diff --git a/ecobidas/inputs/neurovault/neurovault.tsv b/ecobidas/inputs/neurovault/neurovault.tsv index b73c3998..bec15512 100644 --- a/ecobidas/inputs/neurovault/neurovault.tsv +++ b/ecobidas/inputs/neurovault/neurovault.tsv @@ -1,88 +1,88 @@ activity_pref_label activity_order item_order question unit details field_type choices item item_pref_label visibility validation item_description include mandatory preamble bids_status bids_file bids_key bids_key_for_unit UUID -Experimental design 1 1 Type of design select blocked | event_related | hybrid block/event type_of_design type of design 1 type of design 1 1 Describe your experimental design 5f49e6f7-d89a-425a-8c82-c23227d511e9 -Experimental design 1 2 Number of imaging runs acquired integer 0 number of imaging runs 1 number of imaging runs 1 2 8d993091-6d9a-4e67-82be-c1dffd5341b8 -Experimental design 1 3 Number of blocks, trials or experimental units per imaging run integer 0 number of experimental units 1 number of experimental units 1 2 6a5da0c8-c774-42a6-8786-8d660e4a7f17 -Experimental design 1 4 Length of each imaging run seconds float 0 length of runs 1 length of runs 1 2 9a2dea63-f965-4678-ac63-ded9a3ef662a -Experimental design 1 5 For blocked designs, length of blocks seconds float 0 length of blocks type_of_design in [0, 2] length of blocks 1 2 ba7e3820-5747-4179-9960-6d163c9495ee -Experimental design 1 6 Length of individual trials seconds float 0 length of trials 1 length of trials 1 2 3751d7dc-f033-4710-ba8e-80e2970709ef -Experimental design 1 7 Was the design optimized for efficiency? radio preset:boolean optimization 1 optimization 1 2 a74d9633-5ae2-4127-b3af-b7a5bf39f593 -Experimental design 1 8 What method was used for optimization? textarea optimization method optimization == 1 optimization method 1 3 be4c5ba2-2701-4122-b5c7-b07174f8c26b -Participants 2 1 Number of subjects entering into the analysis integer 0 number of subjects 1 number of subjects 1 1 Describe your participant sample 96931224-bb67-4036-966a-29681a9a600f -Participants 2 2 Mean age of subjects float 0 | 120 subject_age_mean subject age mean 1 subject age mean 1 1 c47a2073-fc80-44b4-b79f-990d52d035b4 -Participants 2 3 Minimum age of subjects float 0 | 120 subject_age_min subject age min 1 subject_age_min > subject_age_mean, minimum age must be less than mean age subject age min 1 2 0d524a5d-64a2-4feb-90df-cd735ff740bd -Participants 2 4 Maximum age of subjects float 0 | 120 subject_age_max subject age max 1 subject_age_max < subject_age_mean, maximum age must be more than mean age subject age max 1 2 7d75db71-a6f2-48d5-9c08-d2b388412d40 -Participants 2 5 Handedness of subjects radio right | left | both handedness 1 handedness 1 2 b545ad14-26b4-4e02-abd3-a4cb50c34b84 -Participants 2 6 The proportion of subjects who were male float 0 | 1 proportion male subjects 1 proportion male subjects 1 2 2c131b71-df35-4c47-9bf3-f4363912abce -Participants 2 7 Additional inclusion/exclusion criteria, if any. Including specific sampling strategies that limit inclusion to a specific group, such as laboratory members. textarea inclusion exclusion criteria 1 inclusion exclusion criteria 1 3 b10dbc99-ec74-4f25-87cd-45fdbba5af8a -Participants 2 8 Number of subjects scanned but rejected from analysis integer 0 number of rejected subjects 1 number of rejected subjects 1 2 fcedde9a-986b-4efd-a0a7-b20495a5b7d0 -Participants 2 9 Was this study a comparison between subject groups? radio preset:boolean group comparison 1 group comparison 1 1 980dda7c-c5d0-4f05-8336-79af1e15e57c -Participants 2 10 A description of the groups being compared textarea group description group_comparison == 1 group description 1 2 5d470c8a-5925-44e8-af7e-3c64de3899a8 -MRI acquisition 3 1 Manufacturer of MRI scanner select Siemens | Philips | General Electric | other Manufacturer scanner make 1 scanner make 1 1 Describe your acquisition parameters 03687a74-6693-4fd8-801e-b6a819d60652 -MRI acquisition 3 2 Model of MRI scanner textarea ManufacturersModelName scanner model 1 scanner model 1 1 4309a974-4f66-423e-aced-4ec0de0e9114 -MRI acquisition 3 3 Field strength of MRI scanner Tesla float 0 | 20 MagneticFieldStrength field strength 1 field strength 1 1 019d1bb3-b4a2-487e-befd-8fb336af230c -MRI acquisition 3 4 Description of pulse sequence used for fMRI select Gradient echo | Spin echo | Mutliband gradient echo | MPRAGE | MP2RAGE | FLASH | other PulseSequenceType pulse sequence 