huarpe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = arawak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = maipurean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = carib } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = guajiro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aleutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = inuit } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = illini } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = anishinabe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cree } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mesquakie } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cheyenne } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = blackfoot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = arapaho } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = delaware } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = abenaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mikmaq } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mahican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = powhatan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pequot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = iroquois } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cherokee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = huron } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = susquehannock } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dalmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chiwere } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = osage } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = catawba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wichita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = caddo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = creek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = choctaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chickasaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pueblo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = piman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shoshone } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kiowa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = apache } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = navajo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chipewyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = haida } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = athabascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = salish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chinook } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yokuts } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = manchu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = manchu_new } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chihan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = miao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cantonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = wu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chimin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hakka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = xiang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sichuanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jianghuai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = xibei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hubei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = zhongyuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shandong_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = korean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = togoku } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = japanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kyushuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = vietnamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = vindhyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = polynesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = cham } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = malayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sumatran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = javanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = filipino } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bornean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = madagascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sulawesi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = central_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lacandon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = northern_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = zhuang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = burmese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tibetan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = karen } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kachin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = arakanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = papuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aboriginal } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = melanesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mescalero } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mexican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = moluccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = assamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bengali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bihari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nepali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = oriya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sinhala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = avadhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kanauji } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pahari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = panjabi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kashmiri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gujarati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gulf_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = marathi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sindhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = rajput } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = malvi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kannada } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = malayalam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tamil } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = telegu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = gondi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = garjati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jharkhandi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = songhai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = soninke } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sorbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bambara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bosnian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bozo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dyola } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hausa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kanuri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bilala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tuareg } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = senegambian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = frisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = fulani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yorumba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nupe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = fon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mossi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = dagomba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = makua } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nguni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bemba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = khoisan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = shona } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nyasa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = lunda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = luba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kongolese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yaka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kochi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kuba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mbundu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = chokwe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mbangala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jukun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sawabantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = rwandan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ganda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = masaba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = madagasque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = takama } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bena } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = swahili } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = somali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = harari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = afar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = oromo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tigray } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = sidamo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = amhara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = acholi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nubian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = beja } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = evenk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yakut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = yukagyr } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = buryat } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = tungus } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = ainu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kamchatkan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = astrakhani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = bashkir } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = crimean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = kazani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = mishary } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = nogaybak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = siberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = atlantean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = spartan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = athenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = old_egyptian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = roman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = icelandic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = jan_mayenese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = pruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = phoenician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = scanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = anglosaxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = babylonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = etrurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = parthian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = aramaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = hebrew } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR + trigger = { consort_culture = scythian } + } +} + + + +################################################################################## +### Culture Adjectives for Heirs // Adjectifs culturels pour les hritiers ### +################################################################################## + +### Ex: "A [Turkish] heir" => "un hritier [turc]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetHrtCultMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pommeranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = prussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hannoverian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hessian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = franconian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swabian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swiss } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bavarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = austrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dutch } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = flemish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swedish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = danish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = norwegian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = finnish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sapmi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = english } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = welsh } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = irish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = highland_scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lombard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lower_saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tuscan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sardinian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = saurashtri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = romagnan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ligurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = venetian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = neapolitan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = piedmontese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = umbrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sicilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = maltese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = castillian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = leonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aragonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = catalan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = galician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = andalucian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = portugese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = basque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cosmopolitan_french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gascon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = normand } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aquitaine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = burgundian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = occitain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wallonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = brazilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = breton } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = uralic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = samoyed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ostyaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ingrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = croatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = serbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bulgarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = albanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = czech } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = polish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = schlesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = slovak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = slovene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = transylvanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = romanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hungarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = russian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = novgorodian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ryazanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = byelorussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = karelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = estonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lipan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lithuanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = latvian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pontic_greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = goths } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = georgian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = circassian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cornish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dagestani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = armenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = turkish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = al_misr_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = al_suryah_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bedouin_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = omani_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yemeni_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = moroccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tunisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = algerian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = berber } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = persian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = azerbaijani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khorasani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = baluchi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = afghani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kurdish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mazandarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mongol } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chahar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khalkha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = oirats } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = uzbehk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = turkmeni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = uyghur } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khazak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kirgiz } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tecos } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aztek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = purepecha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = totonac } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tepic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chichimecan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = guamares } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yucatec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = putun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = matlatzinca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = highland_mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wastek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = zapotek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mixtec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tlapanec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = inca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aimara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = diaguita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = otomi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yaqui } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chimuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chontales } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tupinamba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = guarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = charruan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ge } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jivaro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chachapoyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = muisca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = miskito } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chacoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mapuche } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = patagonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = het } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = huarpe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = arawak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = maipurean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = carib } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = guajiro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aleutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = inuit } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = illini } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = anishinabe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cree } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mesquakie } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cheyenne } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = blackfoot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = arapaho } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = delaware } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = abenaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mikmaq } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mahican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = powhatan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pequot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = iroquois } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cherokee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = huron } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = susquehannock } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dalmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chiwere } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = osage } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = catawba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wichita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = caddo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = creek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = choctaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chickasaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pueblo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = piman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shoshone } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kiowa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = apache } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = navajo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chipewyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = haida } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = athabascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = salish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chinook } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yokuts } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = manchu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = manchu_new } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chihan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = miao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cantonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chimin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hakka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = xiang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sichuanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jianghuai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = xibei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hubei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = zhongyuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shandong_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = korean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = togoku } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = japanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kyushuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = vietnamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = vindhyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = polynesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cham } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = malayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sumatran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = javanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = filipino } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bornean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = madagascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sulawesi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = central_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lacandon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = northern_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = zhuang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = burmese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tibetan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = karen } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kachin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = arakanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = papuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aboriginal } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = melanesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mescalero } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mexican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = moluccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = assamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bengali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bihari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nepali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = oriya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sinhala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = avadhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kanauji } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pahari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = panjabi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kashmiri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gujarati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gulf_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = marathi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sindhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = rajput } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = malvi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kannada } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = malayalam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tamil } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = telegu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gondi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = garjati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jharkhandi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = songhai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = soninke } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sorbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bambara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bosnian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bozo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dyola } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hausa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kanuri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bilala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tuareg } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = senegambian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = frisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = fulani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yorumba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nupe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = fon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mossi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dagomba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = makua } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nguni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bemba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khoisan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shona } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nyasa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lunda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = luba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kongolese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yaka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kochi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kuba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mbundu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chokwe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mbangala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jukun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sawabantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = rwandan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ganda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = masaba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = madagasque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = takama } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bena } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swahili } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = somali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = harari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = afar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = oromo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tigray } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sidamo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = amhara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = acholi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nubian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = beja } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = evenk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yakut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yukagyr } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = buryat } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tungus } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ainu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kamchatkan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = astrakhani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bashkir } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = crimean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kazani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mishary } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nogaybak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = siberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = atlantean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = spartan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = athenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = old_egyptian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = roman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = icelandic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jan_mayenese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = phoenician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = scanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = anglosaxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = babylonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = etrurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = parthian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aramaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hebrew } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = scythian } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Turkish] heir" => "une hritire [turque]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetHrtCultFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pommeranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = prussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hannoverian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hessian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = franconian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swabian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swiss } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bavarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = austrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dutch } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = flemish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swedish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = danish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = norwegian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = finnish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sapmi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = english } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = welsh } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = irish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = highland_scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lombard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lower_saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tuscan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sardinian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = saurashtri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = romagnan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ligurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = venetian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = neapolitan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = piedmontese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = umbrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sicilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = maltese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = castillian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = leonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aragonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = catalan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = galician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = andalucian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = portugese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = basque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cosmopolitan_french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gascon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = normand } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aquitaine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = burgundian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = occitain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wallonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = brazilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = breton } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = uralic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = samoyed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ostyaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ingrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = croatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = serbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bulgarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = albanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = czech } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = polish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = schlesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = slovak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = slovene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = transylvanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = romanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hungarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = russian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = novgorodian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ryazanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = byelorussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = karelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = estonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lipan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lithuanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = latvian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pontic_greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = goths } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = georgian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = circassian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cornish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dagestani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = armenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = turkish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = al_misr_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = al_suryah_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bedouin_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = omani_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yemeni_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = moroccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tunisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = algerian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = berber } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = persian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = azerbaijani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khorasani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = baluchi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = afghani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kurdish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mazandarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mongol } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chahar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khalkha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = oirats } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = uzbehk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = turkmeni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = uyghur } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khazak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kirgiz } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tecos } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aztek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = purepecha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = totonac } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tepic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chichimecan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = guamares } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yucatec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = putun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = matlatzinca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = highland_mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wastek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = zapotek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mixtec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tlapanec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = inca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aimara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = diaguita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = otomi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yaqui } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chimuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chontales } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tupinamba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = guarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = charruan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ge } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jivaro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chachapoyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = muisca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = miskito } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chacoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mapuche } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = patagonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = het } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = huarpe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = arawak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = maipurean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = carib } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = guajiro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aleutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = inuit } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = illini } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = anishinabe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cree } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mesquakie } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cheyenne } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = blackfoot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = arapaho } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = delaware } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = abenaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mikmaq } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mahican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = powhatan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pequot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = iroquois } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cherokee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = huron } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = susquehannock } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dalmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chiwere } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = osage } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = catawba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wichita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = caddo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = creek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = choctaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chickasaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pueblo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = piman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shoshone } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kiowa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = apache } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = navajo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chipewyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = haida } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = athabascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = salish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chinook } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yokuts } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = manchu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = manchu_new } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chihan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = miao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cantonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chimin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hakka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = xiang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sichuanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jianghuai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = xibei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hubei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = zhongyuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shandong_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = korean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = togoku } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = japanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kyushuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = vietnamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = vindhyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = polynesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cham } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = malayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sumatran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = javanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = filipino } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bornean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagascan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = madagascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sulawesi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = central_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lacandon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = northern_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = zhuang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = burmese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tibetan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = karen } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kachin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = arakanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = papuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aboriginal } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = melanesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mescalero } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mexican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = moluccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = assamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bengali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bihari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nepali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = oriya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sinhala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = avadhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kanauji } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pahari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = panjabi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kashmiri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gujarati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gulf_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = marathi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sindhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = rajput } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = malvi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kannada } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = malayalam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tamil } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = telegu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gondi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = garjati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jharkhandi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = songhai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = soninke } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sorbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bambara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bosnian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bozo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dyola } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hausa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kanuri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bilala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tuareg } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = senegambian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = frisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = fulani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yorumba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nupe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = fon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mossi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dagomba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = makua } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nguni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bemba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khoisan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shona } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nyasa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lunda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = luba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kongolese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yaka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kochi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kuba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mbundu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chokwe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mbangala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jukun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sawabantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = rwandan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ganda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = masaba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = madagasque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = takama } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bena } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swahili } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = somali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = harari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = afar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = oromo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tigray } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sidamo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = amhara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = acholi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nubian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = beja } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = evenk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yakut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yukagyr } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = buryat } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tungus } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ainu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kamchatkan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = astrakhani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bashkir } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = crimean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kazani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mishary } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nogaybak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = siberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = atlantean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = spartan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = athenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = old_egyptian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = roman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = icelandic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jan_mayenese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = phoenician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = scanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = anglosaxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = babylonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = etrurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = parthian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aramaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hebrew } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_s_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = scythian } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Turkish] heirs" => "les hritiers [turcs]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetHrtCultMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pommeranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = prussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hannoverian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hessian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = franconian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swabian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swiss } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bavarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = austrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dutch } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = flemish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swedish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = danish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = norwegian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = finnish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sapmi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = english } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = welsh } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = irish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = highland_scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lombard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lower_saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tuscan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sardinian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = saurashtri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = romagnan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ligurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = venetian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = neapolitan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = piedmontese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = umbrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sicilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = maltese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = castillian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = leonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aragonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = catalan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = galician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = andalucian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = portugese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = basque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cosmopolitan_french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gascon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = normand } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aquitaine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = burgundian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = occitain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wallonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = brazilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = breton } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = uralic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = samoyed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ostyaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ingrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = croatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = serbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bulgarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = albanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = czech } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = polish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = schlesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = slovak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = slovene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = transylvanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = romanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hungarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = russian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = novgorodian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ryazanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = byelorussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = karelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = estonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lipan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lithuanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = latvian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pontic_greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = goths } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = georgian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = circassian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cornish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dagestani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = armenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = turkish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = al_misr_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = al_suryah_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bedouin_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = omani_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yemeni_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = moroccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tunisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = algerian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = berber } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = persian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = azerbaijani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khorasani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = baluchi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = afghani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kurdish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mazandarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mongol } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chahar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khalkha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = oirats } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = uzbehk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = turkmeni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = uyghur } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khazak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kirgiz } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tecos } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aztek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = purepecha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = totonac } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tepic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chichimecan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = guamares } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yucatec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = putun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = matlatzinca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = highland_mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wastek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = zapotek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mixtec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tlapanec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = inca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aimara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = diaguita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = otomi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yaqui } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chimuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chontales } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tupinamba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = guarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = charruan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ge } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jivaro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chachapoyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = muisca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = miskito } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chacoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mapuche } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = patagonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = het } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = huarpe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = arawak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = maipurean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = carib } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = guajiro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aleutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = inuit } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = illini } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = anishinabe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cree } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mesquakie } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cheyenne } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = blackfoot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = arapaho } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = delaware } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = abenaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mikmaq } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mahican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = powhatan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pequot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = iroquois } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cherokee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = huron } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = susquehannock } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dalmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chiwere } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = osage } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = catawba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wichita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = caddo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = creek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = choctaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chickasaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pueblo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = piman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shoshone } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kiowa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = apache } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = navajo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chipewyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = haida } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = athabascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = salish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chinook } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yokuts } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = manchu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = manchu_new } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chihan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = miao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cantonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chimin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hakka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = xiang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sichuanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jianghuai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = xibei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hubei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = zhongyuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shandong_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = korean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = togoku } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = japanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kyushuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = vietnamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = vindhyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = polynesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cham } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = malayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sumatran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = javanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = filipino } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bornean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = madagascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sulawesi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = central_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lacandon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = northern_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = zhuang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = burmese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tibetan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = karen } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kachin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = arakanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = papuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aboriginal } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = melanesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mescalero } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mexican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = moluccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = assamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bengali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bihari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nepali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = oriya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sinhala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = avadhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kanauji } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pahari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = panjabi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kashmiri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gujarati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gulf_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gulf_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = marathi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sindhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = rajput } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = malvi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kannada } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = malayalam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tamil } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = telegu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gondi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = garjati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jharkhandi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = songhai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = soninke } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sorbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bambara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bosnian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bozo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dyola } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hausa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kanuri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bilala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tuareg } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = senegambian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = frisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = fulani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yorumba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nupe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = fon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mossi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dagomba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = makua } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nguni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bemba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khoisan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shona } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nyasa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lunda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = luba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kongolese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yaka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kochi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kuba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mbundu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chokwe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mbangala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jukun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sawabantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = rwandan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ganda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = masaba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = madagasque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = takama } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bena } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swahili } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = somali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = harari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = afar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = oromo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tigray } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sidamo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = amhara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = acholi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nubian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = beja } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = evenk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yakut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yukagyr } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = buryat } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tungus } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ainu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kamchatkan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = astrakhani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bashkir } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = crimean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kazani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mishary } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nogaybak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = siberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = atlantean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = spartan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = athenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = old_egyptian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = roman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_m_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = icelandic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jan_mayenese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = phoenician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = scanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = anglosaxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = babylonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = etrurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = parthian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aramaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hebrew } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = scythian } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Turkish] heirs" => "les hritires [turques]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetHrtCultFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_pommeranian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pommeranian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_prussian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = prussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hannoverian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hannoverian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hessian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hessian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saxon_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_franconian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = franconian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swabian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swabian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swiss_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swiss } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bavarian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bavarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_austrian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = austrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dutch_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dutch } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_flemish_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = flemish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swedish_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swedish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_danish_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = danish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norwegian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = norwegian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_finnish_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = finnish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sapmi_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sapmi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_english_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = english } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_american_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = american } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_welsh_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = welsh } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scottish_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_irish_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = irish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_scottish_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = highland_scottish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lombard_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lombard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lower_saxon_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lower_saxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuscan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tuscan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sardinian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sardinian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_saurashtri_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = saurashtri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romagnan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = romagnan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ligurian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ligurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_venetian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = venetian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_neapolitan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = neapolitan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piedmontese_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = piedmontese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_umbrian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = umbrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sicilian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sicilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maltese_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = maltese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_castillian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = castillian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_leonese_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = leonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aragonese_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aragonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catalan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = catalan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_galician_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = galician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_andalucian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = andalucian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_portugese_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = portugese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_basque_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = basque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cosmopolitan_french_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cosmopolitan_french } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gascon_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gascon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_normand_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = normand } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aquitaine_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aquitaine } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burgundian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = burgundian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_occitain_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = occitain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wallonian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wallonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_brazilian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = brazilian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_breton_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = breton } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uralic_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = uralic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_samoyed_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = samoyed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ostyaki_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ostyaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ingrian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ingrian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_croatian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = croatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_serbian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = serbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bulgarian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bulgarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_albanian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = albanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_czech_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = czech } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polish_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = polish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_schlesian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = schlesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovak_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = slovak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_slovene_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = slovene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_transylvanian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = transylvanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_romanian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = romanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hungarian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hungarian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_russian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = russian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_novgorodian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = novgorodian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ryazanian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ryazanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_byelorussian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = byelorussian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karelian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = karelian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_estonian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = estonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lipan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lipan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lithuanian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lithuanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_latvian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = latvian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_greek_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pontic_greek_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pontic_greek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_goths_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = goths } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_georgian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = georgian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_circassian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = circassian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cornish_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cornish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagestani_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dagestani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_armenian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = armenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkish_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = turkish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_misr_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = al_misr_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_suryah_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = al_suryah_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_iraqiya_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = al_iraqiya_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bedouin_arabic_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bedouin_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_omani_culture_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = omani_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yemeni_culture_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yemeni_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moroccan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = moroccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tunisian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tunisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_algerian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = algerian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_berber_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = berber } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_persian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = persian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_azerbaijani_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = azerbaijani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khorasani_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khorasani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_baluchi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = baluchi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afghani_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = afghani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kurdish_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kurdish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mazandarani_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mazandarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mongol_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mongol } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chahar_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chahar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khalkha_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khalkha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oirats_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = oirats } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uzbehk_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = uzbehk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_turkmeni_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = turkmeni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_uyghur_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = uyghur } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khazak_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khazak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kirgiz_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kirgiz } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tecos_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tecos } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aztek_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aztek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_purepecha_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = purepecha } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totonac_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = totonac } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tepic_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tepic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chichimecan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chichimecan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guamares_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = guamares } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yucatec_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yucatec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_putun_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = putun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_matlatzinca_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = matlatzinca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_highland_mayan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = highland_mayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wastek_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wastek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zapotek_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = zapotek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mixtec_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mixtec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tlapanec_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tlapanec } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inca_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = inca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aimara_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aimara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diaguita_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = diaguita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_otomi_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = otomi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaqui_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yaqui } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimuan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chimuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chontales_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chontales } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tupinamba_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tupinamba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guarani_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = guarani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_charruan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = charruan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ge_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ge } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jivaro_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jivaro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chachapoyan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chachapoyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muisca_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = muisca } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cara_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miskito_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = miskito } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chacoan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chacoan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mapuche_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mapuche } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_patagonian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = patagonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_het_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = het } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huarpe_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = huarpe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arawak_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = arawak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_maipurean_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = maipurean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_carib_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = carib } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_guajiro_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = guajiro } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aleutian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aleutian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inuit_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = inuit } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shawnee_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_illini_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = illini } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anishinabe_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = anishinabe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cree_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cree } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesquakie_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mesquakie } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cheyenne_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cheyenne } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blackfoot_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = blackfoot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arapaho_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = arapaho } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_delaware_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = delaware } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_abenaki_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = abenaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mikmaq_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mikmaq } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahican_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mahican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_powhatan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = powhatan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pequot_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pequot } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_iroquoian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = iroquois } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cherokee_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cherokee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_huron_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = huron } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_susquehannock_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = susquehannock } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dakota_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dalmatian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dalmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nakota_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nakota } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chiwere_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chiwere } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_osage_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = osage } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catawba_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = catawba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wichita_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wichita } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_caddo_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = caddo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pawnee_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pawnee } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_creek_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = creek } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_choctaw_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = choctaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chickasaw_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chickasaw } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pueblo_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pueblo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_piman_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = piman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shoshone_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shoshone } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kiowa_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kiowa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_apache_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = apache } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navajo_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = navajo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chipewyan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chipewyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_haida_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = haida } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athabascan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = athabascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_salish_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = salish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chinook_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chinook } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yokuts_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yokuts } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = manchu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_new_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = manchu_new } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chihan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chihan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_miao_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = miao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cantonese_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cantonese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jin_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_wu_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = wu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chimin_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chimin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hakka_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hakka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xiang_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = xiang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sichuanese_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sichuanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jianghuai_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jianghuai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_xibei_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = xibei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hubei_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hubei } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhongyuan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = zhongyuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shandong_culture_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shandong_culture } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_korean_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = korean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_togoku_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = togoku } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_japanese_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = japanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kyushuan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kyushuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mon_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vietnamese_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = vietnamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vindhyan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = vindhyan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_polynesian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = polynesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cham_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = cham } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = malayan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sumatran_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sumatran } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_javanese_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = javanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_filipino_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = filipino } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bornean_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bornean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = madagascan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sulawesi_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sulawesi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_central_thai_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = central_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lacandon_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lacandon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lao_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lao } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_northern_thai_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = northern_thai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zhuang_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = zhuang } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_burmese_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = burmese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tibetan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tibetan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chin_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bai_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karen_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = karen } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kachin_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kachin } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_arakanese_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = arakanese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_papuan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = papuan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aboriginal_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aboriginal } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_melanesian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = melanesian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mescalero_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mescalero } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mexican_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mexican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_moluccan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = moluccan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_assamese_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = assamese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bengali_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bengali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bihari_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bihari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nepali_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nepali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oriya_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = oriya } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sinhala_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sinhala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_avadhi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = avadhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanauji_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kanauji } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pahari_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pahari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_panjabi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = panjabi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kashmiri_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kashmiri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gujarati_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gujarati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gulf_arabic_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gulf_arabic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_marathi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = marathi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sindhi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sindhi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rajput_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = rajput } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malvi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = malvi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kannada_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kannada } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_malayalam_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = malayalam } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tamil_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tamil } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_telegu_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = telegu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_gondi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = gondi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_garjati_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = garjati } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jharkhandi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jharkhandi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mali_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_songhai_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = songhai } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_soninke_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = soninke } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sorbian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sorbian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bambara_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bambara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bosnian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bosnian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bozo_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bozo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dyola_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dyola } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hausa_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hausa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kanuri_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kanuri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bilala_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bilala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tuareg_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tuareg } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_senegambian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = senegambian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_frisian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = frisian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fulani_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = fulani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yorumba_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yorumba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aka_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nupe_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nupe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fon_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = fon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mossi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mossi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dagomba_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = dagomba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_makua_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = makua } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nguni_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nguni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bemba_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bemba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_khoisan_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = khoisan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shona_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = shona } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nyasa_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nyasa } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_lunda_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = lunda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_luba_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = luba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kongolese_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kongolese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yaka_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yaka } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kochi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kochi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kuba_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kuba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbundu_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mbundu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_chokwe_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = chokwe } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mbangala_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mbangala } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jukun_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jukun } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sawabantu_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sawabantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_rwandan_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = rwandan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ganda_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ganda } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_masaba_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = masaba } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_madagasque_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = madagasque } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_takama_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = takama } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bena_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bena } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bantu_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bantu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_swahili_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = swahili } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_somali_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = somali } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harari_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = harari } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_afar_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = afar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_oromo_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = oromo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tigray_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tigray } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sidamo_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = sidamo } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_amhara_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = amhara } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_acholi_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = acholi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nubian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nubian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_beja_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = beja } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_evenk_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = evenk } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yakut_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yakut } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_yukagyr_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = yukagyr } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buryat_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = buryat } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tungus_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = tungus } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ainu_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = ainu } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kamchatkan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kamchatkan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_astrakhani_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = astrakhani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_bashkir_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = bashkir } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_crimean_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = crimean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_kazani_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = kazani } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mishary_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = mishary } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nogaybak_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = nogaybak } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = siberian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_atlantean_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = atlantean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spartan_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = spartan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_athenian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = athenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_old_egyptian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = old_egyptian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_roman_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = roman } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_icelandic_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = icelandic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jan_mayenese_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = jan_mayenese } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pruthenian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = pruthenian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_phoenician_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = phoenician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scanian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = scanian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglosaxon_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = anglosaxon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_babylonian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = babylonian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_etrurian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = etrurian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_parthian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = parthian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aramaic_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = aramaic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hebrew_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = hebrew } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_scythian_p_FR + trigger = { heir_culture = scythian } + } +} + + + +###################################################################################################################### +### Religion Adjectives for Administrative Advisors // Adjectifs religieux pour les conseillers administratifs ### +###################################################################################################################### + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] administrative advisor" => "un conseiller administratif [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetAdmRelMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = anglican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hussite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = catholic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = protestant } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = orthodox } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = coptic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sunni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shiite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = ibadi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = buddhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = vajrayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mahayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = confucianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shinto } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hinduism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sikhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = animism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shamanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = totemism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = inti } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nahuatl } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mesoamerican_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jewish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zoroastrian } } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = adamite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = insular_celtic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bosnian_church } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mutazila } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = quranist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = alawite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = meshefaresism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kitebacilweism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zurvanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gayomarthianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurramism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gnostic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mandeaism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = valentinianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sethianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = priscillianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cainitism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = canaanite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kemetism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mardukism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cathar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = fraticelli } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = waldensian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = lollard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monophysite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bogomilist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monothelite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = iconoclast } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = paulician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nestorian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = messalian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zikri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kharijite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druze } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hurufi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = qarmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_religion_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = pagan_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mazdaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = manichean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurmazta } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = samaritan_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = karaite_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jain } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] administrative advisor" => "une conseillre administrative [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetAdmRelFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = anglican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hussite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = catholic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = protestant } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = orthodox } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = coptic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sunni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shiite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = ibadi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = buddhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = vajrayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mahayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = confucianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shinto } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hinduism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sikhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = animism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shamanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = totemism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = inti } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nahuatl } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mesoamerican_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jewish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zoroastrian } } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = adamite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = insular_celtic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bosnian_church } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mutazila } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = quranist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = alawite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = meshefaresism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kitebacilweism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zurvanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gayomarthianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurramism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gnostic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mandeaism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = valentinianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sethianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = priscillianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cainitism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = canaanite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kemetism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mardukism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cathar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = fraticelli } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = waldensian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = lollard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monophysite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bogomilist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monothelite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = iconoclast } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = paulician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nestorian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = messalian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zikri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kharijite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druze } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hurufi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = qarmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_religion_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = pagan_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mazdaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = manichean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurmazta } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = samaritan_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = karaite_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jain } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] administrative advisors are wise" => "Les conseillers administrafifs [protestants] sont aviss" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetAdmRelMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = anglican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hussite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = catholic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = protestant } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = orthodox } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = coptic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sunni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shiite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = ibadi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = buddhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = vajrayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mahayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = confucianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shinto } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hinduism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sikhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = animism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shamanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = totemism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = inti } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nahuatl } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mesoamerican_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jewish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zoroastrian } } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = adamite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = insular_celtic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bosnian_church } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mutazila } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = quranist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = alawite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = meshefaresism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kitebacilweism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zurvanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gayomarthianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurramism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gnostic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mandeaism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = valentinianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sethianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = priscillianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cainitism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = canaanite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kemetism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mardukism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cathar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = fraticelli } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = waldensian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = lollard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monophysite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bogomilist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monothelite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = iconoclast } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = paulician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nestorian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = messalian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zikri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kharijite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druze } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hurufi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = qarmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_religion_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = pagan_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mazdaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = manichean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurmazta } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = samaritan_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = karaite_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jain } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] administrative advisors are beautiful" => "les conseillres administratives [protestantes] sont jolies" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetAdmRelFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = anglican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hussite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = catholic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = protestant } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = orthodox } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = coptic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sunni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shiite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = ibadi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = buddhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = vajrayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mahayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = confucianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shinto } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hinduism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sikhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = animism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = shamanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = totemism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = inti } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nahuatl } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mesoamerican_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jewish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zoroastrian } } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = adamite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = insular_celtic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bosnian_church } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mutazila } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = quranist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = alawite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = meshefaresism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kitebacilweism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zurvanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gayomarthianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurramism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = gnostic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mandeaism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = valentinianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = sethianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = priscillianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cainitism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = canaanite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kemetism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mardukism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = cathar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = fraticelli } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = waldensian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = lollard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monophysite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bogomilist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = monothelite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = iconoclast } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = paulician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = nestorian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = messalian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zikri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = yazidi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = kharijite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = druze } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hurufi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = qarmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_religion_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = pagan_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = norse_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = tengri_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = bon_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = mazdaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = manichean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = khurmazta } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = samaritan_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = karaite_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = ADM religion = jain } } + } +} + + + +################################################################################################################# +### Religion Adjectives for Diplomatic Advisors // Adjectifs religieux pour les conseillers diplomatiques ### +################################################################################################################# + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] diplomatic advisor" => "un conseiller diplomatique [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetDipRelMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = anglican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hussite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = catholic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = protestant } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = orthodox } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = coptic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sunni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shiite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = ibadi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = buddhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = vajrayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mahayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = confucianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shinto } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hinduism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sikhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = animism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shamanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = totemism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = inti } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nahuatl } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mesoamerican_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jewish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zoroastrian } } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = adamite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = insular_celtic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bosnian_church } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mutazila } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = quranist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = alawite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = meshefaresism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kitebacilweism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zurvanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gayomarthianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurramism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gnostic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mandeaism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = valentinianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sethianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = priscillianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cainitism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = canaanite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kemetism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mardukism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cathar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = fraticelli } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = waldensian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = lollard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monophysite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bogomilist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monothelite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = iconoclast } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = paulician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nestorian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = messalian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zikri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kharijite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druze } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hurufi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = qarmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_religion_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = pagan_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mazdaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = manichean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurmazta } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = samaritan_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = karaite_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jain } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] diplomatic advisor" => "une conseillre diplomatique [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetDipRelFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = anglican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hussite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = catholic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = protestant } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = orthodox } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = coptic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sunni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shiite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = ibadi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = buddhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = vajrayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mahayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = confucianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shinto } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hinduism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sikhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = animism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shamanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = totemism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = inti } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nahuatl } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mesoamerican_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jewish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zoroastrian } } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = adamite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = insular_celtic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bosnian_church } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mutazila } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = quranist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = alawite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = meshefaresism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kitebacilweism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zurvanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gayomarthianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurramism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gnostic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mandeaism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = valentinianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sethianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = priscillianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cainitism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = canaanite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kemetism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mardukism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cathar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = fraticelli } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = waldensian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = lollard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monophysite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bogomilist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monothelite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = iconoclast } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = paulician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nestorian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = messalian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zikri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kharijite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druze } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hurufi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = qarmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_religion_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = pagan_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mazdaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = manichean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurmazta } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = samaritan_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = karaite_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jain } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] diplomatic advisors are wise" => "Les conseillers diplomatiques [protestants] sont aviss" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetDipRelMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = anglican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hussite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = catholic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = protestant } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = orthodox } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = coptic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sunni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shiite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = ibadi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = buddhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = vajrayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mahayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = confucianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shinto } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hinduism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sikhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = animism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shamanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = totemism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = inti } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nahuatl } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mesoamerican_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jewish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zoroastrian } } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = adamite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = insular_celtic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bosnian_church } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mutazila } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = quranist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = alawite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = meshefaresism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kitebacilweism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zurvanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gayomarthianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurramism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gnostic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mandeaism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = valentinianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sethianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = priscillianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cainitism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = canaanite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kemetism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mardukism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cathar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = fraticelli } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = waldensian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = lollard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monophysite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bogomilist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monothelite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = iconoclast } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = paulician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nestorian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = messalian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zikri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kharijite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druze } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hurufi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = qarmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_religion_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = pagan_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mazdaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = manichean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurmazta } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = samaritan_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = karaite_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jain } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] diplomatic advisors are beautiful" => "les conseillres diplomatiques [protestantes] sont jolies" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetDipRelFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = anglican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hussite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = catholic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = protestant } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = orthodox } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = coptic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sunni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shiite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = ibadi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = buddhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = vajrayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mahayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = confucianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shinto } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hinduism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sikhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = animism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = shamanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = totemism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = inti } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nahuatl } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mesoamerican_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jewish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zoroastrian } } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = adamite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = insular_celtic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bosnian_church } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mutazila } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = quranist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = alawite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = meshefaresism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kitebacilweism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zurvanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gayomarthianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurramism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = gnostic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mandeaism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = valentinianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = sethianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = priscillianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cainitism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = canaanite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kemetism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mardukism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = cathar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = fraticelli } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = waldensian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = lollard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monophysite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bogomilist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = monothelite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = iconoclast } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = paulician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = nestorian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = messalian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zikri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = yazidi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = kharijite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = druze } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hurufi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = qarmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_religion_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = pagan_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = norse_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = tengri_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = bon_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = mazdaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = manichean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = khurmazta } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = samaritan_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = karaite_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = DIP religion = jain } } + } +} + + + +############################################################################################################ +### Religion Adjectives for Military Advisors // Adjectifs religieux pour les conseillers militaires ### +############################################################################################################ + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] military advisor" => "un conseiller militaire [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetMilRelMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = anglican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hussite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = catholic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = protestant } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = orthodox } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = coptic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sunni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shiite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = ibadi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = buddhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = vajrayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mahayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = confucianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shinto } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hinduism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sikhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = animism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shamanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = totemism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = inti } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nahuatl } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mesoamerican_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jewish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zoroastrian } } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = adamite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = insular_celtic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bosnian_church } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mutazila } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = quranist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = alawite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = meshefaresism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kitebacilweism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zurvanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gayomarthianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurramism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gnostic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mandeaism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = valentinianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sethianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = priscillianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cainitism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = canaanite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kemetism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mardukism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cathar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = fraticelli } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = waldensian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = lollard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monophysite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bogomilist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monothelite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = iconoclast } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = paulician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nestorian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = messalian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zikri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kharijite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druze } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hurufi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = qarmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_religion_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = pagan_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mazdaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = manichean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurmazta } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = samaritan_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = karaite_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_ms + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jain } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] military advisor" => "une conseillre militaire [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetMilRelFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = anglican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hussite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = catholic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = protestant } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = orthodox } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = coptic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sunni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shiite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = ibadi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = buddhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = vajrayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mahayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = confucianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shinto } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hinduism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sikhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = animism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shamanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = totemism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = inti } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nahuatl } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mesoamerican_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jewish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zoroastrian } } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = adamite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = insular_celtic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bosnian_church } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mutazila } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = quranist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = alawite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = meshefaresism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kitebacilweism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zurvanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gayomarthianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurramism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gnostic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mandeaism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = valentinianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sethianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = priscillianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cainitism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = canaanite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kemetism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mardukism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cathar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = fraticelli } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = waldensian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = lollard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monophysite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bogomilist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monothelite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = iconoclast } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = paulician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nestorian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = messalian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zikri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kharijite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druze } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hurufi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = qarmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_religion_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = pagan_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mazdaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = manichean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurmazta } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = samaritan_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = karaite_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fs + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jain } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] military advisors are wise" => "Les conseillers militaires [protestants] sont aviss" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetMilRelMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = anglican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hussite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = catholic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = protestant } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = orthodox } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = coptic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sunni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shiite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = ibadi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = buddhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = vajrayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mahayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = confucianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shinto } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hinduism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sikhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = animism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shamanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = totemism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = inti } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nahuatl } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mesoamerican_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jewish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zoroastrian } } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = adamite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = insular_celtic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bosnian_church } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mutazila } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = quranist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = alawite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = meshefaresism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kitebacilweism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zurvanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gayomarthianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurramism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gnostic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mandeaism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = valentinianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sethianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = priscillianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cainitism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = canaanite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kemetism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mardukism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cathar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = fraticelli } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = waldensian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = lollard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monophysite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bogomilist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monothelite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = iconoclast } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = paulician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nestorian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = messalian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zikri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kharijite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druze } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hurufi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = qarmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_religion_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = pagan_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mazdaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = manichean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurmazta } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = samaritan_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = karaite_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_mp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jain } } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] military advisors are beautiful" => "les conseillres militaires [protestantes] sont jolies" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetMilRelFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = anglican } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hussite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = catholic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = protestant } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = orthodox } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = coptic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sunni } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shiite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = ibadi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = buddhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = vajrayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mahayana } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = confucianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shinto } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hinduism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sikhism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = animism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = shamanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = totemism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = inti } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nahuatl } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mesoamerican_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jewish } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zoroastrian } } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = adamite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = insular_celtic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bosnian_church } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mutazila } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = quranist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = alawite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = meshefaresism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kitebacilweism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zurvanism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gayomarthianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurramism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = gnostic } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mandeaism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = valentinianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = sethianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = priscillianism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cainitism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = canaanite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druidism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kemetism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mardukism } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = cathar } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = fraticelli } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = waldensian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = lollard } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monophysite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bogomilist } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = monothelite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = iconoclast } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = paulician } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = nestorian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = messalian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zikri } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = yazidi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = kharijite } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = druze } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hurufi } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = qarmatian } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_religion_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = pagan_religion } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = norse_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = tengri_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = zun_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = bon_reformed } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = mazdaki } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = manichean } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = khurmazta } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = samaritan_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = karaite_faith } } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fp + trigger = { employed_advisor = { category = MIL religion = jain } } + } +} + + + +##################################################################################### +### Religion Adjectives for Rulers // Adjectifs religieux pour les dirigeants ### +##################################################################################### + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] ruler" => "un dirigeant [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetDirRelMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani + trigger = { ruler_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah + trigger = { ruler_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic + trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism + trigger = { ruler_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_msigion_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = pagan_msigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_ms + trigger = { ruler_religion = jain } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] queen" => "une reine [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetDirRelFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani + trigger = { ruler_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah + trigger = { ruler_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic + trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism + trigger = { ruler_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_fsigion_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = pagan_fsigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fs + trigger = { ruler_religion = jain } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] rulers" => "les dirigeants [protestants]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetDirRelMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani + trigger = { ruler_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah + trigger = { ruler_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic + trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism + trigger = { ruler_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_mpigion_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = pagan_mpigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_mp + trigger = { ruler_religion = jain } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] queens" => "les dirigeantes [protestantes]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetDirRelFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR + trigger = { ruler_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani + trigger = { ruler_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah + trigger = { ruler_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic + trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism + trigger = { ruler_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_fpigion_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = pagan_fpigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fp + trigger = { ruler_religion = jain } + } +} + + + +##################################################################################### +### Religion Adjectives for Consorts // Adjectifs religieux pour les consorts ### +##################################################################################### + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] consort" => "un consort [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetConsRelMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani + trigger = { consort_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah + trigger = { consort_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic + trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism + trigger = { consort_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_msigion_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = pagan_msigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_ms + trigger = { consort_religion = jain } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] consort" => "une consort [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetConsRelFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani + trigger = { consort_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah + trigger = { consort_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic + trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism + trigger = { consort_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_fsigion_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = pagan_fsigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fs + trigger = { consort_religion = jain } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] consorts" => "les consorts [protestants]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetConsRelMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani + trigger = { consort_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah + trigger = { consort_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic + trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism + trigger = { consort_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_mpigion_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = pagan_mpigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_mp + trigger = { consort_religion = jain } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] consorts" => "les consorts [protestantes]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetConsRelFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR + trigger = { consort_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani + trigger = { consort_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah + trigger = { consort_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic + trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism + trigger = { consort_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_fpigion_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = pagan_fpigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fp + trigger = { consort_religion = jain } + } +} + + + +################################################################################### +### Religion Adjectives for Heirs // Adjectifs religieux pour les hritiers ### +################################################################################### + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] heir" => "un hritier [protestant]" (singular masculine / masculin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetHrtRelMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_ms_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani + trigger = { heir_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah + trigger = { heir_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic + trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism + trigger = { heir_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_msigion_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = pagan_msigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_ms + trigger = { heir_religion = jain } + } +} + + +### Ex: "A [Protestant] heir" => "une hritire [protestante]" (singular feminine / fminin singulier) +defined_text = { + name = GetHrtRelFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_s_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fs_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani + trigger = { heir_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah + trigger = { heir_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic + trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism + trigger = { heir_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_fsigion_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = pagan_fsigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fs + trigger = { heir_religion = jain } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] heirs" => "les hritiers [protestants]" (plural masculine / masculin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetHrtRelMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_mp_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani + trigger = { heir_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah + trigger = { heir_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic + trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism + trigger = { heir_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_mpigion_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = pagan_mpigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_mp + trigger = { heir_religion = jain } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Protestant] heirs" => "les hritires [protestantes]" (plural feminine / fminin pluriel) +defined_text = { + name = GetHrtRelFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglican_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = anglican } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hussite_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = hussite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_p_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = jewish } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_fp_FR + trigger = { heir_religion = zoroastrian } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani + trigger = { heir_religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah + trigger = { heir_religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic + trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism + trigger = { heir_religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_fpigion_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = pagan_fpigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fp + trigger = { heir_religion = jain } + } +} + + + + + +########################################################################### +### Event Advisors (works out which via flag) // Conseillers (tous) ### +########################################################################### + +########Event advisors (uses flags to see which one is relevant and uses that to refer to the relevant custom loc listed above in the advisors section) + +# Ex: "So [he/she] tried" => "Aussi a-t-[il/elle] tent de" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetIlElleAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetIlElleDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetIlElleMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} +# Ex: "[He/She] tried" => "[Il/Elle] a tent de" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetIlElleEventCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetIlElleAdmCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetIlElleDipCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetIlElleMilCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "As for [him/her]" => "Quant [lui/elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLuiElleAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLuiElleDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLuiElleMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Him/Her] is..." => "[Lui/Elle] est..