You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
PixiBot has few things you can configure
Here's the full scheme for PixiBot you can use in your appsettings.json
"Bot": {
"BotToken": "<bot-token-here>",
"FileChannels": {
".pixi": [
"LoadingEmoji": "<a:processing:911926544560169020>"
The bot's token which you can find in yours Bot settings in the Discord Developer Portal
The FileChannels array contains a collection of file types that you want your Bot to handle, currently there's only support for .pixi files
The asterisk ('*') means that all the messages are handled, the second one is just there to show of you can also put in a channel id
You can specify a emoji that the bot will use to react to a message while it's processing a file
You will need to copy the emoji's id, just a simple :superCoolEmoji:
won't work
There are also a few options for configuring the connection to discord
"Discord": {
"GatewayIntents": "GuildMessages, DirectMessages, Guilds"
These are the recommended settings you should have which tells discord what things your bot want's to be notified about
All of them are listed here and all options the discord connection are here
There are also a few options for logging which you can find here
If you want to setup your logging to use the journalctl formatting you can go here