1 pulse sequence 1 1 a64de113-7926-4c04-bd4d-e660354ab728 -MRI acquisition 3 5 Description of parallel imaging method and parameters textarea parallel imaging 1 parallel imaging 1 3 b47c0e8a-e540-4d24-afbf-532e1bc63972 -MRI acquisition 3 6 Imaging field of view Millimeters float field of view 1 field of view 1 2 3ed67554-32d3-4ffb-8065-0d7e081609c6 -MRI acquisition 3 7 Matrix size for MRI acquisition integer matrix size 1 matrix size 1 2 b2059a75-03ca-4105-9f6b-1c15d48c146a -MRI acquisition 3 8 Distance between slices (includes skip or distance factor). Millimeters float 0 slice thickness 1 slice thickness 1 1 56dae73a-5ca2-4e57-a82c-49e8e006a665 -MRI acquisition 3 9 The size of the skipped area between slices. Millimeters float 0 skip factor 1 skip factor 1 2 b6110941-9fe5-4646-8d9f-6f88199c0fff -MRI acquisition 3 10 The orientation of slices radio axial | sagittal | frontal acquisition orientation 1 acquisition orientation 1 2 a48e252d-9f08-4f00-aa47-6e996caaf2e3 -MRI acquisition 3 11 Order of acquisition of slices select ascending | descending | interleaved SliceTiming order of acquisition 1 order of acquisition 1 3 836d855a-9fcb-410f-9c42-0cc4400facc7 -MRI acquisition 3 12 Repetition time (TR) Milliseconds float 0 RepetitionTime repetition time 1 repetition time 1 1 247815b3-fc87-49af-ad97-21ae8b198c17 -MRI acquisition 3 13 Echo time (TE) Milliseconds float 0 EchoTime echo time 1 echo time 1 1 05b2abdb-95ed-49b6-a1c1-57db7726b3f1 -MRI acquisition 3 14 Flip angle Degrees float 0 FlipAngle flip angle 1 flip angle 1 2 93e2b351-ac07-4e55-b687-a8c8dcb3468e -Preprocessing 4 1 If a single software package was used for all analyses, specify that here select preset:mri_softwares SoftwareName software package 1 software package 1 1 Describe your preprocessing 82959d50-ef2e-4466-8f27-b49f7d90e034 -Preprocessing 4 2 Version of software package used textarea SoftwareVersion software version 1 software version 1 1 193f35b6-0471-451a-be63-9d338e335410 -Preprocessing 4 3 Specify order of preprocessing operations textarea order of preprocessing operations 1 order of preprocessing operations 1 2 e422d665-5fca-4d47-9172-5d6d6c3e0bb6 -Preprocessing 4 4 Describe quality control measures textarea quality control 1 quality control 1 3 b31532d6-5129-4c5e-aaa3-d94ebbc71928 -Preprocessing 4 5 Was B0 distortion correction used? radio preset:boolean used b0 unwarping 1 used b0 unwarping 1 2 9671667b-8650-42fd-9439-e0b961b5678d -Preprocessing 4 6 Specify software used for distortion correction if different from the main package select preset:mri_softwares b0 unwarping software used_b0_unwarping == 1 b0 unwarping software 1 3 7542fb15-c8dc-4228-8b69-f092b7b674b5 -Preprocessing 4 7 Was slice timing correction used? radio preset:boolean used slice timing correction 1 used slice timing correction 1 1 ab041aff-5873-4447-b737-462c8b6f88f9 -Preprocessing 4 8 Specify software used for slice timing correction if different from the main package select preset:mri_softwares slice timing correction software used_slice_timing_correction == 1 slice timing correction software 1 3 3362e178-8120-40b2-9dbe-cb0c7869b262 -Preprocessing 4 9 Was motion correction used? radio preset:boolean used motion correction 1 used motion correction 1 1 1f085b72-7afc-487e-aea0-23f19396ce70 -Preprocessing 4 10 Specify software used for motion correction if different from the main package select preset:mri_softwares motion correction software used_motion_correction == 1 motion correction software 1 3 36594fc8-01dd-4211-82d7-de48752ce91d -Preprocessing 4 11 Reference scan used for motion correction textarea motion correction reference used_motion_correction == 1 motion correction reference 1 3 832f3af1-6389-4df5-80af-ccb1310a3dbf -Preprocessing 4 12 Similarity metric used for motion correction select preset:cost_functions motion correction metric used_motion_correction == 1 motion correction metric 1 3 292b2965-9a9b-494d-a6f6-90a383cb1abc -Preprocessing 4 13 Interpolation method used for motion correction select preset:interpolations motion correction interpolation used_motion_correction == 1 motion correction interpolation 1 3 f88a6891-ee75-4bc2-be06-7f49b46f2302 -Preprocessing 4 14 Was motion-susceptibility correction used? radio preset:boolean used motion susceptibiity correction 1 used motion susceptibiity correction 1 3 3407426a-b933-4907-819c-5c73fe129226 -Intersubject registration 5 1 Were subjects registered