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File metadata and controls

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Name Type Description Notes
access_token string User access token
access_token_expires string Ex: 2018-08-08 02:41:19 [optional]
access_token_expires_at_milliseconds int Ex: 1533696079000 [optional]
administrator bool Is user administrator
authorized_clients \QuantiModo\Client\Model\AuthorizedClients [optional]
avatar string Ex: [optional]
avatar_image string Ex: [optional]
capabilities string Ex: a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;} [optional]
card \QuantiModo\Client\Model\Card Avatar and info [optional]
client_id string Ex: quantimodo [optional]
client_user_id string Ex: 118444693184829555362 [optional]
combine_notifications bool Ex: 1 [optional]
created_at string When the record was first created. Use UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss datetime format [optional]
description string Your bio will be displayed on your published studies [optional]
display_name string User display name
earliest_reminder_time string Earliest time user should get notifications. Ex: 05:00:00 [optional]
email string User email
first_name string Ex: Mike [optional]
get_preview_builds bool Ex: false [optional]
has_android_app bool Ex: false [optional]
has_chrome_extension bool Ex: false [optional]
has_ios_app bool Ex: false [optional]
id int User id
last_active string Ex: Date the user last logged in [optional]
last_four string Ex: 2009 [optional]
last_name string Ex: Sinn [optional]
last_sms_tracking_reminder_notification_id string Ex: 1 [optional]
latest_reminder_time string Latest time user should get notifications. Ex: 23:00:00 [optional]
login_name string User login name
password string Ex: PASSWORD [optional]
phone_number string Ex: 618-391-0002 [optional]
phone_verification_code string Ex: 1234 [optional]
primary_outcome_variable_id int A good primary outcome variable is something that you want to improve and that changes inexplicably. For instance, if you have anxiety, back pain or arthritis which is worse on some days than others, these would be good candidates for primary outcome variables. Recording their severity and potential factors will help you identify hidden factors exacerbating or improving them. [optional]
primary_outcome_variable_name string A good primary outcome variable is something that you want to improve and that changes inexplicably. For instance, if you have anxiety, back pain or arthritis which is worse on some days than others, these would be good candidates for primary outcome variables. Recording their severity and potential factors will help you identify hidden factors exacerbating or improving them. [optional]
push_notifications_enabled bool Ex: 1 [optional]
refresh_token string See [optional]
roles string Ex: ["admin"] [optional]
send_predictor_emails bool Ex: 1 [optional]
send_reminder_notification_emails bool Ex: 1 [optional]
share_all_data bool Share all studies, charts, and measurement data with all other users [optional]
sms_notifications_enabled bool Ex: false [optional]
stripe_active bool Ex: 1 [optional]
stripe_id string Ex: cus_A8CEmcvl8jwLhV [optional]
stripe_plan string Ex: monthly7 [optional]
stripe_subscription string Ex: sub_ANTx3nOE7nzjQf [optional]
subscription_ends_at string UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss [optional]
subscription_provider string Ex: google [optional]
time_zone_offset int Ex: 300 [optional]
track_location bool Ex: 1 [optional]
updated_at string When the record in the database was last updated. Use UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss datetime format [optional]
user_registered string Ex: 2013-12-03 15:25:13 UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss [optional]
user_url string Ex: [optional]

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