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLuiElleEventCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLuiElleAdmCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLuiElleDipCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLuiElleMilCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[que lui/qu'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetQueluiQuelleEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetQueluiQuelleAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetQueluiQuelleDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetQueluiQuelleMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} +# Ex: "That [him/her]" => "[Que lui/Qu'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetQueluiQuelleEventCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetQueluiQuelleAdmCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetQueluiQuelleDipCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetQueluiQuelleMilCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "He saw [him/her]" => "Il [le/la] vit" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLeLaFAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLeLaFDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLeLaFMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} +# Ex: "Firing [him/her] would have been..." => "[Le/La] renvoyer aurait t..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaFEventCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLeLaFAdmCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLeLaFDipCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLeLaFMilCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[the] treasurer" => "[le/la] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLeLaLAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLeLaLDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLeLaLMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[The] treasurer" => "[Le/La] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaLEventCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLeLaLAdmCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLeLaLDipCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLeLaLMilCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[this] treasurer" => "[ce/cette] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[This] treasurer" => "[Ce/Cette] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteEventCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteAdmCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteDipCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteMilCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + +# Ex: "[this] advisor" => "[ce/cette] conseiller" (lower case/minuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "ce" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteFEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteFAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteFDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteFMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[This] sick person" => "[Cet/Cette] consort" (upper case/majuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "Ce" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Ce" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCeCetteFEventCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteFAdmCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteFDipCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeCetteFMilCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + +# Ex: "[this] (wo)man" => "[cet/cette] homme/femme" (lower case/minuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "cet" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCetCetteFEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCetCetteFAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCetCetteFDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCetCetteFMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[This] (wo)man" => "[Cet/Cette] homme/femme" (upper case/majuscule) +# Mandatory use of masculine form "Cet" for some situations / Emploi forc de la forme masculine "Cet" dans certains contextes +defined_text = { + name = GetCetCetteFEventCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCetCetteFAdmCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCetCetteFDipCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCetCetteFMilCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + +# Ex: "[his] adviser" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetOnAEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetOnAAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetOnADip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetOnAMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + +# Ex: "[his] adviser" => "s[on] conseiller/s[a] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetOnAFEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetOnAFAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetOnAFDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetOnAFMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + +# Ex: "[the one] which" => "[celui/celle] qui" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeluiCelleEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeluiCelleAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeluiCelleDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeluiCelleMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[The one] which" => "[Celui/Celle] qui" +defined_text = { + name = GetCeluiCelleEventCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeluiCelleAdmCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeluiCelleDipCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCeluiCelleMilCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[du] conseiller/[de la] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Du] conseiller/[De la] conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaEventCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaAdmCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaDipCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaMilCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + +# Ex: "[of the] new advisor" => "[du] nouveau conseiller/[de la] nouvelle conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaFAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaFDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaFMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[Of the] new advisor" => "[Du] nouveau conseiller/[De la] nouvelle conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaFEventCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaFAdmCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaFDipCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDuDelaFMilCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + +# Ex: "[to the] treasurer" => "[au/ la] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[To the] treasurer" => "[Au/ la] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaEventCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaAdmCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaDipCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaMilCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + +# Ex: "[to the] treasurer" => "[au/ la] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaFAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaFDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaFMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[To the] treasurer" => "[Au/ la] financier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaFEventCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaFAdmCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaFDipCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAuAlaFMilCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + +# Ex: "[if] he/she" => "[s'il]/[si elle]" (lower case/minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetSilSielleAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetSilSielleDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetSilSielleMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[If] he/she" => "[S'il]/[Si elle]" (upper case/majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetSilSielleEventCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetSilSielleAdmCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetSilSielleDipCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetSilSielleMilCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + +# Ex: "next treasurer" => "prochain[/e] trsorier/re" +defined_text = { + name = GetXEEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetXEAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetXEDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetXEMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "the first advisor" => "(le/la) premi[er/re] conseill[er/re]" +defined_text = { + name = GetErEreEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetErEreAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetErEreDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetErEreMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + +# Ex: "[new] advisor" => "nouv[eau/elle] conseiller/conseillre" +defined_text = { + name = GetEauElleEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetEauElleAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetEauElleDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetEauElleMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + +# Ex: "[Treasurer]" => "[financer/financire]" (lower case) +defined_text = { + name = GetEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + + +# Ex: "[from him/her]" => "[de lui/d'elle]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDeluiDelleAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDeluiDelleDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDeluiDelleMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[From him/her]" => "[De lui/D'elle]" (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDeluiDelleEventCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDeluiDelleAdmCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDeluiDelleDipCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDeluiDelleMilCap + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + + +########################################## +### Limited Uses // Usages limits ### +########################################## + +# Copied from GetLegitimacyOrMeritocracy +# Ex: "Restore legitimacy/meritocracy" => "Restaurer la [lgitimit/mritocratie]" (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLegitimacyOrMeritocracyFR + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_meritocracy_FR + trigger = { + has_reform = celestial_empire + has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" + } + } + + text = { + localisation_key = string_legitimacy_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + NOT = { has_reform = celestial_empire } + NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" } + } + } + } +} + + + +##################################### +### Parliaments // Parlements ### +##################################### +# Ex: "Convoke [the] Parliament." => "Convoquer [le] Grand conseil / [l']Alting / [la] Douma / [l']Assemble nationale / [les] Cortes." (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaParlement + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_les_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] Parliament refused." => "[Le] Grand conseil / [L' ]Alting / [La] Douma / [L']Assemble / [Les] Cortes a/ont refus." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaParlementCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_le_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_la_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_l_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_les_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "Enter [in the] Parliament." => "Demander [au] Grand conseil / [ l']Alting / [ la] Douma / [ l']Assemble nationale / [aux] Cortes." (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaParlement + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aux_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[In the] Parliament has been decided..." => "[Au] Grand conseil / [ l']Alting / [ la] Douma / [ l']Assemble nationale / [Aux] Cortes a t dcid de..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetAuAlaParlementCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_au_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ala_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_aux_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "The sessions [of the] Parliament." => "Les sessions [du] Grand conseil / [de l']Alting / [de la] Douma / [de l']Assemble nationale / [des] Cortes." (lower case / minuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaParlement + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_des_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[From the] Parliament came the blow." => "[Du] Grand conseil / [De l']Alting / [De la] Douma / [De l']Assemble nationale / [Des] Cortes est venu la principale attaque." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetDuDelaParlementCap + text = { + localisation_key = string_du_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dela_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_del_cap_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_des_cap_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[In the] Parliament has been decided..." => "[Au] Grand conseil / [ l']Alting / [ la] Douma / [ l']Assemble nationale / [Aux] Cortes a t dcid de..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetTVentParlement + text = { + localisation_key = string_t_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vent_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "The Parliament/Cortes contribute(s)..." => "Le Grand conseil / L'Alting / La Douma / L'Assemble nationale contribu[e] // Les Cortes contribu[ent]..." (upper case / majuscule) +defined_text = { + name = GetEEntParlement + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_FR + trigger = { + OR = { + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_cons = yes + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_cons = yes + frloc_parliament_masc_sg_vow = yes + frloc_parliament_fem_sg_vow = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ent_FR + trigger = { + frloc_parliament_masc_pl = yes + } + } +} diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/customizable_localization/00_customizable_localization_SP.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/customizable_localization/00_customizable_localization_SP.txt index f853c316..4cd453ca 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/customizable_localization/00_customizable_localization_SP.txt +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/customizable_localization/00_customizable_localization_SP.txt @@ -1,5398 +1,5848 @@ -#AVIALABLE CUSTOM LOCALISATION KEYS -#When adding new custom loc keys, add them to the appropriate category (or add a new one) and describe them. Name the strings "String_X" where x is its content. -# To not display anything, you can use 'localisation_key = ""' -# Please add one example sentence for each key. - -#As this list grow organize with categories. -#Current loc keys in this file: - - - -################################ -### Rulers // Dirigentes ### -################################ - -# Ex: "[the] ruler" => "[el] rey/[la] reina" -defined_text = { - name = GetellaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_el_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] ruler" => "[El] rey/[La] reina" -defined_text = { - name = GetElLaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_El_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[he/she] is" => "[l/ella] es" -defined_text = { - name = GetelellaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_el2_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_ella_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex. "[He/She] is" => "[l/Ella] es" -defined_text = { - name = GetElEllaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_EL2_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Ella_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] ruler" => "[del] rey/[de la] reina" -defined_text = { - name = GetdeldelaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_del_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] ruler" => "[Del] rey/[De la] reina" -defined_text = { - name = GetDelDelaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[for the] ruler" => "[al] rey/[a la] reina" -defined_text = { - name = GetalalaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[For the] ruler" => "[Al] rey/[A la] reina" -defined_text = { - name = GetAlAlaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_Al_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "magnificient" => "magnfic[o]/magnfic[a]" -defined_text = { - name = GetoaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_o_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# --e/--a # TODO: find an example -defined_text = { - name = GeteaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "Spanish" => "espaol[]/espaol[a]" -defined_text = { - name = GetXaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_X_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "stubborn" => "cabez[n]/cabez[ona] -defined_text = { - name = GetononaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ona_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "drunkard" => "borrach[n]/borrach[ina]" -defined_text = { - name = GetininaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_in_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ina_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "catch [him/her]" => "capturar[lo/la]" -defined_text = { - name = GetlolaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_lo_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "reach [him/her]" => alcanzar[le/la]" -defined_text = { - name = GetLoLaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Lo_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "say [him/her]" => "decir[le/la]" -defined_text = { - name = GetlelaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_le_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "Kill [him/her]" => "[Le/La] mat" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Le_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "French" => "franc[s/esa]" -defined_text = { - name = GetesesaDir - text = { - localisation_key = string_es_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_esa_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - - -############################## -### Heirs // Herederos ### -############################## - -# Ex: "[the] prince(ss)" => "[el] prncipe/[la] princessa" -defined_text = { - name = GetellaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_el_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] prince(ss)" => "[El] prncipe/[La] princessa" -defined_text = { - name = GetElLaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_El_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[he/she] is" => "[l/ella] es" -defined_text = { - name = GetelellaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_el2_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_ella_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex. "[He/She] is" => "[l/Ella] es" -defined_text = { - name = GetElEllaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_EL2_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Ella_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] prince(ss)" => "[del] prncipe/[de la] princessa" -defined_text = { - name = GetdeldelaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_del_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] prince" => "[Del] prncipe/[De la] princessa" -defined_text = { - name = GetDelDelaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[for the] prince(ss)" => "[al] prncipe/[a la] princessa" -defined_text = { - name = GetalalaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[For the] prince(ss)" => "[Al] prncipe/[A la] princessa" -defined_text = { - name = GetAlAlaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_Al_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "magnificient" => "magnfic[o]/magnfic[a]" -defined_text = { - name = GetoaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_o_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# --e/--a # TODO: find an example -defined_text = { - name = GeteaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "Spanish" => "espaol[]/espaol[a]" -defined_text = { - name = GetXaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_X_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "stubborn" => "cabez[n]/cabez[ona] -defined_text = { - name = GetononaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ona_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "drunkard" => "borrach[n]/borrach[ina]" -defined_text = { - name = GetininaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_in_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ina_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "catch [him/her]" => "capturar[lo/la]" -defined_text = { - name = GetlolaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_lo_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "Hold [him/her]" => "[Lo/La] sostuvo" -defined_text = { - name = GetLoLaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Lo_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "reach [him/her]" => alcanzar[le/la]" -defined_text = { - name = GetlelaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_le_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "Told [him/her]" => "[Le/La] dijo" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Le_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - has_female_heir = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "French" => "franc[s/esa]" -defined_text = { - name = GetesesaHer - text = { - localisation_key = string_es_SP - trigger = { - is_female = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_esa_SP - trigger = { - is_female = yes - } - } -} - - - -################################# -### Consorts // Consortes ### -################################# - -# Ex: "[the] consort" => "[el]/[la] consorte" -defined_text = { - name = GetellaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_el_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] consort" => "[El]/[La] consorte" -defined_text = { - name = GetElLaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_El_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[he/she] is" => "[l/ella] es" -defined_text = { - name = GetelellaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_el2_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_ella_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex. "[He/She] is" => "[l/Ella] es" -defined_text = { - name = GetElEllaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_EL2_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Ella_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] consort" => "[del]/[de la] consorte" -defined_text = { - name = GetdeldelaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_del_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] consort" => "[Del]/[De la] consorte" -defined_text = { - name = GetDelDelaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[for the] consort" => "[al]/[a la] consorte" -defined_text = { - name = GetalalaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "[For the] consort" => "[Al]/[A la] consorte" -defined_text = { - name = GetAlAlaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_Al_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "magnificient" => "magnfic[o]/magnfic[a]" -defined_text = { - name = GetoaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_o_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# --e/--a # TODO: find an example -defined_text = { - name = GeteaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "Spanish" => "espaol[]/espaol[a]" -defined_text = { - name = GetXaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_X_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "stubborn" => "cabez[n]/cabez[ona] -defined_text = { - name = GetononaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ona_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "drunkard" => "borrach[n]/borrach[ina]" -defined_text = { - name = GetininaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_in_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ina_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "catch [him/her]" => "capturar[lo/la]" -defined_text = { - name = GetlolaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_lo_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "Hold [him/her]" => "[Lo/La] sostuvo" -defined_text = { - name = GetLoLaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Lo_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "reach [him/her]" => alcanzar[le/la]" -defined_text = { - name = GetlelaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_le_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} -# Ex: "Told [him/her]" => "[Le/La] dijo" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Le_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "French" => "franc[s/esa]" -defined_text = { - name = GetesesaCons - text = { - localisation_key = string_es_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = no - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_esa_SP - trigger = { - has_female_consort = yes - } - } -} - - - -################################################################# -### Administrative Advisors // Consejeros administrativos ### -################################################################# - -# Ex: "[the] advisor" => "[el] consejero/[la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetellaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_el_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] advisor" => "[El] consejero/[La] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetElLaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_El_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[he/she] is" => "[l/ella] es" -defined_text = { - name = GetelellaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_el2_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_ella_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex. "[He/She] is" => "[l/Ella] es" -defined_text = { - name = GetElEllaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_EL2_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Ella_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[del] consejero/[de la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetdeldelaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_del_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Del] consejero/[De la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetDelDelaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[for the] advisor" => "[al]/[a la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetalalaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[For the] advisor" => "[Al]/[A la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetAlAlaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_Al_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "magnificient" => "magnfic[o]/magnfic[a]" -defined_text = { - name = GetoaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_o_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# --e/--a # TODO: find an example -defined_text = { - name = GeteaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "Spanish" => "espaol[]/espaol[a]" -defined_text = { - name = GetXaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_X_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "stubborn" => "cabez[n]/cabez[ona] -defined_text = { - name = GetononaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ona_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "drunkard" => "borrach[n]/borrach[ina]" -defined_text = { - name = GetininaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_in_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ina_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[Treasurer]" => "[tesorero]/[tesorera]" (lower case) -defined_text = { - name = GetCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_philosopher_male_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - type = philosopher - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_philosopher_fem_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - type = philosopher - is_female = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_natural_scientist_SP - trigger = { - advisor = natural_scientist - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_artist_SP - trigger = { - advisor = artist - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_treasurer_male_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - type = treasurer - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_treasurer_fem_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - type = treasurer - is_female = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_theologian_male_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - type = theologian - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_theologian_fem_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - type = theologian - is_female = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_master_of_mint_male_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - type = master_of_mint - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_master_of_mint_fem_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - type = master_of_mint - is_female = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inquisitor_male_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - type = inquisitor - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inquisitor_fem_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - type = inquisitor - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "catch [him/her]" => "capturar[lo/la]" -defined_text = { - name = GetlolaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_lo_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "Hold [him/her]" => "[Lo/La] sostuvo" -defined_text = { - name = GetLoLaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Lo_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "reach [him/her]" => alcanzar[le/la]" -defined_text = { - name = GetlelaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_le_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "Told [him/her]" => "[Le/La] dijo" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Le_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "French" => "franc[s/esa]" -defined_text = { - name = GetesesaCnjAdm - text = { - localisation_key = string_es_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_esa_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = ADM - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -########################################################## -### Diplomatic Advisors // Consejeros diplomticos ### -########################################################## - -# Ex: "[the] advisor" => "[el] consejero/[la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetellaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_el_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] advisor" => "[El] consejero/[La] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetElLaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_El_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[he/she] is" => "[l/ella] es" -defined_text = { - name = GetelellaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_el2_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_ella_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex. "[He/She] is" => "[l/Ella] es" -defined_text = { - name = GetElEllaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_EL2_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Ella_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[del] consejero/[de la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetdeldelaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_del_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Del] consejero/[De la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetDelDelaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[for the] advisor" => "[al]/[a la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetalalaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[For the] advisor" => "[Al]/[A la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetAlAlaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_Al_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "magnificient" => "magnfic[o]/magnfic[a]" -defined_text = { - name = GetoaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_o_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# --e/--a # TODO: find an example -defined_text = { - name = GeteaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "Spanish" => "espaol[]/espaol[a]" -defined_text = { - name = GetXaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_X_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "stubborn" => "cabez[n]/cabez[ona] -defined_text = { - name = GetononaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ona_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "drunkard" => "borrach[n]/borrach[ina] -defined_text = { - name = GetininaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_in_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ina_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[Colonial Governor]" => "[gobernador colonial]/[gobernadora colonial]" (lower case) -defined_text = { - name = GetCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_statesman_SP - trigger = { - advisor = statesman - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_naval_reformer_male_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - type = naval_reformer - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_naval_reformer_fem_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - type = naval_reformer - is_female = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_trader_SP - trigger = { - advisor = trader - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spymaster_male_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - type = spymaster - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_spymaster_fem_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - type = spymaster - is_female = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_colonial_governor_male_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - type = colonial_governor - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_colonial_governor_fem_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - type = colonial_governor - is_female = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diplomat_male_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - type = diplomat - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_diplomat_fem_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - type = diplomat - is_female = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_navigator_SP - trigger = { - advisor = navigator - } - } -} - - - -# Ex: "catch [him/her]" => "capturar[lo/la]" -defined_text = { - name = GetlolaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_lo_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "Hold [him/her]" => "[Lo/La] sostuvo" -defined_text = { - name = GetLoLaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Lo_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "reach [him/her]" => alcanzar[le/la]" -defined_text = { - name = GetlelaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_le_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "Told [him/her]" => "[Le/La] dicen" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Le_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "French" => "franc[s/esa]" -defined_text = { - name = GetesesaCnjDip - text = { - localisation_key = string_es_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_esa_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = DIP - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -##################################################### -### Military Advisors // Consejeros militares ### -##################################################### - -# Ex: "[the] advisor" => "[el] consejero/[la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetellaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_el_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] advisor" => "[El] consejero/[La] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetElLaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_El_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[he/she] is" => "[l/ella] es" -defined_text = { - name = GetelellaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_el2_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_ella_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex. "[He/She] is" => "[l/Ella] es" -defined_text = { - name = GetElEllaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_EL2_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Ella_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[del] consejero/[de la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetdeldelaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_del_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Del] consejero/[De la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetDelDelaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[for the] advisor" => "[al]/[a la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetalalaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "[For the] advisor" => "[Al]/[A la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetAlAlaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_Al_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "magnificient" => "magnfic[o]/magnfic[a]" -defined_text = { - name = GetoaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_o_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# --e/--a # TODO: find an example -defined_text = { - name = GeteaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_e_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "Spanish" => "espaol[]/espaol[a]" -defined_text = { - name = GetXaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_X_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_a_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "stubborn" => "cabez[n]/cabez[ona] -defined_text = { - name = GetononaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_on_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ona_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "drunkard" => "borrach[n]/borrach[ina] -defined_text = { - name = GetininaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_in_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ina_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[Recruitmaster]" => "[reclutador]/[reclutadora]" (lower case) -defined_text = { - name = GetCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_army_reformer_male_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - type = army_reformer - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_army_reformer_fem_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - type = army_reformer - is_female = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_army_organiser_male_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - type = army_organiser - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_army_organiser_fem_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - type = army_organiser - is_female = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_commandant_male_SP - trigger = { - advisor = commandant - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_quartermaster_SP - trigger = { - advisor = quartermaster - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_recruitmaster_male_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - type = recruitmaster - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_recruitmaster_fem_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - type = recruitmaster - is_female = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fortification_expert_male_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - type = fortification_expert - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_fortification_expert_fem_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - type = fortification_expert - is_female = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_grand_captain_male_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - type = grand_captain - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_grand_captain_fem_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - type = grand_captain - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "find [him/her]" => "hallar[lo/la]" -defined_text = { - name = GetlolaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_lo_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "They find [him/her]" => "[Lo/La] encuentran" -defined_text = { - name = GetLoLaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Lo_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "Kill [him/her]" => "matar[le/la]" -defined_text = { - name = GetlelaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_le_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} -# Ex: "Told [him/her]" => "[Le/La] dijo" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Le_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "French" => "franc[s/esa]" -defined_text = { - name = GetesesaCnjMil - text = { - localisation_key = string_es_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_male = yes - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_esa_SP - trigger = { - employed_advisor = { - category = MIL - is_female = yes - } - } - } -} - - - -################################################ -### Religion Groups // Grupos religiosos ### -################################################ - -### Ex: "[Christianity]" => "[cristianismo]" -defined_text = { - name = GetGrupoReligioso - text = { - localisation_key = string_christian_n_SP - trigger = { religion_group = christian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muslim_n_SP - trigger = { religion_group = muslim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_n_SP - trigger = { religion_group = eastern } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dharmic_n_SP - trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pagan_n_SP - trigger = { religion_group = pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_group_n_SP - trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_n_SP - trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidi_rel - trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_rel - trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Christian]" => "[cristiano]" (singular masculine/masculino singular) -defined_text = { - name = GetGrupoRelMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_christian_ms_SP - trigger = { religion_group = christian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muslim_ms_SP - trigger = { religion_group = muslim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_ms_SP - trigger = { religion_group = eastern } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dharmic_ms_SP - trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pagan_ms_SP - trigger = { religion_group = pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_group_ms_SP - trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_ms_SP - trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidi_ms - trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_ms - trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Christian]" => "[cristiano]" (singular feminine/feminino singular) -defined_text = { - name = GetGrupoRelFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_christian_fs_SP - trigger = { religion_group = christian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muslim_fs_SP - trigger = { religion_group = muslim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_fs_SP - trigger = { religion_group = eastern } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dharmic_fs_SP - trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pagan_fs_SP - trigger = { religion_group = pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_group_fs_SP - trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_fs_SP - trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidi_fs - trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fs - trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Christian]" => "[cristianos]" (plural masculine/masculino plural) -defined_text = { - name = GetGrupoRelMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_christian_mp_SP - trigger = { religion_group = christian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muslim_mp_SP - trigger = { religion_group = muslim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_mp_SP - trigger = { religion_group = eastern } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dharmic_mp_SP - trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pagan_mp_SP - trigger = { religion_group = pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_group_mp_SP - trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_mp_SP - trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidi_mp - trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_mp - trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Christian]" => "[cristianas]" (plural feminine/feminino plural) -defined_text = { - name = GetGrupoRelFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_christian_fp_SP - trigger = { religion_group = christian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_muslim_fp_SP - trigger = { religion_group = muslim } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_eastern_fp_SP - trigger = { religion_group = eastern } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_dharmic_fp_SP - trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_pagan_fp_SP - trigger = { religion_group = pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_group_fp_SP - trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_fp_SP - trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidi_fp - trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fp - trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[the] Christianity" => "el [cristianismo] / [la] X" # There is no feminine Religion Group in the list -defined_text = { - name = GetellaGrupoReligioso - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_el_SP - trigger = { - OR = { # TODO: all feminine names in this list have to be inserted under the following trigger - religion_group = christian - religion_group = dharmic - religion_group = pagan - religion_group = jewish_group - religion_group = zoroastrian_group - religion_group = gnostic - religion_group = yazidi - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - OR = { - religion_group = muslim - religion_group = eastern - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[The] christianism" => "El [cristianismo] / [La] X" # There is no feminine Religion Group in the list -defined_text = { - name = GetElLaGrupoReligioso - text = { - localisation_key = string_El_SP - trigger = { - OR = { # TODO: all feminine names in this list have to be inserted under the following trigger - religion_group = christian - religion_group = dharmic - religion_group = pagan - religion_group = jewish_group - religion_group = zoroastrian_group - religion_group = gnostic - religion_group = yazidi - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - OR = { - religion_group = muslim - religion_group = eastern - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[of] Christianity" => "[del] cristianismo /[de la] X" # There is no feminine Religion Group in the list -defined_text = { - name = GetdeldelaGrupoReligioso - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_del_SP - trigger = { - OR = { # TODO: all feminine names in this list have to be inserted under the following trigger - religion_group = christian - religion_group = dharmic - religion_group = pagan - religion_group = jewish_group - religion_group = zoroastrian_group - religion_group = gnostic - religion_group = yazidi - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP - trigger = { - OR = { - religion_group = muslim - religion_group = eastern - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[Of] Christianity" => "[Del] cristianismo / [De la] X" # There is no feminine Religion Group in the list -defined_text = { - name = GetDelDelaGrupoReligioso - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP - trigger = { - OR = { # TODO: all feminine names in this list have to be inserted under the following trigger - religion_group = christian - religion_group = dharmic - religion_group = pagan - religion_group = jewish_group - religion_group = zoroastrian_group - religion_group = gnostic - religion_group = yazidi - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP - trigger = { - OR = { - religion_group = muslim - religion_group = eastern - } - } - } -} - - - -### Ex: "[of] Christianity" => "[del] cristianismo /[de la] X" # There is no feminine Religion Group in the list -defined_text = { - name = GetalalaGrupoReligioso - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_SP - trigger = { - OR = { # TODO: all feminine names in this list have to be inserted under the following trigger - religion_group = christian - religion_group = dharmic - religion_group = pagan - religion_group = jewish_group - religion_group = zoroastrian_group - religion_group = gnostic - religion_group = yazidi - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP - trigger = { - OR = { - religion_group = muslim - religion_group = eastern - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[Of] Christianity" => "[Del] cristianismo / [De la] X" # There is no feminine Religion Group in the list -defined_text = { - name = GetAlAlaGrupoReligioso - text = { - localisation_key = string_Al_SP - trigger = { - OR = { # TODO: all feminine names in this list have to be inserted under the following trigger - religion_group = christian - religion_group = dharmic - religion_group = pagan - religion_group = jewish_group - religion_group = zoroastrian_group - religion_group = gnostic - religion_group = yazidi - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP - trigger = { - OR = { - religion_group = muslim - religion_group = eastern - } - } - } -} - - - -###################################################### -### Religion & Heresies // Religiones y herejas ### -###################################################### - -### Ex: "[Catholicism]" => "[catolicismo]" -defined_text = { - name = GetReligion - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_n_SP - trigger = { religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_n_SP - trigger = { religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_n_SP - trigger = { religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_n_SP - trigger = { religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_n_SP - trigger = { religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_n_SP - trigger = { religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_n_SP - trigger = { religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_n_SP - trigger = { religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_n_SP - trigger = { religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_n_SP - trigger = { religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_n_SP - trigger = { religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_n_SP - trigger = { religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_n_SP - trigger = { religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_n_SP - trigger = { religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_n_SP - trigger = { religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_n_SP - trigger = { religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_n_SP - trigger = { religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_n_SP - trigger = { religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_n_SP - trigger = { religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_n_SP - trigger = { religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_n_SP - trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_n_SP - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_n_SP - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_n_SP - trigger = { religion = jewish } - } - - - # From CK3 - they're the default name anyway - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_rel - trigger = { religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_rel - trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church # Krstjani - trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila # Qadariyah - trigger = { religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist - trigger = { religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite - trigger = { religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism - trigger = { religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism - trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism - trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism - trigger = { religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism - trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism - trigger = { religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic - trigger = { religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism - trigger = { religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism - trigger = { religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism - trigger = { religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism - trigger = { religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism - trigger = { religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_rel # Uralic - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_rel - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan # Turumism - trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite - trigger = { religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism - trigger = { religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism - trigger = { religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism - trigger = { religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_rel - trigger = { religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_rel - trigger = { religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_rel - trigger = { religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_rel - trigger = { religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_rel - trigger = { religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_rel - trigger = { religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_rel - trigger = { religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_rel - trigger = { religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_rel - trigger = { religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_rel - trigger = { religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_rel - trigger = { religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri - trigger = { religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism - trigger = { religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite - trigger = { religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze - trigger = { religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi - trigger = { religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_rel - trigger = { religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_religion_rel - trigger = { religion = pagan_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan - trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_rel - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_rel - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_rel - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_rel - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_rel - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_rel - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_rel - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_rel - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon - trigger = { religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed - trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki - trigger = { religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_rel - trigger = { religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta - trigger = { religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_rel - trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_rel - trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_rel - trigger = { religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Catholic]" => "[catlico]" (singular masculine / masculino singular) -defined_text = { - name = GetReligionMS - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_SP - trigger = { religion = jewish } - } - - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_ms - trigger = { religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms - trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani - trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah - trigger = { religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_ms - trigger = { religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_ms - trigger = { religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms - trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms - trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_ms - trigger = { religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms - trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_ms - trigger = { religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_ms - trigger = { religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_ms - trigger = { religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_ms - trigger = { religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_ms - trigger = { religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_ms - trigger = { religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_ms - trigger = { religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism - trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_ms - trigger = { religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_ms - trigger = { religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_ms - trigger = { religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_ms - trigger = { religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_ms - trigger = { religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_ms - trigger = { religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_ms - trigger = { religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_ms - trigger = { religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_ms - trigger = { religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_ms - trigger = { religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_ms - trigger = { religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_ms - trigger = { religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_ms - trigger = { religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_ms - trigger = { religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_ms - trigger = { religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_ms - trigger = { religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_ms - trigger = { religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_ms - trigger = { religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_ms - trigger = { religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_ms - trigger = { religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_ms - trigger = { religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_msigion_ms - trigger = { religion = pagan_msigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_ms - trigger = { religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms - trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_ms - trigger = { religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_ms - trigger = { religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_ms - trigger = { religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms - trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms - trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_ms - trigger = { religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Catholic]" => "[catlica]" (singular feminine / feminino singular) -defined_text = { - name = GetReligionFS - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_SP - trigger = { religion = jewish } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fs - trigger = { religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs - trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani - trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah - trigger = { religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fs - trigger = { religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fs - trigger = { religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs - trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs - trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fs - trigger = { religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs - trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fs - trigger = { religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fs - trigger = { religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fs - trigger = { religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fs - trigger = { religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fs - trigger = { religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fs - trigger = { religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fs - trigger = { religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism - trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fs - trigger = { religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fs - trigger = { religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fs - trigger = { religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fs - trigger = { religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fs - trigger = { religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fs - trigger = { religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fs - trigger = { religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fs - trigger = { religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fs - trigger = { religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fs - trigger = { religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fs - trigger = { religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fs - trigger = { religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fs - trigger = { religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fs - trigger = { religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fs - trigger = { religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fs - trigger = { religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fs - trigger = { religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fs - trigger = { religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fs - trigger = { religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fs - trigger = { religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fs - trigger = { religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_fsigion_fs - trigger = { religion = pagan_fsigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fs - trigger = { religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs - trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fs - trigger = { religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fs - trigger = { religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fs - trigger = { religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs - trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs - trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fs - trigger = { religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Catholic]" => "[catlicos]" (plural masculine / masculino plural) -defined_text = { - name = GetReligionMP - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_SP - trigger = { religion = jewish } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_mp - trigger = { religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp - trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani - trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah - trigger = { religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_mp - trigger = { religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_mp - trigger = { religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp - trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp - trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_mp - trigger = { religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp - trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_mp - trigger = { religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_mp - trigger = { religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_mp - trigger = { religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_mp - trigger = { religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_mp - trigger = { religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_mp - trigger = { religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_mp - trigger = { religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism - trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_mp - trigger = { religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_mp - trigger = { religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_mp - trigger = { religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_mp - trigger = { religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_mp - trigger = { religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_mp - trigger = { religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_mp - trigger = { religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_mp - trigger = { religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_mp - trigger = { religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_mp - trigger = { religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_mp - trigger = { religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_mp - trigger = { religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_mp - trigger = { religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_mp - trigger = { religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_mp - trigger = { religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_mp - trigger = { religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_mp - trigger = { religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_mp - trigger = { religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_mp - trigger = { religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_mp - trigger = { religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_mp - trigger = { religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_mpigion_mp - trigger = { religion = pagan_mpigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_mp - trigger = { religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp - trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_mp - trigger = { religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_mp - trigger = { religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_mp - trigger = { religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp - trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp - trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_mp - trigger = { religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[Catholic]" => "[catlicas]" (plural feminine / feminino plural) -defined_text = { - name = GetReligionFP - text = { - localisation_key = string_catholic_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = catholic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = protestant } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_orthodox_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = orthodox } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_coptic_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = coptic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sunni_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = sunni } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shiite_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = shiite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_ibadi_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = ibadi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_buddhism_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = buddhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_vajrayana_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = vajrayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mahayana_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = mahayana } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_confucianism_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = confucianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shinto_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = shinto } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = hinduism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = sikhism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_animism_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = animism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_shamanism_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = shamanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_totemism_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = totemism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_inti_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = inti } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_nahuatl_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = nahuatl } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_SP - trigger = { religion = jewish } - } - # From CK3 - text = { - localisation_key = adamite_fp - trigger = { religion = adamite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp - trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani - trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah - trigger = { religion = mutazila } - } - text = { - localisation_key = quranist_fp - trigger = { religion = quranist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = alawite_fp - trigger = { religion = alawite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { religion = yazidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp - trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp - trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zurvanism_fp - trigger = { religion = zurvanism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp - trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurramism_fp - trigger = { religion = khurramism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = gnostic_fp - trigger = { religion = gnostic } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mandeaism_fp - trigger = { religion = mandeaism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = valentinianism_fp - trigger = { religion = valentinianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = sethianism_fp - trigger = { religion = sethianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = priscillianism_fp - trigger = { religion = priscillianism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cainitism_fp - trigger = { religion = cainitism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism - trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = canaanite_fp - trigger = { religion = canaanite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druidism_fp - trigger = { religion = druidism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kemetism_fp - trigger = { religion = kemetism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mardukism_fp - trigger = { religion = mardukism } - } - text = { - localisation_key = cathar_fp - trigger = { religion = cathar } - } - text = { - localisation_key = fraticelli_fp - trigger = { religion = fraticelli } - } - text = { - localisation_key = waldensian_fp - trigger = { religion = waldensian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = lollard_fp - trigger = { religion = lollard } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monophysite_fp - trigger = { religion = monophysite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bogomilist_fp - trigger = { religion = bogomilist } - } - text = { - localisation_key = monothelite_fp - trigger = { religion = monothelite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = iconoclast_fp - trigger = { religion = iconoclast } - } - text = { - localisation_key = paulician_fp - trigger = { religion = paulician } - } - text = { - localisation_key = nestorian_fp - trigger = { religion = nestorian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = messalian_fp - trigger = { religion = messalian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zikri_fp - trigger = { religion = zikri } - } - text = { - localisation_key = yazidism_fp - trigger = { religion = yazidi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = kharijite_fp - trigger = { religion = kharijite } - } - text = { - localisation_key = druze_fp - trigger = { religion = druze } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hurufi_fp - trigger = { religion = hurufi } - } - text = { - localisation_key = qarmatian_fp - trigger = { religion = qarmatian } - } - text = { - localisation_key = pagan_fpigion_fp - trigger = { religion = pagan_fpigion } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } - } - text = { - localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_fp - trigger = { religion = bon } - } - text = { - localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp - trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } - } - text = { - localisation_key = mazdaki_fp - trigger = { religion = mazdaki } - } - text = { - localisation_key = manichean_fp - trigger = { religion = manichean } - } - text = { - localisation_key = khurmazta_fp - trigger = { religion = khurmazta } - } - text = { - localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp - trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp - trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } - } - text = { - localisation_key = jain_fp - trigger = { religion = jain } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[the] Catholicism/Orthodoxy" => "[el] catolicismo/[la] ortodoxia" -defined_text = { - name = GetellaReligion - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_el_SP - trigger = { - NOT = { - religion = reformed - religion = bosnian_church - religion = zun_pagan_reformed - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_la_SP - trigger = { - OR = { - religion = reformed - religion = bosnian_church - religion = zun_pagan_reformed - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[the] Catholicism/Orthodoxy" => "[el] catolicismo/[la] ortodoxia" -defined_text = { - name = GetElLaReligion - text = { - localisation_key = string_El_SP - trigger = { - NOT = { - religion = reformed - religion = bosnian_church - religion = zun_pagan_reformed - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_La_SP - trigger = { - OR = { - religion = reformed - religion = bosnian_church - religion = zun_pagan_reformed - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[the] Catholicism/Orthodoxy" => "[del] catolicismo/[de la] ortodoxia" -defined_text = { - name = GetdeldelaReligion - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_del_SP - trigger = { - NOT = { - religion = reformed - religion = bosnian_church - religion = zun_pagan_reformed - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP - trigger = { - OR = { - religion = reformed - religion = bosnian_church - religion = zun_pagan_reformed - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[the] Catholicism/Orthodoxy" => "[Del] catolicismo/[De la] ortodoxia" -defined_text = { - name = GetDelDelaReligion - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP - trigger = { - NOT = { - religion = reformed - religion = bosnian_church - religion = zun_pagan_reformed - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP - trigger = { - OR = { - religion = reformed - religion = bosnian_church - religion = zun_pagan_reformed - } - } - } -} - - -### Ex: "[the] Catholicism/Orthodoxy" => "[al] catolicismo/[a la] ortodoxia" -defined_text = { - name = GetalalaReligion - text = { - localisation_key = string_al_SP - trigger = { - NOT = { - religion = reformed - religion = bosnian_church - religion = zun_pagan_reformed - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP - trigger = { - OR = { - religion = reformed - religion = bosnian_church - religion = zun_pagan_reformed - } - } - } -} -### Ex: "[the] Catholicism/Orthodoxy" => "[Al] catolicismo/[A la] ortodoxia" -defined_text = { - name = GetAlAlaReligion - text = { - localisation_key = string_Al_SP - trigger = { - NOT = { - religion = reformed - religion = bosnian_church - religion = zun_pagan_reformed - } - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP - trigger = { - OR = { - religion = reformed - religion = bosnian_church - religion = zun_pagan_reformed - } - } - } -} - - -##################################################################### -### All Advisors (flag works out which) // Consejeros (todos) ### -##################################################################### - -########Event advisors (uses flags to see which one is relevant and uses that to refer to the relevant custom loc listed above in the advisors section) - -# Ex: "[the] advisor" => "[el] consejero/[la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetellaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetellaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetellaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetellaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} -# Ex: "[The] advisor" => "[El] consejero/[La] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetElLaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetElLaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetElLaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetElLaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[he/she] is" => "[l/ella] es" -defined_text = { - name = GetelellaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetelellaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetelellaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetelellaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} -# Ex. "[He/She] is" => "[l/Ella] es" -defined_text = { - name = GetElEllaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetElEllaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetElEllaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetElEllaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[del] consejero/[de la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetdeldelaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetdeldelaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetdeldelaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetdeldelaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} -# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Del] consejero/[De la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetDelDelaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDelDelaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDelDelaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetDelDelaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "[for the] advisor" => "[al]/[a la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetalalaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetalalaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetalalaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetalalaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} -# Ex: "[For the] advisor" => "[Al]/[A la] consejera" -defined_text = { - name = GetAlAlaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAlAlaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAlAlaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetAlAlaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "magnificient" => "magnfic[o]/magnfic[a]" -defined_text = { - name = GetoaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetoaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetoaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetoaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# --e/--a # TODO: find an example -defined_text = { - name = GeteaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GeteaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GeteaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GeteaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "Spanish" => "espaol[]/espaol[a]" -defined_text = { - name = GetXaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetXaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetXaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetXaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "stubborn" => "cabez[n]/cabez[ona] -defined_text = { - name = GetononaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetononaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetononaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetononaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "drunkard" => "borrach[n]/borrach[ina]" -defined_text = { - name = GetininaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetininaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetininaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetininaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "[Treasurer]" => "[tesorero]/[tesorera]" (lower case) -defined_text = { - name = GetCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "catch [him/her]" => "capturar[lo/la]" -defined_text = { - name = GetlolaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetlolaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetlolaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetlolaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "Hold [him/her]" => "[Lo/La] sostuvo" -defined_text = { - name = GetLoLaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLoLaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLoLaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLoLaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "reach [him/her]" => alcanzar[le/la]" -defined_text = { - name = GetlelaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetlelaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetlelaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetlelaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - -# Ex: "Told [him/her]" => "[Le/La] dijo" -defined_text = { - name = GetLeLaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLeLaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLeLaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetLeLaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} - - -# Ex: "French" => "franc[s/esa]" -defined_text = { - name = GetesesaCnjEvent - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetesesaCnjAdm - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetesesaCnjDip - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip - } - } - text = { - localisation_key = string_GetesesaCnjMil - trigger = { - has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil - } - } -} +#AVIALABLE CUSTOM LOCALISATION KEYS +#When adding new custom loc keys, add them to the appropriate category (or add a new one) and describe them. Name the strings "String_X" where x is its content. +# To not display anything, you can use 'localisation_key = ""' +# Please add one example sentence for each key. + +#As this list grow organize with categories. +#Current loc keys in this file: + + + +################################ +### Rulers // Dirigentes ### +################################ + +# Ex: "[the] ruler" => "[el] rey/[la] reina" +defined_text = { + name = GetellaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_el_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] ruler" => "[El] rey/[La] reina" +defined_text = { + name = GetElLaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_El_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[he/she] is" => "[l/ella] es" +defined_text = { + name = GetelellaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_el2_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_ella_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex. "[He/She] is" => "[l/Ella] es" +defined_text = { + name = GetElEllaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_EL2_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Ella_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] ruler" => "[del] rey/[de la] reina" +defined_text = { + name = GetdeldelaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_del_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] ruler" => "[Del] rey/[De la] reina" +defined_text = { + name = GetDelDelaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[for the] ruler" => "[al] rey/[a la] reina" +defined_text = { + name = GetalalaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[For the] ruler" => "[Al] rey/[A la] reina" +defined_text = { + name = GetAlAlaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_Al_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "magnificient" => "magnfic[o]/magnfic[a]" +defined_text = { + name = GetoaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_o_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# --e/--a # TODO: find an example +defined_text = { + name = GeteaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "Spanish" => "espaol[]/espaol[a]" +defined_text = { + name = GetXaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_X_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "stubborn" => "cabez[n]/cabez[ona] +defined_text = { + name = GetononaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ona_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "drunkard" => "borrach[n]/borrach[ina]" +defined_text = { + name = GetininaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_in_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ina_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "catch [him/her]" => "capturar[lo/la]" +defined_text = { + name = GetlolaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_lo_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "reach [him/her]" => alcanzar[le/la]" +defined_text = { + name = GetLoLaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Lo_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "say [him/her]" => "decir[le/la]" +defined_text = { + name = GetlelaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_le_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "Kill [him/her]" => "[Le/La] mat" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Le_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "French" => "franc[s/esa]" +defined_text = { + name = GetesesaDir + text = { + localisation_key = string_es_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_esa_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + + +############################## +### Heirs // Herederos ### +############################## + +# Ex: "[the] prince(ss)" => "[el] prncipe/[la] princessa" +defined_text = { + name = GetellaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_el_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] prince(ss)" => "[El] prncipe/[La] princessa" +defined_text = { + name = GetElLaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_El_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[he/she] is" => "[l/ella] es" +defined_text = { + name = GetelellaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_el2_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_ella_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex. "[He/She] is" => "[l/Ella] es" +defined_text = { + name = GetElEllaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_EL2_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Ella_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] prince(ss)" => "[del] prncipe/[de la] princessa" +defined_text = { + name = GetdeldelaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_del_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] prince" => "[Del] prncipe/[De la] princessa" +defined_text = { + name = GetDelDelaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[for the] prince(ss)" => "[al] prncipe/[a la] princessa" +defined_text = { + name = GetalalaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[For the] prince(ss)" => "[Al] prncipe/[A la] princessa" +defined_text = { + name = GetAlAlaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_Al_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "magnificient" => "magnfic[o]/magnfic[a]" +defined_text = { + name = GetoaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_o_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# --e/--a # TODO: find an example +defined_text = { + name = GeteaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "Spanish" => "espaol[]/espaol[a]" +defined_text = { + name = GetXaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_X_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "stubborn" => "cabez[n]/cabez[ona] +defined_text = { + name = GetononaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ona_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "drunkard" => "borrach[n]/borrach[ina]" +defined_text = { + name = GetininaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_in_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ina_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "catch [him/her]" => "capturar[lo/la]" +defined_text = { + name = GetlolaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_lo_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "Hold [him/her]" => "[Lo/La] sostuvo" +defined_text = { + name = GetLoLaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Lo_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "reach [him/her]" => alcanzar[le/la]" +defined_text = { + name = GetlelaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_le_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "Told [him/her]" => "[Le/La] dijo" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Le_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + has_female_heir = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "French" => "franc[s/esa]" +defined_text = { + name = GetesesaHer + text = { + localisation_key = string_es_SP + trigger = { + is_female = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_esa_SP + trigger = { + is_female = yes + } + } +} + + + +################################# +### Consorts // Consortes ### +################################# + +# Ex: "[the] consort" => "[el]/[la] consorte" +defined_text = { + name = GetellaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_el_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] consort" => "[El]/[La] consorte" +defined_text = { + name = GetElLaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_El_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[he/she] is" => "[l/ella] es" +defined_text = { + name = GetelellaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_el2_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_ella_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex. "[He/She] is" => "[l/Ella] es" +defined_text = { + name = GetElEllaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_EL2_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Ella_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] consort" => "[del]/[de la] consorte" +defined_text = { + name = GetdeldelaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_del_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] consort" => "[Del]/[De la] consorte" +defined_text = { + name = GetDelDelaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[for the] consort" => "[al]/[a la] consorte" +defined_text = { + name = GetalalaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "[For the] consort" => "[Al]/[A la] consorte" +defined_text = { + name = GetAlAlaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_Al_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "magnificient" => "magnfic[o]/magnfic[a]" +defined_text = { + name = GetoaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_o_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# --e/--a # TODO: find an example +defined_text = { + name = GeteaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "Spanish" => "espaol[]/espaol[a]" +defined_text = { + name = GetXaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_X_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "stubborn" => "cabez[n]/cabez[ona] +defined_text = { + name = GetononaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ona_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "drunkard" => "borrach[n]/borrach[ina]" +defined_text = { + name = GetininaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_in_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ina_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "catch [him/her]" => "capturar[lo/la]" +defined_text = { + name = GetlolaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_lo_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "Hold [him/her]" => "[Lo/La] sostuvo" +defined_text = { + name = GetLoLaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Lo_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "reach [him/her]" => alcanzar[le/la]" +defined_text = { + name = GetlelaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_le_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} +# Ex: "Told [him/her]" => "[Le/La] dijo" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Le_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "French" => "franc[s/esa]" +defined_text = { + name = GetesesaCons + text = { + localisation_key = string_es_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = no + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_esa_SP + trigger = { + has_female_consort = yes + } + } +} + + + +################################################################# +### Administrative Advisors // Consejeros administrativos ### +################################################################# + +# Ex: "[the] advisor" => "[el] consejero/[la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetellaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_el_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] advisor" => "[El] consejero/[La] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetElLaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_El_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[he/she] is" => "[l/ella] es" +defined_text = { + name = GetelellaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_el2_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_ella_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex. "[He/She] is" => "[l/Ella] es" +defined_text = { + name = GetElEllaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_EL2_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Ella_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[del] consejero/[de la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetdeldelaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_del_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Del] consejero/[De la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetDelDelaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[for the] advisor" => "[al]/[a la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetalalaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[For the] advisor" => "[Al]/[A la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetAlAlaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_Al_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "magnificient" => "magnfic[o]/magnfic[a]" +defined_text = { + name = GetoaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_o_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# --e/--a # TODO: find an example +defined_text = { + name = GeteaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "Spanish" => "espaol[]/espaol[a]" +defined_text = { + name = GetXaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_X_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "stubborn" => "cabez[n]/cabez[ona] +defined_text = { + name = GetononaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ona_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "drunkard" => "borrach[n]/borrach[ina]" +defined_text = { + name = GetininaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_in_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ina_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[Treasurer]" => "[tesorero]/[tesorera]" (lower case) +defined_text = { + name = GetCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_philosopher_male_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + type = philosopher + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_philosopher_fem_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + type = philosopher + is_female = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_natural_scientist_SP + trigger = { + advisor = natural_scientist + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_artist_SP + trigger = { + advisor = artist + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_treasurer_male_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + type = treasurer + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_treasurer_fem_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + type = treasurer + is_female = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_theologian_male_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + type = theologian + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_theologian_fem_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + type = theologian + is_female = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_master_of_mint_male_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + type = master_of_mint + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_master_of_mint_fem_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + type = master_of_mint + is_female = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inquisitor_male_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + type = inquisitor + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inquisitor_fem_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + type = inquisitor + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "catch [him/her]" => "capturar[lo/la]" +defined_text = { + name = GetlolaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_lo_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "Hold [him/her]" => "[Lo/La] sostuvo" +defined_text = { + name = GetLoLaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Lo_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "reach [him/her]" => alcanzar[le/la]" +defined_text = { + name = GetlelaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_le_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "Told [him/her]" => "[Le/La] dijo" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Le_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "French" => "franc[s/esa]" +defined_text = { + name = GetesesaCnjAdm + text = { + localisation_key = string_es_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_esa_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = ADM + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +########################################################## +### Diplomatic Advisors // Consejeros diplomticos ### +########################################################## + +# Ex: "[the] advisor" => "[el] consejero/[la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetellaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_el_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] advisor" => "[El] consejero/[La] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetElLaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_El_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[he/she] is" => "[l/ella] es" +defined_text = { + name = GetelellaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_el2_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_ella_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex. "[He/She] is" => "[l/Ella] es" +defined_text = { + name = GetElEllaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_EL2_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Ella_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[del] consejero/[de la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetdeldelaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_del_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Del] consejero/[De la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetDelDelaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[for the] advisor" => "[al]/[a la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetalalaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[For the] advisor" => "[Al]/[A la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetAlAlaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_Al_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "magnificient" => "magnfic[o]/magnfic[a]" +defined_text = { + name = GetoaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_o_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# --e/--a # TODO: find an example +defined_text = { + name = GeteaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "Spanish" => "espaol[]/espaol[a]" +defined_text = { + name = GetXaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_X_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "stubborn" => "cabez[n]/cabez[ona] +defined_text = { + name = GetononaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ona_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "drunkard" => "borrach[n]/borrach[ina] +defined_text = { + name = GetininaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_in_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ina_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[Colonial Governor]" => "[gobernador colonial]/[gobernadora colonial]" (lower case) +defined_text = { + name = GetCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_statesman_SP + trigger = { + advisor = statesman + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_naval_reformer_male_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + type = naval_reformer + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_naval_reformer_fem_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + type = naval_reformer + is_female = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_trader_SP + trigger = { + advisor = trader + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spymaster_male_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + type = spymaster + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_spymaster_fem_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + type = spymaster + is_female = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_colonial_governor_male_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + type = colonial_governor + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_colonial_governor_fem_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + type = colonial_governor + is_female = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diplomat_male_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + type = diplomat + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_diplomat_fem_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + type = diplomat + is_female = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_navigator_SP + trigger = { + advisor = navigator + } + } +} + + + +# Ex: "catch [him/her]" => "capturar[lo/la]" +defined_text = { + name = GetlolaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_lo_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "Hold [him/her]" => "[Lo/La] sostuvo" +defined_text = { + name = GetLoLaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Lo_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "reach [him/her]" => alcanzar[le/la]" +defined_text = { + name = GetlelaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_le_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "Told [him/her]" => "[Le/La] dicen" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Le_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "French" => "franc[s/esa]" +defined_text = { + name = GetesesaCnjDip + text = { + localisation_key = string_es_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_esa_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = DIP + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +##################################################### +### Military Advisors // Consejeros militares ### +##################################################### + +# Ex: "[the] advisor" => "[el] consejero/[la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetellaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_el_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] advisor" => "[El] consejero/[La] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetElLaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_El_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[he/she] is" => "[l/ella] es" +defined_text = { + name = GetelellaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_el2_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_ella_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex. "[He/She] is" => "[l/Ella] es" +defined_text = { + name = GetElEllaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_EL2_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Ella_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[del] consejero/[de la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetdeldelaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_del_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Del] consejero/[De la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetDelDelaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[for the] advisor" => "[al]/[a la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetalalaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "[For the] advisor" => "[Al]/[A la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetAlAlaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_Al_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "magnificient" => "magnfic[o]/magnfic[a]" +defined_text = { + name = GetoaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_o_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# --e/--a # TODO: find an example +defined_text = { + name = GeteaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_e_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "Spanish" => "espaol[]/espaol[a]" +defined_text = { + name = GetXaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_X_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_a_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "stubborn" => "cabez[n]/cabez[ona] +defined_text = { + name = GetononaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_on_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ona_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "drunkard" => "borrach[n]/borrach[ina] +defined_text = { + name = GetininaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_in_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ina_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[Recruitmaster]" => "[reclutador]/[reclutadora]" (lower case) +defined_text = { + name = GetCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_army_reformer_male_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + type = army_reformer + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_army_reformer_fem_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + type = army_reformer + is_female = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_army_organiser_male_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + type = army_organiser + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_army_organiser_fem_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + type = army_organiser + is_female = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_commandant_male_SP + trigger = { + advisor = commandant + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_quartermaster_SP + trigger = { + advisor = quartermaster + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_recruitmaster_male_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + type = recruitmaster + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_recruitmaster_fem_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + type = recruitmaster + is_female = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fortification_expert_male_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + type = fortification_expert + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fortification_expert_fem_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + type = fortification_expert + is_female = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_grand_captain_male_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + type = grand_captain + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_grand_captain_fem_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + type = grand_captain + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "find [him/her]" => "hallar[lo/la]" +defined_text = { + name = GetlolaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_lo_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "They find [him/her]" => "[Lo/La] encuentran" +defined_text = { + name = GetLoLaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Lo_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "Kill [him/her]" => "matar[le/la]" +defined_text = { + name = GetlelaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_le_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} +# Ex: "Told [him/her]" => "[Le/La] dijo" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Le_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "French" => "franc[s/esa]" +defined_text = { + name = GetesesaCnjMil + text = { + localisation_key = string_es_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_male = yes + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_esa_SP + trigger = { + employed_advisor = { + category = MIL + is_female = yes + } + } + } +} + + + +################################################ +### Religion Groups // Grupos religiosos ### +################################################ + +### Ex: "[Christianity]" => "[cristianismo]" +defined_text = { + name = GetGrupoReligioso + text = { + localisation_key = string_christian_n_SP + trigger = { religion_group = christian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muslim_n_SP + trigger = { religion_group = muslim } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_n_SP + trigger = { religion_group = eastern } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dharmic_n_SP + trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pagan_n_SP + trigger = { religion_group = pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_group_n_SP + trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_n_SP + trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidi_rel + trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_rel + trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = american_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = american_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = north_europe_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = north_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = central_europe_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = central_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = steppe_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = steppe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = asian_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = asian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = south_europe_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = south_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = african_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mena_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = mena_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtic_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion_group = celtic_pagan } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Christian]" => "[cristiano]" (singular masculine/masculino singular) +defined_text = { + name = GetGrupoRelMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_christian_ms_SP + trigger = { religion_group = christian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muslim_ms_SP + trigger = { religion_group = muslim } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_ms_SP + trigger = { religion_group = eastern } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dharmic_ms_SP + trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pagan_ms_SP + trigger = { religion_group = pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_group_ms_SP + trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_ms_SP + trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidi_ms + trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_ms + trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = american_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = american_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = north_europe_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = north_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = central_europe_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = central_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = steppe_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = steppe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = asian_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = asian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = south_europe_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = south_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = african_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mena_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = mena_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtic_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion_group = celtic_pagan } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Christian]" => "[cristiano]" (singular feminine/feminino singular) +defined_text = { + name = GetGrupoRelFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_christian_fs_SP + trigger = { religion_group = christian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muslim_fs_SP + trigger = { religion_group = muslim } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_fs_SP + trigger = { religion_group = eastern } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dharmic_fs_SP + trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pagan_fs_SP + trigger = { religion_group = pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_group_fs_SP + trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_fs_SP + trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidi_fs + trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fs + trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = american_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = american_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = north_europe_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = north_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = central_europe_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = central_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = steppe_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = steppe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = asian_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = asian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = south_europe_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = south_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = african_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mena_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = mena_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtic_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion_group = celtic_pagan } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Christian]" => "[cristianos]" (plural masculine/masculino plural) +defined_text = { + name = GetGrupoRelMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_christian_mp_SP + trigger = { religion_group = christian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muslim_mp_SP + trigger = { religion_group = muslim } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_mp_SP + trigger = { religion_group = eastern } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dharmic_mp_SP + trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pagan_mp_SP + trigger = { religion_group = pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_group_mp_SP + trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_mp_SP + trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidi_mp + trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_mp + trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = american_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = american_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = north_europe_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = north_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = central_europe_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = central_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = steppe_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = steppe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = asian_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = asian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = south_europe_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = south_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = african_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mena_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = mena_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtic_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion_group = celtic_pagan } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Christian]" => "[cristianas]" (plural feminine/feminino plural) +defined_text = { + name = GetGrupoRelFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_christian_fp_SP + trigger = { religion_group = christian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muslim_fp_SP + trigger = { religion_group = muslim } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eastern_fp_SP + trigger = { religion_group = eastern } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_dharmic_fp_SP + trigger = { religion_group = dharmic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_pagan_fp_SP + trigger = { religion_group = pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_group_fp_SP + trigger = { religion_group = jewish_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_zoroastrian_group_fp_SP + trigger = { religion_group = zoroastrian_group } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidi_fp + trigger = { religion_group = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fp + trigger = { religion_group = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = american_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = american_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = north_europe_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = north_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = central_europe_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = central_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = steppe_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = steppe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = asian_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = asian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = south_europe_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = south_europe_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = african_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mena_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = mena_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtic_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion_group = celtic_pagan } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[the] Christianity" => "el [cristianismo] / [la] X" # There is no feminine Religion Group in the list +defined_text = { + name = GetellaGrupoReligioso + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_el_SP + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + OR = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[The] christianism" => "El [cristianismo] / [La] X" # There is no feminine Religion Group in the list +defined_text = { + name = GetElLaGrupoReligioso + text = { + localisation_key = string_El_SP + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + OR = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[of] Christianity" => "[del] cristianismo /[de la] X" # There is no feminine Religion Group in the list +defined_text = { + name = GetdeldelaGrupoReligioso + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_del_SP + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP + trigger = { + OR = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[Of] Christianity" => "[Del] cristianismo / [De la] X" # There is no feminine Religion Group in the list +defined_text = { + name = GetDelDelaGrupoReligioso + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP + trigger = { + OR = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } +} + + + +### Ex: "[of] Christianity" => "[del] cristianismo /[de la] X" # There is no feminine Religion Group in the list +defined_text = { + name = GetalalaGrupoReligioso + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_SP + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP + trigger = { + OR = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[Of] Christianity" => "[Del] cristianismo / [De la] X" # There is no feminine Religion Group in the list +defined_text = { + name = GetAlAlaGrupoReligioso + text = { + localisation_key = string_Al_SP + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP + trigger = { + OR = { + religion_group = muslim + religion_group = eastern + } + } + } +} + + + +###################################################### +### Religion & Heresies // Religiones y herejas ### +###################################################### + +### Ex: "[Catholicism]" => "[catolicismo]" +defined_text = { + name = GetReligion + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_n_SP + trigger = { religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_n_SP + trigger = { religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_n_SP + trigger = { religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_n_SP + trigger = { religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_n_SP + trigger = { religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_n_SP + trigger = { religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_n_SP + trigger = { religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_n_SP + trigger = { religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_n_SP + trigger = { religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_n_SP + trigger = { religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_n_SP + trigger = { religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_n_SP + trigger = { religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_n_SP + trigger = { religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_n_SP + trigger = { religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_n_SP + trigger = { religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_n_SP + trigger = { religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_n_SP + trigger = { religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_n_SP + trigger = { religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_n_SP + trigger = { religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_n_SP + trigger = { religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_n_SP + trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_n_SP + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_n_SP + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_n_SP + trigger = { religion = jewish } + } + + + # From CK3 - they're the default name anyway + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_rel + trigger = { religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_rel + trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church # Krstjani + trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila # Qadariyah + trigger = { religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist + trigger = { religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite + trigger = { religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism + trigger = { religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism + trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism + trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism + trigger = { religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism + trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism + trigger = { religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic + trigger = { religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism + trigger = { religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism + trigger = { religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism + trigger = { religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism + trigger = { religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism + trigger = { religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_rel # Uralic + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_rel + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan # Turumism + trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite + trigger = { religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism + trigger = { religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism + trigger = { religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism + trigger = { religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_rel + trigger = { religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_rel + trigger = { religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_rel + trigger = { religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_rel + trigger = { religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_rel + trigger = { religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_rel + trigger = { religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_rel + trigger = { religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_rel + trigger = { religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_rel + trigger = { religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_rel + trigger = { religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_rel + trigger = { religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri + trigger = { religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism + trigger = { religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite + trigger = { religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze + trigger = { religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi + trigger = { religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_rel + trigger = { religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_religion_rel + trigger = { religion = pagan_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan + trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_rel + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_rel + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_rel + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon + trigger = { religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed + trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki + trigger = { religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_rel + trigger = { religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta + trigger = { religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_rel + trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_rel + trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_rel + trigger = { religion = jain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = germanic_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = germanic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = anglo_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = anglo_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cybelene_rel + trigger = { religion = cybelene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zamolxism_rel + trigger = { religion = zamolxism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mithraism_rel + trigger = { religion = mithraism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = arab_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = arab_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = armenian_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = armenian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = caucasian_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iberian_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = iberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = scythian_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = scythian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = briton_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = briton_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gallic_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = gallic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gaelic_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtiberian_pagan_rel + trigger = { religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = atenism_rel + trigger = { religion = atenism } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Catholic]" => "[catlico]" (singular masculine / masculino singular) +defined_text = { + name = GetReligionMS + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_ms_SP + trigger = { religion = jewish } + } + + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_ms + trigger = { religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_ms + trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_ms # Krstjani + trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_ms # Qadariyah + trigger = { religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_ms + trigger = { religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_ms + trigger = { religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_ms + trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_ms + trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_ms + trigger = { religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_ms + trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_ms + trigger = { religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_ms + trigger = { religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_ms + trigger = { religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_ms + trigger = { religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_ms + trigger = { religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_ms + trigger = { religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_ms + trigger = { religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_ms # Uralic + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_ms # Turumism + trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_ms + trigger = { religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_ms + trigger = { religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_ms + trigger = { religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_ms + trigger = { religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_ms + trigger = { religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_ms + trigger = { religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_ms + trigger = { religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_ms + trigger = { religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_ms + trigger = { religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_ms + trigger = { religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_ms + trigger = { religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_ms + trigger = { religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_ms + trigger = { religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_ms + trigger = { religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_ms + trigger = { religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_ms + trigger = { religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_ms + trigger = { religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_ms + trigger = { religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_ms + trigger = { religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_ms + trigger = { religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_ms + trigger = { religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_msigion_ms + trigger = { religion = pagan_msigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_ms + trigger = { religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_ms + trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_ms + trigger = { religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_ms + trigger = { religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_ms + trigger = { religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_ms + trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_ms + trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_ms + trigger = { religion = jain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = germanic_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = germanic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = anglo_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = anglo_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cybelene_ms + trigger = { religion = cybelene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zamolxism_ms + trigger = { religion = zamolxism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mithraism_ms + trigger = { religion = mithraism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = arab_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = arab_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = armenian_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = armenian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = caucasian_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iberian_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = iberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = scythian_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = scythian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = briton_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = briton_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gallic_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = gallic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gaelic_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtiberian_pagan_ms + trigger = { religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = atenism_ms + trigger = { religion = atenism } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Catholic]" => "[catlica]" (singular feminine / feminino singular) +defined_text = { + name = GetReligionFS + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fs_SP + trigger = { religion = jewish } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fs + trigger = { religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fs + trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fs # Krstjani + trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fs # Qadariyah + trigger = { religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fs + trigger = { religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fs + trigger = { religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fs + trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fs + trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fs + trigger = { religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fs + trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fs + trigger = { religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fs + trigger = { religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fs + trigger = { religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fs + trigger = { religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fs + trigger = { religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fs + trigger = { religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fs + trigger = { religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fs # Uralic + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fs # Turumism + trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fs + trigger = { religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fs + trigger = { religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fs + trigger = { religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fs + trigger = { religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fs + trigger = { religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fs + trigger = { religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fs + trigger = { religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fs + trigger = { religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fs + trigger = { religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fs + trigger = { religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fs + trigger = { religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fs + trigger = { religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fs + trigger = { religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fs + trigger = { religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fs + trigger = { religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fs + trigger = { religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fs + trigger = { religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fs + trigger = { religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fs + trigger = { religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fs + trigger = { religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fs + trigger = { religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_fsigion_fs + trigger = { religion = pagan_fsigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fs + trigger = { religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fs + trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fs + trigger = { religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fs + trigger = { religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fs + trigger = { religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fs + trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fs + trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fs + trigger = { religion = jain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = germanic_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = germanic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = anglo_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = anglo_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cybelene_fs + trigger = { religion = cybelene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zamolxism_fs + trigger = { religion = zamolxism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mithraism_fs + trigger = { religion = mithraism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = arab_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = arab_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = armenian_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = armenian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = caucasian_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iberian_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = iberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = scythian_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = scythian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = briton_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = briton_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gallic_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = gallic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gaelic_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtiberian_pagan_fs + trigger = { religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = atenism_fs + trigger = { religion = atenism } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Catholic]" => "[catlicos]" (plural masculine / masculino plural) +defined_text = { + name = GetReligionMP + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_mp_SP + trigger = { religion = jewish } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_mp + trigger = { religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_mp + trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_mp # Krstjani + trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_mp # Qadariyah + trigger = { religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_mp + trigger = { religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_mp + trigger = { religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_mp + trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_mp + trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_mp + trigger = { religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_mp + trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_mp + trigger = { religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_mp + trigger = { religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_mp + trigger = { religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_mp + trigger = { religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_mp + trigger = { religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_mp + trigger = { religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_mp + trigger = { religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_mp # Uralic + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_mp # Turumism + trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_mp + trigger = { religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_mp + trigger = { religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_mp + trigger = { religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_mp + trigger = { religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_mp + trigger = { religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_mp + trigger = { religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_mp + trigger = { religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_mp + trigger = { religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_mp + trigger = { religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_mp + trigger = { religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_mp + trigger = { religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_mp + trigger = { religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_mp + trigger = { religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_mp + trigger = { religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_mp + trigger = { religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_mp + trigger = { religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_mp + trigger = { religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_mp + trigger = { religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_mp + trigger = { religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_mp + trigger = { religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_mp + trigger = { religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_mpigion_mp + trigger = { religion = pagan_mpigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_mp + trigger = { religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_mp + trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_mp + trigger = { religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_mp + trigger = { religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_mp + trigger = { religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_mp + trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_mp + trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_mp + trigger = { religion = jain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = germanic_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = germanic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = anglo_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = anglo_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cybelene_mp + trigger = { religion = cybelene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zamolxism_mp + trigger = { religion = zamolxism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mithraism_mp + trigger = { religion = mithraism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = arab_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = arab_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = armenian_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = armenian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = caucasian_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iberian_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = iberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = scythian_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = scythian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = briton_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = briton_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gallic_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = gallic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gaelic_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtiberian_pagan_mp + trigger = { religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = atenism_mp + trigger = { religion = atenism } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[Catholic]" => "[catlicas]" (plural feminine / feminino plural) +defined_text = { + name = GetReligionFP + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = catholic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_protestant_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = protestant } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_reformed_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = orthodox } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_coptic_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = coptic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sunni_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = sunni } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shiite_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = shiite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_ibadi_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = ibadi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_buddhism_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = buddhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_vajrayana_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = vajrayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mahayana_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = mahayana } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_confucianism_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = confucianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shinto_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = shinto } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_hinduism_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = hinduism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_sikhism_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = sikhism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_animism_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = animism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shamanism_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = shamanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_totemism_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = totemism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_inti_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = inti } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_nahuatl_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = nahuatl } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mesoamerican_religion_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = mesoamerican_religion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_norse_pagan_reformed_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tengri_pagan_reformed_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_jewish_fp_SP + trigger = { religion = jewish } + } + # From CK3 + text = { + localisation_key = adamite_fp + trigger = { religion = adamite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = insular_celtic_fp + trigger = { religion = insular_celtic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bosnian_church_fp # Krstjani + trigger = { religion = bosnian_church } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mutazila_fp # Qadariyah + trigger = { religion = mutazila } + } + text = { + localisation_key = quranist_fp + trigger = { religion = quranist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = alawite_fp + trigger = { religion = alawite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { religion = yazidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = meshefaresism_fp + trigger = { religion = meshefaresism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kitebacilweism_fp + trigger = { religion = kitebacilweism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zurvanism_fp + trigger = { religion = zurvanism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gayomarthianism_fp + trigger = { religion = gayomarthianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurramism_fp + trigger = { religion = khurramism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gnostic_fp + trigger = { religion = gnostic } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mandeaism_fp + trigger = { religion = mandeaism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = valentinianism_fp + trigger = { religion = valentinianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = sethianism_fp + trigger = { religion = sethianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = priscillianism_fp + trigger = { religion = priscillianism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cainitism_fp + trigger = { religion = cainitism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kushitism_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = kushitism_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_fp # Uralic + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = magyar_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = magyar_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = siberian_pagan_fp # Turumism + trigger = { religion = siberian_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = canaanite_fp + trigger = { religion = canaanite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druidism_fp + trigger = { religion = druidism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kemetism_fp + trigger = { religion = kemetism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mardukism_fp + trigger = { religion = mardukism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cathar_fp + trigger = { religion = cathar } + } + text = { + localisation_key = fraticelli_fp + trigger = { religion = fraticelli } + } + text = { + localisation_key = waldensian_fp + trigger = { religion = waldensian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = lollard_fp + trigger = { religion = lollard } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monophysite_fp + trigger = { religion = monophysite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bogomilist_fp + trigger = { religion = bogomilist } + } + text = { + localisation_key = monothelite_fp + trigger = { religion = monothelite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iconoclast_fp + trigger = { religion = iconoclast } + } + text = { + localisation_key = paulician_fp + trigger = { religion = paulician } + } + text = { + localisation_key = nestorian_fp + trigger = { religion = nestorian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = messalian_fp + trigger = { religion = messalian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zikri_fp + trigger = { religion = zikri } + } + text = { + localisation_key = yazidism_fp + trigger = { religion = yazidi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = kharijite_fp + trigger = { religion = kharijite } + } + text = { + localisation_key = druze_fp + trigger = { religion = druze } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hurufi_fp + trigger = { religion = hurufi } + } + text = { + localisation_key = qarmatian_fp + trigger = { religion = qarmatian } + } + text = { + localisation_key = pagan_fpigion_fp + trigger = { religion = pagan_fpigion } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = baltic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = finnish_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = norse_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = norse_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = slavic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = tengri_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = tengri_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zun_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = hellenic_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = hellenic_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = west_african_pagan_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_fp + trigger = { religion = bon } + } + text = { + localisation_key = bon_reformed_fp + trigger = { religion = bon_reformed } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mazdaki_fp + trigger = { religion = mazdaki } + } + text = { + localisation_key = manichean_fp + trigger = { religion = manichean } + } + text = { + localisation_key = khurmazta_fp + trigger = { religion = khurmazta } + } + text = { + localisation_key = samaritan_faith_fp + trigger = { religion = samaritan_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = karaite_faith_fp + trigger = { religion = karaite_faith } + } + text = { + localisation_key = jain_fp + trigger = { religion = jain } + } + text = { + localisation_key = germanic_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = germanic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = anglo_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = anglo_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = cybelene_fp + trigger = { religion = cybelene } + } + text = { + localisation_key = zamolxism_fp + trigger = { religion = zamolxism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = mithraism_fp + trigger = { religion = mithraism } + } + text = { + localisation_key = arab_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = arab_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = armenian_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = armenian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = caucasian_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = caucasian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = iberian_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = iberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = scythian_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = scythian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = briton_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = briton_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gallic_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = gallic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = gaelic_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = gaelic_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = celtiberian_pagan_fp + trigger = { religion = celtiberian_pagan } + } + text = { + localisation_key = atenism_fp + trigger = { religion = atenism } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[the] Catholicism/Orthodoxy" => "[el] catolicismo/[la] ortodoxia" +defined_text = { + name = GetellaReligion + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_el_SP + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion = reformed + religion = bosnian_church + religion = zun_pagan_reformed + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_la_SP + trigger = { + OR = { + religion = reformed + religion = bosnian_church + religion = zun_pagan_reformed + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[the] Catholicism/Orthodoxy" => "[el] catolicismo/[la] ortodoxia" +defined_text = { + name = GetElLaReligion + text = { + localisation_key = string_El_SP + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion = reformed + religion = bosnian_church + religion = zun_pagan_reformed + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_La_SP + trigger = { + OR = { + religion = reformed + religion = bosnian_church + religion = zun_pagan_reformed + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[the] Catholicism/Orthodoxy" => "[del] catolicismo/[de la] ortodoxia" +defined_text = { + name = GetdeldelaReligion + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_del_SP + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion = reformed + religion = bosnian_church + religion = zun_pagan_reformed + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_dela_SP + trigger = { + OR = { + religion = reformed + religion = bosnian_church + religion = zun_pagan_reformed + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[the] Catholicism/Orthodoxy" => "[Del] catolicismo/[De la] ortodoxia" +defined_text = { + name = GetDelDelaReligion + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Del_SP + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion = reformed + religion = bosnian_church + religion = zun_pagan_reformed + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Dela_SP + trigger = { + OR = { + religion = reformed + religion = bosnian_church + religion = zun_pagan_reformed + } + } + } +} + + +### Ex: "[the] Catholicism/Orthodoxy" => "[al] catolicismo/[a la] ortodoxia" +defined_text = { + name = GetalalaReligion + text = { + localisation_key = string_al_SP + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion = reformed + religion = bosnian_church + religion = zun_pagan_reformed + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_low_ala_SP + trigger = { + OR = { + religion = reformed + religion = bosnian_church + religion = zun_pagan_reformed + } + } + } +} +### Ex: "[the] Catholicism/Orthodoxy" => "[Al] catolicismo/[A la] ortodoxia" +defined_text = { + name = GetAlAlaReligion + text = { + localisation_key = string_Al_SP + trigger = { + NOT = { + religion = reformed + religion = bosnian_church + religion = zun_pagan_reformed + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_up_Ala_SP + trigger = { + OR = { + religion = reformed + religion = bosnian_church + religion = zun_pagan_reformed + } + } + } +} + + +##################################################################### +### All Advisors (flag works out which) // Consejeros (todos) ### +##################################################################### + +########Event advisors (uses flags to see which one is relevant and uses that to refer to the relevant custom loc listed above in the advisors section) + +# Ex: "[the] advisor" => "[el] consejero/[la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetellaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetellaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetellaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetellaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} +# Ex: "[The] advisor" => "[El] consejero/[La] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetElLaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetElLaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetElLaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetElLaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[he/she] is" => "[l/ella] es" +defined_text = { + name = GetelellaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetelellaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetelellaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetelellaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} +# Ex. "[He/She] is" => "[l/Ella] es" +defined_text = { + name = GetElEllaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetElEllaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetElEllaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetElEllaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[of the] advisor" => "[del] consejero/[de la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetdeldelaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetdeldelaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetdeldelaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetdeldelaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} +# Ex: "[Of the] advisor" => "[Del] consejero/[De la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetDelDelaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDelDelaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDelDelaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetDelDelaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "[for the] advisor" => "[al]/[a la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetalalaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetalalaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetalalaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetalalaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} +# Ex: "[For the] advisor" => "[Al]/[A la] consejera" +defined_text = { + name = GetAlAlaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAlAlaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAlAlaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetAlAlaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "magnificient" => "magnfic[o]/magnfic[a]" +defined_text = { + name = GetoaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetoaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetoaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetoaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# --e/--a # TODO: find an example +defined_text = { + name = GeteaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GeteaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GeteaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GeteaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "Spanish" => "espaol[]/espaol[a]" +defined_text = { + name = GetXaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetXaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetXaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetXaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "stubborn" => "cabez[n]/cabez[ona] +defined_text = { + name = GetononaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetononaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetononaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetononaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "drunkard" => "borrach[n]/borrach[ina]" +defined_text = { + name = GetininaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetininaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetininaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetininaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "[Treasurer]" => "[tesorero]/[tesorera]" (lower case) +defined_text = { + name = GetCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "catch [him/her]" => "capturar[lo/la]" +defined_text = { + name = GetlolaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetlolaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetlolaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetlolaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "Hold [him/her]" => "[Lo/La] sostuvo" +defined_text = { + name = GetLoLaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLoLaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLoLaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLoLaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "reach [him/her]" => alcanzar[le/la]" +defined_text = { + name = GetlelaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetlelaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetlelaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetlelaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + +# Ex: "Told [him/her]" => "[Le/La] dijo" +defined_text = { + name = GetLeLaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLeLaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLeLaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetLeLaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} + + +# Ex: "French" => "franc[s/esa]" +defined_text = { + name = GetesesaCnjEvent + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetesesaCnjAdm + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_adm + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetesesaCnjDip + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_dip + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_GetesesaCnjMil + trigger = { + has_country_flag = advisor_events_mil + } + } +} diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/customizable_localization/00_start_screen.