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Lock Mechanism

José Antonio Jiménez Campos edited this page May 16, 2021 · 43 revisions

A HomeKit Lock Mechanism service.

Type Device Type
4 Lock Mechanism

The following configuration is available for lock mechanisms:

Section Key Description
Actions "0", "1" etc. The actions performed by the service
Inching Time "i" Time period before returning first mechanism to previous state
State & Status Inputs "f[n]" & "g[n]" Inputs that manage service state
ICMP Ping Inputs "q[n]" & "p[n]" Ping inputs that manage service state
Service Notifications "m" Notifications to send to another service
Initial State "s" State a lock service enters on boot
Actions on Boot "xa" Enable / Disable execution of service actions on boot

Example of single lock mechanism


This is an example of a lock mechanism with an external push button ("t":4). The inching time of the service is set to 3 seconds ("i":3), causing the service to automatically re-lock, 3 seconds after being unlocked. The lock mechanism is controlled using GPIO 4. The external push button is connected to GPIO 5. With no pull-up ("p":0), inverted input ("i":1) and single press that is opposite to the default ("t":0`).


A lock mechanism has the following actions.

Key Action Description
"0" UNLOCK Unlock the mechanism (default)
"1" LOCK Lock the mechanism

The Digital Outputs "r": [{}] for each should be configured to attain the desired state.

Service Notifications

The list of notifications "m" supported by a lock mechanism are as follows:

Value Notification
"1" LOCK

Service notifications can be included as part of an action definition. When an action occurs any one of the above notifications can be sent to another service using the "m" option within the action object.

See the general Service Notifications section for details of how to configure these notifications.

State and Status Inputs

State inputs "f[n]" & Status Inputs "g[n]" are supported by this service. The supported list is:

Key Action
"f0" Perform action "0" (Unlock)
"f1" Perform action "1" (Lock)
"g0" Set service state to Unlock
"g1" Set service state to Lock

Refer to State Inputs for more detail and examples.

ICMP Ping Inputs

ICMP Ping inputs "p[n]" and "q[n]" are supported by this service. The supported list is:

Key Action
"p0" Perform action "0" (Unlock)
"p1" Perform action "1" (Lock)
"q0" Set service state to Unlock
"q1" Set service state to Lock

Refer to ICMP Ping Inputs for more detail.

Initial State

The Initial State key is supported by this service. Refer to Initial State for more details.

Key State Description
1 LOCKED (default)
4 Defined by fixed state inputs
5 Last state before restart
6 Opposite to last state before restart
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