diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_italian.txt b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_italian.txt
index 089edf35b..eebdcb714 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_italian.txt
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/northstar_client_localisation_italian.txt
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Premi Sì se sei d'accordo. Questa scelta può essere modificata in qualsiasi mo
"DIALOG_AUTHENTICATING_MASTERSERVER", "Autenticazione Sul Master Server in corso"
"AUTHENTICATIONAGREEMENT_NO", "Hai Scelto di non autenticarti con Northstar. Puoi vedere l'Accordo nel Menu delle Mods"
+ "MENU_TITLE_SERVER_BROWSER" "Lista dei Server"
"NS_SERVERBROWSER_NOSERVERS" "Nessun server trovato"
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/ui/menus/server_browser.menu b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/ui/menus/server_browser.menu
index 4a84a714a..03cdd0e8c 100644
--- a/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/ui/menus/server_browser.menu
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/resource/ui/menus/server_browser.menu
@@ -2554,6 +2554,7 @@ resource/ui/menus/mods_browse.menu
xpos -17
ypos -57
zpos 90
+ textAlignment north
scriptID 999
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/client/cl_damage_indicator.gnut b/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/client/cl_damage_indicator.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4857c109d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/client/cl_damage_indicator.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,951 @@
+global function ClDamageIndicator_Init
+global function Create_DamageIndicatorHUD
+global function DamageIndicators
+global function GrenadeArrowThink
+global function RumbleForTitanDamage
+global function ServerCallback_TitanTookDamage
+global function ServerCallback_PilotTookDamage
+//global function ClientCodeCallback_OnMissileCreation
+global function ClientCodeCallback_CreateGrenadeIndicator
+global function DamageIndicatorRui
+global function ShowGrenadeArrow
+global function SCB_AddGrenadeIndicatorForEntity
+const DAMAGEARROW_FADEANIM = "damage_fade"
+struct {
+ array
+ int currentDamageArrow = 0
+ int numDamageArrows = 16
+ float damageArrowFadeDuration = 1.0
+ float damageArrowTime = 0.0
+ vector damageArrowAngles = < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >
+ vector damageArrowPointCenter = < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >
+ table whizByFX = {
+ small = null,
+ large = null,
+ titan = null,
+ }
+ array arrowIncomingAnims = [
+ { anim = "damage_incoming_small", duration = 1.5 },
+ { anim = "damage_incoming", duration = 1.75 },
+ { anim = "damage_incoming_large", duration = 2.00 },
+ ]
+ int damageIndicatorCount = 0
+} file
+function ClDamageIndicator_Init()
+ RegisterSignal( "CriticalHitReceived" )
+ AddCreateCallback( "titan_cockpit", DamageArrow_CockpitInit )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( $"P_wpn_grenade_frag_icon" )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( $"P_wpn_grenade_frag_blue_icon" )
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( $"P_wpn_grenade_smoke_icon" )
+ if ( !IsLobby() )
+ AddCallback_EntitiesDidLoad( InitDamageArrows )
+function ServerCallback_TitanTookDamage( damage, x, y, z, damageType, damageSourceId, attackerEHandle, eModId, doomedNow, doomedDamage )
+ expect float( damage )
+ expect int( damageType )
+ expect int( damageSourceId )
+ expect bool( doomedNow )
+ expect int( doomedDamage )
+ if ( IsWatchingThirdPersonKillReplay() )
+ return
+ if ( DebugVictimClientDamageFeedbackIsEnabled() && (damage > 0.0) )
+ {
+ entity attacker = attackerEHandle ? GetHeavyWeightEntityFromEncodedEHandle( attackerEHandle ) : null
+ entity localViewPlayer = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ bool isHeadShot = (damageType & DF_HEADSHOT) ? true : false
+ bool isKillShot = (damageType & DF_KILLSHOT) ? true : false
+ bool isCritical = (damageType & DF_CRITICAL) ? true : false
+ bool isDoomProtected = (damageType & DF_DOOM_PROTECTED) ? true : false
+ bool isDoomFatality = (damageType & DF_DOOM_FATALITY) ? true : false
+ local weaponMods = []
+ if ( eModId != null && eModId in modNameStrings )
+ weaponMods.append( modNameStrings[eModId] )
+ string modDesc = ((eModId != null && eModId in modNameStrings) ? (expect string( modNameStrings[eModId] )) : "")
+ DebugTookDamagePrint( localViewPlayer, attacker, damage, damageSourceId, modDesc, isHeadShot, isKillShot, isCritical, doomedNow, doomedDamage, isDoomProtected, isDoomFatality )
+ }
+ // It appears to be faster here to create a new thread so other functions called can wait until the frame ends before running.
+ thread TitanTookDamageThread( damage, x, y, z, damageType, damageSourceId, attackerEHandle, eModId, doomedNow, doomedDamage )
+ vector damageOrigin = < x, y, z >
+ entity attacker = attackerEHandle ? GetHeavyWeightEntityFromEncodedEHandle( attackerEHandle ) : null
+ if ( damageSourceId in clGlobal.onLocalPlayerTookDamageCallback )
+ {
+ foreach ( callback in clGlobal.onLocalPlayerTookDamageCallback[ damageSourceId ] )
+ callback( damage, damageOrigin, damageType, damageSourceId, attacker )
+ }
+function TitanTookDamageThread( float damage, x, y, z, int damageType, int damageSourceId, attackerEHandle, eModId, bool doomedNow, int doomedDamage )
+ WaitEndFrame()
+ entity attacker = attackerEHandle ? GetHeavyWeightEntityFromEncodedEHandle( attackerEHandle ) : null
+ entity localViewPlayer = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ entity cockpit = localViewPlayer.GetCockpit()
+ if ( cockpit && IsTitanCockpitModelName( cockpit.GetModelName() ) )
+ TitanCockpit_DamageFeedback( localViewPlayer, cockpit, damage, damageType, < x, y, z >, damageSourceId, doomedNow, doomedDamage )
+ if ( damage >= DAMAGE_BREAK_MELEE_ASSIST )
+ localViewPlayer.Lunge_ClearTarget()
+ if ( damageSourceId != eDamageSourceId.bubble_shield ) //Don't play Betty OS dialogue if we took damage by bubble shield. We don't have appropriate dialogue for it.
+ Tracker_PlayerAttackedByTarget( localViewPlayer, attacker )
+ array weaponMods
+ if ( eModId != null && eModId in modNameStrings )
+ weaponMods.append( expect string( modNameStrings[ eModId ] ) )
+ if ( (damage > 0.0) || doomedDamage )
+ {
+ vector damageOrigin = < x, y, z >
+ DamageHistoryStruct damageHistory = StoreDamageHistoryAndUpdate( localViewPlayer, MAX_DAMAGE_HISTORY_TIME, damage, damageOrigin, damageType, damageSourceId, attacker, weaponMods )
+ DamageIndicators( damageHistory, true )
+ }
+ entity soul = localViewPlayer.GetTitanSoul()
+ if ( PlayerHasPassive( localViewPlayer, ePassives.PAS_AUTO_EJECT ) ) //TODO: Handle nuclear eject if we ever allow nuclear + auto eject combo again
+ {
+ if ( ShouldPlayAutoEjectAnim( localViewPlayer, soul, doomedNow ) )
+ thread PlayerEjects( localViewPlayer, cockpit )
+ }
+ if ( damageType & DF_CRITICAL )
+ {
+ localViewPlayer.Signal( "CriticalHitReceived" )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( localViewPlayer, "titan_damage_crit_3p_vs_1p" )
+ }
+bool function ShouldPlayAutoEjectAnim( entity player, entity titanSoul, bool doomedNow )
+ if ( !titanSoul.IsDoomed() )
+ return false
+ if ( player.ContextAction_IsActive() && !player.ContextAction_IsBusy() ) //Some other context action, e.g. melee instead of eject. Then again
+ return false
+ return true
+string function DevBuildAttackerDesc( entity localViewPlayer, entity ent )
+ if ( ent == null )
+ return ""
+ if ( localViewPlayer == ent )
+ return ("")
+ if ( ent.IsPlayer() )
+ return ("'" + ent.GetPlayerName() + "' " + ent.GetPlayerSettings())
+ entity bossPlayer = ent.GetBossPlayer()
+ string ownerString = ((bossPlayer != null) ? (bossPlayer.GetPlayerName() + "'s ") : "")
+ var sigName = ent.GetSignifierName()
+ string debugName = (sigName != null) ? expect string( sigName ) : ent.GetClassName()
+ return (ownerString + debugName)
+void function DebugTookDamagePrint( entity ornull localViewPlayer, entity attacker, float damage, int damageSourceId, string modDesc, bool isHeadShot, bool isKillShot, bool isCritical, bool isDoomShot, int doomShotDamage, bool isDoomProtected, bool isDoomFatality )
+ Assert( localViewPlayer )
+ string attackerDesc = DevBuildAttackerDesc( expect entity( localViewPlayer ), attacker )
+ string timePrint = format( "%d:%.2f", FrameCount(), PlatformTime() )
+ printt(
+ "{"+timePrint+"} TOOK DAMAGE: " + damage +
+ (isHeadShot ? " (headshot)" : "") +
+ (isCritical ? " (critical)" : "") +
+ (isKillShot ? " (KILLED)" : "") +
+ (isDoomShot ? " (DOOMED dmg:" + doomShotDamage + ")" : "") +
+ (isDoomProtected ? " (DOOM PROTECTION)" : "") +
+ (isDoomFatality ? " (DOOM FATALITY)" : "") +
+ " " + attackerDesc +
+ " w/ " + GetObitFromDamageSourceID( damageSourceId ) + modDesc
+ )
+void function PlayVictimHeadshotConfirmation( bool isKillShot )
+ entity localViewPlayer = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ if ( localViewPlayer == null )
+ return
+ if ( isKillShot )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( localViewPlayer, "Player.Hitbeep_headshot.Kill.Human_3P_vs_1P" )
+ else
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( localViewPlayer, "Player.Hitbeep_headshot.Human_3P_vs_1P" )
+void function RumbleForPilotDamage( float damageAmount )
+ Rumble_Play( "rumble_pilot_hurt", {} )
+void function RumbleForTitanDamage( float damageAmount )
+ string rumbleName;
+ if ( damageAmount < 500 )
+ rumbleName = "titan_damaged_small"
+ else if ( damageAmount < 1000 )
+ rumbleName = "titan_damaged_med"
+ else
+ rumbleName = "titan_damaged_big"
+ Rumble_Play( rumbleName, {} )
+function ServerCallback_PilotTookDamage( damage, x, y, z, damageType, damageSourceId, attackerEHandle, eModId )
+ expect float( damage )
+ expect int( damageType )
+ expect int( damageSourceId )
+ if ( IsWatchingThirdPersonKillReplay() )
+ return
+ entity attacker = attackerEHandle ? GetHeavyWeightEntityFromEncodedEHandle( attackerEHandle ) : null
+ entity localViewPlayer = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ vector damageOrigin = < x, y, z >
+ bool isHeadShot = (damageType & DF_HEADSHOT) ? true : false
+ bool isKillShot = (damageType & DF_KILLSHOT) ? true : false
+ if ( isHeadShot )
+ PlayVictimHeadshotConfirmation( isKillShot );
+ //Jolt view if player is getting meleed
+ if ( damageSourceId == eDamageSourceId.human_melee )
+ {
+ vector joltDir = Normalize( localViewPlayer.CameraPosition() - damageOrigin )
+ //clear melee assist when you get meleed
+ localViewPlayer.Lunge_ClearTarget()
+ }
+ array weaponMods
+ if ( eModId != null && eModId in modNameStrings )
+ weaponMods.append( expect string( modNameStrings[ eModId ] ) )
+ if ( DebugVictimClientDamageFeedbackIsEnabled() && !IsWatchingReplay() )
+ {
+ string modDesc = (weaponMods.len() > 0 ? (" +" + weaponMods[0]) : "")
+ bool isCritical = (damageType & DF_CRITICAL) ? true : false
+ DebugTookDamagePrint( localViewPlayer, attacker, damage, damageSourceId, modDesc, isHeadShot, isKillShot, isCritical, false, 0, false, false )
+ }
+ RumbleForPilotDamage( damage )
+ DamageHistoryStruct damageTable = StoreDamageHistoryAndUpdate( localViewPlayer, MAX_DAMAGE_HISTORY_TIME, damage, damageOrigin, damageType, damageSourceId, attacker, weaponMods )
+ DamageIndicators( damageTable, false )
+ if ( damageSourceId in clGlobal.onLocalPlayerTookDamageCallback )
+ {
+ foreach ( callback in clGlobal.onLocalPlayerTookDamageCallback[ damageSourceId ] )
+ callback( damage, damageOrigin, damageType, damageSourceId, attacker )
+ }
+void function ClientCodeCallback_OnMissileCreation( entity missileEnt, string weaponName, bool firstTime )
+void function ClientCodeCallback_CreateGrenadeIndicator( entity missileEnt, string weaponName )
+ if ( !IsValid( missileEnt ) )
+ return
+ //Called for all projectiles, not just missiles.
+ TryAddGrenadeIndicator( missileEnt, weaponName )
+void function DamageIndicators( DamageHistoryStruct damageHistory, bool playerIsTitan )
+ if ( damageHistory.damageType & DF_NO_INDICATOR )
+ return
+ if ( !level.clientScriptInitialized )
+ return
+ if ( IsWatchingThirdPersonKillReplay() )
+ return
+ entity localViewPlayer = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ int arrowType = DAMAGEARROW_MEDIUM
+ if ( IsValid( damageHistory.attacker ) )
+ {
+ if ( damageHistory.attacker == localViewPlayer )
+ return
+ if ( damageHistory.attacker.IsTitan() )
+ else if ( damageHistory.attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ else
+ //if ( damageHistory.attacker.IsTitan() )
+ // arrowType = DAMAGEARROW_LARGE
+ //else if ( damageHistory.attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ //else
+ // arrowType = DAMAGEARROW_SMALL
+ }
+ if ( playerIsTitan )
+ {
+ entity cockpit = localViewPlayer.GetCockpit()
+ if ( !cockpit )
+ return
+ vector dirToDamage = damageHistory.origin - localViewPlayer.GetOrigin()
+ dirToDamage.z = 0
+ dirToDamage = Normalize( dirToDamage )
+ vector playerViewForward = localViewPlayer.GetViewVector()
+ playerViewForward.z = 0.0
+ playerViewForward = Normalize( playerViewForward )
+ float damageFrontDot = DotProduct( dirToDamage, playerViewForward )
+ if ( damageFrontDot >= 0.707107 )
+ cockpit.AddToTitanHudDamageHistory( COCKPIT_PANEL_TOP, damageHistory.damage )
+ else if ( damageFrontDot <= -0.707107 )
+ cockpit.AddToTitanHudDamageHistory( COCKPIT_PANEL_BOTTOM, damageHistory.damage )
+ else
+ {
+ vector playerViewRight = localViewPlayer.GetViewRight()
+ playerViewRight.z = 0.0
+ playerViewRight = Normalize( playerViewRight )
+ float damageRightDot = DotProduct( dirToDamage, playerViewRight )
+ if ( damageRightDot >= 0.707107 )
+ cockpit.AddToTitanHudDamageHistory( COCKPIT_PANEL_RIGHT, damageHistory.damage )
+ else
+ cockpit.AddToTitanHudDamageHistory( COCKPIT_PANEL_LEFT, damageHistory.damage )
+ }
+ if ( damageHistory.attacker && damageHistory.attacker.GetParent() == localViewPlayer )
+ {
+ damageHistory.rodeoDamage = true
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ #if SP
+ if ( IsValid( damageHistory.attacker ) && damageHistory.attacker.IsTitan() )
+ else if ( playerIsTitan && damageHistory.damage < 50 )
+ return
+ else if ( !playerIsTitan && damageHistory.damage < 15 )
+ else
+ thread DamageIndicatorRui( damageHistory.origin, arrowType, playerIsTitan )
+ #else
+ bool show2DIndicator = true
+ bool show3DIndicator = false
+ if ( playerIsTitan )
+ {
+ show2DIndicator = GetConVarInt( "damage_indicator_style_titan" ) != DAMAGE_INDICATOR_STYLE_3D_ONLY
+ show3DIndicator = GetConVarInt( "damage_indicator_style_titan" ) != DAMAGE_INDICATOR_STYLE_2D_ONLY
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ show2DIndicator = GetConVarInt( "damage_indicator_style_pilot" ) != DAMAGE_INDICATOR_STYLE_3D_ONLY
+ show3DIndicator = GetConVarInt( "damage_indicator_style_pilot" ) != DAMAGE_INDICATOR_STYLE_2D_ONLY
+ }
+ if ( show2DIndicator )
+ thread DamageIndicatorRui( damageHistory.origin, arrowType, playerIsTitan )
+ if ( show3DIndicator )
+ ShowDamageArrow( localViewPlayer, damageHistory.origin, arrowType, playerIsTitan, damageHistory.attacker )
+ #endif
+void function DamageIndicatorRui( vector damageOrigin, int arrowType, bool playerIsTitan )
+ clGlobal.levelEnt.EndSignal( "KillReplayStarted" )
+ clGlobal.levelEnt.EndSignal( "KillReplayEnded" )
+ // slop
+ float distance = Length( damageOrigin - GetLocalViewPlayer().CameraPosition() )
+ float randomRange = GraphCapped( distance, 0.0, 2048, 0.0, 256.0 )
+ damageOrigin =
+ float startTime = Time()
+ var rui = RuiCreate( $"ui/damage_indicator.rpak", clGlobal.topoFullScreen, RUI_DRAW_HUD, 0 )
+ RuiSetResolutionToScreenSize( rui )
+ RuiSetGameTime( rui, "startTime", startTime )
+ RuiSetFloat( rui, "duration", DAMAGE_INDICATOR_DURATION )
+ RuiSetInt( rui, "attackerType", arrowType )
+ file.damageIndicatorCount++
+ int damageIndicatorThreshold = file.damageIndicatorCount + 8
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( rui )
+ {
+ RuiDestroy( rui )
+ }
+ )
+ while ( Time() - startTime < DAMAGE_INDICATOR_DURATION && file.damageIndicatorCount < damageIndicatorThreshold )
+ {
+ vector vecToDamage = damageOrigin - GetLocalViewPlayer().CameraPosition()
+ vecToDamage.z = 0
+ vecToDamage = Normalize( vecToDamage )
+ RuiSetFloat3( rui, "vecToDamage2D", vecToDamage )
+ RuiSetFloat3( rui, "camVec2D", Normalize( AnglesToForward( < 0, GetLocalViewPlayer().CameraAngles().y, 0 > ) ) )
+ RuiSetFloat( rui, "sideDot", vecToDamage.Dot( CrossProduct( <0, 0, 1>, Normalize( AnglesToForward( < 0, GetLocalViewPlayer().CameraAngles().y, 0 > ) ) ) ) )
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+void function ShowGrenadeArrow( entity player, entity grenade, float damageRadius, float startDelay, bool requireLos = true )
+ thread GrenadeArrowThink( player, grenade, damageRadius, startDelay, requireLos )
+vector function GetRandomOriginWithinBounds( entity ent )
+ vector boundingMins = ent.GetBoundingMins()
+ vector boundingMaxs = ent.GetBoundingMaxs()
+ vector randomOffset = < RandomFloatRange( boundingMins.x, boundingMaxs.x ), RandomFloatRange( boundingMins.y, boundingMaxs.y ), RandomFloatRange( boundingMins.z, boundingMaxs.z ) >
+ return ent.GetOrigin() + randomOffset
+void function GrenadeArrowThink( entity player, entity grenade, float damageRadius, float startDelay, bool requireLos, string requiredPlayerState = "any" )
+ EndSignal( grenade, "OnDeath" ) //On death added primarily for frag_drones
+ EndSignal( grenade, "OnDestroy" )
+ EndSignal( player, "OnDeath" )
+ wait startDelay
+ vector grenadeOffset = < -5, 0, 0 >
+ if ( grenade instanceof C_Projectile )
+ {
+ if ( grenade.ProjectileGetWeaponClassName() == "mp_weapon_grenade_sonar" )
+ {
+ grenadeOffset = < -5, 0, 0 >
+ requireLos = false
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( grenade.IsNPC() )
