Condensate storage tanks are available for both units, although Unit #2 uses them to a greater extent. They can be filled from an external source with simple pumps, but be careful not to switch off the startup transformer because it consumes a significant amount of power.
Emergency systems like RCIC and LPCI will use water from the condensate storage tanks (only in Unit #2), so be careful not to run them dry; make sure to keep at least 50% of their water capacity. On the other hand, don't overfill them, as you won't be able to remove excess water from the system. Both emergency systems come with a tank selector (Unit #2), so you can use either or both of them.
The cooling panel has been reworked to incorporate the usage of condensate storage. There is a makeup valve that can be used to fill the Hotwell and a dump valve that can remove excess water from the condenser outflow. There is also a makeup pump, but there is no need to use it as long as there is no pressure drop in the condenser.
While using the makeup valve is straightforward as it will simply fill the Hotwell, the dump valve is a bit more complicated. This valve uses the condenser pump and is therefore a bypass before the deaerator. To discharge the water, both the dump valve and condenser pumps must be enabled. The dump valve just takes the percentage set from before the deaerator and directs it into storage. If there is no outflow from the Hotwell, no water will be taken. If, on the other hand, the dump valve is set at 100%, no water will go into the deaerator, regardless of the condenser pump setting. In Unit #1, the dump valve is simpler, and it automatically drains the Hotwell when used.
Assuming you have balanced flows, to decrease the Hotwell level, you will need to open the dump valve slightly and then increase the condenser valve to maintain the deaerator at a given level. To decrease the reactor level, you would need to open the dump valve and then reduce the feedwater flow to maintain the deaerator level. That is basically how it works.
Please be advised that automatic cooling control will use makeup/dump valves to maintain the specified setpoints, but you can still choose which tank to use.