to a common stereotactic space? radio preset:boolean used intersubject registration 1 used intersubject registration 1 1 Describe your spatial normalization 4711975f-2a8d-44cc-9f4e-e64ee98e0f19 -Intersubject registration 5 2 Specify software used for intersubject registration if different from main package select preset:mri_softwares intersubject registration software used_intersubject_registration == 1 intersubject registration software 1 2 9016bdf7-8e87-4ff7-afab-e4f86c723f1c -Intersubject registration 5 3 Was linear or nonlinear registration used? select linear | non-linear intersubject transformation type used_intersubject_registration == 1 intersubject transformation type 1 1 461b7965-4a11-4d17-8759-f95ef75edffa -Intersubject registration 5 4 If nonlinear registration was used, describe transform method textarea nonlinear transform type used_intersubject_registration == 1 and nonlinear_transform_type == 1 nonlinear transform type 1 2 d39e824b-9a49-4a40-8b7f-ab340def8327 -Intersubject registration 5 5 Similarity metric used for intersubject registration textarea transform similarity metric used_intersubject_registration == 1 transform similarity metric 1 3 b1b8645e-226f-455a-b670-7bbe71d9b413 -Intersubject registration 5 6 Interpolation method used for intersubject registration select preset:interpolations interpolation method used_intersubject_registration == 1 interpolation method 1 2 bbad1e21-2038-46f1-9c81-842ef6d0ed24 -Intersubject registration 5 7 What type of image was used to determine the transformation to the atlas? textarea object image type used_intersubject_registration == 1 object image type 1 1 96409139-c354-4d40-876d-83fb2ba07b86 -Intersubject registration 5 8 Were the functional images coregistered to the subject's structural image? radio preset:boolean functional coregistered to structural 1 functional coregistered to structural 1 2 7d83b2b0-63ce-44fb-a916-b18e8de7304a -Intersubject registration 5 9 Method used to coregister functional to structural images textarea functional coregistration method functional_coregistered_to_structural == 1 functional coregistration method 1 3 769faf6a-ce83-4e58-bc55-c4a7b9213440 -Intersubject registration 5 10 Name of coordinate space for registration target select MNI | Talairach | MNI2Tal | other coordinate space 1 coordinate space 1 1 a7716bb4-faee-4b04-85fd-e45ea4463bc1 -Intersubject registration 5 11 Name of target template image textarea target template image 1 target template image 1 2 bdf40cd2-b8db-48b7-8672-c7a012c6c5af -Intersubject registration 5 12 Voxel size of target template Millimeters float 0 target resolution 1 target resolution 1 1 e0802e6c-5060-490a-b39d-70363f49e4d8 -Intersubject registration 5 13 Was spatial smoothing applied? radio preset:boolean used smoothing 1 used smoothing 1 1 88c9800f-70aa-4bea-a79b-476b0c4322d0 -Intersubject registration 5 14 Describe the type of smoothing applied textarea smoothing type used_smoothing == 1 smoothing type 1 1 2a58580a-1930-43b5-a576-4a71e284692d -Intersubject registration 5 15 The full-width at half-maximum of the smoothing kernel Millimeters float 0 smoothing fwhm used_smoothing == 1 smoothing fwhm 1 1 93bb9f27-302b-45bd-8d4e-723de5a8626d -Intersubject registration 5 16 Voxel size in mm of the resampled, atlas-space images float 0 resampled voxel size 1 resampled voxel size 1 1 272b3c91-144b-48b8-be08-854938771eb2 -Individual subject modeling 6 1 Type of group model used radio Regression | other intrasubject model type 1 intrasubject model type 1 1 Describe your model specification at the subejct level 58d9c404-0e00-41d3-a479-fd9cacf8a934 -Individual subject modeling 6 2 Estimation method used for model select ordinary least squares | generalized least squares | other intrasubject estimation type 1 intrasubject estimation type 1 1 34e453f6-6a13-44c7-a6fa-83826d3a9c00 -Individual subject modeling 6 3 Software used for intrasubject modeling if different from overall package select preset:mri_softwares intrasubject modeling software 1 intrasubject modeling software 1 2 3d94e8a8-ad8b-4229-9ffc-b4df29a81b65 -Individual subject modeling 6 4 Nature of HRF model select spm HRF | glover HRF | double gamma | Fourrier set | Finite Impulse Response | FLOBS | other hemodynamic response function 1 hemodynamic response function 1 2 d6cec9a0-f216-4fb1-84a0-8b5c937788e2 -Individual subject modeling 6 5 Were temporal derivatives included? radio preset:boolean