+ {
+ switch ( grenade.GetSignifierName() )
+ {
+ #if MP
+ case "npc_stalker":
+ break
+ #endif
+ case "npc_frag_drone":
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ entity arrow = CreateClientSidePropDynamic( < 0, 0, 0 >, < 0, 0, 0 >, GRENADE_INDICATOR_ARROW_MODEL )
+ entity mdl = CreateClientSidePropDynamic( < 0, 0, 0 >, < 0, 0, 0 >, grenadeModel )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( arrow, mdl )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( arrow ) )
+ arrow.Destroy()
+ if ( IsValid( mdl ) )
+ mdl.Destroy()
+ }
+ )
+ entity cockpit = player.GetCockpit()
+ if ( !cockpit )
+ return
+ EndSignal( cockpit, "OnDestroy" )
+ arrow.SetParent( cockpit, "CAMERA_BASE" )
+ arrow.SetAttachOffsetOrigin( < 25.0, 0.0, -4.0 > )
+ mdl.SetParent( arrow, "BACK" )
+ mdl.SetAttachOffsetOrigin( grenadeOffset )
+ float lastVisibleTime = 0
+ bool shouldBeVisible = true
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ cockpit = player.GetCockpit()
+ switch ( requiredPlayerState )
+ {
+ case "any":
+ shouldBeVisible = true
+ break
+ case "pilot":
+ shouldBeVisible = !player.IsTitan()
+ break
+ case "titan":
+ shouldBeVisible = player.IsTitan()
+ break
+ default:
+ Assert( false, "Invalid player state! Allower states: 'any' 'pilot' 'titan'" )
+ }
+ if ( shouldBeVisible )
+ {
+ if ( Distance( player.GetOrigin(), grenade.GetOrigin() ) > damageRadius || !cockpit )
+ {
+ shouldBeVisible = false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool tracePassed = false
+ if ( requireLos )
+ {
+ TraceResults result = TraceLine( grenade.GetOrigin(), GetRandomOriginWithinBounds( player ), grenade, TRACE_MASK_SHOT, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
+ if ( result.fraction == 1.0 )
+ tracePassed = true
+ }
+ if ( requireLos && !tracePassed )
+ {
+ shouldBeVisible = false
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shouldBeVisible = true
+ lastVisibleTime = Time()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( shouldBeVisible || Time() - lastVisibleTime < 0.25 )
+ {
+ arrow.EnableDraw()
+ mdl.EnableDraw()
+ arrow.DisableRenderWithViewModelsNoZoom()
+ arrow.EnableRenderWithCockpit()
+ arrow.EnableRenderWithHud()
+ mdl.DisableRenderWithViewModelsNoZoom()
+ mdl.EnableRenderWithCockpit()
+ mdl.EnableRenderWithHud()
+ vector damageArrowAngles = AnglesInverse( player.EyeAngles() )
+ vector vecToDamage = grenade.GetOrigin() - (player.EyePosition() + (player.GetViewVector() * 20.0))
+ // reparent for embark/disembark
+ if ( arrow.GetParent() == null )
+ arrow.SetParent( cockpit, "CAMERA_BASE", true )
+ arrow.SetAttachOffsetAngles( damageArrowAngles.AnglesCompose( vecToDamage.VectorToAngles() ) )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mdl.DisableDraw()
+ arrow.DisableDraw()
+ }
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+function Create_DamageIndicatorHUD()
+void function SCB_AddGrenadeIndicatorForEntity( int team, int ownerHandle, int eHandle, float damageRadius )
+ if ( !level.grenadeIndicatorEnabled )
+ return
+ #if DEV
+ if ( !level.clientScriptInitialized )
+ return
+ #endif
+ entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ entity owner = GetEntityFromEncodedEHandle( ownerHandle )
+ entity ent = GetEntityFromEncodedEHandle( eHandle )
+ if ( !IsValid( ent ) )
+ return
+ if ( team == player.GetTeam() && owner != player )
+ return
+ //TryAddGrenadeIndicator( ent, "" ) // TODO: make function handle non-grenade ents
+function TryAddGrenadeIndicator( grenade, weaponName )
+ #if DEV
+ if ( !level.clientScriptInitialized )
+ return
+ #endif
+ if ( !level.grenadeIndicatorEnabled )
+ return
+ expect entity( grenade )
+ entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ // view player may be null when dead
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ var className = grenade.GetClassName()
+ float damageRadius = 0.0
+ if ( className == "grenade" )
+ {
+ damageRadius = grenade.GetDamageRadius()
+ }
+ else if ( grenade.ProjectileGetWeaponClassName() == "mp_titanweapon_arc_ball" )
+ {
+ // arc ball doesn't arc to pilots so no need to show the warning
+ if ( !player.IsTitan() )
+ return
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return
+ }
+ float radius = grenade.GetExplosionRadius()
+ if ( player.IsPhaseShifted() )
+ return
+ float startDelay = 0.0
+ if ( grenade.GetOwner() == player )
+ {
+ if ( !grenade.GetProjectileWeaponSettingBool( eWeaponVar.projectile_damages_owner ) && !grenade.GetProjectileWeaponSettingBool( eWeaponVar.explosion_damages_owner ) )
+ return
+ float relVelocity = Length( grenade.GetVelocity() - player.GetVelocity() )
+ else
+ }
+ else if ( grenade.GetTeam() == player.GetTeam() )
+ {
+ return
+ }
+ float padding = player.IsTitan() ? 204.0 : 65.0
+ //AddGrenadeIndicator( grenade, radius + padding, startDelay, false )
+ ShowGrenadeArrow( player, grenade, radius + padding, startDelay )
+ //thread ShowRuiGrenadeThreatIndicator( grenade, float( radius ) + padding )
+void function ShowRuiGrenadeThreatIndicator( entity grenade, float radius )
+ var rui = RuiCreate( $"ui/grenade_threat_indicator.rpak", clGlobal.topoCockpitHudPermanent, RUI_DRAW_COCKPIT, 0 )
+ //var rui = CreateCockpitRui( $"ui/grenade_threat_indicator.rpak", 0 )
+ RuiSetGameTime( rui, "startTime", Time() )
+ RuiSetFloat( rui, "damageRadius", radius )
+ //RuiTrackFloat3( rui, "pos", grenade, RUI_TRACK_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW )`
+ RuiTrackFloat3( rui, "pos", grenade, RUI_TRACK_POINT_FOLLOW, grenade.LookupAttachment( "BACK" ) )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( rui )
+ {
+ RuiDestroy( rui )
+ }
+ )
+ grenade.WaitSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+void function InitDamageArrows()
+ for ( int i = 0; i < file.numDamageArrows; i++ )
+ {
+ table arrowData = {
+ grenade = null
+ grenadeRadius = 0.0
+ damageOrigin = < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >,
+ damageDirection = < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >,
+ endTime = -99.0 + DAMAGEARROW_DURATION,
+ startTime = -99.0,
+ isDying = false,
+ isVisible = false,
+ whizby = false, // hack until we get a new model/shader for the whizby indicator - Roger
+ attacker = null,
+ randomAngle = 0 // Repeated shots from the same attacker randomize the angle of the arrow.
+ }
+ entity arrow = CreateClientSidePropDynamic( < 0, 0, 0 >, < 0, 0, 0 >, DAMAGEARROW_MODEL )
+ arrow.SetCanCloak( false )
+ arrow.SetVisibleForLocalPlayer( 0 )
+ arrow.DisableDraw()
+ arrowData.arrow <- arrow
+ arrow.s.arrowData <- arrowData
+ file.damageArrows.append( arrowData )
+ }
+ entity arrow = CreateClientSidePropDynamic( < 0, 0, 0 >, < 0, 0, 0 >, DAMAGEARROW_MODEL )
+ file.damageArrowFadeDuration = arrow.GetSequenceDuration( DAMAGEARROW_FADEANIM ) // 0.266
+ arrow.Destroy()
+void function DamageArrow_CockpitInit( entity cockpit )
+ entity localViewPlayer = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ thread UpdateDamageArrows( localViewPlayer, cockpit )
+function RefreshExistingDamageArrow( entity player, arrowData, int arrowType, damageOrigin )
+ //Hack - 10 tick rate is making damage feedback bunch up. If we improve that then shouldn't be threaded.
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ entity cockpit = player.GetCockpit()
+ if ( IsValid( cockpit ) )
+ cockpit.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ float time = Time()
+ if ( arrowData.startTime == time )
+ wait 0.05
+ if ( !arrowData.isVisible || arrowData.isDying )
+ return
+ time = Time()
+ arrowData.endTime = time + file.arrowIncomingAnims[ arrowType ].duration
+ arrowData.startTime = time
+ arrowData.damageOrigin = damageOrigin
+ arrowData.randomAngle = RandomIntRange( -3, 3 )
+ PulseDamageArrow( expect entity( arrowData.arrow ), arrowType )
+ UpdateDamageArrowVars( player )
+ UpdateDamageArrowAngle( arrowData )
+function ShowDamageArrow( entity player, damageOrigin, int arrowType, playerIsTitan, attacker )
+ if ( file.damageArrows.len() == 0 ) // not yet initialized
+ return
+ table arrowData = file.damageArrows[file.currentDamageArrow]
+ entity arrow = expect entity( arrowData.arrow )
+ file.currentDamageArrow++
+ if ( file.currentDamageArrow >= file.numDamageArrows )
+ file.currentDamageArrow = 0
+ float time = Time()
+ arrow.s.arrowData.damageOrigin = damageOrigin
+ arrow.s.arrowData.grenade = null
+ arrow.s.arrowData.grenadeRadius = 0.0
+ arrow.s.arrowData.endTime = time + file.arrowIncomingAnims[ arrowType ].duration
+ arrow.s.arrowData.startTime = time
+ arrow.s.arrowData.isDying = false
+ arrow.s.arrowData.whizby = false // hack until we get a new model/shader for the whizby indicator
+ arrow.s.arrowData.attacker = attacker
+ if ( !arrow.s.arrowData.isVisible )
+ {
+ entity cockpit = player.GetCockpit()
+ if ( !cockpit )
+ return
+ arrow.s.arrowData.isVisible = true
+ arrow.EnableDraw()
+ arrow.DisableRenderWithViewModelsNoZoom()
+ arrow.EnableRenderWithCockpit()
+ arrow.EnableRenderWithHud()
+ arrow.SetParent( cockpit, "CAMERA_BASE" )
+ arrow.SetAttachOffsetOrigin( < 20.0, 0.0, -2.0 > )
+ }
+ PulseDamageArrow( arrow, arrowType )
+ UpdateDamageArrowVars( player )
+ UpdateDamageArrowAngle( arrowData )
+function PulseDamageArrow( entity arrow, int arrowType )
+ arrow.Anim_NonScriptedPlay( file.arrowIncomingAnims[ arrowType ].anim )
+function UpdateDamageArrowVars( entity localViewPlayer )
+ file.damageArrowTime = Time()
+ file.damageArrowAngles = AnglesInverse( localViewPlayer.EyeAngles() )
+ file.damageArrowPointCenter = localViewPlayer.EyePosition() + ( localViewPlayer.GetViewVector() * 20.0 )
+function UpdateDamageArrowAngle( arrowData )
+ if ( IsValid( arrowData.grenade ) )
+ arrowData.damageOrigin = arrowData.grenade.GetOrigin()
+ vector vecToDamage = expect vector( arrowData.damageOrigin ) - file.damageArrowPointCenter
+ vector anglesToDamage = VectorToAngles( vecToDamage )
+ vector eyeAngles = GetLocalViewPlayer().EyeAngles()
+ float roll = sin( DegToRad( eyeAngles.y - anglesToDamage.y ) )
+ arrowData.arrow.SetAttachOffsetAngles( AnglesCompose( file.damageArrowAngles, anglesToDamage ) + < arrowData.randomAngle, 0, roll * 90.0 > )
+ arrowData.damageDirection = Normalize( vecToDamage )
+function UpdateDamageArrows( entity localViewPlayer, entity cockpit )
+ localViewPlayer.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ cockpit.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( localViewPlayer )
+ {
+ foreach ( arrowData in file.damageArrows )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( arrowData.arrow ) )
+ {
+ arrowData.arrow.DisableDraw()
+ arrowData.arrow.ClearParent()
+ arrowData.attacker = null
+ arrowData.isVisible = false
+ arrowData.randomAngle = 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ bool varsUpdated = false
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ WaitEndFrame()
+ vector playerOrigin = localViewPlayer.GetOrigin()
+ varsUpdated = false
+ bool inPhaseShift = localViewPlayer.IsPhaseShifted()
+ foreach ( arrowData in file.damageArrows )
+ {
+ if ( !arrowData.isVisible )
+ {
+ continue
+ }
+ if ( arrowData.grenade != null )
+ {
+ if ( !IsValid( arrowData.grenade ) )
+ arrowData.endTime = 0.0
+ }
+ if ( (file.damageArrowTime >= arrowData.endTime) || inPhaseShift )
+ {
+ arrowData.arrow.DisableDraw()
+ arrowData.arrow.ClearParent()
+ arrowData.attacker = null
+ arrowData.isVisible = false
+ arrowData.randomAngle = 0
+ continue
+ }
+ if ( !varsUpdated ) // only call UpdateDamageArrowVars if one or more of the file.damageArrows is visible
+ {
+ varsUpdated = true
+ UpdateDamageArrowVars( localViewPlayer )
+ }
+ UpdateDamageArrowAngle( arrowData )
+ if ( !arrowData.isDying && ( ( arrowData.endTime - file.damageArrowTime ) <= file.damageArrowFadeDuration ) )
+ {
+ arrowData.isDying = true
+ arrowData.arrow.Anim_NonScriptedPlay( DAMAGEARROW_FADEANIM )
+ }
+ }
+ wait( 0.0 )
+ }
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/client/cl_player.gnut b/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/client/cl_player.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fa5428c51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/client/cl_player.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,2742 @@
+global function ClPlayer_Init
+global function PlayIt
+global function JumpRandomlyForever
+global function ClientCodeCallback_PlayerDidDamage
+global function ClientCodeCallback_PlayerSpawned
+//global function ClientCodeCallback_OnHudReloadScheme
+global function ClientCodeCallback_HUDThink
+global function Player_AddPlayer
+global function Player_AddClient
+global function PlayerConnectedOrDisconnected
+global function ServerCallback_GameModeAnnouncement
+global function MainHud_InitScoreBars
+global function ServerCallback_PlayerConnectedOrDisconnected
+global function ClientCodeCallback_PlayerDisconnected
+global function ServerCallback_PlayerChangedTeams
+global function ClientCodeCallback_OnModelChanged
+global function ServerCallback_RodeoerEjectWarning
+global function ServerCallback_PlayScreenFXWarpJump
+global function PlayShieldBreakEffect
+global function PlayShieldActivateEffect
+global function HandleDoomedState
+global function RewardReadyMessage
+global function TitanReadyMessage
+global function CoreReadyMessage
+global function ServerCallback_RewardReadyMessage
+global function ServerCallback_TitanReadyMessage
+global function OnClientPlayerAlive
+global function OnClientPlayerDying
+global function PlayPlayerDeathSound
+global function StopPlayerDeathSound
+global function ServerCallback_ShowNextSpawnMessage
+global function GetWaveSpawnTime
+global function ServerCallback_HideNextSpawnMessage
+global function ClientCodeCallback_OnHealthChanged
+global function ClientCodeCallback_OnCrosshairCurrentTargetChanged
+global function Pressed_TitanNextMode
+global function ClientCodeCallback_OnGib
+global function ClientPilotSpawned
+global function AddCallback_OnPlayerDisconnected
+global function IsPlayerEliminated
+global function ServerCallback_GiveMatchLossProtection
+global function ServerCallback_OnEntityKilled
+global function ServerCallback_OnTitanKilled
+global function ShouldShowSpawnAsTitanHint
+global function ServerCallback_SetAssistInformation
+global function GetShieldEffectCurrentColor
+global function ClientPlayerClassChanged
+#if DEV
+global function BloodSprayDecals_Toggle
+struct {
+ var orbitalstrike_tracer = null
+ var law_missile_tracer = null
+ float nextSpawnTime = 0.0
+ entity lastEarnedReward // primarily used to check if we should still show the reward message after a delay
+} file
+struct BloodDecalParams
+ float traceDist
+ float secondaryTraceDist
+ asset fxType
+ asset secondaryFxType
+void function ClPlayer_Init()
+ ClPilotJumpjet_Init()
+ ClDamageIndicator_Init()
+ ClPlayer_Common_Precache()
+ RegisterSignal( "OnAnimationDone" )
+ RegisterSignal( "OnAnimationInterrupted" )
+ RegisterSignal( "OnBleedingOut" )
+ RegisterSignal( "PanelAlphaOverTime" )
+ RegisterSignal( "LocalClientPlayerRespawned" )
+ RegisterSignal( "OnClientPlayerAlive" )
+ RegisterSignal( "OnClientPlayerDying" )
+ RegisterSignal( "StopAlertCore" )
+ RegisterSignal( "OnSpectatorMode" )
+ RegisterSignal( "HealthChanged" )
+ FlagInit( "DamageDistancePrint" )
+ FlagInit( "EnableTitanModeChange", true )
+ FlagInit( "EnableBloodSprayDecals", true )
+ level.vduOpen <- false
+ level.canSpawnAsTitan <- false
+ level.grenadeIndicatorEnabled <- true
+ level.clientsLastKiller <- null
+ AddCreateCallback( "player", SetupPlayerAnimEvents )
+ AddCreateCallback( "player", MpClientPlayerInit )
+ AddCreateCallback( "first_person_proxy", SetupFirstPersonProxyEvents )
+ AddCreateCallback( "predicted_first_person_proxy", SetupFirstPersonProxyEvents )
+ AddCreateCallback( "player", EnableDoDeathCallback )
+ AddCreateCallback( "npc_titan", EnableDoDeathCallback )
+ AddCreateCallback( "titan_soul", CreateCallback_TitanSoul )
+ AddCallback_OnPlayerLifeStateChanged( PlayerADSDof )
+ file.orbitalstrike_tracer = PrecacheParticleSystem( $"Rocket_Smoke_Large" )
+ //DEBUG Remove when bug is fixed.
+ file.law_missile_tracer = PrecacheParticleSystem( $"wpn_orbital_rocket_tracer" )
+ level.menuHideGroups <- {}
+ level.spawnAsTitanSelected <- false
+ AddPlayerFunc( Player_AddPlayer )
+entity function FindEnemyRodeoParent( entity player )
+ entity ent = player.GetParent()
+ if ( ent == null )
+ return null
+ if ( !ent.IsTitan() )
+ return null
+ if ( ent == player.GetPetTitan() )
+ return null
+ if ( ent.GetTeam() == player.GetTeam() )
+ return null
+ return ent
+void function MpClientPlayerInit( entity player )
+ player.ClientCommand( "save_enable 0" )
+void function ClientCodeCallback_PlayerSpawned( entity player )
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( IsMenuLevel() )
+ return
+ ClearCrosshairPriority( crosshairPriorityLevel.ROUND_WINNING_KILL_REPLAY )
+ if ( !level.clientScriptInitialized )
+ return
+ // exists on server and client. Clear it when you respawn.
+ ClearRecentDamageHistory( player )
+ DamageHistoryStruct blankDamageHistory
+ clGlobal.lastDamageHistory = blankDamageHistory
+ if ( player == GetLocalViewPlayer() )
+ {
+ foreach ( callbackFunc in clGlobal.onLocalViewPlayerSpawnedCallbacks )
+ {
+ callbackFunc( player )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( player == GetLocalClientPlayer() )
+ {
+ player.cv.lastSpawnTime = Time()
+ player.cv.roundSpawnCount++
+ foreach ( callbackFunc in clGlobal.onLocalClientPlayerSpawnedCallbacks )
+ {
+ thread callbackFunc( player )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ return
+ if ( player.GetPlayerClass() == level.pilotClass )
+ {
+ thread ClientPilotSpawned( player )
+ }
+void function ServerCallback_TitanReadyMessage()
+ //thread TitanReadyMessage( 1.5, false ) //Delay was necessary at some point in time according to Brent, might no longer be true?
