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639 lines (485 loc) · 29.9 KB


Release 0.41.0-dev (development release)

New features since last release

  • Added method qml.math.sqrt_matrix_sparse to compute the square root of a sparse Hermitian matrix. (#6976)

  • Added a class qml.capture.transforms.MergeRotationsInterpreter that merges rotation operators following the same API as qml.transforms.optimization.merge_rotations when experimental program capture is enabled. (#6957)

  • qml.defer_measurements can now be used with program capture enabled. Programs transformed by qml.defer_measurements can be executed on default.qubit. (#6838) (#6937) (#6961)

    Using qml.defer_measurements with program capture enables many new features, including:

    • Significantly richer variety of classical processing on mid-circuit measurement values.
    • Using mid-circuit measurement values as gate parameters.

    Functions such as the following can now be captured:

    import jax.numpy as jnp
    def f(x):
        m0 = qml.measure(0)
        m1 = qml.measure(0)
        a = jnp.sin(0.5 * jnp.pi * m0)
        phi = a - (m1 + 1) ** 4
        qml.s_prod(x, qml.RZ(phi, 0))
        return qml.expval(qml.Z(0))
  • Added class qml.capture.transforms.UnitaryToRotInterpreter that decomposes qml.QubitUnitary operators following the same API as qml.transforms.unitary_to_rot when experimental program capture is enabled. (#6916) (#6977)

  • qml.lie_closure now accepts and outputs matrix inputs using the matrix keyword. Also added qml.pauli.trace_inner_product that can handle batches of dense matrices. (#6811)

  • qml.structure_constants now accepts and outputs matrix inputs using the matrix keyword. (#6861)

Improvements 🛠

  • Dispatch the linear algebra methods of scipy backend to scipy.sparse.linalg explicitly. Now qml.math can correctly handle sparse matrices. (#6947)

  • Added a class qml.capture.transforms.MergeAmplitudeEmbedding that merges qml.AmplitudeEmbedding operators following the same API as qml.transforms.merge_amplitude_embedding when experimental program capture is enabled. (#6925)

  • default.qubit now supports the sparse matrices to be applied to the state vector. Specifically, QubitUnitary initialized with a sparse matrix can now be applied to the state vector in the default.qubit device. (#6883)

  • merge_rotations now correctly simplifies merged qml.Rot operators whose angles yield the identity operator. (#7011)

  • Bump rng_salt to v0.40.0. (#6854)

  • qml.gradients.hadamard_grad can now differentiate anything with a generator, and can accept circuits with non-commuting measurements. (#6928)

  • Controlled operators now have a full implementation of sparse_matrix that supports wire_order configuration. (#6994)

  • The qml.measurements.NullMeasurement measurement process is added to allow for profiling problems without the overheads associated with performing measurements. (#6989)

  • pauli_rep property is now accessible for Adjoint operator when there is a Pauli representation. (#6871)

  • qml.SWAP now has sparse representation. (#6965)

  • A Lattice class and a generate_lattice method is added to the qml.ftqc module. The generate_lattice method is to generate 1D, 2D, 3D grid graphs with the given geometric parameters. (#6958)

  • qml.QubitUnitary now accepts sparse CSR matrices (from scipy.sparse). This allows efficient representation of large unitaries with mostly zero entries. Note that sparse unitaries are still in early development and may not support all features of their dense counterparts. (#6889) (#6986)

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pennylane as qml
    >>> import scipy as sp
    >>> U_dense = np.eye(4)  # 2-wire identity
    >>> U_sparse = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(U_dense)
    >>> op = qml.QubitUnitary(U_sparse, wires=[0, 1])
    >>> print(op.matrix())
    <Compressed Sparse Row sparse matrix of dtype 'float64'
            with 4 stored elements and shape (4, 4)>
      Coords        Values
      (0, 0)        1.0
      (1, 1)        1.0
      (2, 2)        1.0
      (3, 3)        1.0
    >>> op.matrix().toarray()
    array([[1., 0., 0., 0.],
          [0., 1., 0., 0.],
          [0., 0., 1., 0.],
          [0., 0., 0., 1.]])
  • Add a decomposition for multi-controlled global phases into a one-less-controlled phase shift. (#6936)

  • qml.StatePrep now accepts sparse state vectors. Users can create StatePrep using scipy.sparse.csr_matrix. Note that non-zero pad_with is forbidden. (#6863)

    >>> import scipy as sp
    >>> init_state = sp.sparse.csr_matrix([0, 0, 1, 0])
    >>> qsv_op = qml.StatePrep(init_state, wires=[1, 2])
    >>> wire_order = [0, 1, 2]
    >>> ket = qsv_op.state_vector(wire_order=wire_order)
    >>> print(ket)
    <Compressed Sparse Row sparse matrix of dtype 'float64'
           with 1 stored elements and shape (1, 8)>
      Coords        Values
      (0, 2)        1.0
  • A RuntimeWarning is now raised by qml.QNode and qml.execute if executing JAX workflows and the installed version of JAX is greater than 0.4.28. (#6864)

  • Added the qml.workflow.construct_execution_config(qnode)(*args,**kwargs) helper function. Users can now construct the execution configuration from a particular QNode instance. (#6901)

    @qml.qnode(qml.device("default.qubit", wires=1))
    def circuit(x):
        qml.RX(x, 0)
        return qml.expval(qml.Z(0))
    >>> config = qml.workflow.construct_execution_config(circuit)(1)
    >>> pprint.pprint(config)
                    device_options={'max_workers': None,
                                    'prng_key': None,
                                    'rng': Generator(PCG64) at 0x15F6BB680},
                    interface=<Interface.NUMPY: 'numpy'>,
                    mcm_config=MCMConfig(mcm_method=None, postselect_mode=None),
  • QNode objects now have an update method that allows for re-configuring settings like diff_method, mcm_method, and more. This allows for easier on-the-fly adjustments to workflows. Any arguments not specified will retain their original value. (#6803)

    After constructing a QNode,

    import pennylane as qml
    def circuit():
      return qml.probs()

    its settings can be modified with update, which returns a new QNode object. Here is an example of updating a QNode's diff_method:

    >>> print(circuit.diff_method)
    >>> new_circuit = circuit.update(diff_method="parameter-shift")
    >>> print(new_circuit.diff_method)
  • Devices can now configure whether or not ML framework data is sent to them via an ExecutionConfig.convert_to_numpy parameter. End-to-end jitting on default.qubit is used if the user specified a jax.random.PRNGKey as a seed. (#6899) (#6788) (#6869)

  • The coefficients of observables now have improved differentiability. (#6598)

  • An empty basis set in qml.compile is now recognized as valid, resulting in decomposition of all operators that can be decomposed. (#6821)

  • An informative error is raised when a QNode with diff_method=None is differentiated. (#6770)

  • qml.ops.sk_decomposition has been improved to produce less gates for certain edge cases. This greatly impacts the performance of qml.clifford_t_decomposition, which should now give less extraneous qml.T gates. (#6855)

  • qml.gradients.finite_diff_jvp has been added to compute the jvp of an arbitrary numeric function. (#6853)

  • With program capture enabled, QNode's can now be differentiated with diff_method="finite-diff". (#6853)

  • The requested diff_method is now validated when program capture is enabled. (#6852)

  • The qml.clifford_t_decomposition has been improved to use less gates when decomposing qml.PhaseShift. (#6842)

  • qml.qchem.taper now handles wire ordering for the tapered observables more robustly. (#6954)

  • A ParametrizedMidMeasure class is added to represent a mid-circuit measurement in an arbitrary measurement basis in the XY, YZ or ZX plane. Subclasses XMidMeasureMP and YMidMeasureMP represent X-basis and Y-basis measurements. These classes are part of the experimental ftqc module. (#6938) (#6953)

  • A diagonalize_mcms transform is added that diagonalizes any ParametrizedMidMeasure, for devices that only natively support mid-circuit measurements in the computational basis. (#6938)

  • Measurement functions measure_x, measure_y and measure_arbitrary_basis are added in the experimental ftqc module. These functions apply a mid-circuit measurement and return a MeasurementValue. They are analogous to qml.measure for the computational basis, but instead measure in the X-basis, Y-basis, or an arbitrary basis, respectively. Function qml.ftqc.measure_z is also added as an alias for qml.measure. (#6953)