used temporal derivatives 1 used temporal derivatives 1 2 00416700-7b70-493b-b589-125fbc86b59c -Individual subject modeling 6 6 Were dispersion derivatives included? radio preset:boolean used dispersion derivatives 1 used dispersion derivatives 1 3 58546f5f-029d-41e2-9f2d-aefe28cb0ea3 -Individual subject modeling 6 7 Were motion regressors included? radio preset:boolean used motion regressors 1 used motion regressors 1 2 6e0f0323-cec9-4a32-9063-6041c879dbbe -Individual subject modeling 6 8 Was a reaction time regressor included? radio preset:boolean used reaction time regressor 1 used reaction time regressor 1 2 1632ddc2-bba1-448b-a561-1e8bf889186f -Individual subject modeling 6 9 Were any regressors specifically orthogonalized with respect to others? radio preset:boolean used orthogonalization 1 used orthogonalization 1 1 59ea4fd0-cfbd-42d6-b78c-0c34dca388e6 -Individual subject modeling 6 10 If orthogonalization was used, describe here textarea orthogonalization description used_orthogonalization == 1 orthogonalization description 1 2 5d3a44b3-3e03-4577-9926-53d4e225ec38 -Individual subject modeling 6 11 Was high pass filtering applied? radio preset:boolean used high pass filter 1 used high pass filter 1 1 5f28abca-0592-4d8d-9532-04ee9ad94bb6 -Individual subject modeling 6 12 Describe method used for high pass filtering textarea high pass filter method used_high_pass_filter == 1 high pass filter method 1 2 c186ca84-4430-4528-ad5f-511acce9fe2a -Individual subject modeling 6 13 What autocorrelation model was used ? select SPM: global approximate AR(1) | SPM: FAST | FSL: locally regularized autocorrelation function | AFNI: ARMA | none | other autocorrelation model 1 autocorrelation model 1 2 0893960b-91c7-4e54-8f5f-b41f373ae0d8 -Individual subject modeling 6 14 Exactly what terms are subtracted from what? textarea contrast definition 1 contrast definition 1 1 395bd134-a139-4deb-b65b-b78da457e696 -Individual subject modeling 6 15 Link to Cognitive Atlas definition of this contrast Define these in terms of task or stimulus conditions (for example 'one-back task with objects versus zero-back task with objects') instead of underlying psychological concepts (for example 'working memory'). textarea contrast definition cogatlas 1 contrast definition cogatlas 1 3 246f930a-484e-4d70-a664-4ececd631ada -Group modeling 7 1 Type of group model used select Regression group model type 1 group model type 1 1 Describe the group level analysis 274e9db4-2013-4b5f-9c61-954558d1e6a2 -Group modeling 7 2 Estimation method used for model select ordinary least squares | generalized least squares | other group estimation type 1 group estimation type 1 1 abc21c82-11da-42e4-8a01-f1c7aa2e3b77 -Group modeling 7 3 Software used for group modeling if different from overall package select preset:mri_softwares group modeling software 1 group modeling software 1 2 6c85b32a-c968-4f69-bf82-30ec303d5ee5 -Group modeling 7 4 Type of inference for group model select random effect | mixed effect | fixed effect group inference type 1 group inference type 1 1 117599dc-d036-49f3-bd0d-d1a18ac804db -Group modeling 7 5 If more than 2-levels, describe the levels and assumptions of the model. For example, are variances assumed equal between groups. textarea group model multilevel 1 group model multilevel 1 3 c1d62989-9d2a-4947-8731-7dfd9b06fb4f -Group modeling 7 6 Was this a repeated measures design at the group level? radio preset:boolean group repeated measures 1 group repeated measures 1 1 9d52c2b1-84db-4151-89de-c3ce1d51288d -Group modeling 7 7 If multiple measurements per subject, list method to account for within subject correlation, exact assumptions made about correlation/variance textarea group repeated measures method group_repeated_measures == 1 group repeated measures method 1 3 5ecb4cfd-88ed-4cfb-9368-a5fe30d1e12f -Group inference 8 1 Type of statistic that is the basis of the inference select Z | T | F | X2 | PostProb | Non-parametric Permutations | Monte Carlo Permutations | other group statistic type 1 group statistic type 1 2 Describe your statistical inference 54fb8092-087f-4a6c-b433-bad80e6a85f2 -Group inference 8 2 Parameters of the null distribution of the test statisic. Typically degrees of freedom (should be clear from the test statistic what these are). float group statistic parameters 1 group statistic parameters 1 1 30c1374b-3087-418e-8ba7-afc5c48f3c12 -Group inference 8 3 Noise