+ thread TitanReadyMessage( 0.0, false )
+void function ServerCallback_RewardReadyMessage( float timeSinceLastRespawn )
+ if ( timeSinceLastRespawn < 1.0 )
+ thread RewardReadyMessage( 6.0, false )
+ else
+ thread RewardReadyMessage( 0.0, false )
+void function RewardReadyMessage( float delay = 0.0, bool isQuick = false )
+ if ( delay > 0.0 )
+ wait delay
+ if ( !GamePlayingOrSuddenDeath() )
+ return
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) || IsSpectating() || IsWatchingKillReplay() )
+ return
+ if ( player.ContextAction_IsMeleeExecution() )
+ return
+ entity weapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_INVENTORY )
+ if ( !IsValid( weapon ) )
+ return
+ file.lastEarnedReward = weapon
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "HUD_Boost_Card_Earned_1P" )
+ string rewardReadyMessage = expect string( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_WithMods_Global( weapon.GetWeaponClassName(), weapon.GetMods(), "readymessage" ) )
+ string rewardReadyHint = expect string( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_WithMods_Global( weapon.GetWeaponClassName(), weapon.GetMods(), "readyhint" ) )
+ asset rewardIcon = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyFieldAsset_WithMods_Global( weapon.GetWeaponClassName(), weapon.GetMods(), "hud_icon" )
+ AnnouncementData announcement = CreateAnnouncementMessageQuick( player, rewardReadyMessage, rewardReadyHint, <1, 0.5, 0>, rewardIcon )
+ announcement.displayConditionCallback = LastEarnedRewardStillValid
+ AnnouncementFromClass( player, announcement )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "HUD_Boost_Card_Earned_1P" )
+ string rewardReadyMessage = expect string( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_WithMods_Global( weapon.GetWeaponClassName(), weapon.GetMods(), "readymessage" ) )
+ string rewardReadyHint = expect string( GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField_WithMods_Global( weapon.GetWeaponClassName(), weapon.GetMods(), "readyhint" ) )
+ asset rewardIcon = GetWeaponInfoFileKeyFieldAsset_WithMods_Global( weapon.GetWeaponClassName(), weapon.GetMods(), "hud_icon" )
+ AnnouncementData announcement = CreateAnnouncementMessageQuick( player, rewardReadyMessage, rewardReadyHint, <1, 0.5, 0>, rewardIcon )
+ announcement.displayConditionCallback = LastEarnedRewardStillValid
+ AnnouncementFromClass( player, announcement )
+ }
+void function TitanReadyMessage( float delay = 0.0, bool isQuick = false )
+ if ( delay > 0.0 )
+ wait delay
+ if ( !GamePlayingOrSuddenDeath() )
+ return
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) || IsSpectating() || IsWatchingKillReplay() )
+ return
+ if ( player.ContextAction_IsMeleeExecution() )
+ return
+ if ( Riff_TitanAvailability() == eTitanAvailability.Never )
+ return
+ if ( !IsTitanAvailable( player ) &&
+ (Riff_TitanAvailability() == eTitanAvailability.Custom)
+ )
+ return
+ int loadoutIndex = GetPersistentSpawnLoadoutIndex( player, "titan" )
+ TitanLoadoutDef loadout = GetTitanLoadoutFromPersistentData( player, loadoutIndex )
+ string titanReadyMessage = GetTitanReadyMessageFromSetFile( loadout.setFile )
+ string titanReadyHint = GetTitanReadyHintFromSetFile( loadout.setFile )
+ AnnouncementData announcement = CreateAnnouncementMessageQuick( player, titanReadyMessage, titanReadyHint, TEAM_COLOR_YOU, $"rui/hud/titanfall_marker_arrow_ready" )
+ announcement.displayConditionCallback = ConditionNoTitan
+ AnnouncementFromClass( player, announcement )
+ if ( !isQuick || CoinFlip() )
+ PlayFactionDialogueOnLocalClientPlayer( "mp_titanReady" ) //Playing here as opposed to on the server since delay is normally not 0
+ #endif
+ if ( PlayerEarnMeter_GetMode( player ) == eEarnMeterMode.DEFAULT ) //Help stop spamming "Your Titan is Ready"
+ {
+ Cl_EarnMeter_SetLastHintTime( Time() )
+ }
+function CoreReadyMessage( entity player, bool isQuick = false )
+ if ( !GamePlayingOrSuddenDeath() )
+ return
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( GetDoomedState( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( !player.IsTitan() )
+ return
+ entity weapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_EQUIPMENT )
+ string coreOnlineMessage = expect string( weapon.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "readymessage" ) )
+ string coreOnlineHint = expect string( weapon.GetWeaponInfoFileKeyField( "readyhint" ) )
+ if ( isQuick )
+ {
+ AnnouncementData announcement = CreateAnnouncementMessageQuick( player, coreOnlineMessage, coreOnlineHint, TEAM_COLOR_YOU )
+ announcement.displayConditionCallback = ConditionPlayerIsTitan
+ AnnouncementFromClass( player, announcement )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AnnouncementData announcement = CreateAnnouncementMessage( player, coreOnlineMessage, coreOnlineHint, TEAM_COLOR_YOU )
+ announcement.displayConditionCallback = ConditionPlayerIsTitan
+ announcement.subText = coreOnlineHint
+ AnnouncementFromClass( player, announcement )
+ }
+bool function ConditionPlayerIsTitan()
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return false
+ return player.IsTitan()
+bool function ConditionPlayerIsNotTitan()
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return false
+ return !player.IsTitan()
+bool function LastEarnedRewardStillValid()
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return false
+ entity weapon = player.GetOffhandWeapon( OFFHAND_INVENTORY )
+ if ( !IsValid( weapon ) )
+ return false
+ return weapon == file.lastEarnedReward
+bool function ConditionNoTitan()
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return false
+ if ( IsValid( player.GetPetTitan() ) )
+ return false
+ return !player.IsTitan()
+function ClientPilotSpawned( entity player )
+ player.EndSignal( "SettingsChanged" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ if ( (player != GetLocalViewPlayer()) )
+ //Turning off for the time being since the front rodeo spot leaves persistent jumpjets in the face of the TItan
+ thread ParentedPlayerJets( player )
+void function Player_AddClient( entity player )
+ if ( GetCurrentPlaylistVarInt( "titan_mode_change_allowed", 1 ) )
+ RegisterConCommandTriggeredCallback( "+scriptCommand2", Pressed_TitanNextMode )
+ RegisterConCommandTriggeredCallback( "+scriptCommand2", Pressed_RequestTitanfall )
+ RegisterConCommandTriggeredCallback( "+scriptCommand2", Pressed_ActivateMobilityGhost )
+ RegisterConCommandTriggeredCallback( "+use", Pressed_OfferRodeoBattery )
+ RegisterConCommandTriggeredCallback( "+use", Pressed_RequestRodeoBattery )
+ RegisterConCommandTriggeredCallback( "+useandreload", Pressed_OfferRodeoBattery )
+ RegisterConCommandTriggeredCallback( "+useandreload", Pressed_RequestRodeoBattery )
+ #if MP
+ RegisterConCommandTriggeredCallback( "+use", Pressed_TryNukeGrenade )
+ RegisterConCommandTriggeredCallback( "-use", Released_TryNukeGrenade )
+ RegisterConCommandTriggeredCallback( "+useandreload", Pressed_TryNukeGrenade )
+ RegisterConCommandTriggeredCallback( "-useandreload", Released_TryNukeGrenade )
+ #endif
+ Create_DamageIndicatorHUD()
+ if ( !IsLobby() )
+ {
+ player.EnableHealthChangedCallback()
+ player.cv.deathTime <- 0.0
+ player.cv.lastSpawnTime <- 0.0
+ player.cv.deathOrigin <- <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>
+ player.cv.roundSpawnCount <- 0
+ thread CinematicIntroScreen()
+ }
+void function Player_AddPlayer( entity player )
+ player.s.weaponUpdateData <- {}
+ player.s.trackedAttackers <- {} // for titans
+ player.classChanged = true
+function Pressed_RequestTitanfall( entity player )
+ if ( !IsTitanAvailable( player ) )
+ return
+ #if DEV
+ printt( player.GetEntIndex(), "Requested replacement Titan from eye pos " + player.EyePosition() + " view angles " + player.EyeAngles() + " player origin " + player.GetOrigin() + " map " + GetMapName() )
+ #endif
+ player.ClientCommand( "ClientCommand_RequestTitan" ) //Send client command regardless of whether we can call the titan in or not. Server decides
+ Rumble_Play( "rumble_titanfall_request", {} )
+ //
+ //if ( player.cv.announcementActive && player.cv.announcementActive.messageText == "#HUD_TITAN_READY" )
+ //{
+ // clGlobal.levelEnt.Signal( "AnnoucementPurge" )
+ //}
+ //
+ ////PlayMusic( "Music_FR_Militia_TitanFall1" )
+ //EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "titan_callin" )
+ //return
+ //}
+function Pressed_TitanNextMode( entity player )
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ return
+ if ( IsWatchingReplay() )
+ return
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( player.IsPhaseShifted() )
+ return
+ if ( !IsAlive( player.GetPetTitan() ) )
+ return
+ if ( !Flag( "EnableTitanModeChange" ) )
+ return
+ // cannot change modes while titan is incoming
+ if ( player.GetHotDropImpactTime() )
+ return
+ player.ClientCommand( "TitanNextMode" )
+ local newMode = player.GetPetTitanMode() + 1
+ if ( newMode == eNPCTitanMode.MODE_COUNT )
+ newMode = eNPCTitanMode.FOLLOW
+ SetAutoTitanModeHudIndicator( player, newMode )
+ local guardModeAlias = GenerateTitanOSAlias( player, AUTO_TITAN_GUARD_MODE_DIAG_SUFFIX )
+ local followModeAlias = GenerateTitanOSAlias( player, AUTO_TITAN_FOLLOW_MODE_DIAG_SUFFIX )
+ // prevent the sounds from stomping each other if button is pressed rapidly
+ StopSoundOnEntity( player, guardModeAlias )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( player, AUTO_TITAN_GUARD_MODE_SOUND )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( player, followModeAlias )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( player, AUTO_TITAN_FOLLOW_MODE_SOUND )
+ if ( newMode == eNPCTitanMode.FOLLOW )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( player, followModeAlias )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( player, AUTO_TITAN_FOLLOW_MODE_SOUND )
+ }
+ else if ( newMode == eNPCTitanMode.STAY )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( player, guardModeAlias )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( player, AUTO_TITAN_GUARD_MODE_SOUND )
+ }
+void function ClientCodeCallback_OnHudReloadScheme()
+void function ClientCodeCallback_HUDThink()
+ PerfStart( PerfIndexClient.ClientCodeCallback_HUDThink )
+ entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ if ( !player.p.playerScriptsInitialized )
+ {
+ PerfEnd( PerfIndexClient.ClientCodeCallback_HUDThink )
+ return
+ }
+ if ( !IsMenuLevel() )
+ {
+ PerfStart( PerfIndexClient.ClientCodeCallback_HUDThink_4 )
+ ClGameState_Think()
+ PerfEnd( PerfIndexClient.ClientCodeCallback_HUDThink_4 )
+ PerfStart( PerfIndexClient.ClientCodeCallback_HUDThink_5 )
+ UpdateVoiceHUD()
+ #if PC_PROG
+ UpdateChatHUDVisibility()
+ #endif // PC_PROG
+ PerfEnd( PerfIndexClient.ClientCodeCallback_HUDThink_5 )
+ UpdateScreenFade()
+ entity clientPlayer = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ if ( !IsWatchingKillReplay() && clientPlayer.classChanged )
+ {
+ ClientPlayerClassChanged( clientPlayer, clientPlayer.GetPlayerClass() )
+ }
+ PerfStart( PerfIndexClient.ClientCodeCallback_HUDThink_6 )
+ SmartAmmo_LockedOntoWarningHUD_Update()
+ WeaponFlyoutThink( player )
+ PerfEnd( PerfIndexClient.ClientCodeCallback_HUDThink_6 )
+ }
+ PerfEnd( PerfIndexClient.ClientCodeCallback_HUDThink )
+function ClientPlayerClassChanged( entity player, newClass )
+ //printl( "ClientPlayerClassChanged to " + player.GetPlayerClass() )
+ player.classChanged = false
+ level.vduOpen = false // vdu goes away when class changes
+ Assert( !IsServer() )
+ Assert( newClass, "No class " )
+ switch ( newClass )
+ {
+ case "titan":
+ SetStandardAbilityBindingsForTitan( player )
+ SetAbilityBinding( player, 6, "+offhand4", "-offhand4" ) // "+ability 6"
+ LinkButtonPair( -1, -1, -1 )
+ break
+ case level.pilotClass:
+ SetStandardAbilityBindingsForPilot( player )
+ SetAbilityBinding( player, 6, "+offhand4", "-offhand4" ) // "+ability 6"
+ if ( clGlobal.isAnnouncementActive && (clGlobal.activeAnnouncement.messageText == "#HUD_CORE_ONLINE_STRYDER" ||
+ clGlobal.activeAnnouncement.messageText == "#HUD_CORE_ONLINE_ATLAS" ||
+ clGlobal.activeAnnouncement.messageText == "#HUD_CORE_ONLINE_OGRE" ) )
+ {
+ clGlobal.levelEnt.Signal( "AnnoucementPurge" )
+ }
+ break
+ case "spectator":
+ LinkButtonPair( -1, -1, -1 )
+ break
+ default:
+ Assert( 0, "Unknown class " + newClass )
+ }
+ PlayActionMusic()
+function ShouldShowSpawnAsTitanHint( entity player )
+ if ( Time() - player.cv.deathTime < GetRespawnButtonCamTime( player ) )
+ return false
+ if ( GetGameState() < eGameState.Playing )
+ return false
+ if ( GetGameState() == eGameState.SwitchingSides )
+ return false
+ return !IsPlayerEliminated( player )
+function ServerCallback_PlayerChangedTeams( player_eHandle, oldTeam, newTeam )
+ entity player = GetEntityFromEncodedEHandle( player_eHandle )
+ if ( player == null )
+ return
+ Assert( oldTeam != null )
+ Assert( newTeam != null )
+ string playerName = player.GetPlayerNameWithClanTag()
+ vector playerNameColor = OBITUARY_COLOR_ENEMY
+ string teamString = "ENEMY"
+ if ( newTeam == GetLocalViewPlayer().GetTeam() )
+ {
+ teamString = "FRIENDLY"
+ }
+ Obituary_Print( playerName, "CHANGED TEAMS TO", teamString, playerNameColor, OBITUARY_COLOR_WEAPON, playerNameColor )
+ //"Switching " + player.GetPlayerNameWithClanTag() + " from " + GetTeamStr( team1 ) + " to " + GetTeamStr( team2 )
+function ServerCallback_PlayerConnectedOrDisconnected( player_eHandle, state )
+ entity player = GetEntityFromEncodedEHandle( player_eHandle )
+ PlayerConnectedOrDisconnected( player, state )
+ if ( !IsLobby() || !IsConnected() )
+ UpdatePlayerStatusCounts()
+void function AddCallback_OnPlayerDisconnected( void functionref( entity ) callbackFunc )
+ Assert( !clGlobal.onPlayerDisconnectedFuncs.contains( callbackFunc ), "Already added " + string( callbackFunc ) + " with AddCallback_OnPlayerDisconnected" )
+ clGlobal.onPlayerDisconnectedFuncs.append( callbackFunc )
+void function ClientCodeCallback_PlayerDisconnected( entity player, string cachedPlayerName )
+ PlayerConnectedOrDisconnected( player, 0, cachedPlayerName )
+ if ( ShouldUpdatePlayerStatusCounts() )
+ UpdatePlayerStatusCounts()
+ // Added via AddCallback_OnPlayerDisconnected
+ foreach ( callbackFunc in clGlobal.onPlayerDisconnectedFuncs )
+ {
+ callbackFunc( player )
+ }
+function ShouldUpdatePlayerStatusCounts()
+ if ( GetGameState() < eGameState.WaitingForPlayers )
+ return false
+ if ( !IsLobby() )
+ return true
+ if ( !IsConnected() )
+ return true
+ return false
+function PlayerConnectedOrDisconnected( entity player, state, string disconnectingPlayerName = "" )
+ if ( IsLobby() || GetMapName() == "" )
+ // HACK: If you are disconnecting GetMapName() in IsLobby() will return ""
+ return
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ Assert( state == 0 || state == 1 )
+ if ( !IsValid( GetLocalViewPlayer() ) )
+ return
+ string playerName
+ if ( state == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( disconnectingPlayerName == "" )
+ return
+ playerName = disconnectingPlayerName
+ Assert( typeof( playerName ) == "string" )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ playerName = player.GetPlayerNameWithClanTag()
+ Assert( typeof( playerName ) == "string" )
+ }
+ vector playerNameColor = player.GetTeam() == GetLocalViewPlayer().GetTeam() ? OBITUARY_COLOR_FRIENDLY : OBITUARY_COLOR_ENEMY
+ string connectionString = (state == 0) ? "#MP_PLAYER_DISCONNECTED" : "#MP_PLAYER_CONNECTED"
+ Obituary_Print_Generic( connectionString, playerName, <255, 255, 255>, playerNameColor )
+void function ClientCodeCallback_PlayerDidDamage( PlayerDidDamageParams params )
+ if ( IsWatchingThirdPersonKillReplay() )
+ return
+ entity attacker = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ if ( !IsValid( attacker ) )
+ return
+ entity victim = params.victim
+ if ( !IsValid( victim ) )
+ return
+ vector damagePosition = params.damagePosition
+ int hitBox = params.hitBox
+ int damageType = params.damageType
+ float damageAmount = params.damageAmount
+ int damageFlags = params.damageFlags
+ int hitGroup = params.hitGroup
+ entity weapon = params.weapon
+ float distanceFromAttackOrigin = params.distanceFromAttackOrigin
+ bool playHitSound = true
+ bool showCrosshairHitIndicator = true
+ bool hitIneffective = false
+ bool victimIsHeavyArmor = false
+ bool isCritShot = (damageType & DF_CRITICAL) ? true : false
+ bool isHeadShot = (damageType & DF_HEADSHOT) ? true : false
+ bool isKillShot = (damageType & DF_KILLSHOT) ? true : false
+ bool isMelee = (damageType & DF_MELEE) ? true : false
+ bool isExplosion = (damageType & DF_EXPLOSION) ? true : false
+ bool isBullet = (damageType & DF_BULLET) ? true : false
+ bool isShotgun = (damageType & DF_SHOTGUN) ? true : false
+ bool isDoomFatality = (damageType & DF_DOOM_FATALITY) ? true : false
+ bool isDoomProtected = ((damageType & DF_DOOM_PROTECTED) && !isDoomFatality) ? true : false
+ victimIsHeavyArmor = victim.GetArmorType() == ARMOR_TYPE_HEAVY
+ isDoomFatality = false
+ isDoomProtected = false
+ if ( isDoomProtected )
+ RegisterDoomProtectionHintDamage( damageAmount )
+ bool playKillSound = isKillShot
+ if ( !attacker.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ if ( victimIsHeavyArmor )
+ {
+ showCrosshairHitIndicator = true
+ if ( victim.IsTitan() )
+ hitIneffective = false //!IsHitEffectiveVsTitan( victim, damageType )
+ else
+ hitIneffective = isCritShot || isHeadShot || !IsHitEffectiveVsNonTitan( victim, damageType )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch ( victim.GetSignifierName() )
+ {
+ case "npc_super_spectre":
+ //if ( !( damageType & DF_CRITICAL ) )
+ // hitIneffective = true
+ default:
+ if ( (damageType & DF_BULLET && damageType & DF_MAX_RANGE) )
+ hitIneffective = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( victim.IsTitan() && victim.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ if ( PlayerHasPassive( victim, ePassives.PAS_BERSERKER ) )
+ hitIneffective = true
+ }
+ }
+ if ( damageType & DF_MAX_RANGE && damageType & DF_BULLET )
+ // TODO: this is crap; these damage types should just send DF_NO_HITBEEP
+ playHitSound = false
+ if ( damageType & DF_TITAN_STEP )
+ // TODO: this is crap; these damage types should just send DF_NO_HITBEEP
+ {
+ playHitSound = false
+ playKillSound = false
+ }
+ if ( damageType & DF_MELEE )
+ // TODO: this is crap; these damage types should just send DF_NO_HITBEEP
+ {
+ playHitSound = false
+ playKillSound = false
+ }
+ if ( damageType & DF_NO_HITBEEP )
+ {
+ playHitSound = false
+ playKillSound = false
+ }
+ showCrosshairHitIndicator = false
+ if ( damageType & DF_SHIELD_DAMAGE )
+ {
