For demonstration purposes in the follow guide, you can run a local version of Vault. In your build directory for the plugin, run Vault so that it has access to the plugin binary:
docker run --rm --cap-add=IPC_LOCK -e 'VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID=xyzzyxyzzy' -v `pwd`/bin:/etc/vault/plugins -e 'VAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG={"plugin_directory":"/etc/vault/plugins"}' vault
From your build directory, calculate the sha256 checksum:
shasum -a 256 bin/vault-plugin-database-redisenterprise_linux_amd64 | cut -d' ' -f1
Now, attach to the running Vault container:
VAULT_NAME=`docker ps -f ancestor=vault --format "{{.Names}}"`
docker exec -it $VAULT_NAME sh
In the shell, setup the local Vault authentication:
export VAULT_ADDR=
Using the sha256 that you calculated above, modify this command to register the plugin:
vault write sys/plugins/catalog/database/redisenterprise-database-plugin command=vault-plugin-database-redisenterprise_linux_amd64 sha256=...
Finally, enable the database secrets engine:
vault secrets enable database
At this point, you can configure database roles for Redis Enterprise.
The following will config a Vault configuration of a Redis database called mydb
. Note
that the allowed_roles
specifies the Vault role names and not the Redis user role. In
this example, we have enabled all vault roles with a wildcard.
Using the defaults for a cluster setup, there is a cluster administrator account in the kubernetes secret for the cluster. You can retrieve these by:
kubectl get secret/test -o=jsonpath={.data.username} | base64 -d
kubectl get secret/test -o=jsonpath={.data.password} | base64 -d
Use these values to configure a database, replacing the ...
at the end with
the username and password, respectively:
vault write database/config/redis-mydb plugin_name="redisenterprise-database-plugin" url="https://host.docker.internal:9443" allowed_roles="*" database=mydb username=... password=...
A user is associated with a role binding in the database. You reference a role bound to an ACL within the database. This role binding can be defined via the K8s database controller or via the administrative user interface.
You can reference only the role:
vault write database/roles/mydb db_name=redis-mydb creation_statements="{\"role\":\"DB Member\"}" default_ttl=3m max_ttl=5m
or add the ACL as well as an assertion:
vault write database/roles/mydb-role-acl db_name=redis-mydb creation_statements="{\"role\":\"DB Member\",\"acl\":\"Not Dangerous\"}" default_ttl=3m max_ttl=5m
If the ACL is also specified, the plugin will check to ensure it has the same binding in the database. It is an error if the role does not have the same binding to the same ACL in the database.
When used, a new user is generated and associated with the role referenced,
A role binding in a database is never generated when using an existing role as this would allow escalation of privileges in the database for others users with the same role.
A cluster user has access to whatever database the associated role has been
given by the administrator. This may be a single database with a specific
ACL or multiple databases with different ACLs. The plugin does not manage
the role bindings and does not update the roles_permissions
on the
To configure a database that allows any database, just omit the database
vault write database/config/redis-test plugin_name="redisenterprise-database-plugin" url="https://host.docker.internal:9443" allowed_roles="*" username="[email protected]" password=...
When you create the Vautl role for the user, you must specify a database role (Redis ACLs are not allowed):
vault write database/roles/test db_name=redis-test creation_statements="{\"role\":\"DB Member\"}" default_ttl=3m max_ttl=5m
This feature must be enabled When the database is configured via the "features" parameter with the vault "acl_only":
vault write database/config/redis-mydb plugin_name="redisenterprise-database-plugin" url="https://host.docker.internal:9443" allowed_roles="*" database=mydb features=acl_only username=... password=...
With this feature turned on, a database role can reference only an ACL. A role is dynamically generated for the user and bound in the database. In doing so, it changes the database definition. As such, it cannot be used with the K8s database controller as it also manages the database role permission bindings.
This feature is used by specifying only the ACL:
vault write database/roles/mydb-acl db_name=redis-mydb creation_statements="{\"acl\":\"Not Dangerous\"}" default_ttl=3m max_ttl=5m
When used, the generated user will have a generated role that is dynamically bound in the database to the ACL. When the user expires, the role and role binding is removed.
Once the Vault role is configured, a workload can create a new credential by just reading the Vault role:
vault read database/creds/mydb
The result is similar to:
Key Value
--- -----
lease_id database/creds/mydb/zgVJfei8P0Tw7cKX3g9Hx89l
lease_duration 3m
lease_renewable true
password ZWI87ddZMPR7hR8U-3sJ
username vault-mydb-69dea4c9-4da8-4e34-bf93-eebf60095766
A workload can renew the lease on the password before the lease expires up to the maximum expiry:
vault lease renew database/creds/test/zgVJfei8P0Tw7cKX3g9Hx89l
If the lease expires or the maximum expiry is reached, the user is revoked by Vault. When the user is revoked, the plugin will delete the user and all the corresponding create items (i.e., the role, binding, and user) are deleted.
Note that the roles_permissions
on the database will be updated during this process
if the ACL-only feature is used.
The username and password can be directly used in the Redis AUTH
AUTH vault-mydb-69dea4c9-4da8-4e34-bf93-eebf60095766 ZWI87ddZMPR7hR8U-3sJ
On a test cluster, you can forward the database port:
kubectl port-forward service/mydb `kubectl get service/mydb -o=jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].targetPort}"`
Use the redis-cli
to connect and authenticate:
redis-cli -p `kubectl get service/mydb -o=jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].targetPort}"` --user vault-mydb-942fb9fe-f5c7-49d9-bce2-151c4c3c5343 --pass bxp-8GDDdZrDpbRfDzxg
where the username and password are the credentials returned by vault.