This page contains answers to Frequently Asked Questions, updates to material and URLs, and errata for Practical SQL, 2nd Edition. Some of these apply to the first couple of printings of the book and may be updated if you have a third printing or later. Check the copyright page to see which printing you have.
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- Page 3: Downloading Code and Data from GitHub
The GitHub folder name has been renamed to
in line with GitHub conventions. (Applies only to first printing of the book.)
- Page 5: Windows Installation (PostGIS)
The PostGIS installer for Windows now asks you to check off which components to install rather than providing individual Yes/No prompts. You can select all components including Create Spatial Database. (Applies to printings one through three of the book.)
The EDB installer for Windows no longer includes the Language Pack. See this issue for details on how to configure Python support.
The Windows 11 Start menu continues to evolve. To see the PostgreSQL and PostGIS folders added during installation, you may need to click
>All apps
- Pages 6 and 7: Configuring Python language support (Windows)
The EDB installer for Windows no longer includes the Language Pack. Please see this issue for instructions on how to configure Python support.
- Pages 12 and on: pgAdmin Renamed "Browser" to "Object Explorer"
In Figure 1-3 on page 12, and in text on that page and subsequent references, the book refers to a section of pgAdmin labeled as the "Browser" or "object browser." As of pgAdmin 4 v7.0, the user interface has changed to call that area the "Object Explorer." (Applies to first and second printings.)
- Page 13: pgAdmin Dialog to Create Server
The location of the pgAdmin dialog to add a server has changed. Now, in the object browser, right-click
and then clickRegister
. The remaining steps in the Note on page 13 are the same. (Formerly, the dialog was accessed by right-clickingServers
and selectingCreate
.) (Applies only to first printing of the book.)
- Page 14: pgAdmin: Running a Query
pgAdmin, as of version 8.7 (May 2024), has added new options for running a SQL statement in the Query Tool. Previously, the Query Tool had a single
button in its menu bar. That has been replaced by two buttons:Execute Script
andExecute Query
Execute Script
will run every statement in your Query Tool editor (unless you highlight a statement). ClickingExecute Query
will run only the statement where your cursor is positioned, without a need to highlight the statement. It also will present you with a dialog box to confirm your choice (which you can choose to silence in the future). Applies to printings one through three of the book.
- Page 15, Figure 1-5: pgAdmin Query Tool
Version 6.9 of pgAdmin, released in May 2022, introduced a redesigned Query Tool Layout. General functionality is the same, but if you are using version 6.9 or later, you will see that some menu icons shown in the book at the top of the window are now placed atop the results grid. (Applies only to first printing of the book.)
- Page 15, Customizing pgAdmin
The book states that pgAdmin preferences are accessed by clicking
. This is true for Windows 11. On macOS, clickpgAdmin
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- Page 65, Understanding Census Columns and Data Types
The URL for the 2010 Census technical documentation has been moved to
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- Page 180: Improving Performance When Updating Large Tables
The second statement in Listing 10-26 renames the copy we made with Listing 10-25 to the original name of the table. The text incorrectly says we are renaming the copy made in Listing 10-24.
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- Page 214: Finding Patterns in New York City Taxi Data
The URL for the NYC tax trip data dictionary has moved to
- Page 240: Listing number
At the bottom of the page, the sentence should read, "The crosstab structure is the same as in Listing 13-17." (Applies to first and second printings.)
- Pages 253, etc.: Turning Text to Data with Regular Expression Functions
The dates of crimes in this section are in the format MM/DD/YY. If your database has a
setting other thanMDY
-- for example if you're in Europe -- then you will likely need to set yourdatestyle
to complete the examples.
Check your
by running this query in pgAdmin:
SHOW datestyle;
If the result is other than
, you can set thedatestyle
on a per-session basis by running this command:
SET datestyle to "ISO, MDY";
You can then complete the examples. The change will persist until you restart pgAdmin.
- Page 267: Creating a Table for Full-Text Search
statement in Listing 14-18 uses an at-sign (@) for quoting, not an ampersand.
- Pages 280: URL for WKT variable definitions
Documentation for the definition of WKT variables has moved to
- Pages 282, etc.: Geometry Viewer Results Grid Icon
Beginning with version 6.9 of pgAdmin, released in May 2022, the icon to launch the Geometry Viewer in the result column header was changed from an eye to a map (makes sense). On Page 282 and later in the book, I mention clicking the eye icon to launch the viewer. Now, instead, click the map icon. (Applies to first printing of the book.)
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- Page 417: IN comparison operator
The entry should reference pages 36, 172, 229. (Applies to first printing of the book.)