+ PlayShieldHitEffect( params )
+ showCrosshairHitIndicator = true
+ }
+ else if ( damageAmount <= 0 )
+ {
+ playHitSound = false
+ playKillSound = false
+ showCrosshairHitIndicator = false
+ }
+ if ( damageType & DF_NO_INDICATOR )
+ {
+ playHitSound = false
+ playKillSound = false
+ showCrosshairHitIndicator = false
+ }
+ if ( isDoomProtected )
+ playHitSound = false
+ if ( showCrosshairHitIndicator )
+ {
+ Tracker_PlayerAttackedTarget( attacker, victim )
+ //if ( hitIneffective )
+ // Crosshair_ShowHitIndicator( CROSSHAIR_HIT_INEFFECTIVE )
+ //else
+ // Crosshair_ShowHitIndicator( CROSSHAIR_HIT_NORMAL )
+ //
+ //if ( (isCritShot || isDoomFatality) && !isDoomProtected )
+ // Crosshair_ShowHitIndicator( CROSSHAIR_HIT_CRITICAL )
+ //
+ //if ( isHeadShot )
+ // Crosshair_ShowHitIndicator( CROSSHAIR_HIT_HEADSHOT )
+ if ( IsMultiplayer() && !victim.IsTitan() && !victim.IsHologram() )
+ PROTO_HitIndicatorEffect( attacker, victim, damagePosition, isHeadShot, isKillShot )
+ if ( isKillShot )
+ KillShotBloodSpray( attacker, victim, damagePosition, isExplosion, isBullet, isShotgun )
+ if ( victim.IsTitan() && isKillShot )
+ ClientScreenShake( 8, 10, 1, Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
+ BloodSprayDecals( attacker, victim, damagePosition, damageAmount, isHeadShot, isKillShot, isMelee, isExplosion, isBullet, isShotgun )
+ DamageFlyout( damageAmount, damagePosition, victim, isHeadShot || isCritShot, hitIneffective )
+ }
+ bool playedHitSound = false
+ if ( playHitSound )
+ {
+ if ( isHeadShot )
+ playedHitSound = PlayHeadshotConfirmSound( attacker, victim, isKillShot )
+ else if ( playKillSound )
+ playedHitSound = PlayKillshotConfirmSound( attacker, victim, damageType )
+ }
+ if ( IsSpectre( victim ) )
+ {
+ if ( isHeadShot )
+ victim.Signal( "SpectreGlowEYEGLOW" )
+ }
+ // Play a hit sound effect if we didn't play a kill shot sound, and other conditions are met
+ if ( playHitSound && IsAlive( victim ) && !playedHitSound )
+ {
+ PlayHitSound( victim, attacker, damageFlags, isCritShot, victimIsHeavyArmor, isKillShot, hitGroup )
+ }
+ if ( PlayerHasPassive( attacker, ePassives.PAS_SMART_CORE ) && isKillShot )
+ {
+ attacker.p.smartCoreKills++
+ }
+ foreach ( callback in clGlobal.onLocalPlayerDidDamageCallback )
+ {
+ callback( attacker, victim, damagePosition, damageType )
+ }
+void function PlayHitSound( entity victim, entity attacker, int damageFlags, bool isCritShot, bool victimIsHeavyArmor, bool isKillShot, int hitGroup )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( attacker, "Player.HitbeepInvincible" )
+ }
+ else if ( damageFlags & DAMAGEFLAG_VICTIM_HAS_VORTEX )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( attacker, "Player.HitbeepVortex" )
+ }
+ else if ( isCritShot && victimIsHeavyArmor )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( attacker, "titan_damage_crit" )
+ }
+ else if ( isCritShot )
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( attacker, "Player.Hitbeep_crit" )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( attacker, "Player.Hitbeep" )
+ }
+function PROTO_HitIndicatorEffect( entity player, entity victim, vector damagePosition, bool isHeadShot, bool isKillShot )
+ int fxId
+ if ( isKillShot )
+ fxId = GetParticleSystemIndex( $"P_ar_impact_pilot_kill" )
+ else if ( isHeadShot && !isKillShot )
+ return
+ // fxId = GetParticleSystemIndex( $"P_ar_impact_pilot_headshot" )
+ else
+ return
+ // fxId = GetParticleSystemIndex( $"P_ar_impact_pilot" )
+ vector victimVelocity = victim.GetVelocity()
+ damagePosition += (Length( victimVelocity ) * 0.15) * Normalize( victimVelocity )
+ vector fxOffset = damagePosition - victim.GetOrigin()
+ StartParticleEffectOnEntityWithPos( victim, fxId, FX_PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, -1, damagePosition - victim.GetOrigin(), <0, 0, 0> )
+void function KillShotBloodSpray( entity player, entity victim, vector damagePosition, bool isExplosion, bool isBullet, bool isShotgun )
+ if ( IsSoftenedLocale() )
+ return
+ if ( !victim.IsHuman() && !IsProwler( victim ) )
+ return
+ if ( victim.IsMechanical() )
+ return
+ if ( victim.IsHologram() )
+ return
+ if ( !isExplosion && !isBullet && !isShotgun )
+ return
+ int fxId = GetParticleSystemIndex( FX_KILLSHOT_BLOODSPRAY )
+ vector victimVelocity = victim.GetVelocity()
+ damagePosition += (Length( victimVelocity ) * 0.15) * Normalize( victimVelocity )
+ StartParticleEffectOnEntityWithPos( victim, fxId, FX_PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, -1, damagePosition - victim.GetOrigin(), <0, 0, 0> )
+void function BloodSprayDecals( entity player, entity victim, vector damagePosition, float damageAmount, bool isHeadShot, bool isKillShot, bool isMelee, bool isExplosion, bool isBullet, bool isShotgun )
+ if ( IsSoftenedLocale() || !Flag( "EnableBloodSprayDecals" ) )
+ return
+ if ( !victim.IsHuman() && !IsProwler( victim ) )
+ return
+ if ( victim.IsMechanical() )
+ return
+ if ( victim.IsHologram() )
+ return
+ if ( !isMelee && !isExplosion && !isBullet && !isShotgun )
+ return
+ // in MP, too expensive to do on every shot
+ if ( IsMultiplayer() && !isKillShot )
+ return
+ thread BloodSprayDecals_Think( player, victim, damagePosition, damageAmount, isHeadShot, isKillShot, isMelee, isExplosion, isBullet, isShotgun )
+void function BloodSprayDecals_Think( entity player, entity victim, vector damagePosition, float damageAmount, bool isHeadShot, bool isKillShot, bool isMelee, bool isExplosion, bool isBullet, bool isShotgun )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ victim.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ BloodDecalParams params = BloodDecal_GetParams( damageAmount, isHeadShot, isKillShot, isMelee, isExplosion, isBullet, isShotgun )
+ float traceDist = params.traceDist
+ float secondaryTraceDist = params.secondaryTraceDist
+ asset fxType = params.fxType
+ asset secondaryFxType = params.secondaryFxType
+ int fxId = GetParticleSystemIndex( fxType )
+ vector traceStart = damagePosition
+ vector traceFwd = player.GetViewVector()
+ if ( isExplosion || isMelee )
+ {
+ // for explosion/melee damage, use chest instead of actual damage position
+ int attachID = victim.LookupAttachment( "CHESTFOCUS" )
+ traceStart = victim.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachID )
+ if ( isExplosion )
+ traceFwd = AnglesToForward( victim.GetAngles() ) * -1
+ }
+ vector traceEnd = damagePosition + (traceFwd * traceDist)
+ //TraceResults traceResult = TraceLine( traceStart, traceEnd, victim, TRACE_MASK_SHOT, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
+ var deferredTrace_primary = DeferredTraceLineHighDetail( traceStart, traceEnd, victim, TRACE_MASK_SHOT, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
+ while( !IsDeferredTraceFinished( deferredTrace_primary ) )
+ WaitFrame()
+ TraceResults traceResult = GetDeferredTraceResult( deferredTrace_primary )
+ vector primaryTraceEndPos = traceResult.endPos
+ vector primaryTraceNormal = traceResult.surfaceNormal
+ //DebugDrawLine( traceStart, traceEnd, 255, 150, 0, true, 5 )
+ //DebugDrawSphere( primaryTraceEndPos, 8.0, 255, 0, 0, true, 5 )
+ bool doGravitySplat = isMelee ? false : true
+ if ( traceResult.fraction < 1.0 )
+ {
+ vector normAng = VectorToAngles( traceResult.surfaceNormal )
+ vector fxAng = AnglesCompose( normAng, < 90, 0, 0 > )
+ StartParticleEffectInWorld( fxId, primaryTraceEndPos, fxAng )
+ //DebugDrawAngles( endPos, fxAng, 5 )
+ }
+ else if ( doGravitySplat )
+ {
+ // trace behind the guy on the ground and put a decal there
+ float gravitySplatBackTraceDist = 58.0 // how far behind the guy to put the gravity splat
+ float gravitySplatDownTraceDist = 100.0 // max dist vertically to try to trace and put a gravity splat
+ vector groundTraceStartPos = damagePosition + (traceFwd * gravitySplatBackTraceDist)
+ vector groundTraceEndPos = groundTraceStartPos - <0, 0, 100>
+ var deferredTrace_gravitySplat = DeferredTraceLineHighDetail( groundTraceStartPos, groundTraceEndPos, victim, TRACE_MASK_SHOT, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
+ while( !IsDeferredTraceFinished( deferredTrace_gravitySplat ) )
+ WaitFrame()
+ TraceResults downTraceResult = GetDeferredTraceResult( deferredTrace_gravitySplat )
+ if ( downTraceResult.fraction < 1.0 )
+ {
+ //DebugDrawLine( groundTraceStartPos, downTraceResult.endPos, 255, 150, 0, true, 5 )
+ //DebugDrawSphere( downTraceResult.endPos, 4.0, 255, 0, 0, true, 5 )
+ vector normAng = VectorToAngles( downTraceResult.surfaceNormal )
+ vector fxAng = AnglesCompose( normAng, < 90, 0, 0 > )
+ //DebugDrawAngles( downTraceResult.endPos, fxAng, 5 )
+ StartParticleEffectInWorld( fxId, downTraceResult.endPos, fxAng )
+ }
+ }
+ // MP doesn't want secondaries, too expensive
+ if ( IsMultiplayer() )
+ return
+ array testVecs = []
+ vector tempAng = VectorToAngles( traceFwd )
+ if ( isExplosion )
+ {
+ // for explosions, different & more angles for secondary splatter
+ testVecs.append( AnglesToRight( tempAng ) )
+ testVecs.append( AnglesToRight( tempAng ) * -1 )
+ testVecs.append( traceFwd * -1 )
+ testVecs.append( AnglesToUp( tempAng ) )
+ testVecs.append( AnglesToUp( tempAng ) * -1 )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // mostly to cover edge cases involving corners
+ vector traceRight = AnglesToRight( tempAng )
+ vector traceLeft = traceRight * -1
+ vector backLeft = (traceFwd + traceLeft) * 0.5
+ vector backRight = (traceFwd + traceRight) * 0.5
+ testVecs.append( backRight )
+ testVecs.append( backLeft )
+ // add blood on the ground for these weapons too
+ if ( isBullet || isShotgun )
+ testVecs.append( AnglesToUp( tempAng ) * -1 )
+ }
+ if ( !testVecs.len() )
+ return
+ array secondaryDeferredTraces = []
+ foreach ( testVec in testVecs )
+ {
+ vector secondaryTraceEnd = traceStart + (testVec * secondaryTraceDist)
+ var secondaryDeferredTrace = DeferredTraceLineHighDetail( traceStart, secondaryTraceEnd, victim, TRACE_MASK_SHOT, TRACE_COLLISION_GROUP_NONE )
+ secondaryDeferredTraces.append( secondaryDeferredTrace )
+ }
+ int secondaryFxId = GetParticleSystemIndex( secondaryFxType )
+ float startTime = Time()
+ array processedResults = []
+ while ( processedResults.len() < secondaryDeferredTraces.len() )
+ {
+ WaitFrame()
+ foreach ( deferredTrace in secondaryDeferredTraces )
+ {
+ if ( processedResults.contains( deferredTrace ) )
+ continue
+ if ( !IsDeferredTraceFinished( deferredTrace ) )
+ continue
+ processedResults.append( deferredTrace )
+ TraceResults traceResult = GetDeferredTraceResult( deferredTrace )
+ if ( traceResult.fraction == 1.0 )
+ continue
+ // don't put secondaries on the same wall as the primary
+ vector secondaryTraceNormal = traceResult.surfaceNormal
+ if ( primaryTraceNormal == secondaryTraceNormal )
+ continue
+ vector normAng = VectorToAngles( secondaryTraceNormal )
+ vector fxAng = AnglesCompose( normAng, < 90, 0, 0 > )
+ vector endPos = traceResult.endPos
+ //DebugDrawSphere( endPos, 4.0, 255, 0, 0, true, 5 )
+ StartParticleEffectInWorld( secondaryFxId, endPos, fxAng )
+ }
+ // timeout if traces aren't returning
+ if ( Time() - startTime >= 0.3 )
+ return
+ }
+BloodDecalParams function BloodDecal_GetParams( float damageAmount, bool isHeadShot, bool isKillShot, bool isMelee, bool isExplosion, bool isBullet, bool isShotgun )
+ // default: bullet damage
+ float traceDist = 175
+ float secondaryTraceDist = 100
+ asset secondaryFxType = FX_BLOODSPRAY_DECAL_SML
+ if ( isBullet )
+ {
+ // HACK- shotguns report isBullet also
+ if ( isShotgun )
+ {
+ //if ( isKillShot )
+ //else
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( isKillShot )
+ else
+ if ( damageAmount >= 200 )
+ {
+ traceDist = 216
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( isExplosion )
+ {
+ secondaryTraceDist = traceDist
+ float maxDmg = 100
+ float medDmg = 75
+ if ( damageAmount >= maxDmg )
+ {
+ }
+ else if ( damageAmount >= medDmg )
+ {
+ }
+ else if ( isKillShot )
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( isMelee )
+ {
+ traceDist = 96
+ if ( isKillShot )
+ }
+ // for kills, increase trace distance a bit
+ if ( isKillShot )
+ {
+ traceDist = traceDist + (traceDist * 0.1)
+ secondaryTraceDist = secondaryTraceDist + (secondaryTraceDist * 0.1)
+ }
+ BloodDecalParams params
+ params.traceDist = traceDist
+ params.secondaryTraceDist = secondaryTraceDist
+ params.fxType = fxType
+ params.secondaryFxType = secondaryFxType
+ return params
+#if DEV
+string function BloodSprayDecals_Toggle()
+ string returnStr = ""
+ if ( Flag( "EnableBloodSprayDecals" ) )
+ {
+ FlagClear( "EnableBloodSprayDecals" )
+ returnStr = "Blood spray decals DISABLED"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FlagSet( "EnableBloodSprayDecals" )
+ returnStr = "Blood spray decals ENABLED"
+ }
+ return returnStr
+function ServerCallback_RodeoerEjectWarning( soulHandle, ejectTime )
+ entity soul = GetEntityFromEncodedEHandle( soulHandle )
+ if ( !IsValid( soul ) )
+ return
+ thread TitanEjectHatchSequence( soul, ejectTime )
+function TitanEjectHatchSequence( soul, ejectTime )
+ expect entity( soul )
+ soul.EndSignal( "OnSoulTransfer" )
+ soul.EndSignal( "OnTitanDeath" )
+ soul.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ local effects = []
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( effects )
+ {
+ foreach ( effect in effects )
+ {
+ if ( !EffectDoesExist( effect ) )
+ continue
+ EffectStop( effect, true, true )
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ int boltCount = 6
+ int fxID = GetParticleSystemIndex( $"xo_spark_bolt" )
+ for ( int index = 0; index < boltCount; index++ )
+ {
+ entity titan = soul.GetTitan()
+ WaitEndFrame() // so OnTitanDeath/Destroy can happen
+ if ( !IsAlive( titan ) )
+ return
+ if ( !titan.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ printt( "WARNING: " + titan + " is not a Titan!" )
+ return
+ }
+ int attachID = titan.LookupAttachment( "HATCH_BOLT" + (index + 1) )
+ //printt( "attachID is " + attachID )
+ vector boltOrgin = titan.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachID )
+ vector boltAngles = titan.GetAttachmentAngles( attachID )
+ vector launchVec = AnglesToForward( boltAngles ) * 500
+ CreateClientsideGib( $"models/industrial/bolt_tiny01.mdl", boltOrgin, boltAngles, launchVec, < 0, 0, 0 >, 3.0, 1000.0, 200.0 )
+ int effect = PlayFXOnTag( titan, fxID, attachID )
+ effects.append( effect )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( titan, "titan_bolt_loose" )
+ wait (ejectTime / boltCount)
+ }
+void function ServerCallback_OnEntityKilled( attackerEHandle, victimEHandle, int scriptDamageType, damageSourceId )
+ expect int( damageSourceId )
+ bool isHeadShot = (scriptDamageType & DF_HEADSHOT) > 0
+ entity victim = GetEntityFromEncodedEHandle( victimEHandle )
+ entity attacker = attackerEHandle ? GetHeavyWeightEntityFromEncodedEHandle( attackerEHandle ) : null
+ entity localClientPlayer = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ if ( !IsValid( victim ) )
+ return
+ Signal( victim, "OnDeath" )
+ if ( victim == localClientPlayer )
+ {
+ victim.cv.deathOrigin = victim.GetOrigin()
+ level.clientsLastKiller = attacker
+ }
+ if ( damageSourceId == eDamageSourceId.indoor_inferno )
+ {
+ if ( victim == localClientPlayer )
+ thread PlayerFieryDeath( victim )
+ }
+ UpdatePlayerStatusCounts()
+ if ( IsValid( attacker ) && attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ PlayTargetEliminatedTitanVO( attacker, victim )
+ if ( attacker == GetLocalViewPlayer() )
+ WeaponFlyoutRefresh() // refreshes to display xp gained from kills
+ }
+ else if ( victim.IsPlayer() )
+ {
+ if ( ("latestAssistTime" in victim.s) && victim.s.latestAssistTime >= Time() - MAX_NPC_KILL_STEAL_PREVENTION_TIME )
+ {
+ attacker = expect entity( victim.s.latestAssistPlayer )
+ damageSourceId = expect int( victim.s.latestAssistDamageSource )
+ }
+ }
+ if ( victim.IsPlayer() && victim != attacker )
+ {
+ if ( attacker == localClientPlayer )
+ {
+ thread PlayKillConfirmedSound( "Pilot_Killed_Indicator" )
+ }
+ else if ( IsValid( attacker ) && attacker.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ entity bossPlayer = attacker.GetBossPlayer()
+ if ( bossPlayer && bossPlayer == localClientPlayer )
+ thread PlayKillConfirmedSound( "Pilot_Killed_Indicator" )
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( (IsGrunt( victim ) || IsSpectre( victim )) && attacker == localClientPlayer )
+ {
+ thread PlayKillConfirmedSound( "HUD_Grunt_Killed_Indicator" )
+ }
+ //if it's an auto titan, the obit was already printed when doomed
+ if ( (victim.IsTitan()) && (!victim.IsPlayer()) )
+ return
+ Obituary( attacker, "", victim, scriptDamageType, damageSourceId, isHeadShot )
+const float KILL_CONFIRM_DEBOUNCE = 0.025
+void function PlayKillConfirmedSound( string sound )
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ if ( Time() - clGlobal.lastKillConfirmTime > KILL_CONFIRM_DEBOUNCE )
+ {
+ clGlobal.lastKillConfirmTime = Time()
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( GetLocalClientPlayer(), sound )
+ return
+ }
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+void function ServerCallback_OnTitanKilled( int attackerEHandle, int victimEHandle, int scriptDamageType, int damageSourceId )
+ //Gets run on every client whenever a titan is doomed by another player
+ bool isHeadShot = false
+ entity attacker = attackerEHandle != -1 ? GetEntityFromEncodedEHandle( attackerEHandle ) : null
+ entity victim = GetEntityFromEncodedEHandle( victimEHandle )
+ if ( (!IsValid( victim )) || (!IsValid( attacker )) )
+ return
+ //Obit: titans get scored/obits when doomed, so we don't want to just see "Player" in the obit, we want to see "Player's Titan"
+ bool victimIsOwnedTitan = victim.IsPlayer()
+ Obituary( attacker, "", victim, scriptDamageType, damageSourceId, isHeadShot, victimIsOwnedTitan )
+function PlayTargetEliminatedTitanVO( attacker, victim )
+ entity localPlayer = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ if ( attacker != localPlayer )
+ return
+ if ( !victim.IsPlayer() )
+ return
+ if ( victim.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ // a bit more delay for a titan explosion to clear
+ thread TitanCockpit_PlayDialogDelayed( localPlayer, 1.3, "elimTarget" )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ thread TitanCockpit_PlayDialogDelayed( localPlayer, 0.8, "elimEnemyPilot" )
+ }
+function ServerCallback_SetAssistInformation( damageSourceId, attackerEHandle, entityEHandle, assistTime )
+ local ent = GetHeavyWeightEntityFromEncodedEHandle( entityEHandle )
+ if ( !ent )
+ return
