Streams and durable consumers can be defined administratively outside the application (typically using the NATS CLI Tool) in which case the application only needs to know about the well-known names of the durable consumers it wants to use. But you can also manage streams and consumers programmatically.
Common stream management operations are:
- Add a stream. Adding a stream is an idempotent function, which means that if a stream does not exist, it will be created, and if a stream already exists, then the add operation will succeed only if the existing stream matches exactly the attributes specified in the 'add' call.
- Delete a stream.
- Purge a stream (delete all the messages stored in the stream)
- Get or remove a specific message from a stream by sequence number
- Add or update (or delete) a consumer
- Get info and statistics on streams/consumers/account. Get/remove/get information on individual messages stored in a stream.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Go" %}
func ExampleJetStreamManager() {
nc, _ := nats.Connect("localhost")
js, _ := nc.JetStream()
// Create a stream
Name: "FOO",
Subjects: []string{"foo"},
MaxBytes: 1024,
// Update a stream
Name: "FOO",
MaxBytes: 2048,
// Create a durable consumer
js.AddConsumer("FOO", &nats.ConsumerConfig{
Durable: "BAR",
// Get information about all streams (with Context JSOpt)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
for info := range js.StreamsInfo(nats.Context(ctx)) {
fmt.Println("stream name:", info.Config.Name)
// Get information about all consumers (with MaxWait JSOpt)
for info := range js.ConsumersInfo("FOO", nats.MaxWait(10*time.Second)) {
fmt.Println("consumer name:", info.Name)
// Delete a consumer
js.DeleteConsumer("FOO", "BAR")
// Delete a stream
{% endtab %} {% tab title="Java" %}
package io.nats.examples.jetstream;
import io.nats.client.Connection;
import io.nats.client.JetStreamApiException;
import io.nats.client.JetStreamManagement;
import io.nats.client.Nats;
import io.nats.client.api.PurgeResponse;
import io.nats.client.api.StorageType;
import io.nats.client.api.StreamConfiguration;
import io.nats.client.api.StreamInfo;
import io.nats.examples.ExampleArgs;
import io.nats.examples.ExampleUtils;
import java.util.List;
import static io.nats.examples.jetstream.NatsJsUtils.*;
* This example will demonstrate JetStream management (admin) api.
public class NatsJsManageStreams {
static final String usageString =
"\nUsage: java -cp <classpath> NatsJsManageStreams [-s server] [-strm stream-prefix] [-sub subject-prefix]"
+ "\n\nDefault Values:"
+ "\n [-strm] manage-stream-"
+ "\n [-sub] manage-subject-"
+ "\n\nUse tls:// or opentls:// to require tls, via the Default SSLContext\n"
+ "\nSet the environment variable NATS_NKEY to use challenge response authentication by setting a file containing your private key.\n"
+ "\nSet the environment variable NATS_CREDS to use JWT/NKey authentication by setting a file containing your user creds.\n"
+ "\nUse the URL in the -s server parameter for user/pass/token authentication.\n";
public static void main(String[] args) {
ExampleArgs exArgs = ExampleArgs.builder("Manage Streams", args, usageString)
String stream1 = + "1";
String stream2 = + "2";
String subject1 = exArgs.subject + "1";
String subject2 = exArgs.subject + "2";
String subject3 = exArgs.subject + "3";
String subject4 = exArgs.subject + "4";
try (Connection nc = Nats.connect(ExampleUtils.createExampleOptions(exArgs.server))) {
// Create a JetStreamManagement context.
JetStreamManagement jsm = nc.jetStreamManagement();
// we want to be able to completely create and delete the streams
// so don't want to work with existing streams
exitIfStreamExists(jsm, stream1);
exitIfStreamExists(jsm, stream2);
// 1. Create (add) a stream with a subject
System.out.println("\n----------\n1. Configure And Add Stream 1");
StreamConfiguration streamConfig = StreamConfiguration.builder()
// .retentionPolicy(...)
// .maxConsumers(...)
// .maxBytes(...)
// .maxAge(...)
// .maxMsgSize(...)
// .replicas(...)
// .noAck(...)
// .template(...)
// .discardPolicy(...)
StreamInfo streamInfo = jsm.addStream(streamConfig);
// 2. Update stream, in this case add a subject
// Thre are very few properties that can actually
// - StreamConfiguration is immutable once created
// - but the builder can help with that.
