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  • Enabled optimization of tuple values via Categorical
    • This can be used with Keras to search over different kernel_size values for Conv2D or pool_size values for MaxPooling2D, for example:
    Conv2D(64, kernel_size=Categorical([(2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)]), activation="relu")
    MaxPooling2D(pool_size=Categorical([(1, 1), (3, 3)]))


  • Removed the "Validated Environment ..." log messages made when initializing an Experiment/OptPro

3.0.0 (2019-08-06) Artemis

This changelog entry combines the contents of all 3.0.0 pre-release entries

Artemis: Greek goddess of hunting

This is the most significant release since the birth of HyperparameterHunter, adding not only feature engineering, but also feature optimization. The goal of feature engineering in HyperparameterHunter is to enable you to manipulate your data however you need to, without imposing restrictions on what's allowed - all while seamlessly keeping track of your feature engineering steps so they can be learned from and optimized. In that spirit, feature engineering steps are defined by your very own functions. That may sound a bit silly at first, but it affords maximal freedom and customization, with only the minimal requirement that you tell your function what data you want from HyperparameterHunter, and you give it back when you're done playing with it.

The best way to really understand feature engineering in HyperparameterHunter is to dive into some code and check out the "examples/feature_engineering_examples" directory. In no time at all, you'll be ready to spread your wings by experimenting with the creative feature engineering steps only you can build. Let your faithful assistant, HyperparameterHunter, meticulously and lovingly record them for you, so you can optimize your custom feature functions just like normal hyperparameters.

You're a glorious peacock, and we just wanna let you fly.


  • Feature engineering via FeatureEngineer and EngineerStep

    • This will be a "brief" summary of the new features. For more detail, see the aforementioned "examples/feature_engineering_examples" directory or the extensively documented FeatureEngineer and EngineerStep classes
    • FeatureEngineer can be passed as the feature_engineer kwarg to either:
      1. Instantiate a CVExperiment, or
      2. Call the forge_experiment method of any Optimization Protocol
    • FeatureEngineer is just a container for EngineerSteps
      • Instantiate it with a simple list of EngineerSteps, or functions to construct EngineerSteps
    • Most important EngineerStep parameter is a function you define to perform your data transformation (whatever that is)
      • This function is often creatively referred to as a "step function"
    • Step function definitions have only two requirements:
      1. Name the data you want to transform in the signature's input parameters
      2. Return the data when you're done with it
    • Step functions may be given directly to FeatureEngineer, or wrapped in an EngineerStep for greater customization
    • Here are just a few step functions you might want to make:
    from hyperparameter_hunter import CVExperiment, FeatureEngineer, EngineerStep
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from sklearn.preprocessing import QuantileTransformer, StandardScaler
    from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
    def standard_scale(train_inputs, non_train_inputs):
      s = StandardScaler()
      train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = s.fit_transform(train_inputs.values)
      non_train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = s.transform(non_train_inputs.values)
      return train_inputs, non_train_inputs
    def quantile_transform(train_targets, non_train_targets):
      t = QuantileTransformer(output_distribution="normal")
      train_targets[train_targets.columns] = t.fit_transform(train_targets.values)
      non_train_targets[train_targets.columns] = t.transform(non_train_targets.values)
      return train_targets, non_train_targets, t
    def set_nan(all_inputs):
      cols = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
      all_inputs.iloc[:, cols] = all_inputs.iloc[:, cols].replace(0, np.NaN)
      return all_inputs
    def impute_negative_one(all_inputs):
      all_inputs.fillna(-1, inplace=True)
      return all_inputs
    def impute_mean(train_inputs, non_train_inputs):
      imputer = SimpleImputer()
      train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = imputer.fit_transform(train_inputs.values)
      non_train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = imputer.transform(non_train_inputs.values)
      return train_inputs, non_train_inputs
    def sqr_sum_feature(all_inputs):
      all_inputs["my_sqr_sum_feature"] = all_inputs.agg(
          lambda row: np.sqrt(np.sum([np.square(_) for _ in row])),
      return all_inputs
    def upsample_train_data(train_inputs, train_targets):
      pos = pd.Series(train_targets["target"] == 1)
      train_inputs = pd.concat([train_inputs, train_inputs.loc[pos]], axis=0)
      train_targets = pd.concat([train_targets, train_targets.loc[pos]], axis=0)
      return train_inputs, train_targets
    # Any of the above can be wrapped by `EngineerStep`, or added directly to a `FeatureEngineer`'s `steps`
    # Below, assume we have already activated an `Environment`
    exp_0 = CVExperiment(
          EngineerStep(upsample_train_data, stage="intra_cv"),
  • Feature optimization

