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1526 lines (1133 loc) · 72.8 KB

File metadata and controls

1526 lines (1133 loc) · 72.8 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog. and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[14.8.9-dev.1] - 2020-07-30

  • first version for harmony beta

Bug Fixes

  • resolve performance regression by fixing the dependency resolution cache
  • fix ssh command by reverting another fix of "write after end" error
  • facilitate debugging by showing the entire stacktrace formatted when BIT_LOG is set

Bug Fixes

  • #2809 - fix legacy capsule exec to not hang on error
  • fix export --all --include-dependencies flags to not duplicate components
  • fix post receive objects duplications


  • add an option to not use load scope from cache for pkg extension

Bug Fixes

  • #2796 - fix legacy compilers that use component.extensions to be build upon tag


  • add an option to not use cache when loading scope
  • do not use scope cache by default when loading scope programmatically

Bug Fixes

  • #2780 - fix dists codemod of changing one scope to another to not be triggered without --rewire flag
  • add timeout option for load core extension via api


  • wait for harmony to load if you load it many times in parallel via the api
  • expose extensions declarations and instances from api

Bug Fixes

  • do not show loader for internal commands
  • fix error when trying to load extension in a folder which is not a workspace or scope

Bug Fixes

  • fix dependency detection for css/scss files
  • improve error handling


  • release pre-alpha version of Harmony hidden behind a feature-flag
  • drop support for node 8
  • introduce bit link --rewire to change relative paths in the source code to module paths
  • support running bit link for specific components
  • support hooks for persist and read bit objects into scope
  • support react-docs of multiple exports
  • add componentRootDir to the tester API (context)
  • add specFileRelativePath to the tester API (context)
  • add a way to run bit pack with a capsule


  • deprecate files overrides (using file:// prefix)

Bug Fixes

  • #2159 - fix bit export to not show the "fork" message when specifying an id without scope-name
  • #2487 - fix react docs of union type prop
  • #2512 - fix react-docs to preserve spaces/tabs of @example
  • fix capsule to not hang forever when running build/tag/isolate and npm emits errors
  • #2482 - delete component's cache upon mismatch
  • #2171 - fix ComponentNotFound when using bit export with no args and a flattened dependency was converted from no-scope to a remote-scope
  • #2487 - fix react docs of union type prop
  • fix capsule to not hang forever when running build/tag/isolate and npm emits errors
  • fix components dependencies detection to resolve from package.json if not exist on the fs
  • fix importing compilers and testers for old node versions


  • upgrade typescript to 3.8.3
  • internal changes to command registration and interfaces
  • stabilize capsule by writing the same paths as the workspace relative to the component rootDir
  • stabilize Bit by eliminating the removal of shared directory upon import and having rootDir for authored components
  • add infrastructure for feature-toggle
  • wait for the next event loop before exit child process in bit test
  • prevent exporting components when import/require uses a module path with no scope-name (harmony only)
  • prevent tagging components that require each other by relative paths (harmony only)
  • disallow adding individual files (harmony only)
  • new dependency resolver extension (harmony only)


  • fix building binary assets


  • support configuring the logger level by running bit config set log_level <level>.


  • support a basic flow of using module paths when no scopeDefault is set

Bug Fixes

  • #2211 fix bit export to not export non-staged dependencies
  • #2308 fix "Cannot read property 'scope' of undefined" error on bit export
  • #1808 fix dynamic dist reference from package.json when isolating via capsule
  • #2341 fix bit export --all to successfully export when deleted from remote
  • #2268 prevent logger from holding the terminal once a command is completed
  • #2300 improve bit export performance by pushing new tags only


  • support overrides of the workspace defaultScope per components
  • use workspace defaultScope to generate node-modules links for pre-export components


  • #2247 improve auto-tag output

Bug fixes

  • fix "JavaScript heap out of memory" errors during bit export
  • #2260 fix duplicate dependencies
  • #2264 fix generated dependencies links on capsule
  • #2267 fix duplicate devDependencies
  • #2258 don't install devDependencies packages upon extensions import
  • #2255 avoid adding unneeded overrides upon import


  • #1894 introduce --remote flag for bit log
  • add --conf and --ignore-package-json flags to bit checkout similar to bit import

Bug fixes

  • #2231 update typescript to support optional chaining
  • improve performance of bit checkout by writing multiple components in parallel
  • fix overrides of a component added with package syntax to be recognized as bit-component
  • #2196 fix dependency resolution when Bit component is imported in a sub-package


  • install librarian from npm


  • add component root dir to bit show (json only)

Bug fixes

  • #2182 fix package-name replacement of dists when a package has a tilda prefix
  • #2182 don't write dependencies dists to a capsule when their compiler was removed
  • fix tester's isolate API


  • Tester's API can use the isolate function.
  • bit status shows untracked file dependencies recursively. ​

Bug fixes

  • #2171 fix component-not-found when exporting to multiple scopes and there are dependencies between them
  • #2175 add missing packages from overrides to bit status
  • #2176 fix workspace overrides to not leak rules to unrelated component
  • #2178 fix adding ts types packages to respect overrides settings ​


  • compress ssh args before sending
  • add new global config ssh_no_compress


  • support anonymous authentication for remote read operations
  • add --token flag for commands that runs against a remote server
  • #2101 suggest matching commands


  • improve loader when building components
  • add --no-warnings flag to bit test child process

Bug fixes

  • #2147 fix overrides to respect dependencies received by a compiler/tester/extension
  • fix symlink errors when generating links to d.ts files
  • #2140 update bit-javascript to support import { x as y } syntax
  • fix fork of a component when a dependency exists in an older version only
  • update react-docgen version from 2.21.0 to 4.1.1
  • keep flattened dependencies saved by auto-tag up to date, although they're not part of the current tag
  • show a message about missing test files in the compiled files


  • expose buildOne and buildAll for programmatic api (Experimental)


  • consolidate isolation options
  • formalize isolate api result

Bug fixes

  • lock memfs package version to v2.15.5 due to issues with the v2.16.0

Bug fixes

  • #2024 rebuild components upon dependencies changes for compilers that build dependencies
  • #2067 fix bit checkout to not duplicate modified files when the shared dir has changed
  • #2079 update bit-javascript to fix error when Yarn workspaces uses nohoist
  • #2072 update bit-javascript to support React fragments


