In this chapter, you should have learned the following concepts:
- C++ is the primary language used in AAA game programming.
- A program is a series of C++ statements.
- The basic lifecycle of a C++ program is idea, plan, source code, object file, executable.
- Programming errors tend to fall into three categories — compile errors, link errors, and run-time errors.
- A function is a group of programming statements that can do some work and return a value.
- Every program must contain a 'main()' function, which is the starting point of the program.
- The '#include' directive tells the preprocessor to include another file in the current one.
- The standard library is a set of files that you can include in your program files to handle basic functions like input and output.
- 'iostream', which is part of the standard library, is a file that contains code to help with standards input and output.
- The 'std' namespace includes elements from the standard library. To access an element from the namespace, you need to prefix the element with 'std::' or employ 'using'.
- 'cout' is an object, denfined in the file 'iostream', that's used to send data to the standard output stream (generally the computer screen).
- 'cin' is an objects. denfined in the file 'iostream', that's used to get data from the standard input stream (generally the keyboard).
- C++ has built=in arithmetic operators, such as the familiar addition, substraction, multiplication, and division — and even the unfamiliar modulus.
- C++ defines fundamental types for Boolean, single-character, integer, and floating point values.
- The C++ standard library provides a type of object ('string') for strings.
- You can use 'typedef' to create a new name for an existing type.
- A constant is a name for an unchangeable value.
- An enumeration is a squence of 'unsigned int' constrants.