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/customizable_localization/00_start_screen.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6704e4e --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/customizable_localization/00_start_screen.txt @@ -0,0 +1,1818 @@ +#AVIALABLE CUSTOM LOCALISATION KEYS +#When adding new custom loc keys, add them to the appropriate category (or add a new one) and describe them. Name the strings "String_X" where x is its content. +# To not display anything, you can use 'localisation_key = ""' +# Please add one example sentence for each key. + +#As this list grow organize with categories. +#Current loc keys in this file: +#StartScreenUpLeft +#StartScreenUpRight +#StartScreenDownLeft +#StartScreenDownRight + +### Main title of start screen +#Ex: "The Empire of Man, 2017" +defined_text = { + name = StartScreenTitle + random = no + + text = { + + localisation_key = string_screen_title_plural + trigger = { + tag_with_plural_name_trigger = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_screen_title_papacy + trigger = { + tag = PAP + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_screen_title + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +### Upper left title textbox +#Ex: "Sweden's Situation" +defined_text = { + name = StartScreenUpLeftTitle + random = no #Pick first that fits + + #Country Specific: + + #Africa + + #India + + #East Asia: + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_great_ming + trigger = { + tag = MNG + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_mongolia + trigger = { + tag = KHA + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_shogunate + trigger = { + has_reform = shogunate + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_daimyo + trigger = { + has_reform = daimyo + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_korea + trigger = { + tag = KOR + } + } + + #Americas: + + #Europe: + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_aragon + trigger = { + tag = ARA + has_ruler = "Alfons V" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_denmark + trigger = { + tag = DAN + has_ruler = "Christopher III" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_ottomans + trigger = { + tag = TUR + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_sweden_norway + trigger = { + OR = { + tag = SWE + tag = NOR + } + is_subject_of = DAN + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_austria + trigger = { + tag = HAB + NOT = { is_year = 1452 } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_bavarians + trigger = { + OR = { + tag = ING + tag = UBV + tag = LBV + } + NOT = { is_year = 1445 } + } + } + text = { #Saxony + localisation_key = string_start_title_saxony + trigger = { + tag = SAX + NOT = { is_year = 1454 } + } + } + text = { #Thuringia + localisation_key = string_start_title_thuringia + trigger = { + tag = THU + NOT = { is_year = 1454 } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_hungary + trigger = { + OR = { + tag = HUN + tag = CRO + } + NOT = { is_year = 1445 } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_burgundy + trigger = { + tag = BUR + NOT = { is_year = 1467 } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_bohemia + trigger = { + tag = BOH + NOT = { is_year = 1457 } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_castile + trigger = { + tag = CAS + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_poland + trigger = { + tag = POL + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_france + trigger = { + tag = FRA + NOT = { is_year = 1461 } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_france_fallback + trigger = { + tag = FRA + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_trebizond + trigger = { + tag = TRE + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_provence + trigger = { + tag = PRO + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_brittany + trigger = { + tag = BRI + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_hanseatic + trigger = { + OR = { + tag = HAM + tag = BRE + tag = HSA + } + } + } + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_byzantium + trigger = { + tag = BYZ + } + } + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_naples + trigger = { + tag = NAP + } + } + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_genoa + trigger = { + tag = GEN + } + } + + #Middle & Near East + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_hisn_kayfa + trigger = { + tag = HSN + dynasty = Ayyubid + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_georgia_imereti + trigger = { + OR = { + tag = GEO + tag = IME + } + NOT = { is_year = 1490 } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_samtskhe + trigger = { + tag = SME + NOT = { is_year = 1490 } + } + } + + #Generic: + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_horde + trigger = { + has_reform = steppe_horde + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_monarchy_regency #Actually same as fallback + trigger = { + has_regency = yes + OR = { + government = monarchy + government = tribal + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_monarchy_plural + trigger = { + #has_regency = no + government = monarchy + tag_with_plural_name_trigger = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_monarchy + trigger = { + #has_regency = no + government = monarchy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_republic + trigger = { + government = republic + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_theocracy + trigger = { + government = theocracy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_native_council + trigger = { + government = native + } + } + #Final Fallback + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_title_fallback + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +### Upper right title textbox +#Ex: "Muscovy is Orthodox" +defined_text = { + name = StartScreenUpRightTitle + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_mechanic_title_plural + trigger = { + tag_with_plural_name_trigger = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_mechanic_title + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +### Lower left title textbox +#Ex: "Sweden is a Swedish Kingdom" +defined_text = { + name = StartScreenDownLeftTitle + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_culture_government_title_plural + trigger = { + tag_with_plural_name_trigger = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_culture_government_title + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +### Lower right title textbox +#Ex: "The Island of Japan" +defined_text = { + name = StartScreenDownRightTitle + random = no + + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_east_asia_moh_title #Japan, Eoc and Tributaries + trigger = { + has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" + capital_scope = { + OR = { + region = mongolia_region + region = manchuria_region + region = east_siberia_region + region = tibet_region + area = shanshan_area + area = tarim_basin_area + superregion = far_east_superregion + superregion = china_superregion + superregion = east_indies_superregion + } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_east_asia_title #Japan + trigger = { + capital_scope = { + OR = { + region = mongolia_region + region = manchuria_region + region = east_siberia_region + region = tibet_region + area = shanshan_area + area = tarim_basin_area + superregion = far_east_superregion + superregion = china_superregion + superregion = east_indies_superregion + } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_europe #The HRE + trigger = { + capital_scope = { + continent = europe + } + } + } + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_no_special_region_title + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +defined_text = { + name = capital_continent_title + random = no + + + text = { + localisation_key = asia #Asia + trigger = { + capital_scope = { + continent = asia + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = europe #Europe + trigger = { + capital_scope = { + continent = europe + } + } + } + + text = { + localisation_key = africa + trigger = { + capital_scope = { + continent = africa + } + } + } + + text = { + localisation_key = north_america + trigger = { + capital_scope = { + continent = north_america + } + } + } + + text = { + localisation_key = south_america + trigger = { + capital_scope = { + continent = south_america + } + } + } + + text = { + localisation_key = oceania + trigger = { + capital_scope = { + continent = oceania + } + } + } + + text = { + localisation_key = new_world + trigger = { + capital_scope = { + continent = new_world + } + } + } +} + +### Upper left description textbox +#Ex: "The Ayyubid dynasty, once the scourge of Christianity, and the masters of Syria, Egypt and Arabia, still remain in the Kurdistani fortress of Hisn Kayfa. Fiercely independent, the small state has managed to survive in independence amidst giants such as the Timurids or Qara Qoyunlu.\nAs 1444 opens the Ayyubid princes have recently managed to overcome their local rivals and former vassals, the Artuqids, and solidified their hold over their small principality by the Tigris." + +defined_text = { + name = StartScreenUpLeftDesc + random = no + + #Later Start Dates + text = { + localisation_key = string_from_ck3 + trigger = { always = yes } + } +} + +### Upper right description textbox +#Ex: "" +defined_text = { + name = StartScreenUpRightDesc + random = no + + #Religion Mechanics - Base Text, these refer to custom loc keys below to insert DLC specific information. + #Christians: + #Orthodox (Patriarch Authority) + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_orthodox + trigger = { + religion = orthodox + } + } + #Catholics (Papacy & The Reformation) + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_catholic + trigger = { + religion = catholic + } + } + #Protestant (The Reformation) + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_protestant + trigger = { + religion = protestant + } + } + #Reformed (The Reformation) + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_reformed + trigger = { + religion = reformed + } + } + #Coptic + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_coptic + trigger = { + religion = coptic + } + } + #Muslims (Piety): + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_muslim_sunni + trigger = { + religion = sunni + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_muslim_shiite + trigger = { + religion = shiite + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_muslim_ibadi + trigger = { + religion = ibadi + } + } + #Eastern - Buddhists + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_buddhist_theravada + trigger = { + religion = buddhism #Theravada + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_buddhist_mahayana + trigger = { + religion = mahayana + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_buddhist_vajrayana + trigger = { + religion = vajrayana + } + } + #Confucian + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_confucianism + trigger = { + religion = confucianism + } + } + #Shinto + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_shinto + trigger = { + religion = shinto + } + } + #Hindu + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_hindu + trigger = { + religion = hinduism + } + } + #Sikh + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_sikh + trigger = { + religion = sikhism + } + } + #Fetishist + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_fetishist + trigger = { + religion = shamanism #Fetishist + } + } + #Fetishist + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_tengri + trigger = { + religion = tengri_pagan_reformed #Tengri + } + } + #Inti + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_inti + trigger = { + religion = inti + } + } + #Nahuatl + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_nahuatl + trigger = { + religion = nahuatl + } + } + #Mayan + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_mayan + trigger = { + religion = mesoamerican_religion + } + } + #Zoroastrianism + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_zoroastrian + trigger = { + religion = zoroastrian + } + } + #Norse + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_norse + trigger = { + religion = norse_pagan_reformed + } + } + #Fallback (Currently used by Animism, Judaism and Totemism) + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_fallback + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Describing the bonuses from this religion (not really a dynamic key, just used to make the texts more modular and easier to edit). +defined_text = { + name = start_religion_intro + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_religion_intro_text + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + + +#DLC Mechanics (these keys are inserted into the keys above, see the localization file) +#Muslim Schools +defined_text = { + name = start_religion_muslim_dlc_check + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_muslim_school #Has to end with \n + trigger = { + religion_group = muslim + has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_muslim_school_no #\n + trigger = { + NOT = { has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization" } + } + } +} + +#Iconography & Consecrate Patriarchs +defined_text = { + name = start_religion_orthodox_dlc_check + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_icons #Has to end with \n + trigger = { + religion = orthodox + has_dlc = "Third Rome" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_orthodox_icons_no #\n + trigger = { + religion = orthodox + NOT = { has_dlc = "Third Rome" } + } + } +} + +#Tordesillas +defined_text = { + name = start_religion_catholic_tordesillas + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_tordesillas #Has to end with \n + trigger = { + religion = catholic + has_dlc = "El Dorado" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_catholic_tordesillas_no #\n + trigger = { + religion = catholic + NOT = { has_dlc = "El Dorado" } + } + } +} + +#Church Power +defined_text = { + name = start_protestant_church_power + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_church_power_info #Has to end with \n + trigger = { + religion = protestant + has_dlc = "Common Sense" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_church_power_info_no #\n + trigger = { + religion = protestant + NOT = { has_dlc = "Common Sense" } + } + } +} + +#Fervor +defined_text = { + name = start_reformed_fervor + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_fervor_info #Has to end with \n + trigger = { + religion = reformed + has_dlc = "Wealth of Nations" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_fervor_info_no #\n + trigger = { + religion = reformed + NOT = { has_dlc = "Wealth of Nations" } + } + } +} + + +#Coptic Blessings +defined_text = { + name = start_coptic_blessings + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_blessings_info #Has to end with \n + trigger = { + religion = coptic + has_dlc = "Rights of Man" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_blessings_info_no #\n + trigger = { + religion = coptic + NOT = { has_dlc = "Rights of Man" } + } + } +} + +#Buddhist Karma +defined_text = { + name = start_buddhist_karma + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_karma_info #Has to end with \n + trigger = { + OR = { + religion = buddhism + religion = mahayana + religion = vajrayana + } + has_dlc = "Common Sense" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_karma_info_no #\n + trigger = { + OR = { + religion = buddhism + religion = mahayana + religion = vajrayana + } + NOT = { has_dlc = "Common Sense" } + } + } +} + +#Confucian Harmonization +defined_text = { + name = start_confucian_harmonization + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_harmonization_info #Has to end with \n + trigger = { + religion = confucianism + has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_harmonization_info_no #\n + trigger = { + religion = confucianism + NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" } + } + } +} + + +#Shinto Isolationism +defined_text = { + name = start_shinto_isolationism + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_isolationism_info #Has to end with \n + trigger = { + religion = shinto + has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_isolationism_info_no #\n + trigger = { + religion = shinto + NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" } + } + } +} + +#Hindu Deities +defined_text = { + name = start_hindu_deities + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_deities_info #Has to end with \n + trigger = { + religion = hinduism + has_dlc = "Wealth of Nations" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_deities_info_no #\n + trigger = { + religion = hinduism + NOT = { has_dlc = "Wealth of Nations" } + } + } +} + +#Fetishist Cults +defined_text = { + name = start_fetishist_cults + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_cults_info #Has to end with \n + trigger = { + religion = shamanism + has_dlc = "Rights of Man" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cults_info_no #\n + trigger = { + religion = shamanism + NOT = { has_dlc = "Rights of Man" } + } + } +} + +#Tengri Syncretism +defined_text = { + name = start_tengri_syncretism + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_syncretism_info #Has to end with \n + trigger = { + religion = tengri_pagan_reformed #Tengri + has_dlc = "The Cossacks" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_syncretism_info_no #\n + trigger = { + religion = tengri_pagan_reformed #Tengri + NOT = { has_dlc = "The Cossacks" } + } + } +} + +#Inti Authority +defined_text = { + name = start_inti_authority + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_authority_info #Has to end with \n + trigger = { + religion = inti + has_dlc = "El Dorado" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_authority_info_no #\n + trigger = { + religion = inti + NOT = { has_dlc = "El Dorado" } + } + } +} + + +#Nahuatl DOOM! +defined_text = { + name = start_nahuatl_doom + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_doom_info #Has to end with \n + trigger = { + religion = nahuatl + has_dlc = "El Dorado" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_doom_info_no #\n + trigger = { + religion = nahuatl + NOT = { has_dlc = "El Dorado" } + } + } +} + +#Mayan Mechanics +defined_text = { + name = start_mayan_mechanics + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_info #Has to end with \n + trigger = { + religion = mesoamerican_religion + has_dlc = "El Dorado" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_mayan_info_no #\n + trigger = { + religion = mesoamerican_religion + NOT = { has_dlc = "El Dorado" } + } + } +} + +### Lower left description textbox +#Ex: "As a Russian Nation Muscovy has...." +defined_text = { + name = StartScreenDownLeftDesc + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_government_culture_explanation + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Culture specific Mechanics +defined_text = { + name = startup_culture_explanation + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_manchu_culture + trigger = { + primary_culture = manchu + has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_no_special_culture + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Base Government Explanation +defined_text = { + name = startup_government_explanation + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_government_monarchy_regency + trigger = { + has_regency = yes + government = monarchy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_government_monarchy + trigger = { + government = monarchy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_government_republic + trigger = { + government = republic + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_government_papacy + trigger = { + has_reform = papacy_reform + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_government_theocracy + trigger = { + government = theocracy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_government_native_councils_plural + trigger = { + tag_with_plural_name_trigger = yes + OR = { + has_reform = siberian_tribe + government = native + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_government_native_councils + trigger = { + OR = { + has_reform = siberian_tribe + government = native + } + } + } +} + +defined_text = { + name = startup_government_heirs + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_government_heirs + trigger = { + government = monarchy + NOT = { has_reform = mamluk_government } + NOT = { has_reform = steppe_horde } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_government_horde_heirs + trigger = { + government = monarchy + has_reform = steppe_horde + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_government_heirs_no + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Factions for Merchant & Veche Republics, Celestial Empire, Revolutionary Republic +defined_text = { + name = startup_government_factions + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_factions + trigger = { + OR = { + has_government_attribute = is_merchant_republic + has_reform = veche_republic + AND = { + has_reform = celestial_empire + NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" } + } + AND = { + is_revolutionary_republic_trigger = yes + has_dlc = "Rights of Man" + } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_factions_no + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +defined_text = { + name = startup_estates_explanation + random = no + text = { + localisation_key = string_startup_estates_explanation_cossacks + trigger = { + has_dlc = "The Cossacks" + has_estate = estate_cossacks + } + } + + text = { + localisation_key = string_startup_estates_explanation + trigger = { + has_estate = yes + NOT = { + has_estate = estate_cossacks + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_startup_estates_explanation_no + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Tribal Reforms +defined_text = { + name = startup_government_tribal + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_tribal_reform + trigger = { + government = tribal + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tribal_reform_no + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} +#Tribal Federations don't get institution spread penalties. +defined_text = { + name = startup_government_tribal_institution_penalty + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_tribal_institution_penalty + trigger = { + NOT = { has_reform = tribal_federation } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tribal_institution_penalty_no + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#DLC Content Explanation +#Consorts +defined_text = { + name = startup_consorts_explanation + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_consorts + trigger = { + government = monarchy + NOT = { has_reform = iqta } + NOT = { has_reform = steppe_horde } + NOT = { has_reform = mamluk_government } + has_dlc = "Rights of Man" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_consorts_no #Empty string + trigger = { + NOT = { has_dlc = "Rights of Man" } + } + } +} + +#Devotion +defined_text = { + name = startup_devotion_explanation + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_devotion + trigger = { + government = theocracy + has_dlc = "Common Sense" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_devotion_no #Empty string + trigger = { + NOT = { has_dlc = "Common Sense" } + } + } +} + +#Russian Interactions +defined_text = { + name = startup_russian_government_interactions + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_russian_mechanics + trigger = { + has_government_mechanic = russian_mechanic + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_russian_mechanics_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Iqta +defined_text = { + name = startup_iqta_government + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_iqta + trigger = { + has_reform = iqta + has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_iqta_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Feudal Theocracy +defined_text = { + name = startup_feudal_theocracy_government + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_feudal_theocracy + trigger = { + has_reform = feudal_theocracy + has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_feudal_theocracy_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Ottoman Government +defined_text = { + name = startup_ottoman_government_harem + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_harem + trigger = { + has_reform = ottoman_government + has_dlc = "Rights of Man" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_harem_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Ottoman Government - Pashas And Janissaries +defined_text = { + name = startup_ottoman_government_pashas + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_pashas + trigger = { + has_reform = ottoman_government + has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_pashas_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Mamluk Government +defined_text = { + name = startup_tribal_federation_government + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_tribal_federation + trigger = { + has_reform = tribal_federation + has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = start_tribal_federation_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Mamluk Government +defined_text = { + name = startup_mamluk_government + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_mamluks + trigger = { + has_reform = mamluk_government + has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_harem_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Trade League +defined_text = { + name = startup_government_trade_league + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_trade_league + trigger = { + OR = { + has_government_attribute = is_merchant_republic + has_reform = veche_republic + } + has_dlc = "Mare Nostrum" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_trade_league_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Parliaments +defined_text = { + name = startup_government_parliaments + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_parliaments + trigger = { + has_parliament = yes + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_parliaments_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Prussian Monarchies +defined_text = { + name = startup_government_prussian + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_prussian_government + trigger = { + has_reform = prussian_monarchy + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_prussian_government_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Prussian Monarchies DLC Part +defined_text = { + name = startup_government_prussian_dlc + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_prussian_government_dlc + trigger = { + has_dlc = "Rights of Man" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_prussian_government_dlc_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Elective Monarchies +defined_text = { + name = startup_government_elective + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_elective_monarchy + trigger = { + has_reform = elective_monarchy + has_dlc = "Res Publica" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_elective_monarchy_not_yet + trigger = { + tag = POL + has_dlc = "Res Publica" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_elective_monarchy_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Hordes - Horde Unity +defined_text = { + name = startup_government_horde + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_horde + trigger = { + has_reform = steppe_horde + has_dlc = "The Cossacks" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_horde_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Native Council +defined_text = { + name = startup_government_native_council + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_native_council_opm + trigger = { + government = native + has_dlc = "Conquest of Paradise" + NOT = { num_of_cities = 2 } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_native_council + trigger = { + government = native + has_dlc = "Conquest of Paradise" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_native_council_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Siberian Council +defined_text = { + name = startup_government_siberian_native_council + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_siberian_native_council_opm + trigger = { + has_reform = siberian_tribe + has_dlc = "Conquest of Paradise" + NOT = { num_of_cities = 2 } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_siberian_native_council_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Meritocracy +defined_text = { + name = startup_government_meritocracy + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_meritocracy + trigger = { + has_reform = celestial_empire + has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_meritocracy_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +#Shogunate +defined_text = { + name = startup_government_shogunate + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_shogunate_moh + trigger = { + has_reform = shogunate + has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_shogunate + trigger = { + has_reform = shogunate + NOT = { has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_shogunate_no #Empty string + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +### Lower right description textbox +#Ex: "Looong text about the HRE" +defined_text = { + name = StartScreenDownRightDesc + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_east_asia_description #Japan, Eoc and Tributaries + trigger = { + has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" + capital_scope = { + OR = { + region = mongolia_region + region = manchuria_region + region = east_siberia_region + region = tibet_region + area = shanshan_area + area = tarim_basin_area + superregion = far_east_superregion + superregion = china_superregion + superregion = east_indies_superregion + } + } + } + } + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_africa_americas_description + trigger = { + capital_scope = { + OR = { + AND = { + continent = africa + NOT = { region = maghreb_region } + NOT = { region = egypt_region } + } + continent = new_world + continent = north_america + continent = south_america + } + } + } + } + + text = { + localisation_key = string_start_no_special_region_description + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +defined_text = { + name = start_tributaries_descriptions + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_tributaries_desc + trigger = { + has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" + capital_scope = { + OR = { + continent = asia + region = ural_region + region = crimea_region #Pontic Steppe + } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_tributaries_desc_no #Empty String + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +defined_text = { + name = start_eoc_tributaries_descriptions + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_eoc_tributaries_desc + trigger = { + has_dlc = "Mandate of Heaven" + capital_scope = { + OR = { + continent = asia + region = ural_region + region = crimea_region #Pontic Steppe + } + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_eoc_tributaries_desc_no #Empty String + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +defined_text = { + name = start_imperial_cities_description + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_imperial_cities_desc + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +defined_text = { + name = start_shogun_holders_through_the_years #used to display right clan name for the Shogunate in startup screen. + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = ASK + trigger = { + exists = ASK + ASK = { + has_reform = shogunate + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = ODA + trigger = { + exists = ODA + ODA = { + has_reform = shogunate + } + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = TKG + trigger = { + exists = TKG + TKG = { + has_reform = shogunate + } + } + } +} + +defined_text = { + name = start_anglicanism_description + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglicanism_desc + trigger = { + has_dlc = "Rule Britannia" + culture_group = british + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_anglicanism_no #Empty String + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} + +defined_text = { + name = start_dharma_gov_reforms + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_dharma_government_reforms + } +} + +defined_text = { + name = start_cossacks_steppe_nomads + random = no + + text = { + localisation_key = string_cossacks_steppe_nomads + trigger = { + has_reform = steppe_horde + has_dlc = "The Cossacks" + } + } + text = { + localisation_key = string_cossacks_steppe_nomads_no + trigger = { + always = yes + } + } +} diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/events/FlavorPER.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/events/FlavorPER.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8ea0e52d --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/events/FlavorPER.txt @@ -0,0 +1,962 @@ +# Edited event 13 to avoid Persia to become Shiite if Muhammad is yet to be born + +######################################## +# Major Flavor Events # +######################################## + +namespace = flavor_per +normal_or_historical_nations = yes + +# Turko-Persian Conflicts: Shiite rebels +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.3560 + title = "flavor_per.EVTNAME3560" + desc = "flavor_per.EVTDESC3560" + picture = ANGRY_MOB_eventPicture + + trigger = { + NOT = { has_country_flag = PER_had_event_3560 } + is_year = 1450 + NOT = { is_year = 1550 } + tag = PER + religion = shiite + any_neighbor_country = { + tag = TUR + religion = sunni + any_owned_province = { + religion = shiite + } + } + TUR = { is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes } + NOT = { alliance_with = TUR } + NOT = { war_with = TUR } + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 2000 + } + + immediate = { + set_country_flag = PER_had_event_3560 + } + + option ={ # Support the Turkish Shiites + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTA3560" + add_stability_or_adm_power = yes + add_years_of_income = -0.2 + TUR = { + add_opinion = { + who = ROOT + modifier = supported_rebels + } + country_event = { id = flavor_tur.3360 days = 10 tooltip = "flavor_per.EVTTOOLTIP3560" } + } + } + option = { # Leave them to their fate + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTB3560" + add_stability = -1 + } + option = { # Betray the Turkish rebels + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTC3560" + add_stability = -2 + add_opinion = { + who = ROOT + modifier = did_not_support_rebels + } + } +} + +# Murad III's campaigns against Persia +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.3562 + title = "flavor_per.EVTNAME3562" + desc = "flavor_per.EVTDESC3562" + picture = BATTLE_eventPicture + + is_triggered_only = yes + + option = { # Teach the Turks a lesson! + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTA3562" + add_stability_or_adm_power = yes + TUR = { + random_owned_province = { + limit = { + NOT = { is_core = PER } + NOT = { is_claim = PER } + any_neighbor_province = { + owned_by = PER + } + } + add_claim = PER + } + add_opinion = { + who = ROOT + modifier = border_aggression + } + } + } + option = { # Ignore the Turkish threats + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTB3562" + add_stability = -1 + } + option = { # Seek a diplomatic solution + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTC3562" + TUR = { + add_opinion = { + who = ROOT + modifier = successful_diplomacy + } + } + } +} + +# Turko-Persian Tension +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.3563 + title = "flavor_per.EVTNAME3563" + desc = "flavor_per.EVTDESC3563" + picture = LAND_MILITARY_eventPicture + + trigger = { + NOT = { has_country_flag = PER_had_event_3563 } + is_year = 1600 + NOT = { is_year = 1650 } + tag = PER + any_neighbor_country = { + tag = TUR + any_owned_province = { + controlled_by = REB + } + } + TUR = { is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes } + NOT = { alliance_with = TUR } + NOT = { war_with = TUR } + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 1000 + } + + immediate = { + set_country_flag = PER_had_event_3563 + } + + option = { # Support the Turkish rebels and prepare for war + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTA3563" + add_years_of_income = -0.2 + TUR = { + add_opinion = { + who = ROOT + modifier = supported_rebels + } + country_event = { id = flavor_tur.3363 days = 10 tooltip = "flavor_per.EVTTOOLTIP3560" } + } + } + option = { # Concentrate on internal issues + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTB3563" + add_adm_power = 25 + } +} + + +######################################## +# Flavor Events for Persia +# +# written by Sara Wendel-rtqvist & Henrik Lohmander +######################################## + +#The Reforms of Ismail +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.1 + title = "flavor_per.EVTNAME1" + desc = "flavor_per.EVTDESC1" + picture = REFORM_eventPicture + + is_triggered_only = yes + + option = { #Reform + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTA1" + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { has_completed_all_reforms_trigger = yes } + } + add_reform_progress_small_effect = yes + } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { government_rank = 3 } + } + set_government_rank = 3 + } + 416 = { #Tabriz + add_base_tax = 2 + add_base_production = 2 + add_base_manpower = 1 + } + 429 = { #Isfahan + add_base_tax = 3 + add_base_production = 3 + add_base_manpower = 1 + } + 2215 = { #Qazvin + add_base_tax = 2 + add_base_production = 2 + add_base_manpower = 1 + } + 2218 = { #Shiraz + add_base_tax = 2 + add_base_production = 2 + } + 428 = { #Teheran + add_base_tax = 1 + add_base_production = 1 + add_base_manpower = 1 + } + 433 = { #Yazd + add_base_tax = 1 + add_base_production = 1 + } + 2213 = { #Qom + add_base_tax = 1 + add_base_production = 1 + add_base_manpower = 1 + } + 2212 = { #Zanjan + add_base_tax = 1 + add_base_production = 1 + add_base_manpower = 1 + } + } +} + +#The Reforms of Abbas the Great +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.2 + title = "flavor_per.EVTNAME2" + desc = "flavor_per.EVTDESC2" + picture = REFORM_eventPicture + + fire_only_once = yes + + trigger = { + tag = PER + is_year = 1580 + owns = 429 + NOT = { + is_year = 1640 + } + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 150 + } + + option = { #Reform + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTA1" + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { has_completed_all_reforms_trigger = yes } + } + add_reform_progress_small_effect = yes + } + add_piety = 0.25 + add_adm_power = 50 + add_mil_power = 50 + add_dip_power = 50 + } +} + +# The Advisors of Abbas the Great +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.3 + title = "flavor_per.EVTNAME3" + desc = "flavor_per.EVTDESC3" + picture = ADVISOR_eventPicture + + fire_only_once = yes + + trigger = { + tag = PER + is_year = 1590 + owns = 429 + NOT = { + is_year = 1640 + } + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 150 + } + + option = { # Hire the English advisors + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTA3" + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { has_completed_all_reforms_trigger = yes } + } + add_reform_progress_small_effect = yes + } + add_ruler_modifier = { name = per_abbas_advisors } + add_stability = -1 + } + option = { # Rely on ones + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTB3" + add_stability_or_adm_power = yes + } +} + +# Political Turmoil +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.4 + title = "flavor_per.EVTNAME4" + desc = "flavor_per.EVTDESC4" + picture = LIBERUM_VETO_eventPicture + + trigger = { + tag = PER + is_year = 1580 + NOT = { + has_country_modifier = per_political_turmoil_timer + } + NOT = { + mil = 4 + } + NOT = { + dip = 4 + } + NOT = { + adm = 4 + } + has_regency = no + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 500 + } + + option = { #Let the Clans fight + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTA4" + hidden_effect = { + add_country_modifier = { + name = per_political_turmoil_timer + duration = 365 + hidden = yes + } + } + add_stability = -1 + } + option = { #Buy the loyalty of the Clans + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTB4" + hidden_effect = { + add_country_modifier = { + name = per_political_turmoil_timer + duration = 365 + hidden = yes + } + } + add_years_of_income = -1 + } +} + +# Political Fragmentation +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.5 + title = "flavor_per.EVTNAME5" + desc = "flavor_per.EVTDESC5" + picture = LIBERUM_VETO_eventPicture + + fire_only_once = yes + + trigger = { + tag = PER + is_year = 1635 + NOT = { + has_country_modifier = per_political_fragmentation_timer + } + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 500 + } + + option = { # Let the factions conspire + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTA5" + hidden_effect = { + add_country_modifier = { + name = per_political_fragmentation_timer + duration = 365 + hidden = yes + } + } + add_stability_or_adm_power = yes + } + option = { # Tighten state control + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTB5" + hidden_effect = { + add_country_modifier = { + name = per_political_fragmentation_timer + duration = 365 + hidden = yes + } + } + add_stability = -1 + random_owned_province = { + limit = { + is_core = PER + } + add_base_tax = 1 + add_base_manpower = 1 + } + } +} + +#The Afghan Rebellions +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.6 + title = "flavor_per.EVTNAME6" + desc = "flavor_per.EVTDESC6" + picture = ANGRY_MOB_eventPicture + + fire_only_once = yes + + trigger = { + tag = PER + NOT = { primary_culture = afghani } + NOT = { exists = AFG } + any_owned_province = { culture = afghani } + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 2000 + } + + option = { #Curses! + name = "flavor_per.EVTOPTA6" + random_owned_province = { + limit = { culture = afghani } + area = { + limit = { + owned_by = ROOT + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = add_unrest_10_modifier + duration = 1825 + } + } + } + } +} + +######################################## +# Additional Flavor Events for Persia +# +# written by Henrik Lohmander +######################################## + +#Persian Miniature Painting +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.7 + title = flavor_per.7.t + desc = flavor_per.7.d + picture = BIG_BOOK_eventPicture + + fire_only_once = yes + + trigger = { + tag = PER + NOT = { is_year = 1600 } + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 300 + } + + option = { #Ok + name = flavor_per.7.a + add_prestige = 10 + add_country_modifier = { + name = per_miniature_school + duration = 3650 + } + } +} + +#Iskander Munshi +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.8 + title = flavor_per.8.t + desc = flavor_per.8.d + picture = BIG_BOOK_eventPicture + + fire_only_once = yes + + trigger = { + tag = PER + is_year = 1620 + NOT = { is_year = 1635 } + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 45 + } + + option = { # + name = flavor_per.8.a + add_legitimacy = 10 + add_prestige = 5 + } +} + +#The Shrines of Najaf +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.9 + title = flavor_per.9.t + desc = flavor_per.9.d + picture = PRAYING_eventPicture + + is_triggered_only = yes + + + option = { #Whatever is needed we must provide. + name = flavor_per.9.a + ai_chance = { + factor = 1 + } + add_years_of_income = -0.1 + 2311 = { + add_province_modifier = { + name = "per_najaf" + duration = -1 + } + } + } + + option = { #We must practice restraint. + name = flavor_per.9.b + ai_chance = { + factor = 0 + } + 2311 = { + add_province_modifier = { + name = "per_najaf" + duration = 7300 + } + } + } +} + +#Rise of the Mushashaiya +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.10 + title = flavor_per.10.t + desc = flavor_per.10.d + picture = RELIGIOUS_CONVERSION_eventPicture + + fire_only_once = yes + + trigger = { + NOT = { tag = MSY } + is_year = 1445 + NOT = { is_year = 1455 } + any_owned_province = { + is_core = MSY + } + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 30 + } + + option = { # + name = flavor_per.10.a + every_province = { + limit = { + is_core = MSY + NOT = { owned_by = MSY } + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "per_mushashaiya" + duration = 3650 + } + } + } + +} + +#Rise of the Safawiya +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.11 + title = flavor_per.11.t + desc = flavor_per.11.d + picture = RELIGIOUS_CONVERSION_eventPicture + + fire_only_once = yes + + trigger = { + NOT = { tag = ARL } + is_year = 1455 + NOT = { is_year = 1465 } + OR = { + any_neighbor_country = { + tag = ARL + } + any_owned_province = { + is_core = ARL + } + } + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 30 + } + + option = { # + name = flavor_per.11.a + every_province = { + limit = { + NOT = { owned_by = ARL } + OR = { + is_core = ARL + AND = { + religion = shiite + any_neighbor_province = { + owned_by = ARL + } + } + } + } + add_province_modifier = { + name = "per_safawiya" + duration = 3650 + } + } + } +} + +#Qizilbash Tribesmen Assemble +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.12 + title = flavor_per.12.t + desc = flavor_per.12.d + picture = RELIGIOUS_TURMOIL_eventPicture + + fire_only_once = yes + + trigger = { + exists = PER + NOT = { tag = PER } + is_year = 1450 + NOT = { is_year = 1580 } + num_of_owned_provinces_with = { + value = 6 + culture = persian + } + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 390 + + modifier = { + factor = 0.75 + any_owned_province = { + has_province_modifier = per_mushashaiya + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.75 + any_owned_province = { + has_province_modifier = per_safawiya + } + } + modifier = { + factor = 0.75 + num_of_owned_provinces_with = { + value = 8 + culture = persian + } + } + } + + immediate = { + hidden_effect = { + random_owned_province = { + limit = { + is_capital = no + culture = persian + } + set_province_flag = per_qizilbash + } + random_owned_province = { + limit = { + is_capital = no + culture = persian + NOT = { has_province_flag = per_qizilbash } + } + set_province_flag = per_qizilbash + } + random_owned_province = { + limit = { + is_capital = no + culture = persian + NOT = { has_province_flag = per_qizilbash } + } + set_province_flag = per_qizilbash + } + random_owned_province = { + limit = { + is_capital = no + is_core = PER + culture = azerbaijani + NOT = { has_province_flag = per_qizilbash } + } + set_province_flag = per_qizilbash + } + } + } + + option = { #Ok. + name = flavor_per.12.a + random_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_province_flag = per_qizilbash + } + spawn_rebels = { + type = nationalist_rebels + size = 1 + friend = PER + } + } + every_owned_province = { + limit = { + has_province_flag = per_qizilbash + } + spawn_rebels = { + type = nationalist_rebels + size = 1 + friend = PER + } + clr_province_flag = per_qizilbash + } + } +} + +#Persia and Shiism + +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.13 + title = flavor_per.13.t + desc = flavor_per.13.d + picture = RELIGIOUS_CONVERSION_eventPicture + + fire_only_once = yes + + trigger = { + tag = PER + is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes + NOT = { is_year = 1630 } + any_country = { + is_neighbor_of = PER + OR = { + dominant_religion = sunni + dominant_religion = shiite + } + } + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 30 + } + + option = { # + name = flavor_per.13.a + ai_chance = { factor = 1 } + if = { + limit = { + NOT = { religion = shiite } + } + change_religion = shiite + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = per_shia_conversion_policy + duration = 3650 + } + set_country_flag = per_shiite_policies + } + + option = { # + name = flavor_per.13.b + ai_chance = { factor = 0 } + add_stability_or_adm_power = yes + } +} + +#The Sunni Ulema +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.14 + title = flavor_per.14.t + desc = flavor_per.14.d + picture = ADVISOR_eventPicture + + fire_only_once = yes + + trigger = { + tag = PER + religion = shiite + has_country_flag = per_shiite_policies + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 30 + } + + option = { # Carrot + name = flavor_per.14.a + ai_chance = { factor = 1 } + add_country_modifier = { + name = per_pragmatic_ulema + duration = 3650 + } + } + + option = { # Whip + name = flavor_per.14.b + ai_chance = { factor = 0 } + add_country_modifier = { + name = per_conversion_of_the_clergy + duration = 1825 + } + } +} + +#Shiite Brain Drain + +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.15 + title = flavor_per.15.t + desc = flavor_per.15.d + picture = ADVISOR_eventPicture + + fire_only_once = yes + + trigger = { + tag = PER + religion = shiite + has_country_flag = per_shiite_policies + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 30 + } + + option = { # Welcome them with open arms + name = flavor_per.15.a + ai_chance = { factor = 1 } + add_piety = 0.1 + every_country = { + limit = { + OR = { + religion = shiite + any_owned_province = { + religion = shiite + } + } + } + add_opinion = { who = PER modifier = opinion_irritated } + } + add_country_modifier = { + name = per_shiite_immigration + duration = 7300 + } + } + + #option = { # Turn them away + # name = flavor_per.15.b + # ai_chance = { factor = 0 } + # add_piety = -0.25 + # add_stability_or_adm_power = yes + #} +} + +#Restructuring of Isfahan +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.16 + title = flavor_per.16.t + desc = flavor_per.16.d + picture = CITY_VIEW_eventPicture + + fire_only_once = yes + + trigger = { + tag = PER + religion = shiite + is_year = 1580 + NOT = { is_year = 1630 } + owns_core_province = 429 + NOT = { capital = 429 } + years_of_income = 0.2 + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 150 + } + + option = { #Let us build a new, truly Persian capital. + name = flavor_per.16.a + ai_chance = { + factor = 1 + } + add_years_of_income = -0.15 + set_country_flag = per_isfahan_construction + set_capital = 429 + 429 = { + add_province_modifier = { + name = "per_building_isfahan" + duration = -1 + } + } + } + + option = { #Our current capital fit our current needs + name = flavor_per.16.b + ai_chance = { + factor = 0 + } + add_stability_or_adm_power = yes + } +} + +#Isfahan - Finished +country_event = { + id = flavor_per.17 + title = flavor_per.17.t + desc = flavor_per.17.d + picture = CITY_VIEW_eventPicture + + fire_only_once = yes + + trigger = { + tag = PER + had_country_flag = { flag = per_isfahan_construction days = 3650 } + owns_core_province = 429 + 429 = { + has_province_modifier = per_building_isfahan + } + } + + mean_time_to_happen = { + months = 168 + } + + option = { #Great! + name = flavor_per.17.a + add_prestige = 20 + 429 = { + remove_province_modifier = per_building_isfahan + add_province_modifier = { + name = "per_isfahan_maidan" + duration = -1 + } + } + } + +} diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/anglo_pagan_rebels.tga b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/anglo_pagan_rebels.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e667c58c Binary files /dev/null and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/anglo_pagan_rebels.tga differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/arab_pagan_rebels.tga b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/arab_pagan_rebels.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e00ef418 Binary files /dev/null and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/arab_pagan_rebels.tga differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/armenian_pagan_rebels.tga b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/armenian_pagan_rebels.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5d2ff3b9 Binary files /dev/null and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/armenian_pagan_rebels.tga differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/atenism_rebels.tga b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/atenism_rebels.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..619cbb7d Binary files /dev/null and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/atenism_rebels.tga differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/briton_pagan_rebels.tga b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/briton_pagan_rebels.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a3fdab4f Binary files /dev/null and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/briton_pagan_rebels.tga differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/caucasian_pagan_rebels.tga b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/caucasian_pagan_rebels.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1e69e579 Binary files /dev/null and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/caucasian_pagan_rebels.tga differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/celtiberian_pagan_rebels.tga b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/celtiberian_pagan_rebels.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0c0097bd Binary files /dev/null and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/celtiberian_pagan_rebels.tga differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/cybelene_rebels.tga b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/cybelene_rebels.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a594222e Binary files /dev/null and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/cybelene_rebels.tga differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/gaelic_pagan_rebels.tga b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/gaelic_pagan_rebels.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..14b2bdbf Binary files /dev/null and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/gaelic_pagan_rebels.tga differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/gallic_pagan_rebels.tga b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/gallic_pagan_rebels.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0c0097bd Binary files /dev/null and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/gallic_pagan_rebels.tga differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/germanic_pagan_rebels.tga b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/germanic_pagan_rebels.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bec9aaca Binary files /dev/null and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/germanic_pagan_rebels.tga differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/iberian_pagan_rebels.tga b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/iberian_pagan_rebels.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4336fecb Binary files /dev/null and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/iberian_pagan_rebels.tga differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/mithraism_rebels.tga b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/mithraism_rebels.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0beeb72f Binary files /dev/null and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/mithraism_rebels.tga differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/scythian_pagan_rebels.tga b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/scythian_pagan_rebels.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c3b356fb Binary files /dev/null and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/scythian_pagan_rebels.tga differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/zamolxism_rebels.tga b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/zamolxism_rebels.tga new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8adc3dc6 Binary files /dev/null and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/flags/zamolxism_rebels.tga differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/country_icon_religion.dds b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/country_icon_religion.dds index 7e1452fe..c0f8ddc4 100644 Binary files a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/country_icon_religion.dds and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/country_icon_religion.dds differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/hindu_deities_strip.dds b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/hindu_deities_strip.dds index 7075cb57..e61da88a 100644 Binary files a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/hindu_deities_strip.dds and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/hindu_deities_strip.dds differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/icon_religion.dds b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/icon_religion.dds index 28dba940..c0f8ddc4 100644 Binary files a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/icon_religion.dds and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/icon_religion.dds differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/icon_religion_small.dds b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/icon_religion_small.dds index 9826f706..2122d60e 100644 Binary files a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/icon_religion_small.dds and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/icon_religion_small.dds differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/province_view_religion.dds b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/province_view_religion.dds index aa7fcda6..2122d60e 100644 Binary files a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/province_view_religion.dds and b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/gfx/interface/province_view_religion.dds differ diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/interface/added_countryreligionview.gui b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/interface/added_countryreligionview.gui index 68dfa09c..bd4da747 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/interface/added_countryreligionview.gui +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/interface/added_countryreligionview.gui @@ -2224,13 +2224,6 @@ guiTypes = { position = { x= -27 y = -72 } } - iconType = - { - name ="adamites_aspects_bg" - spriteType = "GFX_anglican_overlay_bg" - position = { x= -27 y = -72 } - } - iconType = { name ="cathar_aspects_bg" @@ -2682,58 +2675,6 @@ guiTypes = { Orientation = "LEFT" } } - - ################# Church aspect item (for selection) For Adamites - windowType = { - name = "countryreligionview_aspectitem_adamites" - backGround ="" - position = { x=10 y=-30 } - size = { x=50 y=55 } - moveable = 0 - dontRender = "" - horizontalBorder = "" - Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT" - - iconType = - { - name ="aspect_icon" - spriteType = "GFX_hindu_deities_strip" - position = { x= -51 y = -10 } - } - - instantTextBoxType = { - name = "aspect_name" - position = { x=11 y = -7 } - font = "vic_18" - borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0} - text = "AspectName" - maxWidth = 300 - maxHeight = 24 - Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT" - format = left - } - - instantTextBoxType = { - name = "aspect_effect" - position = { x = 11 y = 11 } - font = "vic_18" - borderSize = {x = 0 y = 0} - text = "AspectEffect" - maxWidth = 300 - maxHeight = 24 - Orientation = "UPPER_LEFT" - format = left - } - - guiButtonType = { - name = "pick_aspect" - position = { x=316 y = 6} - quadTextureSprite ="GFX_standard_button_71" - buttonText = "SELECT" - buttonFont = "vic_18" - Orientation = "LEFT" - } - } ################################################################################################ ################# Church aspect item (for selection) For Cathar @@ -2910,4 +2851,4 @@ guiTypes = { #scale = 0.5 } } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/interface/z_converter.gfx b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/interface/z_converter.gfx index 3926969b..0a10cbfe 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/interface/z_converter.gfx +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/interface/z_converter.gfx @@ -3,32 +3,32 @@ spriteTypes = { spriteType = { name = "GFX_icon_religion" texturefile = "gfx/interface/icon_religion.dds" - noOfFrames = 155 + noOfFrames = 170 norefcount = yes } spriteType = { name = "GFX_icon_religion_small" texturefile = "gfx/interface/icon_religion_small.dds" - noOfFrames = 155 + noOfFrames = 170 loadType = "INGAME" } spriteType = { name = "GFX_religion_icon_strip" texturefile = "gfx/interface/icon_religion_small.dds" transparencecheck = yes - noOfFrames = 155 + noOfFrames = 170 } spriteType = { name = "GFX_province_view_religion" texturefile = "gfx/interface/province_view_religion.dds" - noOfFrames = 155 + noOfFrames = 170 loadType = "INGAME" allwaystransparent = yes } spriteType = { name = "GFX_country_icon_religion" texturefile = "gfx//interface//country_icon_religion.dds" - noOfFrames = 155 + noOfFrames = 170 } spriteType = { @@ -39,6 +39,6 @@ spriteType = { spriteType = { name = "GFX_hindu_deities_strip" texturefile = "gfx//interface//hindu_deities_strip.dds" - noOfFrames = 30 + noOfFrames = 60 } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_english.yml b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_english.yml index 238af709..e3e42b84 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_english.yml +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_english.yml @@ -1,77 +1,301 @@ l_english: #Christian - adamites:3 "Adamite" - adamites_religion_desc:3 "Originally an early Christian sect of the Late Roman Era in North Africa, the Adamites are notoriously famous for trying to reestablish Heaven on Earth by walking around naked and not being held accountable for good or bad." - insular_celtic:3 "Insular" - insular_celtic_religion_desc:3 "Insular Celtic Christianity is slightly different from Catholicism, but not enough for it to be represented by game mechanics besides a fancy name." - bosnian_church:3 "Krstjani" - bosnian_church_religion_desc:3 "Long forgotten by Catholic and Orthodox alike, the Krstjani of the Bosnian highlands are more permissive than their better-known compatriots, but lack formal structure. Retaining many archaic elements of Christianity, they are often treated scornfully by coreligionists, if remembered at all." + adamites: "Adamite" + adamites_religion_desc: "Originally an early Christian sect of the Late Roman Era in North Africa, the Adamites are notoriously famous for trying to reestablish Heaven on Earth by walking around naked and not being held accountable for good or bad." + insular_celtic: "Insular" + insular_celtic_religion_desc: "Insular Celtic Christianity is slightly different from Catholicism, but not enough for it to be represented by game mechanics besides a fancy name." + bosnian_church:0 "Krstjani" + bosnian_church_religion_desc:0 "Long forgotten by Catholic and Orthodox alike, the Krstjani of the Bosnian highlands are more permissive than their better-known compatriots, but lack formal structure. Retaining many archaic elements of Christianity, they are often treated scornfully by coreligionists, if remembered at all." #Islamic - mutazila:3 "Qadariyah" - mutazila_religion_desc:3 "A rationalist school of theology that asserts that the Quran is not eternally co-existing with God, as God must have preceded his own word." - quranist:3 "Quranism" - quranist_religion_desc:3 "A literalist interpretation of Islam that emphasizes that the Quran as the only source of divine wisdom, and should be followed to the letter, ignoring hadith and fatwas." - alawite:3 "Alawism" - alawite_religion_desc:3 "Alawite religious teachings are secretive, and the Quran is only one of their sacred texts. In addition to the belief in the succession of Imams through Ali, Alawis also believe in reincarnation, and that all beings were stars cast out of heaven who must now re-earn their place by living successive good and faithful lives." + mutazila:0 "Qadariyah" + mutazila_religion_desc:0 "A rationalist school of theology that asserts that the Quran is not eternally co-existing with God, as God must have preceded his own word." + quranist:0 "Quranism" + quranist_religion_desc:0 "A literalist interpretation of Islam that emphasizes that the Quran as the only source of divine wisdom, and should be followed to the letter, ignoring hadith and fatwas." + alawite:0 "Alawism" + alawite_religion_desc:0 "Alawite religious teachings are secretive, and the Quran is only one of their sacred texts. In addition to the belief in the succession of Imams through Ali, Alawis also believe in reincarnation, and that all beings were stars cast out of heaven who must now re-earn their place by living successive good and faithful lives." #Yazidi - yazidism:3 "Yazidism" - harmonized_yazidism:3 "Harmonized with Yazidi Faiths" - desc_harmonized_yazidism:3 "We have incorporated all Yazidi faiths in our country and national ethos." - meshefaresism:3 "Meshefaresism" - meshefaresism_religion_desc:3 "Meshefaresists are followers of the Black Book, which describes how the Lord came down from Black Mountain and created the world." - kitebacilweism:3 "Kitêbacilweism" - kitebacilweism_religion_desc:3 "Kitêbacilweists are followers of the Book of Revelation, which tells of Xwedê's greatness." - HOLY_SITE_411_DESC:3 "Mosul is home to Lalish, a mountain valley and temple in Ninawa. It is the holiest temple of the Yazidis. It is the location of the tomb of the Sheikh Adi ibn Musafir, a central figure of the Yazidi faith." - HOLY_SITE_385_DESC:3 "Mecca is famous as the holy site of Islam. Control of it for the Yazidi faithful would be proof that it is towards Lalish we should pray, not Mecca." - HOLY_SITE_379_DESC:3 "As one of the Abrahamic faiths, Yazidis hold Jerusalem as a sacred city, to be held with the utmost respect and care." - HOLY_SITE_4326_DESC:3 "One of the oldest and most prestigious cities in the world, Nishapur has been the capital of more than one great empire, exuding prestige and power from its nucleus." - HOLY_SITE_430_DESC:3 "Said to have been the burial site of the 3 magi, Bushehr is important not just strategically but theologically as well." + yazidism: "Yazidism" + harmonized_yazidism:0 "Harmonized with Yazidi Faiths" + desc_harmonized_yazidism:0 "We have incorporated all Yazidi faiths in our country and national ethos." + meshefaresism:0 "Meshefaresism" + meshefaresism_religion_desc:0 "Meshefaresists are followers of the Black Book, which describes how the Lord came down from Black Mountain and created the world." + kitebacilweism:0 "Kitêbacilweism" + kitebacilweism_religion_desc:0 "Kitêbacilweists are followers of the Book of Revelation, which tells of Xwedê's greatness." + HOLY_SITE_411_DESC:0 "Mosul is home to Lalish, a mountain valley and temple in Ninawa. It is the holiest temple of the Yazidis. It is the location of the tomb of the Sheikh Adi ibn Musafir, a central figure of the Yazidi faith." + HOLY_SITE_385_DESC:0 "Mecca is famous as the holy site of Islam. Control of it for the Yazidi faithful would be proof that it is towards Lalish we should pray, not Mecca." + HOLY_SITE_379_DESC:0 "As one of the Abrahamic faiths, Yazidis hold Jerusalem as a sacred city, to be held with the utmost respect and care." + HOLY_SITE_4326_DESC:0 "One of the oldest and most prestigious cities in the world, Nishapur has been the capital of more than one great empire, exuding prestige and power from its nucleus." + HOLY_SITE_430_DESC:0 "Said to have been the burial site of the 3 magi, Bushehr is important not just strategically but theologically as well." #Mazdan - zurvanism:3 "Zurvanism" - zurvanism_religion_desc:3 "Zurvanists believe that Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu were equal but opposite twins, born from Zurvan, the Creator of everything. Zurvanism heavily emphasizes aiding Ahura Mazda by rooting out of evil and falsehoods." - gayomarthianism:3 "Gayomarthianism" - gayomarthianism_religion_desc:3 "Based on the idea that Ahura Mazda, through his thoughts, created evil spirits by accident, Gayomarthians reject the infallibility of the Lord of Wisdom, and instead emphasize ritualistic practice to learn Truth in communion with Ahura Mazda." - khurramism:3 "Khurramism" - khurramism_religion_desc:3 "In a world of Light and Darkness, unjust rulers must be overthrown in support of what is good. Through prophets such as Mazdak, Muhammad and Abu Muslim, Khurramites believe that the divine is born into humanity, and will one day return to lead them as the Messiah." + zurvanism:0 "Zurvanism" + zurvanism_religion_desc:0 "Zurvanists believe that Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu were equal but opposite twins, born from Zurvan, the Creator of everything. Zurvanism heavily emphasizes aiding Ahura Mazda by rooting out of evil and falsehoods." + gayomarthianism:0 "Gayomarthianism" + gayomarthianism_religion_desc:0 "Based on the idea that Ahura Mazda, through his thoughts, created evil spirits by accident, Gayomarthians reject the infallibility of the Lord of Wisdom, and instead emphasize ritualistic practice to learn Truth in communion with Ahura Mazda." + khurramism:0 "Khurramism" + khurramism_religion_desc:0 "In a world of Light and Darkness, unjust rulers must be overthrown in support of what is good. Through prophets such as Mazdak, Muhammad and Abu Muslim, Khurramites believe that the divine is born into humanity, and will one day return to lead them as the Messiah." #Gnostic - gnostic:3 "Gnosticism" - gnostic_religion_desc:3 "Gnosticism is a collection of different religious theories, mostly centered on dualism, with the idea that the material world is the fruit of the Evil." - harmonized_gnostic:3 "Harmonized with Gnostic Faiths" - desc_harmonized_gnostic:3 "We have incorporated all Gnostic faiths in our country and national ethos." - mandeaism:3 "Mandeaism" - mandeaism_religion_desc:3 "Mandeanism traces its lineage to Adam, with John the Baptist as their greatest prophet. The world consists of light and darkness, and in time all mortal souls will be judged as to whether they are worthy to return to the eternal light." - valentinianism:3 "Valentinianism" - valentinianism_religion_desc:3 "The Father, the original creator, is the depth of all knowledge, and the path to true understanding — gnosis. Achieving knowledge improves the world, and once the world is collectively lifted from its material ignorance, the world will return to its spiritual, natural state." - sethianism:3 "Sethianism" - sethianism_religion_desc:3 "The Unknown God emanated all existence into the perfect Pleroma, filled by gracious aeons, first among them Barbelo the Mother-Father.\nA corruption caused the existence of Yaldabaoth, who stole a shred of divinity and created the material world. However, when he created mankind, he accidentally gave them his stolen spark of divinity. Yaldabaoth will spend eternity attempting to reclaim his power, while mankind must strive to return themselves to Barbelo and the Unknown God." - priscillianism:3 "Priscillianism" - priscillianism_religion_desc:3 "There exists two kingdoms, one of Light and one of Darkness. Human souls were intended to conquer the Kingdom of Darkness, but fell and were trapped in the material realm. Among humans there were Twelve Patriarchs of Light who failed to overcome the Darkness, as they were split between body and soul. Thus God sent the Saviour to earth, and through his death once again enabled the freeing of human spirits." - cainitism:3 "Cainitism" - cainitism_religion_desc:3 "Caine was the first victim of the Evil of the Demiurge, creator of all physical matter. Since matter and bodies are evil, bodies must be defiled and destroyed through sinfulness, so that the true human soul within can be freed." + gnostic: "Gnosticism" + gnostic_religion_desc: "Gnosticism is a collection of different religious theories, mostly centered on dualism, with the idea that the material world is the fruit of the Evil." + harmonized_gnostic:0 "Harmonized with Gnostic Faiths" + desc_harmonized_gnostic:0 "We have incorporated all Gnostic faiths in our country and national ethos." + mandeaism:0 "Mandeaism" + mandeaism_religion_desc:0 "Mandeanism traces its lineage to Adam, with John the Baptist as their greatest prophet. The world consists of light and darkness, and in time all mortal souls will be judged as to whether they are worthy to return to the eternal light." + valentinianism:0 "Valentinianism" + valentinianism_religion_desc:0 "The Father, the original creator, is the depth of all knowledge, and the path to true understanding — gnosis. Achieving knowledge improves the world, and once the world is collectively lifted from its material ignorance, the world will return to its spiritual, natural state." + sethianism:0 "Sethianism" + sethianism_religion_desc:0 "The Unknown God emanated all existence into the perfect Pleroma, filled by gracious aeons, first among them Barbelo the Mother-Father.