+ local latestAssistPlayer = GetEntityFromEncodedEHandle ( attackerEHandle )
+ if ( !("latestAssistPlayer" in ent.s) )
+ {
+ ent.s.latestAssistPlayer <- latestAssistPlayer
+ ent.s.latestAssistDamageSource <- damageSourceId
+ ent.s.latestAssistTime <- assistTime
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ent.s.latestAssistPlayer = latestAssistPlayer
+ ent.s.latestAssistDamageSource = damageSourceId
+ ent.s.latestAssistTime = assistTime
+ }
+void function ClientCodeCallback_OnModelChanged( entity ent )
+ // OnModelChanged gets called for each model change, but gets processed after the model has done all switches
+ if ( !IsValid( ent ) )
+ return;
+ if ( !("creationCount" in ent.s) )
+ return;
+ Assert( ent instanceof C_BaseAnimating );
+void function ClientCodeCallback_OnHealthChanged( entity ent, int oldHealth, int newHealth )
+ if ( IsLobby() )
+ return
+ entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( !IsValid( ent ) )
+ return
+ ent.Signal( "HealthChanged", { oldHealth = oldHealth, newHealth = newHealth } )
+void function ClientCodeCallback_OnCrosshairCurrentTargetChanged( entity player, entity newTarget )
+ if ( IsLobby() )
+ return;
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( IsValid( newTarget ) )
+ TryOfferRodeoBatteryHint( newTarget )
+void function SetupPlayerAnimEvents( entity player )
+ SetupPlayerJumpJetAnimEvents( player )
+ AddAnimEvent( player, "WallHangAttachDataKnife", WallHangAttachDataKnife )
+void function JumpRandomlyForever()
+ for (;; )
+ {
+ if ( IsWatchingReplay() )
+ {
+ wait 1
+ continue
+ }
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) || player != GetLocalViewPlayer() )
+ {
+ wait 1
+ continue
+ }
+ printt( "jump!" )
+ player.ClientCommand( "+jump" )
+ wait 0
+ player.ClientCommand( "-jump" )
+ wait RandomFloatRange( 0.2, 1.1 )
+ }
+void function RemoteTurretFadeoutAnimEvent( entity ent )
+ entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ ScreenFade( player, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0.1, 0.25, FFADE_OUT );
+void function SetupFirstPersonProxyEvents( entity firstPersonProxy )
+ //printt( "SetupFirstPersonProxyEvents" )
+ AddAnimEvent( firstPersonProxy, "mantle_smallmantle", OnSmallMantle )
+ AddAnimEvent( firstPersonProxy, "mantle_mediummantle", OnMediumMantle )
+ AddAnimEvent( firstPersonProxy, "mantle_lowmantle", OnLowMantle )
+ AddAnimEvent( firstPersonProxy, "mantle_extralowmantle", OnExtraLowMantle )
+ AddAnimEvent( firstPersonProxy, "remoteturret_fadeout", RemoteTurretFadeoutAnimEvent )
+void function OnSmallMantle( entity firstPersonProxy ) //Was set up in script instead of anim to be able to play quieter sounds with stealth passive. No longer needed, but more work to move inside of anim
+ entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( firstPersonProxy, "mantle_smallmantle" )
+void function OnMediumMantle( entity firstPersonProxy ) //Was set up in script instead of anim to be able to play quieter sounds with stealth passive. No longer needed, but more work to move inside of anim
+ entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( firstPersonProxy, "mantle_mediummantle" )
+void function OnLowMantle( entity firstPersonProxy ) //Was set up in script instead of anim to be able to play quieter sounds with stealth passive. No longer needed, but more work to move inside of anim
+ entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( firstPersonProxy, "mantle_lowmantle" )
+void function OnExtraLowMantle( entity firstPersonProxy ) //Was set up in script instead of anim to be able to play quieter sounds with stealth passive. No longer needed, but more work to move inside of anim
+ entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( firstPersonProxy, "mantle_extralow" )
+void function CreateCallback_TitanSoul( entity ent )
+bool function ShouldHideRespawnSelectionText( entity player )
+ if ( player != GetLocalClientPlayer() )
+ return false
+ if ( player.GetPlayerClass() != "spectator" )
+ return false
+ if ( IsWatchingReplay() )
+ return false
+ return true
+void function WallHangAttachDataKnife( entity player )
+ int attachIdx = player.LookupAttachment( "l_hand" )
+ if ( attachIdx == 0 )
+ // hack while i wait for the attachment to be fixed
+ return
+ entity dataknife = CreateClientSidePropDynamic( player.GetAttachmentOrigin( attachIdx ), player.GetAttachmentAngles( attachIdx ), DATA_KNIFE_MODEL )
+ dataknife.SetParent( player, "l_hand" )
+ thread DeleteDataKnifeAfterWallHang( player, dataknife )
+void function DeleteDataKnifeAfterWallHang( entity player, entity dataknife )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( dataknife )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( dataknife ) )
+ dataknife.Kill_Deprecated_UseDestroyInstead()
+ }
+ )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ for (;; )
+ {
+ Wait( 0.1 )
+ if ( !player.IsWallHanging() )
+ break
+ }
+bool function ClientCodeCallback_OnGib( entity victim, vector attackDir )
+ if ( !victim.IsMechanical() )
+ return SpawnFleshGibs( victim, attackDir )
+ return false
+bool function SpawnFleshGibs( entity victim, vector attackDir )
+ asset modelName = $"models/gibs/human_gibs.mdl"
+ attackDir = Normalize( attackDir )
+ float cullDist = 2048.0
+ if ( "gibDist" in victim.s )
+ cullDist = expect float( victim.s.gibDist )
+ vector startOrigin = victim.GetWorldSpaceCenter() + (attackDir * -30)
+ vector origin = victim.GetOrigin() + < RandomIntRange( 10, 20 ), RandomIntRange( 10, 20 ), RandomIntRange( 32, 64 ) >
+ vector angles = < 0, 0, 0 >
+ vector flingDir = attackDir * RandomIntRange( 80, 200 )
+ int fxID
+ bool isSoftenedLocale = IsSoftenedLocale()
+ if ( isSoftenedLocale )
+ {
+ if ( victim.GetModelName() == FLYER_MODEL )
+ fxID = StartParticleEffectOnEntity( victim, GetParticleSystemIndex( $"death_pinkmist_LG_nochunk" ), FX_PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, 0 )
+ else
+ fxID = StartParticleEffectOnEntity( victim, GetParticleSystemIndex( $"death_pinkmist_nochunk" ), FX_PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, 0 )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( victim.GetModelName() == FLYER_MODEL )
+ fxID = StartParticleEffectOnEntity( victim, GetParticleSystemIndex( $"death_pinkmist_LG" ), FX_PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, 0 )
+ else
+ fxID = StartParticleEffectOnEntity( victim, GetParticleSystemIndex( $"death_pinkmist" ), FX_PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, 0 )
+ }
+ EffectSetControlPointVector( fxID, 1, flingDir )
+ if ( isSoftenedLocale )
+ return true
+ vector angularVel = < 0, 0, 0 >
+ float lifeTime = 10.0
+ CreateClientsideGibWithBodyGroupGibs( modelName, victim.GetOrigin(), angles, attackDir, angularVel, lifeTime, cullDist, 1024 )
+ return true
+function ServerCallback_PlayScreenFXWarpJump()
+ if ( IsWatchingReplay() )
+ return false
+ thread PlayScreenFXWarpJump( GetLocalClientPlayer() )
+void function PlayScreenFXWarpJump( entity clientPlayer )
+ clientPlayer.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ clientPlayer.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ int index = GetParticleSystemIndex( SCREENFX_WARPJUMP )
+ int indexD = GetParticleSystemIndex( SCREENFX_WARPJUMPDLIGHT )
+ int fxID = StartParticleEffectInWorldWithHandle( index, < 0, 0, 0 >, < 0, 0, 0 > )
+ int fxID2 = -1
+ if ( IsValid( player.GetCockpit() ) )
+ {
+ fxID2 = StartParticleEffectOnEntity( player, indexD, FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, player.GetCockpit().LookupAttachment( "CAMERA" ) )
+ EffectSetIsWithCockpit( fxID2, true )
+ }
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( clientPlayer, fxID, fxID2 )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( clientPlayer ) && !IsAlive( clientPlayer ) )
+ {
+ EffectStop( fxID, true, false )
+ if ( fxID2 > -1 )
+ EffectStop( fxID2, true, false )
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ wait 3.2
+ if ( IsValid( player.GetCockpit() ) )
+ thread TonemappingUpdateAfterWarpJump()
+function TonemappingUpdateAfterWarpJump()
+ // Turn cubemaps black inside drop ship, since it's pretty dark in there anyway and we don't have a great way to take a valid cubemap shot for that location.
+ SetConVarFloat( "mat_envmap_scale", 0 );
+ AutoExposureSetMaxExposureMultiplier( 500 ); // allow exposure to actually go bright, even if it's clamped in the level.
+ // Start the exposure super bright behind the white FX, and ramp it down quickly to normal.
+ local startTime = Time()
+ while( 1 )
+ {
+ local time = Time() - startTime
+ float factor = GraphCapped( time, 0, EXPOSURE_RAMPDOWN_DURATION, 1, 0 )
+ local toneMapScale = EXPOSURE_RAMPDOWN_MIN + (EXPOSURE_RAMPDOWN_MAX - EXPOSURE_RAMPDOWN_MIN) * factor * factor * factor * factor
+ AutoExposureSetExposureCompensationBias( toneMapScale )
+ AutoExposureSnap()
+ wait 0
+ if ( factor == 0 )
+ break;
+ }
+ // Ramp the max exposure multiplier back down to 1 gently
+ startTime = Time()
+ while( 1 )
+ {
+ local time = Time() - startTime
+ float factor = GraphCapped( time, 0, MAX_RAMPDOWN_DURATION, 1, 0 )
+ local scale = MAX_RAMPDOWN_MIN + (MAX_RAMPDOWN_MAX - MAX_RAMPDOWN_MIN) * factor * factor
+ AutoExposureSetMaxExposureMultiplier( scale );
+ wait 0
+ if ( factor == 0 )
+ break;
+ }
+function SetPanelAlphaOverTime( panel, alpha, duration )
+ // HACK this should be a code command - Mackey
+ Signal( panel, "PanelAlphaOverTime" )
+ EndSignal( panel, "PanelAlphaOverTime" )
+ EndSignal( panel, "OnDestroy" )
+ local startTime = Time()
+ local endTime = startTime + duration
+ local startAlpha = panel.GetPanelAlpha()
+ while( Time() <= endTime )
+ {
+ float a = GraphCapped( Time(), startTime, endTime, startAlpha, alpha )
+ panel.SetPanelAlpha( a )
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+ panel.SetPanelAlpha( alpha )
+function HandleDoomedState( entity player, entity titan )
+ bool isDoomed = GetDoomedState( titan )
+ if ( isDoomed )
+ {
+ titan.Signal( "Doomed" )
+ if ( HasSoul( titan ) )
+ {
+ entity soul = titan.GetTitanSoul()
+ soul.Signal( "Doomed" )
+ }
+ }
+const asset SHIELD_BREAK_FX = $"P_xo_armor_break_CP"
+function PlayShieldBreakEffect( entity ent )
+ entity shieldEnt = ent
+ if ( IsSoul( ent ) )
+ {
+ shieldEnt = ent.GetTitan()
+ if ( !shieldEnt )
+ return
+ }
+ float shieldHealthFrac = GetShieldHealthFrac( shieldEnt )
+ int shieldBreakFX = GetParticleSystemIndex( SHIELD_BREAK_FX )
+ local attachID
+ if ( shieldEnt.IsTitan() )
+ attachID = shieldEnt.LookupAttachment( "exp_torso_main" )
+ else
+ attachID = shieldEnt.LookupAttachment( "ref" ) // TEMP
+ local shieldFXHandle = StartParticleEffectOnEntity( shieldEnt, shieldBreakFX, FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachID )
+ EffectSetControlPointVector( shieldFXHandle, 1, GetShieldEffectCurrentColor( 1 - shieldHealthFrac ) )
+function PlayShieldActivateEffect( entity ent )
+ entity shieldEnt = ent
+ if ( IsSoul( ent ) )
+ {
+ shieldEnt = ent.GetTitan()
+ if ( !shieldEnt )
+ return
+ }
+ float shieldHealthFrac = GetShieldHealthFrac( shieldEnt )
+ int shieldBreakFX = GetParticleSystemIndex( SHIELD_BREAK_FX )
+ local attachID
+ if ( shieldEnt.IsTitan() )
+ attachID = shieldEnt.LookupAttachment( "exp_torso_main" )
+ else
+ attachID = shieldEnt.LookupAttachment( "ref" ) // TEMP
+ local shieldFXHandle = StartParticleEffectOnEntity( shieldEnt, shieldBreakFX, FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachID )
+ EffectSetControlPointVector( shieldFXHandle, 1, GetShieldEffectCurrentColor( 1 - shieldHealthFrac ) )
+function PlayIt( entity victim )
+ float shieldHealthFrac = GetShieldHealthFrac( victim )
+ int shieldbodyFX = GetParticleSystemIndex( SHIELD_BODY_FX )
+ local attachID
+ if ( victim.IsTitan() )
+ attachID = victim.LookupAttachment( "exp_torso_main" )
+ else
+ attachID = victim.LookupAttachment( "ref" ) // TEMP
+ local shieldFXHandle = StartParticleEffectOnEntity( victim, shieldbodyFX, FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachID )
+ EffectSetControlPointVector( shieldFXHandle, 1, GetShieldEffectCurrentColor( 1 - shieldHealthFrac ) )
+function PlayShieldHitEffect( PlayerDidDamageParams params )
+ entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ entity victim = params.victim
+ //vector damagePosition = params.damagePosition
+ //int hitBox = params.hitBox
+ //int damageType = params.damageType
+ //float damageAmount = params.damageAmount
+ //int damageFlags = params.damageFlags
+ //int hitGroup = params.hitGroup
+ //entity weapon = params.weapon
+ //float distanceFromAttackOrigin = params.distanceFromAttackOrigin
+ //shieldFX <- GetParticleSystemIndex( SHIELD_FX )
+ //StartParticleEffectInWorld( shieldFX, damagePosition, player.GetViewVector() * -1 )
+ float shieldHealthFrac = GetShieldHealthFrac( victim )
+ int shieldbodyFX = GetParticleSystemIndex( SHIELD_BODY_FX )
+ local attachID
+ if ( victim.IsTitan() )
+ attachID = victim.LookupAttachment( "exp_torso_main" )
+ else
+ attachID = victim.LookupAttachment( "ref" ) // TEMP
+ local shieldFXHandle = StartParticleEffectOnEntity( victim, shieldbodyFX, FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachID )
+ EffectSetControlPointVector( shieldFXHandle, 1, GetShieldEffectCurrentColor( 1 - shieldHealthFrac ) )
+const table SHIELD_COLOR_CHARGE_FULL = { r = 115, g = 247, b = 255 } // blue
+const table SHIELD_COLOR_CHARGE_MED = { r = 200, g = 128, b = 80 } // orange
+const table SHIELD_COLOR_CHARGE_EMPTY = { r = 200, g = 80, b = 80 } // red
+const SHIELD_COLOR_CROSSOVERFRAC_FULL2MED = 0.75 // from zero to this fraction, fade between full and medium charge colors
+const SHIELD_COLOR_CROSSOVERFRAC_MED2EMPTY = 0.95 // from "full2med" to this fraction, fade between medium and empty charge colors
+function GetShieldEffectCurrentColor( shieldHealthFrac )
+ local color2 = SHIELD_COLOR_CHARGE_MED
+ local crossover1 = SHIELD_COLOR_CROSSOVERFRAC_FULL2MED // from zero to this fraction, fade between color1 and color2
+ local crossover2 = SHIELD_COLOR_CROSSOVERFRAC_MED2EMPTY // from crossover1 to this fraction, fade between color2 and color3
+ local colorVec = < 0, 0, 0 >
+ // 0 = full charge, 1 = no charge remaining
+ if ( shieldHealthFrac < crossover1 )
+ {
+ colorVec.x = Graph( shieldHealthFrac, 0, crossover1, color1.r, color2.r )
+ colorVec.y = Graph( shieldHealthFrac, 0, crossover1, color1.g, color2.g )
+ colorVec.z = Graph( shieldHealthFrac, 0, crossover1, color1.b, color2.b )
+ }
+ else if ( shieldHealthFrac < crossover2 )
+ {
+ colorVec.x = Graph( shieldHealthFrac, crossover1, crossover2, color2.r, color3.r )
+ colorVec.y = Graph( shieldHealthFrac, crossover1, crossover2, color2.g, color3.g )
+ colorVec.z = Graph( shieldHealthFrac, crossover1, crossover2, color2.b, color3.b )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // for the last bit of overload timer, keep it max danger color
+ colorVec.x = color3.r
+ colorVec.y = color3.g
+ colorVec.z = color3.b
+ }
+ return colorVec
+void function PlayPlayerDeathSound( entity player )
+ if ( IsPlayerEliminated( player ) )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "player_death_begin_elimination" )
+ else
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Player_Death_Begin" )
+void function StopPlayerDeathSound( entity player )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( player, "Player_Death_Begin" )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( player, "Player_Death_PrespawnTransition" )
+function OnClientPlayerAlive( entity player )
+ player.Signal( "OnClientPlayerAlive" ) // TEMP; this should not be necessary, but IsWatchingKillReplay is wrong
+ player.EndSignal( "OnClientPlayerAlive" )
+ UpdateClientHudVisibility( player )
+ if ( IsWatchingReplay() )
+ return
+ if ( GetGameState() < eGameState.Playing )
+ return
+function OnClientPlayerDying( entity player )
+ player.Signal( "OnClientPlayerDying" ) // TEMP; this should not be necessary, but IsWatchingKillReplay is wrong
+ player.EndSignal( "OnClientPlayerDying" )
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ UpdateClientHudVisibility( player )
+// thread ShowDeathRecap( player )
+ if ( IsWatchingReplay() )
+ return
+ player.cv.deathTime = Time()
+ thread DeathCamCheck( player )
+void function ShowDeathRecap( entity player )
+ Assert( player == GetLocalClientPlayer() )
+ DisableCallingCardEvents()
+ if ( player.e.recentDamageHistory.len() == 0 )
+ return
+ DamageHistoryStruct damageHistory = player.e.recentDamageHistory[ 0 ]
+ entity attacker = damageHistory.attacker
+ if ( !IsValid( attacker ) )
+ return
+ EndSignal( attacker, "OnDestroy" )
+ if ( !attacker.IsPlayer() )
+ return
+ if ( attacker.GetTeam() == player.GetTeam() )
+ return
+ wait( 1.0 )
+ CallsignEvent( eCallSignEvents.YOU, attacker, Localize( "#DEATH_SCREEN_KILLED_YOU" ) )
+void function HideDeathRecap( entity player, var rui )
+ float minDisplayTime = 6.0
+ float startTime = Time()
+ waitthread DeathRecapHideDelay( player )
+ wait( 0.5 )
+ float elapsedTime = Time() - startTime
+ if ( elapsedTime < minDisplayTime )
+ wait( minDisplayTime - elapsedTime )
+ RuiSetBool( rui, "playOutro", true )
+ RuiSetGameTime( rui, "outroStartTime", Time() )
+ EnableCallingCardEvents()
+void function DeathRecapHideDelay( entity player )
+ EndSignal( clGlobal.levelEnt, "LocalClientPlayerRespawned" )
+ EndSignal( clGlobal.levelEnt, "OnSpectatorMode" )
+ WaitForever()
+void function DeathCamCheck( entity player )
+ wait GetRespawnButtonCamTime( player )
+void function ServerCallback_ShowNextSpawnMessage( float nextSpawnTime )
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ float camTime = GetRespawnButtonCamTime( player )
+ file.nextSpawnTime = nextSpawnTime
+ if ( nextSpawnTime > Time() + camTime )
+ thread ShowSpawnDelayMessage( nextSpawnTime )
+void function ShowSpawnDelayMessage( nextSpawnTime )
+ float waitTime = max( nextSpawnTime - Time(), 0 )
+ if ( waitTime < 1.0 )
+ return
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ //player.cv.nextSpawnTimeLabel.SetAlpha( 255 )
+ //player.cv.nextSpawnTimeLabel.Show()
+ //player.cv.nextSpawnTimeLabel.SetAutoText( "#GAMEMODE_DEPLOYING_IN_N", HATT_GAME_COUNTDOWN_SECONDS, nextSpawnTime )
+ //
+ //if ( !player.cv.nextSpawnTimeLabel.IsAutoText() )
+ // player.cv.nextSpawnTimeLabel.EnableAutoText()
+ while ( !IsAlive( player ) && waitTime > 0.0 )
+ {
+ waitTime = max( nextSpawnTime - Time(), 0 )
+ AddPlayerHint( waitTime, 0.25, $"", "#GAMEMODE_DEPLOYING_IN_N", int( waitTime ) )
+ wait 1.0
+ }
+void function ServerCallback_HideNextSpawnMessage()
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ HidePlayerHint( "#GAMEMODE_DEPLOYING_IN_N" )
