- test build filew view without dir and outDir
- tsserver
- refactoring
- formatting
- multiple window fixes
- Glob expand before build
- build file live change (some utf error with autofilename)
- first error calculation
- error list has crude messages if a missing element of an object is selected
- add all! compilerOptions
- Lint tsconfig before opening project (-> done automatically but without real linter)
- Open wizzard on tsconfig error
- filesGlob
- check parent dir in wizzard for tsfile generation
- snippets -> Readme, AutoFilePath -> Readme
- no exceptions if tsconfig json error during init
- tsconfig validation
- is Build output working?
- replace all print() with Debug('nofity')
- Code-Completion. Replaced arguments are shitty
- Test: Deactivate Build system (on_query_key=>False when disabled??)