    • Categorical can be used to optimize feature engineering steps, either as EngineerStep instances or raw functions of the form expected by EngineerStep
    • Just throw your Categorical in with the rest of your FeatureEngineer.steps
    • Features can, of course, be optimized alongside standard model hyperparameters
    from hyperparameter_hunter import GBRT, Real, Integer, Categorical, FeatureEngineer, EngineerStep
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
    from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, QuantileTransformer, StandardScaler
    def standard_scale(train_inputs, non_train_inputs):
      s = StandardScaler()
      train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = s.fit_transform(train_inputs.values)
      non_train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = s.transform(non_train_inputs.values)
      return train_inputs, non_train_inputs
    def min_max_scale(train_inputs, non_train_inputs):
      s = MinMaxScaler()
      train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = s.fit_transform(train_inputs.values)
      non_train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = s.transform(non_train_inputs.values)
      return train_inputs, non_train_inputs
    # Pretend we already set up our `Environment` and we want to optimize the our scaler
    # We'll also throw in some standard hyperparameter optimization - This is HyperparameterHunter, after all
    optimizer_0 = GBRT()
      dict(alpha=Real(0.5, 1.0), max_iter=Integer(500, 2000), solver="svd"), 
      feature_engineer=FeatureEngineer([Categorical([standard_scale, min_max_scale])])
    # Then we remembered we should probably transform our target, too
    # OH NO! After transforming our targets, we'll need to `inverse_transform` the predictions!
    # OH YES! HyperparameterHunter will gladly accept a fitted transformer as an extra return value, 
    #   and save it to call `inverse_transform` on predictions 
    def quantile_transform(train_targets, non_train_targets):
      t = QuantileTransformer(output_distribution="normal")
      train_targets[train_targets.columns] = t.fit_transform(train_targets.values)
      non_train_targets[train_targets.columns] = t.transform(non_train_targets.values)
      return train_targets, non_train_targets, t
    # We can also tell HyperparameterHunter to invert predictions using a callable, rather than a fitted transformer
    def log_transform(all_targets):
      all_targets = np.log1p(all_targets)
      return all_targets, np.expm1
    optimizer_1 = GBRT()
      Ridge, {}, feature_engineer=FeatureEngineer([
          Categorical([standard_scale, min_max_scale]),
          Categorical([quantile_transform, log_transform]),
  • Categorical.optional

    • As Categorical is the means of optimizing EngineerSteps in simple lists, it became necessary to answer the question of whether that crazy new feature you've been cooking up in the lab should even be included at all
    • So the optional kwarg was added to Categorical to appease the mad scientist in us all
    • If True (default=False), the search space will include not only the categories you explicitly provide, but also the omission of the current EngineerStep entirely
    • optional is only intended for use in optimizing EngineerSteps. Don't expect it to work elsewhere
    • Brief example:
    from hyperparameter_hunter import DummySearch, Categorical, FeatureEngineer, EngineerStep
    from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
    def standard_scale(train_inputs, non_train_inputs):
      """Pretend this function scales data using SKLearn's `StandardScaler`"""
      return train_inputs, non_train_inputs
    def min_max_scale(train_inputs, non_train_inputs):
      """Pretend this function scales data using SKLearn's `MinMaxScaler`"""
      return train_inputs, non_train_inputs
    # Pretend we already set up our `Environment` and we want to optimize the our scaler
    optimizer_0 = DummySearch()
      Ridge, {}, feature_engineer=FeatureEngineer([
          Categorical([standard_scale, min_max_scale])
    # `optimizer_0` above will try each of our scaler functions, but what if we shouldn't use either?
    optimizer_1 = DummySearch()
      Ridge, {}, feature_engineer=FeatureEngineer([
          Categorical([standard_scale, min_max_scale], optional=True)
    # `optimizer_1`, using `Categorical.optional`, will search the same points as `optimizer_0`, plus
    #   a `FeatureEngineer` where the step is skipped completely, which would be the equivalent of
    #   no `FeatureEngineer` at all in this example
  • Enable OptPro's to identify similar_experiments when using a search space whose dimensions include Categorical.optional EngineerSteps at indexes that may differ from those of the candidate Experiments

  • Add callbacks kwarg to CVExperiment, which enables providing LambdaCallbacks for an Experiment right when you're initializing it

    • Functions like the existing experiment_callbacks kwarg of Environment
  • Improve Metric.direction inference to check the name of the metric_function for "error"/"loss" strings, after checking the name itself

    • This means that an Environment.metrics value of {"mae": "median_absolute_error"} will be correctly inferred to have direction="min", making it easier to use short aliases for those extra-long error metric names


  • Fix bug causing descendants of SKOptimizationProtocol to break when given non-string base_estimators
  • Fix bug causing ScoringMixIn to incorrectly keep track of the metrics to record for different dataset types
  • Fix bug preventing get_clean_predictions from working with multi-output datasets
  • Fix incorrect leaderboard sorting when evaluations are tied (again)
  • Fix bug causing metrics to be evaluated using the transformed targets/predictions, rather than the inverted (original space) predictions, after performing target transformation via EngineerStep
    • Adds new Environment kwarg: save_transformed_metrics, which dictates whether metrics are calculated using transformed targets/predictions (True), or inverted data (False)
    • Default value of save_transformed_metrics is chosen based on dtype of targets. See #169
  • Fix bug causing BayesianOptPro to break, or fail experiment matching, when using an exclusively-Categorical search space. For details, see #154
  • Fix bug causing Informed Optimization Protocols to break after the tenth optimization round when attempting to fit optimizer with EngineerStep dicts, rather than proper instances
    • This was caused by the EngineerSteps stored in saved experiment descriptions not being reinitialized in order to be compatible with the current search space
    • See PR #139 or "tests/integration_tests/feature_engineering/" for details
  • Fix broken inverse target transformation of LightGBM predictions
  • Fix incorrect "source_script" recorded in CVExperiment description files when executed within an Optimization Protocol
  • Fix bug causing :mod:data.data_chunks to be excluded from installation