+float function GetWaveSpawnTime()
+ return (file.nextSpawnTime)
+bool function IsPlayerEliminated( entity player )
+ return (player.GetPlayerGameStat( PGS_ELIMINATED ) > 0)
+function PlayerFieryDeath( player )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnClientPlayerAlive" )
+ clGlobal.levelEnt.EndSignal( "OnSpectatorMode" )
+ local offset = < 0, 0, 0 >
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ offset = < 0, 0, 96 >
+ entity scriptRef = CreatePropDynamic( $"models/dev/empty_model.mdl", player.GetOrigin() + offset, player.GetAngles() )
+ scriptRef.SetParent( player )
+ local fxHandle = StartParticleEffectOnEntity( scriptRef, GetParticleSystemIndex( $"P_burn_player" ), FX_PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, -1 )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function () : ( fxHandle, scriptRef )
+ {
+ EffectStop( fxHandle, false, false )
+ if ( IsValid( scriptRef ) )
+ scriptRef.Destroy()
+ }
+ )
+ WaitForever()
+function ServerCallback_GiveMatchLossProtection()
+ clGlobal.showMatchLossProtection = true
+void function EnableDoDeathCallback( entity ent )
+ ent.DoDeathCallback( true )
+int function UpdateSubText2ForRiffs( AnnouncementData announcement )
+ array riffTexts = []
+ if ( IsPilotEliminationBased() )
+ riffTexts.append( "#GAMESTATE_NO_RESPAWNING" )
+ if ( Riff_FloorIsLava() )
+ riffTexts.append( "#GAMEMODE_FLOOR_IS_LAVA_SUBTEXT2" )
+ if ( level.nv.minimapState == eMinimapState.Hidden )
+ riffTexts.append( "#GAMESTATE_NO_MINIMAP" )
+ if ( level.nv.ammoLimit == eAmmoLimit.Limited )
+ if ( level.nv.titanAvailability != eTitanAvailability.Default )
+ {
+ switch ( level.nv.titanAvailability )
+ {
+ case eTitanAvailability.Always:
+ riffTexts.append( "#GAMESTATE_UNLIMITED_TITANS" )
+ break
+ case eTitanAvailability.Once:
+ riffTexts.append( "#GAMESTATE_ONE_TITAN" )
+ break
+ case eTitanAvailability.Never:
+ riffTexts.append( "#GAMESTATE_NO_TITANS" )
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if ( level.nv.allowNPCs != eAllowNPCs.Default )
+ {
+ switch ( level.nv.allowNPCs )
+ {
+ case eAllowNPCs.None:
+ //riffTexts.append( "#GAMESTATE_NO_MINIONS" )
+ break
+ case eAllowNPCs.GruntOnly:
+ riffTexts.append( "#GAMESTATE_GRUNTS_ONLY" )
+ break
+ case eAllowNPCs.SpectreOnly:
+ riffTexts.append( "#GAMESTATE_SPECTRES_ONLY" )
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ float pilotHealthMultiplier = GetCurrentPlaylistVarFloat( "pilot_health_multiplier", 0.0 )
+ if ( pilotHealthMultiplier != 0.0 && pilotHealthMultiplier <= 1.5 )
+ riffTexts.append( "#GAMESTATE_LOW_PILOT_HEALTH" )
+ else if ( pilotHealthMultiplier > 1.5 )
+ riffTexts.append( "#GAMESTATE_HIGH_PILOT_HEALTH" )
+ switch ( riffTexts.len() )
+ {
+ case 1:
+ Announcement_SetSubText2( announcement, riffTexts[0] )
+ break
+ case 2:
+ Announcement_SetSubText2( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTEXT_2", riffTexts[0], riffTexts[1] )
+ break
+ case 3:
+ Announcement_SetSubText2( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTEXT_3", riffTexts[0], riffTexts[1], riffTexts[2] )
+ break
+ case 4:
+ Announcement_SetSubText2( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTEXT_4", riffTexts[0], riffTexts[1], riffTexts[2], riffTexts[3] )
+ break
+ case 5:
+ Announcement_SetSubText2( announcement, "#GAMEMODE_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTEXT_5", riffTexts[0], riffTexts[1], riffTexts[2], riffTexts[3], riffTexts[4] )
+ break
+ default:
+ Announcement_SetSubText2( announcement, "", "" )
+ return 0
+ }
+ return riffTexts.len()
+void function ServerCallback_GameModeAnnouncement()
+ entity player = GetLocalClientPlayer()
+ string gameMode = GameRules_GetGameMode()
+ if ( GameMode_GetCustomIntroAnnouncement( gameMode ) != null )
+ {
+ void functionref(entity) func = GameMode_GetCustomIntroAnnouncement( gameMode )
+ func(player)
+ return
+ }
+ int team = player.GetTeam()
+ local totalDuration = 0.0
+ AnnouncementData announcement
+ if ( GetGameState() == eGameState.Epilogue )
+ {
+ // never gets hit??
+ announcement = Announcement_Create( "#GAMEMODE_EPILOGUE" )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ announcement = Announcement_Create( GAMETYPE_TEXT[gameMode] )
+ announcement.announcementStyle = ANNOUNCEMENT_STYLE_BIG
+ Announcement_SetIcon( announcement, GAMETYPE_ICON[gameMode] )
+ Announcement_SetSubText( announcement, GAMEDESC_CURRENT )
+ if ( GameMode_IsDefined( gameMode ) )
+ {
+ if ( GameMode_GetAttackDesc( gameMode ) != "" && team == level.nv.attackingTeam )
+ Announcement_SetSubText( announcement, GameMode_GetAttackDesc( gameMode ) )
+ if ( GameMode_GetDefendDesc( gameMode ) != "" && team != level.nv.attackingTeam )
+ Announcement_SetSubText( announcement, GameMode_GetDefendDesc( gameMode ) )
+ }
+ }
+ int numRiffs = UpdateSubText2ForRiffs( announcement )
+ float announcementDuration = numRiffs + DEFAULT_GAMEMODE_ANNOUNCEMENT_DURATION
+ if ( gameMode == COLISEUM )
+ announcementDuration = 2.3 //JFS: Make coliseum announcement disappear with the black bars. Note that the rui fade out sequence time is a floor on how low announcementDuration can be set to
+ Announcement_SetDuration( announcement, announcementDuration )
+ totalDuration += announcementDuration
+ AnnouncementFromClass( player, announcement ) // TODO: team specific goals
+ if ( clGlobal.showMatchLossProtection )
+ {
+ announcementDuration = 2.0
+ totalDuration += announcementDuration
+ delaythread( announcementDuration ) DeathHintDisplay( "#LATE_JOIN_NO_LOSS" )
+ }
+ else if ( clGlobal.canShowLateJoinMessage )
+ {
+ if ( level.nv.matchProgress > 5 || GetRoundsPlayed() > 0 )
+ {
+ announcementDuration = 2.0
+ totalDuration += announcementDuration
+ delaythread( announcementDuration ) DeathHintDisplay( "#LATE_JOIN" )
+ }
+ }
+ clGlobal.showMatchLossProtection = false
+ clGlobal.canShowLateJoinMessage = false
+ if ( Riff_FloorIsLava() )
+ {
+ announcementDuration = 10.0
+ totalDuration += announcementDuration
+ //printt( "Total duration delayed for lava announcement: " + totalDuration )
+ delaythread( totalDuration ) PlayConversationToLocalClient( "floor_is_lava_announcement" )
+ }
+function MainHud_InitScoreBars( vgui, entity player, scoreGroup )
+ local hudScores = {}
+ vgui.s.scoreboardProgressBars <- hudScores
+ local panel = vgui.GetPanel()
+ hudScores.GameInfoBG <- scoreGroup.CreateElement( "GameInfoBG", panel )
+ string gameMode = GameRules_GetGameMode()
+ int friendlyTeam = player.GetTeam()
+ if ( IsFFAGame() )
+ {
+ return
+ }
+ #endif
+ int enemyTeam = friendlyTeam == TEAM_IMC ? TEAM_MILITIA : TEAM_IMC
+ if ( IsRoundBased() )
+ {
+ level.scoreLimit[TEAM_IMC] <- GetRoundScoreLimit_FromPlaylist()
+ level.scoreLimit[TEAM_MILITIA] <- GetRoundScoreLimit_FromPlaylist()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ level.scoreLimit[TEAM_IMC] <- GetScoreLimit_FromPlaylist()
+ level.scoreLimit[TEAM_MILITIA] <- GetScoreLimit_FromPlaylist()
+ }
+ Assert( gameMode == GameRules_GetGameMode() )
+ switch ( gameMode )
+ {
+ vgui.s.friendlyFlag <- scoreGroup.CreateElement( "FriendlyFlag", panel )
+ vgui.s.enemyFlag <- scoreGroup.CreateElement( "EnemyFlag", panel )
+ vgui.s.friendlyFlagLabel <- scoreGroup.CreateElement( "FriendlyFlagLabel", panel )
+ vgui.s.enemyFlagLabel <- scoreGroup.CreateElement( "EnemyFlagLabel", panel )
+ thread CaptureTheFlagThink( vgui, player )
+ break
+ thread MarkedForDeathHudThink( vgui, player, scoreGroup )
+ break
+ }
+ #endif
+ thread TitanEliminationThink( vgui, player )
+ thread RoundScoreThink( vgui, scoreGroup, player )
+ vgui.s.scoreboardProgressGroup <- scoreGroup
+ hudScores.GameInfoBG.Show()
+ local scoreboardArrays = {}
+ vgui.s.scoreboardArrays <- scoreboardArrays
+ //if ( ShouldUsePlayerStatusCount() ) //Can't just do PilotEliminationBased check here because it isn't set when first connecting
+ //{
+ // //ToDo: Eventually turn it on for normal Titan count too. Need to make sure "Titan ready but not called in yet" icon doesn't get hidden by this element
+ // hudScores.Player_Status_BG <- scoreGroup.CreateElement( "Player_Status_BG", panel )
+ // hudScores.Player_Status_BG.Show()
+ //
+ // CreatePlayerStatusElementsFriendly( scoreboardArrays, scoreGroup, panel )
+ // CreatePlayerStatusElementsEnemy( scoreboardArrays, scoreGroup, panel )
+ //
+ // thread ScoreBarsPlayerStatusThink( vgui, player, scoreboardArrays.FriendlyPlayerStatusCount, scoreboardArrays.EnemyPlayerStatusCount )
+ //}
+ //else
+ //{
+ // hudScores.Player_Status_BG <- scoreGroup.CreateElement( "Player_Status_BG", panel )
+ // hudScores.Player_Status_BG.Show()
+ // thread ScoreBarsTitanCountThink( vgui, player, hudScores.FriendlyTitanCount, hudScores.FriendlyTitanReadyCount, hudScores.EnemyTitanCount )
+ //}
+ if ( IsWatchingReplay() )
+ vgui.s.scoreboardProgressGroup.Hide()
+ UpdatePlayerStatusCounts()
+ if ( IsSuddenDeathGameMode() )
+ thread SuddenDeathHUDThink( vgui, player )
+function CaptureTheFlagThink( vgui, entity player )
+ vgui.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ if ( vgui instanceof C_VGuiScreen )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ vgui.s.friendlyFlag.Show()
+ vgui.s.enemyFlag.Show()
+ vgui.s.friendlyFlagLabel.Show()
+ vgui.s.enemyFlagLabel.Show()
+ while ( GetGameState() < eGameState.Epilogue )
+ {
+ if ( "friendlyFlagState" in player.s )
+ {
+ switch ( player.s.friendlyFlagState )
+ {
+ case eFlagState.None:
+ vgui.s.friendlyFlagLabel.SetText( "" )
+ break
+ case eFlagState.Home:
+ vgui.s.friendlyFlagLabel.SetText( "#GAMEMODE_FLAG_HOME" )
+ break
+ case eFlagState.Held:
+ vgui.s.friendlyFlagLabel.SetText( player.s.friendlyFlagCarrierName )
+ break
+ case eFlagState.Away:
+ vgui.s.friendlyFlagLabel.SetText( "#GAMEMODE_FLAG_DROPPED" )
+ break
+ }
+ switch ( player.s.enemyFlagState )
+ {
+ case eFlagState.None:
+ vgui.s.enemyFlagLabel.SetText( "" )
+ break
+ case eFlagState.Home:
+ vgui.s.enemyFlagLabel.SetText( "#GAMEMODE_FLAG_HOME" )
+ break
+ case eFlagState.Held:
+ vgui.s.enemyFlagLabel.SetText( player.s.enemyFlagCarrierName )
+ break
+ case eFlagState.Away:
+ vgui.s.enemyFlagLabel.SetText( "#GAMEMODE_FLAG_DROPPED" )
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ clGlobal.levelEnt.WaitSignal( "FlagUpdate" )
+ WaitEndFrame()
+ }
+ vgui.s.friendlyFlag.Hide()
+ vgui.s.enemyFlag.Hide()
+ vgui.s.friendlyFlagLabel.Hide()
+ vgui.s.enemyFlagLabel.Hide()
+function TitanEliminationThink( vgui, entity player )
+ vgui.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ if ( player != GetLocalClientPlayer() )
+ return
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( player )
+ {
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( player.cv.hud.s.lastEventNotificationText == "#GAMEMODE_CALLINTITAN_COUNTDOWN" )
+ HideEventNotification()
+ }
+ )
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ if ( Riff_EliminationMode() == eEliminationMode.Titans )
+ {
+ if ( IsAlive( player ) && GamePlayingOrSuddenDeath() && level.nv.secondsTitanCheckTime > Time() && !player.IsTitan() && !IsValid( player.GetPetTitan() ) && player.GetNextTitanRespawnAvailable() >= 0 )
+ {
+ SetTimedEventNotificationHATT( level.nv.secondsTitanCheckTime - Time(), "#GAMEMODE_CALLINTITAN_COUNTDOWN", HATT_GAME_COUNTDOWN_SECONDS_MILLISECONDS, level.nv.secondsTitanCheckTime )
+ }
+ else if ( player.cv.hud.s.lastEventNotificationText == "#GAMEMODE_CALLINTITAN_COUNTDOWN" )
+ {
+ HideEventNotification()
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( Riff_EliminationMode() == eEliminationMode.Pilots )
+ {
+ }
+ WaitSignal( player, "UpdateLastTitanStanding", "PetTitanChanged", "OnDeath" )
+ }
+function RoundScoreThink( var vgui, var scoreGroup, entity player )
+ vgui.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ FlagWait( "EntitiesDidLoad" ) //Have to do this because the nv that determines if RoundBased or not might not get set yet
+ int friendlyTeam = player.GetTeam()
+ int enemyTeam = friendlyTeam == TEAM_IMC ? TEAM_MILITIA : TEAM_IMC
+ local isRoundBased = IsRoundBased()
+ bool showRoundScore = true
+ int roundScoreLimit = GetRoundScoreLimit_FromPlaylist()
+ int scoreLimit = GetScoreLimit_FromPlaylist()
+ if ( isRoundBased && showRoundScore )
+ {
+ level.scoreLimit[TEAM_IMC] <- roundScoreLimit
+ level.scoreLimit[TEAM_MILITIA] <- roundScoreLimit
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ level.scoreLimit[TEAM_IMC] <- scoreLimit
+ level.scoreLimit[TEAM_MILITIA] <- scoreLimit
+ }
+ local hudScores = vgui.s.scoreboardProgressBars
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ if ( isRoundBased && showRoundScore )
+ {
+ hudScores.Friendly_Number.SetAutoText( "", HATT_FRIENDLY_TEAM_ROUND_SCORE, 0 )
+ hudScores.Enemy_Number.SetAutoText( "", HATT_ENEMY_TEAM_ROUND_SCORE, 0 )
+ }
+ hudScores.ScoresFriendly.SetBarProgressRemap( 0, level.scoreLimit[friendlyTeam], 0.011, 0.96 )
+ hudScores.ScoresEnemy.SetBarProgressRemap( 0, level.scoreLimit[enemyTeam], 0.011, 0.96 )
+ wait 1.0
+ }
+function CreatePlayerStatusElementsFriendly( scoreboardArrays, scoreGroup, panel )
+ scoreboardArrays.FriendlyPlayerStatusCount <- arrayofsize( 8 )
+ for ( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
+ {
+ scoreboardArrays.FriendlyPlayerStatusCount[ i ] = scoreGroup.CreateElement( "Friendly_Player_Status_" + i, panel )
+ }
+function CreatePlayerStatusElementsEnemy( scoreboardArrays, scoreGroup, panel )
+ scoreboardArrays.EnemyPlayerStatusCount <- arrayofsize( 8 )
+ for ( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
+ {
+ scoreboardArrays.EnemyPlayerStatusCount[ i ] = scoreGroup.CreateElement( "Enemy_Player_Status_" + i, panel )
+ }
+function ScoreBarsPlayerStatusThink( vgui, entity player, friendlyPlayerStatusElem, enemyPlayerStatusElem )
+ int friendlyTeam = player.GetTeam()
+ int enemyTeam = friendlyTeam == TEAM_IMC ? TEAM_MILITIA : TEAM_IMC
+ vgui.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ while( true )
+ {
+ clGlobal.levelEnt.WaitSignal( "UpdatePlayerStatusCounts" )
+ if ( IsWatchingReplay() ) //Don't update visibility if the scoreboardgroup should be hidden
+ continue
+ UpdatePlayerStatusForTeam( friendlyTeam, friendlyPlayerStatusElem, $"ui/icon_status_titan_friendly", $"ui/icon_status_pilot_friendly", $"ui/icon_status_burncard_friendly", $"ui/icon_status_burncard_friendly" )
+ UpdatePlayerStatusForTeam( enemyTeam, enemyPlayerStatusElem, $"ui/icon_status_titan_enemy", $"ui/icon_status_pilot_enemy", $"ui/icon_status_burncard_enemy", $"ui/icon_status_burncard_enemy" )
+ }
+function CountPlayerStatusTypes( array teamPlayers )
+ table resultTable = {
+ titanWithBurnCard = 0,
+ titan = 0,
+ pilotWithBurnCard = 0
+ pilot = 0,
+ }
+ foreach ( player in teamPlayers )
+ {
+ entity playerPetTitan = player.GetPetTitan()
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ {
+ if ( IsAlive( playerPetTitan ) )
+ resultTable.titan++
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( player.IsTitan() )
+ resultTable.titan++
+ else if ( IsAlive( playerPetTitan ) )
+ resultTable.titan++
+ else
+ resultTable.pilot++
+ }
+ }
+ return resultTable
+function UpdatePlayerStatusForTeam( int team, teamStatusElem, titanImage, pilotImage, pilotBurnCardImage, titanBurnCardImage )
+ array teamPlayers = GetPlayerArrayOfTeam( team )
+ local teamResultTable = CountPlayerStatusTypes( teamPlayers )
+ int maxElems = 8
+ int index = 0
+ int currentElem = 0
+ for ( index = 0; index < teamResultTable.titanWithBurnCard && currentElem < maxElems; index++, currentElem++ )
+ {
+ teamStatusElem[ currentElem ].Show()
+ teamStatusElem[ currentElem ].SetImage( titanBurnCardImage )
+ }
+ for ( index = 0; index < teamResultTable.titan && index < maxElems; index++, currentElem++ )
+ {
+ teamStatusElem[ currentElem ].Show()
+ teamStatusElem[ currentElem ].SetImage( titanImage )
+ }
+ for ( index = 0; index < teamResultTable.pilotWithBurnCard && index < maxElems; index++, currentElem++ )
+ {
+ teamStatusElem[ currentElem ].Show()
+ teamStatusElem[ currentElem ].SetImage( pilotBurnCardImage )
+ }
+ for ( index = 0; index < teamResultTable.pilot && index < maxElems; index++, currentElem++ )
+ {
+ teamStatusElem[ currentElem ].Show()
+ teamStatusElem[ currentElem ].SetImage( pilotImage )
+ }
+ for( ; currentElem < maxElems; currentElem++ )
+ {
+ teamStatusElem[ currentElem ].Hide()
+ }
+function SuddenDeathHUDThink( vgui, entity player )
+ Signal( player, "SuddenDeathHUDThink" )
+ player.EndSignal( "SuddenDeathHUDThink" )
+ vgui.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ while ( GetGameState() != eGameState.SuddenDeath )
+ WaitSignal( player, "GameStateChanged" )
+ EndSignal( player, "GameStateChanged" )
+ local hudScores = vgui.s.scoreboardProgressBars
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( hudScores, player )
+ {
+ if ( !IsValid( hudScores ) )
+ return
+ hudScores.GameInfo_Label.SetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 )
+ string restoredGameModeLabelText = GAMETYPE_TEXT[ GameRules_GetGameMode() ]
+ hudScores.GameModeLabel.SetText( restoredGameModeLabelText )
+ if ( player == GetLocalClientPlayer() )
+ {
+ local scoreElemsClient = player.cv.clientHud.s.mainVGUI.s.scoreboardProgressGroup.elements
+ scoreElemsClient.GameModeLabel.SetText( restoredGameModeLabelText )
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ string gameModeLabelText = ""
+ switch ( GAMETYPE )
+ {
+ break
+ break
+ default:
+ gameModeLabelText = GAMETYPE_TEXT[ GameRules_GetGameMode() ]
+ }
+ hudScores.GameModeLabel.SetText( gameModeLabelText )
+ if ( player == GetLocalClientPlayer() )
+ {
+ local scoreElemsClient = player.cv.clientHud.s.mainVGUI.s.scoreboardProgressGroup.elements
+ scoreElemsClient.GameModeLabel.SetText( gameModeLabelText )
+ }
+ float startTime = Time()
+ float pulseFrac = 0.0
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ pulseFrac = Graph( GetPulseFrac( 1.0, startTime ), 0.0, 1.0, 0.05, 1.0 )
+ hudScores.GameInfo_Label.SetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 * pulseFrac )
+ wait( 0.0 )
+ }
diff --git a/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/client/cl_screenfade.gnut b/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/client/cl_screenfade.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..deccbac28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Client/mod/scripts/vscripts/client/cl_screenfade.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+global function ClScreenfade_Init
+global function RegisterDoomProtectionHintDamage
+global function UpdateScreenFade
+ var screenFade = null
+ int lastAlpha = -1
+ void functionref() screenFadeFunc
+} file
+void function ClScreenfade_Init()