smoothness for statistical inference This is the estimated smoothness used with Random Field Theory or a simulation-based inference method. float 0 group smoothness fwhm 1 group smoothness fwhm 1 1 9d9b6e18-4ea8-472e-a148-793749f6704a +Experimental design 1 1 Type of design select blocked | event_related | hybrid block/event type_of_design type of design 1 type of design 1 1 Describe your experimental design dd0995e4-3a18-4a38-8ba9-54c35889ec50 +Experimental design 1 2 Number of imaging runs acquired integer 0 number of imaging runs 1 number of imaging runs 1 2 dd766d5f-6f76-4811-ab23-b2af8b8ead31 +Experimental design 1 3 Number of blocks, trials or experimental units per imaging run integer 0 number of experimental units 1 number of experimental units 1 2 5e13d8f7-ee45-45e6-967a-fb21e4f1a52e +Experimental design 1 4 Length of each imaging run seconds float 0 length of runs 1 length of runs 1 2 03e724bd-dc96-44f0-896b-3c0eff85e5ea +Experimental design 1 5 For blocked designs, length of blocks seconds float 0 length of blocks type_of_design in [0, 2] length of blocks 1 2 b3877be4-f0e2-476e-a654-a45e9c6562e1 +Experimental design 1 6 Length of individual trials seconds float 0 length of trials 1 length of trials 1 2 485c388f-5517-41c0-8bd4-d4009c732d78 +Experimental design 1 7 Was the design optimized for efficiency? radio preset:boolean optimization 1 optimization 1 2 faa36af3-f4c6-44fa-bebe-9e1647c61850 +Experimental design 1 8 What method was used for optimization? textarea optimization method optimization == 1 optimization method 1 3 3eb421bc-0026-423c-a551-fa01a315f794 +Participants 2 1 Number of subjects entering into the analysis integer 0 number of subjects 1 number of subjects 1 1 Describe your participant sample d2996d97-af16-477c-8fb6-14648c52c6aa +Participants 2 2 Mean age of subjects float 0 | 120 subject_age_mean subject age mean 1 subject age mean 1 1 db492f73-1063-48b0-9f99-6ee58667ee5e +Participants 2 3 Minimum age of subjects float 0 | 120 subject_age_min subject age min 1 subject_age_min > subject_age_mean, minimum age must be less than mean age subject age min 1 2 b6848614-5a9e-459e-b2e1-21231e6e4e38 +Participants 2 4 Maximum age of subjects float 0 | 120 subject_age_max subject age max 1 subject_age_max < subject_age_mean, maximum age must be more than mean age subject age max 1 2 094de7eb-faea-41ef-90a1-432f80664995 +Participants 2 5 Handedness of subjects radio right | left | both handedness 1 handedness 1 2 bac39ae0-2db1-4460-bc80-8f1b21d0794e +Participants 2 6 The proportion of subjects who were male float 0 | 1 proportion male subjects 1 proportion male subjects 1 2 b2616e37-df87-4025-8981-921812379a69 +Participants 2 7 Additional inclusion/exclusion criteria, if any. Including specific sampling strategies that limit inclusion to a specific group, such as laboratory members. textarea inclusion exclusion criteria 1 inclusion exclusion criteria 1 3 035a6b8b-64d2-42fa-936c-6554400e7e26 +Participants 2 8 Number of subjects scanned but rejected from analysis integer 0 number of rejected subjects 1 number of rejected subjects 1 2 ce31d407-244b-493b-abe2-2a0ac7bf0dd5 +Participants 2 9 Was this study a comparison between subject groups? radio preset:boolean group comparison 1 group comparison 1 1 14c5c527-9fc6-4e3a-8349-4aa965d91767 +Participants 2 10 A description of the groups being compared textarea group description group_comparison == 1 group description 1 2 a13ddb8b-e22e-4f55-9809-34cdd8abe7f0 +MRI acquisition 3 1 Manufacturer of MRI scanner select Siemens | Philips | General Electric | other Manufacturer scanner make 1 scanner make 1 1 Describe your acquisition parameters 8a3ae246-99c1-49c7-8d77-db619e78e814 +MRI acquisition 3 2 Model of MRI scanner textarea ManufacturersModelName scanner model 1 scanner model 1 1 e6d4bda2-440c-4d15-8e24-508e5eb6a073 +MRI acquisition 3 3 Field strength of MRI scanner Tesla float 0 | 20 MagneticFieldStrength field strength 1 field strength 1 1 a2e8e566-bc2e-42ad-b660-202a8089b1f5 +MRI acquisition 3 4 Description of pulse sequence used for fMRI select Gradient echo | Spin echo | Mutliband gradient echo | MPRAGE | MP2RAGE | FLASH | other PulseSequenceType pulse sequence 1 pulse sequence 1 1 ba0ac9e3-e68c-4c44-98fb-db950fa93c73 +MRI acquisition 3 5 Description of parallel imaging method and parameters textarea parallel imaging 1 parallel imaging 1 3 66c2f3aa-f1ca-4c66-8a38-802408925f65 +MRI acquisition 