  • Metrics are now always invoked with NumPy arrays
    • Note that this is unlike EngineerStep functions, which always receive Pandas DataFrames as input and should always return DataFrames
  • DatasetSentinel functions in Environment now retrieve data transformed by feature engineering
  • data
    • Rather than being haphazardly stored in an assortment of experiment attributes, datasets are now managed by both :mod:data and the overhauled :mod:callbacks.wranglers module
    • Affects custom user callbacks that used experiment datasets. See the next section for details
  • Add warn_on_re_ask kwarg to all OptPro initializers. If True (default=False), a warning will be logged whenever the internal optimizer suggests a point that has already been evaluated--before returning a new, random point to evaluate instead
  • model_init_params kwarg of both CVExperiment and all OptPros is now optional. If not given, it will be evaluated as the default initialization parameters to model_initializer
  • Convert file module to space directory module, containing space_core and dimensions
    • space.dimensions is the new home of the dimension classes used to define hyperparameter search spaces via :meth:optimization.protocol_core.BaseOptPro.forge_experiment: Real, Integer, and Categorical
    • space.space_core houses :class:Space, which is only used internally
  • Convert and file modules to optimization directory module, containing protocol_core and the backends directory
    • has been moved to
    • optimization.backends contains skopt.engine and skopt.protocols, the latter of which is the new location of the original file
    • optimization.backends.skopt.engine is a partial vendorization of Scikit-Optimize's Optimizer class, which acts as the backend for :class:optimization.protocol_core.SKOptPro
      • For additional information on the partial vendorization of key Scikit-Optimize components, see the optimization.backends.skopt README. A copy of Scikit-Optimize's original LICENSE can also be found in optimization.backends.skopt


  • OptPros' set_experiment_guidelines method renamed to forge_experiment
    • set_experiment_guidelines will be removed in v3.2.0
  • Optimization Protocols in :mod:hyperparameter_hunter.optimization renamed to use "OptPro"
    • This change affects the following optimization protocol classes:
      • BayesianOptimization -> BayesianOptPro
      • GradientBoostedRegressionTreeOptimization -> GradientBoostedRegressionTreeOptPro
        • GBRT alias unchanged
      • RandomForestOptimization -> RandomForestOptPro
        • RF alias unchanged
      • ExtraTreesOptimization -> ExtraTreesOptPro
        • ET alias unchanged
      • DummySearch -> DummyOptPro
    • This change also affects the base classes for optimization protocols defined in :mod:hyperparameter_hunter.optimization.protocol_core that are not available in the package namespace
    • The original names will continue to be available until their removal in v3.2.0
  • lambda_callback kwargs dealing with "experiment" and "repetition" time steps have been shortened
    • These four kwargs have been changed to the following values:
      • on_experiment_start -> on_exp_start
      • on_experiment_end -> on_exp_end
      • on_repetition_start -> on_rep_start
      • on_repetition_end -> on_rep_end
    • In summary, "experiment" is shortened to "exp", and "repetition" is shortened to "rep"
    • The originals will continue to be available until their removal in v3.2.0
    • This deprecation will break any custom callbacks created by subclassing BaseCallback (which is not the officially supported method), rather than using lambda_callback
      • To fix such callbacks, simply rename the above methods

Breaking Changes

  • Any custom callbacks (lambda_callback or otherwise) that accessed the experiment’s datasets will need to be updated to access their new locations. The new syntax is described in detail in :mod:data.data_core, but the general idea is as follows:
    1. Experiments have four dataset attributes: data_train, data_oof, data_holdout, data_test
    2. Each dataset has three data_chunks: input, target, prediction
    3. Each data_chunk has six attributes. The first five pertain to the experiment division for which the data is collected: d (initial data), run , fold , rep, and final
    4. The sixth attribute of each data_chunk is T , which contains the transformed states of the five attributes described in step 3
      • Transformations are applied by feature engineering
      • Inversions of those transformations (if applicable) are stored in the five normal data_chunk attributes from step 3
  • Ignore Pandas version during dataset hashing for more consistent Environment keys. See #166

3.0.0beta1 (2019-08-05)


  • Enable OptPro's to identify similar_experiments when using a search space whose dimensions include Categorical.optional EngineerSteps at indexes that may differ from those of the candidate Experiments
  • Add callbacks kwarg to CVExperiment, which enables providing LambdaCallbacks for an Experiment right when you're initializing it
    • Functions like the existing experiment_callbacks kwarg of Environment
  • Improve Metric.direction inference to check the name of the metric_function for "error"/"loss" strings, after checking the name itself
    • This means that an Environment.metrics value of {"mae": "median_absolute_error"} will be correctly inferred to have direction="min", making it easier to use short aliases for those extra-long error metric names

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug causing metrics to be evaluated using the transformed targets/predictions, rather than the inverted (original space) predictions, after performing target transformation via EngineerStep
    • Adds new Environment kwarg: save_transformed_metrics, which dictates whether metrics are calculated using transformed targets/predictions (True), or inverted data (False)
    • Default value of save_transformed_metrics is chosen based on dtype of targets. See #169


  • Add warn_on_re_ask kwarg to all OptPro initializers. If True (default=False), a warning will be logged whenever the internal optimizer suggests a point that has already been evaluated--before returning a new, random point to evaluate instead

Breaking Changes

  • Ignore Pandas version during dataset hashing for more consistent Environment keys. See #166

3.0.0beta0 (2019-07-14)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug causing BayesianOptPro to break, or fail experiment matching, when using an exclusively-Categorical search space. For details, see #154


