The project presents a comprehensive analysis of sales , utilizing Power BI tools. Key performance metrics and trends are analyzed and visualized using multi row card and Power BI dashboard. The insights gained from this analysis can aid in informed decision-making and drive business growth. The aim of this project is to provide a clear and actionable understanding of the business and its various components, helping to identify areas for improvement and growth.
- Power BI
- Power Query
- Dax Query
- (1) What is the historical trend of total sales and profit for each year?
- (2) Which segment should the company consider offering discounts on and why?
- (3) Which region has recorded a high volume of orders in the years 2013-2014?
- (4) What is the year-over-year growth of profit, sales, number of orders, and profit margin and what is the analysis of the trend and how it can be used for the future business growth?
The Sales analysis on Power BI Dashboard visualizes key performance indicators(KPI) including Total Profit, Sales, Total Quantity, No. of Orders, Profit Margin%. It showcases the trend of Sales and Profit for each month, the segment and the country-wise Profits and Sales, Sales by product, top countries and discount band -wise Sales. The dashboard includes filters like years, regions, and segments.
Analyse data & create following visualizations to understand the sales distribution vs diffrent dimentions like product wise, country wise, DiscountBand wise
The Sales history distribution by year and month on a multi row card
The Profit details country, Segment & Product wise 2013 -2014 on multry row card
The report provide geographical distribution of the Product,Sales,profit, Discount,units sold,sale price
Toggle between the graphical and multi row card report using the Bookmark button