layout | title |
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Logic at GU |
Welcome to the webpage of the logic group at the University of Gothenburg. Information about our research and activities can be found through the links to the left. More detailed information is available through the [personal pages of group members]({% link _pages/ %}) and our [homepage at the University of Gothenburg]({{['flov-logic-group'].url }}).
{% comment %} Moving on to seminars ... 1- Find the (published) seminars with a future date. 2- Reverse the list (most recent first) 3- display each seminar using the template 'seminar-entry' template. {% endcomment %} {% assign build-date = site.time %} {% assign upcoming-seminars = site.categories['seminars'] | where_exp:"item", "build-date <" | reverse %} {% if upcoming-seminars == empty %}New seminars will be published shortly.{% endif %} Past talks can be found on the [seminar page]({% link _pages/ %}). Announcements of upcoming seminars and events are distributed via the [seminar mailing list]({{['gu-mailing-list'].url }}).
{% for seminar in upcoming-seminars %} {% include seminar-entry.html talk=seminar excerpt-only=true nol_tag=true LL_tag=true show_loc=true %} {% endfor %}