  • model_init_params kwarg of both CVExperiment and all OptPros is now optional. If not given, it will be evaluated as the default initialization parameters to model_initializer
  • Convert file module to space directory module, containing space_core and dimensions
    • space.dimensions is the new home of the dimension classes used to define hyperparameter search spaces via :meth:optimization.protocol_core.BaseOptPro.forge_experiment: Real, Integer, and Categorical
    • space.space_core houses :class:Space, which is only used internally
  • Convert and file modules to optimization directory module, containing protocol_core and the backends directory
    • has been moved to
    • optimization.backends contains skopt.engine and skopt.protocols, the latter of which is the new location of the original file
    • optimization.backends.skopt.engine is a partial vendorization of Scikit-Optimize's Optimizer class, which acts as the backend for :class:optimization.protocol_core.SKOptPro
      • For additional information on the partial vendorization of key Scikit-Optimize components, see the optimization.backends.skopt README. A copy of Scikit-Optimize's original LICENSE can also be found in optimization.backends.skopt


  • OptPros' set_experiment_guidelines method renamed to forge_experiment
    • set_experiment_guidelines will be removed in v3.2.0
  • Optimization Protocols in :mod:hyperparameter_hunter.optimization renamed to use "OptPro"
    • This change affects the following optimization protocol classes:
      • BayesianOptimization -> BayesianOptPro
      • GradientBoostedRegressionTreeOptimization -> GradientBoostedRegressionTreeOptPro
        • GBRT alias unchanged
      • RandomForestOptimization -> RandomForestOptPro
        • RF alias unchanged
      • ExtraTreesOptimization -> ExtraTreesOptPro
        • ET alias unchanged
      • DummySearch -> DummyOptPro
    • This change also affects the base classes for optimization protocols defined in :mod:hyperparameter_hunter.optimization.protocol_core that are not available in the package namespace
    • The original names will continue to be available until their removal in v3.2.0
  • lambda_callback kwargs dealing with "experiment" and "repetition" time steps have been shortened
    • These four kwargs have been changed to the following values:
      • on_experiment_start -> on_exp_start
      • on_experiment_end -> on_exp_end
      • on_repetition_start -> on_rep_start
      • on_repetition_end -> on_rep_end
    • In summary, "experiment" is shortened to "exp", and "repetition" is shortened to "rep"
    • The originals will continue to be available until their removal in v3.2.0
    • This deprecation will break any custom callbacks created by subclassing BaseCallback (which is not the officially supported method), rather than using lambda_callback
      • To fix such callbacks, simply rename the above methods

3.0.0alpha2 (2019-06-12)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug causing Informed Optimization Protocols to break after the tenth optimization round when attempting to fit optimizer with EngineerStep dicts, rather than proper instances
    • This was caused by the EngineerSteps stored in saved experiment descriptions not being reinitialized in order to be compatible with the current search space
    • See PR #139 or "tests/integration_tests/feature_engineering/" for details
  • Fix broken inverse target transformation of LightGBM predictions
  • Fix incorrect "source_script" recorded in CVExperiment description files when executed within an Optimization Protocol

3.0.0alpha1 (2019-06-07)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug causing :mod:data.data_chunks to be excluded from installation

3.0.0alpha0 (2019-06-07)

This is the most significant release since the birth of HyperparameterHunter, adding not only feature engineering, but also feature optimization. The goal of feature engineering in HyperparameterHunter is to enable you to manipulate your data however you need to, without imposing restrictions on what's allowed - all while seamlessly keeping track of your feature engineering steps so they can be learned from and optimized. In that spirit, feature engineering steps are defined by your very own functions. That may sound a bit silly at first, but it affords maximal freedom and customization, with only the minimal requirement that you tell your function what data you want from HyperparameterHunter, and you give it back when you're done playing with it.

The best way to really understand feature engineering in HyperparameterHunter is to dive into some code and check out the "examples/feature_engineering_examples" directory. In no time at all, you'll be ready to spread your wings by experimenting with the creative feature engineering steps only you can build. Let your faithful assistant, HyperparameterHunter, meticulously and lovingly record them for you, so you can optimize your custom feature functions just like normal hyperparameters.

You're a glorious peacock, and we just wanna let you fly.


  • Feature engineering via FeatureEngineer and EngineerStep

    • This will be a "brief" summary of the new features. For more detail, see the aforementioned "examples/feature_engineering_examples" directory or the extensively documented FeatureEngineer and EngineerStep classes
    • FeatureEngineer can be passed as the feature_engineer kwarg to either:
      1. Instantiate a CVExperiment, or
      2. Call the set_experiment_guidelines method of any Optimization Protocol
    • FeatureEngineer is just a container for EngineerSteps
      • Instantiate it with a simple list of EngineerSteps, or functions to construct EngineerSteps
    • Most important EngineerStep parameter is a function you define to perform your data transformation (whatever that is)
      • This function is often creatively referred to as a "step function"
    • Step function definitions have only two requirements:
      1. Name the data you want to transform in the signature's input parameters
      2. Return the data when you're done with it
    • Step functions may be given directly to FeatureEngineer, or wrapped in an EngineerStep for greater customization
    • Here are just a few step functions you might want to make:
    from hyperparameter_hunter import CVExperiment, FeatureEngineer, EngineerStep
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from sklearn.preprocessing import QuantileTransformer, StandardScaler
    from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
    def standard_scale(train_inputs, non_train_inputs):
      s = StandardScaler()
      train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = s.fit_transform(train_inputs.values)
      non_train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = s.transform(non_train_inputs.values)
      return train_inputs, non_train_inputs
    def quantile_transform(train_targets, non_train_targets):
      t = QuantileTransformer(output_distribution="normal")
      train_targets[train_targets.columns] = t.fit_transform(train_targets.values)
      non_train_targets[train_targets.columns] = t.transform(non_train_targets.values)
      return train_targets, non_train_targets, t
    def set_nan(all_inputs):
      cols = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
      all_inputs.iloc[:, cols] = all_inputs.iloc[:, cols].replace(0, np.NaN)
      return all_inputs
    def impute_negative_one(all_inputs):
      all_inputs.fillna(-1, inplace=True)
      return all_inputs
    def impute_mean(train_inputs, non_train_inputs):
      imputer = SimpleImputer()
      train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = imputer.fit_transform(train_inputs.values)
      non_train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = imputer.transform(non_train_inputs.values)
      return train_inputs, non_train_inputs
    def sqr_sum_feature(all_inputs):
      all_inputs["my_sqr_sum_feature"] = all_inputs.agg(
          lambda row: np.sqrt(np.sum([np.square(_) for _ in row])),
      return all_inputs
    def upsample_train_data(train_inputs, train_targets):
      pos = pd.Series(train_targets["target"] == 1)
      train_inputs = pd.concat([train_inputs, train_inputs.loc[pos]], axis=0)
      train_targets = pd.concat([train_targets, train_targets.loc[pos]], axis=0)
      return train_inputs, train_targets
    # Any of the above can be wrapped by `EngineerStep`, or added directly to a `FeatureEngineer`'s `steps`
    # Below, assume we have already activated an `Environment`
    exp_0 = CVExperiment(
          EngineerStep(upsample_train_data, stage="intra_cv"),
  • Feature optimization