  • #2066 introduce --skip-auto-tag flag for bit tag


  • move from flow to typescript

Bug fixes

  • #2019 fix bit import --merge to not override changed dependencies
  • #2023 better handle external errors from compilers
  • #2013 fix bit import when one module resolution alias is a directory of another alias for extensions other than .js
  • #2033 improve bit link to build unrecognized missing links
  • #2035 fix "unable to manually add the dependency" error when package.json of an imported component is missing
  • #2034 make sure versions are not deleted upon tag when components have cycle dependencies and a version is specified
  • #2027 fix ComponentNotFound error when building a typescript component and its Bit dependency is installed as a package
  • #2011 update dependents package.json files when ejecting dependencies
  • fix bit graph edge colouring for regular dependencies
  • call pre and post export hooks actions


  • #1981 allow compilers to add all dependencies types and not only devDependencies


  • #2004 ask for approval before exporting a component to another scope (fork)

Bug fixes

  • #2013 fix bit import when one module resolution alias is a directory of another alias
  • block tagging components with prerelease versions
  • fix "Converting circular structure to JSON" error when logging a circular metadata object
  • fix exporting to a different scope than workspace configuration of defaultScope
  • fix exporting components with and without scope at the same time
  • #1999 show a descriptive error when a component is missing from the scope


  • #1956 introduce a new flag --rewire for bit export to replace the import/require statements in the source to the newly exported scope


  • #1956 add defaultScope settings in workspace config for bit export to use when no remote scope defined for component
  • #1990 auto add @types/package-name for *.tsx files ​


  • generate node_modules links upon build for new components ​

Bug fixes

  • fail early when exporting nested dependency
  • fix an error "Cannot read property log of null" upon bit log
  • #1988 avoid adding a component to root package.json when importing with --ignore-package-json flag
  • #1972 fix generated links to nested dependencies in the capsule
  • #1966 prevent intermediate console printing when --json flag is used
  • #1721 enable removing/workspace-propagating a compiler/tester from component's config
  • #1965 fix generated links for .scss and .sass packages to point to the main file
  • #1959 improve message when running bit build when compiler not configured
  • fix dist replacements upon export (for angular compiler) to support require statements to an internal path
  • #1947 workaround an angular-compiler issue when the dists have a prefix ​


  • #1956 add --include-dependenciesflag for bit export to be export all component-dependencies to the remote scope
  • #1956 support exporting components without mentioning a remote by exporting to their last remotes


  • #1867 apply workspace overrides config on imported components
  • #1863 allow excluding components from overrides rules
  • #1865 allow adding package.json props via overrides
  • #1837 enable executing commands on remote components outside of bit-workspace
  • #913 add new flags to bit init -c|--compiler, -t|--tester, -d|--default-directory, -p|--package-manager
  • #1889 auto add @types/package-name to the dependencies of TS components
  • added no_warnings config to eliminate some warnings from being written to the stdout ​


  • remove Angular dependencies from bit-javascript, instead, use TS compiler to parse Angular Decorators
  • #1892 deprecating bit list --bare and replace with bit list --raw
  • #1774 improve access errors and warn when sudo is used
  • change shortcut flag to bit init standalone from t to T

Bug fixes

  • safer access to bit global config
  • #1903 fix importing dependents to not override dependencies
  • fix capsule to respect the override property of vinyl files
  • #1925 update bit-javascript to fix Angular non-relative paths from decorators ​


  • #1885 introduce new flags --dependents and --dependencies for bit show to display them all recursively
  • #1908 new bit init interactive Collapse
  • #1714 auto recognize mainFile when a file added with the same name as its dir
  • #1683 introduce --namespace flag for bit list to support namespaces with wildcards
  • #1727 prevent saving objects that link to invalid objects
  • #1856 fix links deletion from node_modules after installing packages by a compiler on a capsule
  • #1710 improve performance of importing an entire collection

[14.2.2] - 2019-07-24


  • add workspacePath and bitmapFileName to post-add hook invocation


  • improve bit watch to watch directories instead of only files to support addition / deletion
  • #1634 improve the output of bit watch

Bug fixes

  • fix "Cannot read property 'push' of undefined" error upon bit status
  • build only the component of the modified/added/removed file upon bit watch
  • #1668 bug fix - bit watch doesn't update files

Bug fixes

  • fix "Cannot read property 'length' of undefined" error upon bit status
  • fix error "unable to link" upon bit build when dist is outside the components dir
  • #1705 preserve newline type of package.json and add a newline at the end (same as NPM does)

Bit is now available to install as a binary with all dependencies. This is the prefer method to install Bit, as it is bundled with its runtime. Note that when you install with npm / yarn Bit only supports node < 8.12.0.


  • Support packaging bit-bin into a binary file according to the OS by running npm run pkg
  • Enable compilers and testers to isolate components using capsule.
  • add --no-cache flag to bit ci-update command
  • #1762 allow compilers to add properties to package.json file.
  • #1770 modify dependency links for compilers that bundle them.
  • #1663 Support toposort order when compiling components.
  • #1808 Adding dist-path-template as a package.json value, which gets replaced with the calculated dist path upon import.
  • Generate index.d.ts file for node_modules links generated for typescript's custom-resolve-modules.
  • Add a custom entry point file for Angular components
  • Support providing different main-file for dists by a compiler
  • Support identify angular dependencies


  • fix require statements to an internal package file to not include extensions if they're [.js, .ts, .tsx, .jsx]
  • #1792 don't generate entry-point files for nested dependencies when their package.json is written
  • change dependency links generated when dependencies are saved as components to be module paths and not relative paths

Bug fixes

  • #1817 fix ComponentNotFound error when tagging after export, tag and untag for author using compiler that builds dependencies.
  • #1810 avoid generating link files with .ts, .jsx and .tsx inside node_modules.
  • #1807 fix resolution of dependency when 2 files require it and one of them using alias
  • #1796 fix dependency resolution when 2 files of component import different things from a file of another component
  • #1779 update bit-javascript to prioritize custom-resolve settings
  • avoid generating duplicate require statements within dependency links files of ES6
  • update bit-javascript to fix finding tsconfig.json for Angular projects
  • #1750 improve the output to clarify when a dependency package is missing
  • #1752 fix dependency links generation when originally there were multiple link files
  • fix directory flag of bit ci-update command
  • fix installation errors on Windows related to posix package by replacing it with uid-number
  • #1734 fix error "unable to add the file ..." when the require statement was of . or .. as the only string


  • add post-add hook
  • add option to isolate component into "capsule" via bit isolate command


  • update execa to v2.0.3
  • upgrade to babel 7

[14.1.3] - 2019-06-06

Bug fixes

  • #1708 support require with apostrophes
  • #1698 fix dependency version resolution when imported component requires authored component
  • #1702 fix error "failed adding a symlink into DataToPersist, src is empty"
  • #1699 fix config.get is not a function

[14.1.2] - 2019-06-02


  • introduce a new command bit undeprecate to revert deprecation of components
  • introduce a new flag --machine-name for bit login to help CI servers keep their token not revoked
  • support bit import with wildcards to import an entire scope or particular namespace(s)
  • support changing the log to json format by running bit config set log_json_format true
  • add bit version validation to bit doctor command
  • add validation for npm executable on bit doctor
  • add validation for yarn executable on bit doctor


  • sort .bitmap component ids alphabetically to reduce chances for git conflicts (#1671)
  • #1627 improve bit tag output
  • add a suggestion to run bit doctor on various errors
  • avoid generating links of devDependencies when installing component as packages (#1614)
  • add metadata to bit doctor output
  • update bit add help message with instructions for using glob patterns with --tests
  • rewrite dependencies when installed as components even when exist to rebuild their dist directory

Bug fixes

  • #1665 fix resolve-modules prefix with Tilda
  • improve sync between .bitmap file and the local store, see #1543 for complete use cases
  • fix bit remove and bit eject to delete the dist directory when located outside the components dir
  • fix bit eject to support component custom npm registry scope
  • fix generated package.json when dist is outside the components dir to point the main to the dist file (#1648)
  • ignore import/require statements from CDN (HTTP/HTTPS)
  • avoid generating package.json inside node_modules for an author when one of the component files is package.json
  • preserve indentation of package.json files and default to 2 spaces, similar to NPM (#1630)
  • show a descriptive error when the dist directory configured to be outside the components dir and is missing files

[14.1.1] - 2019-05-16

Bug fixes

  • fix bit build to not generate index.js files when package.json file already exists
  • prevent overwriting author files by not writing auto-generated content on symlink files (#1628)
  • avoid changing the local version of a component to the latest when exporting an older version
  • fix post-receive-hook to send all exported versions and not only the latest
  • fix dependency resolution to identify link (proxy) files correctly
  • fix bit status to not show a component as modified after tag when the version is modified in the dependent package.json
  • fix "npm ERR! enoent ENOENT" errors when importing/installing multiple components
  • fix dependency value in the dependent package.json to include the path when importing them both in the same command
  • fix "EEXIST: file already exists" error when running bit link or bit install and the dist is outside the component directory
  • fix bit add to ignore directories when their files are added (#1406)



  • moving Bit configuration to package.json.
  • improve performance of bit import by reducing memory consumption and using more cache
  • reintroduce -c alias for --no-cache flag in bit build command
  • improve authentication error message to clearly indicate the various strategies failures
  • add authentication fallback to ssh-key in case the ssh-agent is enabled but failed to authenticate
  • avoid installing "undefined" npm package when importing authored components
  • improve Bit load time by changing bit-javascript to use lazy loading
  • remove dependencies property from workspace bit.json.
  • improve bit show to display class properties
  • replace the cache mechanism from roadrunner to v8-compile-cache

Bug fixes

  • fix "EMFILE: too many open files" and "JavaScript heap out of memory" errors on bit import
  • fix output for bit list -j (remove chalk characters and improve format)
  • avoid reporting errors on components with dynamic import statements (#1554)
  • fix tagging imported components to not loose package.json properties
  • fix symlink generation when a binary file is required from another file within the same component using custom resolve module
  • fix bit status to not show the component as modified when dependencies have different order
  • show a descriptive error when user try to export components with private dependencies to collection under another owner
  • show a descriptive error when a version object is missing


  • bit doctor command and APIs to run diagnosis on a workspace

[14.0.6] - 2019-04-16

  • fix symlink to binary (or unsupported) files dependencies when installed via npm and have dists
  • fix dependencies version resolution from package.json to support versions with range

[14.0.5] - 2019-04-07

  • fix remove command to not delete dependencies files from the scope as they might belong to other components
  • fix symlink to binary (or unsupported) files dependencies when installed via npm

[14.0.4] - 2019-03-18

  • replace default domain to

[14.0.3] - 2019-03-12

  • fix importing components when one file is a prefix of the other in the same directory

[14.0.2] - 2019-03-10

  • prevent bit init from initialize a non-empty scope when .bitmap was deleted unless --force is used
  • improve bit tag performance by decreasing hook logging
  • validate paths properties of the workspace bit.json
  • enable print log messages that start with a specific string to the console by prefixing the command with BIT_LOG=str
  • improve error message when adding files outside the workspace
  • show a descriptive error when npm 5.0.0 fails with --json flag
  • fix errors "EISDIR" and "EEXIST" when generating links and files steps on each other
  • fix links of exported components to node_modules for author when a file is not linkable to generate a symlink instead
  • recognize scoped packages that were newly introduced to imported components
  • fix error "consumer.loadComponentFromModel, version is missing from the id"
  • enable removing a component that its workspace and scope representations are not in sync
  • fix "error: Could not stat (filename) No such file or directory" when bit-checkout updates multiple files
  • fix "JavaScript heap out of memory" when loading a large amount of components
  • show an error when deleting a global remote without --global flag
  • show an error when deleting a non-exist remote
  • enable custom resolve of aliases to symlink packages (bit-javascript)
  • fix error "toAbsolutePath expects relative path"
  • improve errors stack-trace readability
  • index scope components to improve memory consumption and performance
  • extract docs from non-tests files only
  • fix bit show --remote --json to not crash when a component has a compiler
  • fix bit checkout to update bit.json with the checked out version
  • fix "Maximum call stack" error when resolving js files after css files (bit-javascript)
  • fix bit checkout --all to write the correct data when some components are also dependencies of others
  • fix bit checkout to install dependencies as packages when applicable
  • fix bit remove --remote to show the dependents correctly
  • hide component internal structure diff upon bit diff unless --verbose flag is used
  • implement postinstall symlink generation for cases when custom-resolve modules is used with unsupported file (such as binary files)
  • fix parsing .tsx files (bit-javascript)


Bit’s v14 is released side-by-side with the release of the v2 for, Bit’s component community hub. New features for v2 are announced in Bit’s Blog.

With over 65 new features, changes and bug fixes, v14 is Bit’s largest and richest release to date. V14 is focused on increased stability, agility and performance. It is is fully backwards compatible, and provides a faster and smoother workflow with improved compatibility throughout the ecosystem.

Here are some of v14's highlights:

  • Improved performance for tracking, versioning and exporting components by up to 700%.
  • Dozens of bug fixes (~70% of open issues).
  • New commands watch and eject.
  • Dynamic namespaces support.
  • Improved VueJS support.
  • Improved CSS support.
  • Auto generated documentation for React.


  • New bit watch command for building components upon file modifications.
  • New bit eject for removing local components and installing them as packages by an NPM client
  • Support dynamic namespaces (replaced the namespace/name format with a dynamic name that can have multiple slashes to indicate a hierarchical namespace).
  • Support components with binary files (or non-supported extensions) as the only files.
  • Support ids with wildcards (e.g. bit tag "utils/*") for the following commands: tag, untag, remove, untrack, checkout, merge, diff and export.
  • Support mix syntax of typescript and javascript inside .ts file
  • Added react docs parsing to extract the description of the properties correctly.
  • Support flow types in react doc generation.
  • Support Vue files with typescript.
  • Support configuring Git executable path.
  • Support the new jsx syntax changes by Babel.
  • Support print multiple external (build / test) errors.
  • Support adding the project package.json file to a component.
  • Support import ~ from a local (authored) file to an imported sass component.
  • Add programmatic API for add multiple components.
  • Set the only dist file as main file in package.json (in case there is only one).
  • Allow removing a component when it is invalid.


  • Improved performance for tracking, versioning and exporting components by up to 700%.
  • CSS parser replaced for better import syntax support.
  • Improve auto-tag mechanism to tag not only the dependents but also the dependents of the dependents and so on.
  • Changed --include-unmodified to --all.
  • Replace caporal package with commander for security reasons.
  • Better error when a component was tagged without its dependencies.
  • Make bit version command faster and support both bit -v and bit -V to get bit version.
  • Update tty-table, flow-coverage-report and mocha-appveyor-reporter for security reasons.
  • Improve exception handling for old clients connecting to a newer server.
  • Shorten the generated component ID to the minimum possible.
  • Return status code 1 when bit test has failing tests.
  • Suppress an exception of directory-is-empty when adding multiple components and some of them are empty, show a warning instead.
  • Improve "missing a main file" error when adding multiple components to print the problematic components.
  • Improve performance by caching objects after loading them.
  • Fix ci-update command with component version number.
  • Fix bit status to not throw an exception for invalid components.
  • Change --conf on bit import to be a path to the config dir.
  • Replace the deprecated typescript-eslint-parser with @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree

Bug fixes

  • Fix link files generated to a package when it should point to an internal file of the package.
  • Fix parsing React docs to show the @example tag.
  • Fix running bit link from an inner directory for author.
  • Fix ampersand and minus signs causing parse error in css files.
  • Fix bit add to add the correct letter case even when --main or --test flags entered with incorrect case.
  • Fix errors when component files require each other using module path.
  • Fix dev-dependency that requires prod-dependency to include the dependency in the flattenedDevDependencies array.
  • Do not delete isolated environment when running ci-update with keep flag and it throws exception.
  • Fix import of components with circular dependencies.
  • Fix link content generation for authored components on bit install.
  • Fix bug with bit show when the remote component has config file.
  • Fix context for testers during ci-update.
  • Fix missing context in getDynamicPackageDependencies.
  • Fix bug with bit show when scope path provided.
  • Fix errors "JavaScript heap out of memory" and "Error: EMFILE: too many open files" when exporting a huge number of components.
  • Fix error "link-generation: failed finding .. in the dependencies array" when a dependency has a devDependency installed as a component.
  • Improve the stability of bit export --eject and provide some kind of rollback in case of failure.
  • Fix bit-remove to delete authored component files when removing an authored component from an inner directory.


  • send component origin repo in headers


  • improve bit test to run tests not only on new and modified components but also on auto-tag pending components

Bug fixes

  • fix bit import of a component with authored dependencies
  • generate npm links for Vue packages correctly without adding .vue extension to the package
  • fix bit add to not throw an error for imported components when mainFile is a relative path to consumer
  • fix error "Cannot read property 'missing' of undefined" when a dependency of dependency has parsing errors (bit-javascript)

Bug fixes

  • fix link files generation to support the plugin "add-module-export" of babel compiler
  • fix error "Cannot read property push of undefined" when a dependent has parsing error (bit-javascript)
  • avoid parsing unsupported dependencies files (bit-javascript)


  • improve the tree shaking mechanism to work with unlimited number of intermediate files
  • present parsing errors by bit status and prevent tagging it until fixed
  • show the newly tagged version for auto-tagged components


  • rename --ignore-missing-dependencies flag of bit tag to --ignore-unresolved-dependencies
  • avoid trying tree shaking on CommonJS code
  • prevent dependency-resolver from parsing json files as they do not contain any dependency

Bug fixes

  • fix bit status to show a component as deleted when track-dir was deleted for authored
  • fix parsing error when a Vue file has a dependency prefix with a Tilde inside a style section
  • fix detection of .scss files when required with no extension
  • don't break bit status when mainFile was deleted, instead, reflect it to the user with a suggestion
  • fix detection of "export * from" syntax of ES6


  • support bit checkout latest for checkout to the latest version
  • add --reset flag to bit checkout command for removing local modifications
  • add --all flag to bit checkout command for executing the checkout on all components
  • add new flag --skip-tests to bit tag command
  • add --no-cache flag to bit build command
  • add --include-unmodified flag to bit test command
  • add troubleshooting-isolating link to bit status

Bug fixes

  • fix .tsx parsing issue when the tsx dependency is required from a non .tsx file
  • fix support of .json dependencies
  • fix "SyntaxError: Unexpected token" when parsing .ts files with .js dependencies
  • show environments when running bit show on remote component


With over 35 new features, changes and bug fixes, Bit's v13 is focused on increased stability with over 20 bug fixes and support for common workflows including webpack resolve, tsconfig resolving, Vue resolve alias (Vue Webpack template) , Babel module resolver etc. Here are some of v13's highlights.

  • add ability to configure custom module resolution in Bit (paths and aliases), to support absolute import statements for projects that use similar features using Webpack, Typescript, Babel, Vue alias etc. PR-#980, #852, #865, #869
  • over 20 bug fixes including max call stack, import of binary files and more.
  • environments transformed and refactored to act as native Bit extensions. PR-#931
  • support "export X from Y" syntax of ES6 without importing X first. PR-#981
  • support mixed mode of common-js and ES6. PR-#1036
  • support Installing Bit using NPM using sudo. commit.
  • introducing new flags for bit init including --reset and --reset-hard. PR-#1012

As a reminder, we're switching to major versions to indicate that we, like many others, have been using Bit in production for a long time. v13 follows the previous v0.12 and looking forward we'll continue to follow semver like we've done since 2016.


  • add ability to configure custom module resolution in Bit (paths and aliases), to support absolute import statements for projects that use similar features using Webpack, Typescript, Babel, etc.
  • support "export X from Y" syntax of ES6 without importing X first.
  • environments transformed and refactored to act as native Bit extensions
  • introduce a new flag bit init --reset-hard to delete Bit files in order to start with a clean workspace
  • introduce a new flag bit init --reset to recreate bit.json and .bitmap files in case they are corrupted
  • add fork level to the bit test command
  • inject dist dir to node_path variable during test process in order for the author to tag and test custom-resolved components
  • added missing programmatic flags for bit isolate cmd
  • support mixed mode of common-js and ES6 ("require" and "import" together)
  • recognize packages required from d.ts files


  • remove alias t from bit test command (conflicts with tag command)
  • do not override existing bit.json on bit init
  • rename no-launch-browser to suppress-browser-launch in bit login flag
  • version validation during bit tag

Bug fixes

  • fix import of binary files
  • fix error "Maximum call stack size exceeded" when tagging or building a large file
  • handle bit diff for local components without specifying a scope
  • backward compatibility for components with environments with latest version
  • show dependent component id when trying to install missing environment
  • prevent overriding local tags from remote components upon import
  • throw an error when auto tag components have a newer version
  • after auto-tagging a component with a pending update it no longer becomes modified
  • support for running bit log on local components without specifying scope name
  • handle adding the same file with different letter cases (uppercase/lowercase)
  • improve environments error handling
  • support bit move and bit import --path when running from an inner directory
  • bit init now recreates the scope.json if it does not exist

[0.12.13] - 2018-05-09


  • add bit show --compare data into bit diff to easily see why a component is modified in one command
  • when running bit login, also configure bitsrc registry for npm
  • adding scss to support ~
  • support components with cyclic dependencies


  • remove --write flag from bit import, the newly introduced --merge flag takes care of that
  • improve merge-conflict error on export to show all components with conflicts

Bug Fixes

  • fix bit remove to not delete dependencies when they were imported directly
  • add error handling to bit login
  • improve the error-message "unexpected network error has occurred" to provide some useful data

[0.12.12] - 2018-04-29


  • introduce a new command bit diff to show the files diff for modified components
  • support importing component on top of a modified one and merging the changes by adding --merge flag to bit import
  • add -x flag to import (short for --extension)

Bug Fixes

  • fix an end of line issue between os
  • #927 fix a case of link file (file that only requires another file) is part of the component
  • fix bit-move of a directly imported dependency
  • fix importing a different version of a dependent when dependencies are not saved as components
  • fix Yarn install when a relative path is written into package.json
  • fix bit-merge and bit-checkout commands for Windows
  • bug fix - import after tag command was showing an error "Cannot read property 'hash' of undefined"
  • fix bit-add to enable marking files as tests of existing components
  • bug fix - in some circumstances, same link files were written in parallel, resulting in invalid content

[0.12.11] - 2018-04-10


  • introduce a new command bit merge for merging a different version into the current version
  • introduce a new command bit use for switching between versions
  • add anonymous analytics usage with prompt
  • support merging modified component to an older version of the component


  • rename the command bit use to bit checkout
  • block tagging when a component has a newer version locally, unless --ignore-newest-version flag is used
  • rename --force flag of bit import to --override
  • change bit list to show only the authored and imported components, unless --scope flag is used
  • bit remove removes components from a remote scope only when --remote flag is used
  • improve the output of import command to show the imported versions

Bug Fixes

  • fix bit-install to work from an inner directory
  • improve external test and build errors to show the stack
  • support export { default as } syntax when extracting relevant dependencies from link files

[0.12.10] - 2018-03-21


  • track directories for files changes and update .bitmap automatically
  • show a component as modified (bit status) in case a new file has added to its rootDir or one of the files has renamed
  • support updating dependencies versions from bit.json, package.json and bitmap files
  • add an option to install peer dependencies in an isolated environment
  • add the main file to file list if not specified during bit add
  • add --all flag to bit untrack command


  • ignore files named 'LICENSE'
  • test components candidates for auto-tag before tagging them

Bug Fixes

  • fix an issue with stylus dependencies from Vue files
  • fix catastrophic backtracking when using Regex to find JSDoc
  • fix environment import of latest version when an older version is imported
  • fix exit status when ci-update fails
  • fix bugs when running bit commands not from the workspace root

[0.12.9] - 2018-03-14

  • fix bug with exporting component to a very old scopes

[0.12.8] - 2018-03-12

  • send component's metadata to compilers
  • fix bit tag with --force flag to force tagging when exceptions occurred during a test
  • fix bit test error message to display the actual exception if occurred
  • improve error message of bit tag --verbose when tests failed to include tests results
  • improve handling of errors from compilers which return promises
  • merge process.env from the main process to tester process fork
  • symlink tester env in isolated envs
  • bug fix - tests files were ignored during bit add when they're weren't part of the files array and .gitignore contained a record with leading exclamation mark

[0.12.7] - 2018-02-28

  • bug fix - specifying a component and its dependency as ids for bit remove was not working
  • bug fix - fix remove component

[0.12.6] - 2018-02-27


  • introduced a new command bit untag for reverting un-exported tags.
  • support .vue files
  • support bit install of specific ids
  • init local scope inside .git
  • support peerDependencies
  • support passing arguments/flags to the package-manager by specifying them after '--' (e.g. bit import -- --no-optional)
  • support compilers which return promises


  • save bit dev-dependencies components inside devDependencies section of package.json
  • bit status shows a list of staged versions in 'staged components' section

Bug Fixes

  • show npm-client's warnings when they are about missing peer-dependencies
  • fix outdated to print correct version numbers
  • remove a modified component message
  • resolving .gitignore files
  • #729 fix bit cc to clear module cache
  • #769 - prevent duplicate ids in bitmap when adding existing files
  • #736 - .gitignore is blocking everything

[0.12.5] - 2018-02-06

  • default bit import with no id to import objects only, unless --write flag is used
  • decrease verbosity of npm during bit test
  • added --objects flag to bit import for fetching objects only and making no changes to the filesystem
  • bug fix - dists had incorrect paths in the model when originallySharedDir was the same as dist.entry
  • strip dist.entry for imported and authored components only, not for nested.
  • write .bitmap on bit init command
  • aggregate dependencies and package dependencies in bit show
  • add entered username from prompt to context for server side hooks

[0.12.4] - 2018-01-30

  • support separating dev-dependencies and dev-packages from dependencies and packages when they originated from tests files
  • prompt user when trying to remove a component
  • restore old behavior of requiring package installation
  • support adding test files to existing component
  • ignore tracked files when running bit add and print a warning message
  • bug fix - bit test fails when the same environment installation was canceled before

[0.12.3] - 2018-01-28

  • avoid overriding not only modified components but also new components when running bit import, unless `--force' flag is used
  • validate version number during tag action
  • allow bit config to run in non initialized directory

[0.12.2] - 2018-01-24


  • #653 read config keys from Git config in case it's not found in bit config
  • #516 add --eject flag for bit export for quickly remove local components after export and install them by the npm client


  • bit build with no parameter, builds all authored and imported components regardless whether they're modified

Bug Fixes

  • bit move - updates links to node_modules and updates package.json dependencies with the new directory
  • install missing environments before start build / test process
  • print message in case of cyclic dependencies
  • fixed ci-update from failing when no compiler or tester

[0.12.1] - 2018-01-22

  • add link-file for authored exported components from the root node_modules of a component to its main-file
  • avoid fetching the dependencies of versions older than the current imported one
  • migration - remove latest from compiler
  • fix bug with importing old components with compiler defined
  • fixed deserialize bug with bit remove

[0.12.0] - 2018-01-18


  • extension system (beta)
  • #540 support Yarn as package manager
  • bit import: install hub dependencies as npm packages by default
  • bit import: install npm packages by default
  • #613 bit install command to install all packages and link all components
  • #577 auto add workspaces to root package.json
  • #515 save direct dependencies in package.json with relative paths
  • #571 apply auto-tagging mechanism for imported components
  • #541 add package manager config to bit.json
  • support saving dists files on a pre-configured directory relative to consumer root
  • support bit show --compare with json format


  • change auto-generated node_modules links to be the same as NPM installation of components (@bit/
  • rename bit bind command to bit link
  • reanme {PARENT_FOLDER} variable to {PARENT} in dsl of add
  • rename to .bitmap
  • avoid writing long files paths for imported components when there is a shared directory among the component files and its dependencies
  • bit log now shows semver instead of version hash
  • #537 rename dist flag to --ignore-dist and by default create dist files
  • #527 rename structure property in bit.json
  • remove 'dist' attribute from root bit.json by default
  • rename no_dependencies flag to no-dependencies on bit import
  • rename no_package_json flag to ignore-package-json on bit import
  • change bit remote rm to bit remote del
  • run bit init automatically if dir is not initialized but contains .bitmap file
  • do not write the component's bit.json file, unless --conf flag is set

Bug Fixes

  • #517 when a nested dependency is imported directly, re-link all its dependents
  • #608 absolute components dependencies for new components throw an error
  • #605 component with modified dependencies doesn't recognize as modified
  • #592 auto-tagged component were not shown as staged in bit status
  • #495 support adding files to imported components and ignoring existing files
  • #500 files added under one component although it was not specified
  • #508 componentsDefaultDirectory do not support anything other than one dynamic param per folder
  • #543 remove imported component not working
  • avoid building process when a component was not modified
  • prevent overriding index file if exists

[0.11.1] - 2017-11-29

  • support tagging the entire local scope and all imported components to a specific tag using --scope and --include_imported flags
  • add bit pack command to build packages for registry
  • tag command now accepts a version
  • bit test - paint a summary table when testing multiple components
  • bit status - add a new section "deleted components" for components that were deleted from the file-system manually
  • bit import - prevent overriding local changes unless --force flag was used
  • sort bit show and bit list components alphabetically
  • Auto update to semantic versions
  • improve stability and performance of the dependency resolution mechanism
  • removed --include-imported flags as --all can be used for the same functionality
  • --scope flag can be used without --all
  • message in tag command is now optional
  • --all and --scope accepts version (optional for --all and mandatory for --scope)
  • fixed bug on windows that created test files as components
  • fixed bit add bug when adding test files with DSL
  • fixed output to be the same for tag command
  • fixed bit list command display for deprecated components
  • fixed bit show with compare flag to display dependencies
  • don't write dists files for authored components
  • bug fix - components that were not indicated as staged-components by bit status were exported by bit export
  • bug fix - tests files saved with incorrect path when bit add was running from non-consumer root
  • bit add - exclude a component when its main file is excluded
  • bug fix - generated .ts links were not valid

[0.11.0] - 2017-11-12

  • change versions numbers to be semantic versions
  • add --outdated flag to bit show command to show the local and remote versions of a component
  • add --outdated flag to bit list command to show the local and remote versions of components
  • bit show - show components that will be tagged automatically when their dependencies are tagged
  • export / import performance and stability improvements
  • add plugin mechanism to support different file types
  • SSH authentication can be done with SSH username and password in case a private key or an SSH agent socket is not available
  • SSH is not supporting passphrase in case a private key is encrypted
  • reimplement cat-object command
  • bit show - show components that will be tagged automatically when their dependencies are tagged
  • bug fix - dependencies were not written to the file-system when cloning a project with an existing file
  • disable the local search
  • fix a bug which prevents the ci running tests in some cases
  • bug fix - re-adding a component after exporting it was considered as a new component
  • fix a bug which makes bit test command not work when a component use bit/ to require another component
  • prevent bare-scope corruption when the export process fails
  • fixed stderr maxBuffer exceeded bug in ci-update cmd
  • fix a bug which makes imported components considered as modified
  • fix typo in help man page

[0.10.9] - 2017-10-18

  • rename bit commit to bit tag
  • extract only relevant dependencies from link files (files that only require other files)
  • typescript - extract only relevant dependencies from link files (files that only require other files)
  • take package version from package.json in the component / root folder to support semver package dependencies
  • new field in bit.json (bindingPrefix) for dynamic links
  • add flag to bit show to compare component in file system to last tagged component
  • better handling deleted files
  • improve bit add to convert files to valid bit names
  • fixed - writing dist files to wrong directory during bit tag / test commands
  • fixed remove of exported component
  • prevent bare-scope corruption when the export process fails
  • fixed stderr maxBuffer exceeded bug in ci-update cmd
  • throw error when tester doesn't return any result for test file
  • change the order of determine the main/index file - it's now ['js', 'ts', 'jsx', 'tsx', 'css', 'scss', 'less', 'sass']
  • improve checkVersionCompatibility between server and client
  • show correct message / error when the tester has an exception during bit test
  • fix bug with printing wrong id on bit tag for component in versions between 10-19
  • handle invalid bit.json
  • bit add on missing test file should throw an error
  • prevent test files from becoming new components
  • fix bug when component version is larger than 10 it won't show as staged

