A Visual Studio solution template for microservices in .NET/C#
This is a multi-project solution template for Visual Studio to quickly scaffold a microservice based on Clean Architecture.
You can add this template to your Visual Studio templates and use it as a starting point for creating a new Microservice without repeating yourself.
- Download the latest
file from the Releases page - Place the ZIP file in your Visual Studio user data location:
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio 2022\Templates\ProjectTemplates
- If Visual Studio was open, restart it
- You can now create a new project using the
project template
This template uses Clean Architecture for its solution and project structure. There are 5 projects created with this solution:
- Domain (Core)
- Persistence (Infrastructure)
- UnitTests (Tests)
- IntegrationTests (Tests)
- Web (Presentation)
- Entity Framework
- XUnit
- NSubstitute
- FluentAssertions
- AutoFixture
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing