Releases: QQxiaoming/quardCRT
Releases · QQxiaoming/quardCRT
- 主UI全面更新,整体风格更现代化,配套亮色/暗色主题更加美观
- 增加设置选项里打开当前设置文件功能
- 右上角增加实验室功能,SSH扫描迁移至实验室,开放插件接口以增加更多特定功能到实验室,访问插件平台
- SFTP窗口增加书签功能,改进SFTP操作逻辑。
- 改进优化HexView窗口
- 改进会话克隆功能,可克隆的会话类型(SSH、Telent等)直接克隆,不可克隆的会话类型(串口等)会弹出会话设置窗口
- 改进在拖拽标签时样式,现在鼠标能正确显示为抓握手势
- 修复打开会话属性存在历史页面未刷新
- 修复会话内line字符渲染错误
- 修复打开SSH会话后未变化过窗口大小的情况下,默认的终端大小不正确
- 修复切换主题时Tab Add New按钮样式未更新
- 修复终端配色方案修改后无法持久保存 #I8PLTP
git commit
- doc:update changelog
- src:fix #I8PLTP
- Update SFTPmenuBookmarkWindow to SFTPmenuBookmarkWidget
- src:update plugin interface
- src:update sftp windows
- Merge pull request #18 from QQxiaoming/dependabot/github_actions/actio…
- update lang
- build(deps): bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.3 to 4.0.0
- src:Add PluginInfoWindow class and related files
- src:update lang
- Hide SFTP window when disconnecting SSH2 session
- src:Add file dialog functionality and resize window
- src:Add SFTPmenuBookmarkWindow class and UI files
- src:Fix tab style not updating when changing themes
- src:Fix plugin API version check in CentralWidget::menuAndToolBarInit()
- src:Add plugin API version check
- src:Update UI, add experimental feature
- src:Add plugin functionality to terminal context menu
- src:Improve drag and drop styling for tab labels
- src:Fix SSH session window size issue
- src:Improve session cloning functionality and handle different session types
- Fix library path for macOS in CentralWidget::menuAndToolBarInit() function
- src:Add library paths for different operating systems
- doc:Add plugin doc
- src:Add plugin save/load settings
- src:Add quickcomplete translations and language support
- Add QuickComplete plugin and connect its signals to CentralWidget
- Add QMap include to mainwindow.cpp and plugininterface.h
- src:Add plugin functionality
- src:fix windows title setting
- Merge pull request #14 from QQxiaoming/dev-mainwindow
- Fix issue with menu bar on macOS
- src:update code
- Fix resize notification bug and improve tab
- src:fix floting window crash
- src:update dark and light icons
- src:Fix status bar message duration
- src:clean code from codefactor suggestions
- src:Refactor menu and toolbar initialization
- src:update main window ui
- src:Fix One step initialization issue
- src:Disable drawing line characters in terminal and add OneStep feature
- src:Update language files
- src:clean code
- src:Disable transparency action on Windows platform
- src:Refactor UI class names
- src:Update language files
- src:Fix session properties not refreshing
- src:Improve hexview
- src:Update language files
完整的更新日志: V0.3.1...V0.4.0
- 增加密码输入框支持显示/隐藏功能
- 增加常用波特率提示
- 增加右键菜单请求翻译功能
- 增加实用工具,扫描本地网络SSH服务
- SFTP文件传输窗口增加传输进度显示
- 增加vnc协议支持
- 修复二次编辑存储串口会话port信息后无法正确连接问题
- 修复钥匙串授权失败使用错误信息的问题
- 修复端口号输入框最大值错误导致的无法正确保存会话信息问题
git commit
- release:v0.3.1
- src:Add setMouseHide() function to QVNCClientWidget
- src:Improve vnc client
- src:add vnc client support
- src:add vnc client support
- src:Improve session state information to
- ci:fix script
- src:Fix tableWidget row count issue in NetScanWindow
- src:Add SSH scanning feature
- src:Fix keychain authorization issue
- src:Add progress signals to SshSftpCommandSend and
- src:Add SFTP file transfer progress display
- doc:update doc
- doc:Update quardCRT README
- src:Fix translate service return type
- src:Add support for right-click menu translation request
- src:Add tooltips to spinBoxPort and spinBoxBaudRate
- src:Fix port name issue in session options
- src:clean code
- src:clean code
- src:Add support for password input field visibility
完整的更新日志: V0.3.0...V0.3.1
- 增加SSH2协议支持(后端libssh2,目前仅支持密码认证,用户密码存储在本地系统密钥链中,不存储在本软件配置文件中)#15
- 增加SSH2会话打开SFTP文件传输窗口功能
- 增加自定义设置单词字符(Word Characters)功能,可以设置哪些字符为视为单词字符,方便快速选中单词
- 增加双击会话管理器内会话进行连接功能
- 增加会话管理器关闭按钮
- 修复修改会话属性后会话管理器内会话排序重新排列问题
- 修复串口连接正常但弹出错误提示“No Error”问题
- 修复连接失败的会话无法关闭问题
git commit
- release:v0.3.0
- Update SVG files and translation strings
- src:Remove unused code and update translation files
- doc:Update doc
- src:use lib qtkeychain save password
- src:Fix session sorting issue and error prompt bug
- doc:update doc
- Update UI and add language support
- src:Add license headers to source code files
- Implement directory upload and download
- src:Fix some sftf issue and add upload and download function
- Merge commit 'e81f7188ef829d6ae3202d54edec49e9e84c03b0'
- src:Improving performance
- src:Add QCustomFileSystemModel library
- Added SftpWindow class and related changes
- src:Fix SSH2 error handling
- src:Clean code formatting and remove unnecessary lines
- src:Clean code formatting and remove unnecessary lines
- Add libssh2 and QtSsh dependencies
- ci:fix ci
- Merge commit 'e6b7730437464f4ac060ee20df2ca533c6bbf426' into main
- Update LIBSSH2_DIR path in qtssh.pri
- ci:add msvc ci support
- src:support ssh2 protocol
- src:Add sessionConnect signal to doubleClicked event
- lang: add more language support
- src:update code
- src:Fix connection closing issue
- lang: add more language support
- src:Fix serial port error handling
- src:Fix serial port error message display issue
- lang: add more language support
- lang: add more language support
- lang: add more language support
- doc:update doc
- src:Fix various bugs and improve code quality
- src:Update translation files
- doc:update doc
完整的更新日志: V0.2.6...V0.3.0
- 增加标签卡悬浮预览功能
- windows本地终端增强,现在可以像linux一样使用Tab键选择补全命令
- 增加会话状态查询,通过会话设置/属性-状态查看会话状态,目前仅支持本地Shell会话查询进程信息
- 终端内容匹配支持路径匹配,可以右键快速打开文件/目录
- 增加高亮显示匹配内容功能
- 修复中文全角引号渲染位置错误问题
- 修复macOS错误绑定了复制粘贴快捷键占用导致无法kill终端内进程问题
- 增加更多语言支持(由GitHub Copilot提供)
git commit
- release:v0.2.6
- src:Update translation files
- Merge branch 'main' of into main
- Merge pull request #12 from QQxiaoming/imgbot
- src:Update translation files
- [ImgBot] Optimize images
- src:Add high DPI support for session tab preview
- doc:update doc
- src:Refactor code to use CharWidth class instead of
- lang:Update translations
- src:Fix rendering issues for East Asian language
- doc:update
- src:Add font support for calculating character width
- src:Add highlight/unhighlight feature and clear all
- src:Add support for highlighting text and markers
- src:Update file path regular expressions in UrlFilter
- src:Fix file path issues and update translations
- src:Add support for more languages and fix various
- src:Refactor processInfoTree function to use qint64
- src:Improve session state widget
- src:Fix processInfo return type in conptyprocess.h and
- src:Add session state query and process info to pty
- src:Improve code
- Update WINPTY_DIR path in ptyqt.pri
- src:Add enhancements and fix issues in quardCRT
- src:fix preview issue on windows
- src:fix preview issue
- src:Optimize preview window style
- doc:update readme
- src:Add Preview Width setting
- src:Update SessionTabBarPreviewWidget and dragLabel
- src:Fix context menu position
- src:Add tab preview checkbox to global options and
- src:Add tab card hover preview feature.
