Get the pods
oc get pods
Copy the data folder into the mongoDB pod
oc rsync ./data mongodb-1-c8msv:/opt/app-root/src
Connect to the remote shell on the pod
oc rsh mongodb-1-c8msv
Run the mongoimport
command to import the JSON data files into the database
mongoimport --host --username userN0E --password MulQxIv2Rvy1QVtN --db sampledb --collection items --type json --file data/items.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --host --username userN0E --password MulQxIv2Rvy1QVtN --db sampledb --collection sites --type json --file data/sites.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --host --username userN0E --password MulQxIv2Rvy1QVtN --db sampledb --collection ratings --type json --file data/ratings.json --jsonArray