  • null.qubit can now execute jaxpr. (#6924)

Capturing and representing hybrid programs

  • Traditional tape transforms in PennyLane can be automatically converted to work with program capture enabled. (#6922)

    As an example, here is a custom tape transform, working with capture enabled, that shifts every qml.RX gate to the end of the circuit:

    def shift_rx_to_end(tape):
        """Transform that moves all RX gates to the end of the operations list."""
        new_ops, rxs = [], []
        for op in tape.operations:
            if isinstance(op, qml.RX):
        operations = new_ops + rxs
        new_tape = tape.copy(operations=operations)
        return [new_tape], lambda res: res[0]

    A requirement for tape transforms to be compatible with program capture is to further decorate QNodes with the experimental qml.capture.expand_plxpr_transforms decorator.

    @qml.qnode(qml.device("default.qubit", wires=1))
    def circuit():
        qml.RX(0.1, wires=0)
        return qml.state()
    >>> print(qml.draw(circuit)())
    0: ──H──RX(0.10)─┤  State

    There are some exceptions to getting tape transforms to work with capture enabled:

    • Transforms that return multiple tapes cannot be converted.
    • Transforms that return non-trivial post-processing functions cannot be converted.
    • Transforms will fail to execute if the transformed quantum function or QNode contains:
      • qml.cond with dynamic parameters as predicates.
      • qml.for_loop with dynamic parameters for start, stop, or step.
      • qml.while_loop.
  • Device.jaxpr_jvp has been added to the device API to allow the definition of device derivatives when using program capture to jaxpr. (#7019)

  • Device-provided derivatives are integrated into the program capture pipeline. diff_method="adjoint" can now be used with default.qubit when capture is enabled. (#7019)

  • The qml.transforms.single_qubit_fusion quantum transform can now be applied with program capture enabled. (#6945) (#7020)

  • Added class qml.capture.transforms.CommuteControlledInterpreter that moves commuting gates past control and target qubits of controlled operations when experimental program capture is enabled. It follows the same API as qml.transforms.commute_controlled. (#6946)

  • qml.QNode can now cache plxpr. When executing a QNode for the first time, its plxpr representation will be cached based on the abstract evaluation of the arguments. Later executions that have arguments with the same shapes and data types will be able to use this cached plxpr instead of capturing the program again. (#6923)

  • qml.QNode now accepts a static_argnums argument. This argument can be used to indicate any arguments that should be considered static when capturing the quantum program. (#6923)

  • A new, experimental Operator method called compute_qfunc_decomposition has been added to represent decompositions with structure (e.g., control flow). This method is only used when capture is enabled with qml.capture.enable(). (#6859) (#6881) (#7022) (#6917)

    • Autograph can now be used with custom operations defined outside of the pennylane namespace. (#6931)

    • Add a qml.capture.pause() context manager for pausing program capture in an error-safe way. (#6911)

  • Python control flow (if/else, for, while) is now supported when program capture is enabled by setting autograph=True at the QNode level. (#6837)

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=[0, 1, 2])
    @qml.qnode(dev, autograph=True)
    def circuit(num_loops: int):
        for i in range(num_loops):
            if i % 2 == 0:
        return qml.state()
    >>> print(qml.draw(circuit)(num_loops=3))
    0: ──H────────┤  State
    1: ──RX(1.00)─┤  State
    2: ──H────────┤  State
    >>> circuit(3)
    Array([0.43879125+0.j        , 0.43879125+0.j        ,
           0.        -0.23971277j, 0.        -0.23971277j,
           0.43879125+0.j        , 0.43879125+0.j        ,
           0.        -0.23971277j, 0.        -0.23971277j], dtype=complex64)
  • The higher order primitives in program capture can now accept inputs with abstract shapes. (#6786)

  • The PlxprInterpreter classes can now handle creating dynamic arrays via jnp.ones, jnp.zeros, jnp.arange, and jnp.full. #6865)

  • The qnode primitive now stores the ExecutionConfig instead of qnode_kwargs. (#6991)

  • Device.eval_jaxpr now accepts an execution_config keyword argument. (#6991)