System.out.println("----------\n2. Update Stream 1");
streamConfig = StreamConfiguration.builder(streamInfo.getConfiguration())
streamInfo = jsm.updateStream(streamConfig);
// 3. Create (add) another stream with 2 subjects
System.out.println("----------\n3. Configure And Add Stream 2");
streamConfig = StreamConfiguration.builder()
.subjects(subject3, subject4)
streamInfo = jsm.addStream(streamConfig);
// 4. Get information on streams
// 4.0 publish some message for more interesting stream state information
// - SUBJECT1 is associated with STREAM1
// 4.1 getStreamInfo on a specific stream
// 4.2 get a list of all streams
// 4.3 get a list of StreamInfo's for all streams
System.out.println("----------\n4.1 getStreamInfo");
publish(nc, subject1, 5);
streamInfo = jsm.getStreamInfo(stream1);
System.out.println("----------\n4.2 getStreamNames");
List<String> streamNames = jsm.getStreamNames();
System.out.println("----------\n4.3 getStreams");
List<StreamInfo> streamInfos = jsm.getStreams();
// 5. Purge a stream of it's messages
System.out.println("----------\n5. Purge stream");
PurgeResponse purgeResponse = jsm.purgeStream(stream1);
// 6. Delete the streams
// Subsequent calls to getStreamInfo, deleteStream or purgeStream
// will throw a JetStreamApiException "stream not found [10059]"
System.out.println("----------\n6. Delete streams");
// 7. Try to delete the consumer again and get the exception
System.out.println("----------\n7. Delete stream again");
catch (JetStreamApiException e)
System.out.println("Exception was: '" + e.getMessage() + "'");
catch (Exception exp) {
{% endtab %} {% tab title="JavaScript" %}
import { AckPolicy, connect, Empty } from "../../src/mod.ts";
const nc = await connect();
const jsm = await nc.jetstreamManager();
// list all the streams, the `next()` function
// retrieves a paged result.
const streams = await jsm.streams.list().next();
streams.forEach((si) => {
// add a stream
const stream = "mystream";
const subj = `mystream.*`;
await jsm.streams.add({ name: stream, subjects: [subj] });
// publish a reg nats message directly to the stream
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
nc.publish(`${subj}.a`, Empty);
// find a stream that stores a specific subject:
const name = await jsm.streams.find("mystream.A");
// retrieve info about the stream by its name
const si = await;
// update a stream configuration
await jsm.streams.update(name, si.config);
// get a particular stored message in the stream by sequence
// this is not associated with a consumer
const sm = await jsm.streams.getMessage(stream, { seq: 1 });
// delete the 5th message in the stream, securely erasing it
await jsm.streams.deleteMessage(stream, 5);
// purge all messages in the stream, the stream itself
// remains.
await jsm.streams.purge(stream);
// purge all messages with a specific subject (filter can be a wildcard)
await jsm.streams.purge(stream, { filter: "a.b" });
// purge messages with a specific subject keeping some messages
await jsm.streams.purge(stream, { filter: "a.c", keep: 5 });
// purge all messages with upto (not including seq)
await jsm.streams.purge(stream, { seq: 100 });
// purge all messages with upto sequence that have a matching subject
await jsm.streams.purge(stream, { filter: "a.d", seq: 100 });
// list all consumers for a stream:
const consumers = await jsm.consumers.list(stream).next();
consumers.forEach((ci) => {
// add a new durable pull consumer
await jsm.consumers.add(stream, {
durable_name: "me",
ack_policy: AckPolicy.Explicit,
// retrieve a consumer's configuration
const ci = await, "me");
// delete a particular consumer
await jsm.consumers.delete(stream, "me");
{% endtab %} {% tab title="Python" %}
import asyncio
import nats
from nats.errors import TimeoutError
async def main():
nc = await nats.connect("localhost")
# Create JetStream context.
js = nc.jetstream()
# Persist messages on 'foo's subject.
await js.add_stream(name="sample-stream", subjects=["foo"])
await nc.close()
if __name__ == '__main__':
{% endtab %} {% tab title="C" %}
#include "examples.h"
static const char *usage = ""\
"-stream stream name (default is 'foo')\n" \
"-txt text to send (default is 'hello')\n" \
"-count number of messages to send\n" \
"-sync publish synchronously (default is async)\n";
static void
_jsPubErr(jsCtx *js, jsPubAckErr *pae, void *closure)
int *errors = (int*) closure;
printf("Error: %u - Code: %u - Text: %s\n", pae->Err, pae->ErrCode, pae->ErrText);
printf("Original message: %.*s\n", natsMsg_GetDataLength(pae->Msg), natsMsg_GetData(pae->Msg));
*errors = (*errors + 1);
// If we wanted to resend the original message, we would do something like that:
// js_PublishMsgAsync(js, &(pae->Msg), NULL);
// Note that we use `&(pae->Msg)` so that the library set it to NULL if it takes
// ownership, and the library will not destroy the message when this callback returns.