+ RegisterSignal( "NewScreenFade" )
+ if ( IsSingleplayer() )
+ file.screenFadeFunc = UpdateScreenFade_SpFirstFrame
+ else
+ file.screenFadeFunc = UpdateScreenFadeInternal
+ thread PlayerPainSoundThread()
+ AddCallback_OnClientScriptInit( ScreenFade_AddClient )
+ file.screenFade = RuiCreate( $"ui/screen_fade.rpak", clGlobal.topoFullScreen, RUI_DRAW_HUD, RUI_SORT_SCREENFADE )
+ if ( IsLobby() )
+ return
+ RuiSetFloat3( file.screenFade, "fadeColor", <0, 0, 0> )
+ RuiSetFloat( file.screenFade, "fadeAlpha", 1.0 )
+void function ScreenFade_AddClient( entity player )
+void function UpdateScreenFade()
+ file.screenFadeFunc()
+void function UpdateScreenFadeInternal()
+ table fadeParams = expect table( GetFadeParams() )
+ //For debugging screen fade
+ /*int alpha = expect int (fadeParams.a )
+ if ( file.lastAlpha != alpha )
+ printt( "Alpha changed in UpdateScreenFade to: " + alpha )
+ file.lastAlpha = alpha*/
+ RuiSetFloat3( file.screenFade, "fadeColor", < expect int( fadeParams.r ) / 255.0, expect int( fadeParams.g ) / 255.0, expect int( fadeParams.b ) / 255.0 > )
+ RuiSetFloat( file.screenFade, "fadeAlpha", expect int( fadeParams.a ) / 255.0 )
+void function UpdateScreenFade_SpFirstFrame()
+ RuiSetFloat3( file.screenFade, "fadeColor", < 0, 0, 0 > )
+ RuiSetFloat( file.screenFade, "fadeAlpha", 255 )
+ file.screenFadeFunc = UpdateScreenFadeInternal
+float g_doomProtectionHintDamage = 0.0
+float g_doomProtectionHintLastShowedTime = 0.0
+void function RegisterDoomProtectionHintDamage( float newAmount )
+ const float LOCKOUT_TIME = 20.0
+ if ( newAmount < 0.0 )
+ return
+ if ( (Time() - g_doomProtectionHintLastShowedTime) < LOCKOUT_TIME )
+ return
+ g_doomProtectionHintDamage += newAmount;
+ printt( "g_doomProtectionHintDamage is now:", g_doomProtectionHintDamage )
+void function DoomProtectionHintThread()
+ const float HINT_DURATION = 4.0
+ const float THRESHOLD_PILOT = 1000
+ const float THRESHOLD_TITAN = 2000
+ const float FIRSTTIME_SCALE = 0.6
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ WaitFrame()
+ entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ continue;
+ float threshold = player.IsTitan() ? THRESHOLD_TITAN : THRESHOLD_PILOT
+ if ( g_doomProtectionHintLastShowedTime == 0.0 )
+ threshold *= FIRSTTIME_SCALE
+ if ( g_doomProtectionHintDamage > threshold )
+ {
+ wait 0.4
+ entity player = GetLocalViewPlayer()
+ if ( IsValid( player ) )
+ {
+ g_doomProtectionHintLastShowedTime = Time()
+ g_doomProtectionHintDamage = 0.0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+string function GetPainSound( entity player, string varName )
+ var resultRaw = player.GetPlayerSettingsField( varName )
+ if ( resultRaw == null )
+ {
+ Assert( 0, ("Invalid player setting field: " + varName) )
+ return ""
+ }
+ return expect string( resultRaw )
+void function PlayerPainSoundThread()
+ // Each layer has:
+ //: begin threshold (health falls below XX)
+ //: end threshold (health has risen back up above YY)
+ //: looping sound
+ //: endcap sound
+ float HEALTH_PERCENT_LAYER1 = 0.85;
+ float HEALTH_PERCENT_LAYER2 = 0.55;
+ float HEALTH_PERCENT_LAYER3 = 0.55;
+ if ( shGlobal.proto_pilotHealthRegenDisabled )
+ {
+ }
+ entity ourPlayer = null;
+ bool arePlayingLayer1 = false;
+ bool arePlayingLayer2 = false;
+ bool arePlayingLayer3 = false;
+ string soundLayer1Loop = ""
+ string soundLayer1End = ""
+ string soundLayer2Start = ""
+ string soundLayer2Loop = ""
+ string soundLayer3Loop = ""
+ string soundLayer3End = ""
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ bool shouldPlayLayer1 = false
+ bool shouldPlayLayer2 = false
+ bool shouldPlayLayer3 = false
+ bool endcapsAllowed = false
+ entity localViewPlayer = GetLocalViewPlayer();
+ if ( !IsValid( localViewPlayer ) )
+ {
+ }
+ else if ( !IsAlive( localViewPlayer ) )
+ {
+ }
+ else if ( (ourPlayer != null) && (ourPlayer != localViewPlayer) )
+ {
+ }
+ else if ( localViewPlayer.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ endcapsAllowed = true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ endcapsAllowed = true
+ int health = localViewPlayer.GetHealth()
+ int maxHealth = localViewPlayer.GetMaxHealth()
+ float healthPercent = ((maxHealth > 0) ? (health.tofloat() / maxHealth.tofloat()) : 1.0)
+ if ( !arePlayingLayer1 && (healthPercent <= HEALTH_PERCENT_LAYER1) )
+ shouldPlayLayer1 = true
+ else if ( arePlayingLayer1 && (healthPercent <= HEALTH_PERCENT_LAYER1_END) )
+ shouldPlayLayer1 = true
+ if ( !arePlayingLayer2 && (healthPercent <= HEALTH_PERCENT_LAYER2) )
+ shouldPlayLayer2 = true
+ else if ( arePlayingLayer2 && (healthPercent <= HEALTH_PERCENT_LAYER2_END) )
+ shouldPlayLayer2 = true
+ if ( !arePlayingLayer3 && (healthPercent <= HEALTH_PERCENT_LAYER3) )
+ shouldPlayLayer3 = true
+ else if ( arePlayingLayer3 && (healthPercent <= HEALTH_PERCENT_LAYER3_END) )
+ shouldPlayLayer3 = true
+ }
+ if ( shouldPlayLayer1 != arePlayingLayer1 )
+ {
+ if ( shouldPlayLayer1 )
+ {
+ //printt( "LAYER 1 STARTS" )
+ arePlayingLayer1 = true
+ Assert( (ourPlayer == null) || (ourPlayer == localViewPlayer) )
+ ourPlayer = localViewPlayer
+ soundLayer1Loop = GetPainSound( ourPlayer, "sound_pain_layer1_loop" )
+ soundLayer1End = GetPainSound( ourPlayer, "sound_pain_layer1_end" )
+ if ( soundLayer1Loop != "" )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( ourPlayer, soundLayer1Loop )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //printt( "LAYER 1 _stop_" )
+ if ( IsValid( ourPlayer ) )
+ {
+ if ( soundLayer1Loop != "" )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( ourPlayer, soundLayer1Loop )
+ if ( endcapsAllowed && (soundLayer1End != "") )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( ourPlayer, soundLayer1End )
+ }
+ arePlayingLayer1 = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( shouldPlayLayer2 != arePlayingLayer2 )
+ {
+ if ( shouldPlayLayer2 )
+ {
+ //printt( "LAYER 2 STARTS" );
+ arePlayingLayer2 = true;
+ Assert( (ourPlayer == null) || (ourPlayer == localViewPlayer) )
+ ourPlayer = localViewPlayer;
+ soundLayer2Start = GetPainSound( ourPlayer, "sound_pain_layer2_start" )
+ soundLayer2Loop = GetPainSound( ourPlayer, "sound_pain_layer2_loop" )
+ if ( soundLayer2Start != "" )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( ourPlayer, soundLayer2Start )
+ if ( soundLayer2Loop != "" )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( ourPlayer, soundLayer2Loop )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //printt( "LAYER 2 _stop_" );
+ if ( IsValid( ourPlayer ) )
+ {
+ if ( soundLayer2Start != "" )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( ourPlayer, soundLayer2Start )
+ if ( soundLayer2Loop != "" )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( ourPlayer, soundLayer2Loop )
+ }
+ arePlayingLayer2 = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( shouldPlayLayer3 != arePlayingLayer3 )
+ {
+ if ( shouldPlayLayer3 )
+ {
+ //printt( "LAYER 3 STARTS" )
+ arePlayingLayer3 = true
+ Assert( (ourPlayer == null) || (ourPlayer == localViewPlayer) )
+ ourPlayer = localViewPlayer
+ soundLayer3Loop = GetPainSound( ourPlayer, "sound_pain_layer3_loop" )
+ soundLayer3End = GetPainSound( ourPlayer, "sound_pain_layer3_end" )
+ if ( soundLayer3Loop != "" )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( ourPlayer, soundLayer3Loop )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //printt( "LAYER 3 _stop_" )
+ if ( IsValid( ourPlayer ) )
+ {
+ if ( soundLayer3Loop != "" )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( ourPlayer, soundLayer3Loop )
+ if ( endcapsAllowed && (soundLayer3End != "") )
+ EmitSoundOnEntity( ourPlayer, soundLayer3End )
+ }
+ arePlayingLayer3 = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !arePlayingLayer1 && !arePlayingLayer2 && !arePlayingLayer3 )
+ ourPlayer = null
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+void function ClientSetPilotPainFlashColor( entity player, int a )
+ player.hudElems.damageOverlayPainFlash.SetColor( 255, 255, 255, a )
+ if ( a > 0 )
+ player.hudElems.damageOverlayPainFlash.Show()
+ else
+ player.hudElems.damageOverlayPainFlash.Hide()
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/keyvalues/scripts/aisettings/npc_pilot_elite.txt b/Northstar.Custom/keyvalues/scripts/aisettings/npc_pilot_elite.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..349277c39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/keyvalues/scripts/aisettings/npc_pilot_elite.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ GibModel0 "models/gibs/human_gibs.mdl"
+ headshotFX "P_headshot_pilot"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/mod/models/weapons/titan_triple_threat_og/w_titan_triple_threat_og.mdl b/Northstar.Custom/mod/models/weapons/titan_triple_threat_og/w_titan_triple_threat_og.mdl
index b955e1c02..2394fdd20 100644
Binary files a/Northstar.Custom/mod/models/weapons/titan_triple_threat_og/w_titan_triple_threat_og.mdl and b/Northstar.Custom/mod/models/weapons/titan_triple_threat_og/w_titan_triple_threat_og.mdl differ
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/sh_melee.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/sh_melee.gnut
index 95ab39158..89ea38f03 100644
--- a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/sh_melee.gnut
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/sh_melee.gnut
@@ -378,11 +378,6 @@ bool function CodeCallback_IsValidMeleeAttackTarget( entity attacker, entity tar
void function CodeCallback_OnMeleePressed( entity player )
- print( "SERVER: " + player + " pressed melee\n" )
- print( "CLIENT: " + player + " pressed melee\n" )
if ( !Melee_IsAllowed( player ) )
@@ -410,24 +405,10 @@ void function CodeCallback_OnMeleePressed( entity player )
if ( player.PlayerMelee_GetState() != PLAYER_MELEE_STATE_NONE )
- {
- print( "SERVER: PlayerMelee_GetState() for " + player + " is " + player.PlayerMelee_GetState() + "\n" )
- print( "CLIENT: PlayerMelee_GetState() for " + player + " is " + player.PlayerMelee_GetState() + "\n" )
- }
if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
- {
- print( "SERVER: " + player + " is dead\n" )
- print( "CLIENT: " + player + " is dead\n" )
- }
thread CodeCallback_OnMeleePressed_InternalThread( player )
@@ -527,14 +508,7 @@ bool function PlayerTriesSyncedMelee( entity player, entity target )
if ( !player.Lunge_IsActive() || !player.Lunge_IsGroundExecute() || !player.Lunge_IsLungingToEntity() || (player.Lunge_GetTargetEntity() != target) )
- {
- print( "SERVER: " + player + " is calling Lunge_SetTargetEntity() from PlayerTriesSyncedMelee()\n" )
- print( "CLIENT: " + player + " is calling Lunge_SetTargetEntity() from PlayerTriesSyncedMelee()\n" )
player.Lunge_SetTargetEntity( target, false )
- }
@@ -969,10 +943,28 @@ string function GetVictimSyncedMeleeTargetType( entity ent )
targetType = "prowler"
+ // Disabled to allow for executing NPC Pilots
+ // The way this function works, is that if an entity gets added here, then whatever "targetType" it returns
+ // gets passed to sh_melee_synced_human.gnut or sh_melee_synced_titan.gnut,
+ // which determines what animation set that entity should use when getting executed
+ // If an entity is not included, the it uses its BodyType to determine it ( see line 83 in sh_melee_synced_human)
+ // As you can see: Grunts, and Spectres are not included here, so it gets their BodyType (human) and goes from there
+ // I imagine the reason Respawn added the NPC Pilots to this function, is so they could make unique executions for them,
+ // just like the Prowlers
+ // Unfortunately, they either scrapped them, or simply never got around to making them
+ // That means this piece of code has basically no reason to exist anymore
+ // The only thing it does is break executions and thats it
+ // Since NPC Pilots also use the "human" BodyType, it means we can execute them with no issues
else if ( IsPilotElite( ent ) )
targetType = "pilotelite"
else if ( ent.IsNPC() )
targetType = ent.GetBodyType()
@@ -1006,11 +998,7 @@ SyncedMeleeChooser ornull function GetSyncedMeleeChooserForPlayerVsTarget( entit
void function CodeCallback_OnMeleeAttackAnimEvent( entity player )
Assert( IsValid( player ) )
- print( "SERVER: " + player + " is calling CodeCallback_OnMeleeAttackAnimEvent()\n" )
- print( "CLIENT: " + player + " is calling CodeCallback_OnMeleeAttackAnimEvent()\n" )
if ( player.PlayerMelee_IsAttackActive() )
if ( player.IsTitan() )
@@ -1223,4 +1211,4 @@ SyncedMelee ornull function PickRandomExecution( SyncedMeleeChooser actions, ent
return possibleExecutions[0]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/sh_melee_human.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/sh_melee_human.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..031acacfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/melee/sh_melee_human.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+global function MeleeHumanShared_Init
+global function HumanUnsyncedMelee
+global function HumanMeleeAttack
+function MeleeHumanShared_Init()
+ PrecacheParticleSystem( $"P_melee_player" )
+ RegisterSignal( "StopSlowMoMelee" )
+ RegisterSignal( "StopHighlightValidMeleeEnemy" )
+function HumanUnsyncedMelee( entity player, bool movestunBlocked )
+ entity activeWeapon = player.GetActiveWeapon()
+ if ( !IsValid( activeWeapon ) )
+ {
+ print( "SERVER: " + player + " has no valid active weapon\n" )
+ print( "CLIENT: " + player + " has no valid active weapon\n" )
+ return
+ }
+ entity meleeWeapon = player.GetMeleeWeapon()
+ if ( !IsValid( meleeWeapon ) )
+ {
+ print( "SERVER: " + player + " has no valid melee weapon\n" )
+ print( "CLIENT: " + player + " has no valid melee weapon\n" )
+ return
+ }
+ if ( activeWeapon.GetWeaponClassName() == "mp_weapon_dash_melee" )
+ player.PlayerMelee_StartAttack( meleeAttackType )
+ if ( player.PlayerMelee_GetState() == PLAYER_MELEE_STATE_HUMAN_EVISCERATE_ATTACK )
+ {
+ vector lungeTargetPos = (player.GetOrigin() + (player.GetViewVector() * 300))
+ player.Lunge_SetTargetPosition( lungeTargetPos )
+ player.Lunge_EnableFlying()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entity lungeTarget = GetLungeTargetForPlayer( player )
+ if ( IsAlive( lungeTarget ) )
+ {
+ if ( !movestunBlocked )
+ {
+ if ( player.Lunge_SetTargetEntity( lungeTarget, true ) )
+ {
+ if ( lungeTarget.IsTitan() )
+ {
+ player.Lunge_EnableFlying()
+ vector oldOffset = player.Lunge_GetEndPositionOffset()
+ player.Lunge_SetEndPositionOffset( oldOffset + <0, 0, 128> )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( player.IsOnGround() )
+ player.Lunge_LockPitch( true )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if we don't lunge at anything stop slowmo
+ else if ( IsSingleplayer() && PROTO_IsSlowMoWeapon( meleeWeapon ) )
+ {
+ player.Signal( "StopSlowMoMelee" )
+ }
+#endif // #if SERVER
+ }
+ meleeWeapon.EmitWeaponNpcSound_DontUpdateLastFiredTime( 200, 0.2 )
+#endif // #if SERVER
+ //player.Weapon_StartCustomActivity( meleeActivity1p, false )
+ player.SetSelectedOffhandToMelee()
+function DoReactionForTitanHit( entity player, entity titan )
+ player.Lunge_SetTargetEntity( titan, true )
+ if ( player.Lunge_IsLungingToEntity() )
+ player.Lunge_EnableFlying()
+ vector titanCenter = titan.EyePosition()
+ vector delta = (player.EyePosition() - titanCenter)
+ vector dir = Normalize( delta )
+ player.Lunge_SetEndPositionOffset( dir * 350 )
+function HumanMeleeAttack( entity player )
+ if ( player.IsPhaseShifted() )
+ return
+ if ( player.PlayerMelee_GetAttackHitEntity() )
+ return
+ if ( IsInExecutionMeleeState( player ) )
+ return
+ entity meleeWeapon = player.GetMeleeWeapon()
+ float attackRange = meleeWeapon.GetMeleeAttackRange()
+ if ( player.Lunge_IsGroundExecute() )
+ attackRange = 150
+ table traceResult = PlayerMelee_AttackTrace( player, attackRange, CodeCallback_IsValidMeleeAttackTarget )
+ entity hitEnt = expect entity( traceResult.ent )
+ if ( !IsValid( hitEnt ) )
+ return
+ if ( PlayerMelee_IsServerSideEffects() )
+ {
+ vector hitNormal = Normalize( traceResult.startPosition - traceResult.position )
+ player.DispatchImpactEffects( hitEnt, traceResult.startPosition, traceResult.position, hitNormal, traceResult.surfaceProp, traceResult.staticPropIndex, traceResult.damageType, meleeWeapon.GetImpactTableIndex(), player, traceResult.impactEffectFlags | IEF_SERVER_SIDE_EFFECT )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vector hitNormal = Normalize( traceResult.startPosition - traceResult.position )
+ player.DispatchImpactEffects( hitEnt, traceResult.startPosition, traceResult.position, hitNormal, traceResult.surfaceProp, traceResult.staticPropIndex, traceResult.damageType, meleeWeapon.GetImpactTableIndex(), player, traceResult.impactEffectFlags )
+ }
+ player.PlayerMelee_SetAttackHitEntity( hitEnt )
+ if ( !hitEnt.IsWorld() )
+ player.PlayerMelee_SetAttackRecoveryShouldBeQuick( true )
+ if ( hitEnt.IsTitan() )
+ DoReactionForTitanHit( player, hitEnt )
+ if ( hitEnt.IsBreakableGlass() )
+ {
+ hitEnt.BreakSphere( traceResult.position, 50 )
+#endif // #if SERVER
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( player.IsInputCommandHeld( IN_MELEE ) && AttemptHumanMeleeExecution( player, hitEnt, meleeWeapon, traceResult ) )
+ return
+ //MeleeImpactFX( player, meleeWeapon, hitEnt )
+ HumanMeleeAttack_DoImpact( player, meleeWeapon, traceResult )
+ const float SCALE_WHEN_ENEMY = 1.0
+ const float SCALE_WHEN_NOT_ENEMY = 0.5
+ float severityScale = IsEnemyTeam( player.GetTeam(), hitEnt.GetTeam() ) ? SCALE_WHEN_ENEMY : SCALE_WHEN_NOT_ENEMY
+ meleeWeapon.DoMeleeHitConfirmation( severityScale )
+ }
+#if 0 //CLIENT
+function MeleeImpactFX( entity player, entity meleeWeapon, entity target )
+ if ( !target.IsWorld() )
+ {
+ entity cockpit = player.GetCockpit()
+ if ( IsValid( cockpit ) )
+ StartParticleEffectOnEntity( cockpit, GetParticleSystemIndex( $"P_melee_player" ), FX_PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, -1 ) //P_MFD works well too
+ }
+#endif // CLIENT
+function HumanMeleeAttack_DoImpact( entity player, entity meleeWeapon, traceResult )
+ local angles = player.EyeAngles()
+ entity target = expect entity( traceResult.ent )
+ player.PlayerMelee_SetAttackHitEntity( target )
+ string weaponName = meleeWeapon.GetWeaponClassName()
+ local damageSource = eDamageSourceId[weaponName]
+ int damageAmount = GetDamageAmountForTarget( meleeWeapon, target )
+ if ( IsHumanSized( target ) )
+ {
+ if ( target.IsPlayer() ) //Strip away rodeo protection
+ {
+ entity titanBeingRodeoed = GetTitanBeingRodeoed( target )
+ if ( IsValid( titanBeingRodeoed ) )
+ TakeAwayFriendlyRodeoPlayerProtection( titanBeingRodeoed )
+ }
+ // ??