    • Categorical can be used to optimize feature engineering steps, either as EngineerStep instances or raw functions of the form expected by EngineerStep
    • Just throw your Categorical in with the rest of your FeatureEngineer.steps
    • Features can, of course, be optimized alongside standard model hyperparameters
    from hyperparameter_hunter import GBRT, Real, Integer, Categorical, FeatureEngineer, EngineerStep
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
    from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, QuantileTransformer, StandardScaler
    def standard_scale(train_inputs, non_train_inputs):
      s = StandardScaler()
      train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = s.fit_transform(train_inputs.values)
      non_train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = s.transform(non_train_inputs.values)
      return train_inputs, non_train_inputs
    def min_max_scale(train_inputs, non_train_inputs):
      s = MinMaxScaler()
      train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = s.fit_transform(train_inputs.values)
      non_train_inputs[train_inputs.columns] = s.transform(non_train_inputs.values)
      return train_inputs, non_train_inputs
    # Pretend we already set up our `Environment` and we want to optimize the our scaler
    # We'll also throw in some standard hyperparameter optimization - This is HyperparameterHunter, after all
    optimizer_0 = GBRT()
      dict(alpha=Real(0.5, 1.0), max_iter=Integer(500, 2000), solver="svd"), 
      feature_engineer=FeatureEngineer([Categorical([standard_scale, min_max_scale])])
    # Then we remembered we should probably transform our target, too
    # OH NO! After transforming our targets, we'll need to `inverse_transform` the predictions!
    # OH YES! HyperparameterHunter will gladly accept a fitted transformer as an extra return value, 
    #   and save it to call `inverse_transform` on predictions 
    def quantile_transform(train_targets, non_train_targets):
      t = QuantileTransformer(output_distribution="normal")
      train_targets[train_targets.columns] = t.fit_transform(train_targets.values)
      non_train_targets[train_targets.columns] = t.transform(non_train_targets.values)
      return train_targets, non_train_targets, t
    # We can also tell HyperparameterHunter to invert predictions using a callable, rather than a fitted transformer
    def log_transform(all_targets):
      all_targets = np.log1p(all_targets)
      return all_targets, np.expm1
    optimizer_1 = GBRT()
      Ridge, {}, feature_engineer=FeatureEngineer([
          Categorical([standard_scale, min_max_scale]),
          Categorical([quantile_transform, log_transform]),
  • Categorical.optional

    • As Categorical is the means of optimizing EngineerSteps in simple lists, it became necessary to answer the question of whether that crazy new feature you've been cooking up in the lab should even be included at all
    • So the optional kwarg was added to Categorical to appease the mad scientist in us all
    • If True (default=False), the search space will include not only the categories you explicitly provide, but also the omission of the current EngineerStep entirely
    • optional is only intended for use in optimizing EngineerSteps. Don't expect it to work elsewhere
    • Brief example:
    from hyperparameter_hunter import DummySearch, Categorical, FeatureEngineer, EngineerStep
    from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
    def standard_scale(train_inputs, non_train_inputs):
      """Pretend this function scales data using SKLearn's `StandardScaler`"""
      return train_inputs, non_train_inputs
    def min_max_scale(train_inputs, non_train_inputs):
      """Pretend this function scales data using SKLearn's `MinMaxScaler`"""
      return train_inputs, non_train_inputs
    # Pretend we already set up our `Environment` and we want to optimize the our scaler
    optimizer_0 = DummySearch()
      Ridge, {}, feature_engineer=FeatureEngineer([
          Categorical([standard_scale, min_max_scale])
    # `optimizer_0` above will try each of our scaler functions, but what if we shouldn't use either?
    optimizer_1 = DummySearch()
      Ridge, {}, feature_engineer=FeatureEngineer([
          Categorical([standard_scale, min_max_scale], optional=True)
    # `optimizer_1`, using `Categorical.optional`, will search the same points as `optimizer_0`, plus
    #   a `FeatureEngineer` where the step is skipped completely, which would be the equivalent of
    #   no `FeatureEngineer` at all in this example


  • Fix bug causing descendants of SKOptimizationProtocol to break when given non-string base_estimators
  • Fix bug causing ScoringMixIn to incorrectly keep track of the metrics to record for different dataset types
  • Fix bug preventing get_clean_predictions from working with multi-output datasets
  • Fix incorrect leaderboard sorting when evaluations are tied (again)


