Translations are now managed on Crowdin. Go to the Stratum Crowdin project to contribute. If your language is not available, please contact me and I will add it.
If you'd like to contribute some icons, first check if there's any open issues from user requests.
Not every service needs an icon. To prevent the app having hundreds of icons from obscure and rarely used platforms, we limit what icons can be added. If a service doesn't meet the criteria we encourage the use of custom icons from within the app.
- Platforms that use a 'Single Sign-On' should have the icon added for the sign-on account and not for the individual platforms. Eg: instead of a YouTube icon a Google icon would be needed, or instead of a Photoshop icon an Adobe icon should be used.
- Web based platforms should be within Similarweb's top 200,000 global rank. Simply search for the site and see for yourself.
- Mobile platforms should have at least 100k+ downloads on the Google Play Store.
- If the service is not web based or on the Play Store it will have to be reviewed individually, in which case it's best to just submit a request as a issue.
To add an icon to the project the procedure is as follows:
Fork the repo
Find a high-quality icon for the service you want to add. Try searching online for '{service_name} brand' - generally, many services offer high-res versions of their logos and icons for press and media.
- Avoid icons made by 3rd parties with different styles from the original
- Prefer flat icons instead of complex ones
- Avoid text
- Avoid unnecessary frames and backgrounds
Save the icon as a square 128x128 png
- The icon must fill as much space as possible
- The background should be transparent
Name the icon as lowercase with spaces and special characters removed. Eg: My Service -> myservice
Place the file in the "icons" directory
If the icon requires a dark theme variant, repeat the process and append "_dark" to the name.
Commit your changes
Create a pull request with your changes
Before submitting any code, please open an issue to discuss if the feature is relevant.