\nA corruption caused the existence of Yaldabaoth, who stole a shred of divinity and created the material world. However, when he created mankind, he accidentally gave them his stolen spark of divinity. Yaldabaoth will spend eternity attempting to reclaim his power, while mankind must strive to return themselves to Barbelo and the Unknown God." + priscillianism:0 "Priscillianism" + priscillianism_religion_desc:0 "There exists two kingdoms, one of Light and one of Darkness. Human souls were intended to conquer the Kingdom of Darkness, but fell and were trapped in the material realm. Among humans there were Twelve Patriarchs of Light who failed to overcome the Darkness, as they were split between body and soul. Thus God sent the Saviour to earth, and through his death once again enabled the freeing of human spirits." + cainitism:0 "Cainitism" + cainitism_religion_desc:0 "Caine was the first victim of the Evil of the Demiurge, creator of all physical matter. Since matter and bodies are evil, bodies must be defiled and destroyed through sinfulness, so that the true human soul within can be freed." #Pagan - kushitism_pagan:3 "Kushitism" - kushitism_pagan_religion_desc:3 "Veneration of the ancient gods remains strong here, as does the veneration of the boundary between life and death." - kushitism_pagan_reformed:3 "Reformed Kushite" - kushitism_pagan_reformed_religion_desc:3 "The reinvigorated Kushite faith traces its history back thousands of years to the ancient Egyptian empires of old." - magyar_pagan:3 "Uralic" - magyar_pagan_religion_desc:3 "In this faith each Táltos, or priest, is chosen by the gods prior to their birth. Endowed with superhuman strength, wisdom, and powers, Uralics entrust these Táltos with protecting their communities and leading them to prosperity." - magyar_pagan_reformed:3 "Reformed Uralic" - magyar_pagan_reformed_religion_desc:3 "United in a common belief, those belonging to the Reformed Uralic church believe in the Táltos, or priests, who chosen by the gods prior to their birth. Endowed with superhuman strength, wisdom, and powers, Uralics entrust these Táltos with protecting their communities and leading them to prosperity." - siberian_pagan:3 "Turumism" - siberian_pagan_desc:3 "Turumists believe in a horizontal world where men and beasts all live in clans, linked together through alliance or vengeance. Hunting is a core part of the equilibrium between taking and giving life, and with death all souls travel downstream to reincarnate in the clan they lived in previously." - siberian_pagan_reformed:3 "Reformed Turumism" - siberian_pagan_reformed_desc:3 "The Turumist Church preaches a horizontal world where men and beasts all live in clans, linked together through alliance or vengeance. For Turumists, equilibrium in life and death is extremely important, and wasting a hunt is seen as a great sin. They believe that in death all souls travel downstream to reincarnate in the clan they lived in previously." + kushitism_pagan:1 "Kushitism" + kushitism_pagan_religion_desc:0 "Veneration of the ancient gods remains strong here, as does the veneration of the boundary between life and death." + kushitism_pagan_reformed:0 "Reformed Kushite" + kushitism_pagan_reformed_religion_desc:0 "The reinvigorated Kushite faith traces its history back thousands of years to the ancient Egyptian empires of old." + magyar_pagan:2 "Uralic" + magyar_pagan_religion_desc:1 "In this faith each Táltos, or priest, is chosen by the gods prior to their birth. Endowed with superhuman strength, wisdom, and powers, Uralics entrust these Táltos with protecting their communities and leading them to prosperity." + magyar_pagan_reformed:0 "Reformed Uralic" + magyar_pagan_reformed_religion_desc:0 "United in a common belief, those belonging to the Reformed Uralic church believe in the Táltos, or priests, who chosen by the gods prior to their birth. Endowed with superhuman strength, wisdom, and powers, Uralics entrust these Táltos with protecting their communities and leading them to prosperity." + siberian_pagan:0 "Turumism" + siberian_pagan_desc:0 "Turumists believe in a horizontal world where men and beasts all live in clans, linked together through alliance or vengeance. Hunting is a core part of the equilibrium between taking and giving life, and with death all souls travel downstream to reincarnate in the clan they lived in previously." + siberian_pagan_reformed:0 "Reformed Turumism" + siberian_pagan_reformed_desc:0 "The Turumist Church preaches a horizontal world where men and beasts all live in clans, linked together through alliance or vengeance. For Turumists, equilibrium in life and death is extremely important, and wasting a hunt is seen as a great sin. They believe that in death all souls travel downstream to reincarnate in the clan they lived in previously." #Eastern - harmonized_confucian:3 "Harmonized with Confucian Philosophy" - desc_harmonized_confucian:3 "We have incorporated all Confucian ideals in our country and national ethos." - harmonized_other_eastern:3 "Harmonized with Eastern" - desc_harmonized_other_eastern:3 "We have incorporated all Eastern faiths in our country and national ethos." + harmonized_confucian:0 "Harmonized with Confucian Philosophy" + desc_harmonized_confucian:0 "We have incorporated all Confucian ideals in our country and national ethos." + harmonized_other_eastern:0 "Harmonized with Eastern" + desc_harmonized_other_eastern:0 "We have incorporated all Eastern faiths in our country and national ethos." + # From Imperator - \ No newline at end of file + canaanite: "Canaanite" + canaanite_desc: "The Canaanite religion represents the pantheon of gods and goddesses of the Near East before the Jewish faith conquered those lands." + canaanite_rebels_demand: "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + canaanite_rebels_demand_desc: "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + canaanite_rebels_title: "Religious" + canaanite_rebels_name: "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + canaanite_rebels_desc: "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + canaanite_rebels_army: "$RELIGION$ Army" + druidism: "Druidism" + druidism_desc: "The Celts used to have shamans known as druids." + druidism_rebels_demand: "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + druidism_rebels_demand_desc: "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + druidism_rebels_title: "Religious" + druidism_rebels_name: "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + druidism_rebels_desc: "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + druidism_rebels_army: "$RELIGION$ Army" + kemetism: "Kemetism" + kemetism_desc: "The ancient religion of the Egyptians, full of deities and mysteries." + kemetism_rebels_demand: "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + kemetism_rebels_demand_desc: "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + kemetism_rebels_title: "Religious" + kemetism_rebels_name: "$RELIGIOUS$ Zealots" + kemetism_rebels_desc: "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + kemetism_rebels_army: "$RELIGIOUS$ Army" + mardukism: "Mardukism" + mardukism_desc: "Marduk was the chief-deity of the Babylonians." + mardukism_rebels_demand: "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + mardukism_rebels_demand_desc: "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + mardukism_rebels_title: "Religious" + mardukism_rebels_name: "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + mardukism_rebels_desc: "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + mardukism_rebels_army: "$RELIGION$ Army" + MOLOCHITES: "Molochites" + AMMONITES: "Ammonites" + JEBUSAEI: "Jebusites" + MOABITES: "Abomination of Moab" + EDOMITES: "Stool of Edom" + ELUVEITIE: "Eluveitie" + ASTERIX: "Asterix" + DANIEL: "Danielprophetians" + SUMER: "Sumerians" +# March 21 additions: +# Groups + american_pagan:0 "American Paganism" + north_europe_pagan:0 "North-European Paganism" + central_europe_pagan:0 "Mitteleuropean Paganism" + steppe_pagan:0 "Steppe Paganism" + asian_pagan:0 "Asian Paganism" + south_europe_pagan:0 "Mediterranean Paganism" + african_pagan:0 "African Paganism" + mena_pagan:0 "Near Eastern Paganism" + celtic_pagan:0 "Celtic Paganism" + # Religions + germanic_pagan:0 "Fyrnsidu" + anglo_pagan:0 "Osgeleafe" + cybelene:0 "Cybelene" + zamolxism:0 "Zamolxism" + mithraism:0 "Mithraism" + arab_pagan:0 "Wataniyya" + armenian_pagan:0 "Hetanism" + caucasian_pagan:0 "Tsarmartoba" + iberian_pagan:0 "Iberian" + scythian_pagan:0 "Scythian" + briton_pagan:0 "Brython" + gallic_pagan:0 "Gaulish" + gaelic_pagan:0 "Gaelic" + celtiberian_pagan:0 "Celtiberian" + atenism:0 "Atenism" + # Rebels + germanic_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + anglo_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + cybelene_rebels_demand:0 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + zamolxism_rebels_demand:0 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + mithraism_rebels_demand:0 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + arab_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + armenian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + iberian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + scythian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + briton_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + gallic_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + atenism_rebels_demand:0 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" + germanic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + anglo_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + cybelene_rebels_demand_desc:0 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + zamolxism_rebels_demand_desc:0 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + mithraism_rebels_demand_desc:0 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + arab_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + armenian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + caucasian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + iberian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + scythian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + briton_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + gallic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + gaelic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + atenism_rebels_demand_desc:0 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." + germanic_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religious" + anglo_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religious" + cybelene_rebels_title:0 "Religious" + zamolxism_rebels_title:0 "Religious" + mithraism_rebels_title:0 "Religious" + arab_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religious" + armenian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religious" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religious" + iberian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religious" + scythian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religious" + briton_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religious" + gallic_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religious" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religious" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religious" + atenism_rebels_title:0 "Religious" + germanic_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + anglo_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + cybelene_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + zamolxism_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + mithraism_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + arab_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + armenian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + iberian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + scythian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + briton_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + gallic_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + atenism_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" + germanic_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + anglo_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + cybelene_rebels_desc:0 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + zamolxism_rebels_desc:0 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + mithraism_rebels_desc:0 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + arab_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + armenian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + caucasian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + iberian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + scythian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + briton_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + gallic_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + gaelic_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + atenism_rebels_desc:0 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + germanic_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$ Army" + anglo_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$ Army" + cybelene_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$ Army" + zamolxism_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$ Army" + mithraism_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$ Army" + arab_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$ Army" + armenian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$ Army" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$ Army" + iberian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$ Army" + scythian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$ Army" + briton_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$ Army" + gallic_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$ Army" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$ Army" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$ Army" + atenism_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$ Army" + # Deities + ukko:0 "Ukko" + tapio:0 "Tapio" + ahti:0 "Ahti" + mielikki:0 "Mielikki" + akras:0 "Äkräs" + tuoni:0 "Tuoni" + perun:0 "Perun" + jarilo:0 "Jarilo" + lada:0 "Lada" + veles:0 "Veles" + svarog:0 "Svarog" + svetovid:0 "Svetovid" + perkunas:0 "Perkûnas" + ausrine:0 "Aušriné" + saule:0 "Saulé" + laima:0 "Laima" + gabija:0 "Gabija" + dievas:0 "Dievas" + tiwaz:0 "Tîwaz" + wodan:0 "Wôdan" + dunar:0 "Þunar" + frijjo:0 "Frijjô" + austro:0 "Austrô" + fraujaz:0 "Fraujaz" + amun:0 "Amun" + maat:0 "Ma'at" + ra:0 "Ra" + seth:0 "Seth" + isis:0 "Isis" + anubis:0 "Anubis" + # Deities desc + ukko_desc:0 "Ukko is the most important god in Finnic paganism. He is the god of thunder and the ruler of the heavens." + tapio_desc:0 "Tapio is the god of hunting and the ruler of the forests." + ahti_desc:0 "Ahti is the ruler of waters and the god of fishing." + mielikki_desc:0 "Mielikki is the goddess of forest and hunting." + akras_desc:0 "Äkräs is the god of agriculture and fertility." + tuoni_desc:0 "Tuoni is the god of death and the ruler of the underworld." + perun_desc:0 "Perun is the god of thunder and the highest god of the Slavic pantheon." + jarilo_desc:0 "Jarilo is the god of spring, fertility and vegetation." + lada_desc:0 "Lada is the goddess of harmony, love and beauty." + veles_desc:0 "Veles is the god of earth, waters and the underworld." + svarog_desc:0 "Svarog is the of fire and sometimes also described as the god of smithing." + svetovid_desc:0 "Four-headed Svetovid is the god of war, fertility and abundance." + perkunas_desc:0 "Perkunas is the god of thunder and the sky and a son of Dievas." + ausrine_desc:0 "Aušrine is the goddess of the Morning Star. She is often associated with beauty and youth." + saule_desc:0 "Saule is the goddess of the Sun. She is often associated with life, fertility and health." + laima_desc:0 "Laima is the goddess of luck and fate. She is associated with childbirth, marriage, and death." + gabija_desc:0 "Gabija is the goddess of fire. She is also the protector of home and family." + dievas_desc:0 "Dievas is the supreme god in the Baltic mythology." + tiwaz_desc:0 "Tiwaz is the god of war and the head of the early Germanic pantheon." + wodan_desc:0 "Wodan or Wodanaz is the god of poets, seers and magic. He is also associated with hunting, war and bringing victory." + dunar_desc:0 "Dunar or Dunaraz is the god of thunder and the sky." + frijjo_desc:0 "Frijjo is the goddess of love and the wife of Wodan." + austro_desc:0 "Austro is the goddess of dawn and springtime." + fraujaz_desc:0 "Fraujaz is the god of fertility and prosperity." + amun_desc:0 "Amun is the king of the Egyptian pantheon and is also the god of wind." + maat_desc:0 "Ma'at is the goddess of truth, balance, order and justice. Ma'at ensures the stability of Egypt." + ra_desc:0 "Ra is the god of the sun, and is associated with the falcon or hawk." + seth_desc:0 "Seth is the god of disorder, violence, chaos and storms." + isis_desc:0 "Isis is the ideal mother and wife, and both the protector of the dead and the goddess of children." + anubis_desc:0 "Anubis is a jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife." + # Forgotten entries + aztec_pagan:0 "Aztec" + pagan_religion_reformed:0 "Neopaganism" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_french.yml b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_french.yml index 074d96ee..d4853e7b 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_french.yml +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_french.yml @@ -1,72 +1,72 @@ l_english: #Christian - adamites:3 "Adamite" - adamites_religion_desc:3 "À l'origine une secte chrétienne primitive de la fin de l'ère romaine en Afrique du Nord, les Adamites sont notoirement célèbres pour avoir tenté de rétablir le paradis sur Terre en se promenant nus et en n'étant pas tenus responsables du bien ou du mal." - insular_celtic:3 "Insulaire" - insular_celtic_religion_desc:3 "Le christianisme celtique insulaire est légèrement différent du catholicisme, mais pas assez pour qu'il soit représenté par des mécanismes de jeu en plus d'un nom sophistiqué." - bosnian_church:3 "Église bosnienne" - bosnian_church_religion_desc:3 "Longtemps oubliés par les catholiques et les orthodoxes, les bosniens des hauts plateaux bosniaques sont plus permissifs que leurs compatriotes plus connus, mais manquent de structure officielle. Conservant de nombreux éléments archaïques du christianisme, ils sont souvent traités avec mépris par leurs coreligionnaires, si tant est qu'on se souvienne de leur existence." + adamites: "Adamite" + adamites_religion_desc: "À l'origine une secte chrétienne primitive de la fin de l'ère romaine en Afrique du Nord, les Adamites sont notoirement célèbres pour avoir tenté de rétablir le paradis sur Terre en se promenant nus et en n'étant pas tenus responsables du bien ou du mal." + insular_celtic: "Insulaire" + insular_celtic_religion_desc: "Le christianisme celtique insulaire est légèrement différent du catholicisme, mais pas assez pour qu'il soit représenté par des mécanismes de jeu en plus d'un nom sophistiqué." + bosnian_church:0 "Église bosnienne" + bosnian_church_religion_desc:0 "Longtemps oubliés par les catholiques et les orthodoxes, les bosniens des hauts plateaux bosniaques sont plus permissifs que leurs compatriotes plus connus, mais manquent de structure officielle. Conservant de nombreux éléments archaïques du christianisme, ils sont souvent traités avec mépris par leurs coreligionnaires, si tant est qu'on se souvienne de leur existence." #Islamic - mutazila:3 "Qadariyah" - mutazila_religion_desc:3 "Une école de théologie rationaliste qui affirme que le Coran n'a pas toujours coexisté avec Dieu, puisque Dieu doit avoir précédé sa propre parole." - quranist:3 "Coranisme" - quranist_religion_desc:3 "Une interprétation littérale de l'islam qui souligne que le Coran est la seule source de sagesse divine et doit être suivi à la lettre, en ignorant les hadiths et les fatwas." - alawite:3 "Alaouisme" - alawite_religion_desc:3 "Les enseignements religieux alaouites sont secrets et le Coran n'est qu'un de leurs textes sacrés. Outre la croyance en la succession d'imams par Ali, les alaouites croient également en la réincarnation et en le fait que tous les êtres ont été des étoiles tombées du ciel qui doivent maintenant regagner leur place en menant une vie bonne et fidèle." + mutazila:0 "Qadariyah" + mutazila_religion_desc:0 "Une école de théologie rationaliste qui affirme que le Coran n'a pas toujours coexisté avec Dieu, puisque Dieu doit avoir précédé sa propre parole." + quranist:0 "Coranisme" + quranist_religion_desc:0 "Une interprétation littérale de l'islam qui souligne que le Coran est la seule source de sagesse divine et doit être suivi à la lettre, en ignorant les hadiths et les fatwas." + alawite:0 "Alaouisme" + alawite_religion_desc:0 "Les enseignements religieux alaouites sont secrets et le Coran n'est qu'un de leurs textes sacrés. Outre la croyance en la succession d'imams par Ali, les alaouites croient également en la réincarnation et en le fait que tous les êtres ont été des étoiles tombées du ciel qui doivent maintenant regagner leur place en menant une vie bonne et fidèle." #Mazdan - zurvanism:3 "Zurvanisme" - zurvanism_religion_desc:3 "Les zurvaniens pensent qu'Ahura Mazda et Angra Mainyu étaient des jumeaux égaux mais opposés, nés de Zurvân, le Créateur de tout. Le zurvanisme met l'accent sur l'aide que l'on peut apporter à Ahura Mazda en extirpant le mal et les mensonges." - gayomarthianism:3 "Gayomarthianisme" - gayomarthianism_religion_desc:3 "Sur la base de l'idée qu'Ahura Mazda, à travers ses pensées, a créé les esprits malins par accident, les gayomarthians rejette l'infaillibilité du Seigneur Sage et mettent en avant la pratique rituelle pour apprendre la vérité dans la communion avec Ahura Mazda." - khurramism:3 "Khurramisme" - khurramism_religion_desc:3 "Dans un monde de lumière et de ténèbres, les gouvernants injustes doivent être renversés en soutien à ce qui est bon. À travers des prophètes tels que Mazdak, Muhammad et Abu Muslim, les khurramites croient que le divin est né dans l’humanité et reviendra un jour pour les guider sous la forme du Messie." + zurvanism:0 "Zurvanisme" + zurvanism_religion_desc:0 "Les zurvaniens pensent qu'Ahura Mazda et Angra Mainyu étaient des jumeaux égaux mais opposés, nés de Zurvân, le Créateur de tout. Le zurvanisme met l'accent sur l'aide que l'on peut apporter à Ahura Mazda en extirpant le mal et les mensonges." + gayomarthianism:0 "Gayomarthianisme" + gayomarthianism_religion_desc:0 "Sur la base de l'idée qu'Ahura Mazda, à travers ses pensées, a créé les esprits malins par accident, les gayomarthians rejette l'infaillibilité du Seigneur Sage et mettent en avant la pratique rituelle pour apprendre la vérité dans la communion avec Ahura Mazda." + khurramism:0 "Khurramisme" + khurramism_religion_desc:0 "Dans un monde de lumière et de ténèbres, les gouvernants injustes doivent être renversés en soutien à ce qui est bon. À travers des prophètes tels que Mazdak, Muhammad et Abu Muslim, les khurramites croient que le divin est né dans l’humanité et reviendra un jour pour les guider sous la forme du Messie." #Yazidi - yazidism:3 "Yazidism" - desc_harmonized_yazidism:3 "Nous avons accepté toutes les fois yazidi dans le pays et les avons incluses au sein de nos croyances." - harmonized_yazidism:3 "Harmonisation avec les croyances yazidi" - meshefaresism:3 "Mechefrechisme" - meshefaresism_religion_desc:3 "Les adeptes du Livre noir, qui décrit comment le Seigneur est descendu de la Montagne Noire et a créé le monde." - kitebacilweism:3 "Kitêbacilwéisme" - kitebacilweism_religion_desc:3 "Les adeptes du Livre des révélations, qui raconte la grandeur de Xwedê." - HOLY_SITE_411_DESC:3 "Mossoul abrite Lalish, une vallée de montagne et un temple à Ninawa. C'est le temple le plus sacré des Yézidis. C'est l'emplacement de la tombe du cheikh Adi ibn Musafir, une figure centrale de la foi yézidie." - HOLY_SITE_385_DESC:3 "La Mecque est célèbre comme le lieu saint de l'Islam. Le contrôle de celle-ci pour les fidèles yézidis serait la preuve que c'est vers Lalish que nous devons prier, pas la Mecque." - HOLY_SITE_379_DESC:3 "En tant que l'une des religions abrahamiques, les Yézidis considèrent Jérusalem comme une ville sacrée, à tenir avec le plus grand respect et le plus grand soin." - HOLY_SITE_4326_DESC:3 "L'une des villes les plus anciennes et les plus prestigieuses du monde, Nishapur a été la capitale de plus d'un grand empire, dégageant prestige et puissance de son noyau." - HOLY_SITE_430_DESC:3 "Dit avoir été le lieu de sépulture des 3 mages, Bushehr est important non seulement stratégiquement mais aussi théologiquement." + yazidism: "Yazidism" + desc_harmonized_yazidism:0 "Nous avons accepté toutes les fois yazidi dans le pays et les avons incluses au sein de nos croyances." + harmonized_yazidism:0 "Harmonisation avec les croyances yazidi" + meshefaresism:0 "Mechefrechisme" + meshefaresism_religion_desc:0 "Les adeptes du Livre noir, qui décrit comment le Seigneur est descendu de la Montagne Noire et a créé le monde." + kitebacilweism:0 "Kitêbacilwéisme" + kitebacilweism_religion_desc:0 "Les adeptes du Livre des révélations, qui raconte la grandeur de Xwedê." + HOLY_SITE_411_DESC:0 "Mossoul abrite Lalish, une vallée de montagne et un temple à Ninawa. C'est le temple le plus sacré des Yézidis. C'est l'emplacement de la tombe du cheikh Adi ibn Musafir, une figure centrale de la foi yézidie." + HOLY_SITE_385_DESC:0 "La Mecque est célèbre comme le lieu saint de l'Islam. Le contrôle de celle-ci pour les fidèles yézidis serait la preuve que c'est vers Lalish que nous devons prier, pas la Mecque." + HOLY_SITE_379_DESC:0 "En tant que l'une des religions abrahamiques, les Yézidis considèrent Jérusalem comme une ville sacrée, à tenir avec le plus grand respect et le plus grand soin." + HOLY_SITE_4326_DESC:0 "L'une des villes les plus anciennes et les plus prestigieuses du monde, Nishapur a été la capitale de plus d'un grand empire, dégageant prestige et puissance de son noyau." + HOLY_SITE_430_DESC:0 "Dit avoir été le lieu de sépulture des 3 mages, Bushehr est important non seulement stratégiquement mais aussi théologiquement." #Gnostic - gnostic:3 "Gnosticisme" - gnostic_religion_desc:3 "Le gnosticisme est un recueil de différentes théories religieuses, principalement centrées sur le dualisme, avec l'idée que le monde matériel est le fruit du mal." - desc_harmonized_gnostic:3 "Nous avons accepté toutes les fois gnostic dans le pays et les avons incluses au sein de nos croyances." - harmonized_gnostic:3 "Harmonisation avec les croyances gnostic" - mandeaism:3 "Mandéisme" - mandeaism_religion_desc:3 "Le mandéisme remonte à Adam, avec Jean-Baptiste comme le plus grand prophète. Le monde est constitué de lumière et de ténèbres et, avec le temps, toutes les âmes mortelles seront jugées dignes ou non de retourner à la lumière éternelle." - valentinianism:3 "Valentinianisme" - valentinianism_religion_desc:3 "Le Père, le créateur originel, est le cœur de tout savoir et le chemin vers la véritable compréhension — la gnose. L'acquisition de la connaissance améliore le monde qui, lorsqu'il sera collectivement sorti de son ignorance matérielle, reviendra à son état naturel et spirituel." - sethianism:3 "Séthianisme" - sethianism_religion_desc:3 "Le Dieu inconnu a émané toute son existence dans le Plérôme parfait, rempli par les gracieux éons, au premier rang desquelles Barbélô la Mère.\nUne corruption a provoqué l'existence de Yaldabaôth, qui a volé un morceau de divinité et a créé le monde matériel. Cependant, quand il a créé l’humanité, il lui a accidentellement donné sa part volée de divinité. Yaldabaôth passera l'éternité à tenter de récupérer son pouvoir, tandis que l'humanité devra s'efforcer de revenir à Barbélô et au Dieu inconnu." - priscillianism:3 "Priscillianisme" - priscillianism_religion_desc:3 "Il existe deux royaumes, l'un de lumière et l'autre de ténèbres. Les âmes humaines étaient destinées à conquérir le royaume des ténèbres, mais sont tombées et ont été piégées dans le royaume matériel. Parmi les humains, il y avait douze Patriarches de la Lumière qui n'ont pas réussi à vaincre les ténèbres, car ils étaient divisés entre le corps et l'âme. Ainsi, Dieu envoya le Sauveur sur la terre et, par sa mort, permit une nouvelle fois la libération des esprits humains." - cainitism:3 "Caïnitisme" - cainitism_religion_desc:3 "Caïn fut la première victime du Mal du Démiurge, créateur de toute matière physique. Puisque la matière et les corps sont diaboliques, les corps doivent être profanés et détruits par le péché, afin que la véritable âme humaine à l'intérieur puisse être libérée." + gnostic: "Gnosticisme" + gnostic_religion_desc: "Le gnosticisme est un recueil de différentes théories religieuses, principalement centrées sur le dualisme, avec l'idée que le monde matériel est le fruit du mal." + desc_harmonized_gnostic:0 "Nous avons accepté toutes les fois gnostic dans le pays et les avons incluses au sein de nos croyances." + harmonized_gnostic:0 "Harmonisation avec les croyances gnostic" + mandeaism:0 "Mandéisme" + mandeaism_religion_desc:0 "Le mandéisme remonte à Adam, avec Jean-Baptiste comme le plus grand prophète. Le monde est constitué de lumière et de ténèbres et, avec le temps, toutes les âmes mortelles seront jugées dignes ou non de retourner à la lumière éternelle." + valentinianism:0 "Valentinianisme" + valentinianism_religion_desc:0 "Le Père, le créateur originel, est le cœur de tout savoir et le chemin vers la véritable compréhension — la gnose. L'acquisition de la connaissance améliore le monde qui, lorsqu'il sera collectivement sorti de son ignorance matérielle, reviendra à son état naturel et spirituel." + sethianism:0 "Séthianisme" + sethianism_religion_desc:0 "Le Dieu inconnu a émané toute son existence dans le Plérôme parfait, rempli par les gracieux éons, au premier rang desquelles Barbélô la Mère.\nUne corruption a provoqué l'existence de Yaldabaôth, qui a volé un morceau de divinité et a créé le monde matériel. Cependant, quand il a créé l’humanité, il lui a accidentellement donné sa part volée de divinité. Yaldabaôth passera l'éternité à tenter de récupérer son pouvoir, tandis que l'humanité devra s'efforcer de revenir à Barbélô et au Dieu inconnu." + priscillianism:0 "Priscillianisme" + priscillianism_religion_desc:0 "Il existe deux royaumes, l'un de lumière et l'autre de ténèbres. Les âmes humaines étaient destinées à conquérir le royaume des ténèbres, mais sont tombées et ont été piégées dans le royaume matériel. Parmi les humains, il y avait douze Patriarches de la Lumière qui n'ont pas réussi à vaincre les ténèbres, car ils étaient divisés entre le corps et l'âme. Ainsi, Dieu envoya le Sauveur sur la terre et, par sa mort, permit une nouvelle fois la libération des esprits humains." + cainitism:0 "Caïnitisme" + cainitism_religion_desc:0 "Caïn fut la première victime du Mal du Démiurge, créateur de toute matière physique. Puisque la matière et les corps sont diaboliques, les corps doivent être profanés et détruits par le péché, afin que la véritable âme humaine à l'intérieur puisse être libérée." #Pagan - kushitism_pagan:3 "Kushitisme" - kushitism_pagan_desc:3 "La vénération des anciennes divinités reste forte ici, tout comme la vénération de la frontière entre la vie et la mort." + kushitism_pagan:0 "Kushitisme" + kushitism_pagan_desc:0 "La vénération des anciennes divinités reste forte ici, tout comme la vénération de la frontière entre la vie et la mort." kushitism_pagan_reformed: 0 "Kushite réformée" kushitism_pagan_reformed_religion_desc: 0 "La foi kushite revigorée remonte à des milliers d'années jusqu'aux anciens empires égyptiens." - magyar_pagan:3 "Ouralien" - magyar_pagan_religion_desc:3 "Dans la foi mogyer, chaque táltos, ou prêtre, est choisi par les dieux avant sa naissance. Dotés d'une force, d'une sagesse et de pouvoirs surhumains, les ouraliens confient à ces táltos la tâche de protéger leurs communautés et de les mener vers la prospérité." + magyar_pagan:1 "Ouralien" + magyar_pagan_religion_desc:0 "Dans la foi mogyer, chaque táltos, ou prêtre, est choisi par les dieux avant sa naissance. Dotés d'une force, d'une sagesse et de pouvoirs surhumains, les ouraliens confient à ces táltos la tâche de protéger leurs communautés et de les mener vers la prospérité." magyar_pagan_reformed: 0 "Oural réformé" magyar_pagan_reformed_religion_desc: 0 "Unis dans une croyance commune, ceux qui appartiennent à l'Église réformée de l'Oural croient aux Táltos, ou prêtres, qui ont choisi par les dieux avant leur naissance. Dotés d'une force, d'une sagesse et de pouvoirs surhumains, les Ouraliques confient à ces Táltos protéger leurs communautés et les conduire à la prospérité." - siberian_pagan:3 "Turumism" - siberian_pagan_desc:3 "Les Turumistes croient en un monde horizontal où les hommes et les bêtes vivent tous en clans, liés entre eux par alliance ou vengeance. La chasse est au cœur de l'équilibre entre prendre et donner la vie, et avec la mort, toutes les âmes voyagent en aval pour se réincarner en le clan dans lequel ils vivaient auparavant." - siberian_pagan_reformed:3 "Turumism Réformé" - siberian_pagan_reformed_desc:3 "L'Eglise Turumiste prêche un monde horizontal où les hommes et les bêtes vivent tous en clans, liés par alliance ou par vengeance. Pour les Turumistes, l'équilibre entre la vie et la mort est extrêmement important, et gaspiller une chasse est considéré comme un grand péché. Ils croient que dans la mort, toutes les âmes voyagent en aval pour se réincarner dans le clan dans lequel elles vivaient auparavant." + siberian_pagan:0 "Turumism" + siberian_pagan_desc:0 "Les Turumistes croient en un monde horizontal où les hommes et les bêtes vivent tous en clans, liés entre eux par alliance ou vengeance. La chasse est au cœur de l'équilibre entre prendre et donner la vie, et avec la mort, toutes les âmes voyagent en aval pour se réincarner en le clan dans lequel ils vivaient auparavant." + siberian_pagan_reformed:0 "Turumism Réformé" + siberian_pagan_reformed_desc:0 "L'Eglise Turumiste prêche un monde horizontal où les hommes et les bêtes vivent tous en clans, liés par alliance ou par vengeance. Pour les Turumistes, l'équilibre entre la vie et la mort est extrêmement important, et gaspiller une chasse est considéré comme un grand péché. Ils croient que dans la mort, toutes les âmes voyagent en aval pour se réincarner dans le clan dans lequel elles vivaient auparavant." #Eastern harmonized_confucian: 0 "Harmonized with Confucian Philosophy" @@ -74,7 +74,359 @@ harmonized_other_eastern: 0 "Harmonized with Eastern" desc_harmonized_other_eastern: 0 "Nous avons incorporé toutes les religions orientales dans notre pays et notre philosophie nationale." - - - - \ No newline at end of file +# From Imperator + + canaanite: "Cananéenne" + canaanite_desc: "La religion cananéenne représente le panthéon des dieux et des déesses du Proche-Orient avant que la foi juive ne conquiert ces terres." + canaanite_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + canaanite_rebels_demand_desc: "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + canaanite_rebels_title: "Dévots" + canaanite_rebels_name: "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + canaanite_rebels_desc: "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + canaanite_rebels_army: "Armée $RELIGION$" + druidism: "Druidisme" + druidism_desc: "Les Celtes avaient des chamans appelés druides." + druidism_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + druidism_rebels_demand_desc: "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + druidism_rebels_title: "Dévots" + druidism_rebels_name: "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + druidism_rebels_desc: "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + druidism_rebels_army: "Armée $RELIGION$" + kemetism: "Kémétisme" + kemetism_desc: "L'ancienne religion des Égyptiens, pleine de divinités et de mystères." + kemetism_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + kemetism_rebels_demand_desc: "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + kemetism_rebels_title: "Dévots" + kemetism_rebels_name: "Fanatiques $RELIGIOUS$" + kemetism_rebels_desc: "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + kemetism_rebels_army: "Armée $RELIGION$" + mardukism: "Mardoukisme" + mardukism_desc: "Mardouk était la divinité principale des Babyloniens." + mardukism_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + mardukism_rebels_demand_desc: "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + mardukism_rebels_title: "Dévots" + mardukism_rebels_name: "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + mardukism_rebels_desc: "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + mardukism_rebels_army: "Armée $RELIGION$" + MOLOCHITES: "Molochites" + AMMONITES: "Ammonites" + JEBUSAEI: "Jébusites" + MOABITES: "Abomination de Moab" + EDOMITES: "Tabouret d'Edom" + ELUVEITIE: "Eluveitie" + ASTERIX: "Astérix" + DANIEL: "Danielprophétians" + SUMER: "Sumériens" +# March 21 update +# Groups + american_pagan:0 "Paganisme américain" + north_europe_pagan:0 "Paganisme nord-européen" + central_europe_pagan:0 "Paganisme mitteleuropéen" + steppe_pagan:0 "Paganisme des steppes" + asian_pagan:0 "Paganisme asiatique" + south_europe_pagan:0 "Paganisme méditerranéen" + african_pagan:0 "Paganisme africain" + mena_pagan:0 "Paganisme du Proche-Orient" + celtic_pagan:0 "Paganisme celtique" + # Religions + germanic_pagan:0 "Fyrnsidu" + anglo_pagan:0 "Osgeleafe" + cybelene:0 "Cybelène" + zamolxism:0 "Zamolxiste" + mithraism:0 "Mithraïste" + arab_pagan:0 "Wataniyya" + armenian_pagan:0 "Hétanisme" + caucasian_pagan:0 "Tsarmartoba" + iberian_pagan:0 "Ibérique" + scythian_pagan:0 "Scythe" + briton_pagan:0 "Brython" + gallic_pagan:0 "Gaulois" + gaelic_pagan:0 "Gaélique" + celtiberian_pagan:0 "Celtibérien" + atenism:0 "Aténisme" + # Groups_rel + american_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme américain" + north_europe_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme nord-européen" + central_europe_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme mitteleuropéen" + steppe_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme des steppes" + asian_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme asiatique" + south_europe_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme méditerranéen" + african_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme africain" + mena_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme du Proche-Orient" + celtic_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme celtique" + # Religions_rel + germanic_pagan_rel:0 "Fyrnsidu" + anglo_pagan_rel:0 "Osgeleafe" + cybelene_rel:0 "Culte de Cybele" + zamolxism_rel:0 "Culte de Zamolxis" + mithraism_rel:0 "Culte de Mithra" + arab_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme arabe" + armenian_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme armenien" + caucasian_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme caucasien" + iberian_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme ibérique" + scythian_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme scythe" + briton_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme brython" + gallic_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme gaulois" + gaelic_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme gaélique" + celtiberian_pagan_rel:0 "Paganisme celtibérien" + atenism_rel:0 "Aténisme" + # Groups_ms + american_pagan_ms:0 "américain" + north_europe_pagan_ms:0 "nord-européen" + central_europe_pagan_ms:0 "mitteleuropéen" + steppe_pagan_ms:0 "des steppes" + asian_pagan_ms:0 "asiatique" + south_europe_pagan_ms:0 "méditerranéen" + african_pagan_ms:0 "africain" + mena_pagan_ms:0 "du Proche-Orient" + celtic_pagan_ms:0 "celtique" + # Religions_ms + germanic_pagan_ms:0 "fyrnsidu" + anglo_pagan_ms:0 "osgeleafien" + cybelene_ms:0 "cybelien" + zamolxism_ms:0 "zamolxiste" + mithraism_ms:0 "mithraïste" + arab_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-arabe" + armenian_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-arménien" + caucasian_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-caucasien" + iberian_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-ibérique" + scythian_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-scythe" + briton_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-brython" + gallic_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-gaulois" + gaelic_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-gaélique" + celtiberian_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-celtibérien" + atenism_ms:0 "aténite" + # Groups_fs + american_pagan_fs:0 "américaine" + north_europe_pagan_fs:0 "nord-européenne" + central_europe_pagan_fs:0 "mitteleuropéenne" + steppe_pagan_fs:0 "des steppes" + asian_pagan_fs:0 "asiatique" + south_europe_pagan_fs:0 "méditerranéenne" + african_pagan_fs:0 "africaine" + mena_pagan_fs:0 "du Proche-Orient" + celtic_pagan_fs:0 "celtique" + # Religions_fs + germanic_pagan_fs:0 "fyrnsidue" + anglo_pagan_fs:0 "osgeleafienne" + cybelene_fs:0 "cybelienne" + zamolxism_fs:0 "zamolxiste" + mithraism_fs:0 "mithraïste" + arab_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-arabe" + armenian_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-arménienne" + caucasian_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-caucasienne" + iberian_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-ibérique" + scythian_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-scythe" + briton_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-brythonne" + gallic_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-gauloise" + gaelic_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-gaélique" + celtiberian_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-celtibérienne" + atenism_fs:0 "aténite" + # Groups_mp + american_pagan_mp:0 "américains" + north_europe_pagan_mp:0 "nord-européens" + central_europe_pagan_mp:0 "mitteleuropéens" + steppe_pagan_mp:0 "des steppes" + asian_pagan_mp:0 "asiatiques" + south_europe_pagan_mp:0 "méditerranéens" + african_pagan_mp:0 "africains" + mena_pagan_mp:0 "du Proche-Orient" + celtic_pagan_mp:0 "celtiques" + # Religions_mp + germanic_pagan_mp:0 "fyrnsidus" + anglo_pagan_mp:0 "osgeleafiens" + cybelene_mp:0 "cybeliens" + zamolxism_mp:0 "zamolxistes" + mithraism_mp:0 "mithraïstes" + arab_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-arabes" + armenian_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-arméniens" + caucasian_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-caucasiens" + iberian_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-ibériques" + scythian_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-scythes" + briton_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-brythons" + gallic_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-gaulois" + gaelic_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-gaéliques" + celtiberian_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-celtibériens" + atenism_mp:0 "aténites" + # Groups_fp + american_pagan_fp:0 "américaines" + north_europe_pagan_fp:0 "nord-européennes" + central_europe_pagan_fp:0 "mitteleuropéennes" + steppe_pagan_fp:0 "des steppes" + asian_pagan_fp:0 "asiatiques" + south_europe_pagan_fp:0 "méditerranéennes" + african_pagan_fp:0 "africaines" + mena_pagan_fp:0 "du Proche-Orient" + celtic_pagan_fp:0 "celtiques" + # Religions_fp + germanic_pagan_fp:0 "fyrnsidues" + anglo_pagan_fp:0 "osgeleafiennes" + cybelene_fp:0 "cybeliennes" + zamolxism_fp:0 "zamolxistes" + mithraism_fp:0 "mithraïstes" + arab_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-arabes" + armenian_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-arméniennes" + caucasian_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-caucasiennes" + iberian_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-ibériques" + scythian_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-scythes" + briton_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-brythonnes" + gallic_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-gauloises" + gaelic_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-gaéliques" + celtiberian_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-celtibériennes" + atenism_fp:0 "aténites" + # Rebels + germanic_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + anglo_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + cybelene_rebels_demand:0 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + zamolxism_rebels_demand:0 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + mithraism_rebels_demand:0 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + arab_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + armenian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + iberian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + scythian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + briton_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + gallic_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + atenism_rebels_demand:0 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + germanic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + anglo_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + cybelene_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + zamolxism_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + mithraism_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + arab_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + armenian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + caucasian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + iberian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + scythian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + briton_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + gallic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + gaelic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + atenism_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Ces rebelles combattent au nom de la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions toute tentative de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + germanic_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Dévots" + anglo_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Dévots" + cybelene_rebels_title:0 "Dévots" + zamolxism_rebels_title:0 "Dévots" + mithraism_rebels_title:0 "Dévots" + arab_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Dévots" + armenian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Dévots" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Dévots" + iberian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Dévots" + scythian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Dévots" + briton_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Dévots" + gallic_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Dévots" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Dévots" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Dévots" + atenism_rebels_title:0 "Dévots" + germanic_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + anglo_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + cybelene_rebels_name:0 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + zamolxism_rebels_name:0 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + mithraism_rebels_name:0 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + arab_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + armenian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + iberian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + scythian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + briton_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + gallic_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + atenism_rebels_name:0 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$s" + germanic_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + anglo_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + cybelene_rebels_desc:0 "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + zamolxism_rebels_desc:0 "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + mithraism_rebels_desc:0 "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + arab_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + armenian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + caucasian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + iberian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + scythian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + briton_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + gallic_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + gaelic_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + atenism_rebels_desc:0 "Ces fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des nations de confession différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent à tous les infidèles." + germanic_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Armée $RELIGION$" + anglo_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Armée $RELIGION$" + cybelene_rebels_army:0 "Armée $RELIGION$" + zamolxism_rebels_army:0 "Armée $RELIGION$" + mithraism_rebels_army:0 "Armée $RELIGION$" + arab_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Armée $RELIGION$" + armenian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Armée $RELIGION$" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Armée $RELIGION$" + iberian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Armée $RELIGION$" + scythian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Armée $RELIGION$" + briton_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Armée $RELIGION$" + gallic_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Armée $RELIGION$" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Armée $RELIGION$" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Armée $RELIGION$" + atenism_rebels_army:0 "Armée $RELIGION$" + # Deities + ukko:0 "Ukko" + tapio:0 "Tapio" + ahti:0 "Ahti" + mielikki:0 "Mielikki" + akras:0 "Äkräs" + tuoni:0 "Tuoni" + perun:0 "Perun" + jarilo:0 "Jarilo" + lada:0 "Lada" + veles:0 "Veles" + svarog:0 "Svarog" + svetovid:0 "Svetovid" + perkunas:0 "Perkûnas" + ausrine:0 "Aušriné" + saule:0 "Saulé" + laima:0 "Laima" + gabija:0 "Gabija" + dievas:0 "Dievas" + tiwaz:0 "Tîwaz" + wodan:0 "Wôdan" + dunar:0 "Þunar" + frijjo:0 "Frijjô" + austro:0 "Austrô" + fraujaz:0 "Fraujaz" + amun:0 "Amun" + maat:0 "Maât" + ra:0 "Ra" + seth:0 "Seth" + isis:0 "Isis" + anubis:0 "Anubis" + # Deities desc + ukko_desc:0 "Ukko est le dieu le plus important du paganisme finnois. Il est le dieu du tonnerre et le chef des cieux." + tapio_desc:0 "Tapio est le dieu de la chasse et le maître des forêts." + ahti_desc:0 "Ahti est le maître des eaux et le dieu de la pêche." + mielikki_desc:0 "Mielikki est la déesse de la forêt et de la chasse." + akras_desc:0 "Äkräs est le dieu de l'agriculture et de la fertilité." + tuoni_desc:0 "Tuoni est le dieu de la mort et le chef des enfers." + perun_desc:0 "Perun est le dieu du tonnerre et le dieu le plus élevé du panthéon slave." + jarilo_desc:0 "Jarilo est le dieu du printemps, de la fertilité et de la végétation." + lada_desc:0 "Lada est la déesse de l'harmonie, de l'amour et de la beauté." + veles_desc:0 "Veles est le dieu de la terre, des eaux et des enfers." + svarog_desc:0 "Svarog est le du feu et parfois également décrit comme le dieu de la forge." + svetovid_desc:0 "Svetovid à quatre têtes est le dieu de la guerre, de la fertilité et de l'abondance." + perkunas_desc:0 "Perkunas est le dieu du tonnerre et du ciel et un fils de Dievas." + ausrine_desc:0 "Aušrine est la déesse de l'étoile du matin. Elle est souvent associée à la beauté et à la jeunesse." + saule_desc:0 "Saule est la déesse du soleil. Elle est souvent associée à la vie, à la fertilité et à la santé." + laima_desc:0 "Laima est la déesse de la chance et du destin. Elle est associée à l'accouchement, au mariage et à la mort." + gabija_desc:0 "Gabija est la déesse du feu. Elle est également la protectrice de la maison et de la famille." + dievas_desc:0 "Dievas est le dieu suprême de la mythologie balte." + tiwaz_desc:0 "Tiwaz est le dieu de la guerre et le chef du premier panthéon germanique." + wodan_desc:0 "Wodan ou Wodanaz est le dieu des poètes, des voyants et de la magie. Il est également associé à la chasse, à la guerre et à la victoire." + dunar_desc:0 "Dunar ou Dunaraz est le dieu du tonnerre et du ciel." + frijjo_desc:0 "Frijjo est la déesse de l'amour et l'épouse de Wodan." + austro_desc:0 "Austro est la déesse de l'aube et du printemps." + fraujaz_desc:0 "Fraujaz est le dieu de la fertilité et de la prospérité." + amun_desc:0 "Amon est le roi du panthéon égyptien et est également le dieu du vent." + maat_desc:0 "Maât est la déesse de la vérité, de l'équilibre, de l'ordre et de la justice. Maât assure la stabilité de l'Égypte." + ra_desc:0 "Ra est le dieu du soleil et est associé au faucon ou au faucon." + seth_desc:0 "Seth est le dieu du désordre, de la violence, du chaos et des tempêtes." + isis_desc:0 "Isis est la mère et la femme idéales, à la fois la protectrice des morts et la déesse des enfants." + anubis_desc:0 "Anubis est un dieu à tête de chacal associé à la momification et à l'au-delà." + # Forgotten entries + aztec_pagan:0 "Aztèque" + pagan_religion_reformed:0 "Néopaganisme" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_german.yml b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_german.yml index 9b82024b..2648aefc 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_german.yml +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_german.yml @@ -1,65 +1,65 @@ l_german: #Christian - adamites:3 "Adamit" - adamites_religion_desc:3 "Ursprünglich eine frühchristliche Sekte der spätrömischen Ära in Nordafrika, sind die Adamiten bekannt dafür, dass sie versuchen, den Himmel auf Erden wiederherzustellen, indem sie nackt herumlaufen und nicht für gut oder schlecht zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden." - insular_celtic:3 "Inselchristentum" - insular_celtic_religion_desc:3 "Das keltische Inselchristentum unterscheidet sich geringfügig vom Katholizismus, reicht jedoch nicht aus, um es neben einem ausgefallenen Namen durch die Spielmechanik darzustellen." - bosnian_church:3 "Krstjani" - bosnian_church_religion_desc:3 "Die Krstjani aus den bosnischen Hochlanden waren von der katholischen wie der orthodoxen Kirche lange vergessen und daher auch wesentlich offener als ihre bekannteren Glaubensgeschwister. Es fehlte ihnen allerdings an formeller Struktur. Wenn sich andere Gläubige überhaupt an sie erinnern, werden sie und die vielen archaischen Elemente, die sie bewahrt haben, nur mit Hohn bedacht." + adamites: "Adamit" + adamites_religion_desc: "Ursprünglich eine frühchristliche Sekte der spätrömischen Ära in Nordafrika, sind die Adamiten bekannt dafür, dass sie versuchen, den Himmel auf Erden wiederherzustellen, indem sie nackt herumlaufen und nicht für gut oder schlecht zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden." + insular_celtic: "Inselchristentum" + insular_celtic_religion_desc: "Das keltische Inselchristentum unterscheidet sich geringfügig vom Katholizismus, reicht jedoch nicht aus, um es neben einem ausgefallenen Namen durch die Spielmechanik darzustellen." + bosnian_church:0 "Krstjani" + bosnian_church_religion_desc:0 "Die Krstjani aus den bosnischen Hochlanden waren von der katholischen wie der orthodoxen Kirche lange vergessen und daher auch wesentlich offener als ihre bekannteren Glaubensgeschwister. Es fehlte ihnen allerdings an formeller Struktur. Wenn sich andere Gläubige überhaupt an sie erinnern, werden sie und die vielen archaischen Elemente, die sie bewahrt haben, nur mit Hohn bedacht." #Islamic - mutazila:3 "Qadariyah" - mutazila_religion_desc:3 "Eine rationalistische theologische Schule, die die Meinung verficht, dass der Koran nicht ewig mit Gott koexistiert, da Gott seinem eigenen Wort vorangegangen sein muss." - quranist:3 "Koranismus" - quranist_religion_desc:3 "Eine schriftgläubige Auslegung des Islams, die betont, dass man den Koran als einzige Quelle göttlicher Weisheit strengstens befolgen und Hadithe und Fatwas ignorieren sollte." - alawite:3 "Alawismus" - alawite_religion_desc:3 "Die religiösen Lehren der Alawiten sind geheim, und der Koran ist nur eine ihrer heiligen Schriften. Zusätzlich zur Abstammungslinie der Imame über Ali glauben die Alawiten auch an die Wiedergeburt und dass sämtliche Wesen aus dem Himmel ausgestoßene Sterne sind, die sich ihren alten Platz nun neu verdienen müssen, indem sie ein gutes und frommes Leben führen." + mutazila:0 "Qadariyah" + mutazila_religion_desc:0 "Eine rationalistische theologische Schule, die die Meinung verficht, dass der Koran nicht ewig mit Gott koexistiert, da Gott seinem eigenen Wort vorangegangen sein muss." + quranist:0 "Koranismus" + quranist_religion_desc:0 "Eine schriftgläubige Auslegung des Islams, die betont, dass man den Koran als einzige Quelle göttlicher Weisheit strengstens befolgen und Hadithe und Fatwas ignorieren sollte." + alawite:0 "Alawismus" + alawite_religion_desc:0 "Die religiösen Lehren der Alawiten sind geheim, und der Koran ist nur eine ihrer heiligen Schriften. Zusätzlich zur Abstammungslinie der Imame über Ali glauben die Alawiten auch an die Wiedergeburt und dass sämtliche Wesen aus dem Himmel ausgestoßene Sterne sind, die sich ihren alten Platz nun neu verdienen müssen, indem sie ein gutes und frommes Leben führen." #Yazidi - yazidism:3 "Yazidism" - harmonized_yazidism:3 "Harmonisiert mit den yazidischen Glaubensrichtungen" - desc_harmonized_yazidism:3 "Wir haben alle yazidischen Glaubensrichtungen in unser Land und nationalen Ethos eingebunden." - meshefaresism:3 "Meshefaresismus" - meshefaresism_religion_desc:3 "Anhänger des Schwarzen Buchs, das beschreibt, wie der Herr vom Schwarzen Berg herunterkam und die Welt erschuf." - kitebacilweism:3 "Kitêbacilweismus" - kitebacilweism_religion_desc:3 "Anhänger des Buchs der Offenbarung, das von Xwedês Macht berichtet." - HOLY_SITE_411_DESC:3 "Mosul ist die Heimat von Lalish, einem Gebirgstal und Tempel in Ninawa. Es ist der heiligste Tempel der Jesiden. Hier befindet sich das Grab des Scheichs Adi ibn Musafir, einer zentralen Figur des jazidischen Glaubens." - HOLY_SITE_385_DESC:3 "Mekka ist berühmt als die heilige Stätte des Islam. Die Kontrolle für die jazidischen Gläubigen wäre ein Beweis dafür, dass wir gegen Lalish beten sollten, nicht gegen Mekka." - HOLY_SITE_379_DESC:3 "Als einer der abrahamitischen Glaubensrichtungen halten die Jesiden Jerusalem für eine heilige Stadt, die mit größtem Respekt und größter Sorgfalt gehalten werden muss." - HOLY_SITE_4326_DESC:3 "Nishapur, eine der ältesten und angesehensten Städte der Welt, war die Hauptstadt von mehr als einem großen Reich, das Prestige und Macht aus seinem Kern ausstrahlte." - HOLY_SITE_430_DESC:3 "Bushehr soll die Grabstätte der drei Magier gewesen sein und ist nicht nur strategisch, sondern auch theologisch wichtig." + yazidism: "Yazidism" + harmonized_yazidism:0 "Harmonisiert mit den yazidischen Glaubensrichtungen" + desc_harmonized_yazidism:0 "Wir haben alle yazidischen Glaubensrichtungen in unser Land und nationalen Ethos eingebunden." + meshefaresism:0 "Meshefaresismus" + meshefaresism_religion_desc:0 "Anhänger des Schwarzen Buchs, das beschreibt, wie der Herr vom Schwarzen Berg herunterkam und die Welt erschuf." + kitebacilweism:0 "Kitêbacilweismus" + kitebacilweism_religion_desc:0 "Anhänger des Buchs der Offenbarung, das von Xwedês Macht berichtet." + HOLY_SITE_411_DESC:0 "Mosul ist die Heimat von Lalish, einem Gebirgstal und Tempel in Ninawa. Es ist der heiligste Tempel der Jesiden. Hier befindet sich das Grab des Scheichs Adi ibn Musafir, einer zentralen Figur des jazidischen Glaubens." + HOLY_SITE_385_DESC:0 "Mekka ist berühmt als die heilige Stätte des Islam. Die Kontrolle für die jazidischen Gläubigen wäre ein Beweis dafür, dass wir gegen Lalish beten sollten, nicht gegen Mekka." + HOLY_SITE_379_DESC:0 "Als einer der abrahamitischen Glaubensrichtungen halten die Jesiden Jerusalem für eine heilige Stadt, die mit größtem Respekt und größter Sorgfalt gehalten werden muss." + HOLY_SITE_4326_DESC:0 "Nishapur, eine der ältesten und angesehensten Städte der Welt, war die Hauptstadt von mehr als einem großen Reich, das Prestige und Macht aus seinem Kern ausstrahlte." + HOLY_SITE_430_DESC:0 "Bushehr soll die Grabstätte der drei Magier gewesen sein und ist nicht nur strategisch, sondern auch theologisch wichtig." #Mazdan - zurvanism:3 "Zurvanismus" - zurvanism_religion_desc:3 "Zurvanisten glauben, dass Ahura Mazda und Angra Mainyu gleich mächtige, aber einander entgegenstehende Zwillinge sind, die aus Zurvan, der schöpferischen Urkraft, hervorgegangen sind. Der Zurvanismus legt ganz besonderen Wert auf die Unterstützung Ahura Mazdas durch das Aufspüren von Bösem und Falschheiten." - gayomarthianism:3 "Gayomarthianismus" - gayomarthianism_religion_desc:3 "Ausgehend von der Vorstellung, Ahura Mazda habe böse Geister unabsichtlich durch seine Gedanken erschaffen, verneinen Gayomarthianer die Unfehlbarkeit des Herrn der Weisheit und betonen stattdessen rituelle Praktiken zur gemeinsamen Wahrheitsfindung mit Ahura Mazda." - khurramism:3 "Khurramismus" - khurramism_religion_desc:3 "In einer Welt aus Licht und Dunkelheit müssen ungerechte Herrscher gestürzt werden, um das Gute zu fördern. Wegen Propheten wie Mazdak, Mohammed und Abu Muslim glauben die Khurramiten, dass den Menschen das Göttliche eingeboren ist und eines Tages in Form des Messias zurückkehren wird, um sie zu führen." + zurvanism:0 "Zurvanismus" + zurvanism_religion_desc:0 "Zurvanisten glauben, dass Ahura Mazda und Angra Mainyu gleich mächtige, aber einander entgegenstehende Zwillinge sind, die aus Zurvan, der schöpferischen Urkraft, hervorgegangen sind. Der Zurvanismus legt ganz besonderen Wert auf die Unterstützung Ahura Mazdas durch das Aufspüren von Bösem und Falschheiten." + gayomarthianism:0 "Gayomarthianismus" + gayomarthianism_religion_desc:0 "Ausgehend von der Vorstellung, Ahura Mazda habe böse Geister unabsichtlich durch seine Gedanken erschaffen, verneinen Gayomarthianer die Unfehlbarkeit des Herrn der Weisheit und betonen stattdessen rituelle Praktiken zur gemeinsamen Wahrheitsfindung mit Ahura Mazda." + khurramism:0 "Khurramismus" + khurramism_religion_desc:0 "In einer Welt aus Licht und Dunkelheit müssen ungerechte Herrscher gestürzt werden, um das Gute zu fördern. Wegen Propheten wie Mazdak, Mohammed und Abu Muslim glauben die Khurramiten, dass den Menschen das Göttliche eingeboren ist und eines Tages in Form des Messias zurückkehren wird, um sie zu führen." #Gnostic - gnostic:3 "Gnostizismus" - gnostic_religion_desc:3 "Der Gnostizismus ist eine Sammlung verschiedener religiöser Theorien, die sich hauptsächlich auf den Dualismus konzentrieren, mit der Idee, dass die materielle Welt die Frucht des Bösen ist." - harmonized_gnostic:3 "Harmonisiert mit den gnosticschen Glaubensrichtungen" - desc_harmonized_gnostic:3 "Wir haben alle gnosticschen Glaubensrichtungen in unser Land und nationalen Ethos eingebunden." - mandeaism:3 "Mandäismus" - mandeaism_religion_desc:3 "Der Mandäismus führt seine Abstammung auf Adam zurück, wobei Johannes der Täufer als der größte Prophet dieser Glaubensrichtung gilt. Die Welt besteht aus Licht und Dunkelheit, und mit der Zeit wird über alle sterblichen Seelen dahingehend ein Urteil gefällt, ob sie würdig sind, zum ewigen Licht zurückzukehren." - valentinianism:3 "Valentinianismus" - valentinianism_religion_desc:3 "Der Vater, der ursprüngliche Schöpfer, ist die Tiefe sämtlichen Wissens, und der Weg zu wahrem Verständnis ist: die Gnosis. Das Erlangen von Wissen macht die Welt zu einem besseren Ort, und sobald die Welt als Ganzes aus ihrer materiellen Ignoranz emporgehoben wird, wird sie wieder in ihren natürlichen, spirituellen Zustand zurückkehren." - sethianism:3 "Sethianismus" - sethianism_religion_desc:3 "Der Unbekannte Gott emanierte jegliche Existenz in das vollkommene Pleroma, das von gütigen Äonen erfüllt ist, allen voran Barbelo, der Mutter-Vater.\nEine Verderbnis verursachte die Existenz von Jaldabaoth, der sich einen Fetzen Göttlichkeit stahl und die materielle Welt erschuf. Als er jedoch die Menschheit schuf, überließ er ihr versehentlich seinen gestohlenen göttlichen Funken. Jaldabaoth wird die Ewigkeit mit dem Versuch zubringen, seine Macht zurückzuerlangen, wohingegen die Menschheit nach einer Rückkehr zu Barbelo und dem Unbekannten Gott streben muss." - priscillianism:3 "Priscillianismus" - priscillianism_religion_desc:3 "Es existieren zwei Königreiche, eines des Lichts und eines der Dunkelheit. Die Seelen der Menschen sollten eigentlich das Königreich der Dunkelheit erobern, doch sie fielen und wurden in der materiellen Welt gefangen. Unter den Menschen gab es zwölf Patriarchen des Lichts, denen es nicht gelang, die Dunkelheit zu überwinden, da sie in Leib und Seele gespalten waren. Daher entsandte Gott den Erlöser auf die Erde, und durch seinen Tod wurde die Befreiung menschlicher Geister endlich wieder möglich." - cainitism:3 "Kainitismus" - cainitism_religion_desc:3 "Kain war das erste Opfer des Bösen des Demiurgs, dem Schöpfer aller stofflichen Materie. Da Materie und Körper böse sind, müssen Körper durch Sündigkeit geschändet und vernichtet werden, um die wahre menschliche Seele in ihnen dadurch zu befreien." + gnostic: "Gnostizismus" + gnostic_religion_desc: "Der Gnostizismus ist eine Sammlung verschiedener religiöser Theorien, die sich hauptsächlich auf den Dualismus konzentrieren, mit der Idee, dass die materielle Welt die Frucht des Bösen ist." + harmonized_gnostic:0 "Harmonisiert mit den gnosticschen Glaubensrichtungen" + desc_harmonized_gnostic:0 "Wir haben alle gnosticschen Glaubensrichtungen in unser Land und nationalen Ethos eingebunden." + mandeaism:0 "Mandäismus" + mandeaism_religion_desc:0 "Der Mandäismus führt seine Abstammung auf Adam zurück, wobei Johannes der Täufer als der größte Prophet dieser Glaubensrichtung gilt. Die Welt besteht aus Licht und Dunkelheit, und mit der Zeit wird über alle sterblichen Seelen dahingehend ein Urteil gefällt, ob sie würdig sind, zum ewigen Licht zurückzukehren." + valentinianism:0 "Valentinianismus" + valentinianism_religion_desc:0 "Der Vater, der ursprüngliche Schöpfer, ist die Tiefe sämtlichen Wissens, und der Weg zu wahrem Verständnis ist: die Gnosis. Das Erlangen von Wissen macht die Welt zu einem besseren Ort, und sobald die Welt als Ganzes aus ihrer materiellen Ignoranz emporgehoben wird, wird sie wieder in ihren natürlichen, spirituellen Zustand zurückkehren." + sethianism:0 "Sethianismus" + sethianism_religion_desc:0 "Der Unbekannte Gott emanierte jegliche Existenz in das vollkommene Pleroma, das von gütigen Äonen erfüllt ist, allen voran Barbelo, der Mutter-Vater.\nEine Verderbnis verursachte die Existenz von Jaldabaoth, der sich einen Fetzen Göttlichkeit stahl und die materielle Welt erschuf. Als er jedoch die Menschheit schuf, überließ er ihr versehentlich seinen gestohlenen göttlichen Funken. Jaldabaoth wird die Ewigkeit mit dem Versuch zubringen, seine Macht zurückzuerlangen, wohingegen die Menschheit nach einer Rückkehr zu Barbelo und dem Unbekannten Gott streben muss." + priscillianism:0 "Priscillianismus" + priscillianism_religion_desc:0 "Es existieren zwei Königreiche, eines des Lichts und eines der Dunkelheit. Die Seelen der Menschen sollten eigentlich das Königreich der Dunkelheit erobern, doch sie fielen und wurden in der materiellen Welt gefangen. Unter den Menschen gab es zwölf Patriarchen des Lichts, denen es nicht gelang, die Dunkelheit zu überwinden, da sie in Leib und Seele gespalten waren. Daher entsandte Gott den Erlöser auf die Erde, und durch seinen Tod wurde die Befreiung menschlicher Geister endlich wieder möglich." + cainitism:0 "Kainitismus" + cainitism_religion_desc:0 "Kain war das erste Opfer des Bösen des Demiurgs, dem Schöpfer aller stofflichen Materie. Da Materie und Körper böse sind, müssen Körper durch Sündigkeit geschändet und vernichtet werden, um die wahre menschliche Seele in ihnen dadurch zu befreien." #Pagan - kushitism_pagan:3 "Kushitismus" - kushitism_pagan_religion_desc:3 "Die Verehrung der uralten Götter bleibt hier stark, ebenso wie die Verehrung der Grenze zwischen Leben und Tod." + kushitism_pagan:1 "Kushitismus" + kushitism_pagan_religion_desc:0 "Die Verehrung der uralten Götter bleibt hier stark, ebenso wie die Verehrung der Grenze zwischen Leben und Tod." kushitism_pagan_reformed: 0 "Reformierter Kushit" kushitism_pagan_reformed_religion_desc: 0 "Der wiederbelebte kuschitische Glaube führt seine Geschichte Jahrtausende zurück bis in die alten ägyptischen Reiche." - magyar_pagan:3 "Uraliertum" - magyar_pagan_religion_desc:3 "Im ursprünglichen Glauben der Magyaren wird jeder Táltos – oder Priester – von den Göttern bereits vor seiner Geburt auserkoren. Sie werden mit übermenschlicher Stärke, Weisheit und Mächten ausgestattet, und die Magyaren vertrauen darauf, dass diese Táltos ihre Gemeinden schützen und sie zu Wohlstand führen." + magyar_pagan:2 "Uraliertum" + magyar_pagan_religion_desc:1 "Im ursprünglichen Glauben der Magyaren wird jeder Táltos – oder Priester – von den Göttern bereits vor seiner Geburt auserkoren. Sie werden mit übermenschlicher Stärke, Weisheit und Mächten ausgestattet, und die Magyaren vertrauen darauf, dass diese Táltos ihre Gemeinden schützen und sie zu Wohlstand führen." magyar_pagan_reformed: 0 "Reformiertes Uralic" magyar_pagan_reformed_religion_desc: 0 "In einem gemeinsamen Glauben vereint, glauben diejenigen, die der reformierten uralischen Kirche angehören, an die Táltos oder Priester, die von den Göttern vor ihrer Geburt ausgewählt wurden. Mit übermenschlicher Stärke, Weisheit und Macht ausgestattet, vertrauen Uralics diesen Táltos an Schutz ihrer Gemeinschaften und Führung zu Wohlstand." siberian_pagan: 0 "Turumism" @@ -73,5 +73,229 @@ harmonized_other_eastern: 0 "Harmonisiert mit Eastern" desc_harmonized_other_eastern: 0 "Wir haben alle östlichen Glaubensrichtungen in unser Land und unser nationales Ethos aufgenommen." - - \ No newline at end of file + # From Imperator + + canaanite: "Kanaanitisch" + canaanite_desc: "Die kanaanitische Religion repräsentiert das Pantheon der Götter und Göttinnen des Nahen Ostens, bevor der jüdische Glaube diese Länder eroberte." + canaanite_rebels_demand: "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + canaanite_rebels_demand_desc: "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + canaanite_rebels_title: "Religiöse" + canaanite_rebels_name: "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + canaanite_rebels_desc: "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + canaanite_rebels_army: "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + druidism: "Druidismus" + druidism_desc: "Die Kelten hatten Schamanen, die als Druiden bekannt waren." + druidism_rebels_demand: "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + druidism_rebels_demand_desc: "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + druidism_rebels_title: "Religiöse" + druidism_rebels_name: "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + druidism_rebels_desc: "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." + druidism_rebels_army: "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + kemetism: "Kemetismus" + kemetism_desc: "Die alte Religion der Ägypter, voller Gottheiten und Geheimnisse." + kemetism_rebels_demand: "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + kemetism_rebels_demand_desc: "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + kemetism_rebels_title: "Religiöse" + kemetism_rebels_name: "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + kemetism_rebels_desc: "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + kemetism_rebels_army: "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + mardukism: "Mardukismus" + mardukism_desc: "Marduk war die Hauptgottheit der Babylonier." + mardukism_rebels_demand: "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + mardukism_rebels_demand_desc: "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + mardukism_rebels_title: "Religiöse" + mardukism_rebels_name: "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + mardukism_rebels_desc: "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + mardukism_rebels_army: "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + MOLOCHITES: "Molochiten" + AMMONITES: "Ammoniten" + JEBUSAEI: "Jebusiten" + MOABITES: "Greuel von Moab" + EDOMITES: "Hocker von Edom" + ELUVEITIE: "Eluveitie" + ASTERIX: "Asterix" + DANIEL: "Danielprophetisten" + SUMER: "Sumerer" +# March 21 update +# Groups + american_pagan:0 "Amerikanisches Heidentum" + north_europe_pagan:0 "Nordeuropäisches Heidentum" + central_europe_pagan:0 "Mitteleuropäisches Heidentum" + steppe_pagan:0 "Steppenheidentum" + asian_pagan:0 "Asiatisches Heidentum" + south_europe_pagan:0 "Mediterranes Heidentum" + african_pagan:0 "Afrikanisches Heidentum" + mena_pagan:0 "Nahöstliches Heidentum" + celtic_pagan:0 "Keltisches Heidentum" + # Religions + germanic_pagan:0 "Fyrnsidu" + anglo_pagan:0 "Osgeleafe" + cybelene:0 "Cybelene" + zamolxism:0 "Zamolxisch" + mithraism:0 "Mithraistisch" + arab_pagan:0 "Wataniyya" + armenian_pagan:0 "Hetanistisch" + caucasian_pagan:0 "Tsarmartoba" + iberian_pagan:0 "Iberisch" + scythian_pagan:0 "Skythisch" + briton_pagan:0 "Brythonisch" + gallic_pagan:0 "Gallisch" + gaelic_pagan:0 "Gälisch" + celtiberian_pagan:0 "Keltiberisch" + atenism:0 "Atenitisch" + # Rebels + germanic_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + anglo_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + cybelene_rebels_demand:0 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + zamolxism_rebels_demand:0 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + mithraism_rebels_demand:0 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + arab_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + armenian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + iberian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + scythian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + briton_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + gallic_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + atenism_rebels_demand:0 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" + germanic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + anglo_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + cybelene_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + zamolxism_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + mithraism_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + arab_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + armenian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + caucasian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + iberian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + scythian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + briton_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + gallic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + gaelic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + atenism_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für den $RELIGION$en Glauben. Sie verlangen, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + germanic_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religiöse" + anglo_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religiöse" + cybelene_rebels_title:0 "Religiöse" + zamolxism_rebels_title:0 "Religiöse" + mithraism_rebels_title:0 "Religiöse" + arab_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religiöse" + armenian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religiöse" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religiöse" + iberian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religiöse" + scythian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religiöse" + briton_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religiöse" + gallic_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religiöse" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religiöse" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religiöse" + atenism_rebels_title:0 "Religiöse" + germanic_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + anglo_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + cybelene_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + zamolxism_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + mithraism_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + arab_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + armenian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + iberian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + scythian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + briton_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + gallic_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + atenism_rebels_name:0 "$RELIGION$e-Fanatiker" + germanic_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + anglo_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + cybelene_rebels_desc:0 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + zamolxism_rebels_desc:0 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + mithraism_rebels_desc:0 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + arab_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + armenian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + caucasian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + iberian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + scythian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + briton_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + gallic_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + gaelic_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + atenism_rebels_desc:0 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, die von andersgläubigen Ländern kontrolliert werden. Sie wollen ihren Glauben verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen vernichten." + germanic_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + anglo_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + cybelene_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + zamolxism_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + mithraism_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + arab_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + armenian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + iberian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + scythian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + briton_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + gallic_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + atenism_rebels_army:0 "$RELIGION$e-Armee" + # Deities + ukko:0 "Ukko" + tapio:0 "Tapio" + ahti:0 "Ahti" + mielikki:0 "Mielikki" + akras:0 "Äkräs" + tuoni:0 "Tuoni" + perun:0 "Perun" + jarilo:0 "Jarilo" + lada:0 "Lada" + veles:0 "Veles" + svarog:0 "Svarog" + svetovid:0 "Svetovid" + perkunas:0 "Perkûnas" + ausrine:0 "Aušriné" + saule:0 "Saulé" + laima:0 "Laima" + gabija:0 "Gabija" + dievas:0 "Dievas" + tiwaz:0 "Tîwaz" + wodan:0 "Wôdan" + dunar:0 "Þunar" + frijjo:0 "Frijjô" + austro:0 "Austrô" + fraujaz:0 "Fraujaz" + amun:0 "Amun" + maat:0 "Ma'at" + ra:0 "Ra" + seth:0 "Seth" + isis:0 "Isis" + anubis:0 "Anubis" + # Deities desc + ukko_desc:0 "Ukko ist der wichtigste Gott im finnischen Heidentum. Er ist der Gott des Donners und der Herrscher der Himmel." + tapio_desc:0 "Tapio ist der Gott der Jagd und der Herrscher der Wälder." + ahti_desc:0 "Ahti ist der Herrscher der Gewässer und der Gott des Fischens." + mielikki_desc:0 "Mielikki ist die Göttin des Waldes und der Jagd." + akras_desc:0 "Äkräs ist der Gott der Landwirtschaft und Fruchtbarkeit." + tuoni_desc:0 "Tuoni ist der Gott des Todes und der Herrscher der Unterwelt." + perun_desc:0 "Perun ist der Gott des Donners und der höchste Gott des slawischen Pantheons." + jarilo_desc:0 "Jarilo ist der Gott des Frühlings, der Fruchtbarkeit und der Vegetation." + lada_desc:0 "Lada ist die Göttin der Harmonie, Liebe und Schönheit." + veles_desc:0 "Veles ist der Gott der Erde, des Wassers und der Unterwelt." + svarog_desc:0 "Svarog ist der des Feuers und wird manchmal auch als der Gott des Schmiedens bezeichnet." + svetovid_desc:0 "Der vierköpfige Svetovid ist der Gott des Krieges, der Fruchtbarkeit und des Überflusses." + perkunas_desc:0 "Perkunas ist der Gott des Donners und des Himmels und ein Sohn der Dievas." + ausrine_desc:0 "Aušrine ist die Göttin des Morgensterns. Sie wird oft mit Schönheit und Jugend in Verbindung gebracht." + saule_desc:0 "Saule ist die Göttin der Sonne. Sie wird oft mit Leben, Fruchtbarkeit und Gesundheit in Verbindung gebracht." + laima_desc:0 "Laima ist die Göttin des Glücks und des Schicksals. Sie ist mit Geburt, Ehe und Tod verbunden." + gabija_desc:0 "Gabija ist die Göttin des Feuers. Sie ist auch die Beschützerin von Haus und Familie." + dievas_desc:0 "Dievas ist der höchste Gott in der baltischen Mythologie." + tiwaz_desc:0 "Tiwaz ist der Kriegsgott und das Oberhaupt des frühgermanischen Pantheons." + wodan_desc:0 "Wodan oder Wodanaz ist der Gott der Dichter, Seher und Magie. Er ist auch mit Jagd, Krieg und Sieg verbunden." + dunar_desc:0 "Dunar oder Dunaraz ist der Gott des Donners und des Himmels." + frijjo_desc:0 "Frijjo ist die Göttin der Liebe und die Frau von Wodan." + austro_desc:0 "Austro ist die Göttin der Morgendämmerung und des Frühlings." + fraujaz_desc:0 "Fraujaz ist der Gott der Fruchtbarkeit und des Wohlstands." + amun_desc:0 "Amun ist der König des ägyptischen Pantheons und auch der Gott des Windes." + maat_desc:0 "Ma'at ist die Göttin der Wahrheit, des Gleichgewichts, der Ordnung und der Gerechtigkeit. Ma'at sorgt für die Stabilität Ägyptens." + ra_desc:0 "Ra ist der Gott der Sonne und wird mit dem Falken oder Falken assoziiert." + seth_desc:0 "Seth ist der Gott der Unordnung, der Gewalt, des Chaos und der Stürme." + isis_desc:0 "Isis ist die ideale Mutter und Frau und sowohl die Beschützerin der Toten als auch die Göttin der Kinder." + anubis_desc:0 "Anubis ist ein schakalköpfiger Gott, der mit Mumifizierung und dem Leben nach dem Tod verbunden ist." + # Forgotten entries + aztec_pagan:0 "Aztekisch" + pagan_religion_reformed:0 "Neuheidnisch" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_spanish.yml b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_spanish.yml index d24b0456..bb98bc1a 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_spanish.yml +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/ck3_religions_l_spanish.yml @@ -1,69 +1,69 @@ l_spanish: #Christian - adamites:3 "Adanita" - adamites_religion_desc:3 "Originalmente una secta cristiana primitiva de la era romana tardía en el norte de África, los adanitas son notoriamente famosos por tratar de restablecer el Paraíso en Tierra caminando desnudos y no responsabilizándose por el bien o el mal." - insular_celtic:3 "Insular" - insular_celtic_religion_desc:3 "El cristianismo celta insular es ligeramente diferente del catolicismo, pero no lo suficiente como para que esté representado por las mecánicas del juego además de un nombre elegante." - bosnian_church:3 "Krstjani" - bosnian_church_religion_desc:3 "Olvidados durante mucho tiempo tanto por católicos como por ortodoxos, los krstjani de las tierras altas de Bosnia son más permisivos que sus compatriotas más conocidos, pero carecen de estructura formal. Al conservar muchos elementos arcaicos del cristianismo, son tratados a menudo con desdén por sus correligionarios, si es que se les recuerda." + adamites: "Adanita" + adamites_religion_desc: "Originalmente una secta cristiana primitiva de la era romana tardía en el norte de África, los adanitas son notoriamente famosos por tratar de restablecer el Paraíso en Tierra caminando desnudos y no responsabilizándose por el bien o el mal." + insular_celtic: "Insular" + insular_celtic_religion_desc: "El cristianismo celta insular es ligeramente diferente del catolicismo, pero no lo suficiente como para que esté representado por las mecánicas del juego además de un nombre elegante." + bosnian_church:0 "Krstjani" + bosnian_church_religion_desc:0 "Olvidados durante mucho tiempo tanto por católicos como por ortodoxos, los krstjani de las tierras altas de Bosnia son más permisivos que sus compatriotas más conocidos, pero carecen de estructura formal. Al conservar muchos elementos arcaicos del cristianismo, son tratados a menudo con desdén por sus correligionarios, si es que se les recuerda." #Islamic - mutazila:3 "Qadariyah" - mutazila_religion_desc:3 "Una escuela racionalista de teología que afirma que el Corán no coexiste eternamente con Dios, ya que Él habrá precedido a Su palabra." - quranist:3 "Coranismo" - quranist_religion_desc:3 "Una interpretación literal del islam que enfatiza que el Corán es la única fuente de sabiduría divina y debe seguirse al pie de la letra, haciendo caso omiso de hadices y fetuas." - alawite:3 "Alauismo" - alawite_religion_desc:3 "Las enseñanzas religiosas alauitas son secretas, y el Corán es solo uno de sus textos sagrados. Además de la creencia en la sucesión de imanes a través de Ali, los alauitas también creen en la reencarnación, y que todos los seres son estrellas expulsadas del cielo que ahora deben volver a ganarse su lugar viviendo vidas sucesivas buenas y fieles." + mutazila:0 "Qadariyah" + mutazila_religion_desc:0 "Una escuela racionalista de teología que afirma que el Corán no coexiste eternamente con Dios, ya que Él habrá precedido a Su palabra." + quranist:0 "Coranismo" + quranist_religion_desc:0 "Una interpretación literal del islam que enfatiza que el Corán es la única fuente de sabiduría divina y debe seguirse al pie de la letra, haciendo caso omiso de hadices y fetuas." + alawite:0 "Alauismo" + alawite_religion_desc:0 "Las enseñanzas religiosas alauitas son secretas, y el Corán es solo uno de sus textos sagrados. Además de la creencia en la sucesión de imanes a través de Ali, los alauitas también creen en la reencarnación, y que todos los seres son estrellas expulsadas del cielo que ahora deben volver a ganarse su lugar viviendo vidas sucesivas buenas y fieles." #Yazidi - yazidism:3 "Yazidism" - harmonized_yazidism:3 "Armonizado con fes yazidi" - desc_harmonized_yazidism:3 "Hemos incorporado todas las fes yazidis a nuestro país y los valores nacionales." - meshefaresism:3 "Meshefaresismo" - meshefaresism_religion_desc:3 "Seguidores del Libro Negro, que describe cómo el Señor descendió de la Montaña Negra para crear el mundo." - kitebacilweism:3 "Kitêbacilweismo" - kitebacilweism_religion_desc:3 "Seguidores del Libro de las Revelaciones, que habla de la grandeza de Xwedê." - HOLY_SITE_411_DESC:3 "Mosul es el hogar de Lalish, un valle de montaña y templo en Ninawa. Es el templo más sagrado de los yazidis. Es la ubicación de la tumba del jeque Adi ibn Musafir, una figura central de la fe yazidi." - HOLY_SITE_385_DESC:3 "La Meca es famosa por ser el lugar sagrado del Islam. El control de ella por parte de los fieles yazidíes sería una prueba de que es hacia Lalish por lo que debemos orar, no hacia La Meca." - HOLY_SITE_379_DESC:3 "Como una de las religiones abrahámicas, los yazidíes consideran a Jerusalén como una ciudad sagrada, que debe ser celebrada con el mayor respeto y cuidado." - HOLY_SITE_4326_DESC:3 "Una de las ciudades más antiguas y prestigiosas del mundo, Nishapur ha sido la capital de más de un gran imperio, exudando prestigio y poder de su núcleo." - HOLY_SITE_430_DESC:3 "Se dice que fue el lugar del entierro de los 3 magos, Bushehr es importante no solo estratégicamente sino también teológicamente." + yazidism: "Yazidism" + harmonized_yazidism:0 "Armonizado con fes yazidi" + desc_harmonized_yazidism:0 "Hemos incorporado todas las fes yazidis a nuestro país y los valores nacionales." + meshefaresism:0 "Meshefaresismo" + meshefaresism_religion_desc:0 "Seguidores del Libro Negro, que describe cómo el Señor descendió de la Montaña Negra para crear el mundo." + kitebacilweism:0 "Kitêbacilweismo" + kitebacilweism_religion_desc:0 "Seguidores del Libro de las Revelaciones, que habla de la grandeza de Xwedê." + HOLY_SITE_411_DESC:0 "Mosul es el hogar de Lalish, un valle de montaña y templo en Ninawa. Es el templo más sagrado de los yazidis. Es la ubicación de la tumba del jeque Adi ibn Musafir, una figura central de la fe yazidi." + HOLY_SITE_385_DESC:0 "La Meca es famosa por ser el lugar sagrado del Islam. El control de ella por parte de los fieles yazidíes sería una prueba de que es hacia Lalish por lo que debemos orar, no hacia La Meca." + HOLY_SITE_379_DESC:0 "Como una de las religiones abrahámicas, los yazidíes consideran a Jerusalén como una ciudad sagrada, que debe ser celebrada con el mayor respeto y cuidado." + HOLY_SITE_4326_DESC:0 "Una de las ciudades más antiguas y prestigiosas del mundo, Nishapur ha sido la capital de más de un gran imperio, exudando prestigio y poder de su núcleo." + HOLY_SITE_430_DESC:0 "Se dice que fue el lugar del entierro de los 3 magos, Bushehr es importante no solo estratégicamente sino también teológicamente." #Mazdan - zurvanism:3 "Zurvanismo" - zurvanism_religion_desc:3 "Los zurvanitas creen que Ahura Mazda y Angra Mainyu eran gemelos iguales pero opuestos, nacidos de Zurvan, el Creador de todo. El zurvanismo hace gran hincapié en ayudar a Ahura Mazda mediante arrancando de raíz el mal y las falsedades." - gayomarthianism:3 "Keyumarismo" - gayomarthianism_religion_desc:3 "Basándose en la idea de que Ahura Mazda, mediante sus pensamientos, creó los espíritus malignos por accidente, los keyumars rechazan la infalibilidad del Señor de la Sabiduría y, en su lugar, enfatizan la práctica ritual para aprender la verdad en comunión con Ahura Mazda." - khurramism:3 "Khurramismo" - khurramism_religion_desc:3 "En un mundo de Luz y Oscuridad, los gobernantes injustos deben ser depuestos en apoyo de lo que es bueno. Mediante profetas como Mazdek, Mahoma y Abu Muslim, los khurramitas creen que la divinidad nació en la humanidad y que un día volverá para guiarles como el Mesías." + zurvanism:0 "Zurvanismo" + zurvanism_religion_desc:0 "Los zurvanitas creen que Ahura Mazda y Angra Mainyu eran gemelos iguales pero opuestos, nacidos de Zurvan, el Creador de todo. El zurvanismo hace gran hincapié en ayudar a Ahura Mazda mediante arrancando de raíz el mal y las falsedades." + gayomarthianism:0 "Keyumarismo" + gayomarthianism_religion_desc:0 "Basándose en la idea de que Ahura Mazda, mediante sus pensamientos, creó los espíritus malignos por accidente, los keyumars rechazan la infalibilidad del Señor de la Sabiduría y, en su lugar, enfatizan la práctica ritual para aprender la verdad en comunión con Ahura Mazda." + khurramism:0 "Khurramismo" + khurramism_religion_desc:0 "En un mundo de Luz y Oscuridad, los gobernantes injustos deben ser depuestos en apoyo de lo que es bueno. Mediante profetas como Mazdek, Mahoma y Abu Muslim, los khurramitas creen que la divinidad nació en la humanidad y que un día volverá para guiarles como el Mesías." #Gnostic - gnostic:3 "Gnosticismo" - gnostic_religion_desc:3 "El gnosticismo es una colección de diferentes teorías religiosas, en su mayoría centradas en el dualismo, con la idea de que el mundo material es fruto del Mal." - harmonized_gnostic:3 "Armonizado con fes gnostic" - desc_harmonized_gnostic:3 "Hemos incorporado todas las fes gnostics a nuestro país y los valores nacionales." - mandeaism:3 "Mandeísmo" - mandeaism_religion_desc:3 "El mandeísmo remonta su linaje a Adán y Juan el Bautista es su mayor profeta. El mundo consta de luz y oscuridad y en su momento, todas las almas mortales serán juzgadas si son dignas de regresar al autor de la luz, el Creador eterno." - valentinianism:3 "Valentinismo" - valentinianism_religion_desc:3 "El Padre, el creador original, está al final de todo conocimiento, y el camino a la verdadera comprensión -gnosis. Conseguir el conocimiento mejora el mundo y cuando el mundo haya salido colectivamente de la ignorancia material, regresará a su estado natural y espiritual." - sethianism:3 "Setianismo" - sethianism_religion_desc:3 "El Dios Desconocido emanó toda la existencia en el pléroma perfecto, lleno de eones de gracia, el primero de los cuales fue Barbelo, el Madre-Padre.