This example describes how to configure a data format provided by Camunda Spin. It showcases the configuration of the Jackson-based JSON data format that Spin provides out-of-the-box. JSON serialization is customized by registering a Jackson module with a custom serializer and deserializer.
In particular, we examine how to customize the serialization of the class Car:
public class Car {
protected Money price;
public Money getPrice() {
return price;
public void setPrice(Money price) {
this.price = price;
references Money:
public class Money {
protected int amount;
public Money(int amount) {
this.amount = amount;
public int getAmount() {
return amount;
With default Jackson serialization, an object new Car(1000)
is serialized as {"price" : {"amount" : 1000}}
. In the following, we describe how to configure the serialization such that the result is {"price" : 1000}
and give an example how this integrates with process variables and process execution.
We use the following process:
The script task Extract price expects a Car
JSON object in the format of {"price" : 1000}
and fails otherwise.
- Checkout the project with Git
- Read and run the unit test
When a data format is accessed for the very first time, Spin performs a look up of all data formats on the classpath. After having instantiated the data formats, Spin detects so-called data format configurators and calls these with the detected format instances. Users may provide custom configurators to be able to influence the way a data format serializes and deserializes objects, which is what this example shows.
Configuring data formats requires to implement the SPI DataFormatConfigurator and declare implementations of it in a file META-INF/services/org.camunda.spin.spi.DataFormatConfigurator
. Here, the class JacksonDataFormatConfigurator is such an implementation. It has the following contents:
import org.camunda.spin.impl.json.jackson.format.JacksonJsonDataFormat;
import org.camunda.spin.spi.DataFormatConfigurator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule;
public class JacksonDataFormatConfigurator implements DataFormatConfigurator<JacksonJsonDataFormat> {
public void configure(JacksonJsonDataFormat dataFormat) {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = dataFormat.getObjectMapper();
SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
module.addDeserializer(Money.class, new MoneyJsonDeserializer());
module.addSerializer(Money.class, new MoneyJsonSerializer());
public Class<JacksonJsonDataFormat> getDataFormatClass() {
return JacksonJsonDataFormat.class;
The method getDataFormatClass
declares the kind of data formats a configurator is able to configure. The method configure
is the callback invoked by the Spin runtime after data format instantiation. Here, we register in form of the classes MoneyJsonSerializer and MoneyJsonDeserializer a Jackson serializer and deserializer for the Money
class. These make sure that a Car
object is serialized in the way we need it.
The script task Extract price makes use of that structure by defining the following script:
var carJson = execution.getVariableTyped("car").getValueSerialized();
var price = S(carJson ).prop("price").numberValue();
execution.setVariable("price", price);
In the test case, we assert that the price property was successfully populated.
For this to work, it is crucial that the Spin runtime is able to lookup the DataFormatConfigurator
implementation. That means, the artifact containing the data format configurator and the corresponding META-INF/services
file must be on Spin's classpath.
You can find the Spin documentation on configuring data formats here.
This example demonstrates the configuration functionality via a unit test.
In order to configure data formats on an application server and a shared engine scenario, do the following:
- Make sure to use the camunda-spin-core dependencies in your application server, not camunda-spin-dataformat-all
- Implement a configurator as in this example
- Build the Maven project; the result is a jar file that contains the configurator and the declaration file under
- Ensure that the jar file is available on the classpath of the
Known limitation: The configuration artifact can not be deployed as part of a process application if Spin itself is not part of it. That means, dependencies of the configuration artifact can also not be part of the process application.