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Dynamic Programming

This is the example used in my blogpost Understanding Dynamic Programming, published in Towards Data Science, the top data science publication on Medium.

The post discusses:

  • Dynamic Programming in general
  • Approaching a dynamic programming problem
  • An example solved with an inefficient resursive approach and later improved

The code here is the final result that is achieved in the article.


You'll find a few txt files containing pseudocode for the various approaches used in the post. They're named accordingly.

There's also a c++ file containing the code for the final most efficient approach explained in the post.


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Navigate to this directory
  3. Setup C++ locally if it isn't already set up.

Simply execute:

$ git clone 
$ cd DynamicProgramming
$ cpp constant_space_bottom_up.cpp

You can find me on medium here.