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193 lines (139 loc) · 7.45 KB



  1. Build julia from source
  2. Installing llvm-cbe
  3. Generate julia output .bc file with --compile=all
  4. Convert julia output .bc –> .ll, .c, .o, .dylib / .so / .dll
  5. Build standalone applications

Start by defining the directory of the julia src root folder where you have previously built an (unmodified) version of julia master (≥v0.5-):

JULIA_ROOT = `pwd`/julia

Install / compile llvm-cbe

Or see instructions on github repo:

# Build LLVM 3.7, for example, here we build it in-tree
make -C $JULIA_ROOT/deps compile-llvm LLVM_VER=3.7.0

# installs llvm-cbe to $JULIA_ROOT/deps/build/llvm-3.7.0/build_Release/Release/bin
git clone [email protected]:JuliaComputing/llvm-cbe.git $JULIA_ROOT/deps/srccache/llvm-3.7.0/projects/llvm-cbe
make -C $JULIA_ROOT/deps/build/llvm-3.7.0/build_Release/projects

Generate the statically-compiled Julia object file

These are equivalent to the make julia-sysimg-release target, with the addition of a --compile=all flag. Choose one, or make your own from the examples:

# build a bare-bones sysimg named `inference0.bc`
# containing only `Core.Inference`, as defined by `coreimg.jl`:
pushd $JULIA_ROOT/base
$JULIA_ROOT/usr/bin/julia --compile=all \
    --output-bc inference0.bc \

# build a bare-bones sysimg containing only `Core.Inference`,
# but starting from an existing inference image for better type information:
pushd $JULIA_ROOT/base
$JULIA_ROOT/usr/bin/julia --compile=all \
    --sysimage $JULIA_ROOT/usr/lib/julia/inference.ji \
    --output-bc inference.bc \

# build a regular julia sysimg, but with all functions statically compiled
pushd $JULIA_ROOT/base
$JULIA_ROOT/usr/bin/julia --compile=all \
    --sysimage $JULIA_ROOT/usr/lib/julia/inference.ji \
    --output-bc sys.bc \

# starting from any existing sysimg,
# add the user code "program.jl" and statically compile everything
$JULIA_ROOT/usr/bin/julia --startup-file=no --compile=all --precompiled=no \
    --sysimage $JULIA_ROOT/usr/lib/julia/sys.dylib \
    --output-bc sys-plus.bc \

Note that since Julia specializes its code based on the host operating system (much like #define in a C-preprocessor), the resulting source files should not be considered to be portable to other operating systems or word sizes.

Conversion to source files

The above output files are compressed bitcode, but can be easily exported to human-readable text in any one of several source code formats.

Convert to llvm assembly file (.ll)

$JULIA_ROOT/usr/bin/llvm-dis sys-plus.bc

Convert to C source file (.c)

$JULIA_ROOT/deps/build/llvm-3.7.0/build_Release/Release/bin/usr/bin/llvm-cbe \

Compile to native assembly file (.S)

$JULIA_ROOT/usr/bin/llc -filetype=asm sys-plus.bc

Compilation to native machine code

To use this code, any of the above source inputs can be compiled into a native object file. Below are some sample commands for common compiler invocations.

Whenever .so, is used below, replace with the appropriate file extension for your OS:

  • Darwin: .dylib
  • Windows: .dll
  • Linux/other: .so
  • or choose Static Linking (any OS): .a

These samples are intended only as examples of a minimal command line. It is expected that you will want to customize it to suit your application.

