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Phergus edited this page Nov 20, 2019 · 12 revisions

MapTool uses the TinyLaF look-and-feel library for the look and feel of MapTool. MapTool uses the default theme of TinyLaF by, well, default but this can be changed by placing a different default.theme file where it can be found when MapTool starts. The preferred location is in the home directory of your user account. A theme placed there will be loaded by any version of MapTool no matter where it is installed. Alternatively you can put it in the MapTool working directory alongside the .jar file where it will only be seen by that particular install of MapTool.

Note that the theme file must be called Default.theme to be automatically loaded. Case doesn't matter on Windows but may on Linux and MacOS.

Theme Locations

User Home under Windows:


MapTool config directory under Windows:


Working directory for default installation under Windows


Theme Packs

TinyLaF Base Themes+

This archive has several themes that you can experiment with. Most are base theme examples of different color schemes that come with TinyLaF and there are three modified ones with larger font sizes.

Default TinyLaF Themes

Large Font Themes

  • MyDefault16.theme - Screenshot
  • Nightly14.theme
  • Nightly16.theme

Takehara Themes
