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+layout: page
+title: ProDOS 2.4.3
+permalink: /releases/prodos-243/
+download_link: 'http://prodos8-releases.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ProDOS_2_4_3.po'
+## Announcing ProDOS 2.4.3 for all Apple II computers
+* ProDOS 2.4.3 updates the **Thunderclock year table** so it goes beyond 2023.
+* ProDOS 2.4.2 replaces the previous ProDOS 2.4, ProDOS 2.4.1, and ProDOS 2.4.2 releases.
+## Bugs fixed:
+* Fix long standing bug where `CATALOG` would fail on **directories** that have `128 blocks` or more.
+- Fix crash starting **A2osX** _([issue 55](https://github.com/ProDOS-8/ProDOS8-Testing/issues/55))_.
+- Fix bug where ProDOS would not distinguish disks with the same volume name, _([issues 46](https://github.com/ProDOS-8/ProDOS8-Testing/issues/46))_ and _([issue 50](https://github.com/ProDOS-8/ProDOS8-Testing/issues/50))_.
+- Fix **splash screen** to not use lower case on II and II+ machines with a **65C02 or 65816 CPU upgrade**.
+- Fix long standing bug that prevented **creating more than 33024 files in a directory**.
+- Fix long standing bug where `SET_MARK` on **directories** would fail for **offsets** past `block 128`.
+## Updates:
+- Thunderclock driver updated for years 2023-2028, _([issue 72](https://github.com/ProDOS-8/ProDOS8-Testing/issues/72))_.
+### `BASIC.SYSTEM` changed from 1.6 to 1.7:
+* Delete key is mapped to left arrow.
+* `RENAME` command supports using space _(new)_ or comma _(as before)_ between the filenames, e.g. `RENAME f1 f2`".
+* Bump `IVERSION` to `7` at globals `$BFFD`