IMPORTANT: This Project is still work in progress, anything may break or not work at any time
CLI that helps setup firebase emulators data making your local first development a bit easier 🎉
Basically, scenarios runs a cloud function (that you create) from terminal and exports data after execution which can be imported for developing your frontend
- Develop frontend with different firebase data easily
- Run a single command that handles running your cloud function and exporting the data for you
Let's start by installing Scenarios as a dev dependency of your project with npm.
This package is not yet published. the command below won't work
npm i firebase-scenarios --only=dev
Now we can set up firebase and its emulators (firebase docs)
Write your httpsCallable that generates fake data for development in scenarios
folder. The directory structure
could look like
Do not Forget to build scenarios folder if you are using typescript
To execute the httpsCallable.
scenarios https_callable_name
This command exports the firebase emulator data to myproject/scenarios/generated/https_callable_name
For a sample firebase project look at example