[0.10.8] - 2017-10-01

  • support requiring imported components using require('bit/namespace/name') syntax
  • new remove command for removing local and remote components
  • new deprecate command for deprecating local and remote components
  • new move command for moving files/directories of a component to a new location
  • create package.json for imported components
  • exclude import-pending components from 'new components' section
  • add ignore missing dependencies to commit
  • save all dependencies on one configurable directory (components/.dependencies by default)
  • add support for tsx files
  • generate internal component links according to their compiled version
  • move a re-imported component to a new location when bit import --prefix is used
  • fix commit and export issues when dealing with more than 500 components
  • fix export of large amount of data
  • fix bug with commit --force when tests throws an exception
  • fix bug - when you import authored component (and there is a newer version) it duplicate it in the
  • fix bug - when you import authored component it was added to bit.json dependencies
  • fix bug with ssh2 times out on handshake

[0.10.7] - 2017-09-07

  • improve windows support
  • add bit untrack command
  • support CSS/less/sass/sass as main file
  • support jsx extension as the main file of a component
  • support adding new files to imported components
  • deprecated install command
  • fix the search according to search-index v0.13.0 changes
  • prevent exporting a component when the same version has been exported already to the same remote scope
  • avoid running the build and test processes upon bit status
  • allow export specific components without specifying the scope-name
  • avoid tagging unmodified components unless --force flag is being used
  • resolve dependencies from all component files regardless whether they are referenced from the main file
  • bug fix - the author was not able to update his/her component in case it was changed in another scope
  • bug fix - status command shows an error when components directory has an unreferenced (from component
  • avoid generating links for author components
  • bit import from bit.json does not write to the file-system a dependency when it is also a direct import
  • bug fix - export would hang when the ssh server was existing before closing
  • don't calculate nested deps when calculating modified component during bit status/commit
  • fixed exception is thrown in bit ls after exporting components
  • removed --cache flag from bit ls
  • added --environment option for bit import
  • reformatted bit import output (components, dependencies, environments)
  • remove duplication for missing packages warning
  • Remove the npm tree output for component ci flow
  • add verbosity option to some places
  • added auto generated msg to bitmap and all generated link files
  • fix a warning on the bit --version command
  • support render tag in js docs
  • bug fix - imported components were deleted from when importing nested components of the same scope and name
  • write dist files on import according to
  • improve bit remote output (put it in a table)
  • fix but with export when the remote has a dependency in the wrong version

[0.10.6] - 2017-08-23

  • windows support
  • support auto updating of bit for npm installation
  • support deleting files from a component
  • improved bit help
  • fix bit config command for linux
  • update bit-javascript dependency
  • fixed remote add exceptions to human-friendly errors
  • improvement - when there are several potential main files, bit add selects the one that is closer to the root
  • show a friendly error when SSH returns an invalid response
  • fix an error when there are multiple open SSH connections
  • update and the file system when a nested component is re-imported individually
  • fix ci-update command when there are tester and compiler to use the same isolated-environment
  • fix an error when importing a component, exporting it, modifying and exporting again (v3)
  • fix links generation when importing from a non-consumer root path
  • fix ci-update command to generate links when necessary
  • fix Error: "Cannot find module './build/Release/DTraceProviderBindings'" when installing via Yarn
  • fix the local and remote search
  • fix the internal ci-update command where an environment has a tester without a compiler
  • improved commit, add, export and status outputs
  • support general failures on bit test (like on before)
  • status output with missing dependencies
  • help flags adjusted to new help
  • missing dependencies formatted on commit
  • sources no longer part of bit.json's defaults
  • improve readme
  • improve outputs
  • improve windows support for import command
  • exception when using bit test or bit build before adding first components
  • add new flag to bit add to override or append files to bit component

[0.10.5] - 2017-08-16

  • improved commit, add, export and status outputs
  • improved bit help
  • Improve log files (rotate, color, prettyPrint)
  • Support define dependencies for imported components
  • bug fixes for export command

[0.10.4] - 2017-08-15

  • bug fix - component stays in "staged components" section after the second export
  • support exporting binary files
  • fix a bug when importing version 2 of a component while version 1 has been imported before
  • fix a bug when exporting version 3 of a component after importing version 2
  • bug fix - install test environment if not exist upon bit test
  • Fix conflicts when import from bit.json more than one component with the same nested deps
  • Remove duplicates from missing packages (during import) warning
  • improve error on adding non existing file
  • improve support for imported components as dependencies of authored components
  • auto-resolve dependencies for imported components

[0.10.3] - 2017-08-08

  • fix memory leak when exporting a big amount of components
  • fix running import command from a non-root directory
  • support specifying multiple ids using export command
  • fix the auto creating dependencies during commit
  • performance improvement for status and commit

[0.10.2] - 2017-08-07

Improve resolving packages dependencies for ts files

[0.10.1] - 2017-08-07

[0.10.0] - 2017-08-07


  • Upgrade: Bit now works with a new set of APIs and data models for the code component and scope consumer.
  • Important: Bit is not backward compatible with remote scopes running older versions of Bit.

[0.6.6-rc.1] - 2017-06-28

  • Add babel-plugin-transform-runtime to support async functions

[0.6.5] - 2017-06-26

[0.6.5-rc.1] - 2017-06-26

  • bugfix - install drivers in scope level before test in scope
  • bugfix - install drivers in scope level before build in scope
  • bugfix - calling to old bind command during component e2e tests

[0.6.4] - 2017-06-25

  • update "bit-javascript" dependency to 0.6.4

[0.6.3-rc.3] - 2017-06-15

  • bit test shows the error stack in case of a fatal error
  • add logger
  • support debug-mode for e2e tests

[0.6.3-rc.2] - 2017-06-08

  • update "bit-javascript" dependency to rc ("^0.6.4-rc.1")
  • Try using cache before fetching remote