  • The adjoint jvp of a jaxpr can be computed using default.qubit tooling. (#6875)

  • A new qml.capture.eval_jaxpr function has been implemented. This is a variant of jax.core.eval_jaxpr that can handle the creation of arrays with dynamic shapes. (#7052)

Labs: a place for unified and rapid prototyping of research software 🧪

  • pennylane.labs.dla.lie_closure_dense is removed and integrated into qml.lie_closure using the new dense keyword. (#6811)

  • pennylane.labs.dla.structure_constants_dense is removed and integrated into qml.structure_constants using the new matrix keyword. (#6861)

  • ResourceOperator.resource_params is changed to a property. (#6973)

Breaking changes 💔

  • num_diagonalizing_gates is no longer accessible in qml.specs or QuantumScript.specs. The calculation of this quantity is extremely expensive, and the definition is ambiguous for non-commuting observables. (#7047)

  • qml.gradients.gradient_transform.choose_trainable_params has been renamed to choose_trainable_param_indices to better reflect what it actually does. (#6928)

  • MultiControlledX no longer accepts strings as control values. (#6835)

  • The input argument control_wires of MultiControlledX has been removed. (#6832) (#6862)

  • qml.execute now has a collection of keyword-only arguments. (#6598)

  • The decomp_depth argument in :func:~pennylane.transforms.set_decomposition has been removed. (#6824)

  • The max_expansion argument in :func:~pennylane.devices.preprocess.decompose has been removed. (#6824)

  • The tape and qtape properties of QNode have been removed. Instead, use the qml.workflow.construct_tape function. (#6825)

  • The gradient_fn keyword argument to qml.execute has been removed. Instead, it has been replaced with diff_method. (#6830)

  • The QNode.get_best_method and QNode.best_method_str methods have been removed. Instead, use the qml.workflow.get_best_diff_method function. (#6823)

  • The output_dim property of qml.tape.QuantumScript has been removed. Instead, use method shape of QuantumScript or MeasurementProcess to get the same information. (#6829)

  • Removed method qsvt_legacy along with its private helper _qsp_to_qsvt (#6827)

Deprecations 👋

  • Specifying pipeline=None with qml.compile is now deprecated. A sequence of transforms should always be specified. (#7004)

  • The ControlledQubitUnitary will stop accepting QubitUnitary objects as arguments as its base. Instead, use qml.ctrl to construct a controlled QubitUnitary. A folllow-on PR fixed accidental double-queuing when using qml.ctrl with QubitUnitary. (#6840) (#6926)

  • The control_wires argument in qml.ControlledQubitUnitary has been deprecated. Instead, use the wires argument as the second positional argument. (#6839)

  • The mcm_method keyword in qml.execute has been deprecated. Instead, use the mcm_method and postselect_mode arguments. (#6807)

  • Specifying gradient keyword arguments as any additional keyword argument to the qnode is deprecated and will be removed in v0.42. The gradient keyword arguments should be passed to the new keyword argument gradient_kwargs via an explicit dictionary. This change will improve qnode argument validation. (#6828)

  • The qml.gradients.hamiltonian_grad function has been deprecated. This gradient recipe is not required with the new operator arithmetic system. (#6849)

  • The inner_transform_program and config keyword arguments in qml.execute have been deprecated. If more detailed control over the execution is required, use with these arguments instead. (#6822) (#6879)

  • The property MeasurementProcess.return_type has been deprecated. If observable type checking is needed, please use direct isinstance; if other text information is needed, please use class name, or another internal temporary private member _shortname. (#6841) (#6906) (#6910)

Internal changes ⚙️

  • Add support to CollectOpsandMeas for handling qnode primitives. (#6922)

  • Change some scipy imports from submodules to whole module to reduce memory footprint of importing pennylane. (#7040)

  • Add NotImplementedErrors for grad and jacobian in CollectOpsandMeas. (#7041)

  • Quantum transform interpreters now perform argument validation and will no longer check if the equation in the jaxpr is a transform primitive. (#7023)

  • qml.for_loop and qml.while_loop have been moved from the compiler module to a new control_flow module. (#7017)

  • qml.capture.run_autograph is now idempotent. This means run_autograph(fn) = run_autograph(run_autograph(fn)). (#7001)