  • Metrics are now always invoked with NumPy arrays
    • Note that this is unlike EngineerStep functions, which always receive Pandas DataFrames as input and should always return DataFrames
  • DatasetSentinel functions in Environment now retrieve data transformed by feature engineering
  • data
    • Rather than being haphazardly stored in an assortment of experiment attributes, datasets are now managed by both :mod:data and the overhauled :mod:callbacks.wranglers module
    • Affects custom user callbacks that used experiment datasets. See the next section for details

Breaking Changes

  • Any custom callbacks (lambda_callback or otherwise) that accessed the experiment’s datasets will need to be updated to access their new locations. The new syntax is described in detail in :mod:data.data_core, but the general idea is as follows:
    1. Experiments have four dataset attributes: data_train, data_oof, data_holdout, data_test
    2. Each dataset has three data_chunks: input, target, prediction
    3. Each data_chunk has six attributes. The first five pertain to the experiment division for which the data is collected: d (initial data), run , fold , rep, and final
    4. The sixth attribute of each data_chunk is T , which contains the transformed states of the five attributes described in step 3
      • Transformations are applied by feature engineering
      • Inversions of those transformations (if applicable) are stored in the five normal data_chunk attributes from step 3

2.2.0 (2019-02-10)


  • Enhanced support for Keras initializers
    • In addition to providing strings to the various "...initializer" parameters of Keras layers (like Dense's kernel_initializer), you can now use the callables in keras.initializers, too
    • This means that all of the following will work in Keras build_fns:
      • Dense(10, kernel_initializer="orthogonal") (original string-form)
      • Dense(10, kernel_initializer=orthogonal) (after from keras.initializers import orthogonal)
      • Dense(10, kernel_initializer=orthogonal(gain=0.5))
    • You can even optimize callable initializers and their parameters:
      • Dense(10, kernel_initializer=orthogonal(gain=Real(0.3, 0.7)))
      • Dense(10, kernel_initializer=Categorical(["orthogonal", "lecun_normal"))


  • Fix bug causing cross-validation to break occasionally if n_splits=2
  • Fix bug causing optimization to break if only optimizing model_extra_params (not build_fn) in Keras


  • Shortened the preferred names of some Environment parameters:
    • cross_validation_type -> cv_type
    • cross_validation_params -> cv_params
    • metrics_map -> metrics
    • reporting_handler_params -> reporting_params
    • root_results_path -> results_path
  • The original parameter names can still be used as aliases. See note in "Breaking Changes" section

Breaking Changes

  • To ensure compatibility with Environment keys created in earlier versions of HyperparameterHunter, continue using the original names for the parameters mentioned above
    • Using the new (preferred) names will produce different Environment keys, which will cause Experiments to not be identified as valid learning material for optimization even though they used the same parameter values, just with different names

2.1.1 (2019-01-15)


  • Fix bug caused by yaml import when not using recorders.YAMLDescriptionRecorder

2.1.0 (2019-01-15)


  • Add experiment_recorders kwarg to Environment that allows for providing custom Experiment result file-recording classes

    • The only syntax changes for this new feature occur in Environment initialization:
    from hyperparameter_hunter import Environment
    from hyperparameter_hunter.recorders import YAMLDescriptionRecorder
    env = Environment(
      train_dataset=None,  # Placeholder value
      # ... Standard `Environment` kwargs ...
          (YAMLDescriptionRecorder, "Experiments/YAMLDescriptions"),
    # ... Normal Experiment/Optimization execution
    • Each tuple in the experiment_recorders list is expected to contain the following:

      1. a new custom recorder class that descends from recorders.BaseRecorder, followed by
      2. a string path that is relative to the Environment.root_results_path kwarg and specifies the location at which new result files should be saved
    • A dedicated example for this feature has been added in "examples/advanced_examples/"

  • Update Environment verbosity settings by converting the verbose parameter from a boolean to an integer from 0-4 (inclusive). Enables greater control of logging frequency and level of detail. See the environment.Environment documentation for details on what is logged at each level

  • Allow blacklisting the general heartbeat file by providing "current_heartbeat" as a value in Environment.file_blacklist. Doing this will also blacklist Experiment heartbeat files automatically


  • Fix bug when comparing identical dataset sentinels used in a CVExperiment, followed by use in BaseOptimizationProtocol.set_experiment_guidelines
  • Fix bug causing HyperparameterHunter warning messages to not be displayed
  • Fix bug where the incorrect best experiment would be printed in the hyperparameter optimization summary when using a minimizing target_metric
  • Fix bug where providing Environment with root_results_path=None would break key-making


  • Shortened name of CrossValidationExperiment to CVExperiment. CrossValidationExperiment will still be available as a deprecated copy of CVExperiment until v2.3.0, but CVExperiment is preferred
  • Update sorting of GlobalLeaderboard entries to take into account only the target metric column and the "experiment_#" columns
    • This produces more predictable orders that don't rely on UUIDs/hashes and preserve historicity

Breaking Changes

  • Hyperparameter keys are not compatible with those created using previous versions due to updated defaults for core Experiment parameters
    • This is in order to improve proper matching to saved Experiment results, especially when using "non-essential"/extra hyperparameters such as verbose
    • The following parameters of experiments.BaseExperiment.__init__ will now be set to the corresponding value by default if None:
      • model_extra_params: {}
      • feature_selector: []
      • preprocessing_pipeline: {}
      • preprocessing_params: {}
    • These changes are also reflected in optimization_core.BaseOptimizationProtocol.set_experiment_guidelines, and utils.optimization_utils.filter_by_guidelines