+ target.SetContinueAnimatingAfterRagdoll( true )
+ }
+ vector oldVelocity = target.GetVelocity()
+ vector damageForce = AnglesToForward( angles ) * meleeWeapon.GetWeaponDamageForce()
+ if ( target.IsNPC() && target.CanBeGroundExecuted() )
+ target.TakeDamage( target.GetHealth(), player, player, { scriptType = DF_RAGDOLL | meleeWeapon.GetWeaponDamageFlags(), damageType = DMG_MELEE_ATTACK, damageSourceId = damageSource, origin = traceResult.position, force = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) } )
+ else
+ target.TakeDamage( damageAmount, player, player, { scriptType = meleeWeapon.GetWeaponDamageFlags(), damageType = DMG_MELEE_ATTACK, damageSourceId = damageSource, origin = traceResult.position, force = damageForce } )
+ if ( IsSingleplayer() )
+ {
+ if ( PROTO_ShouldActivateSlowMo( target, meleeWeapon ) )
+ {
+ thread PROTO_SlowMoMelee( player, target, meleeWeapon )
+ }
+ }
+ // triggers:
+ {
+ local triggerTraceDir = Normalize( traceResult.position - traceResult.startPosition )
+ player.TraceAttackToTriggers( damageAmount, player, player, { scriptType = meleeWeapon.GetWeaponDamageFlags(), damageType = DMG_MELEE_ATTACK, damageSourceId = damageSource, force = damageForce }, traceResult.startPosition, traceResult.position, triggerTraceDir )
+ }
+ if ( target.IsPlayerDecoy() )
+ {
+ player.PlayerMelee_EndAttack()
+ }
+int function GetDamageAmountForTarget( entity meleeWeapon, entity target )
+ // special case
+ if ( IsTurret( target ) && IsHumanSized( target ) )
+ return target.GetMaxHealth() + 1
+ // default
+ return meleeWeapon.GetDamageAmountForArmorType( target.GetArmorType() )
+// HACK - testing linked slow mo melee
+void function PROTO_SlowMoMelee( entity player, entity currentEnemy, entity meleeWeapon )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ player.EndSignal( "StopSlowMoMelee" )
+ float duration = 1.75 //1.75
+ float timescale = 0.4
+ float lastKillTimescale = 0.2
+ var SlowMoTimeRemaining = player.s.meleeSlowMoEndTime - Time()
+ meleeWeapon.SetMods( [ "SlowMoLinked" ] ) // need to switch to the other mod to get the longer lunge range
+ // find an enemy close enough that we can melee him next
+ entity nextEnemy = PROTO_GetNextMeleeEnemy( player, meleeWeapon, currentEnemy )
+ if ( !IsValid( nextEnemy ) )
+ {
+ meleeWeapon.SetMods( [ "SlowMo" ] )
+ if ( SlowMoTimeRemaining > 0 )
+ {
+ // do extra slowdown for the last kill in a linked slow-mo melee chain.
+ ServerCommand( "host_timescale " + string( lastKillTimescale ) )
+ wait 0.2
+ player.Signal( "StopSlowMoMelee" ) // this will also end this thread
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ if ( player.s.meleeSlowMoEndTime > Time() )
+ {
+ // if we are already in slow-mo just turn towards the next enemy and extend the duration
+ thread PROTO_TurnViewTowardsClosestEnemy( player, nextEnemy )
+ player.s.meleeSlowMoEndTime = Time() + duration // += duration
+ return
+ }
+ // require a 5 second cool down between leaving and reentering slow mo.
+ if ( SlowMoTimeRemaining > -5 )
+ return
+ thread PROTO_TurnViewTowardsClosestEnemy( player, nextEnemy )
+ // enter slow mo
+ ServerCommand( "host_timescale " + string( timescale ) )
+ player.s.meleeSlowMoEndTime = Time() + duration
+ meleeWeapon.SetMods( [ "SlowMoLinked" ] )
+ float range = meleeWeapon.GetMeleeLungeTargetRange()
+ array enemyArray = PROTO_GetMeleeEnemiesWithinRange( player.GetOrigin(), player.GetTeam(), range )
+ foreach( enemy in enemyArray )
+ thread PROTO_HighlightValidMeleeEnemy( player, enemy, meleeWeapon )
+ player.SetInvulnerable()
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( player, meleeWeapon )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( meleeWeapon ) )
+ meleeWeapon.SetMods( [ "SlowMo" ] )
+ if ( IsValid( player ) )
+ {
+ player.ClearInvulnerable()
+ player.s.meleeSlowMoEndTime = 0
+ }
+ thread PROTO_EaseOutSlowMo()
+ }
+ )
+ while( Time() <= player.s.meleeSlowMoEndTime )
+ {
+ var waitTime = player.s.meleeSlowMoEndTime - Time()
+ wait waitTime
+ }
+ player.Signal( "StopSlowMoMelee" )
+void function PROTO_EaseOutSlowMo()
+ ServerCommand( "host_timescale 0.4" )
+ wait 0.1
+ ServerCommand( "host_timescale 0.7" )
+ wait 0.1
+ ServerCommand( "host_timescale 1.0" )
+bool function PROTO_IsSlowMoWeapon( entity meleeWeapon )
+ return ( meleeWeapon.HasMod( "SlowMo" ) || meleeWeapon.HasMod( "SlowMoLinked" ) )
+bool function PROTO_ShouldActivateSlowMo( entity enemy, entity meleeWeapon )
+ if ( !PROTO_IsSlowMoWeapon( meleeWeapon ) )
+ return false
+ if ( !IsHumanSized( enemy ) )
+ return false
+ return true
+void function PROTO_TurnViewTowardsClosestEnemy( entity player, entity nextEnemy )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( player )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( player ) )
+ {
+ player.ClearParent()
+ player.PlayerCone_Disable()
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ // turn player view towards next enemy
+ vector vec = nextEnemy.GetOrigin() - player.GetOrigin()
+ vector newAngles = VectorToAngles( vec )
+ entity scriptMover = CreateScriptMover( player.GetOrigin(), player.GetAngles() )
+ player.SetParent( scriptMover )
+ player.PlayerCone_SetLerpTime( 0.15 )
+ player.PlayerCone_FromAnim()
+ player.PlayerCone_SetMinYaw( -15 )
+ player.PlayerCone_SetMaxYaw( 15 )
+ player.PlayerCone_SetMinPitch( -5 )
+ player.PlayerCone_SetMaxPitch( 15 )
+ wait 0.2
+ scriptMover.NonPhysicsRotateTo( newAngles, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2 )
+ wait 0.4
+entity function PROTO_GetNextMeleeEnemy( entity player, entity meleeWeapon, entity lastEnemy )
+ float range = meleeWeapon.GetMeleeLungeTargetRange()
+ array enemyArray = PROTO_GetMeleeEnemiesWithinRange( player.GetOrigin(), player.GetTeam(), range )
+ entity nextEnemy = null
+ foreach ( enemy in enemyArray )
+ {
+ float heightDif = enemy.GetOrigin().z - player.GetOrigin().z
+ if ( heightDif < -96 || heightDif > 48 )
+ continue
+ float frac = TraceLineSimple( player.EyePosition(), enemy.EyePosition(), enemy )
+ if ( frac < 1 )
+ continue
+ if ( enemy == lastEnemy )
+ continue
+ nextEnemy = enemy
+ break
+ }
+ return nextEnemy
+array function PROTO_GetMeleeEnemiesWithinRange( vector playerOrigin, int playerTeam, float range )
+ array enemyArray = GetNPCArrayEx( "npc_soldier", TEAM_ANY, playerTeam, playerOrigin, range )
+ enemyArray.extend( GetNPCArrayEx( "npc_spectre", TEAM_ANY, playerTeam, playerOrigin, range ) )
+ return enemyArray
+void function PROTO_HighlightValidMeleeEnemy( entity player, entity enemy, entity meleeWeapon )
+ enemy.Signal( "StopHighlightValidMeleeEnemy" )
+ enemy.EndSignal( "StopHighlightValidMeleeEnemy" )
+ player.EndSignal( "StopSlowMoMelee" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ enemy.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( enemy )
+ {
+ if ( IsValid( enemy ) )
+ Highlight_ClearEnemyHighlight( enemy )
+ }
+ )
+ float range = meleeWeapon.GetMeleeLungeTargetRange()
+ float minDot = AngleToDot( meleeWeapon.GetMeleeLungeTargetAngle() )
+ while( true )
+ {
+ vector viewVector = player.GetViewVector()
+ vector enemyVector = enemy.GetCenter() - player.EyePosition()
+ float dist = expect float( enemyVector.Norm() )
+ if ( DotProduct( enemyVector, viewVector ) > minDot && dist < range )
+ Highlight_SetEnemyHighlight( enemy, "enemy_sur_base" ) // enemy_sur_base, enemy_sonar, map_scan
+ else
+ Highlight_ClearEnemyHighlight( enemy )
+ wait 0.1
+ }
+#endif // #if SERVER
+bool function AttemptHumanMeleeExecution( entity player, entity syncedTarget, entity meleeWeapon, table traceResult )
+ if ( player.PlayerMelee_GetState() == PLAYER_MELEE_STATE_NONE )
+ return false
+ if ( !IsAlive( player ) )
+ return false
+ if ( player.IsPhaseShifted() )
+ return false
+ if ( !CodeCallback_IsValidMeleeExecutionTarget( player, syncedTarget ) )
+ return false
+ #if SERVER
+ player.Anim_StopGesture( 0 )
+ #endif
+ thread PlayerTriesSyncedMelee_FallbackToHumanMeleeAttack( player, syncedTarget, meleeWeapon, traceResult )
+ return true
+void function PlayerTriesSyncedMelee_FallbackToHumanMeleeAttack( entity player, entity target, entity meleeWeapon, table traceResult )
+ if ( !PlayerTriesSyncedMelee( player, target ) )
+ {
+ HumanMeleeAttack_DoImpact( player, meleeWeapon, traceResult )
+ }
diff --git a/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/weapons/sh_stim.gnut b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/weapons/sh_stim.gnut
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50e030eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Northstar.Custom/mod/scripts/vscripts/weapons/sh_stim.gnut
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+global function StimShared_Init
+global function StimPlayer
+global function EndlessStimBegin
+global function EndlessStimEnd
+global int COCKPIT_STIM_FX
+global int PILOT_STIM_HLD_FX
+global const float STIM_EFFECT_SEVERITY = 0.4 // assuming 'movement_speedboost_extraScale' is 2.0
+void function StimShared_Init()
+ COCKPIT_STIM_FX = PrecacheParticleSystem( $"P_heal" )
+ PILOT_STIM_HLD_FX = PrecacheParticleSystem( $"P_pilot_stim_hld" )
+ #if CLIENT
+ StatusEffect_RegisterEnabledCallback( eStatusEffect.stim_visual_effect, StimVisualsEnabled )
+ StatusEffect_RegisterDisabledCallback( eStatusEffect.stim_visual_effect, StimVisualsDisabled )
+ #endif
+ RegisterSignal( "EndStim" )
+ RegisterSignal( "StopEndlessStim" )
+void function EndlessStimBegin( entity player, float effectSeverity )
+ StimPlayer_Internal( player, USE_TIME_INFINITE, effectSeverity )
+void function EndlessStimEnd( entity player )
+ player.Signal( "StopEndlessStim" )
+void function StimPlayer( entity player, float duration, float severity = STIM_EFFECT_SEVERITY )
+ StimPlayer_Internal( player, duration, severity )
+void function StimPlayer_Internal( entity player, float duration, float effectSeverity )
+ int endlessStatusEffectHandle = 0
+ if ( duration == USE_TIME_INFINITE )
+ {
+ endlessStatusEffectHandle = StatusEffect_AddEndless( player, eStatusEffect.speed_boost, effectSeverity )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ StatusEffect_AddTimed( player, eStatusEffect.speed_boost, effectSeverity, duration + 0.5, 0.25 ) // sound is slightly off
+ StatusEffect_AddTimed( player, eStatusEffect.stim_visual_effect, 1.0, duration, duration )
+ }
+ thread StimThink( player, duration, endlessStatusEffectHandle )
+ entity cockpit = player.GetCockpit()
+ if ( !IsValid( cockpit ) )
+ return
+ HealthHUD_ClearFX( player )
+void function StimThink( entity player, float duration, int endlessStatusEffectHandle )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnChangedPlayerClass" )
+ if ( endlessStatusEffectHandle != 0 )
+ player.EndSignal( "StopEndlessStim" )
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( player, player, "pilot_stimpack_loop_1P" )
+ EmitSoundOnEntityExceptToPlayer( player, player, "pilot_stimpack_loop_3P" )
+ int attachmentIndex = player.LookupAttachment( "CHESTFOCUS" )
+ entity stimFX = StartParticleEffectOnEntity_ReturnEntity( player, PILOT_STIM_HLD_FX, FX_PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, attachmentIndex )
+ stimFX.SetOwner( player )
+ stimFX.kv.VisibilityFlags = (ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_FRIENDLY | ENTITY_VISIBLE_TO_ENEMY) // not owner only
+ //thread StimSlowmoAim( player, duration )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( player, stimFX, endlessStatusEffectHandle )
+ {
+ if ( !IsValid( player ) )
+ return
+ if ( IsValid( stimFX ) )
+ EffectStop( stimFX )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( player, "pilot_stimpack_loop_1P" )
+ StopSoundOnEntity( player, "pilot_stimpack_loop_3P" )
+ if ( endlessStatusEffectHandle != 0 )
+ StatusEffect_Stop( player, endlessStatusEffectHandle )
+ player.Signal( "EndStim" )
+ }
+ )
+ if ( duration == USE_TIME_INFINITE )
+ WaitForever()
+ wait duration - 2.0
+ EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer( player, player, "pilot_stimpack_deactivate_1P" )
+ EmitSoundOnEntityExceptToPlayer( player, player, "pilot_stimpack_deactivate_3P" )
+ wait 2.0
+#else // #if SERVER
+void function StimVisualsEnabled( entity ent, int statusEffect, bool actuallyChanged )
+ if ( ent != GetLocalViewPlayer() )
+ return
+ entity player = ent
+ entity cockpit = player.GetCockpit()
+ if ( !IsValid( cockpit ) )
+ return
+ int fxHandle = StartParticleEffectOnEntity( cockpit, COCKPIT_STIM_FX, FX_PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, -1 )
+ thread StimScreenFXThink( player, fxHandle, cockpit )
+void function StimVisualsDisabled( entity ent, int statusEffect, bool actuallyChanged )
+ if ( ent != GetLocalViewPlayer() )
+ return
+ ent.Signal( "EndStim" )
+void function StimScreenFXThink( entity player, int fxHandle, entity cockpit )
+ player.EndSignal( "EndStim" )
+ player.EndSignal( "OnDeath" )
+ cockpit.EndSignal( "OnDestroy" )
+ OnThreadEnd(
+ function() : ( fxHandle )
+ {
+ if ( !EffectDoesExist( fxHandle ) )
+ return
+ EffectStop( fxHandle, false, true )
+ }
+ )
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ float velocityX = Length( player.GetVelocity() )
+ if ( !EffectDoesExist( fxHandle ) )
+ break
+ velocityX = GraphCapped( velocityX, 0.0, 360, 5, 200 )
+ EffectSetControlPointVector( fxHandle, 1, Vector( velocityX, 999, 0 ) )
+ WaitFrame()
+ }
+#endif // #else // #if SERVER
diff --git a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/sh_progression.nut b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/sh_progression.nut
index 3297643ec..307548d7b 100644
--- a/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/sh_progression.nut
+++ b/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/sh_progression.nut
@@ -169,8 +169,13 @@ void function UpdateCachedLoadouts_Threaded()
// below here is just making all the menu models update properly and such
#if UI
- uiGlobal.pilotSpawnLoadoutIndex = GetPersistentSpawnLoadoutIndex( GetUIPlayer(), "pilot" )
- uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex = GetPersistentSpawnLoadoutIndex( GetUIPlayer(), "titan" )
+ entity UIPlayer = GetUIPlayer()
+ if ( !IsValid( UIPlayer ) )
+ return
+ uiGlobal.pilotSpawnLoadoutIndex = GetPersistentSpawnLoadoutIndex( UIPlayer, "pilot" )
+ uiGlobal.titanSpawnLoadoutIndex = GetPersistentSpawnLoadoutIndex( UIPlayer, "titan" )