3 6 Imaging field of view Millimeters float field of view 1 field of view 1 2 c8f51b35-516a-4786-9bbb-6576a3c985ba +MRI acquisition 3 7 Matrix size for MRI acquisition integer matrix size 1 matrix size 1 2 e2c3b5d3-6296-493f-a297-34cb01719ec7 +MRI acquisition 3 8 Distance between slices (includes skip or distance factor). Millimeters float 0 slice thickness 1 slice thickness 1 1 5be898ed-de0f-4ce6-a88c-76fca9936829 +MRI acquisition 3 9 The size of the skipped area between slices. Millimeters float 0 skip factor 1 skip factor 1 2 17759a3e-b72b-423f-a710-1b07335c8b51 +MRI acquisition 3 10 The orientation of slices radio axial | sagittal | frontal acquisition orientation 1 acquisition orientation 1 2 d61952f3-bd14-4b51-8eb2-75b8843aadc8 +MRI acquisition 3 11 Order of acquisition of slices select ascending | descending | interleaved SliceTiming order of acquisition 1 order of acquisition 1 3 41c30252-5ba8-4cb3-ad3d-f551c03fa198 +MRI acquisition 3 12 Repetition time (TR) Milliseconds float 0 RepetitionTime repetition time 1 repetition time 1 1 0afd53a7-c3a0-46a6-be19-d5f7c9bc0f9f +MRI acquisition 3 13 Echo time (TE) Milliseconds float 0 EchoTime echo time 1 echo time 1 1 a95a36f9-8439-4a1f-aa20-49575d6fa9d4 +MRI acquisition 3 14 Flip angle Degrees float 0 FlipAngle flip angle 1 flip angle 1 2 dcbbae0f-aca5-44da-a862-189d2028af90 +Preprocessing 4 1 If a single software package was used for all analyses, specify that here select preset:mri_softwares SoftwareName software package 1 software package 1 1 Describe your preprocessing c93a1d79-6e7c-4222-b76f-f0516a41fe18 +Preprocessing 4 2 Version of software package used textarea SoftwareVersion software version 1 software version 1 1 852473f0-732d-4703-8b3d-f53a34e71107 +Preprocessing 4 3 Specify order of preprocessing operations textarea order of preprocessing operations 1 order of preprocessing operations 1 2 eae9ed31-b7af-45bf-8832-b9807801733b +Preprocessing 4 4 Describe quality control measures textarea quality control 1 quality control 1 3 ec6e8f5a-5132-4ce8-805a-f06570209e1f +Preprocessing 4 5 Was B0 distortion correction used? radio preset:boolean used b0 unwarping 1 used b0 unwarping 1 2 b609df4a-5817-498f-beed-99c614df9b50 +Preprocessing 4 6 Specify software used for distortion correction if different from the main package select preset:mri_softwares b0 unwarping software used_b0_unwarping == 1 b0 unwarping software 1 3 fb17aaee-ce8d-4779-aab4-e591117c1b1a +Preprocessing 4 7 Was slice timing correction used? radio preset:boolean used slice timing correction 1 used slice timing correction 1 1 a0c49433-c19f-4aa0-bfe2-3b132ee54413 +Preprocessing 4 8 Specify software used for slice timing correction if different from the main package select preset:mri_softwares slice timing correction software used_slice_timing_correction == 1 slice timing correction software 1 3 f973b3de-35d2-40c4-be84-7401ba7af4da +Preprocessing 4 9 Was motion correction used? radio preset:boolean used motion correction 1 used motion correction 1 1 d642e9dd-ad96-4ff8-98b5-5cb434fea66e +Preprocessing 4 10 Specify software used for motion correction if different from the main package select preset:mri_softwares motion correction software used_motion_correction == 1 motion correction software 1 3 4cda2887-1948-45d2-a939-56ca0fee3311 +Preprocessing 4 11 Reference scan used for motion correction textarea motion correction reference used_motion_correction == 1 motion correction reference 1 3 7c53ce27-f2c5-4d9f-a35a-56836ed232fd +Preprocessing 4 12 Similarity metric used for motion correction select preset:cost_functions motion correction metric used_motion_correction == 1 motion correction metric 1 3 124c2ffe-ee8d-4ca7-99b8-3686adc6e46d +Preprocessing 4 13 Interpolation method used for motion correction select preset:interpolations motion correction interpolation used_motion_correction == 1 motion correction interpolation 1 3 3f79ebb7-6488-41de-b266-4e7dfd563eeb +Preprocessing 4 14 Was motion-susceptibility correction used? radio preset:boolean used motion susceptibiity correction 1 used motion susceptibiity correction 1 3 c84b1339-698f-466a-bae9-0e72eb4214a8 +Intersubject registration 5 1 Were subjects registered to a common stereotactic space? radio preset:boolean used intersubject registration 1 used intersubject registration 1 1 Describe your spatial normalization f12a64bd-ea8f-4053-8200-001b52219891 +Intersubject registration 5 2 Specify