2.0.1 (2018-11-25)


  • KeyAttributeLookup entries are now saved by full hyperparameter paths, rather than simple keys for greater clarity (#75)
  • Changed behavior of the do_predict_proba parameter of environment.Environment when True
    • All other behavior remains unchanged. However, instead of behaving identically to do_predict_proba=0, do_predict_proba=True will now use all predicted probability columns for the final predictions
  • Deprecated classes experiments.RepeatedCVExperiment and experiments.StandardCVExperiment. The goals of both of these classes are accomplished by the preferred experiments.CrossValidationExperiment class. The two aforementioned deprecated classes are scheduled for removal in v2.1.0. All uses of the deprecated classes should be replaced with experiments.CrossValidationExperiment

2.0.0 (2018-11-16)

Breaking Changes

  • The updates to metrics_map described below mean that the cross_experiment_keys produced by environment.Environment will be different from those produced by previous versions of HyperparameterHunter
    • This means that OptimizationProtocols will not recognize saved experiment results from previous versions as being compatible for learning


  • Made the metrics_map parameter of environment.Environment more customizable and compatible with measures of error/loss. Original metrics_map functionality/formats are unbroken
    • metrics_maps are automatically converted to dicts of metrics.Metric instances, which receive three parameters: name, metric_function, and direction (new)
      • name and metric_function mimic the original functionality of the metrics_map
      • direction can be one of the following three strings: "infer" (default), "max", "min"
        • "max" should be used for metrics in which greater values are preferred, like accuracy; whereas, "min" should be used for measures of loss/error, where lower values are better
        • "infer" will set direction to "min" if the metric's name contains one of the following strings: ["error", "loss"]. Otherwise, direction will be "max"
          • This means that for metrics names that do not contain the aforementioned strings but are measures of error/loss (such as "mae" for "mean_absolute_error"), direction should be explicitly set to "min"
    • environment.Environment can receive metrics_map in many different formats, which are documented in environment.Environment and metrics.format_metrics_map
  • The do_predict_proba parameter of environment.Environment (and consequently models.Model) is now allowed to be an int, as well as a bool. If do_predict_proba is an int, the predict_proba method is called, and the int specifies the index of the column in the model's probability predictions whose values should be passed on as the final predictions. Original behavior when passing a boolean is unaffected. See Environment documentation for usage notes and warnings about providing truthy or falsey values for the do_predict_proba parameter


  • Fixed bug where OptimizationProtocols would optimize in the wrong direction when target_metric was a measure of error/loss
    • This is fixed by the new metrics_map formatting feature listed above
  • Fixed bug causing OptimizationProtocols to fail to recognize similar experiments when sentinels.DatasetSentinels were provided as experiment guidelines (#88)
  • Fixed bug in which the logging for individual Experiments performed inside an OptimizationProtocol was not properly silenced if execution of the OptimizationProtocol took place immediately after executing a CrossValidationExperiment (#74)
    • Individual experiment logging is now only visible inside an OptimizationProtocol if BaseOptimizationProtocol is initialized with verbose=2, as intended


  • Deprecated optimization_core.UninformedOptimizationProtocol. This class was never finished, and is no longer necessary. It is scheduled for removal in v1.2.0, and the classes that descended from it have been removed
  • Renamed optimization_core.InformedOptimizationProtocol to SKOptimizationProtocol, and added an InformedOptimizationProtocol stub with a deprecation warning
  • Renamed exception_handler module (which was only used internally) to exceptions
  • Added aliases for the particularly long optimization protocol classes defined in optimization:
    • GradientBoostedRegressionTreeOptimization, or GBRT,
    • RandomForestOptimization, or RF,
    • ExtraTreesOptimization, or ET

1.1.0 (2018-10-4)


  • Added support for multiple target_column values. Previously, target_column was required to be a string naming a single target output column in the dataset. Now, target_column can also be a list of strings, enabling usage with multiple-output problems (for example, multi-class image classification)

    • Example using Keras with UCI's hand-written digits dataset:
    from hyperparameter_hunter import Environment, CrossValidationExperiment
    import pandas as pd
    from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Flatten, Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Reshape
    from keras.models import Sequential
    from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasClassifier
    from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
    def prep_data(n_class=10):
      input_data, target_data = load_digits(n_class=n_class, return_X_y=True)
      train_df = pd.DataFrame(data=input_data, columns=["c_{:02d}".format(_) for _ in range(input_data.shape[1])])
      train_df["target"] = target_data
      train_df = pd.get_dummies(train_df, columns=["target"], prefix="target")
      return train_df
    def build_fn(input_shape=-1):
      model = Sequential([
          Reshape((8, 8, -1), input_shape=(64,)),
          Conv2D(filters=32, kernel_size=(5, 5), padding="same", activation="relu"),
          MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)),
          Dense(10, activation="softmax"),
      model.compile(optimizer="adam", loss="categorical_crossentropy", metrics=["accuracy"])
      return model
    env = Environment(
      target_column=[f"target_{_}" for _ in range(10)],
      cross_validation_params=dict(n_splits=10, shuffle=True, random_state=True),
    experiment = CrossValidationExperiment(
      model_extra_params=dict(batch_size=32, epochs=10, verbose=0, shuffle=True),
  • Added callback recipes, which contains some commonly-used extra callbacks created using hyperparameter_hunter.callbacks.bases.lambda_callback