LLVM Compiler (llc) Commands

.bc / .ll –> .o –> .so

# Compile llvm file to native object file
$JULIA_ROOT/usr/bin/llc -filetype=obj sys-plus.bc -o=$JULIA_ROOT/usr/lib/julia/sys-plus.o

# Link object file against libjulia and libjulia-debug
cp usr/lib/julia/sys-plus.o usr/lib/julia/sys-plus-debug.o
make `pwd`/usr/lib/julia/
make `pwd`/usr/lib/julia/

Clang/GCC Compiler Commands

.c –> .o –> .so

# Compile output from C to `.o` format, with most compiler warnings enabled
WARN='-std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-long-long -Wno-invalid-noreturn'
cc -c -fPIC sys-plus.cbe.c ${WARN} -o sys-plus.cbe.o -I$JULIA_ROOT/src -I$JULIA_ROOT/src/support -pipe -finline-functions -g -O0

# emit as a dynamic library
cc -shared sys-plus.cbe.o  -o -L$JULIA_ROOT/usr/lib -ljulia ${WARN}
install_name_tool -id @rpath/ # Darwin only

# or emit as a static library
ar rcs sys-plus.cbe.a sys-plus.cbe.o

MSVC Compiler Command

.c –> .o –> .dll

Run these from the vcvars32.bat command prompt. (Tested with Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Tools)

# for x86, add `/D__unaligned=` to the command below
cl /c sys-plus.cbe.c /Fosys-plus.cbe.obj /I%JULIA_ROOT%\src /I%JULIA_ROOT%\src\support /Wall /wd4054 /wd4245 /wd4100 /wd4055 /wd4127 /wd4645 /wd4646 /wd4389 /wd4242 /wd4146 /wd4244 /wd4820 /wd4702 /Zi

# emit as a dynamic library, linked with libjulia, libopenlibm, and msvcrt
link /dll sys-plus.cbe.obj /out:sys-plus.cbe.dll %JULIA_ROOT%\usr\lib\libjulia.dll.a %JULIA_ROOT%\usr\lib\libopenlibm.a msvcrt.lib /nodefaultlib:libcmt /nodefaultlib:libcpmt /nodefaultlib:oldnames /debug

Build libjulia sans codegen support

Setting JULIACODEGEN= during make disables linking of libLLVM into libjulia. Any attempt to use the JIT or code-generation at runtime with the resulting library will throw a Julia exception.


# demonstrate that LLVM support is removed gone by checking
# - much smaller size: `du %JULIA_ROOT%/usr/lib/`
# - no llvm symbols: `nm %JULIA_ROOT%/usr/lib/`
# - disabled JIT: `%JULIA_ROOT%/usr/bin/julia` fails to run


To use this code, explicitly disable runtime code generation via the --compile=no flag and load using the generic Julia binary:

$JULIA_ROOT/usr/bin/julia --sysimage=$JULIA_ROOT/usr/lib/julia/sys-plus.dylib --compile=no --precompiled=yes

Create custom embedded app

It is also possible to create a native wrapper around the shared (or static) library.

On the Julia side, it is often useful to declare functions to export to C (for example, in the program.jl file):

Base.ccallable(func_to_export, Tuple{CFunction, Signature}, "c_decl_name")
@ccallable function func_to_export2(sig::Bits) end

The type signature translation for declaration at the top of your .c file is the same as for ccall / cfunction:

extern return_type (*c_decl_name)(cfunction, signature);
extern return_type2 (*func_to_export2)(bits);

The compiler command line is similar to the earlier versions. The following are example invocations of the compiler and linker for the sample code program.c and program2.c. Substitute your application-specific flags here, as appropriate.

CFLAGS="$WARN -I$JULIA_ROOT/src -I$JULIA_ROOT/src/support -I$JULIA_ROOT/usr/include -ggdb3"
LDFLAGS="-L$JULIA_ROOT/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath,`pwd`/usr/lib"

cc program.c -o julia_hello $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS $JULIA_ROOT/usr/lib/julia/ $LIBS

cc program2.c -o program2 $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS program.a $LIBS
./program2 arg1 arg2 "arg 3"

Known compiler warnings:

MSVC doesn't have a prototype for some libm functions (like pow).

Possible solution: use openlibm.h header instead of math.h