software used for intersubject registration if different from main package select preset:mri_softwares intersubject registration software used_intersubject_registration == 1 intersubject registration software 1 2 ee1d4ea8-3046-4083-a2bc-135335513c3a +Intersubject registration 5 3 Was linear or nonlinear registration used? select linear | non-linear intersubject transformation type used_intersubject_registration == 1 intersubject transformation type 1 1 570e70ef-e7be-4d16-8b43-3ee86cb560aa +Intersubject registration 5 4 If nonlinear registration was used, describe transform method textarea nonlinear transform type used_intersubject_registration == 1 and nonlinear_transform_type == 1 nonlinear transform type 1 2 b94bf375-6995-4f55-b88a-e6def9367306 +Intersubject registration 5 5 Similarity metric used for intersubject registration textarea transform similarity metric used_intersubject_registration == 1 transform similarity metric 1 3 49afc3b0-2496-48a9-8bdb-9481282ab24d +Intersubject registration 5 6 Interpolation method used for intersubject registration select preset:interpolations interpolation method used_intersubject_registration == 1 interpolation method 1 2 830feb9a-c0d1-4c12-b7d4-5268c5866e77 +Intersubject registration 5 7 What type of image was used to determine the transformation to the atlas? textarea object image type used_intersubject_registration == 1 object image type 1 1 f483e360-34bc-4440-9571-e6d38b4ea159 +Intersubject registration 5 8 Were the functional images coregistered to the subject's structural image? radio preset:boolean functional coregistered to structural 1 functional coregistered to structural 1 2 2976bd22-f01c-476c-af87-426385207387 +Intersubject registration 5 9 Method used to coregister functional to structural images textarea functional coregistration method functional_coregistered_to_structural == 1 functional coregistration method 1 3 bebad020-7e0b-4325-ac2d-e241d145e481 +Intersubject registration 5 10 Name of coordinate space for registration target select MNI | Talairach | MNI2Tal | other coordinate space 1 coordinate space 1 1 3eb692eb-cdbb-4ade-bf4b-d9188097830f +Intersubject registration 5 11 Name of target template image textarea target template image 1 target template image 1 2 1ae6fd7e-d6f0-4a5e-9643-ac468d451417 +Intersubject registration 5 12 Voxel size of target template Millimeters float 0 target resolution 1 target resolution 1 1 760ba540-5469-48bf-b230-d7b53b6c6da1 +Intersubject registration 5 13 Was spatial smoothing applied? radio preset:boolean used smoothing 1 used smoothing 1 1 94a5716f-1172-47ca-a546-f2fbf528051a +Intersubject registration 5 14 Describe the type of smoothing applied textarea smoothing type used_smoothing == 1 smoothing type 1 1 e5da642c-a4ea-4973-8e5c-db858416a88f +Intersubject registration 5 15 The full-width at half-maximum of the smoothing kernel Millimeters float 0 smoothing fwhm used_smoothing == 1 smoothing fwhm 1 1 a6c2143d-3be3-4009-83ba-0286f75a7018 +Intersubject registration 5 16 Voxel size in mm of the resampled, atlas-space images float 0 resampled voxel size 1 resampled voxel size 1 1 02e317cf-a899-48dd-9f82-a3f733a80164 +Individual subject modeling 6 1 Type of group model used radio Regression | other intrasubject model type 1 intrasubject model type 1 1 Describe your model specification at the subejct level da8baa4c-18d8-405c-8072-289fee8bc99e +Individual subject modeling 6 2 Estimation method used for model select ordinary least squares | generalized least squares | other intrasubject estimation type 1 intrasubject estimation type 1 1 64c6447d-cc36-4957-95b6-95a77c0dda6d +Individual subject modeling 6 3 Software used for intrasubject modeling if different from overall package select preset:mri_softwares intrasubject modeling software 1 intrasubject modeling software 1 2 df6ee79d-ee42-4a28-b992-c9fa760cdfdd +Individual subject modeling 6 4 Nature of HRF model select spm HRF | glover HRF | double gamma | Fourrier set | Finite Impulse Response | FLOBS | other hemodynamic response function 1 hemodynamic response function 1 2 b0afaa72-98b8-48ac-849d-01a389e4826e +Individual subject modeling 6 5 Were temporal derivatives included? radio preset:boolean used temporal derivatives 1 used temporal derivatives 1 2 0ec5c477-1ff6-4db6-9ad1-f122dcd2c169 +Individual subject modeling 6 6 Were dispersion derivatives included? radio preset:boolean used dispersion derivatives 1 used dispersion