    • This serves not only to provide additional callback functionality like creating confusion matrices, but also to create examples for how anyone can use lambda_callback to implement their own custom functionality
    • This also contains the replacement for the broken AggregatorEpochsElapsed callback: aggregator_epochs_elapsed
  • Updated hyperparameter_hunter.callbacks.bases.lambda_callback to handle automatically aggregating values returned by "on_..." callable parameters

    • This new functionality is used in; whereas, continues to aggregate values using the original method for comparison


  • Fixed bug requiring Keras to be installed even when not in use
  • Fixed bug where OptimizationProtocols would not take into account saved result files when determining whether the hyperparameter search space had been exhausted
  • Fixed bug where Hyperparameter Optimization headers were not properly underlined
  • Fixed bug where AggregatorEpochsElapsed would not work with repeated cross validation schemes (#47) by converting it to a lambda_callback recipe in
  • Fixed bug where holdout_dataset was not properly recognized as a DataFrame (#78)
  • Fixed bug where CatBoost was given both silent and verbose kwargs (#80)


  • Adopted Black code formatting
    • Breaks compatibility with result files created by previous HyperparameterHunter versions due to docstring reformatting of default functions used by cross_experiment_key
  • Miscellaneous formatting changes and code cleanup suggested by Black, Flake8, Codacy, and Code Climate
  • Development-related changes, including minor TravisCI revisions, pre-commit hooks, and updated utility/documentation files
  • experiment_core no longer applies a callback to record epochs elapsed for Keras NNs by default. For this functionality, use

1.0.2 (2018-08-26)


  • Added sentinels module, which includes :class:DatasetSentinel that allows users to pass yet-undefined datasets as arguments to Experiments or OptimizationProtocols

    • This functionality can be achieved by using the following new properties of :class:environment.Environment: [train_input, train_target, validation_input, validation_target, holdout_input, holdout_target]
    • Example usage:
    from hyperparameter_hunter import Environment, CrossValidationExperiment
    from hyperparameter_hunter.utils.learning_utils import get_breast_cancer_data
    from xgboost import XGBClassifier
    env = Environment(
      cross_validation_params=dict(n_splits=10, shuffle=True, random_state=32),
    experiment = CrossValidationExperiment(
      model_init_params=dict(objective='reg:linear', max_depth=3, n_estimators=100, subsample=0.5),
              eval_set=[(env.train_input, env.train_target), (env.validation_input, env.validation_target)],
  • Added ability to print experiment_id (or first n characters) during optimization rounds via the show_experiment_id kwarg in :class:hyperparameter_hunter.reporting.OptimizationReporter (#42)

  • Lots of other documentation additions, and improvements to example scripts


  • Moved the temporary build_fn file created during Keras optimization, so there isn't a temporary file floating around in the present working directory (#54)
  • Fixed using eval_set by default with introduction of :class:sentinels.DatasetSentinel, allowing users to define eval_set only if they want to (#22)

1.0.1 (2018-08-19)


  • Fixed bug where nbconvert, and nbformat were required even when not using an iPython notebook

1.0.0 (2018-08-19)


  • Simplified providing hyperparameter search dimensions during optimization
    • Old method of providing search dimensions:

      from hyperparameter_hunter import BayesianOptimization, Real, Integer, Categorical
      optimizer = BayesianOptimization(
        iterations=100, read_experiments=True, dimensions=[
            Integer(name='max_depth', low=2, high=20),
            Real(name='learning_rate', low=0.0001, high=0.5),
            Categorical(name='booster', categories=['gbtree', 'gblinear', 'dart'])
        model_init_params=dict(n_estimators=200, subsample=0.5, learning_rate=0.1)
    • New method:

      from hyperparameter_hunter import BayesianOptimization, Real, Integer, Categorical
      optimizer = BayesianOptimization(iterations=100, read_experiments=True)
            n_estimators=200, subsample=0.5,
            learning_rate=Real(0.0001, 0.5),
            max_depth=Integer(2, 20),
            booster=Categorical(['gbtree', 'gblinear', 'dart'])
    • The dimensions kwarg is removed from the OptimizationProtocol classes, and hyperparameter search dimensions are now provided along with the concrete hyperparameters via set_experiment_guidelines. If a value is a descendant of, it is automatically detected as a space to be searched and optimized

  • Improved support for Keras hyperparameter optimization
    • Keras Experiment:

      from hyperparameter_hunter import CrossValidationExperiment
      from keras import *
      def build_fn(input_shape):
        model = Sequential([
            Dense(100, kernel_initializer='uniform', input_shape=input_shape, activation='relu'),
            Dense(1, kernel_initializer='uniform', activation='sigmoid')
        model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
        return model
      experiment = CrossValidationExperiment(
            batch_size=32, epochs=10, verbose=0
    • Keras Optimization:

      from hyperparameter_hunter import Real, Integer, Categorical, RandomForestOptimization
      from keras import *
      def build_fn(input_shape):
        model = Sequential([
            Dense(Integer(50, 150), input_shape=input_shape, activation='relu'),
            Dropout(Real(0.2, 0.7)),
            Dense(1, activation=Categorical(['sigmoid', 'softmax']))
            optimizer=Categorical(['adam', 'rmsprop', 'sgd', 'adadelta']),
            loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']
        return model
      optimizer = RandomForestOptimization(iterations=7)
            callbacks=[ReduceLROnPlateau(patience=Integer(5, 10))],
            batch_size=Categorical([32, 64]),
            epochs=10, verbose=0
  • Lots of other new features and bug-fixes

0.0.1 (2018-06-14)


  • Initial release