  • Minor changes to DQInterpreter for speedups with program capture execution. (#6984)

  • Globally silences no-member pylint issues from jax. (#6987)

  • Fix pylint=3.3.4 errors in source code. (#6980) (#6988)

  • Remove QNode.get_gradient_fn from source code. (#6898)

  • The source code has been updated use black 25.1.0. (#6897)

  • Improved the InterfaceEnum object to prevent direct comparisons to str objects. (#6877)

  • Added a QmlPrimitive class that inherits jax.core.Primitive to a new qml.capture.custom_primitives module. This class contains a prim_type property so that we can differentiate between different sets of PennyLane primitives. Consequently, QmlPrimitive is now used to define all PennyLane primitives. (#6847)

  • The RiemannianGradientOptimizer has been updated to take advantage of newer features. (#6882)

  • Use keep_intermediate=True flag to keep Catalyst's IR when testing. Also use a different way of testing to see if something was compiled. (#6990)

Documentation 📝

  • The code example in the docstring for qml.PauliSentence now properly copy-pastes. (#6949)

  • The docstrings for qml.unary_mapping, qml.binary_mapping, qml.christiansen_mapping, qml.qchem.localize_normal_modes, and qml.qchem.VibrationalPES have been updated to include better code examples. (#6717)

  • The docstrings for qml.qchem.localize_normal_modes and qml.qchem.VibrationalPES have been updated to include examples that can be copied. (#6834)

  • Fixed a typo in the code example for qml.labs.dla.lie_closure_dense. (#6858)

  • The code example in the docstring for qml.BasisRotation was corrected by including wire_order in the call to qml.matrix. (#6891)

  • The docstring of qml.noise.meas_eq has been updated to make its functionality clearer. (#6920)

Bug fixes 🐛

  • qml.transforms.single_qubit_fusion and qml.transforms.cancel_inverses now correctly handle mid-circuit measurements when experimental program capture is enabled. (#7020)

  • qml.math.get_interface now correctly extracts the "scipy" interface if provided a list/array of sparse matrices. (#7015)

  • qml.ops.Controlled.has_sparse_matrix now provides the correct information by checking if the target operator has a sparse or dense matrix defined. (#7025)

  • qml.capture.PlxprInterpreter now flattens pytree arguments before evaluation. (#6975)

  • qml.GlobalPhase.sparse_matrix now correctly returns a sparse matrix of the same shape as matrix. (#6940)

  • qml.expval no longer silently casts to a real number when observable coefficients are imaginary. (#6939)

  • Fixed qml.wires.Wires initialization to disallow Wires objects as wires labels. Now, Wires is idempotent, e.g. Wires([Wires([0]), Wires([1])])==Wires([0, 1]). (#6933)

  • qml.capture.PlxprInterpreter now correctly handles propagation of constants when interpreting higher-order primitives (#6913)

  • qml.capture.PlxprInterpreter now uses Primitive.get_bind_params to resolve primitive calling signatures before binding primitives. (#6913)

  • The interface is now detected from the data in the circuit, not the arguments to the QNode. This allows interface data to be strictly passed as closure variables and still be detected. (#6892)

  • BasisState now casts its input to integers. (#6844)

  • The workflow.contstruct_batch and workflow.construct_tape functions now correctly reflect the mcm_method passed to the QNode, instead of assuming the method is always deferred. (#6903)

  • The poly_to_angles function has been improved to correctly work with different interfaces and no longer manipulate the input angles tensor internally. (#6979)

  • The QROM template is upgraded to decompose more efficiently when work_wires are not used. #6967)

  • Processing mid-circuit measurements inside conditionals is not supported and previously resulted in unclear error messages or incorrect results. It is now explicitly not allowed, and raises an error when processing the tape. (#7027)

Contributors ✍️

This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Guillermo Alonso, Utkarsh Azad, Henry Chang, Yushao Chen, Isaac De Vlugt, Diksha Dhawan, Lillian M.A. Frederiksen, Pietropaolo Frisoni, Marcus Gisslén, Korbinian Kottmann, Christina Lee, Joseph Lee, Mudit Pandey, Andrija Paurevic, Shuli Shu, David Wierichs