derivatives 1 3 936da683-4cd4-4147-8d17-8e5c8aa9074a +Individual subject modeling 6 7 Were motion regressors included? radio preset:boolean used motion regressors 1 used motion regressors 1 2 9c76970f-e3ac-4058-838a-17e0dcc49e6c +Individual subject modeling 6 8 Was a reaction time regressor included? radio preset:boolean used reaction time regressor 1 used reaction time regressor 1 2 9b041f23-826e-48f9-84c8-a6a3f6b2b502 +Individual subject modeling 6 9 Were any regressors specifically orthogonalized with respect to others? radio preset:boolean used orthogonalization 1 used orthogonalization 1 1 ea00f469-c7dd-4441-8690-d48efe317230 +Individual subject modeling 6 10 If orthogonalization was used, describe here textarea orthogonalization description used_orthogonalization == 1 orthogonalization description 1 2 96b870f9-a269-4179-a3ae-15c8fccf1352 +Individual subject modeling 6 11 Was high pass filtering applied? radio preset:boolean used high pass filter 1 used high pass filter 1 1 1a191f40-524f-4340-a784-8d045fa845bf +Individual subject modeling 6 12 Describe method used for high pass filtering textarea high pass filter method used_high_pass_filter == 1 high pass filter method 1 2 571f37b0-8ee6-454b-b03d-9629b70a3144 +Individual subject modeling 6 13 What autocorrelation model was used ? select SPM: global approximate AR(1) | SPM: FAST | FSL: locally regularized autocorrelation function | AFNI: ARMA | none | other autocorrelation model 1 autocorrelation model 1 2 253d6bc5-f4dc-4a57-8e7b-7db8f2a5a374 +Individual subject modeling 6 14 Exactly what terms are subtracted from what? textarea contrast definition 1 contrast definition 1 1 f150e001-9ab9-4627-a7f7-c9e2905b3c6e +Individual subject modeling 6 15 Link to Cognitive Atlas definition of this contrast Define these in terms of task or stimulus conditions (for example 'one-back task with objects versus zero-back task with objects') instead of underlying psychological concepts (for example 'working memory'). textarea contrast definition cogatlas 1 contrast definition cogatlas 1 3 8baeb36f-141a-4813-b38e-2b6907de529a +Group modeling 7 1 Type of group model used select Regression group model type 1 group model type 1 1 Describe the group level analysis 129be87f-c830-4884-a27d-ec1ff05e483c +Group modeling 7 2 Estimation method used for model select ordinary least squares | generalized least squares | other group estimation type 1 group estimation type 1 1 e2a70a3a-8cfb-4bb0-8ce0-41731b58391c +Group modeling 7 3 Software used for group modeling if different from overall package select preset:mri_softwares group modeling software 1 group modeling software 1 2 2209f7e2-0d22-408b-a53c-d880a3b34670 +Group modeling 7 4 Type of inference for group model select random effect | mixed effect | fixed effect group inference type 1 group inference type 1 1 ed0e351b-ee25-4936-bf34-c11d93be6ca7 +Group modeling 7 5 If more than 2-levels, describe the levels and assumptions of the model. For example, are variances assumed equal between groups. textarea group model multilevel 1 group model multilevel 1 3 7301d7a0-ac72-4de0-9135-35e0fcaa560d +Group modeling 7 6 Was this a repeated measures design at the group level? radio preset:boolean group repeated measures 1 group repeated measures 1 1 56359b06-92af-4daa-b05a-02ceaf0bba25 +Group modeling 7 7 If multiple measurements per subject, list method to account for within subject correlation, exact assumptions made about correlation/variance textarea group repeated measures method group_repeated_measures == 1 group repeated measures method 1 3 37461bfa-d6bc-4891-8c7f-92673209457a +Group inference 8 1 Type of statistic that is the basis of the inference select Z | T | F | X2 | PostProb | Non-parametric Permutations | Monte Carlo Permutations | other group statistic type 1 group statistic type 1 2 Describe your statistical inference 9f713c7b-7dd5-4345-b05d-61b1cd3d3aec +Group inference 8 2 Parameters of the null distribution of the test statisic. Typically degrees of freedom (should be clear from the test statistic what these are). float group statistic parameters 1 group statistic parameters 1 1 6ad1b888-74f5-481f-b5ff-7f5724fee30c +Group inference 8 3 Noise smoothness for statistical inference This is the estimated smoothness used with Random Field Theory or a simulation-based inference method. float 0 group smoothness fwhm 1 group smoothness fwhm 1 1 0f9502f5-aea4-4d73-b50b-786063f94b1a