完整的更新日志: V0.2.5...V0.2.6
- 增加浮动窗口模式,且支持移回主窗口
- 增加标签页自由拖拽(拖拽成浮动窗口或拖拽至分屏)
- 修复移动标签后可能导致的严重崩溃问题/标签标题显示错误问题
- 增加高级设置选择UI样式为原生风格(单平台用户可能希望使用原生风格,多平台用户可能希望使用统一风格)
- 增加设置中一键清理选择的背景图片功能
- 优化退出应用/关闭会话时的二次确认功能,现在本地Shell会话根据是否有子进程决定是否需要二次确认,其他会话类型不变
- 增加设置标签标题模式,可以选择以简要/完整/滚动,三种方式显示会话标题
git commit
- release:v0.2.5
- src:clean code
- src:Fixed tab dragging functionality
- src:Add drag and drop functionality to session tabs
- src:fix move to another tab and float actions crash
- src:Added floating window and moved it back to the main window
- src:Add context menu and command widget functionality
- src:Fix working directory path check
- src:Fix set workdir issue
- src:Fix tab title init when tab move and tab clone
- src:Add floating window mode and fix tab movement
- src:Add option for custom tab title width in global
- src:Fix environment variable duplication in
- src:Add tab title mode option to global options window
- src:Fix tab title scrolling issue and add new
- src:Fix hasChildProcess function signature in
- src:Add Windows API headers and implement
- src:rever err commit
- doc:changelog
- src:Add hasChildProcess() method to UnixPtyProcess and WinPtyProcess classes
- src:Fix version number parsing in build scripts
- src:Fix version number parsing and add file dialog
- src:Update version number in build scripts and project
- src:Add license headers to source files
- src:fix duplicate Code lines
- src:Add keyboard shortcut to connect to address edit
- src:fix retranslation for all global options widgets.
- src:Add support for native UI and clear background
- doc:update doc
完整的更新日志: V0.2.4...V0.2.5
- 增加windows上NamedPipe协议支持(linux/macos上对应unix domain socket)#I8AXLO
- 修复windows上无法启动打印机服务问题
- 修复关闭标签页部份内存未释放问题
- 增加退出应用/关闭会话时需要二次确认功能
- 增加会话链接状态显示功能(标签页以图标形式显示)
- 增加设置终端字体功能
- 增加设置终端滚动行数设置
- 增加设置光标形状和闪烁功能
- 终端背景支持Gif动画格式文件(需要在高级设置中启用动画支持)
- 终端背景支持mp4/avi/mkv/mov视频格式文件(需要在高级设置中启用动画支持)
- 更新全局设置界面,分类显示设置项
- 增加会话设置界面,现在可以修改编辑会话属性
- 增加分离启动新窗口功能
- 增加软件自身调试信息日志系统,用户默认上不打开的,必须手写config文件才会启动
- window以前只提供mingw版本,新增msvc编译版本(为将来更早提供windows on arm版本做准备)
git commit
- release:v0.2.4
- src:Add check update action
- src:Added the requirement for a second confirmation when closing a session
- src:Add error handling and state change signals to
- ci:Update ci
- src:Add compiler information to settings
- src:update inziu-iosevkaCC-SC-regular font to resources
- src:Fix memory leak in setBackgroundMovie() function
- src:Fix background movie initialization in
- src:Add session modifying properties functionality to
- src:Add Windows MSVC2019 build workflow and fix
- doc:update doc
