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PostHog Browser JS Library

npm package MIT License

Please see PostHog Docs. Specifically, browser JS library details.


Unit tests: run yarn test. Cypress: run yarn serve to have a test server running and separately yarn cypress to launch Cypress test engine.

Running TestCafe E2E tests with BrowserStack

Testing on IE11 requires a bit more setup.

  1. Run posthog locally on port 8000 (DEBUG=1 TEST=1 ./bin/start).
  2. Run python setup_dev --no-data on posthog repo, which sets up a demo account.
  3. Optional: rebuild array.js on changes: nodemon -w src/ --exec bash -c "yarn build-array".
  4. Export browserstack credentials: export BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=xxx BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY=xxx.
  5. Run tests: npx testcafe "browserstack:ie" testcafe/e2e.spec.js.

Tiers of testing

  1. Unit tests - this verifies the behavior of the library in bite-sized chunks. Keep this coverage close to 100%, test corner cases and internal behavior here
  2. Cypress tests - integrates with a real chrome browser and is capable of testing timing, browser requests, etc. Useful for testing high-level library behavior, ordering and verifying requests. We shouldn't aim for 100% coverage here as it's impossible to test all possible combinations.
  3. TestCafe E2E tests - integrates with a real posthog instance sends data to it. Hardest to write and maintain - keep these very high level

Developing together with another repo

Using Yarn link

Use yarn link. Run yarn link in posthog-js, and then yarn link posthog-js in posthog. Once you're done, remember to yarn unlink posthog-js in posthog, and yarn unlink in posthog-js.

An alternative is to update dependency in package.json to e.g. "posthog-js": "link:../posthog-js", yarn and run yarn build && yarn build-module

Developing with main PostHog repo

The posthog-js snippet for a website loads static js from the main PostHog/posthog repo. Which means, when testing the snippet with a website, there's a bit of extra setup required:

  1. Run PostHog/posthog locally
  2. Link the posthog-js dependency to your local version (see above)
  3. Run yarn serve in posthog-js. (This ensures dist/array.js is being generated)
  4. In your locally running PostHog/posthog build, run yarn copy-scripts. (This copies the scripts generated in step 3 to the static assets folder for PostHog/posthog)

Further, it's a good idea to modify start-http script to add development mode: webpack serve --mode development, which doesn't minify the resulting js (which you can then read in your browser).

Using Yalc (Alternative to yarn link)

Run npm install -g yalc

  • In the posthog-js repo
    • Run yalc publish
  • In the posthog repo
    • Run yalc add posthog-js
    • Run yarn
    • Run yarn copy-scripts

When making changes

  • In the posthog-js repo
    • Run yalc publish
  • In the posthog repo
    • Run yalc update
    • Run yarn
    • Run yarn copy-scripts

To remove the local package

  • In the posthog repo
    • run yalc remove posthog-js
    • run yarn install

Releasing a new version

Just bump up version in package.json on the main branch and the new version will be published automatically, with a matching PR in the main PostHog repo created.

It's advised to use bump patch/minor/major label on PRs - that way the above will be done automatically when the PR is merged.

Courtesy of GitHub Actions.

Manual steps

To release a new version, make sure you're logged into npm (npm login).

We tend to follow the following steps:

  1. Merge your changes into master.
  2. Release changes as a beta version:
    • npm version 1.x.x-beta.0
    • npm publish --tag beta
    • git push --tags
  3. Create a PR linking to this version in the main PostHog repo.
  4. Once deployed and tested, write up, and commit.
  5. Release a new version:
    • npm version 1.x.x
    • npm publish
    • git push --tags
  6. Create a PR linking to this version in the main PostHog repo.