[0.6.3-rc.1] - 2017-06-06

  • support running e2e tests in a dev environment where bit command is different (such as bit-dev)
  • bit import no longer uses the internal cache objects to retrieve remote bit-components.
  • avoid corrupted data in a scope when dependencies somehow are not being resolved.
  • allow bit init when there is a bit.json file without the source or env attributes.
  • bug fix: don't show the version-compatibility warning more than once
  • remove duplications from dependencies list of bit import output.
  • suppress dependencies list upon bit import, unless a flag --display_dependencies is being used.
  • warn for missing driver
  • set the file-extension of the built-dist-file according to the current language ('.js' by default)
  • support async/await syntax.
  • remove the injection of bit-js module into the tester environment.
  • add bit-javascript as a dependency and a post install hook.
  • do not show tests output in case of thrown error on commit, use verbose flag to see the error.
  • parse @property tag of JSDoc
  • add bit reset command for cancelling the last local commit
  • extract the importing bit.json components functionality from bit import into a new command bit install.
  • add infrastructure for e2e tests
  • fix onExport hook to get called after writing dependencies to bit.json
  • increased max listeners to 100 (prevent warning message)
  • colored commit success message
  • support for merge conflict error reporting via ssh
  • docs - fix bitsrc links to work

[0.6.2] - 2017-05-21

  • [removed] JSDoc data are saved only for functions with a tag @bit.
  • fixed component classification (local or external)

[0.6.1] - 2017-05-18 rc

  • JSDoc data are saved only for functions with a tag @bit.
  • do not terminate watcher after failures.
  • add the commit-log details to the Component object, so then it'll be available for bit show --json and bit export.

[0.6.0] - 2017-05-15

  • do not preserve node.js path cache for required bit-driver because it varies over time.

[0.5.13] - 2017-05-14

  • enable bit watch command -> build-all-inline on every change

[0.5.12] - 2017-05-14

  • enable "bit build --inline" command with no arguments for building all inline components

[0.5.11] - 2017-05-11

  • send a correct error message on commit with wrong id.
  • add onModify hook.
  • show error-message for 'bit build' when no compiler is specified.
  • write dependencies on modify.
  • do not write bit.json's misc and lang properties if the default value is presented.
  • send correct error message when there is invalid inline id (wip).
  • add bind command (which calls the driver bind command).

[0.5.10] - 2017-05-11

  • fix bug with specs that need compiling for server use

[0.5.9] - 2017-05-11

  • fix bug with specs that need compiling

[0.5.8] - 2017-05-11

  • write the specDist only if it exists

[0.5.7] - 2017-05-10

  • fix test for components without compiler

[0.5.6] - 2017-05-10

  • implement the isolated environment for build

[0.5.5] - 2017-05-09


  • bare scope test creates a new environment and runs the tests there.

  • test command -i runs the tests on the file system (inline components).

  • build command now saves dist/<implFileName> && dist/<specsFileName> for the specs file.

  • change the component resolver to fetch from dist/<implFileName> instead of dist/dist.js.

  • package dependencies of environment modules would be installed at component level from now.

  • npm loader would not be present, --verbose will show npm output after the installation is done.


  • bug with environment installation (npm install at project level).


  • add module 'component-resolver' to resolve a component path using its ID.
  • support generating an isolated bit-component environment on-the-fly so it will be easier to run build and test from everywhere
  • the compiler can implement a build method instead of compile, get an entry file and run webpack for example (wip). implemented for inline_components, and still need to implement environment module in order to fully work.
  • add --skip-update option to the main bit help page.
  • run some hooks (for now: onCommit, onCreate, onExport and onImport) using a language-driver
  • lang attribute on the bit.json, enable language that will save on the model of the component.

[0.5.4] - 2017-05-07


  • ssh is exiting before writing the entire response.
  • exception was thrown when trying to read non-existing private key.

[0.5.3] - 2017-04-27


  • put [search] index procedure under try catch, warns in case it fails.
  • fixed bug with list/show remote components with misc files.

[0.5.2] - 2017-04-27


  • issue with npm ensure that was caused due to latest version changes
  • issue with installing deps from local cache instead of external
  • exit code with only numeric values

[0.5.1] - 2017-04-18


  • support adding misc files to a bit component
  • enable "bit test --inline" command with no arguments (test all inline components)


  • npm install for bit dependencies will work via temp package.json instead of invoking parallel npmi


  • when exporting and missing @this, show friendly error


** breaking change - a scope with this version won't work with consumer with lower versions **


  • ssh protocol has changes and now contains headers with bit version
  • do not override files upon "bit create" unless -f (--force) flag is used


  • bit ls and show commands can be performed outside of bit scope


  • if there is a difference between the versions of the remote bit and the local bit (the remote scope has a greater version) bit throws a error/warning message according to semver difference major/minor
  • bit scope-config public command
  • license file inflation
  • scope meta model


  • bit resolver command



  • error message on component not found
  • hotfix for multifetch bug
  • add 'no results found' message on ci when there are no specs



  • bug fix: typo on destructuring for making export compatible



  • added validation on stdin readable for private cmd _put



  • make the ssh mechanism backwards compatible with older versions



  • put now work with stream (after export) instead of putting the data on a command argument


  • replace the use of sequest module with ssh2 module directly.



  • bit cat-scope private command
  • bit refresh-scope private command for updating model


  • change the header of the bit-objects to contain the hash of the file as a second argument



  • add the hash to the header of the any bit-object



  • add posix as an optional dependency (windows)


  • specsResults verbose output after ci-update
  • add bit clear-cache cmd
  • now running clear cache before bit update



  • add bit-dev script for linking dev command, for development
  • circle ci integration
  • package node v6.10.0 (LTS) (working for osx, debian, centos)


  • throw the right error code when inner problem occures
  • handled errors will also have exit code 1



  • saving the component id to bit.json after export is a default behavior.
  • bit export --forget flag for not saving to bit.json after export.


  • Solved bug with specsResults pass attribute not updating after ci update.



  • bug with @ on scope annotation
  • improved readme and docs



  • documentation under ./docs
  • gitbook integration


  • change mock-require to mockery on testing mechanism
  • support node 4 with babel-preset-env + add plugins, instead of stage-0 preset



  • add source-map support for dist (enables compiled bit debugging)


  • small fix after import without peer dependencies (do not show the peer dependencies header)



  • import multiple components on one import (bit import componentA componentB)
  • write components specific version in bit.json after import -s flag
  • distinguish between peerDependencies and dependencies on the output of an import command



  • loader for export command


  • scope now fetch devDependencies (compiler/tester) on export
  • scope does not fetch devDependencies on import
  • changed dev to environment flag on import command

[0.2.1] hot-fix

fix a bug with import many ones function



  • loaders.
  • stablize version.
  • improve error handling.
