ThreadX port for Mi-V CPUs
This repository contains a simple SoftConsole project demonstrating ThreadX on a Mi-V processor.
This project is tested on following hardware platforms:
ThreadX for the Microsemi RISC-V is delivered as a set of SoftConsole projects. Please read ./x-ware_platform/readme_threadx.txt to know how to use these projects with SoftConsole IDE.
The application creates several threads thread_0_entry and thread_1_entry etc and demonstrates the usage of IPC such as queue, mutex etc.
The Demo project related configurations can be done in ./x-ware_platform/RISCV_Demo_Threadx/demo_threadx.c
The RISC-V creative board design uses 66Mhz processor clock. The PolarFire Eval Kit design uses 50Mhz processor clock. The SmartFusion2 Adv. Development kit design uses 83Mhz processor clock.
To know more please refer: SoftConsole
To know more please refer: Documentation