Inverse Bonds (OIP-76)
- They buy your OHM and sell you a backing asset from the treasury.
- They buy your OHM at a premium (slightly above market price) and then burn it.
- They have no vesting and the asset exchange is instant.
- They are only available while the OHM market price is below the backing per OHM.
- They are launched by the policy team.
- Their price is determined by the market.
- The policy team enacts monetary policy to support the health of the protocol.
- Inverse bonds are an additional tool for the policy team to do that effectively.
- They allow OHM to be sold without directly affecting its market price.
- Their purpose is
- to absorb some sell pressure for OHM.
- to increase the backing per OHM.
- They mirror the properties of regular bonds that have been incredibly effective.
- You can bond only OHM v2.
- You must unstake your sOHM or gOHM first.
- Their pricing mechanic is basically the same as for regular bonds:
- The price and payout value of an inverse bond start at the market price of OHM.
- The payout amount (premium) slowly increases until someone buys a bond.
- The payout amount (premium) is then reduced and will slowly increase again.
- They will effectively buy OHM at a premium – slightly above market price.
- You will get more value for your OHM compared to selling directly to the market.
- Different bonds will be provided that pay out different assets.
- The policy team will add and remove bonds based on market conditions.
- Bonds have a limited capacity and are sold out once their capacity is reached.
- Bond capacity will be determined by the policy team based on market conditions.
- First they need to pass the vote in the Olympus forum.
- Next they need to pass the Snapshot governance vote.
- After the vote a modified version of v2 bonds will be deployed for inverse bonds.
- Finally, the policy team will decide if and when inverse bonds will be made available.
- You will be able to buy them on the Olympus website but only on the Ethereum network.
- They will be offered only while OHM trades below the backing per OHM.
- The protocol acquires and burns OHM for a fraction of the backing per OHM.
- The remaining fraction of the backing increases the backing of all other OHM tokens.
- Bonds that pay out risk-free assets will shorten the runway.
- Bonds that pay out other assets will extend the runway.
- No. They simply increase the backing per OHM and absorb some sell pressure.
- That has a positive effect on the market price of OHM.
- The policy team decides how much OHM can be bonded in total.
- The policy team allocates the amount of payout assets upfront to safeguard the treasury.
- Inverse bonds do not have direct access to treasury assets.
- No, OHM in DAO funds will not be used for inverse bonds.
- Regular bonds take in treasury assets in exchange for OHM.
- Inverse bonds take in OHM in exchange for treasury assets, so the inverse.
While they seem similar there are notable differences:
- They absorb sell pressure because they buy OHM slightly above the market price.
- They reduce sell pressure further because they increase the backing per OHM.
- Their availability is limited to certain market conditions.
- The amount of OHM tokens that the protocol will acquire and burn is limited.
- Sales are driven by market demand and not by the protocol or the DAO.
- The USD value of the assets in the treasury is called “backing” or “reserves”.
- OHM in liquidity does not count towards the backing.
- Locked assets like vlCVX and veFXS do not count towards the backing (for this purpose).
- That backing divided by the amount of OHM in circulation is the “backing per OHM”.
- The current backing can be found in the Olympus Lookout dashboard under “Backing”.
Note that the backing on the dashboard is higher as it does include locked assets.
inverse bond$120
backing per OHM$100
market price of OHM$100
bond price$105
payout per bond (5%
premium over the market price of OHM)
→ Treasury takes in $100 in OHM
in exchange for $105 in ETH
→ That OHM
is burnt.
→ $15
of backing can be allocated to the remaining OHM tokens, increasing overall backing.