\nUna corrupción causó la existencia de Yaldabaoth, quién robó una porción de divinidad y creó el mundo material. Sin embargo, cuando creó a la humanidad, les dio accidentalmente la chispa de divinidad robada. Yaldabaoth pasará la eternidad intentando recuperar su poder, mientras que la humanidad debe esforzarse por volver a Barbelo y al Dios Desconocido." - priscillianism:3 "Priscilianismo" - priscillianism_adherent_plural:3 "priscilianistas" - cainitism:3 "Cainitismo" - cainitism_religion_desc:3 "Caín fue la primera víctima del mal del Demiurgo, creador de toda materia física. Como la materia y los cuerpos son malvados, los cuerpos deben ser mancillados y destruidos mediante el pecado para liberar la auténtica alma humana de su interior." + gnostic: "Gnosticismo" + gnostic_religion_desc: "El gnosticismo es una colección de diferentes teorías religiosas, en su mayoría centradas en el dualismo, con la idea de que el mundo material es fruto del Mal." + harmonized_gnostic:0 "Armonizado con fes gnostic" + desc_harmonized_gnostic:0 "Hemos incorporado todas las fes gnostics a nuestro país y los valores nacionales." + mandeaism:0 "Mandeísmo" + mandeaism_religion_desc:0 "El mandeísmo remonta su linaje a Adán y Juan el Bautista es su mayor profeta. El mundo consta de luz y oscuridad y en su momento, todas las almas mortales serán juzgadas si son dignas de regresar al autor de la luz, el Creador eterno." + valentinianism:0 "Valentinismo" + valentinianism_religion_desc:0 "El Padre, el creador original, está al final de todo conocimiento, y el camino a la verdadera comprensión -gnosis. Conseguir el conocimiento mejora el mundo y cuando el mundo haya salido colectivamente de la ignorancia material, regresará a su estado natural y espiritual." + sethianism:0 "Setianismo" + sethianism_religion_desc:0 "El Dios Desconocido emanó toda la existencia en el pléroma perfecto, lleno de eones de gracia, el primero de los cuales fue Barbelo, el Madre-Padre.\nUna corrupción causó la existencia de Yaldabaoth, quién robó una porción de divinidad y creó el mundo material. Sin embargo, cuando creó a la humanidad, les dio accidentalmente la chispa de divinidad robada. Yaldabaoth pasará la eternidad intentando recuperar su poder, mientras que la humanidad debe esforzarse por volver a Barbelo y al Dios Desconocido." + priscillianism:0 "Priscilianismo" + priscillianism_adherent_plural:0 "priscilianistas" + cainitism:0 "Cainitismo" + cainitism_religion_desc:0 "Caín fue la primera víctima del mal del Demiurgo, creador de toda materia física. Como la materia y los cuerpos son malvados, los cuerpos deben ser mancillados y destruidos mediante el pecado para liberar la auténtica alma humana de su interior." #Pagan - kushitism_pagan:3 "Kushitismo" - kushitism_pagan_religion_desc:3 "Aquí se mantiene fuerte la veneración a los dioses aniguos, así como el venerar el límiete entre vida y muerte." - kushitism_pagan_reformed:3 "Kushite reformado" - kushitism_pagan_reformed_religion_desc:3 "La fe kushita revitalizada se remonta a miles de años en los antiguos imperios egipcios." - magyar_pagan:3 "Urálica" - magyar_pagan_religion_desc:3 "En la fe mogyer nativa, todo táltos, o sacerdote, es elegido por los dioses antes de su nacimiento. Dotado de una fuerza, sabiduría y poderes sobrehumanos, los urálicos confían a estos táltos la protección de sus comunidades, y esperan que los conduzcan a la prosperidad." - magyar_pagan_reformed:3 "Uralico reformado" - magyar_pagan_reformed_religion_desc:3 "Unidos en una creencia común, los que pertenecen a la iglesia Uralica Reformada creen en los Táltos, o sacerdotes, elegidos por los dioses antes de su nacimiento. Dotados de fuerza, sabiduría y poderes sobrehumanos, los Uralics confían a estos Táltos proteger a sus comunidades y llevarlas a la prosperidad." - siberian_pagan:3 "Turumism" + kushitism_pagan:1 "Kushitismo" + kushitism_pagan_religion_desc:0 "Aquí se mantiene fuerte la veneración a los dioses aniguos, así como el venerar el límiete entre vida y muerte." + kushitism_pagan_reformed:0 "Kushite reformado" + kushitism_pagan_reformed_religion_desc:0 "La fe kushita revitalizada se remonta a miles de años en los antiguos imperios egipcios." + magyar_pagan:2 "Urálica" + magyar_pagan_religion_desc:1 "En la fe mogyer nativa, todo táltos, o sacerdote, es elegido por los dioses antes de su nacimiento. Dotado de una fuerza, sabiduría y poderes sobrehumanos, los urálicos confían a estos táltos la protección de sus comunidades, y esperan que los conduzcan a la prosperidad." + magyar_pagan_reformed:0 "Uralico reformado" + magyar_pagan_reformed_religion_desc:0 "Unidos en una creencia común, los que pertenecen a la iglesia Uralica Reformada creen en los Táltos, o sacerdotes, elegidos por los dioses antes de su nacimiento. Dotados de fuerza, sabiduría y poderes sobrehumanos, los Uralics confían a estos Táltos proteger a sus comunidades y llevarlas a la prosperidad." + siberian_pagan:0 "Turumism" siberian_pagan_desc: 0 "Los turistas creen en un mundo horizontal donde los hombres y las bestias viven en clanes, unidos por alianza o venganza. La caza es una parte fundamental del equilibrio entre tomar y dar vida, y con la muerte todas las almas viajan río abajo para reencarnarse en el clan en el que vivían anteriormente." siberian_pagan_reformed: 0 "Turumism Reformados" siberian_pagan_reformed_desc: 0 "La Iglesia Turumista predica un mundo horizontal donde hombres y bestias viven en clanes, unidos por alianza o venganza. Para los turistas, el equilibrio entre la vida y la muerte es extremadamente importante, y perder una cacería es visto como un gran pecado. Creen que en la muerte todas las almas viajan río abajo para reencarnarse en el clan en el que vivieron anteriormente." @@ -74,6 +74,359 @@ l_spanish: harmonized_other_eastern: 0 "Armonizado con Eastern" desc_harmonized_other_eastern: 0 "Hemos incorporado todas las religiones orientales en nuestro país y la ética nacional." - - - \ No newline at end of file +# From Imperator + + canaanite: "Canaanita" + canaanite_desc: "La religión cananea representa el panteón de dioses y diosas del Cercano Oriente antes de que la fe judía conquistara esas tierras." + canaanite_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + canaanite_rebels_demand_desc: "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + canaanite_rebels_title: "Religioso" + canaanite_rebels_name: "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + canaanite_rebels_desc: "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + canaanite_rebels_army: "Ejército $RELIGION$" + druidism: "Druidismo" + druidism_desc: "Los celtas solían tener chamanes conocidos como druidas." + druidism_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + druidism_rebels_demand_desc: "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + druidism_rebels_title: "Religioso" + druidism_rebels_name: "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + druidism_rebels_desc: "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + druidism_rebels_army: "Ejército $RELIGION$" + kemetism: "Kemetismo" + kemetism_desc: "La antigua religión de los egipcios, llena de deidades y misterios." + kemetism_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + kemetism_rebels_demand_desc: "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + kemetism_rebels_title: "Religioso" + kemetism_rebels_name: "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + kemetism_rebels_desc: "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + kemetism_rebels_army: "Ejército $RELIGION$" + mardukism: "Marduquismo" + mardukism_desc: "Marduk era la deidad principal de los babilonios." + mardukism_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + mardukism_rebels_demand_desc: "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + mardukism_rebels_title: "Religioso" + mardukism_rebels_name: "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + mardukism_rebels_desc: "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + mardukism_rebels_army: "Ejército $RELIGION$" + MOLOCHITES: "Molochitas" + AMMONITES: "Ammonitas" + JEBUSAEI: "Jebuseos" + MOABITES: "Abominación de Moab" + EDOMITES: "Taburete de Edom" + ELUVEITIE: "Eluveitie" + ASTERIX: "Asterix" + DANIEL: "Danielprofetejos" + SUMER: "Sumerios" +# March 21 update +# Groups + american_pagan:0 "Paganismo americano" + north_europe_pagan:0 "Paganismo del norte de Europa" + central_europe_pagan:0 "Paganismo centroeuropeo" + steppe_pagan:0 "Paganismo de la estepa" + asian_pagan:0 "Paganismo asiático" + south_europe_pagan:0 "Paganismo mediterráneo" + african_pagan:0 "Paganismo africano" + mena_pagan:0 "Paganismo del Cercano Oriente" + celtic_pagan:0 "Paganismo celta" + # Religions + germanic_pagan:0 "Fyrnsidu" + anglo_pagan:0 "Osgeleafe" + cybelene:0 "Cybelene" + zamolxism:0 "Zamolxista" + mithraism:0 "Mitraísta" + arab_pagan:0 "Wataniyya" + armenian_pagan:0 "Hetanista" + caucasian_pagan:0 "Tsarmartoba" + iberian_pagan:0 "Ibérico" + scythian_pagan:0 "Escita" + briton_pagan:0 "Brython" + gallic_pagan:0 "Galo" + gaelic_pagan:0 "Gaélico" + celtiberian_pagan:0 "Celtibérico" + atenism:0 "Atenismo" + # Groups_rel + american_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo americano" + north_europe_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo del norte de Europa" + central_europe_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo centroeuropeo" + steppe_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo de la estepa" + asian_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo asiático" + south_europe_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo mediterráneo" + african_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo africano" + mena_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo del Cercano Oriente" + celtic_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo celta" + # Religions_rel + germanic_pagan_rel:0 "Fyrnsidu" + anglo_pagan_rel:0 "Osgeleafe" + cybelene_rel:0 "Culto de Cibeles" + zamolxism_rel:0 "Culto de Zamolxis" + mithraism_rel:0 "Culto de Mitra" + arab_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo árabe" + armenian_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo armenio" + caucasian_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo caucásico" + iberian_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo ibérico" + scythian_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo escita" + briton_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo brython" + gallic_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo galo" + gaelic_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo gaélico" + celtiberian_pagan_rel:0 "Paganismo celtibérico" + atenism_rel:0 "Atenismo" + # Groups_ms + american_pagan_ms:0 "americano" + north_europe_pagan_ms:0 "del norte de Europa" + central_europe_pagan_ms:0 "centroeuropeo" + steppe_pagan_ms:0 "de la estepa" + asian_pagan_ms:0 "asiático" + south_europe_pagan_ms:0 "mediterráneo" + african_pagan_ms:0 "africano" + mena_pagan_ms:0 "del Cercano Oriente" + celtic_pagan_ms:0 "celta" + # Religions_ms + germanic_pagan_ms:0 "fyrnsidú" + anglo_pagan_ms:0 "osgeleafa" + cybelene_ms:0 "cybeliano" + zamolxism_ms:0 "zamolxista" + mithraism_ms:0 "mitraísta" + arab_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-árabo" + armenian_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-armeno" + caucasian_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-caucásico" + iberian_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-ibérico" + scythian_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-escita" + briton_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-brython" + gallic_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-galo" + gaelic_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-gaélico" + celtiberian_pagan_ms:0 "pagano-celtibérico" + atenism_ms:0 "atenita" + # Groups_fs + american_pagan_fs:0 "americana" + north_europe_pagan_fs:0 "del norte de Europa" + central_europe_pagan_fs:0 "centroeuropea" + steppe_pagan_fs:0 "de la estepa" + asian_pagan_fs:0 "asiática" + south_europe_pagan_fs:0 "mediterránea" + african_pagan_fs:0 "africana" + mena_pagan_fs:0 "del Cercano Oriente" + celtic_pagan_fs:0 "celta" + # Religions_fs + germanic_pagan_fs:0 "fyrnsidua" + anglo_pagan_fs:0 "osgeleafa" + cybelene_fs:0 "cybeliana" + zamolxism_fs:0 "zamolxista" + mithraism_fs:0 "mitraísta" + arab_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-áraba" + armenian_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-armena" + caucasian_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-caucásica" + iberian_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-ibérica" + scythian_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-escita" + briton_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-brythona" + gallic_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-gala" + gaelic_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-gaélica" + celtiberian_pagan_fs:0 "pagano-celtibérica" + atenism_fs:0 "atenita" + # Groups_mp + american_pagan_mp:0 "americanos" + north_europe_pagan_mp:0 "del norte de Europa" + central_europe_pagan_mp:0 "centroeuropeos" + steppe_pagan_mp:0 "de la estepa" + asian_pagan_mp:0 "asiáticos" + south_europe_pagan_mp:0 "mediterráneos" + african_pagan_mp:0 "africanos" + mena_pagan_mp:0 "del Cercano Oriente" + celtic_pagan_mp:0 "celtas" + # Religions_mp + germanic_pagan_mp:0 "fyrnsidús" + anglo_pagan_mp:0 "osgeleafas" + cybelene_mp:0 "cybelianos" + zamolxism_mp:0 "zamolxistas" + mithraism_mp:0 "mitraístas" + arab_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-árabos" + armenian_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-armenos" + caucasian_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-caucásicos" + iberian_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-ibéricos" + scythian_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-escitas" + briton_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-brythones" + gallic_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-galos" + gaelic_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-gaélicos" + celtiberian_pagan_mp:0 "pagano-celtibérico" + atenism_mp:0 "atenitas" + # Groups_fp + american_pagan_fp:0 "americanas" + north_europe_pagan_fp:0 "del norte de Europa" + central_europe_pagan_fp:0 "centroeuropeas" + steppe_pagan_fp:0 "de la estepa" + asian_pagan_fp:0 "asiáticas" + south_europe_pagan_fp:0 "mediterráneas" + african_pagan_fp:0 "africanas" + mena_pagan_fp:0 "del Cercano Oriente" + celtic_pagan_fp:0 "celtas" + # Religions_fp + germanic_pagan_fp:0 "fyrnsiduas" + anglo_pagan_fp:0 "osgeleafas" + cybelene_fp:0 "cybelianas" + zamolxism_fp:0 "zamolxistas" + mithraism_fp:0 "mitraístas" + arab_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-árabas" + armenian_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-armenas" + caucasian_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-caucásicas" + iberian_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-ibéricas" + scythian_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-escitas" + briton_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-brythonas" + gallic_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-galas" + gaelic_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-gaélicas" + celtiberian_pagan_fp:0 "pagano-celtibéricas" + atenism_fp:0 "atenitas" + # Rebels + germanic_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + anglo_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + cybelene_rebels_demand:0 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + zamolxism_rebels_demand:0 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + mithraism_rebels_demand:0 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + arab_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + armenian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + iberian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + scythian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + briton_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + gallic_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_demand:0 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + atenism_rebels_demand:0 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + germanic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + anglo_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + cybelene_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + zamolxism_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + mithraism_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + arab_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + armenian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + caucasian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + iberian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + scythian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + briton_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + gallic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + gaelic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + atenism_rebels_demand_desc:0 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión de $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o por lo menos, que cesemos nuestros esfuerzos por convertirlos y les dejemos cumplir con sus ritos en paz." + germanic_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religioso" + anglo_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religioso" + cybelene_rebels_title:0 "Religioso" + zamolxism_rebels_title:0 "Religioso" + mithraism_rebels_title:0 "Religioso" + arab_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religioso" + armenian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religioso" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religioso" + iberian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religioso" + scythian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religioso" + briton_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religioso" + gallic_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religioso" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religioso" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_title:0 "Religioso" + atenism_rebels_title:0 "Religioso" + germanic_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + anglo_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + cybelene_rebels_name:0 "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + zamolxism_rebels_name:0 "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + mithraism_rebels_name:0 "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + arab_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + armenian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + iberian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + scythian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + briton_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + gallic_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_name:0 "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + atenism_rebels_name:0 "Zelotas $RELIGION$" + germanic_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + anglo_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + cybelene_rebels_desc:0 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + zamolxism_rebels_desc:0 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + mithraism_rebels_desc:0 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + arab_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + armenian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + caucasian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + iberian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + scythian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + briton_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + gallic_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + gaelic_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_desc:0 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + atenism_rebels_desc:0 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe distinta. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." + germanic_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Ejército $RELIGION$" + anglo_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Ejército $RELIGION$" + cybelene_rebels_army:0 "Ejército $RELIGION$" + zamolxism_rebels_army:0 "Ejército $RELIGION$" + mithraism_rebels_army:0 "Ejército $RELIGION$" + arab_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Ejército $RELIGION$" + armenian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Ejército $RELIGION$" + caucasian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Ejército $RELIGION$" + iberian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Ejército $RELIGION$" + scythian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Ejército $RELIGION$" + briton_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Ejército $RELIGION$" + gallic_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Ejército $RELIGION$" + gaelic_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Ejército $RELIGION$" + celtiberian_pagan_rebels_army:0 "Ejército $RELIGION$" + atenism_rebels_army:0 "Ejército $RELIGION$" + # Deities + ukko:0 "Ukko" + tapio:0 "Tapio" + ahti:0 "Ahti" + mielikki:0 "Mielikki" + akras:0 "Äkräs" + tuoni:0 "Tuoni" + perun:0 "Perun" + jarilo:0 "Jarilo" + lada:0 "Lada" + veles:0 "Veles" + svarog:0 "Svarog" + svetovid:0 "Svetovid" + perkunas:0 "Perkûnas" + ausrine:0 "Aušriné" + saule:0 "Saulé" + laima:0 "Laima" + gabija:0 "Gabija" + dievas:0 "Dievas" + tiwaz:0 "Tîwaz" + wodan:0 "Wôdan" + dunar:0 "Þunar" + frijjo:0 "Frijjô" + austro:0 "Austrô" + fraujaz:0 "Fraujaz" + amun:0 "Amón" + maat:0 "Ma'at" + ra:0 "Ra" + seth:0 "Seth" + isis:0 "Isis" + anubis:0 "Anubis" + # Deities desc + ukko_desc:0 "Ukko es el dios más importante del paganismo finlandés. Él es el dios del trueno y el gobernante de los cielos." + tapio_desc:0 "Tapio es el dios de la caza y el gobernante de los bosques." + ahti_desc:0 "Ahti es el gobernante de las aguas y el dios de la pesca." + mielikki_desc:0 "Mielikki es la diosa del bosque y la caza." + akras_desc:0 "Äkräs es el dios de la agricultura y la fertilidad." + tuoni_desc:0 "Tuoni es el dios de la muerte y el gobernante del inframundo." + perun_desc:0 "Perun es el dios del trueno y el dios más alto del panteón eslavo." + jarilo_desc:0 "Jarilo es el dios de la primavera, la fertilidad y la vegetación." + lada_desc:0 "Lada es la diosa de la armonía, el amor y la belleza." + veles_desc:0 "Veles es el dios de la tierra, las aguas y el inframundo." + svarog_desc:0 "Svarog es el del fuego y, a veces, también se lo describe como el dios de la herrería." + svetovid_desc:0 "Svetovid de cuatro cabezas es el dios de la guerra, la fertilidad y la abundancia." + perkunas_desc:0 "Perkunas es el dios del trueno y el cielo y un hijo de Dievas." + ausrine_desc:0 "Aušrine es la diosa de la estrella de la mañana. A menudo se la asocia con la belleza y la juventud." + saule_desc:0 "Saule es la diosa del sol. A menudo se la asocia con la vida, la fertilidad y la salud." + laima_desc:0 "Laima es la diosa de la suerte y el destino. Está asociada con el parto, el matrimonio y la muerte." + gabija_desc:0 "Gabija es la diosa del fuego. También es la protectora del hogar y la familia." + dievas_desc:0 "Dievas es el dios supremo de la mitología báltica." + tiwaz_desc:0 "Tiwaz es el dios de la guerra y el jefe del panteón germánico temprano." + wodan_desc:0 "Wodan o Wodanaz es el dios de los poetas, videntes y magia. También se le asocia con la caza, la guerra y la victoria." + dunar_desc:0 "Dunar o Dunaraz es el dios del trueno y el cielo." + frijjo_desc:0 "Frijjo es la diosa del amor y la esposa de Wodan." + austro_desc:0 "Austro es la diosa del amanecer y la primavera." + fraujaz_desc:0 "Fraujaz es el dios de la fertilidad y la prosperidad." + amun_desc:0 "Amón es el rey del panteón egipcio y también es el dios del viento." + maat_desc:0 "Ma'at es la diosa de la verdad, el equilibrio, el orden y la justicia. Ma'at asegura la estabilidad de Egipto." + ra_desc:0 "Ra es el dios del sol y está asociado con el halcón o halcón." + seth_desc:0 "Seth es el dios del desorden, la violencia, el caos y las tormentas." + isis_desc:0 "Isis es la madre y esposa ideal, y tanto la protectora de los muertos como la diosa de los niños." + anubis_desc:0 "Anubis es un dios con cabeza de chacal asociado con la momificación y el más allá." + # Forgotten entries + aztec_pagan:0 "Azteca" + pagan_religion_reformed:0 "Neopaganismo" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_english.yml b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_english.yml index 182e8475..43cc9cfa 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_english.yml +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_english.yml @@ -1,73 +1,70 @@ -l_english: - wonder_cathedral:3 "Grand Cathedral" - desc_wonder_cathedral:3 "A testament to the piety of its builder, the church stretches to the sky." - wonder_mosque:3 "Great Mosque" - desc_wonder_mosque:3 "This building is a testament to the piousness of its builder." - wonder_synagogue:3 "Great Synagogue" - desc_wonder_synagogue:3 "Anyone setting foot in the building will be reminded of the value of a religious community." - wonder_temple_pagan:3 "Great Temple" - desc_wonder_temple_pagan:3 "The site of the temple is rumored to be the holiest ground in the realm." - wonder_temple_buddhist:3 "Great Temple" - desc_wonder_temple_buddhist:3 "The site of the temple is rumored to be the holiest ground in the realm." - wonder_temple_hindu:3 "Great Temple" - desc_wonder_temple_hindu:3 "The site of the temple is rumored to be the holiest ground in the realm." - wonder_statue_ruler:3 "Ruler Statue" - desc_wonder_statue_ruler:3 "A ruler is immortalized in this grand statue." - wonder_statue_horse:3 "Statue of Glitterhoof" - desc_wonder_statue_horse:3 "Some simply cannot accept that their best friend is to ever depart this world. Now, they don't have to." - wonder_fortress:3 "Grand Fortress" - desc_wonder_fortress:3 "The fortress is a safe-haven, a home away from home for many warriors." - wonder_underground_city:3 "Great Underground City" - desc_wonder_underground_city:3 "Partially carved from the very rock it sits on, only its owner knows exactly how far these tunnels sprawl." - wonder_wall:3 "Great Walls" - desc_wonder_wall:3 "A mega-project, this is a construction of massive city walls." - wonder_harbor:3 "Great Harbor" - desc_wonder_harbor:3 "Heavily trafficked, the magnificent harbor is bringing both trade and tourism to the area." - wonder_lighthouse:3 "Great Lighthouse" - desc_wonder_lighthouse:3 "A tall and visible landmark, the building lends a helping hand to sailors, guiding their ships into port at night." - wonder_amphitheater:3 "Grand Amphitheater" - desc_wonder_amphitheater:3 "The epitome of high culture, the amphitheater is a unique attraction in the realm." - wonder_palace:3 "Royal Palace" - desc_wonder_palace:3 "A regal symbol of the prestigious lineage of its builder, this palace is one of its kind." - wonder_garden:3 "Magnificent Garden" - desc_wonder_garden:3 "The garden is a marvel of both science and beauty." - wonder_forest:3 "Royal Forest" - desc_wonder_forest:3 "More than a series of hunting grounds, parts of the province seems to operate under a peculiar level of independence." - wonder_university:3 "Grand University" - desc_wonder_university:3 "A high seat of learning, famous throughout the realm." - wonder_library:3 "Great Library" - desc_wonder_library:3 "Books are precious, as the knowledge of things past and new are written in their pages. This beacon of knowledge will have capacity to store thousands of books, and will have reading facilities." - wonder_mausoleum:3 "Grand Mausoleum" - desc_wonder_mausoleum:3 "A simple tomb is not enough for some rulers." - wonder_pyramid:3 "Great Pyramid" - desc_wonder_pyramid:3 "'Build it taller!', was apparently the last words of its architect." - wonder_pagan_stones:3 "Great Stone Circle" - desc_wonder_pagan_stones:3 "Huge standing rocks are placed in a grand circle, with an opening towards the east, where the sun rises." - wonder_pyramid_giza:3 "Great Pyramid of Khufu" - desc_wonder_pyramid_giza:3 "The strangely shaped pyramids have always been there." - wonder_amphitheater_colosseum:3 "Colosseum" - desc_wonder_amphitheater_colosseum:3 "The amphitheater has seen many uses throughout the centuries, including gladiatorial and animal fights, and later even serving as market stalls for city merchants." - wonder_cathedral_hagia_sophia:3 "Hagia Sophia" - desc_wonder_cathedral_hagia_sophia:3 "One of the most beautiful cathedrals on this part of the map." - wonder_pagan_stones_stonehenge:3 "Stonehenge" - desc_wonder_pagan_stones_stonehenge:3 "Some think the rocks were placed by gods. Others say it's pagan superstition, but refuse to go near them." - wonder_mausoleum_halicarnassus:3 "Mausoleum at Halicarnassus" - desc_wonder_mausoleum_halicarnassus:3 "A giant above-ground tomb, constructed by Mausolus, a satrap in the Persian Empire, for himself and Artemisia II of Caria." - wonder_temple_solomon:3 "Temple of Solomon" - desc_wonder_temple_solomon:3 "A hill, deeply sacred to Jewish worshipers, as it is said to be the location of the ancient Temple of Solomon." - wonder_lighthouse_alexandria:3 "Lighthouse of Alexandria" - desc_wonder_lighthouse_alexandria:3 "For a long time the tallest building in the world, the lighthouse is an impressive construction visible from far away, while also serving its purpose, guiding ships into port." - wonder_temple_hindu_konark:3 "Konark Sun Temple" - desc_wonder_temple_hindu_konark:3 "Konark Sun Temple;This temple was built in the form of a giant ornamented chariot dedicated to the Sun God, Surya." - wonder_apostolic_palace:3 "Apostolic Palace" - desc_wonder_apostolic_palace:3 "The palace of the Pope himself, sitting at the heart of Rome." - wonder_house_of_wisdom:3 "House of Wisdom" - desc_wonder_house_of_wisdom:3 "A grand university, housing much of the worlds knowledge." - wonder_underground_city_petra:3 "Petra" - desc_wonder_underground_city_petra:3 "The great desert city of Petra has existed for hundreds of years" - - #Custom Idea Forgotten by PDX, text taken from old state maintenance text - custom_governing_capacity_modifier:1 "Provincial Allowances" - custom_governing_capacity_modifier_desc:1 "By granting special privileges and allowances to our State Governors, we can cut back slightly on the expenses of their services." - - \ No newline at end of file +l_english: + wonder_cathedral: "Grand Cathedral" + desc_wonder_cathedral: "A testament to the piety of its builder, the church stretches to the sky." + wonder_mosque: "Great Mosque" + desc_wonder_mosque: "This building is a testament to the piousness of its builder." + wonder_synagogue: "Great Synagogue" + desc_wonder_synagogue: "Anyone setting foot in the building will be reminded of the value of a religious community." + wonder_temple_pagan: "Great Temple" + desc_wonder_temple_pagan: "The site of the temple is rumored to be the holiest ground in the realm." + wonder_temple_buddhist: "Great Temple" + desc_wonder_temple_buddhist: "The site of the temple is rumored to be the holiest ground in the realm." + wonder_temple_hindu: "Great Temple" + desc_wonder_temple_hindu: "The site of the temple is rumored to be the holiest ground in the realm." + wonder_statue_ruler: "Ruler Statue" + desc_wonder_statue_ruler: "A ruler is immortalized in this grand statue." + wonder_statue_horse: "Statue of Glitterhoof" + desc_wonder_statue_horse: "Some simply cannot accept that their best friend is to ever depart this world. Now, they don't have to." + wonder_fortress: "Grand Fortress" + desc_wonder_fortress: "The fortress is a safe-haven, a home away from home for many warriors." + wonder_underground_city: "Great Underground City" + desc_wonder_underground_city: "Partially carved from the very rock it sits on, only its owner knows exactly how far these tunnels sprawl." + wonder_wall: "Great Walls" + desc_wonder_wall: "A mega-project, this is a construction of massive city walls." + wonder_harbor: "Great Harbor" + desc_wonder_harbor: "Heavily trafficked, the magnificent harbor is bringing both trade and tourism to the area." + wonder_lighthouse: "Great Lighthouse" + desc_wonder_lighthouse: "A tall and visible landmark, the building lends a helping hand to sailors, guiding their ships into port at night." + wonder_amphitheater: "Grand Amphitheater" + desc_wonder_amphitheater: "The epitome of high culture, the amphitheater is a unique attraction in the realm." + wonder_palace: "Royal Palace" + desc_wonder_palace: "A regal symbol of the prestigious lineage of its builder, this palace is one of its kind." + wonder_garden: "Magnificent Garden" + desc_wonder_garden: "The garden is a marvel of both science and beauty." + wonder_forest: "Royal Forest" + desc_wonder_forest: "More than a series of hunting grounds, parts of the province seems to operate under a peculiar level of independence." + wonder_university: "Grand University" + desc_wonder_university: "A high seat of learning, famous throughout the realm." + wonder_library: "Great Library" + desc_wonder_library: "Books are precious, as the knowledge of things past and new are written in their pages. This beacon of knowledge will have capacity to store thousands of books, and will have reading facilities." + wonder_mausoleum: "Grand Mausoleum" + desc_wonder_mausoleum: "A simple tomb is not enough for some rulers." + wonder_pyramid: "Great Pyramid" + desc_wonder_pyramid: "'Build it taller!', was apparently the last words of its architect." + wonder_pagan_stones: "Great Stone Circle" + desc_wonder_pagan_stones: "Huge standing rocks are placed in a grand circle, with an opening towards the east, where the sun rises." + wonder_pyramid_giza: "Great Pyramid of Khufu" + desc_wonder_pyramid_giza: "The strangely shaped pyramids have always been there." + wonder_amphitheater_colosseum: "Colosseum" + desc_wonder_amphitheater_colosseum: "The amphitheater has seen many uses throughout the centuries, including gladiatorial and animal fights, and later even serving as market stalls for city merchants." + wonder_cathedral_hagia_sophia: "Hagia Sophia" + desc_wonder_cathedral_hagia_sophia: "One of the most beautiful cathedrals on this part of the map." + wonder_pagan_stones_stonehenge: "Stonehenge" + desc_wonder_pagan_stones_stonehenge: "Some think the rocks were placed by gods. Others say it's pagan superstition, but refuse to go near them." + wonder_mausoleum_halicarnassus: "Mausoleum at Halicarnassus" + desc_wonder_mausoleum_halicarnassus: "A giant above-ground tomb, constructed by Mausolus, a satrap in the Persian Empire, for himself and Artemisia II of Caria." + wonder_temple_solomon: "Temple of Solomon" + desc_wonder_temple_solomon: "A hill, deeply sacred to Jewish worshipers, as it is said to be the location of the ancient Temple of Solomon." + wonder_lighthouse_alexandria: "Lighthouse of Alexandria" + desc_wonder_lighthouse_alexandria: "For a long time the tallest building in the world, the lighthouse is an impressive construction visible from far away, while also serving its purpose, guiding ships into port." + wonder_temple_hindu_konark: "Konark Sun Temple" + desc_wonder_temple_hindu_konark: "Konark Sun Temple;This temple was built in the form of a giant ornamented chariot dedicated to the Sun God, Surya." + wonder_apostolic_palace: "Apostolic Palace" + desc_wonder_apostolic_palace: "The palace of the Pope himself, sitting at the heart of Rome." + wonder_house_of_wisdom: "House of Wisdom" + desc_wonder_house_of_wisdom: "A grand university, housing much of the worlds knowledge." + wonder_underground_city_petra: "Petra" + desc_wonder_underground_city_petra: "The great desert city of Petra has existed for hundreds of years" + string_from_ck3:0 "A [Root.GetAdjective] [Root.Monarch.GetTitle], ruling from [From.Capital.GetCapitalName]... Wait, this is a game converted from Crusader Kings!\n\nAs the Converters Team we welcome you to the new step of your megacampaign. Hopefully there isn't a lot of bordergore, but who knows.\n\nIf you have any suggestions or you want to signal any bug, post it on the dedicated forum thread and we'll consider your input.\n\nIf you planned to have an AI timelapse, you can enter the Observer mode by opening the console and typing observer. If not, then let's resume:\n\nA [Root.GetAdjective] [Root.Monarch.GetTitle], ruling from [From.Capital.GetCapitalName]..." + ECUMENICAL_PATRIARCH:0 "Ecumenical Patriarch" + ECUMENICAL_MATRIARCH:0 "Ecumenical Matriarch" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_french.yml b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_french.yml index 575631a1..eda3157d 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_french.yml +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_french.yml @@ -1,58 +1,56 @@ -l_french: - JOM:3 "Jomsvikings" - JOM_ADJ:3 "jomsviking" - HAH:3 "Hashshashins" - HAH_ADJ:3 "hashshashin" - ROM:3 "Empire romain" - ROM_ADJ:3 "romaine" - ISR:3 "Israël" - ISR_ADJ:3 "israëlienne" - TEM:3 "Chevaliers du Temple" - TEM_ADJ:3 "templière" - west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" - west_african_pagan_reformed_demand_desc:3 "Ces fanatiques religieux combattent pour la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions tout effort de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." - west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Dévots" - west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" - west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Les fanatiques religieux tendent à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des pays d'une autre foi. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent aux infidèles." - west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "Armée $RELIGION$" - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Ces fanatiques religieux combattent pour la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions tout effort de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Dévots" - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Les fanatiques religieux tendent à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des pays d'une autre foi. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent aux infidèles." - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "Armée $RELIGION$" - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Ces fanatiques religieux combattent pour la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions tout effort de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Dévots" - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Les fanatiques religieux tendent à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des pays d'une autre foi. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent aux infidèles." - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "Armée $RELIGION$" - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Ces fanatiques religieux combattent pour la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions tout effort de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Dévots" - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Les fanatiques religieux tendent à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des pays d'une autre foi. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent aux infidèles." - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "Armée $RELIGION$" - zunist_rebels_demand:3 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" - zunist_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Ces fanatiques religieux combattent pour la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions tout effort de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." - zunist_rebels_title:3 "Dévots" - zunist_rebels_name:3 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" - zunist_rebels_desc:3 "Les fanatiques religieux tendent à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des pays d'une autre foi. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent aux infidèles." - zunist_rebels_army:3 "Armée $RELIGION$" - hellenic_pagan_rebels_demand:3 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" - hellenic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Ces fanatiques religieux combattent pour la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions tout effort de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." - hellenic_pagan_rebels_title:3 "Dévots" - hellenic_pagan_rebels_name:3 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" - hellenic_pagan_rebels_desc:3 "Les fanatiques religieux tendent à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des pays d'une autre foi. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent aux infidèles." - hellenic_pagan_rebels_army:3 "Armée $RELIGION$" - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Ces fanatiques religieux combattent pour la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions tout effort de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Dévots" - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Les fanatiques religieux tendent à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des pays d'une autre foi. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent aux infidèles." - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "Armée $RELIGION$" - - #Custom Idea Forgotten by PDX, text taken from old state maintenance text - custom_governing_capacity_modifier:1 "Allocations provinciales" - custom_governing_capacity_modifier_desc:1 "En accordant des privilèges et allocations particuliers aux gouverneurs des États, nous pouvons réduire les dépenses liées à leur fonctionnement." - +l_french: + JOM: "Jomsvikings" + JOM_ADJ: "jomsviking" + HAH: "Hashshashins" + HAH_ADJ: "hashshashin" + ROM: "Empire romain" + ROM_ADJ: "romaine" + ISR: "Israël" + ISR_ADJ: "israëlienne" + TEM: "Chevaliers du Temple" + TEM_ADJ: "templière" + west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + west_african_pagan_reformed_demand_desc: "Ces fanatiques religieux combattent pour la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions tout effort de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Dévots" + west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" + west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Les fanatiques religieux tendent à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des pays d'une autre foi. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent aux infidèles." + west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "Armée $RELIGION$" + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc: "Ces fanatiques religieux combattent pour la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions tout effort de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Dévots" + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Les fanatiques religieux tendent à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des pays d'une autre foi. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent aux infidèles." + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "Armée $RELIGION$" + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc: "Ces fanatiques religieux combattent pour la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions tout effort de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Dévots" + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Les fanatiques religieux tendent à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des pays d'une autre foi. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent aux infidèles." + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "Armée $RELIGION$" + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc: "Ces fanatiques religieux combattent pour la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions tout effort de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Dévots" + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Les fanatiques religieux tendent à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des pays d'une autre foi. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent aux infidèles." + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "Armée $RELIGION$" + zunist_rebels_demand: "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + zunist_rebels_demand_desc: "Ces fanatiques religieux combattent pour la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions tout effort de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + zunist_rebels_title: "Dévots" + zunist_rebels_name: "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" + zunist_rebels_desc: "Les fanatiques religieux tendent à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des pays d'une autre foi. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent aux infidèles." + zunist_rebels_army: "Armée $RELIGION$" + hellenic_pagan_rebels_demand: "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + hellenic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc: "Ces fanatiques religieux combattent pour la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions tout effort de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + hellenic_pagan_rebels_title: "Dévots" + hellenic_pagan_rebels_name: "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" + hellenic_pagan_rebels_desc: "Les fanatiques religieux tendent à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des pays d'une autre foi. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent aux infidèles." + hellenic_pagan_rebels_army: "Armée $RELIGION$" + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Conversion de $COUNTRYNAME$" + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc: "Ces fanatiques religieux combattent pour la foi $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie, ou à tout le moins que nous cessions tout effort de conversion à leur encontre et les laissions pratiquer leur religion en paix." + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Dévots" + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Les fanatiques religieux tendent à se soulever dans les provinces contrôlées par des pays d'une autre foi. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et s'en prennent aux infidèles." + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "Armée $RELIGION$" + string_from_ck3:0 "Un[Root.GetXEDir] [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] [Root.GetRootAdjMS][Root.GetXEDir], qui règne à [From.Capital.GetCapitalName]... Attendez, mais c'est un jeu converti de Crusader Kings!\n\nL'Équipe des Convertisseurs vous souhaite la bienvenue dans la nouvelle étape de votre mégacampagne. Nous espérons qu'il n'y a pas trop de lèpre des frontières, mais qui sait.\n\nSi vous avez des suggestions ou si vous souhaitez signaler un bogue, postez-le sur le fil de discussion dédié du forum et nous irons prendre en compte votre contribution.\n\nSi vous avez le désire d'avoir un accélére d'IA, vous pouvez entrer en modalité "Observeur" en ouvrant la console et en y tapant observer. Sinon, on continue:\n\nUn[Root.GetXEDir] [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] [Root.GetRootAdjMS][Root.GetXEDir], qui règne à [From.Capital.GetCapitalName]..." + ECUMENICAL_PATRIARCH:0 "Patriarche Œcuménique" + ECUMENICAL_MATRIARCH:0 "Matriarche Œcuménique" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_german.yml b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_german.yml index 46a194f8..fa7d0c7a 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_german.yml +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_german.yml @@ -1,60 +1,58 @@ -l_german: - JOM:3 "Jomswikinger" - JOM_ADJ:3 "Jomswikingisch" - HAH:3 "Hashshashine" - HAH_ADJ:3 "Hashshashinisch" - ROM:3 "Roemisches Imperium" - ROM_ADJ:3 "Roemisch" - west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" - west_african_pagan_reformed_demand_desc:3 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." - west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Religiös" - west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" - west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." - west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGION$ Armee" - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Religiös" - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGION$ Armee" - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Religiös" - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGION$ Armee" - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Religiös" - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGION$ Armee" - tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" - tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." - tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Religiös" - tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" - tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." - tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGION$ Armee" - zoroastrian_rebels_demand:3 "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" - zoroastrian_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." - zoroastrian_rebels_title:3 "Religiös" - zoroastrian_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" - zoroastrian_rebels_desc:3 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." - zoroastrian_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGION$ Armee" - hellenic_pagan_rebels_demand:3 "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" - hellenic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." - hellenic_pagan_rebels_title:3 "Religiös" - hellenic_pagan_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" - hellenic_pagan_rebels_desc:3 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." - hellenic_pagan_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGION$ Armee" - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Religiös" - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGION$ Armee" - - #Custom Idea Forgotten by PDX, text taken from old state maintenance text - custom_governing_capacity_modifier:1 "Provinzialzulagen" - custom_governing_capacity_modifier_desc:1 "Durch die Gewährung besonderer Privilegien und Zulagen an unsere Staatsgouverneure können wir die Kosten ihrer Dienstleistungen geringfügig reduzieren." - +l_german: + JOM: "Jomswikinger" + JOM_ADJ: "Jomswikingisch" + HAH: "Hashshashine" + HAH_ADJ: "Hashshashinisch" + ROM: "Roemisches Imperium" + ROM_ADJ: "Roemisch" + west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" + west_african_pagan_reformed_demand_desc: "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Religiös" + west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" + west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." + west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "$RELIGION$ Armee" + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc: "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Religiös" + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "$RELIGION$ Armee" + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc: "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Religiös" + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "$RELIGION$ Armee" + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc: "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Religiös" + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "$RELIGION$ Armee" + tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" + tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc: "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Religiös" + tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" + tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." + tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "$RELIGION$ Armee" + zoroastrian_rebels_demand: "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" + zoroastrian_rebels_demand_desc: "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + zoroastrian_rebels_title: "Religiös" + zoroastrian_rebels_name: "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" + zoroastrian_rebels_desc: "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." + zoroastrian_rebels_army: "$RELIGION$ Armee" + hellenic_pagan_rebels_demand: "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" + hellenic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc: "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + hellenic_pagan_rebels_title: "Religiös" + hellenic_pagan_rebels_name: "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" + hellenic_pagan_rebels_desc: "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." + hellenic_pagan_rebels_army: "$RELIGION$ Armee" + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Konvertiert $COUNTRYNAME$" + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc: "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$ Religion. Sie verlangen das wir deren Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder wenigstens unsere Konvertierungsversuche einstellen, so dass sie ihren Glauben in Frieden ausüben können." + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Religiös" + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "$RELIGION$ Fanatiker" + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Religiöse Fanatiker erheben sich vor allem in Provinzen, deren Religion von der Staatsreligion abweicht. Sie wollen ihre Religion verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen bekehren." + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "$RELIGION$ Armee" + string_from_ck3:0 "[Root.GetMEinEine] [Root.GetAdjective]e [Root.Monarch.GetTitle], [Root.GetMderdie] aus [Root.Capital.GetCapitalName] regiert... Halte mal, dies ist ein von Crusader Kings konvertiertes Spiel!\n\nAls Konverter-Mannschaft begrüßen wir Sie zum neuen Schritt Ihrer Großkampagne. Hoffentlich gibt es nicht zu viel Grenzenaussatz, aber wer weiß.\n\nWenn Sie Vorschläge haben oder einen Fehler melden möchten, posten Sie ihn im speziellen Forenthread und wir werden Ihre Eingabe berücksichtigen.\n\nWenn Sie einen Nur-KI-Zeitraffer geplant haben, können Sie in den Beobachtermodus wechseln, indem Sie die Konsole öffnen und darin observer schreiben. Wenn nicht, fahren wir fort:\n\n[Root.GetMEinEine] [Root.GetAdjective]e [Root.Monarch.GetTitle], [Root.GetMderdie] aus [Root.Capital.GetCapitalName] regiert..." + ECUMENICAL_PATRIARCH:0 "Ökumenischer Patriarch" + ECUMENICAL_MATRIARCH:0 "Ökumenische Matriarch" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_spanish.yml b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_spanish.yml index a9340910..eed57c5c 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_spanish.yml +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/converted_misc_l_spanish.yml @@ -1,60 +1,58 @@ -l_spanish: - JOM:3 "Jomsvikingos" - JOM_ADJ:3 "Jomsvikinga" - HAH:3 "Asesinos" - HAH_ADJ:3 "Asesina" - ROM:3 "Imperio Romano" - ROM_ADJ:3 "Romana" - west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - west_african_pagan_reformed_demand_desc:3 "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." - west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Religiosos" - west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" - west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." - west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "Ejército del $RELIGION$" - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Religiosos" - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." - baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "Ejército del $RELIGION$" - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Religiosos" - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." - finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "Ejército del $RELIGION$" - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Religiosos" - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." - slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "Ejército del $RELIGION$" - tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." - tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Religiosos" - tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" - tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." - tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "Ejército del $RELIGION$" - zoroastrian_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - zoroastrian_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." - zoroastrian_rebels_title:3 "Religiosos" - zoroastrian_rebels_name:3 "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" - zoroastrian_rebels_desc:3 "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." - zoroastrian_rebels_army:3 "Ejército del $RELIGION$" - hellenic_pagan_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - hellenic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." - hellenic_pagan_rebels_title:3 "Religiosos" - hellenic_pagan_rebels_name:3 "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" - hellenic_pagan_rebels_desc:3 "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." - hellenic_pagan_rebels_army:3 "Ejército del $RELIGION$" - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title:3 "Religiosos" - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name:3 "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc:3 "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." - hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army:3 "Ejército del $RELIGION$" - - #Custom Idea Forgotten by PDX, text taken from old state maintenance text - custom_governing_capacity_modifier:1 "Sobresueldos provinciales" - custom_governing_capacity_modifier_desc:0 "Concediendo privilegios y sobresueldos especiales a nuestros gobernadores provinciales, podemos reducir ligeramente los gastos de sus servicios." - +l_spanish: + JOM: "Jomsvikingos" + JOM_ADJ: "Jomsvikinga" + HAH: "Asesinos" + HAH_ADJ: "Asesina" + ROM: "Imperio Romano" + ROM_ADJ: "Romana" + west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + west_african_pagan_reformed_demand_desc: "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." + west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Religiosos" + west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" + west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." + west_african_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "Ejército del $RELIGION$" + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc: "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Religiosos" + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." + baltic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "Ejército del $RELIGION$" + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc: "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Religiosos" + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." + finnish_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "Ejército del $RELIGION$" + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc: "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Religiosos" + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." + slavic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "Ejército del $RELIGION$" + tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc: "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." + tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Religiosos" + tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" + tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." + tengri_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "Ejército del $RELIGION$" + zoroastrian_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + zoroastrian_rebels_demand_desc: "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." + zoroastrian_rebels_title: "Religiosos" + zoroastrian_rebels_name: "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" + zoroastrian_rebels_desc: "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." + zoroastrian_rebels_army: "Ejército del $RELIGION$" + hellenic_pagan_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + hellenic_pagan_rebels_demand_desc: "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." + hellenic_pagan_rebels_title: "Religiosos" + hellenic_pagan_rebels_name: "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" + hellenic_pagan_rebels_desc: "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." + hellenic_pagan_rebels_army: "Ejército del $RELIGION$" + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand: "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_demand_desc: "Los rebeldes luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Ellos piden que reconozcamos su supremacía o que al menos dejemos de intentar convertirlos y les dejemos rendir culto en paz." + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_title: "Religiosos" + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_name: "Fanáticos del $RELIGION$" + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_desc: "Los fanáticos religiosos suelen aparecer en provincias controladas por una nación con distintas creencias. Pretenden difundir su doctrina y castigar a los infieles." + hellenic_pagan_reformed_rebels_army: "Ejército del $RELIGION$" + string_from_ck3:0 "Un[Root.GetXaDir] [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] [Root.GetAdjective], gobernando desde [Root.Capital.GetCapitalName]... ¡Espere, este es un juego convertido de Crusader Kings!\n\nComo Equipo de los Convertidores, Le damos la bienvenida al nuevo paso de Su megacampaña. Ojalá no haya mucha mapa-lepra, pero quién sabe.\n\nSi Usted tiene alguna sugerencia o desea señalar algún error, publíquelo en el hilo del foro dedicado y consideraremos su opinión.\n\nSi Usted planea tener un time-lapse de IA, puede ingresar al modo observador abriendo la consola y escribiendo observer. Si no, reanudemos:\n\nUn[Root.GetXaDir] [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] [Root.GetAdjective], gobernando desde [Root.Capital.GetCapitalName]..." + ECUMENICAL_PATRIARCH:0 "Patriarca Ecuménico" + ECUMENICAL_MATRIARCH:0 "Matriarca Ecuménica" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_english.yml b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_english.yml index 27bb7ad9..8c25ba13 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_english.yml +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_english.yml @@ -1,61 +1,70 @@ l_english: - oldspain:3 "Iberian" - illyrian:3 "Illyrian" - nuragic:3 "Nuragic" - getian:3 "Getian" - vandal:3 "Vandal" - gothic:3 "Gothic" - alexandrine:3 "Alexandrine" - canaanite:3 "Canaanite" - canaanite_desc:3 "The Canaanite religion represents the pantheon of gods and goddesses of the Near East before the Jewish faith conquered those lands." - canaanite_rebels_demand:3 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" - canaanite_rebels_demand_desc:3 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." - canaanite_rebels_title:3 "Religious" - canaanite_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" - canaanite_rebels_desc:3 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." - canaanite_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGION$ Army" - druidism:3 "Druidism" - druidism_desc:3 "The Celts used to have shamans known as druids." - druidism_rebels_demand:3 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" - druidism_rebels_demand_desc:3 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." - druidism_rebels_title:3 "Religious" - druidism_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" - druidism_rebels_desc:3 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." - druidism_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGION$ Army" - kemetism:3 "Kemetism" - kemetism_desc:3 "The ancient religion of the Egyptians, full of deities and mysteries." - kemetism_rebels_demand:3 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" - kemetism_rebels_demand_desc:3 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." - kemetism_rebels_title:3 "Religious" - kemetism_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGIOUS$ Zealots" - kemetism_rebels_desc:3 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." - kemetism_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGIOUS$ Army" - mardukism:3 "Mardukism" - mardukism_desc:3 "Marduk was the chief-deity of the Babylonians." - mardukism_rebels_demand:3 "Convert $COUNTRYNAME$" - mardukism_rebels_demand_desc:3 "The religious rebels fight for the $RELIGION$ religion. They demand that we recognize its supremacy or at the very least cease our efforts to convert them and let them worship in peace." - mardukism_rebels_title:3 "Religious" - mardukism_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGION$ Zealots" - mardukism_rebels_desc:3 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." - mardukism_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGION$ Army" - MOLOCHITES:3 "Molochites" - AMMONITES:3 "Ammonites" - JEBUSAEI:3 "Jebusites" - MOABITES:3 "Abomination of Moab" - EDOMITES:3 "Stool of Edom" - ELUVEITIE:3 "Eluveitie" - ASTERIX:3 "Asterix" - DANIEL:3 "Danielprophetians" - SUMER:3 "Sumerians" - amun:3 "Amun" - amun_desc:3 "Amun is the king of the Egyptian pantheon and is also the god of wind." - maat:3 "Ma'at" - maat_desc:3 "Ma'at is the goddess of truth, balance, order and justice. Ma'at ensures the stability of Egypt." - ra:3 "Ra" - ra_desc:3 "Ra is the god of the sun, and is associated with the falcon or hawk." - seth:3 "Seth" - seth_desc:3 "Seth is the god of disorder, violence, chaos and storms." - isis:3 "Isis" - isis_desc:3 "Isis is the ideal mother and wife, and both the protector of the dead and the goddess of children." - anubis:3 "Anubis" - anubis_desc:3 "Anubis is a jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife." \ No newline at end of file + oldspain: "Iberian" + illyrian: "Illyrian" + nuragic: "Nuragic" + getian: "Getian" + vandal: "Vandal" + gothic: "Gothic" + alexandrine: "Alexandrine" + punic_group:0 "Punic" + carthaginian:0 "Carthaginian" + ythalonim:0 "Ythalonim" + ualonuth:0 "Ualonuth" + sicorathi:0 "Sicorathi" + symacom:0 "Symacom" + ysthyalm:0 "Ysthyalm" + sythchy:0 "Sythchy" + ynnocho:0 "Ynnocho" + mlachthi:0 "Mlachthi" + inythmum:0 "Inythmum" + gadolite:0 "Gadolite" + bythlimmoth:0 "Bythlimmoth" + sidonian:0 "Sidonian" + taliaite:0 "Taliaite" + lacanite:0 "Lacanite" + epicrateian:0 "Epicrateian" + pmpese:0 "Pmpese" + ythbynuthi:0 "Ythbynuthi" + ychibarku:0 "Ychibarku" + liphocaneth:0 "Liphocaneth" + mysehi:0 "Mysehi" + salinatorian:0 "Salinatorian" + bazramani:0 "Bazramani" + euxinian:0 "Euxinian" + xliponian:0 "Xliponian" + gothic_group:0 "Gothic" + ostrogothic:0 "Ostrogothic" + varangian:0 "Varangian" + mena_german:0 "Nehwaustronijaz" + old_mashriqi:0 "Canaanite" + chaldean:0 "Chaldean" + prettanian:0 "Prettanian" + hyperborean_greek:0 "Hyperborean" + gaulish_greek:0 "Galatian" + spanish_greek:0 "Spaniolic" + german_greek:0 "Adelphic" + mena_greek:0 "Psammodytes" + hittite_group:0 "Hittite" + luwian:0 "Luwian" + lydian:0 "Lydian" + hittite:0 "Hittite" + phrygian:0 "Phrygian" + scythian_group:0 "Scythian" + sarmatian:0 "Sarmatian" + celts:0 "Celtic" + belgian:0 "Belgian" + gaulish:0 "Gaulish" + scordiscian:0 "Scordiscian" + celtiberian:0 "Celtiberian" + dacian_group:0 "Dacian" + dacian:0 "Dacian" + thracian:0 "Thracian" + SUFFET:0 "Suffet" + SUFFET_fem:0 "Suffet" + PHARAOH:0 "Pharaoh" + PHARAOH_fem:0 "Pharaohess" + DAUPHIN:0 "Dauphin" + DAUPHIN_fem:0 "Dauphine" + tyrrhenian:0 "Tyrrhenian" + rhaetian:0 "Rhaetian" + lemnian:0 "Lemnian" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_french.yml b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_french.yml index 8d5c5636..1405df23 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_french.yml +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_french.yml @@ -1,61 +1,70 @@ l_french: - oldspain:3 "Ibérique" - illyrian:3 "Illyrienne" - nuragic:3 "Nuragique" - getian:3 "Gétique" - vandal:3 "Vandale" - gothic:3 "Gothique" - alexandrine:3 "Alexandrine" - canaanite:3 "Cananéenne" - canaanite_desc:3 "La religion cananéenne représente le panthéon des dieux et des déesses du Proche-Orient avant que la foi juive ne conquiert ces terres." - canaanite_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - canaanite_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Les rebelles religieux se battent pour la religion $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie ou, à tout le moins, cessions nos efforts pour les convertir et les laissions adorer en paix." - canaanite_rebels_title:3 "Religieux" - canaanite_rebels_name:3 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" - canaanite_rebels_desc:3 "Les fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans des provinces contrôlées par des nations d'une religion différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et à frapper tous les incroyants." - canaanite_rebels_army:3 "Armée $RELIGION$" - druidism:3 "Druidisme" - druidism_desc:3 "Les Celtes avaient des chamans appelés druides." - druidism_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - druidism_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Les rebelles religieux se battent pour la religion $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie ou, à tout le moins, cessions nos efforts pour les convertir et les laissions adorer en paix." - druidism_rebels_title:3 "Religieux" - druidism_rebels_name:3 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" - druidism_rebels_desc:3 "Les fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans des provinces contrôlées par des nations d'une religion différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et à frapper tous les incroyants." - druidism_rebels_army:3 "Armée $RELIGION$" - kemetism:3 "Kémétisme" - kemetism_desc:3 "L'ancienne religion des Égyptiens, pleine de divinités et de mystères." - kemetism_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - kemetism_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Les rebelles religieux se battent pour la religion $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie ou, à tout le moins, cessions nos efforts pour les convertir et les laissions adorer en paix." - kemetism_rebels_title:3 "Religieux" - kemetism_rebels_name:3 "Fanatiques $RELIGIOUS$" - kemetism_rebels_desc:3 "Les fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans des provinces contrôlées par des nations d'une religion différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et à frapper tous les incroyants." - kemetism_rebels_army:3 "Armée $RELIGION$" - mardukism:3 "Mardoukisme" - mardukism_desc:3 "Mardouk était la divinité principale des Babyloniens." - mardukism_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - mardukism_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Les rebelles religieux se battent pour la religion $RELIGION$. Ils exigent que nous reconnaissions sa suprématie ou, à tout le moins, cessions nos efforts pour les convertir et les laissions adorer en paix." - mardukism_rebels_title:3 "Religieux" - mardukism_rebels_name:3 "Fanatiques $RELIGION$" - mardukism_rebels_desc:3 "Les fanatiques religieux ont tendance à se soulever dans des provinces contrôlées par des nations d'une religion différente. Ils cherchent à répandre leur foi et à frapper tous les incroyants." - mardukism_rebels_army:3 "Armée $RELIGION$" - MOLOCHITES:3 "Molochites" - AMMONITES:3 "Ammonites" - JEBUSAEI:3 "Jébusites" - MOABITES:3 "Abomination de Moab" - EDOMITES:3 "Tabouret d'Edom" - ELUVEITIE:3 "Eluveitie" - ASTERIX:3 "Astérix" - DANIEL:3 "Danielprophétians" - SUMER:3 "Sumériens" - amun:3 "Amon" - amun_desc:3 "Amon est le roi du panthéon égyptien et est également le dieu du vent." - maat:3 "Maât" - maat_desc:3 "Maât est la déesse de la vérité, de l'équilibre, de l'ordre et de la justice. Maât assure la stabilité de l'Égypte." - ra:3 "Ra" - ra_desc:3 "Ra est le dieu du soleil et est associé au faucon ou au faucon." - seth:3 "Seth" - seth_desc:3 "Seth est le dieu du désordre, de la violence, du chaos et des tempêtes." - isis:3 "Isis" - isis_desc:3 "Isis est la mère et la femme idéales, et à la fois la protectrice des morts et la déesse des enfants." - anubis:3 "Anubis" - anubis_desc:3 "Anubis est un dieu à tête de chacal associé à la momification et à l'au-delà." \ No newline at end of file + oldspain: "Ibérique" + illyrian: "Illyrienne" + nuragic: "Nuragique" + getian: "Gétique" + vandal: "Vandale" + gothic: "Gothique" + alexandrine: "Alexandrine" + punic_group:0 "Punique" + carthaginian:0 "Carthaginoise" + ythalonim:0 "Ythalonim" + ualonuth:0 "Ualonuth" + sicorathi:0 "Sicorathi" + symacom:0 "Symacom" + ysthyalm:0 "Ysthyalm" + sythchy:0 "Sythchy" + ynnocho:0 "Ynnocho" + mlachthi:0 "Mlachthi" + inythmum:0 "Inythmum" + gadolite:0 "Gadolite" + bythlimmoth:0 "Bythlimmoth" + sidonian:0 "Sidonienne" + taliaite:0 "Taliaïte" + lacanite:0 "Lacanite" + epicrateian:0 "Épicratéienne" + pmpese:0 "Pmpoise" + ythbynuthi:0 "Ythbynuthi" + ychibarku:0 "Ychibarku" + liphocaneth:0 "Liphocaneth" + mysehi:0 "Mysehi" + salinatorian:0 "Salinatorienne" + bazramani:0 "Bazramani" + euxinian:0 "Euxinienne" + xliponian:0 "Xliponienne" + gothic_group:0 "Gothique" + ostrogothic:0 "Ostrogothique" + varangian:0 "Varègue" + mena_german:0 "Nehwaustronijaz" + old_mashriqi:0 "Cananéenne" + chaldean:0 "Chaldéenne" + prettanian:0 "Prettanienne" + hyperborean_greek:0 "Hyperboréenne" + gaulish_greek:0 "Galate" + spanish_greek:0 "Espagnolique" + german_greek:0 "Adelphique" + mena_greek:0 "Psammodyte" + hittite_group:0 "Hittite" + luwian:0 "Luwienne" + lydian:0 "Lydienne" + hittite:0 "Hittite" + phrygian:0 "Phrygienne" + scythian_group:0 "Scythe" + sarmatian:0 "Sarmate" + celts:0 "Celtique" + belgian:0 "Belge" + gaulish:0 "Gauloise" + scordiscian:0 "Scordiscienne" + celtiberian:0 "Celtibérienne" + dacian_group:0 "Dace" + dacian:0 "Dace" + thracian:0 "Thrace" + SUFFET:0 "Suffet" + SUFFET_fem:0 "Suffet" + PHARAOH:0 "Pharaon" + PHARAOH_fem:0 "Pharaon" + DAUPHIN:0 "Dauphin" + DAUPHIN_fem:0 "Dauphine" + tyrrhenian:0 "Tyrrhénienne" + rhaetian:0 "Rhétienne" + lemnian:0 "Lemnienne" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_german.yml b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_german.yml index eaf1dd7a..3af9cb89 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_german.yml +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_german.yml @@ -1,61 +1,70 @@ l_german: - oldspain:3 "Iberisch" - illyrian:3 "Illyrisch" - nuragic:3 "Nuragisch" - getian:3 "Getisch" - vandal:3 "Vandalisch" - gothic:3 "Gotisch" - alexandrine:3 "Alexandriner" - canaanite:3 "Kanaanitisch" - canaanite_desc:3 "Die kanaanitische Religion repräsentiert das Pantheon der Götter und Göttinnen des Nahen Ostens, bevor der jüdische Glaube diese Länder eroberte." - canaanite_rebels_demand:3 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" - canaanite_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$e Religion. Sie fordern, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder zumindest unsere Bemühungen einstellen, sie zu bekehren und sie in Frieden anbeten zu lassen." - canaanite_rebels_title:3 "Religiös-" - canaanite_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGION$e Eiferer" - canaanite_rebels_desc:3 "Religiöse Fanatiker neigen dazu, sich in Provinzen zu erheben, die von Nationen eines anderen Glaubens kontrolliert werden. Sie versuchen, ihren Glauben zu verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen zu schlagen." - canaanite_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGION$e Armee" - druidism:3 "Druidismus" - druidism_desc:3 "Die Kelten hatten Schamanen, die als Druiden bekannt waren." - druidism_rebels_demand:3 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" - druidism_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$e Religion. Sie fordern, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder zumindest unsere Bemühungen einstellen, sie zu bekehren und sie in Frieden anbeten zu lassen." - druidism_rebels_title:3 "Religiös-" - druidism_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGION$e Eiferer" - druidism_rebels_desc:3 "Religious fanatics tend to rise up in provinces controlled by nations of a different faith. They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers." - druidism_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGION$e Armee" - kemetism:3 "Kemetismus" - kemetism_desc:3 "Die alte Religion der Ägypter, voller Gottheiten und Geheimnisse." - kemetism_rebels_demand:3 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" - kemetism_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$e Religion. Sie fordern, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder zumindest unsere Bemühungen einstellen, sie zu bekehren und sie in Frieden anbeten zu lassen." - kemetism_rebels_title:3 "Religiös-" - kemetism_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGION$e Eiferer" - kemetism_rebels_desc:3 "Religiöse Fanatiker neigen dazu, sich in Provinzen zu erheben, die von Nationen eines anderen Glaubens kontrolliert werden. Sie versuchen, ihren Glauben zu verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen zu schlagen." - kemetism_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGION$e Armee" - mardukism:3 "Mardukismus" - mardukism_desc:3 "Marduk war die Hauptgottheit der Babylonier." - mardukism_rebels_demand:3 "$COUNTRYNAME$ konvertieren" - mardukism_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Die religiösen Rebellen kämpfen für die $RELIGION$e Religion. Sie fordern, dass wir ihre Vormachtstellung anerkennen oder zumindest unsere Bemühungen einstellen, sie zu bekehren und sie in Frieden anbeten zu lassen." - mardukism_rebels_title:3 "Religiös-" - mardukism_rebels_name:3 "$RELIGION$e Eiferer" - mardukism_rebels_desc:3 "Religiöse Fanatiker neigen dazu, sich in Provinzen zu erheben, die von Nationen eines anderen Glaubens kontrolliert werden. Sie versuchen, ihren Glauben zu verbreiten und alle Ungläubigen zu schlagen." - mardukism_rebels_army:3 "$RELIGION$e Armee" - MOLOCHITES:3 "Molochiten" - AMMONITES:3 "Ammoniten" - JEBUSAEI:3 "Jebusiten" - MOABITES:3 "Greuel von Moab" - EDOMITES:3 "Hocker von Edom" - ELUVEITIE:3 "Eluveitie" - ASTERIX:3 "Asterix" - DANIEL:3 "Danielprophetisten" - SUMER:3 "Sumerer" - amun:3 "Amun" - amun_desc:3 "Amun ist der König des ägyptischen Pantheons und auch der Gott des Windes." - maat:3 "Ma'at" - maat_desc:3 "Ma'at ist die Göttin der Wahrheit, des Gleichgewichts, der Ordnung und der Gerechtigkeit. Ma'at sorgt für die Stabilität Ägyptens." - ra:3 "Ra" - ra_desc:3 "Ra ist der Gott der Sonne und wird mit dem Falken oder Falken assoziiert." - seth:3 "Seth" - seth_desc:3 "Seth ist der Gott der Unordnung, der Gewalt, des Chaos und der Stürme." - isis:3 "Isis" - isis_desc:3 "Isis ist die ideale Mutter und Frau und sowohl die Beschützerin der Toten als auch die Göttin der Kinder." - anubis:3 "Anubis" - anubis_desc:3 "Anubis ist ein schakalköpfiger Gott, der mit Mumifizierung und dem Leben nach dem Tod verbunden ist." \ No newline at end of file + oldspain: "Iberisch" + illyrian: "Illyrisch" + nuragic: "Nuragisch" + getian: "Getisch" + vandal: "Vandalisch" + gothic: "Gotisch" + alexandrine: "Alexandrinisch" + punic_group:0 "Punisch" + carthaginian:0 "Karthagisch" + ythalonim:0 "Ythalonim" + ualonuth:0 "Ualonuth" + sicorathi:0 "Sicorathi" + symacom:0 "Symacom" + ysthyalm:0 "Ysthyalm" + sythchy:0 "Sythchy" + ynnocho:0 "Ynnocho" + mlachthi:0 "Mlachthi" + inythmum:0 "Inythmum" + gadolite:0 "Gadolit" + bythlimmoth:0 "Bythlimmoth" + sidonian:0 "Sidoner" + taliaite:0 "Taliait" + lacanite:0 "Lacanit" + epicrateian:0 "Epicrateisch" + pmpese:0 "Pmpisch" + ythbynuthi:0 "Ythbynuthi" + ychibarku:0 "Ychibarku" + liphocaneth:0 "Liphocaneth" + mysehi:0 "Mysehi" + salinatorian:0 "Salztorisch" + bazramani:0 "Bazramani" + euxinian:0 "Euxinisch" + xliponian:0 "Xliponisch" + gothic_group:0 "Gotisch" + ostrogothic:0 "Ostgotisch" + varangian:0 "Warägisch" + mena_german:0 "Nehwaustronijaz" + old_mashriqi:0 "Kanaanitisch" + chaldean:0 "Chaldäisch" + prettanian:0 "Prettanisch" + hyperborean_greek:0 "Hyperboreisch" + gaulish_greek:0 "Galatisch" + spanish_greek:0 "Spaniolisch" + german_greek:0 "Adelphisch" + mena_greek:0 "Psammodytisch" + hittite_group:0 "Hethitisch" + luwian:0 "Luwisch" + lydian:0 "Lydisch" + hittite:0 "Hethitisch" + phrygian:0 "Phrygisch" + scythian_group:0 "Skythisch" + sarmatian:0 "Sarmatisch" + celts:0 "Keltisch" + belgian:0 "Belgisch" + gaulish:0 "Gallisch" + scordiscian:0 "Scordiscisch" + celtiberian:0 "Keltiberisch" + dacian_group:0 "Dazisch" + dacian:0 "Dazisch" + thracian:0 "Thrakisch" + SUFFET:0 "Suffet" + SUFFET_fem:0 "Suffetin" + PHARAOH:0 "Pharao" + PHARAOH_fem:0 "Pharaoin" + DAUPHIN:0 "Dauphin" + DAUPHIN_fem:0 "Dauphine" + tyrrhenian:0 "Tyrrhenisch" + rhaetian:0 "Rhätisch" + lemnian:0 "Lemnisch" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_spanish.yml b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_spanish.yml index 29096a20..8d7be204 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_spanish.yml +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/impck3_l_spanish.yml @@ -1,61 +1,70 @@ l_spanish: - oldspain:3 "Ibérico" - illyrian:3 "Ilirio" - nuragic:3 "Nurágico" - getian:3 "Gético" - vandal:3 "Vándalo" - gothic:3 "Gótico" - alexandrine:3 "Alejandrino" - canaanite:3 "Canaanita" - canaanite_desc:3 "La religión cananea representa el panteón de dioses y diosas del Cercano Oriente antes de que la fe judía conquistara esas tierras." - canaanite_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - canaanite_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o que, al menos, cesemos nuestros esfuerzos para convertirlos y dejarlos adorar en paz." - canaanite_rebels_title:3 "Religiosos" - canaanite_rebels_name:3 "Fanáticos $RELIGION$s" - canaanite_rebels_desc:3 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe diferente. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." - canaanite_rebels_army:3 "Ejército $RELIGION$" - druidism:3 "Druidismo" - druidism_desc:3 "Los celtas solían tener chamanes conocidos como druidas." - druidism_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - druidism_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o que, al menos, cesemos nuestros esfuerzos para convertirlos y dejarlos adorar en paz." - druidism_rebels_title:3 "Religiosos" - druidism_rebels_name:3 "Fanáticos $RELIGION$s" - druidism_rebels_desc:3 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe diferente. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." - druidism_rebels_army:3 "Ejército $RELIGION$" - kemetism:3 "Kemetismo" - kemetism_desc:3 "La antigua religión de los egipcios, llena de deidades y misterios." - kemetism_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - kemetism_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o que, al menos, cesemos nuestros esfuerzos para convertirlos y dejarlos adorar en paz." - kemetism_rebels_title:3 "Religiosos" - kemetism_rebels_name:3 "Fanáticos $RELIGION$s" - kemetism_rebels_desc:3 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe diferente. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." - kemetism_rebels_army:3 "Ejército $RELIGION$" - mardukism:3 "Marduquismo" - mardukism_desc:3 "Marduk era la deidad principal de los babilonios." - mardukism_rebels_demand:3 "Convertir $COUNTRYNAME$" - mardukism_rebels_demand_desc:3 "Los rebeldes religiosos luchan por la religión $RELIGION$. Exigen que reconozcamos su supremacía o que, al menos, cesemos nuestros esfuerzos para convertirlos y dejarlos adorar en paz." - mardukism_rebels_title:3 "Religiosos" - mardukism_rebels_name:3 "Fanáticos $RELIGION$s" - mardukism_rebels_desc:3 "Los fanáticos religiosos tienden a levantarse en provincias controladas por naciones de una fe diferente. Buscan difundir su fe y golpear a todos los incrédulos." - mardukism_rebels_army:3 "Ejército $RELIGION$" - MOLOCHITES:3 "Molochitas" - AMMONITES:3 "Ammonitas" - JEBUSAEI:3 "Jebuseos" - MOABITES:3 "Abominación de Moab" - EDOMITES:3 "Taburete de Edom" - ELUVEITIE:3 "Eluveitie" - ASTERIX:3 "Asterix" - DANIEL:3 "Danielprofetejos" - SUMER:3 "Sumerios" - amun:3 "Amón" - amun_desc:3 "Amón es el rey del panteón egipcio y también es el dios del viento." - maat:3 "Ma'at" - maat_desc:3 "Ma'at es la diosa de la verdad, el equilibrio, el orden y la justicia. Ma'at asegura la estabilidad de Egipto." - ra:3 "Ra" - ra_desc:3 "Ra es el dios del sol y está asociado con el halcón o halcón." - seth:3 "Seth" - seth_desc:3 "Seth es el dios del desorden, la violencia, el caos y las tormentas." - isis:3 "Isis" - isis_desc:3 "Isis es la madre y esposa ideal, y tanto la protectora de los muertos como la diosa de los niños." - anubis:3 "Anubis" - anubis_desc:3 "Anubis es un dios con cabeza de chacal asociado con la momificación y el más allá." \ No newline at end of file + oldspain: "Ibérica" + illyrian: "Iliria" + nuragic: "Nurágica" + getian: "Gética" + vandal: "Vándala" + gothic: "Gótica" + alexandrine: "Alejandrina" + punic_group:0 "Púnica" + carthaginian:0 "Cartaginesa" + ythalonim:0 "Ythalonim" + ualonuth:0 "Ualonuth" + sicorathi:0 "Sicorathi" + symacom:0 "Symacom" + ysthyalm:0 "Ysthyalm" + sythchy:0 "Sythchy" + ynnocho:0 "Ynnocho" + mlachthi:0 "Mlachthi" + inythmum:0 "Inythmum" + gadolite:0 "Gadolita" + bythlimmoth:0 "Bythlimmoth" + sidonian:0 "Sidonia" + taliaite:0 "Taliaita" + lacanite:0 "Lacanita" + epicrateian:0 "Epicrateja" + pmpese:0 "Pmpesa" + ythbynuthi:0 "Ythbynuthi" + ychibarku:0 "Ychibarku" + liphocaneth:0 "Liphocaneth" + mysehi:0 "Mysehi" + salinatorian:0 "Salinatoriana" + bazramani:0 "Bazramani" + euxinian:0 "Euxiniana" + xliponian:0 "Xliponiana" + gothic_group:0 "Goda" + ostrogothic:0 "Ostrogoda" + varangian:0 "Varangiana" + mena_german:0 "Nehwaustronijaz" + old_mashriqi:0 "Canaanita" + chaldean:0 "Caldea" + prettanian:0 "Prettania" + hyperborean_greek:0 "Hiperbórea" + gaulish_greek:0 "Gálata" + spanish_greek:0 "Espanyola" + german_greek:0 "Adelfica" + mena_greek:0 "Psammodí" + hittite_group:0 "Hitita" + luwian:0 "Luwia" + lydian:0 "Lidia" + hittite:0 "Hitita" + phrygian:0 "Frigia" + scythian_group:0 "Escita" + sarmatian:0 "Sarmata" + celts:0 "Céltica" + belgian:0 "Belga" + gaulish:0 "Gala" + scordiscian:0 "Scordisciana" + celtiberian:0 "Celtibérica" + dacian_group:0 "Dacia" + dacian:0 "Dacia" + thracian:0 "Tracia" + SUFFET:0 "Suffet" + SUFFET_fem:0 "Suffeta" + PHARAOH:0 "Faraón" + PHARAOH_fem:0 "Faraonesa" + DAUPHIN:0 "Delfín" + DAUPHIN_fem:0 "Delfina" + tyrrhenian:0 "Tirrena" + rhaetian:0 "Rética" + lemnian:0 "Lemnia" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/replace/converted_cultures_l_french.yml b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/replace/converted_cultures_l_french.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2e9b069c --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/localisation/replace/converted_cultures_l_french.yml @@ -0,0 +1,488 @@ +l_french: + norse: "Norroise" + german: "Allemande" + old_lombard: "Langobarde" + frankish: "Franque" + suebi: "Suève" + anglo_saxon: "Anglo-Saxonne" + frisian: "Frisonne" + italian: "Italienne" + roman: "Romaine" + dalmatian: "Dalmatienne" + outremer: "D'Outremer" + visigothic: "Visigothique" + alan: "Alaine" + assyrian: "Assyrienne" + coptic: "Copte" + pictish: "Picte" + komi: "Komi" + khanty: "Khanty" + mordvin: "Mordvine" + meshchera: "Mechtchérienne" + old_prussian: "Pruthène" + pecheneg: "Petchénègue" + cuman: "Coumane" + khazar: "Khazare" + bolghar: "Bolgare" + avar: "Avare" + karluk: "Karlouque" + khitan: "Khitane" + russian_culture: "Russe" + ilmenian: "Ilménienne" + severian: "Séveriane" + volhynian: "Volhynienne" + bosnian: "Bosniaque" + carantanian: "Carantanienne" + sogdian: "Sogdiane" + tocharian: "Tokharienne" + saka: "Saka" + daju: "Dadjo" + zaghawa: "Zaghawa" + ashkenazi: "Ashkénaze" + sephardi: "Séfarade" + tangut: "Tangoute" + zhangzhung: "Zhang-Zhung" + sumpa: "Sumpa" + equine: "Équine" + cat: "Chatte" + bear: "Ourse" + hedgehog_culture: "Hérissonne" + duck_culture: "Canarde" + dog_culture: "Chienne" + elephant_culture: "Éléphante" + dragon_culture: "Dragonne" + red_panda: "Panda Rouge" + equine_group:0 "Equidae" + cat_group:0 "Felidae" + hedgehog_group:0 "Erinaceidae" + bear_group:0 "Ursidae" + duck_group:0 "Anatidae" + dog_group:0 "Canidae" + elephant_group:0 "Elephantidae" + red_panda_group:0 "Ailuridae" + dragon_group:0 "Drachidae" + barbaro_germanic: "Roumain-Barbare" + roman_group: "Roumaine" + animal_cultures: "Animal" + alsatian: "Alsatienne" + sudeten: "Sudétique" + anatolian: "Anatolienne" + magnagreek: "Magna-Grecque" + frencharab: "Faransiyyun" + knaanic: "Knaanique" + magogic: "Magoguique" + yevanic: "Yévanique" + mizrahi: "Mizrahi" + israeli: "Israëli" + misrayim: "Misrayim" + zarphatic: "Tzarphatique" + laaz: "Laatz" + kaifeng: "Kaifeng" + carthaginian: "Carthaginienne" + hispanic: "Hispanique" + aegyptian: "Aegyptienne" + arabus: "Arabus" + graecus: "Grécus" + gaulic: "Gaulique" + theodisc: "Germanique" + pannonian: "Pannonienne" + wenedyk: "Vénédique" + britannian: "Britannus" + hyperborean: "Hyperboréenne" + kishinyov: "Quichignoffe" + tajik: "Tadjique" + old_pommeranian: "Poméranienne" +## French custom loc strings (gender/number agreement) + string_barbaro_germanic_fs:0 "roumain-barbare" + string_bear_fs:0 "ourse" + string_bear_group_fs:0 "ourse" + string_bolghar_fs:0 "bolgare" + string_bosnian_fs:0 "bosniaque" + string_britannian_fs:0 "britannoise" + string_carantanian_fs:0 "carantanienne" + string_carthaginian_fs:0 "carthaginienne" + string_cat_fs:0 "chatte" + string_cat_group_fs:0 "chatte" + string_chuvash_fs:0 "tchouvache" + string_coptic_fs:0 "copte" + string_cuman_fs:0 "coumane" + string_daju_fs:0 "dadjo" + string_dalmatian_fs:0 "dalmatienne" + string_dog_culture_fs:0 "chienne" + string_dog_group_fs:0 "chienne" + string_dragon_culture_fs:0 "dragonne" + string_dragon_group_fs:0 "dragonne" + string_duck_culture_fs:0 "canarde" + string_duck_group_fs:0 "canarde" + string_elephant_culture_fs:0 "éléphante" + string_elephant_group_fs:0 "éléphante" + string_equine_fs:0 "jument" + string_equine_group_fs:0 "équine" + string_frankish_fs:0 "franque" + string_frencharab_fs:0 "faransiyyune" + string_frisian_fs:0 "frisonne" + string_gaulic_fs:0 "gaulique" + string_german_fs:0 "allemande" + string_getian_fs:0 "gétique" + string_gothic_fs:0 "gothique" + string_graecus_fs:0 "grécquoise" + string_hedgehog_culture_fs:0 "hérissonne" + string_hedgehog_group_fs:0 "hérissonne" + string_hispanic_fs:0 "hispanique" + string_hyperborean_fs:0 "hyperboréenne" + string_illyrian_fs:0 "illyrienne" + string_ilmenian_fs:0 "ilménienne" + string_israeli_fs:0 "israëli" + string_italian_fs:0 "italienne" + string_kaifeng_fs:0 "kaifeng" + string_karluk_fs:0 "karlouque" + string_khanty_fs:0 "khanty" + string_khazar_fs:0 "khazare" + string_khitan_fs:0 "khitane" + string_kishinyov_fs:0 "quichignoffe" + string_knaanic_fs:0 "knaanique" + string_komi_fs:0 "komi" + string_laaz_fs:0 "laatz" + string_magnagreek_fs:0 "magna-grecque" + string_magogic_fs:0 "magoguique" + string_meshchera_fs:0 "mechtchérienne" + string_misrayim_fs:0 "misrayim" + string_mizrahi_fs:0 "mizrahi" + string_mordvin_fs:0 "mordvine" + string_norse_fs:0 "norroise" + string_nuragic_fs:0 "nuragique" + string_old_lombard_fs:0 "langobarde" + string_old_pommeranian_fs:0 "poméranienne" + string_old_prussian_fs:0 "pruthène" + string_oldspain_fs:0 "ibérique" + string_outremer_fs:0 "d'outremer" + string_pannonian_fs:0 "pannonienne" + string_pecheneg_fs:0 "petchénègue" + string_pictish_fs:0 "picte" + string_red_panda_fs:0 "panda rouge" + string_red_panda_group_fs:0 "panda" + string_roman_fs:0 "romaine" + string_roman_group_fs:0 "roumaine" + string_russian_culture_fs:0 "russe" + string_saka_fs:0 "saka" + string_sephardi_fs:0 "séfarade" + string_severian_fs:0 "séveriane" + string_sogdian_fs:0 "sogdiane" + string_sudeten_fs:0 "sudétique" + string_suebi_fs:0 "suève" + string_sumpa_fs:0 "sumpa" + string_tajik_fs:0 "tadjique" + string_tangut_fs:0 "tangoute" + string_theodisc_fs:0 "germanique" + string_tocharian_fs:0 "tokharienne" + string_vandal_fs:0 "vandale" + string_visigothic_fs:0 "visigothique" + string_volhynian_fs:0 "volhynienne" + string_wenedyk_fs:0 "vénédique" + string_yevanic_fs:0 "yévanique" + string_zaghawa_fs:0 "zaghawa" + string_zarphatic_fs:0 "tzarphatique" + string_zhangzhung_fs:0 "zhang-zhung" + string_aegyptian_ms:0 "aegyptien" + string_alan_ms:0 "alain" + string_alexandrine_ms:0 "alexandrin" + string_alsatian_ms:0 "alsatien" + string_anatolian_ms:0 "anatolien" + string_anglo_saxon_ms:0 "anglo-saxon" + string_animal_cultures_ms:0 "animal" + string_arabus_ms:0 "arabois" + string_ashkenazi_ms:0 "ashkénaze" + string_assyrian_ms:0 "assyrien" + string_avar_ms:0 "avare" + string_barbaro_germanic_ms:0 "roumain-barbare" + string_bear_ms:0 "ours" + string_bear_group_ms:0 "ours" + string_bolghar_ms:0 "bolgare" + string_bosnian_ms:0 "bosniaque" + string_britannian_ms:0 "britannois" + string_carantanian_ms:0 "carantanien" + string_carthaginian_ms:0 "carthaginien" + string_cat_ms:0 "chat" + string_cat_group_ms:0 "chat" + string_chuvash_ms:0 "tchouvache" + string_coptic_ms:0 "copte" + string_cuman_ms:0 "couman" + string_daju_ms:0 "dadjo" + string_dalmatian_ms:0 "dalmatien" + string_dog_culture_ms:0 "chien" + string_dog_group_ms:0 "chien" + string_dragon_culture_ms:0 "dragon" + string_dragon_group_ms:0 "dragon" + string_duck_culture_ms:0 "canard" + string_duck_group_ms:0 "canard" + string_elephant_culture_ms:0 "éléphant" + string_elephant_group_ms:0 "éléphant" + string_equine_ms:0 "étalon" + string_equine_group_ms:0 "équin" + string_frankish_ms:0 "franque" + string_frencharab_ms:0 "faransiyyun" + string_frisian_ms:0 "frison" + string_gaulic_ms:0 "gaulique" + string_german_ms:0 "allemand" + string_getian_ms:0 "gétique" + string_gothic_ms:0 "gothique" + string_graecus_ms:0 "grécquois" + string_hedgehog_culture_ms:0 "hérisson" + string_hedgehog_group_ms:0 "hérisson" + string_hispanic_ms:0 "hispanique" + string_hyperborean_ms:0 "hyperboréen" + string_illyrian_ms:0 "illyrien" + string_ilmenian_ms:0 "ilménien" + string_israeli_ms:0 "israëli" + string_italian_ms:0 "italien" + string_kaifeng_ms:0 "kaifeng" + string_karluk_ms:0 "karlouque" + string_khanty_ms:0 "khanty" + string_khazar_ms:0 "khazare" + string_khitan_ms:0 "khitan" + string_kishinyov_ms:0 "quichignoffe" + string_knaanic_ms:0 "knaanique" + string_komi_ms:0 "komi" + string_laaz_ms:0 "laatz" + string_magnagreek_ms:0 "magna-grec" + string_magogic_ms:0 "magoguique" + string_meshchera_ms:0 "mechtchérien" + string_misrayim_ms:0 "misrayim" + string_mizrahi_ms:0 "mizrahi" + string_mordvin_ms:0 "mordvin" + string_norse_ms:0 "norrois" + string_nuragic_ms:0 "nuragique" + string_old_lombard_ms:0 "langobard" + string_old_pommeranian_ms:0 "poméranien" + string_old_prussian_ms:0 "pruthène" + string_oldspain_ms:0 "ibérique" + string_outremer_ms:0 "d'outremer" + string_pannonian_ms:0 "pannonien" + string_pecheneg_ms:0 "petchénègue" + string_pictish_ms:0 "picte" + string_red_panda_ms:0 "panda rouge" + string_red_panda_group_ms:0 "panda" + string_roman_ms:0 "romain" + string_roman_group_ms:0 "roumain" + string_russian_culture_ms:0 "russe" + string_saka_ms:0 "saka" + string_sephardi_ms:0 "séfarade" + string_severian_ms:0 "séverian" + string_sogdian_ms:0 "sogdian" + string_sudeten_ms:0 "sudétique" + string_suebi_ms:0 "suève" + string_sumpa_ms:0 "sumpa" + string_tajik_ms:0 "tadjique" + string_tangut_ms:0 "tangoute" + string_theodisc_ms:0 "germanique" + string_tocharian_ms:0 "tokharien" + string_vandal_ms:0 "vandal" + string_visigothic_ms:0 "visigothique" + string_volhynian_ms:0 "volhynienne" + string_wenedyk_ms:0 "vénédique" + string_yevanic_ms:0 "yévanique" + string_zaghawa_ms:0 "zaghawa" + string_zarphatic_ms:0 "tzarphatique" + string_zhangzhung_ms:0 "zhang-zhung" + string_aegyptian_fp:0 "aegyptiennes" + string_alan_fp:0 "alaines" + string_alexandrine_fp:0 "alexandrines" + string_alsatian_fp:0 "alsatiennes" + string_anatolian_fp:0 "anatoliennes" + string_anglo_saxon_fp:0 "anglo-saxonnes" + string_animal_cultures_fp:0 "bêtes" + string_arabus_fp:0 "araboises" + string_ashkenazi_fp:0 "ashkénazes" + string_assyrian_fp:0 "assyriennes" + string_avar_fp:0 "avares" + string_barbaro_germanic_fp:0 "roumain-barbares" + string_bear_fp:0 "ourses" + string_bear_group_fp:0 "ourses" + string_bolghar_fp:0 "bolgares" + string_bosnian_fp:0 "bosniaques" + string_britannian_fp:0 "britannoises" + string_carantanian_fp:0 "carantaniennes" + string_carthaginian_fp:0 "carthaginiennes" + string_cat_fp:0 "chattes" + string_cat_group_fp:0 "chattes" + string_chuvash_fp:0 "tchouvaches" + string_coptic_fp:0 "coptes" + string_cuman_fp:0 "coumanes" + string_daju_fp:0 "dadjos" + string_dalmatian_fp:0 "dalmatiennes" + string_dog_culture_fp:0 "chiennes" + string_dog_group_fp:0 "chiennes" + string_dragon_culture_fp:0 "dragonnes" + string_dragon_group_fp:0 "dragonnes" + string_duck_culture_fp:0 "canardes" + string_duck_group_fp:0 "canardes" + string_elephant_culture_fp:0 "éléphantes" + string_elephant_group_fp:0 "éléphantes" + string_equine_fp:0 "juments" + string_equine_group_fp:0 "équines" + string_frankish_fp:0 "franques" + string_frencharab_fp:0 "faransiyyunes" + string_frisian_fp:0 "frisonnes" + string_gaulic_fp:0 "gauliques" + string_german_fp:0 "allemandes" + string_getian_fp:0 "gétiques" + string_gothic_fp:0 "gothiques" + string_graecus_fp:0 "grécquoises" + string_hedgehog_culture_fp:0 "hérissonnes" + string_hedgehog_group_fp:0 "hérissonnes" + string_hispanic_fp:0 "hispaniques" + string_hyperborean_fp:0 "hyperboréennes" + string_illyrian_fp:0 "illyriennes" + string_ilmenian_fp:0 "ilméniennes" + string_israeli_fp:0 "israëlis" + string_italian_fp:0 "italiennes" + string_kaifeng_fp:0 "kaifengs" + string_karluk_fp:0 "karlouques" + string_khanty_fp:0 "khantys" + string_khazar_fp:0 "khazares" + string_khitan_fp:0 "khitanes" + string_kishinyov_fp:0 "quichignoffes" + string_knaanic_fp:0 "knaaniques" + string_komi_fp:0 "komis" + string_laaz_fp:0 "laatzs" + string_magnagreek_fp:0 "magna-grecques" + string_magogic_fp:0 "magoguiques" + string_meshchera_fp:0 "mechtchériennes" + string_misrayim_fp:0 "misrayims" + string_mizrahi_fp:0 "mizrahis" + string_mordvin_fp:0 "mordvines" + string_norse_fp:0 "norroises" + string_nuragic_fp:0 "nuragiques" + string_old_lombard_fp:0 "langobardes" + string_old_pommeranian_fp:0 "poméraniennes" + string_old_prussian_fp:0 "pruthènes" + string_oldspain_fp:0 "ibériques" + string_outremer_fp:0 "d'outremer" + string_pannonian_fp:0 "pannoniennes" + string_pecheneg_fp:0 "petchénègues" + string_pictish_fp:0 "pictes" + string_red_panda_fp:0 "pandas rouges" + string_red_panda_group_fp:0 "pandas" + string_roman_fp:0 "romaines" + string_roman_group_fp:0 "roumaines" + string_russian_culture_fp:0 "russes" + string_saka_fp:0 "sakas" + string_sephardi_fp:0 "séfarades" + string_severian_fp:0 "séverianes" + string_sogdian_fp:0 "sogdianes" + string_sudeten_fp:0 "sudétiques" + string_suebi_fp:0 "suèves" + string_sumpa_fp:0 "sumpas" + string_tajik_fp:0 "tadjiques" + string_tangut_fp:0 "tangoutes" + string_theodisc_fp:0 "germaniques" + string_tocharian_fp:0 "tokhariennes" + string_vandal_fp:0 "vandales" + string_visigothic_fp:0 "visigothiques" + string_volhynian_fp:0 "volhyniennes" + string_wenedyk_fp:0 "vénédiques" + string_yevanic_fp:0 "yévaniques" + string_zaghawa_fp:0 "zaghawas" + string_zarphatic_fp:0 "tzarphatiques" + string_zhangzhung_fp:0 "zhang-zhungs" + string_aegyptian_mp:0 "aegyptiens" + string_alan_mp:0 "alains" + string_alexandrine_mp:0 "alexandrins" + string_alsatian_mp:0 "alsatiens" + string_anatolian_mp:0 "anatoliens" + string_anglo_saxon_mp:0 "anglo-saxons" + string_animal_cultures_mp:0 "animaux" + string_arabus_mp:0 "arabois" + string_ashkenazi_mp:0 "ashkénazes" + string_assyrian_mp:0 "assyriens" + string_avar_mp:0 "avares" + string_barbaro_germanic_mp:0 "roumain-barbares" + string_bear_mp:0 "ours" + string_bear_group_mp:0 "ours" + string_bolghar_mp:0 "bolgares" + string_bosnian_mp:0 "bosniaques" + string_britannian_mp:0 "britannois" + string_carantanian_mp:0 "carantaniens" + string_carthaginian_mp:0 "carthaginiens" + string_cat_mp:0 "chats" + string_cat_group_mp:0 "chats" + string_chuvash_mp:0 "tchouvaches" + string_coptic_mp:0 "coptes" + string_cuman_mp:0 "coumans" + string_daju_mp:0 "dadjos" + string_dalmatian_mp:0 "dalmatiens" + string_dog_culture_mp:0 "chiens" + string_dog_group_mp:0 "chiens" + string_dragon_culture_mp:0 "dragons" + string_dragon_group_mp:0 "dragons" + string_duck_culture_mp:0 "canards" + string_duck_group_mp:0 "canards" + string_elephant_culture_mp:0 "éléphants" + string_elephant_group_mp:0 "éléphants" + string_equine_mp:0 "chevaux" # Not étalons because mixed-gender plural + string_equine_group_mp:0 "équins" + string_frankish_mp:0 "franques" + string_frencharab_mp:0 "faransiyyuns" + string_frisian_mp:0 "frisons" + string_gaulic_mp:0 "gauliques" + string_german_mp:0 "allemands" + string_getian_mp:0 "gétiques" + string_gothic_mp:0 "gothiques" + string_graecus_mp:0 "grécquois" + string_hedgehog_culture_mp:0 "hérissons" + string_hedgehog_group_mp:0 "hérissons" + string_hispanic_mp:0 "hispaniques" + string_hyperborean_mp:0 "hyperboréens" + string_illyrian_mp:0 "illyriens" + string_ilmenian_mp:0 "ilméniens" + string_israeli_mp:0 "israëlis" + string_italian_mp:0 "italiens" + string_kaifeng_mp:0 "kaifengs" + string_karluk_mp:0 "karlouques" + string_khanty_mp:0 "khantys" + string_khazar_mp:0 "khazares" + string_khitan_mp:0 "khitans" + string_kishinyov_mp:0 "quichignoffes" + string_knaanic_mp:0 "knaaniques" + string_komi_mp:0 "komis" + string_laaz_mp:0 "laatzs" + string_magnagreek_mp:0 "magna-grecs" + string_magogic_mp:0 "magoguiques" + string_meshchera_mp:0 "mechtchériens" + string_misrayim_mp:0 "misrayims" + string_mizrahi_mp:0 "mizrahis" + string_mordvin_mp:0 "mordvins" + string_norse_mp:0 "norrois" + string_nuragic_mp:0 "nuragiques" + string_old_lombard_mp:0 "langobards" + string_old_pommeranian_mp:0 "poméraniens" + string_old_prussian_mp:0 "pruthènes" + string_oldspain_mp:0 "ibériques" + string_outremer_mp:0 "d'outremer" + string_pannonian_mp:0 "pannoniens" + string_pecheneg_mp:0 "petchénègues" + string_pictish_mp:0 "pictes" + string_red_panda_mp:0 "pandas rouges" + string_red_panda_group_mp:0 "pandas" + string_roman_mp:0 "romains" + string_roman_group_mp:0 "roumains" + string_russian_culture_mp:0 "russes" + string_saka_mp:0 "sakas" + string_sephardi_mp:0 "séfarades" + string_severian_mp:0 "séverians" + string_sogdian_mp:0 "sogdians" + string_sudeten_mp:0 "sudétiques" + string_suebi_mp:0 "suèves" + string_sumpa_mp:0 "sumpas" + string_tajik_mp:0 "tadjiques" + string_tangut_mp:0 "tangoutes" + string_theodisc_mp:0 "germaniques" + string_tocharian_mp:0 "tokhariens" + string_vandal_mp:0 "vandals" + string_visigothic_mp:0 "visigothiques" + string_volhynian_mp:0 "volhyniennes" + string_wenedyk_mp:0 "vénédiques" + string_yevanic_mp:0 "yévaniques" + string_zaghawa_mp:0 "zaghawas" + string_zarphatic_mp:0 "tzarphatiques" + string_zhangzhung_mp:0 "zhang-zhungs" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/sound/ZZZ_converter_sounds.asset b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/sound/ZZZ_converter_sounds.asset index 306ddba1..9618a922 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/sound/ZZZ_converter_sounds.asset +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/blankMod/output/sound/ZZZ_converter_sounds.asset @@ -1,615 +1,783 @@ -##Christian - #Cathar - sound = { - name = religion_cathar - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_cathar - file = "start_conversion_christian_reformed.wav" - } - #Fraticelli - sound = { - name = religion_fraticelli - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_fraticelli - file = "start_conversion_christian_catholic.wav" - } - #Waldensian - sound = { - name = religion_waldensian - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_waldensian - file = "start_conversion_christian_reformed.wav" - } - #Lollard - sound = { - name = religion_lollard - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_lollard - file = "start_conversion_christian_reformed.wav" - } - #Bogomilist - sound = { - name = religion_bogomilist - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_bogomilist - file = "start_conversion_christian_protestant.wav" - } - #Monothelite - sound = { - name = religion_monothelite - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_monothelite - file = "start_conversion_christian_orthodox.wav" - } - #Iconoclast - sound = { - name = religion_iconoclast - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_iconoclast - file = "start_conversion_christian_orthodox.wav" - } - #Paulician - sound = { - name = religion_paulician - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_paulician - file = "start_conversion_christian_orthodox.wav" - } - #Nestorian - sound = { - name = religion_nestorian - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_nestorian - file = "start_conversion_christian_orthodox.wav" - } - #Messalian - sound = { - name = religion_messalian - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_messalian - file = "start_conversion_christian_reformed.wav" - } - #Monophysite - sound = { - name = religion_monophysite - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_monophysite - file = "start_conversion_christian_orthodox.wav" - } - #Adamites - sound = { - name = religion_adamites - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_adamites - file = "start_conversion_christian_reformed.wav" - } - #Bosnian Church - sound = { - name = religion_bosnian_church - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_bosnian_church - file = "start_conversion_christian_orthodox.wav" - } - #Insular - sound = { - name = religion_bosnian_insular_celtic - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_insular_celtic - file = "start_conversion_christian_catholic.wav" - } - -##Islam - #Zikri - sound = { - name = religion_zikri - file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_zikri - file = "start_conversion_muslim_sunni.wav" - } - #Kharijite - sound = { - name = religion_kharijite - file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_kharijite - file = "start_conversion_muslim_shiite.wav" - } - #Druze - sound = { - name = religion_druze - file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_druze - file = "start_conversion_muslim_shiite.wav" - } - #Hurufi - sound = { - name = religion_hurufi - file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_hurufi - file = "start_conversion_muslim_shiite.wav" - } - #Qarmatian - sound = { - name = religion_qarmatian - file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_qarmatian - file = "start_conversion_muslim_shiite.wav" - } - #Mutazila - sound = { - name = religion_mutazila - file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_mutazila - file = "start_conversion_muslim_sunni.wav" - } - #Quranist - sound = { - name = religion_quranist - file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_quranist - file = "start_conversion_muslim_sunni.wav" - } - #Alawite - sound = { - name = religion_alawite - file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_alawite - file = "start_conversion_muslim_shiite.wav" - } - -##Yazidi - #Yazidi - sound = { - name = religion_yazidi - file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_yazidi - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - #Meshefaresism - sound = { - name = religion_meshefaresism - file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_meshefaresism - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - #Kitebacilweism - sound = { - name = religion_kitebacilweism - file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_kitebacilweism - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - -##Mazdan - #Mazdaki - sound = { - name = religion_mazdaki - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_mazdaki - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - #Khurmazta - sound = { - name = religion_khurmazta - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_khurmazta - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - #Zurvanism - sound = { - name = religion_zurvanism - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_zurvanism - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - #Gayomarthianism - sound = { - name = religion_gayomarthianism - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_gayomarthianism - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - #Khurramism - sound = { - name = religion_khurramism - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_khurramism - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - -##Jewish - #Samaritan - sound = { - name = religion_samaritan - file = "start_conversion_jewish.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_samaritan - file = "start_conversion_jewish.wav" - } - #Karaite - sound = { - name = religion_karaite - file = "start_conversion_jewish.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_karaite - file = "start_conversion_jewish.wav" - } - -##Gnostic - #Manichean - sound = { - name = religion_manichean - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_manichean - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - #Mandeaism - sound = { - name = religion_mandeaism - file = "start_conversion_jewish.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_mandeaism - file = "start_conversion_jewish.wav" - } - #Valentinianism - sound = { - name = religion_valentinianism - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_valentinianism - file = "start_conversion_christian_catholic.wav" - } - #Sethianism - sound = { - name = religion_sethianism - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_sethianism - file = "start_conversion_christian_reformed.wav" - } - #Priscillianism - sound = { - name = religion_priscillianism - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_priscillianism - file = "start_conversion_christian_orthodox.wav" - } - #Cainitism - sound = { - name = religion_cainitism - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_cainitism - file = "start_conversion_pagan_animism.wav" - } - -##Dharmic - #Jain - sound = { - name = religion_jain - file = "tab_religion_india.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_jain - file = "start_conversion_eastern_hinduism.wav" - } - -##Eastern - -##Pagan - #Pagan - sound = { - name = religion_pagan_religion - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_pagan_religion - file = "start_conversion_norse.wav" - } - sound = { - name = religion_pagan_religion_reformed - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_pagan_religion_reformed - file = "start_conversion_norse.wav" - } - #Norse - sound = { - name = religion_norse_pagan - file = "start_conversion_norse.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_norse_pagan - file = "start_conversion_norse.wav" - } - #Tengri - sound = { - name = religion_tengri_pagan - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_tengri_pagan - file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" - } - #Baltic - sound = { - name = religion_baltic_pagan - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_baltic_pagan - file = "start_conversion_norse.wav" - } - sound = { - name = religion_baltic_pagan_reformed - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_baltic_pagan_reformed - file = "start_conversion_norse.wav" - } - #Finnish - sound = { - name = religion_finnish_pagan - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_finnish_pagan - file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" - } - sound = { - name = religion_finnish_pagan_reformed - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_finnish_pagan_reformed - file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" - } - #Aztec - sound = { - name = religion_aztec_pagan - file = "tab_religion_america.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_aztec_pagan - file = "tab_religion_america.wav" - } - #Slavic - sound = { - name = religion_slavic_pagan - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_slavic_pagan - file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" - } - sound = { - name = religion_slavic_pagan_reformed - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_slavic_pagan_reformed - file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" - } - #African - sound = { - name = religion_west_african_pagan - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_west_african_pagan - file = "start_conversion_pagan_animism.wav" - } - sound = { - name = religion_west_african_pagan_reformed - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_west_african_pagan_reformed - file = "start_conversion_pagan_animism.wav" - } - #Hellenic - sound = { - name = religion_hellenic_pagan - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_hellenic_pagan - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = religion_hellenic_pagan_reformed - file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_hellenic_pagan_reformed - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - #Zun - sound = { - name = religion_zun_pagan - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_zun_pagan - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = religion_zun_pagan_reformed - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_zun_pagan_reformed - file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" - } - #Bon - sound = { - name = religion_bon - file = "tab_religion_eastern.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_bon - file = "start_conversion_eastern_buddhism.wav" - } - sound = { - name = religion_bon_reformed - file = "tab_religion_eastern.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_bon_reformed - file = "start_conversion_eastern_buddhism.wav" - } - #Nahuatl/Inti/Mayan (Why the heck are these not in the basegame!? - sound = { - name = religion_nahuatl - file = "tab_religion_america.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_nahuatl - file = "tab_religion_america.wav" - } - sound = { - name = religion_inti - file = "start_conversion_pagan_animism.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_inti - file = "start_conversion_eastern_confucianism.wav" - } - sound = { - name = religion_mesoamerican_religion - file = "start_conversion_pagan_animism.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_mesoamerican_religion - file = "tab_religion_america.wav" - } - #Kushite - sound = { - name = religion_kushitism_pagan - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_kushitism_pagan - file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" - } - sound = { - name = religion_kushitism_pagan_reformed - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_kushitism_pagan_reformed - file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" - } - #Magyar - sound = { - name = religion_magyar_pagan - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_magyar_pagan - file = "start_conversion_pagan_animism.wav" - } - sound = { - name = religion_magyar_pagan_reformed - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_magyar_pagan_reformed - file = "start_conversion_pagan_animism.wav" - } - #Siberian - sound = { - name = religion_siberian_pagan - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_siberian_pagan - file = "start_conversion_pagan_animism.wav" - } - sound = { - name = religion_siberian_pagan_reformed - file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" - } - sound = { - name = start_convert_siberian_pagan_reformed - file = "start_conversion_pagan_animism.wav" - } - - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file +# CK2 Heresies + sound = { + name = religion_cathar + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_cathar + file = "start_conversion_christian_catholic.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_fraticelli + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_fraticelli + file = "start_conversion_christian_catholic.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_waldensian + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_waldensian + file = "start_conversion_christian_catholic.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_lollard + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_lollard + file = "start_conversion_christian_catholic.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_monophysite + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_monophysite + file = "start_conversion_christian_orthodox.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_bogomilist + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_bogomilist + file = "start_conversion_christian_orthodox.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_monothelite + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_monothelite + file = "start_conversion_christian_orthodox.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_iconoclast + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_iconoclast + file = "start_conversion_christian_orthodox.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_paulician + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_paulician + file = "start_conversion_christian_orthodox.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_nestorian + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_nestorian + file = "start_conversion_christian_protestant.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_messalian + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_messalian + file = "start_conversion_christian_protestant.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_zikri + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_zikri + file = "start_conversion_muslim_sunni.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_yazidi + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_yazidi + file = "start_conversion_muslim_sunni.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_kharijite + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_kharijite + file = "start_conversion_muslim_sunni.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_druze + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_druze + file = "start_conversion_muslim_sunni.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_hurufi + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_hurufi + file = "start_conversion_muslim_sunni.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_qarmatian + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_qarmatian + file = "start_conversion_muslim_sunni.wav" + } +# CK2 Pagans + sound = { + name = religion_pagan_religion + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_pagan_religion + file = "start_conversion_pagan_animism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_baltic_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_baltic_pagan + file = "start_conversion_norse.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_baltic_pagan_reformed + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_baltic_pagan_reformed + file = "start_conversion_norse.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_finnish_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_finnish_pagan + file = "start_conversion_shamanism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_finnish_pagan_reformed + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_finnish_pagan_reformed + file = "start_conversion_shamanism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_norse_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_norse_pagan + file = "start_conversion_norse.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_norse_pagan_reformed + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_norse_pagan_reformed + file = "start_conversion_norse.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_slavic_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_slavic_pagan + file = "start_conversion_norse.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_slavic_pagan_reformed + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_slavic_pagan_reformed + file = "start_conversion_norse.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_tengri_pagan + file = "tab_religion_eastern.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_tengri_pagan + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_tengri_pagan_reformed + file = "tab_religion_eastern.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_tengri_pagan_reformed + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_zun_pagan + file = "tab_religion_eastern.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_zun_pagan + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_zun_pagan_reformed + file = "tab_religion_eastern.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_zun_pagan_reformed + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_hellenic_pagan + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_hellenic_pagan + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_hellenic_pagan_reformed + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_hellenic_pagan_reformed + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_west_african_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_west_african_pagan + file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_west_african_pagan_reformed + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_west_african_pagan_reformed + file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_bon + file = "tab_religion_eastern.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_bon + file = "start_conversion_eastern_confucianism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_bon_reformed + file = "tab_religion_eastern.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_bon_reformed + file = "start_conversion_eastern_confucianism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_mazdaki + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_mazdaki + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_manichean + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_manichean + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_khurmazta + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_khurmazta + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_samaritan_faith + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_samaritan_faith + file = "start_conversion_jewish.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_karaite_faith + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_karaite_faith + file = "start_conversion_jewish.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_jain + file = "tab_religion_india.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_jain + file = "start_conversion_jewish.wav" + } +# CK3 Religions + sound = { + name = religion_adamites + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_adamites + file = "start_conversion_christian_catholic.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_insular_celtic + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_insular_celtic + file = "start_conversion_christian_catholic.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_bosnian_church + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_bosnian_church + file = "start_conversion_christian_orthodox.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_mutazila + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_mutazila + file = "start_conversion_muslim_sunni.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_quranist + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_quranist + file = "start_conversion_muslim_sunni.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_alawite + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_alawite + file = "start_conversion_muslim_sunni.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_yazidism + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_yazidism + file = "start_conversion_muslim_shiite.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_meshefaresism + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_meshefaresism + file = "start_conversion_muslim_shiite.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_kitebacilweism + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_kitebacilweism + file = "start_conversion_muslim_shiite.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_zurvanism + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_zurvanism + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_gayomarthianism + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_gayomarthianism + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_khurramism + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_khurramism + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_gnostic + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_gnostic + file = "start_conversion_christian_reformed.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_mandeaism + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_mandeaism + file = "start_conversion_christian_reformed.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_valentinianism + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_valentinianism + file = "start_conversion_christian_reformed.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_sethianism + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_sethianism + file = "start_conversion_christian_reformed.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_priscillianism + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_priscillianism + file = "start_conversion_christian_reformed.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_cainitism + file = "tab_religion_christian.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_cainitism + file = "start_conversion_christian_reformed.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_kushitism_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_kushitism_pagan + file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_kushitism_pagan_reformed + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_kushitism_pagan_reformed + file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_magyar_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_magyar_pagan + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_magyar_pagan_reformed + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_magyar_pagan_reformed + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_siberian_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_siberian_pagan + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_siberian_pagan_reformed + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_siberian_pagan_reformed + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } +# IMP-CK3 Religions + sound = { + name = religion_canaanite + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_canaanite + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_druidism + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_druidism + file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_kemetism + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_kemetism + file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_mardukism + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_mardukism + file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_germanic_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_germanic_pagan + file = "start_conversion_norse.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_anglo_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_anglo_pagan + file = "start_conversion_norse.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_cybelene + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_cybelene + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_zamolxism + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_zamolxism + file = "start_conversion_pagan_animism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_mithraism + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_mithraism + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_arab_pagan + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_arab_pagan + file = "start_conversion_muslim_sunni.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_armenian_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_armenian_pagan + file = "start_conversion_pagan_animism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_caucasian_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_caucasian_pagan + file = "start_conversion_pagan_animism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_iberian_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_iberian_pagan + file = "start_conversion_pagan_animism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_scythian_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_scythian_pagan + file = "start_conversion_zoroastrian.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_briton_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_briton_pagan + file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_gallic_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_gallic_pagan + file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_gaelic_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_gaelic_pagan + file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_celtiberian_pagan + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_celtiberian_pagan + file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_atenism + file = "tab_religion_muslim.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_atenism + file = "start_conversion_muslim_shiite.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_aztec_pagan + file = "tab_religion_america.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_aztec_pagan + file = "start_conversion_pagan_shamanism.wav" + } + + sound = { + name = religion_pagan_religion_reformed + file = "tab_religion_pagan.wav" + } + sound = { + name = start_convert_pagan_religion_reformed + file = "start_conversion_pagan_animism.wav" + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/configurables/culture_map.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/configurables/culture_map.txt index 3f48a85e..27a0c67b 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/configurables/culture_map.txt +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/configurables/culture_map.txt @@ -7,25 +7,26 @@ # North Germanic -link = { eu4 = icelandic ck3 = norse ck3 = norwegian ck3 = danish ck3 = swedish province = 370 province = 371 tech = western gfx = westerngfx } link = { eu4 = swedish ck3 = swedish tech = western gfx = westerngfx } link = { eu4 = norwegian ck3 = norwegian tech = western gfx = westerngfx } link = { eu4 = danish ck3 = danish tech = western gfx = westerngfx } +link = { eu4 = icelandic ck3 = norse ck3 = norwegian ck3 = danish ck3 = swedish province = 370 province = 371 tech = western gfx = westerngfx } link = { eu4 = hannoverian ck3 = old_saxon tech = western gfx = westerngfx } link = { eu4 = norse ck3 = norse tech = western gfx = westerngfx } # German: the split -link = { eu4 = alsatian ck3 = german ck3 = saxon ck3 = franconian ck3 = bavarian ck3 = swabian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = lorraine_area region = brittany_area region = normandy_area region = lorraine_area region = picardy_area region = champagne_area region = ile_de_france_area region = loire_area region = bourgogne_area region = west_burgundy_area region = poitou_area region = orleans_area } +link = { eu4 = swabian ck3 = german ck3 = saxon ck3 = franconian ck3 = bavarian ck3 = swabian tech = western gfx = westerngfx province = 68 province = 4765 province = 4714 province = 4713 province = 4711 province = 1880 province = 1872 province = 1868 } +link = { eu4 = alsatian ck3 = german ck3 = saxon ck3 = franconian ck3 = bavarian ck3 = swabian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = brittany_area region = normandy_area region = lorraine_area region = picardy_area region = champagne_area region = ile_de_france_area region = loire_area region = bourgogne_area region = west_burgundy_area region = poitou_area region = orleans_area region = alsace_area } link = { eu4 = austrian ck3 = german ck3 = saxon ck3 = franconian ck3 = bavarian ck3 = swabian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = austria_proper_area region = inner_austria_area region = tirol_area region = carinthia_area region = italy_region region = carpathia_region region = balkan_region } link = { eu4 = bavarian ck3 = german ck3 = saxon ck3 = franconian ck3 = bavarian ck3 = swabian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = lower_bavaria_area region = upper_bavaria_area region = east_bavaria_area } link = { eu4 = franconian ck3 = german ck3 = saxon ck3 = franconian ck3 = bavarian ck3 = swabian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = franconia_area region = upper_franconia_area } # Keep sudeten above prussian for silesia. link = { eu4 = sudeten ck3 = german ck3 = saxon ck3 = franconian ck3 = bavarian ck3 = swabian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = erzgebirge_area region = bohemia_area region = moravia_area region = lusatia_area region = silesia_area } +link = { eu4 = sudeten ck3 = pemis tech = western gfx = westerngfx } link = { eu4 = pommeranian ck3 = german ck3 = saxon ck3 = franconian ck3 = bavarian ck3 = swabian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = hinter_pommern_area region = vorpommern_area province = 46 province = 2996 province = 4749 province = 2993 province = 4774 } link = { eu4 = prussian ck3 = german ck3 = saxon ck3 = franconian ck3 = bavarian ck3 = swabian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = mittelmark_area region = poland_region region = baltic_region } link = { eu4 = hessian ck3 = german ck3 = saxon ck3 = franconian ck3 = bavarian ck3 = swabian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = hesse_area region = lower_rhineland_area region = north_rhine_area region = palatinate_area } #Rhenish link = { eu4 = saxon ck3 = german ck3 = saxon ck3 = franconian ck3 = bavarian ck3 = swabian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = south_saxony_area region = thuringia_area region = northern_saxony_area province = 4786 province = 49 province = 2969 } -link = { eu4 = swabian ck3 = german ck3 = saxon ck3 = franconian ck3 = bavarian ck3 = swabian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = alsace_area region = lower_swabia_area region = upper_swabia_area region = north_rhine_area region = upper_rhineland_area } link = { eu4 = swiss ck3 = german ck3 = saxon ck3 = franconian ck3 = bavarian ck3 = swabian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = switzerland_area region = romandie_area region = provence_area region = guyenne_area region = languedoc_area region = massif_central_area region = savoy_dauphine_area region = pyrenees_area } link = { eu4 = flemish ck3 = german ck3 = saxon ck3 = franconian ck3 = bavarian ck3 = swabian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = low_countries_region } link = { eu4 = lower_saxon ck3 = german ck3 = saxon ck3 = franconian ck3 = bavarian ck3 = swabian tech = western gfx = westerngfx province = 4773 province = 57 province = 1758 province = 4141 province = 54 province = 4771 province = 45 province = 1874 region = holstein_area region = lower_saxony_area } # Lower Saxon @@ -46,12 +47,12 @@ link = { eu4 = old_lombard ck3 = lombard tech = western gfx = westerngfx } # West Germanic link = { eu4 = frankish ck3 = frankish tech = western gfx = westerngfx } -link = { eu4 = cornish ck3 = english ck3 = breton ck3 = anglo_saxon ck3 = welsh ck3 = cumbrian tech = western gfx = westerngfx province = 233 province = 4373 } +link = { eu4 = cornish ck3 = english ck3 = breton tech = western gfx = westerngfx province = 233 province = 4373 } link = { eu4 = cornish ck3 = cornish tech = western gfx = westerngfx } link = { eu4 = english ck3 = english tech = western gfx = westerngfx } link = { eu4 = anglo_saxon ck3 = anglo_saxon tech = western gfx = westerngfx } -link = { eu4 = frisian ck3 = dutch tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = weser_area region = frisia_area } -link = { eu4 = flemish ck3 = dutch tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = wallonia_area region = flanders_area } +link = { eu4 = frisian ck3 = dutch ck3 = frisian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = weser_area region = frisia_area } +link = { eu4 = flemish ck3 = dutch ck3 = frisian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = wallonia_area region = flanders_area } link = { eu4 = frisian ck3 = frisian tech = western gfx = westerngfx } link = { eu4 = dutch ck3 = dutch tech = western gfx = westerngfx } @@ -67,21 +68,27 @@ link = { eu4 = dalmatian ck3 = dalmatian tech = western gfx = westerngfx } link = { eu4 = outremer ck3 = outremer tech = western gfx = westerngfx } link = { eu4 = sardinian ck3 = sardinian tech = western gfx = westerngfx } -# Roman: the split -link = { eu4 = carthaginian ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = easterngfx region = maghreb_region } +# Roman +link = { eu4 = salinatorian ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = easterngfx region = maghreb_region region = sahel_region region = niger_region region = guinea_region region = egypt_region region = horn_of_africa_region } +link = { eu4 = salinatorian ck3 = salinatorian tech = western gfx = easterngfx } link = { eu4 = hispanic ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = iberia_region } -link = { eu4 = aegyptian ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = easterngfx region = egypt_region region = horn_of_africa_region } -link = { eu4 = arabus ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = easterngfx region = mashriq_region region = arabia_region region = central_asia_region region = persia_region region = khorasan_region } -link = { eu4 = graecus ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = easterngfx region = anatolia_region region = balkan_region region = caucasia_region } +link = { eu4 = bazramani ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = easterngfx region = mashriq_region region = arabia_region region = central_asia_region region = persia_region region = khorasan_region } +link = { eu4 = bazramani ck3 = bazramani ck3 = judajca tech = western gfx = easterngfx } +link = { eu4 = euxinian ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = easterngfx region = anatolia_region region = caucasia_region } +link = { eu4 = euxinian ck3 = euxinian tech = western gfx = easterngfx } +link = { eu4 = xliponian ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = easterngfx region = balkan_region } +link = { eu4 = xliponian ck3 = xliponian gfx = easterngfx tech = western } link = { eu4 = gaulic ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = france_region region = low_countries_region } link = { eu4 = theodisc ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = north_german_region region = south_german_region } +link = { eu4 = theodisc ck3 = laessin tech = western gfx = westerngfx } link = { eu4 = pannonian ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = easterngfx region = carpathia_region } +link = { eu4 = pannonian ck3 = pannonian gfx = easterngfx tech = western } link = { eu4 = wenedyk ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = easterngfx region = russia_region region = ural_region region = baltic_region region = poland_region region = ruthenia_region region = crimea_region } +link = { eu4 = wenedyk ck3 = wenedyk tech = western gfx = easterngfx } link = { eu4 = britannian ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = british_isles_region } +link = { eu4 = britannian ck3 = breathanach ck3 = brythenig tech = western gfx = westerngfx } link = { eu4 = hyperborean ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = inuitgfx region = scandinavia_region } -link = { eu4 = carthaginian ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = africangfx region = sahel_region region = niger_region region = guinea_region } #I need to come up with a better Black-Roman culture link = { eu4 = roman ck3 = roman tech = western gfx = westerngfx } #Fallback -# Missing: Indian, Mongolia, China, West Siberia # Italian: the split link = { eu4 = ligurian ck3 = italian ck3 = cisalpine ck3 = sicilian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = liguria_area } @@ -92,11 +99,12 @@ link = { eu4 = neapolitan ck3 = italian ck3 = cisalpine ck3 = sicilian tech = we link = { eu4 = piedmontese ck3 = italian ck3 = cisalpine ck3 = sicilian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = piedmont_area region = savoy_dauphine_area region = provence_area region = romandie_area } link = { eu4 = romagnan ck3 = italian ck3 = cisalpine ck3 = sicilian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = emilia_romagna_area } link = { eu4 = sardinian ck3 = italian ck3 = cisalpine ck3 = sicilian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = corsica_sardinia_area } -link = { eu4 = sicilian ck3 = italian ck3 = cisalpine ck3 = sicilian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = sicily_area region = western_sicily_area } +link = { eu4 = sicilian ck3 = italian ck3 = cisalpine ck3 = sicilian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = sicily_area } link = { eu4 = tuscan ck3 = italian ck3 = cisalpine ck3 = sicilian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = tuscany_area } link = { eu4 = venetian ck3 = italian ck3 = cisalpine ck3 = sicilian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = venetia_area region = carinthia_area region = tirol_area } link = { eu4 = dalmatian ck3 = italian ck3 = cisalpine ck3 = sicilian tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = east_adriatic_coast_area region = croatia_area region = albania_area } -link = { eu4 = italian ck3 = italian ck3 = cisalpine ck3 = sicilian tech = western gfx = westerngfx } #Fallback +link = { eu4 = sicilian ck3 = sicilian tech = western gfx = westerngfx } # Fallback +link = { eu4 = italian ck3 = italian ck3 = cisalpine tech = western gfx = westerngfx } #Fallback # Iberian @@ -115,8 +123,10 @@ link = { eu4 = armenian ck3 = armenian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } link = { eu4 = goths ck3 = greek tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = crimea_area } link = { eu4 = pontic_greek ck3 = greek tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = erzurum_area } link = { eu4 = anatolian ck3 = greek tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = germiyan_area region = karaman_area region = ankara_area region = cukurova_area region = rum_area region = dulkadir_area region = kastamonu_area region = mashriq_region } +link = { eu4 = anatolian ck3 = anatolian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } link = { eu4 = magnagreek ck3 = greek tech = eastern gfx = westerngfx region = italy_region } -link = { eu4 = greek ck3 = greek tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } +link = { eu4 = magnagreek ck3 = italiote ck3 = hyperochian ck3 = xarthic tech = eastern gfx = westerngfx } +link = { eu4 = greek ck3 = greek ck3 = delmatic ck3 = macedonian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } link = { eu4 = circassian ck3 = alan tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = circassia_area } #Circassian is needed for Mamluk Government type, so let's try to make it happen link = { eu4 = circassian ck3 = georgian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = circassia_area } link = { eu4 = circassian ck3 = assyrian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = circassia_area } @@ -126,15 +136,23 @@ link = { eu4 = alan ck3 = alan tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } link = { eu4 = georgian ck3 = georgian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } link = { eu4 = assyrian ck3 = assyrian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } link = { eu4 = goths ck3 = crimean_gothic tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } -link = { eu4 = coptic ck3 = coptic tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } +link = { eu4 = coptic ck3 = coptic ck3 = old_egyptian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } + +# I:R Greek +link = { eu4 = prettanian ck3 = eblanic ck3 = scotinous ck3 = prettanian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } +link = { eu4 = hyperborean_greek ck3 = hyperborean tech = eastern gfx = inuitgfx } +link = { eu4 = gaulish_greek ck3 = velgese ck3 = metalpesian ck3 = prinalpesian tech = eastern gfx = westerngfx } +link = { eu4 = spanish_greek ck3 = varquelonic ck3 = vaskician ck3 = vaitic ck3 = lousitanian tech = eastern gfx = westerngfx } +link = { eu4 = german_greek ck3 = prinelbite ck3 = metalbite tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } +link = { eu4 = mena_greek ck3 = susite ck3 = azotite ck3 = carchidonian tech = eastern gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = alexandrine ck3 = bactrian ck3 = indogreek tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } # Celtic -link = { eu4 = highland_scottish ck3 = gaelic tech = western gfx = westerngfx } -link = { eu4 = highland_scottish ck3 = irish tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = kingdom_of_the_isles_area region = highlands_area region = lowlands_area region = scottish_marches_area } + link = { eu4 = irish ck3 = irish tech = western gfx = westerngfx } -link = { eu4 = scottish ck3 = scottish tech = western gfx = westerngfx } -link = { eu4 = pictish ck3 = pictish tech = western gfx = westerngfx } -link = { eu4 = welsh ck3 = cumbrian ck3 = welsh tech = western gfx = westerngfx } +link = { eu4 = scottish ck3 = scottish ck3 = iweric ck3 = transadrianic tech = western gfx = westerngfx } +link = { eu4 = highland_scottish ck3 = gaelic ck3 = pictish ck3 = cumbrian tech = western gfx = westerngfx } +link = { eu4 = welsh ck3 = welsh ck3 = brythonic tech = western gfx = westerngfx } link = { eu4 = breton ck3 = breton tech = western gfx = westerngfx } # Finno-Ugric @@ -145,8 +163,7 @@ link = { eu4 = estonian ck3 = estonian tech = eastern gfx = inuitgfx } link = { eu4 = komi ck3 = komi tech = eastern gfx = inuitgfx } link = { eu4 = samoyed ck3 = samoyed tech = eastern gfx = inuitgfx } link = { eu4 = mordvin ck3 = mordvin tech = eastern gfx = inuitgfx } -link = { eu4 = uralic ck3 = mari ck3 = merya tech = eastern gfx = inuitgfx } -link = { eu4 = ostyaki ck3 = khanty tech = eastern gfx = inuitgfx } +link = { eu4 = uralic ck3 = mari ck3 = merya ck3 = khanty tech = eastern gfx = inuitgfx } link = { eu4 = meshchera ck3 = meshchera ck3 = muroma tech = eastern gfx = inuitgfx } # Baltic @@ -207,7 +224,7 @@ link = { eu4 = bedouin_arabic ck3 = bedouin tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } link = { eu4 = algerian ck3 = butr ck3 = baranis ck3 = zaghawa ck3 = maghrebi tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx region = algiers_area region = hautes_plaines_area region = kabylia_area region = ouled_nail_area region = barbary_coast_area } link = { eu4 = moroccan ck3 = butr ck3 = baranis ck3 = zaghawa ck3 = maghrebi tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx region = northern_morocco_area region = tafilalt_area region = sus_area region = marrekesh_area region = western_morocco_area region = southern_morocco_area } link = { eu4 = tunisian ck3 = butr ck3 = baranis ck3 = zaghawa ck3 = maghrebi tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx region = tunisia_area region = djerba_area } -link = { eu4 = berber ck3 = butr ck3 = baranis ck3 = maghrebi tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = berber ck3 = butr ck3 = baranis ck3 = maghrebi ck3 = numidian tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } link = { eu4 = al_suryah_arabic ck3 = levantine tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } link = { eu4 = al_misr_arabic ck3 = egyptian tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } link = { eu4 = andalucian ck3 = andalusian tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } @@ -247,7 +264,7 @@ link = { eu4 = slovak ck3 = slovien } link = { eu4 = croatian ck3 = croatian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } link = { eu4 = serbian ck3 = serbian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } -link = { eu4 = romanian ck3 = vlach ck3 = thracian ck3 = dacian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } # dacian and thracian deserve a "Thracian" culture +link = { eu4 = romanian ck3 = vlach tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } link = { eu4 = bulgarian ck3 = bulgarian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } link = { eu4 = slovene ck3 = carantanian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } link = { eu4 = bosnian ck3 = bosnian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } @@ -267,7 +284,7 @@ link = { eu4 = mazandarani ck3 = daylamite tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } link = { eu4 = luri ck3 = persian tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx region = luristan_area region = khuzestan_area } link = { eu4 = tajik ck3 = persian tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx region = central_asia_region region = merv_area } link = { eu4 = tajik ck3 = khwarezmian ck3 = tajik tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } -link = { eu4 = persian ck3 = persian tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = persian ck3 = persian ck3 = parthian tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } link = { eu4 = kurdish ck3 = kurdish tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } link = { eu4 = baluchi ck3 = baloch tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } link = { eu4 = afghani ck3 = afghan tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } @@ -314,7 +331,7 @@ link = { eu4 = aka ck3 = akan ck3 = guan tech = sub_saharan gfx = africangfx } # Mesoamerican - this is relevant only for azteks holding europe -link = { eu4 = aztek ck3 = nahuatl ck3 = otomitl tech = high_american gfx = southamericagfx } +link = { eu4 = aztek ck3 = nahuatl tech = high_american gfx = southamericagfx } # Aryan Indian @@ -359,19 +376,21 @@ link = { eu4 = nepali ck3 = nepali ck3 = kirati ck3 = lhomon tech = chinese gfx link = { eu4 = chihan ck3 = han ck3 = tuyuhun ck3 = shatuo tech = chinese gfx = asiangfx } # Israelite -link = { eu4 = knaanic ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = poland_region region = baltic_region region = russia_region region = ruthenia_region region = crimea_region } -link = { eu4 = magogic ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi tech = nomad_group gfx = easterngfx region = ural_region region = west_siberia_region region = central_asia_region region = caucasia_region } -link = { eu4 = yevanic ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = carpathia_region region = balkan_region region = anatolia_region } -link = { eu4 = mizrahi ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx region = persia_superregion region = arabia_region region = india_superregion } -link = { eu4 = israeli ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = mashriq_region } -link = { eu4 = misrayim ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx region = egypt_region region = africa_superregion } -link = { eu4 = zarphatic ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = france_region } -link = { eu4 = laaz ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = italy_region } -link = { eu4 = kaifeng ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi tech = chinese gfx = asiangfx region = mongolia_region region = tibet_region region = china_superregion } -link = { eu4 = ashkenazi ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = low_countries_region region = scandinavia_region region = north_german_region region = south_german_region region = british_isles_region } -link = { eu4 = sephardi ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = iberia_region } +link = { eu4 = knaanic ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi ck3 = hebrew tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = poland_region region = baltic_region region = russia_region region = ruthenia_region region = crimea_region } +link = { eu4 = magogic ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi ck3 = hebrew tech = nomad_group gfx = easterngfx region = ural_region region = west_siberia_region region = central_asia_region region = caucasia_region } +link = { eu4 = yevanic ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi ck3 = hebrew tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = carpathia_region region = balkan_region region = anatolia_region } +link = { eu4 = mizrahi ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi ck3 = hebrew tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx region = persia_superregion region = arabia_region region = india_superregion } +link = { eu4 = israeli ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi ck3 = hebrew tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = mashriq_region } +link = { eu4 = misrayim ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi ck3 = hebrew tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx region = egypt_region region = africa_superregion } +link = { eu4 = zarphatic ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi ck3 = hebrew tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = france_region } +link = { eu4 = zarphatic ck3 = zarphatic ck3 = shuadit tech = western gfx = easterngfx } +link = { eu4 = laaz ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi ck3 = hebrew tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = italy_region } +link = { eu4 = kaifeng ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi ck3 = hebrew tech = chinese gfx = asiangfx region = mongolia_region region = tibet_region region = china_superregion } +link = { eu4 = ashkenazi ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi ck3 = hebrew tech = western gfx = westerngfx region = low_countries_region region = scandinavia_region region = north_german_region region = south_german_region region = british_isles_region } +link = { eu4 = sephardi ck3 = ashkenazi ck3 = sephardi ck3 = hebrew tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx region = iberia_region } link = { eu4 = ashkenazi ck3 = ashkenazi tech = eastern gfx = westerngfx } #Fallback link = { eu4 = sephardi ck3 = sephardi tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } #Fallback +link = { eu4 = israeli ck3 = hebrew tech = eastern gfx = muslimgfx } # Fallback # Misc link = { eu4 = equine ck3 = horse tech = western gfx = westerngfx } @@ -404,24 +423,56 @@ link = { eu4 = susquehannock ck3 = susquehannock tech = north_american gfx = nor link = { eu4 = cherokee ck3 = cherokee tech = north_american gfx = northamericagfx} # IMP:CK3 -link = { eu4 = aegyptian ck3 = old_egyptian tech = western gfx = muslimgfx } -link = { eu4 = carthaginian ck3 = numidian ck3 = carthaginian tech = western gfx = muslimgfx } -link = { eu4 = gaulic ck3 = belgae ck3 = gallic tech = western gfx = westerngfx } -link = { eu4 = pannonian ck3 = celtic_pannonian tech = western gfx = easterngfx } -link = { eu4 = oldspain ck3 = celtiberian ck3 = iberian ck3 = lusoiberian tech = western gfx = westerngfx } -link = { eu4 = alexandrine ck3 = bactrian ck3 = indogreek ck3 = macedonian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } -link = { eu4 = getian ck3 = getian tech = nomad_group gfx = easterngfx } -link = { eu4 = anatolian ck3 = ionic ck3 = cappadocian ck3 = phrygian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } +## Carthaginian +link = { eu4 = carthaginian ck3 = carthaginian tech = western gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = ynnocho ck3 = ynnocho tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = mlachthi ck3 = mlachthi tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = inythmum ck3 = inythmum tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = gadolite ck3 = gadolite tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = bythlimmoth ck3 = bythlimmoth tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = sidonian ck3 = sidonian tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = taliaite ck3 = taliaite tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = lacanite ck3 = lacanite tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = epicrateian ck3 = epicrateian tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = pmpese ck3 = pmpese tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = ythbynuthi ck3 = ythbynuthi tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = ychibarku ck3 = ychibarku tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = liphocaneth ck3 = liphocaneth tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = mysehi ck3 = mysehi tech = muslim gfx = muslimgfx } +## Asia Minor +link = { eu4 = luwian ck3 = luwian tech = eastern gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = lydian ck3 = lydian tech = eastern gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = hittite ck3 = hittite tech = eastern gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = phrygian ck3 = phrygian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } +link = { eu4 = anatolian ck3 = ionic ck3 = cappadocian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } link = { eu4 = pontic_greek ck3 = pontic tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } -link = { eu4 = phoenician ck3 = phoenician ck3 = nabatean tech = eastern gfx = muslimgfx } -link = { eu4 = illyrian ck3 = dalmatian tech = nomad_group gfx = easterngfx } +## Germanic +link = { eu4 = gothic ck3 = gothic tech = western gfx = westerngfx } +link = { eu4 = ostrogothic ck3 = ostrogothic tech = western gfx = westerngfx } +link = { eu4 = varangian ck3 = varangian ck3 = mikligardrish tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } +link = { eu4 = mena_german ck3 = aryan ck3 = gegenjiddisch ck3 = wostiyasite tech = eastern gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = vandal ck3 = vandal tech = western gfx = westerngfx } +## Near East link = { eu4 = aramaic ck3 = aramaic tech = eastern gfx = muslimgfx } link = { eu4 = babylonian ck3 = babylonian tech = eastern gfx = muslimgfx } -link = { eu4 = vandal ck3 = vandal tech = western gfx = westerngfx } +link = { eu4 = phoenician ck3 = phoenician ck3 = nabatean tech = eastern gfx = muslimgfx } +## Steppes +link = { eu4 = scythian ck3 = scythian tech = nomad_group gfx = muslimgfx } +link = { eu4 = sarmatian ck3 = sarmatian tech = nomad_group gfx = muslimgfx } +## Celtic +link = { eu4 = belgian ck3 = belgae tech = western gfx = westerngfx } +link = { eu4 = gaulish ck3 = gallic tech = western gfx = westerngfx } +link = { eu4 = scordiscian ck3 = celtic_pannonian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } +link = { eu4 = celtiberian ck3 = celtiberian ck3 = lusoiberian tech = western gfx = westerngfx } +## Italic link = { eu4 = nuragic ck3 = nuragic tech = western gfx = inuitgfx } -link = { eu4 = scythian ck3 = scythian ck3 = sarmatian tech = nomad_group gfx = muslimgfx } -link = { eu4 = persian ck3 = parthian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } -link = { eu4 = hebrew ck3 = hebrew tech = eastern gfx = muslimgfx } link = { eu4 = etrurian ck3 = etruscan tech = western gfx = westerngfx } -link = { eu4 = britannian ck3 = brythonic tech = nomad_group gfx = westerngfx } -link = { eu4 = gothic ck3 = gothic tech = western gfx = westerngfx } +link = { eu4 = rhaetian ck3 = rhaetian tech = western gfx = westerngfx } +link = { eu4 = lemnian ck3 = lemnian tech = western gfx = westerngfx } +## Balkans +link = { eu4 = thracian ck3 = thracian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } +link = { eu4 = dacian ck3 = dacian tech = eastern gfx = easterngfx } +link = { eu4 = getian ck3 = getian tech = nomad_group gfx = easterngfx } +link = { eu4 = illyrian ck3 = dalmatian tech = western gfx = easterngfx } +## Extra +link = { eu4 = oldspain ck3 = iberian tech = western gfx = westerngfx } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/configurables/no_islam_overrides.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/configurables/no_islam_overrides.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..18de44de --- /dev/null +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/configurables/no_islam_overrides.txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +## Religious rewrite + +# Since we may convert worlds without Islam existing/having ever existed, +# it's best we also consider over-the-CK3 lands to adhere to such scenario + +# The converter will check if any province in the CK3 save has a Muslim faith +# (e.g. Sunni, Shiite, Ibadi, etc.) and, if it doesn't, it'll change the religions of the +# following provinces accordingly + +# We are not doing the same with Christian faiths because there is no Christian province +# in the over-the-CK3 lands + +# Syntax: +# link = { province = [EU4 province] religion = [new EU4 religion] } + +# Ibadi +link = { province = 1201 religion = shamanist } # Zanzibar + +# Sunni +## Malaysia - Indonesia +link = { province = 593 religion = theravada } # Nakhon Si Thammarat +link = { province = 594 religion = theravada } # Pattani +link = { province = 2391 religion = theravada } # Thalang +link = { province = 2394 religion = theravada } # Kedah +link = { province = 595 religion = hinduism } # Perak +link = { province = 596 religion = hinduism } # Malacca +link = { province = 2392 religion = hinduism } #Selangor +link = { province = 597 religion = hinduism } # Johor +link = { province = 598 religion = hinduism } # Pahang +link = { province = 599 religion = hinduism } # Kelantan +link = { province = 2393 religion = hinduism } # Terengganu +link = { province = 2686 religion = hinduism } # Bintan +link = { province = 617 religion = hinduism } # Lamuri +link = { province = 2673 religion = hinduism } # Pasai +link = { province = 2685 religion = hinduism } # Gayo +link = { province = 618 religion = hinduism } # Deli +link = { province = 619 religion = hinduism } # Batak +link = { province = 2674 religion = hinduism } # Peureulak +link = { province = 620 religion = hinduism } # Siak +link = { province = 659 religion = hinduism } # Lingga +link = { province = 2675 religion = hinduism } # Rokan +link = { province = 2676 religion = hinduism } # Indragiri +link = { province = 2677 religion = hinduism } # Jambi +link = { province = 621 religion = theravada } # Bengkulu +link = { province = 622 religion = theravada } # Palembang +link = { province = 623 religion = theravada } # Tulangbewang +link = { province = 2678 religion = theravada } # Bangka +link = { province = 636 religion = theravada } # Brunei +link = { province = 637 religion = theravada } # Jesselton +link = { province = 2703 religion = theravada } # Lehad Datu +link = { province = 2704 religion = theravada } # Sibu +link = { province = 2705 religion = theravada } # Kuching +link = { province = 640 religion = hinduism } # Pontianak +link = { province = 2706 religion = hinduism } # Katapang +link = { province = 651 religion = animist } # Sulu +link = { province = 655 religion = animist } # Palawan + +## Africa +link = { province = 788 religion = shamanist } # Angoche +link = { province = 1195 religion = shamanist } # Mozambique +link = { province = 4020 religion = shamanist } # Comoros +link = { province = 4049 religion = shamanist } # Ibo +link = { province = 1111 religion = shamanist } # Arguin +link = { province = 1186 religion = shamanist } # Sofala +link = { province = 1192 religion = shamanist } # Quelimane +link = { province = 1196 religion = shamanist } # Kilwa +link = { province = 1198 religion = shamanist } # Lindi +link = { province = 1202 religion = shamanist } # Mombasa +link = { province = 1203 religion = shamanist } # Malindi +link = { province = 1204 religion = shamanist } # Lamu +link = { province = 2774 religion = shamanist } # Kismayo +link = { province = 2796 religion = shamanist } # Pate +link = { province = 2679 religion = shamanist } # Belitung +link = { province = 2682 religion = hinduism } # Pariaman +link = { province = 2683 religion = animist } # Mentawai +link = { province = 2684 religion = animist } # Nias +link = { province = 2775 religion = shamanist } # Merca +link = { province = 2794 religion = shamanist} # Barawa +link = { province = 4026 religion = shamanist } # Antemoro +link = { province = 4029 religion = shamanist } # Antanosy +link = { province = 4051 religion = shamanist } # Ewaso Ngiro \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/configurables/religion_map.txt b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/configurables/religion_map.txt index 17b72636..41dfd977 100644 --- a/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/configurables/religion_map.txt +++ b/CK3toEU4/Data_Files/configurables/religion_map.txt @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ # Usage: # link = { eu4 = eu4religion ck3 = ck3faith } # multiple ck3 entires are allowed (and encouraged), multiple eu4 are not. +# A special entry "school" can be used when mapping to sunni or shiite, specifying +# the Muslim school of law for EU4 # Akom link = { eu4 = shamanism ck3 = akom_pagan } @@ -42,13 +44,19 @@ link = { eu4 = finnish_pagan ck3 = finnish_pagan } link = { eu4 = siberian_pagan ck3 = siberian_pagan } # Germanic link = { eu4 = norse_pagan ck3 = norse_pagan } +link = { eu4 = germanic_pagan ck3 = germanic_pagan } +link = { eu4 = anglo_pagan ck3 = anglo_pagan } # Hellenism -link = { eu4 = hellenic_pagan ck3 = hellenic_pagan ck3 = anatolian_pagan ck3 = anatolian_pagan_old ck3 = dacian_pagan ck3 = dacian_pagan_old } +link = { eu4 = hellenic_pagan ck3 = hellenic_pagan ck3 = eleusinian_mysteries } # Hinduism link = { eu4 = hinduism ck3 = vaishnavism ck3 = advaitism ck3 = shaivism ck3 = srikula_shaktism ck3 = kalikula_shaktism ck3 = smartism ck3 = krishnaism } # Islam -link = { eu4 = sunni ck3 = ashari ck3 = muwalladi ck3 = maturidi ck3 = masmudi } -link = { eu4 = shiite ck3 = ismaili ck3 = nizari ck3 = zayidi ck3 = imami ck3 = ghulat ck3 = alevi } +link = { eu4 = sunni ck3 = ashari school = hanbali_school } +link = { eu4 = sunni ck3 = muwalladi ck3 = masmudi school = maliki_school } +link = { eu4 = sunni ck3 = maturidi school = hanafi_school } +link = { eu4 = shiite ck3 = ismaili school = ismaili_school } +link = { eu4 = shiite ck3 = zayidi school = zaidi_school } +link = { eu4 = shiite ck3 = nizari ck3 = imami ck3 = ghulat ck3 = alevi } link = { eu4 = ibadi ck3 = ibadi } link = { eu4 = mutazila ck3 = mutazila } link = { eu4 = quranist ck3 = quranist } @@ -69,7 +77,7 @@ link = { eu4 = magyar_pagan ck3 = magyar_pagan } # Mundhum link = { eu4 = animism ck3 = kiratism ck3 = yumaism } # Paganism -link = { eu4 = pagan_religion ck3 = pagan ck3 = arabic_pagan ck3 = arabic_pagan_old ck3 = armenian_pagan ck3 = armenian_pagan_old ck3 = berber_pagan ck3 = berber_pagan_old ck3 = caucasian_pagan ck3 = caucasian_pagan_old ck3 = iberian_pagan ck3 = iberian_pagan_old } +link = { eu4 = pagan_religion ck3 = pagan } # Qiangic link = { eu4 = confucianism ck3 = rrmeaism } link = { eu4 = animism ck3 = melieism } @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ link = { eu4 = slavic_pagan ck3 = slavic_pagan } # Taoism link = { eu4 = confucianism ck3 = zhengyi ck3 = shangqing ck3 = quanzhen } # Tengrism -link = { eu4 = tengri_pagan ck3 = tengri_pagan ck3 = scythian_pagan ck3 = scythian_pagan_old } +link = { eu4 = tengri_pagan ck3 = tengri_pagan } # Waaqism link = { eu4 = shamanism ck3 = waaqism_pagan } # West African @@ -95,7 +103,7 @@ link = { eu4 = meshefaresism ck3 = meshefaresism } link = { eu4 = kitebacilweism ck3 = kitebacilweism } # Zoroastrianism link = { eu4 = zoroastrian ck3 = mazdayasna } -link = { eu4 = zurvanism ck3 = zurvanism ck3 = urartuism } +link = { eu4 = zurvanism ck3 = zurvanism } link = { eu4 = gayomarthianism ck3 = gayomarthianism } link = { eu4 = khurmazta ck3 = khurmazta } link = { eu4 = mazdaki ck3 = mazdakism } @@ -104,10 +112,26 @@ link = { eu4 = khurramism ck3 = khurramism } link = { eu4 = zun_pagan ck3 = zun_pagan } # IMP:CK3 addition -link = { eu4 = canaanite ck3 = canaanite_pagan ck3 = canaanite_pagan_old } +## Celtic link = { eu4 = druidism ck3 = celtic_pagan ck3 = celtic_pagan_old } -link = { eu4 = kemetism ck3 = egyptian_pagan ck3 = egyptian_pagan_old } +link = { eu4 = briton_pagan ck3 = briton_paganism } +link = { eu4 = gallic_pagan ck3 = gallic_celtic } +link = { eu4 = gaelic_pagan ck3 = gaelic_paganism } +link = { eu4 = celtiberian_pagan ck3 = celtiberian_paganism } +## Semitic +link = { eu4 = canaanite ck3 = canaanite_pagan ck3 = canaanite_pagan_old } +link = { eu4 = arab_pagan ck3 = arabic_pagan ck3 = arabic_pagan_old } link = { eu4 = mardukism ck3 = mesopotamian_pagan ck3 = mesopotamian_pagan_old } - -# Mod: Sunset Invasion -link = { eu4 = nahuatl ck3 = cult_of_tlaloc ck3 = cult_of_tezcatlipoca ck3 = cult_of_quetzalcoatl } +## Perso-Caucasian +link = { eu4 = mithraism ck3 = mithraic_mysteries } +link = { eu4 = armenian_pagan ck3 = armenian_pagan ck3 = armenian_pagan_old ck3 = urartuism } +link = { eu4 = caucasian_pagan ck3 = caucasian_pagan ck3 = caucasian_pagan_old } +link = { eu4 = scythian_pagan ck3 = scythian_pagan ck3 = scythian_pagan_old } +## Egyptian +link = { eu4 = kemetism ck3 = egyptian_pagan ck3 = egyptian_pagan_old } +link = { eu4 = atenism ck3 = atenist_pagan } +## Others +link = { eu4 = cybelene ck3 = anatolian_pagan ck3 = anatolian_pagan_old } +link = { eu4 = zamolxism ck3 = dacian_pagan ck3 = dacian_pagan_old } +link = { eu4 = shamanism ck3 = berber_pagan ck3 = berber_pagan_old } +link = { eu4 = iberian_pagan ck3 = iberian_pagan ck3 = iberian_pagan_old } \ No newline at end of file