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How to add a text to the PerseusDL canonical repository for use in Perseids

srdee edited this page Dec 16, 2014 · 8 revisions

###Note: these steps assume a basic understanding TEI XML and how to edit it. If this poses for a problem for you, please see TEI by Example, the TEI Guidelines, and download a trial version of the Oxygen XML Editor to try to figure it out.

#####0. Fork the PerseusDL/canonical repository into your personal Github account. If you've never used Github before, create an account, figure out how to work with Git repositories in your Desktop, and read, Google or ask someone about how to enter Github issues, push, and send pull requests.

I use SourceTree for much of this, which I find to be great free software. You can also check out Github for Mac and Github for Windows

#####1. Want to work with a Perseus text?

-if YES, proceed to step 2.

-if NO, if you want to use a text you independently marked up, first enter a Github issue requesting a CTS URN for your text. Please provide as much information as possible about your text. When a namespace and CTS URN have been assigned, proceed to step 4.

#####2. Search The Perseus Catalog for your text to find its CTS URN.

For more on CTS URNs, please see An overview of the CTS URN notation.

#####3. Check if your text already exists in PerseusDL/canonical.

-if YES, proceed to step 4.

-if NO, go to the Perseus Catalog entry for your text, click on the atom link, and look for the online element. Find the "docname" address, copy the number, and enter a Github issue requesting that text, e.g., "please rename and upload 1999.01.0170.xml for use in Perseids." When the text is online, proceed to step 4.

#####4. Make sure your text is CTS and EpiDoc compliant.

To be CTS compliant, the units you want to cite must be fully enclosed within elements. With legacy Perseus texts, this often requires converting milestone elements to div elements, closing sp tags, etc. To be EpiDoc compliant, it must adhere to the EpiDoc schema for TEI XML. When the text is CTS and EpiDoc compliant, proceed to step 5.

*See [an example of a CTS EpiDoc compliant Perseus text (prose).] (

*See [an example of a CTS EpiDoc compliant Perseus text (poetry).] (

*See a list of common conversions required for EpiDoc compliance.

*See the EpiDoc homepage.

#####5. Enter your text in an inventory file.

The inventory files can be found here. Usually you'll add your text to annotsrc.xml or pilots.xml. Ask if unsure. For Perseus texts, the information for the description can be found in the description element of the Perseus catalog atom link for the text. Make sure the xpaths in the citationMapping reflect how you wish to cite the text. When you have an inventory entry, proceed to step 6.

#####6. Push your changes to Github and send PerseusDL/canonical a pull request for your changes.

Note: Please be patient, it can take some time to make sure your text and inventory entry are valid, accept your pull request, and add it to Perseids repositories for editing!

#####7. Edit and annotate your text in Perseids.

If you need help with the user interface, be sure to check out the Perseids Project YouTube Channel, documentation and blog. In the documentation and blog, be sure to note the Instructions and Workflows in the menus at the top of the page.

#####8. Thanks for contributing!

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