- doc:update doc image
- src: add new window action
- tools:update linuxdeploy-plugin-qt…
- fix:some issue
- fix:fixed the problem of memory not being released when closing tab page
- src:support video background image file
- src:suport cursor option
- src:support customizing terminal font
- src:support gif background image file
- src:update global options ui
- src:fix namePipe connect from session manager
- src:update session option window
- src:update session option window
- src:clean code
- src:update globaloptions ui
- src:clean project file
- src:update logger
- src:add logger system
- src:support namepipe [#I8AXLO](…
- src:add scrollback lines set
- src:fix QPrintDialog show fail on window
- ci:update ci
- ci:update window ci script
- doc:update readme
完整的更新日志: V0.2.3...V0.2.4
- 修复会话信息保存错误导致右侧会话管理器内无法正确连接会话问题 #I8AJN1
- 快速连接支持选择仅打开会话和仅保存会话
- 改进书签管理功能
- 实现保存设置和实时保存设置按钮功能
- 增加ALT+'-'和ALT+'='全局快捷键切换当前标签
- 增加ALT+'{num}'全局快捷键切换到指定标签
- 增加ALT+LEFT、ALT+RIGHT全局快捷键映射到home和end按键(考虑macbook没有home和end按键)
- 增加高清截图当前终端功能
- 增加导出当前终端会话内容(html/txt)功能
- 增加打印机打印当前终端会话功能
- 增加锁定会话功能
- 增加配置启动新的本地终端默认的工作路径
- 终端背景图片支持平铺模式
- 持久化存储主界面布局信息
- 优化界面上下文菜单
- 优化打开文件对话框UI
- 修改windows上渲染粗体字体导致光标异常,暂时不支持粗体渲染保证光标位置正确
- 修复windows上执行命令后设置的工作路径不正确问题
- 增加macos上cmd+delete为delete按键功能(因为通常macos上delete按键为backspace)
- 预编译二进制文件基于QT版本升级到6.5.3
git commit
- release:v0.2.3
- doc:update changelog
- release:v0.2.2
- lang:update
- lang:update lang
- src:fix #I8AJN1
- src:add more featrue
- src:revert error commit
- src:add shortcut for mac
- srcadd Tile mode for terminal background
- src:fix window title issue
- src:fix window work dir
- update ci env qt6.5.3
- src:add more feature
- src:add screenshot function and more shortcut keys
- src:fix incorrect keybindings
- build:fix linux desktop MimeType
- src:optimize ui context menu
- src:storage of main interface layout information
- src:add more shortcut
- src:add Key_Home and Key_End
- src:add functions related to saving settings
- src:update code
- doc:add changelog
- src:improve bookmark management
- src:Quick Connect supports the selection of only opening sessions and …
- doc:update readme
完整的更新日志: V0.2.1...V0.2.3
- linux打包fcit插件以支持更多中文输入法
- linux修复中文字符渲染光标错误
- 修复HEX视图格式渲染错误和数据获取失败问题
- 持久化存储会话信息
- 增加状态栏提示
- 增加终端底部可打开命令窗口自动化发送命令
- 增加终端URL内容动态解析
- 修复会话克隆工作路径错误
- 增加终端右侧滚动条
- 修复window/mac上鼠标中键不能执行复制并粘贴
- 增加双终端会话分屏显示
- 增加简约UI界面选项(使用alt+n/alt+J切换简约/标准UI)
- 增加启动tfftp服务器实用功能
- 优化hex view显示界面
- window安装程序增加使用quardCRT打开的系统集成的右键菜单
- 标签栏右键菜单增加个多个实用功能
- 修复window上中文等其他宽字符光标位置错误
- 增加配置终端背景图片功能
- 增加目录书签功能
- 增加持久存储用户设置功能
- 修复了一些UI细节错误
- 修复了一些小概率的可能崩溃问题