// No need to destroy anything, everything is handled by the library.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
natsConnection *conn = NULL;
natsStatistics *stats = NULL;
natsOptions *opts = NULL;
jsCtx *js = NULL;
jsOptions jsOpts;
jsErrCode jerr = 0;
natsStatus s;
int dataLen=0;
volatile int errors = 0;
bool delStream = false;
opts = parseArgs(argc, argv, usage);
dataLen = (int) strlen(payload);
s = natsConnection_Connect(&conn, opts);
if (s == NATS_OK)
s = jsOptions_Init(&jsOpts);
if (s == NATS_OK)
if (async)
jsOpts.PublishAsync.ErrHandler = _jsPubErr;
jsOpts.PublishAsync.ErrHandlerClosure = (void*) &errors;
s = natsConnection_JetStream(&js, conn, &jsOpts);
if (s == NATS_OK)
jsStreamInfo *si = NULL;
// First check if the stream already exists.
s = js_GetStreamInfo(&si, js, stream, NULL, &jerr);
if (s == NATS_NOT_FOUND)
jsStreamConfig cfg;
// Since we are the one creating this stream, we can delete at the end.
delStream = true;
// Initialize the configuration structure.
cfg.Name = stream;
// Set the subject
cfg.Subjects = (const char*[1]){subj};
cfg.SubjectsLen = 1;
// Make it a memory stream.
cfg.Storage = js_MemoryStorage;
// Add the stream,
s = js_AddStream(&si, js, &cfg, NULL, &jerr);
if (s == NATS_OK)
printf("Stream %s has %" PRIu64 " messages (%" PRIu64 " bytes)\n",
si->Config->Name, si->State.Msgs, si->State.Bytes);
// Need to destroy the returned stream object.
if (s == NATS_OK)
s = natsStatistics_Create(&stats);
if (s == NATS_OK)
printf("\nSending %" PRId64 " messages to subject '%s'\n", total, stream);
start = nats_Now();
for (count = 0; (s == NATS_OK) && (count < total); count++)
if (async)
s = js_PublishAsync(js, subj, (const void*) payload, dataLen, NULL);
jsPubAck *pa = NULL;
s = js_Publish(&pa, js, subj, (const void*) payload, dataLen, NULL, &jerr);
if (s == NATS_OK)
if (pa->Duplicate)
printf("Got a duplicate message! Sequence=%" PRIu64 "\n", pa->Sequence);
if ((s == NATS_OK) && async)
jsPubOptions jsPubOpts;
// Let's set it to 30 seconds, if getting "Timeout" errors,
// this may need to be increased based on the number of messages
// being sent.
jsPubOpts.MaxWait = 30000;
s = js_PublishAsyncComplete(js, &jsPubOpts);
if (s == NATS_TIMEOUT)
// Let's get the list of pending messages. We could resend,
// etc, but for now, just destroy them.
natsMsgList list;
js_PublishAsyncGetPendingList(&list, js);
if (s == NATS_OK)
jsStreamInfo *si = NULL;
elapsed = nats_Now() - start;
printStats(STATS_OUT, conn, NULL, stats);
if (errors != 0)
printf("There were %d asynchronous errors\n", errors);
// Let's report some stats after the run
s = js_GetStreamInfo(&si, js, stream, NULL, &jerr);
if (s == NATS_OK)
printf("\nStream %s has %" PRIu64 " messages (%" PRIu64 " bytes)\n",
si->Config->Name, si->State.Msgs, si->State.Bytes);
if (delStream && (js != NULL))
printf("\nDeleting stream %s: ", stream);
s = js_DeleteStream(js, stream, NULL, &jerr);
if (s == NATS_OK)
if (s != NATS_OK)
printf("Error: %u - %s - jerr=%u\n", s, natsStatus_GetText(s), jerr);
// Destroy all our objects to avoid report of memory leak
// To silence reports of memory still in used with valgrind
return 0;
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{% endtabs %}
{% endtab %}
{% endtabs %}