The Condenser Circulation Panel is used to control the condenser unit. The main purpose of this panel is to maintain the proper vacuum level (between 40-70 millibars) that will draw steam out of the turbine and allow it to condense by exchanging heat with the circulation flow.
This panel consists of several elements:
- Condenser Air Removal - these are electric pumps that will initially decrease pressure to about 0.85 bar.
- Steam Jet Air Ejectors - these are steam-driven pumps that eject uncondensable gases from the condenser, further decreasing the pressure. They won't work until the bypass or turbine valve is open and proper steam flow is maintained. After that, one should be operated continuously.
- Circulation pumps - these pumps drive the circulation flow which takes water from a nearby lake and pumps it to a heat exchanger in the condenser, which allows steam to cool. When steam cools, it will condensate into water, dramatically decreasing its volume. This will boost vacuum further. Circulation flow should be constantly adjusted to steam flow to maintain the proper level of condensation, which will hold vacuum between 40-70 millibars. Greater pressure than recommended will cause the turbine to trip and may result in a relief valve opening sending uncondensed steam outside the system, while lower pressure will SCRAM the reactor and vent the condenser. Automatic control is possible after reaching proper vacuum level. Turn both pumps on, leave the valve at neutral, and press START.
The run-up procedure is as follows:
- First, start CAR to initially decrease the pressure.
- At about 5% reactor power when steam is produced, open the bypass valve and set both SJAE to 100% to decrease the pressure.
- Enable the circulation pump to a flow of about 10% to further allow a decrease in pressure (this will have a real effect with higher steam flows).
- Once the proper vacuum is reached, disable one of the SJAE (only one should be used constantly) and maintain the vacuum level with the circulation flow or enable automatic control (though you will earn fewer points).
- Once the proper vacuum level is maintained, the turbine can now be started, and the bypass valve should be closed.
- When the steam flow changes, adjust the circulating pumps accordingly to maintain the vacuum within limits.